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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ae MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS, Tuesday, April 9th, 1912. New Window Drapings HOUSE CLEANING TIME OFTEN SUGGESTS NEW CURTAINS. We are showing a specially attractive stock of draping materials this-season, THE DOUBLE BORDERED DENIM in light tints is one of the newest drapings for the bed room. We have just opened these. MORE NEW BUNGALO NETS, NEW BURLAPS, NEW NADRASS, ETC. The House of Fashionable Dressers m ROY OF CANADA. CAPITAL AND RESERVES...... 16,000,000 Many a man owes his success to the fact that he had the right bank behind hin. This Bank offers its clients PLEAD the services of a fully equipped Banking organization. - 4 MEDICINE HAT BRANCH ee Fourth Avenue: :C.H.McDunnough, Manager Sotedtoatestectoatesedtedteel eleeleaieaoeiosirey Soy Setoeteatectoctoatentocteateatoetente ale eteatecoetoaseeseeteateetoecesgrage S - y lt; Imperial Bank of Canada capital and Rest ............. 1f,993,00 S Total Assets .... :. 72,000,000 o A GENERAL BANKING -BUSINESS TRANSACTED. 3, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. + - B. G. WILKINSON, Manager. fy Medicine Hat Branch. x : lt; Roedeeoatetedtoetectecteateaedtonte sleeteehedteeteteeteaiediosteeteeieate (eR RRR REE ERR RE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE THE MERCHANTS BANK Established 1864 -- 11.458,878 COUNTS. No may open a Joint Capital and Reserve Funds .. .. .... .. -- We give special attention. to SAVINGS delay In withdrawals. Two. or more perso aecount and either pary can withdraw money. Our deposits have increased from 19,426,091 In 1901 to 63,191,580. 3 W. 0. JOY, Manager : : Medicine Hat Branch e SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Are the Best Assets that any Company Prairie Pride Patent Flour Always Pleases Becaus Its the Best That Can Bead ee The. Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited 4 POL DOOCR GD 2 - Inside Real Estate + Is a Good Investment, But Das 1 4 of the body is net- good, Youwill get vour allot- Sona ted peck of dirt soon enough without drinking the water in its present condition. Guard your health, Jeave water alone and to quench your thirst phone 122 for-some-of the famous SHAMROCK BOTTLING WORKS Seft Drinks, any flavor, delivered to any part of the City. . -*PHONE s 666 Piano Moving A Specialty Tasker Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 864 Toronto Street. apid nable liable A Want Ad in the Daily News Will Bring Results. 1 Medicine Hat News Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every lairful evening at Its office, Main Street. Medicine Hat, Alta. AL JN, TERRILL, Ee'tor, PHONE: HONE: Editorial, Advertising Reportorhal, and trenlation and News Dept Job Depts. 1B RING RING 3 1Q DAILY SURSCRIPTION RATES 1 y-a:, delivered 4.90 1 year by mafl.. ..,. 3.00 months, d live month, by mall. 1 month, Be - Addressex changed as often as destred aut Dota usw and old ad ressep rst be given, WEEKLY NEWS Published. every contains a any of the news of the week local and district. S mons, tn advan 3-months, m advance. foe 1 year in advance. uesday, April 9th, 1912, of 5,000 in improving Central Park and the one authorizing-the issue of de- bentures to the amount. of 16,000 for the erection of a - Young Women s Christian Association building, should receive ev: consideration at the hands of the burges: on Friday. In the too practical life of growing centre, we are apt to overlook many of the little things which go to make existence more pleasant and which are real- ly essential in every community, The out- lay of 5,000, if: judiciously expended in planting trees and laying out roadways and walks in the park upon the hill, will be a se investment. These breathing spots i cities are-not-only beautiful, but add con- siderably to. their attractiveness. Modern municipal economies call for parks and many of them. We fall short in this respect in Medicine Hat, butit isn t-too late, to make gesses will see this light on Friday. -The establishment of a Y.W.C.A. in this city is becoming a more pressing necessity each day. The demand for it is even mor: insistent than for a similar institution fi men. The two differ somewhat in the aims, inasmuch as the Y.M.C.A. provid permanent rooming quarters for a numl) of its members, and within its portals young girls, who come to the city to earn a livli- hood, can obtain a comfortable home. It properly managed the institution should not become a burden for the municipality to earry but ought o pay its own way. i The reason actuating the; News in coupl- ing these two by-laws together for commen- dation is found in the cireumstance that for the city to obtain Central Park as a gift in fee simple it becomes obligatory for the burgesses to authorize both of the alove- mentioned grants. If the city will spend 5,000 in improving the