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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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0. EUREKA COMBINATION DRILLS -AND-CULTLYATOR, WH M04 20) Nayduoy mm MOSAIC LAW, away up in the comes a story that brings to mind the enforcement of a faw that was in force before the white man came to Cisions. The be. farther Hes in tts aimpli. i an eye for an eye MEINUINE DAL DALLY AWS Seward, Alaska, Mar. 28. From intertor of Alaska what is now the thriving ' JAMES Time and Seed Invested. FOR THE COMPLETE MACHINE. Seed Is Sown Evenly and Surely Producing Large Returns for THE PRICE IS WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL, BEING 12.50 RAE Weekly-March 7-7 t law. + There are certain number of rules that compose this law, and whea an occasion arises the rulo ts eDp and then the party hiviny ibe say, or, in other words, the survivor, goes to the chief of the tri: and re- lates to him all.of the liefdonts lead- ing up to the infringement s the law and of bis-method of inte gt;yreting the law and handling the case (for here every man is his on lawyer) and the chief decides as tc. whether he acted wisely ant welt. ty catinot be tak: assisted by anot court, and there da tooth for a S0r of-Samake, south fork of the k above lik was: drowned ge of Mie Taw of the . AN EYE FOR AN EYE AS PRACTICED BY ALASKAN INDIANS DISAPPROVED BY UNCLE SAM Nitluk, Taconta- Hunter, Responsible for Drowning of Hunting Trip,.was Shot by Samake, the Lad ; cording to Tribal Law and Honor Chief Absolved Samake, States Marshall Stepped In. nor im any was tribe to a higher reversal of de- of this method There ts no 4)) country, or to go even Tips back than that, mse when the Last fall whily ot bunting for Medes and Porsians worked the legal moose a native h' r named Nitluk game on an equal percentage basie took with bim to slike the oldest eye for -in crossing the kokwim, Toowa- Now, according to- when a boy is SHS OUTEDE: G1 E8 OU- FHS 5 RACH ONE Tacotna, on the Kuskokwim, is a land bunting WIth fi srown man,- the Complete Drill Seed Planter. where So far the finding of gold has mam ts responsit Complete Hill Seed Planter, not drawn the white invad r to any of the boy. Wir 3 A Complete Two Wheel Plow. great extent, and where the only pale that his son hai deen drowned his 4 A Complete Two Wheel Hoe. faced visitor is the occasional-trap- duty was clear him, and he took S A Complete Two Wheel, Five Tooth Cultivator, per, and where the natives still gov- down his trusty and started out These Tools Save Time to Say Nothing of Hard Labor... The ern themselves according to tribal to ny even for the loss-of bis off- spring. A Wily Hungn Hunter Now the noble man when it nmes to getting an enemy is not hamveres with some of the ideas. of fair play that beset the paths lt;i ius white brother. His idea being to en- compass the dowifsll of his enemy, he goes about it with the same meth- odical care that he would give to the stalking of the dangerous brown bear. He plans to bring off the killing with the greatest certs and with a minimum of risk to himself. No more overwork Visible Writing - 0 to Both are eliminated by the (Wahl Adding Mechanism) the employer fag his clerks The machine which places every department of clerical work ona Rule by Woxate Taw If he has kept aston the law the affair is dismisse? ad the incident passes into the history oc the tribe, but if the party hes ers d in the ad- ministration of jutticy uct drding. to the Native -Ccut te ts-no-informed. by the chief, and pvalshment is hand- ed out usually sever. t is well to keep upon the tribal law. The great- est punishment that the chief can give is to sentence offender to banishment from 410 He then loses his Wife and amy if he has one, and must leava. never io return, on pain of death. Other. ighboring tribes are warned and the guilty par- to extend his trap line for the winter, Samake, the father. set out for that particular stretch of country, fully organized for war. Upon arriving at his destination he carefully went over planned an am- when the unsus- line: of attack. He bush, to take pla pecting trapper was out looking after his traps. Early on: morning in No vember the unfortunate trapper in crossing 9 small stream hot a half- mile from his wiser quarters heard an unusual noise in the brush on the hillside. He paused to listen for one fatal instant, and that was enough. Remington Adding and Subtracting Typewriter Visible Adding Remington Typewriter Company 706 CENTRE STREET, CALGARY, ALTA. CANADA'S