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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Church have granted the Rev- two months. morrow: settlement, passed through town this morning. Sr clothing at our store. wears fine. Our clothin; shops in the world. We make the under under-price us on up- How fine you look He looks fine because he bought his clothes from us, So will you look eine if you buy-y: Not only does our clothing look fine, but ae It is the make that makes them. comes from the best clothing rice first; no one can le clothing. Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : The United Board of the Methodist Mr Toronto Street. A meeting of the W. . T. U. will held-in-the Methodist church on. Mac, McDonald leave of absence for Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Everyone interested in the Mra. A. P. Day will nor receive to- ance work 1s invited to attend. Mrs. Terrill is spending the week in Mr. Peter Veregin of the Doukobor Calgary: . of Suffield, temper- was in . MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. SPECIAL Lots 21 to 40, block 22, Try Us For Service and Quatity Every indication points to exceptional activity in the building line this spring, and whatever Is wanted in reliable LS, we can supply from our well assorted lines, of HIGH GRADE TOOLS. FOR SPRING CLEANING DAY We Offer as Follows: Hammers, 26 to 1.50; Saw, 1.75 to 2.50, Shovels, 1.10 to 1.25. Spades 1.00., Bakes, 40 to 75e, Garbage Burners, 2.50 to 4.00, THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LTD. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat oe ee Park, 1250, Imperial Bank Building. Phone 695. to loan on Improved Property. BUY NOW WHILE PROPERTY IS UNDER VALUE T-OF Your Needs. Lot 10, Bik. 11. 595. Lots 8 and 9, vik. 11, 550. Lot 6, blk, 11 (with shack) 650. 100 feet, block E. (with shack) Lots 1 to 15, bik. 26, 200 each. Lots 1 to 10, blk. 19 (exclusive) 375 each, Lots 21 to 40, bik. 22, 300 each. CENTRAL PARK 2000. aap Lots 35 and 36, bik. 11, 00. EI e Snap. Lots 1 to 5, bik. G (Esplanade) erty With Me Lots 4 and 5, bik. 22, 750. 700 each. Tots 14 to 18, blk. 27, 600 pair. Lots 9 and 10, blk. 23, 900. MONEY TO LOAN 50 ft. corner, bik. 4, 1250. Lots 27 and 28, bik. 23, 900. A.G. TROTMAN CO. Ground Floor Imperial Bank Bldg., 4th Ave. Phone 695. D. B, Saunderson and A. Roy. ing the annual-meeting of his com- pany in London, Eng. He has been spending the last few weeks at his C.P.R. Steamship Empress of Ire- land docked at St. John at 6.45 Sat- urday morning, April 13th. Mr. J. D. McGregor, managing di- home in Bran rector of the Southern Alberta Land R. M. To d wife of Redcliff,. jCompany, tas returned-trom: attend- were in town on Saturday. urday, April 13th. Cou- sins Sissons, 800 per lot. 50 foot corner, block 4, Central AG TROTMAN CO. 100.0 Farm Lands, Residential and Business Current Rate of Interest * Call, phone or write me about BUSINESS SITES Arranged BENDING Tai Seurk yon ik. 3, 200 each. Snap. t 6, bik. 15, 9 lk 26, oP: Lot. 48; bik, 8 800 Insurance is Se Let 14, Routt SDE ey All block 15, 230 each. rt 11. (Toront 5 Lots 1 to 20, bik. 29, 250 each. 1500. H.T.W. FORSTER List Your Prop- 86S Toronto St. Medicine Hat. Other visitors from Redcliff were Mr. A. E. Huin, Otto Scott, F. C. Clare, CPR. Steamer Empress of Britain which left St. John April 5th, will ar- rive t Liverpool at 15 o'clock, Sat- Shilolts Gure. STOPS COUGHS Paice. s cunss Lot 3, block 8, N. Yuill Lots 8 and 9, block 11, N. Yui, egeh . Tot 8, block 1, N. Yuill .. Lot 1, block 7, N, Yuill, with house Lots 8 to 11, block 7, Herald, 200 feet long, each Lots 6 and 6, block 14, Herald, each 50 feet, block 12, Herald .... We have a good jist of b Have 56 feet in business center that 6000.00 will handle and long terms on balautce: Form a syndicate and buy this, H.C. PETTET Co. 500.00 500.00 800.00 1000.00. * 450.00 500.00 840.00 ee Unt AE oo Patil Bd oe F. B, MeKinnon desires in which he has condueted his pakers business, and begs to state patrons for thelr generous patronage during the past seven years that on and after April 15th the business will be carried on as a Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the company a continuance of thelr esteemed patronage, with an assurance of a continuation of that service and quality.which has always been associated