land and make a donation of 16,000 towards a Y.W-C.A., the park is theirs. To receive a valuable piece of property for doing something whieh: should be under- taken anyway, is a proposition which PEPER EERE PEEP EEE binflnidnienteintetenteeteh should meet with favor in the eyes of all 1882 Dante Gabriel Possetti. day in sixteen or muore pages, and ceee by-law calling for th expenditure a start, and it is to be hoped that the bur- question in its proper) selves and lend.all the assistance they can to the officers.of the Canadian Highway 4 sociation in the good work th doing for Canada. In Ald. Chas; Pratt a good, live local chairman has been chosen. LEAN-UP DAY advocated by the Medicine Hat News, and inaugurated by the City Council last year, will again be held this year, probably in the course of the next week or so. The committee are at the present time dealing with the matter and preparing the plans for the securing of the tearns, and when this is done the date. will be announced and a public holiday pro claimed by Mayor Spencer. Last year the plans were not quite well enough made so that when the residents had cleaned up there-was-a great-difficulty j about securing teams for carting the refuse away. The council wishes to avoid a-repe- tition of this and are now busy securing the teams before they decide on the date, their the city will be available. sean) Sei tee oe ge ea A ND again we venture the query how is Medicine Hat going to house all the people Who wish to take up residence here this summer. The present indica- tions are that a great tent town annex will spring into existence in the suburbs. The contractors estimate that over three hun- pe tiew residences will be built, but this will not begin to meet the requirements. 30: oH TS Mormon propaganda in Sweden is : about to receive a death-blow. Both Chambers of Parliament agreed toa tide g ect, Henceforth all Mormon missionaries will be expelled from Swedish territory. About a hundred agents now have found a more congenial field for their efforts. Parliament granted a large amount toward expenses of an anti- Mormon erusade, Mormon propagandists have also been requested tg quit two Mid- land towns in England. most in USTRIA S second battleship of the dreadnought class, the Tegetthoff, was launched at Trieste ot March 21st. She is 525 feet long, has a displacement of 300 tons and will carry twelve 12 inch guns. 9 THIS DATE IN HISTORY April 9 1649 Duke of Monmouth, leader of the re- bellion against James IL., born. Died July 15, 1685. 1832 More than 100 lives lost by the burn- ing of the steamboat Brandywine near Memphis. 1865 General Lee surrendered to General Va. 1866 Ciyil Rights Bill passed over Presi- dent Johnson s veto. 1870 Ami rican Anti-Slavery Society dis- solved, after an existence of 37-years-+ , famous poet 20, CHILDREN AND GOOD ROADS is pleasing to learn from the officers of T I the Canadian Highway Association that the children throughout Canada ar tak- ing a keen interest in the essay competition on What Good Roads Mean to Canada, and that from all parts of the Dominion pa- -pers-are-being forwarded to-the-hea far of the association at New Westminster, As an encouragement to the children to busy themselves in the preparation of these essays, the president of the Canadian High- valuable gold, silver and silver gilt medals and also a souyenir silver pin to all compet- itors whose paper attains a certain stand- ard of merit. elena While it should not be necessary for this incentive to interest the young people of Canada in Good Roads, and their relation to the well-being of the co: E ef inducement is often necessary in order fo omic reeds of this country, Good Roads, as everyone will admit, are badly needed in Canada at the present time, but it is only when the people at large are ready to demand this not merely request it, that we can pect the authorities, whether local, municipal, provincial or fed- eral, to act on this matter on anything like a large scale. The aim and purpose of the Canadian Highway Association, as is well known, is to establish a Transcontinental road that will reach from Halifax, N.S., to Alberni, B.C., and while it is not the inten- tion of this organization to do more than ed- ueate the public and act in an unofficial ad- visory capacity, it is yet doing much good work in this case sand will be largely in- strumental in getijng this Highway, four thousand miles long, completed within five years. We in, this district must do our share of this-work, and it-behooves the Good Road advocates of. Medicine Hat to hestir them- r ration to the econ- and-artist, died Born in 1828. 