TRADE WITH FRANCE SAD. GREAT GRITAN Hon. Mr. Lemievx asks that Canada be f-epreseated by Agents. FAKE SPECULAT 3S ARE DGiNG INDURY Hon. G. E. Foster agrees with late Minister and will deal with the Matter. Ottawa, Mar. 28. There ae tod many fakers on the financiai smarket in London, was Hon. Mr. Lemteux's serious charge made in the Houre of Commons concerning the operation of Canadian promoicis 2nd specila- tors in Britain and France. If tae Government is able to curb the op- erations of these gentry, the reputa- tion of Canada will be-enhanced and its business increased. Fe DEPP ESOSOOGS Oe Oey Spaeententectectecteeteeeeteeeeery BUILDERS: Le us figure on your tequirements. Our yard 1s the most modern; our stock the largest, best and most completes our prices low as the lowest. We are, ther best position to give you good service. No order too large for us to handle or too small to recelre our best attention. Ask to haye our representative refore, in the Western Canada umber Co., Ltd. POOP Stree reooeoe oe 5 QOOLPOO EPPO POTOSI ROOM: THE RAILWAY W..C. Switzer. Represented by Medicine Hat, Alberta. Claims paid, PASSENGER'S ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON, ENGLAND. The oldest and strongest accident any in the world. 30,000,000. Policies do not way employees. (Established 1849.) com- over discriminate against Rail- , A, Krauss. ; 3 lotto rteee The ex-Postmaster-General direet- ed the attention of Parliament to che: advisability of further deyriopirg Canada's transatlantic trade, both operation of the commerctil treaty with France. He also urgei that the parcel post convention witi the lat- ter country, arranged under te form er Administration, be put Inte oper- ation at the earliest moment. ie counselled against femovi.g oF re- placing the Canadian Agent in Paris, and stiggested the appointment of a representative in touch with Cana- vestments as a commercial agent. This would have a tendency to curb the operations of unscrupulous spec- ulators, operating by ways that are dark and tricks that are vain; and) doing much to injure the reputation of sound Canadian enterprise. The Minister of Trade and Commerce could easily make an excellent ap- pointment from his own political friends in Montreal, sald Mr. Lem- feux. I ould give him the names of Thany xcell nt gentlemen. Mr. Foster Agrees. Hon. Mr. Foster was in accord with much that the ex-Minister had stated, He was subsidizing the exist- ing steamship service for five years instead of one, with a view. to. prose- cuting in a systematic aud thorough with Britain and by expanding the dian industrial life and Canadian in- - oughly trated ore of manners, who with representatiy: tries, and take commereial work (0 and throughout tbe whole of France. The Minister w be preapred to discuss the mater with Mr, Lemieux whom he complimented on his action. A TEACHERS hold his own rom other coun- his coat and do Canada in Paris INDIA MEET. Indianapolis, Ind., Mar. 28 From all sections of the southern part of this State teachers have arrived here in large numlers to attend the con- vention of the Southern Indiana SOUTHERN Teachers Association which will be In session during the rest of the week. Henry Lester Smith,of veridge, United States Senator Rob- ert M. La Foilette, President W. O. Thompson of the Obio University and many others. A roast of veal will be greatly im- srove f it is larde ; this prevents its being dry and tasteless when cook- nd. Father, to Avenge Death ac- Tenrning wherr-Nithtk-had-dectded- the-ground and then studied out his- the wite'of Nitluk has-enough-of fish aay Bloomington, wl preside and the Hst of speakers contains the names of pMmany noted n among them former. United States Senator Albert J Be- Youth Toowalik while on but United i The spiteful crack of the Winches ter rang out'on the frosty alr and Nitluk fell face downward in the snow with a thirty-thirty bullet through -his--lunge--For a few mo- ments he thrashed around in the snow like stricken moose, and then, when the blood-flecked foam, came through his lps, he lay still where fhe tad tailen, Satake came from behind bis ambush, and with the deadly rifle gtilt at a ready, approach- ed the dying man. Never Trast Dytig ata it ts-atways well tobe cautious a case like that, for the West and the North are full of stories where dying man has raised himself up and with his last effort has snuffed out the life of the party who had just finished shooting him down.But in this case it was unnecessary. Nit- luk was dead and th fast chilling hands were clenched on nothing more deadly