with this store. F. D. McKINNON Watch for further Announcements 235-d-tf roy ot Me T0-NIGHT The Immortal AJlamo . /The Desert Claim . Dreamland Theatre (The Old Rellable) REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY : BECAU SE It is the cheapest residential property in Medicine Hat today. BECAUSE It is level, high, and dry. BECAUSE- It is no speculation, but an Iron Clad Investment. BECAUSE There are no big hills to climb, Good road with easiest of aceess and a magnifcent view of the city. SEE IT TODAY. ON Coctestest Seete-oteateaecte-steetesteage Melies Drama . Essany Hetededtetengedgente sn fi Seat ste-eteafe-eteatestecteatesteatectnetectease-eteesestesteate-teateete sie eteete Seatededeateatpateateatecteateateateateate eta ateateate atone eee eee nense nesses NeN OOS OO eetesetedtege : GET IN ON STARTING PRICES be + THE LAST APPEAL TO THE INVESTOR, LARGE OR SMATLI. Remember, you will never. again have the same opportunity as prices will positively advance on the 20th of April. x 2 + og me es pg hse stg Pe en S : + THE CHEAPEST, BEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL + be 2, 0. BECAUSE It is the easiest property to handle. oe BECAUSE Our ear is at your service, and we will be pleased to show you and your ae friends every block in the park. Don t delay, but remember PRICES ADVANCE ON APRIL 20th. 3 + OPPOSITE ASSINIBOIA HOTEL. 5 TORONTO STREET T. F- DAWSQIN co. :4 Sogo It is all beautifully situated. SOMETHING NEW ternoon, April 2ist, at 2 o'clock English. the News Job Department. His Wifes Secret - Come Early. Matinees 10 and bc. Come Early. Night Rerformances i e and 10e. it. Comedy Music Supplied by Dreamland Orchestra. There will be confirmaticn sil oly commutiion Services next Sunday af- at Try a Loaf toe German Lutheran church on Kiag- Look for the Label. stone street, (on the south side near TASSIE BROS. conducted in both Norwegiat, and Phone 256 the flour mill). The services will be For all kinds of job printing, try FINAL NOTICE ALL ACCOUNTS DUE THE MARSHALL HARDWARE CO. NOT SETTLED BY APRIL ibTH, WILL BE PLACED IN THE ee Monarch Theatre Thanhouser- 7 CENTRAL PARK Setting Hens ae 500 Pair, bik. 29. A 400 Palr, 37 ft, blk. 31. 560 Pair,. bik. 31. a Dr, Jekyll-and-Mr. Hyde A Pair of Jacks .. Italian-Turkish War . Exchange of Coats Current Events .. Music by the Monarch Orchestra: Afternoon 5c 10c. The Daughter of a Clown ... Coals Afire Josh s Suicide ;. . Trailing the Counterfeiters Mr, Atherton . Nestor Western .. Educational Pathe Comedy Gaumont Evening 100 15c Drama iography Comedy Comedy . Tenor See Our Coupons for Snaps in Real Estate. Picture Show Prices, Western o 450 Pair, bik. 27. 3100-each 1-7,- blk. 38. Our ge toe ia busy 2 oe ie fost os ms e coat South. 5500 Modern 7 room Main St N., blk. 12. Snaps in Bending, Powell, etc. me Sots 2 Soe *e Perry, Sewell Perry Realty, Customs and Finuncial Brokers, Agents for Great West Life Assurance nd Teeldent Insurance Coons canadien matteny Ocean Steamship Tickets. Hutchinson Block, Phone 126. BOSSES COREL ONES POSSESSES OSS News Want Ads. Pay ee Try. Em. fot os ee oe + todo Drug Store - Last Snaps at the Old Prices 850 Corner, blk 29, 50 fr. 2 : 850 Pair, cor., near P at home to-day settin Cs OLD TOWNSITE bd 5 to St. S., lot + hens, so we are taking a 108 Ae BE worth 2500 x k J gt; it. bik, N, Toronto St. crack at it ourselves. s1500--Lot. 6, bik 26, Toronto + eae as bik. 89. S How do you like the 1400 Lot 5, bik. 36. SZ 950 Lot 7 and 8, bik, 82. 4 15, blk. 86. effect ? l ftosotet 14, ono. 1100 Lot 9, bik.411, Main St.N. 3600 100 ft, blk, 52, Main St. house, Cousins Sissons, B..F.. SOUSH. Toronto St. OF OUR SOLICITORS FOR COLLECTION. THE MARSHALL HARDWARE-CO Office: Assiniboia Hotel Block. Let the Ermaline Help You on Bake Days. Put your pies and cakes in bags and you will never suffer from burnt crusts. Vegetables become delicous where cook- ERMALINE BAG. All the nat- ural juices are retained when roasting beef or poultry, making them tender. Ask to see the Ermaline Cookery Bag, or better still, order a trial dozen today. Price 30c and 40c por dozen. H.W. Ireiand Co. STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST. PHONE 54,
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Image 613 (1912-04-15), from microfilm reel 613, (CU1743362). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.