1894 A number of lives Jost in the burning of the Davidson Theatre in: Milwau- kee. i 1911 Fire in Tokio, Japan, destroyed 5,000 houses. ia THIS IS MY 66th BIRTHDAY - . Edward Dean Adams. , Edward Dean-Adams, noted for his con- Structive and organizing work in finance and railroading, was born in Boston, April 9, 1846. After graduating from Norwich University, in Northfield, Vt., he spent sev- eral years in travel and study in Europe. way Association, Mx. W-d. Kerr, is offering his return home he engaged in the banking business in Boston. A few years Jater he removed to New York, where he be- came the American representative of the Seutsche Bank of Berlin, one of the great financial institutions of Europe. One of Mr. Adam s earliest achievements in the fyealm of finance was the organization of the Northern Pacific Terminal Company. re- Vie a pn Com mains that in this, as in other things ct Be. Tn-1886 he-carried out the remypanization of the West-Shore-Railroad. Other : terprises that have been benefitted Services as Ter financier are the Northern P: which he.reorganized in- 1896; the Cenit: Railroad of New Jersey, the Philadelp: and Reading Railroad and the Amer Cotton Oil Company. Mr. Adams also or- ganized the Cateract Construction Com- pany and its allied companies;-which were formed to build and operate the great works at Niagara Falls for the utilization of the water-power developed there. :0: CONGRATULATIONS TO Lord Breadalbane, Keeper of the Privy Seal of Scotland, 61, years old today. FrederickFrancis IV., Grand Duke of Keeklenbarg-Schwerin, 30 years old today. Rt, Rev. Henry Joseph Richter, R. C. bishop of Grand Rapids, 74 years old today. J. Thomas Heflin, representative in Con- gress of the Fifth Alabama district, 43 years old today. Grant at Appomattox Court House,; AAAS SVQ The Progress of Medicine Hat will Not be Set Back One Minute by the Defeat of the Electric Street Rail- way By-law. These articles are not being written or paid for by any organization, combination or any clique, but are Hetng ee and paid for by a ratepayer who has all his interests in medicine Hat, in as progr ssive as any man in*Medicine Hat, is less selfish than some men in Medicine Hat, can see into the future as far as any man in Medicine Hat, has much for Medicine Hat s up-building as any man living. These articles are clean, hon- est, unselfish, unprejudiced, unpurchased opin- ions-of-a-man-who has always put-Medicine Bat before selfish or perso: rests, Tete The writer bas spent thousan telling-the-truth andthe truth does ni ood. on Somebody's nerves, The -truth is not knocking. have never built city. We were told (in advertising space en- gaged and paid for by the city on Saturday; but we were not told that Vultures have preyed on many a city until there was noth- ing left except for the Vultures. Where a city is financially able to build a street railway, and where the people are willing to build it when it 1s needed, no par- ticular hardship will be worked upon our city or our citizens by pursuing the policy which Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Regina and other Western cities have pursued turn down the franchise seekers and build the road themselves. The property owners: of Medicine Hat simply cannot afford to let this class of exploiting get a foothold in this good city: Every other western city has turned this class of thing down. Why should Medicine Hat be made an easy mark for a company or for promoters. There are two kinds of progress: Progress where general and community interests are concerned; and progress where SELFISH or corporate interests: are concerned. Up to the present Medicine Hat has been progressing along community lines. Her progress nas been substantial, clean and wholesome. WHAT VITAL THING I AT STAKE AT THE PRESENT TIME TO CHANGE HER FROM HER COURSE Here we are at the threshold of corporation in- Light for the future of this city. Pages of Corporation-Paid Ad- vertising, to BAMBOOZLE the Public and Voters of Medicine Hat, will not get away from the fact that vote for this By-Law on the , 12th will give a corporation all the rights maintained in these serie of advertisements. All the talk and bombast on earth will not change a coarse proposition. Sub-section (A) of Section 5, of the Company's Charter gives FS the Company this power: - Carry on the business of manufacturing, distributing, or supplying electricity and gas for lighting, heating, power or other purposes without the limits of the city of Medicine Hat, subject to the consent and approval of the Minister of Public Works of Alberta. If you as burgesses give your consent, is it likely that any Minister of Public Works will withhold his? Yoting for this by- law favorably is virtually conferring upon this corporation the gas and power and light franchise n what we hope will soon be a part of Medicine Hat. This is as plain as the nose on your face. -No honest. argument can get it away from the charter s provisions. You are at the parting of the ways. Which way, in this city s in- terests, are you going to travel? ,Corporations are hard task mas- ters. We would-be arrant fools to let these concessions away from the burgesses. We simply cannot afford to listen to the tempter. We.cannot afford to take this chance, Every western town has gone through this experience. The original of this Charter-as at first presented at Edmonton AFTER BEING PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL AND EN- DORSED, WAS SPOKEN OF FREELY AMONG THE MEMBERS OF THE MBLY AS ONE OF THE VILEST PIECES OF COR- PORATION LEGISLATION EVER PRESENTED TO THE: ALBER- TA HOUSE. THE ORIGINAL DRAFT.WAS THROWN OUT BY THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE AND A MORE MODERATE BILL ASKED FOR. a This is what you have before you now for approval or rejec- tion on the 12th. The real intent, the objects and interests of the corporation Were seen in the original bill. They still continuo ex- tremely objectionable in the modified bill, The bill in its present terms 18 the poorest proposition ever put before this city. Pages of ads-cannot gloss over its -unsavory features. (They should be cut out.) It was a kind of a Pig in a Poke and would have so femained had not these articles brought someone from under cover, And some-of the get rich quick men who have lately drifted SS OO Tatotottutotattetotetetetetetototetntutebotototcfolutatatctubeletatatatalotetetetd lolotat nockers, b he company incorporated as the MEDICINE HAT ELECTRIC RAILWAY? That is the name that sould have bee + feserved for this city for her municipal railway. Why is our go named usurped? Is it not a plece of truth that without this good name to conjure with, withdut the approval of the burgesses of the city of Medicine Hat, the corporation could not place 100,000 worth of stock i year, on its other features and resources. A MAN CAN BE HONESTLY, ACTIVELY, AMBETIOUSLY PROGRESSTVE Just as progressive as the advocates of giving away some valuable city-con essions, and-wholly. favorable to Mr. Overpack's industries AND AT THE SAMETIME VOTE AGAINST THIS BY-LAW IN ITS PRESENT SHAPE. Progressivencss and the-useless-sserificing of Municipal Interests are nut Synony- mous terms. Psalm 69: Verse 23 ' Let the things that should have been for their wealth, be unto them building vultures and Tomorrow I will publish an article which: every person in this city, from the mayor own, should: read. The truths it will con- tain will no doubt be repulsive to some people, bu: still they will be truths, If it is necessary to get some of Mr. Overpack s Industries, lot us eliminate the objectionable features in the proposal at present up for consideration, get a cleaner, better bill. Even the prica Mr. Overpack offers is too much. Time is not pressing. There is a clean, fair way to meet Mr. Overpack and his industries, He has been met that Way before. We Can meet him that way again. Thi proposal, with ts objectionable features, is not essential to. Mr. Overpack s propositions, There are better. ways out of it. CS SS VF NO. SHORTAGE OF where cotitractors in need of men may plione-or call and wirere carpenters may leave their address, and in this way secure employment, with least -A. Medicine Hat Buildikg Trades Council is: also contemplated this would include all trades connected with the ba Iding industry. Meetings are held at present in. the Becker block on the Ist afid 3rd Fri- day in each month. E Washington, D.C., April 8 In ac- cordance with time-honored custom the grounds south of the White hous were thrown open today to children for the traditional Easter Monday edd- rolling. Children of ther ich and poor white and colured,-all were admitted and were allowed to play and make merry on the beautiful lawns, hunt- ing for Faster eggs and minature rab- bits, while the fountains sparkled In the Sunlight and the United States Engineers band played lively music. Adults were admitted to the grounds only, they accompanied children. 10 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if tt fails to cure- B. W. GROYE'S signa- ture s on each box, 5c; So Says Organizer of Car- penters Who is in City Big year of Building. J. A. Kinney, western organizer for the Brothtrhood of Carpenters, is in the city in the interests of thimt orga- nization. He reports that this season promises to Le the biggest biilding year in the history of Western Canady and that the material men will be kept busy in supplying tti demands of vailders. Mr. Kinney does not. look for any shortage of labor-as every train from the cast and somth 4s bringing nom- bers of mechanics of every craft: Lo- cal union No. 1061 of the United Bro- therhood is preparing to look after the newcomers of this craft and at their last) meeting appointed C. A. Cornforth, member from Lynn, Mass as their business agent. - It is the*in- tention of this local to open um he MR. The The: The The: F patutatobotatutotatetated
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Image 565 (1912-04-09), from microfilm reel 565, (CU1743107). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.