than crimped twigs and snov caught up-in thededthagc.y. pau ake took the rifle for to the victot belongs the spofls and returned to the village. Arriying home oe went tO the chief's house and told all. The chief gravely listened, avd when the tale was finished passed the pipe to the father of the drdwned boy and sald: You-tave-tone-wetl-ats-the-oltest; Nitluk was the keeper of your son in the hunt for the moose, and when he failed in this his life was forfeit to you. This you have taken, and the debt is now cancelled. Go and see if and of moose to feed herself and her babies until sprig, for another may not take her for his wife until the salmon again come up the riven when the winter is passed. States Marshal Intervenes Samake departed and did as he was bade. The newly made widow as supplied for the winter, and all would have been weil nad aot the tale PARLIAMENT ENDS PRESENT SESSION ON WEDNESDAY, 41H Hope of Winding Up of Bu- siness next Saturday has been Abandoned. DEBATE ON ESTIMATES MAY DELAY MATTERS Speculation as to what At- titude vernment take on the Amendments. Ottawa, Mar, 28. It is practically certain parliament will prorogue Wednesday April 4. All hope of bu- siness being disposed of in time for an official winding up Saturday next has been abandoned. Supplementary estmates on which No anx wholes 4 eee Se +t ine Phosphate deen taken to the trading post at Nickoli. Here dwelt the law of the United States in the form of Deputy Marshal Shepard. When be heard that-the natives were killing one an- other-he-made the long trip to the upper Kuskokwim and brought back with him Samake, the killer, charged with the murder of Nitluk. Samake was surprised that the law of the white man was stronger than the law and reared. The eutire tribe, or as many -of, them as could make the trip, came with him to Nickoli and will walt until the trial takes place in the spring. Old Chief Kablitna, who In his youth attended the Moravian mission at Bethel and who speaks English, will stay and defend the accused man and will use for his defense in the They may be pretty heavy, and Invol- ving as they do several new matters of public policy, will naturaly cause a great deal of discussion. Then friction which is likely to arise be- tween the senate and the government majority of the lower house over senate amendments to government bills is*lkely to cause some little de- ley. There is much speculation as to whether the government will concur in the amendments, and if not whet- her the senate will back down or kill the legisiation in question by ad- opting the, six months hoist. It will be recalled thie occurred in 1898 when the then Conservative ma- jority rejected some of the Laurier Baking-day if you use N Insures light, sweet. ome foo d A pure,Cream of Tartar of-the-land- where he-had been born allowed to handie their own ley iety on owde Powder case the, tribal law of the upper Kus- kokwim, that makes a man answer able only to his chief, and which gives an eye for an eye and tooth for a long as they live alone and practically ern themselves and receive no bene- fits from the country that has never done anything for them, should be al mattors in thelr own manner as long as no white men are concerned. There will be a big attendance in the epring at he trial when Samake s called to answer for the murder of Nitluk In the court pf the white man at Nickot. as Shadow vellings are immensely pop ular; shadow designs, as well as the fishnet patterns, are produced-in the new Shetland veils, which will be u: make practical motor veils, for they thay be laundered with impanity. Makes Hair Grow Pingle has an invigorator. that will grow hair or money back.* The tim to take care of your hair fe when you have hair to take care of. It your hair is getting thin, gradu- ally falling out, it canot be too long before the spot appears. The greatest remedy to stop the hair irom falling 8 SALVIA, the Great American Hair Grower, first discovered in England. SALVIA fur- nishes nourishment to the hair roots and acts so quickly that people are government railway proposals, in- fchiding-the-butiding e-tine-t Yukon. ON TRIAL FOR MURDER. (Special to News). Jasper, Ind., Mar. 28 The case of Ebbert Mendeth, charged with the murder of Noah Russell last fall, was called in court for trial to-day. The case was brought here on a change of the government put the final touches amazed. And remember it destroys the Dandruff germ, th Iittte pest that saps the life that should go to the bair from the roots. SALVIA is sold by Mingle, Druggist, under a positive guarantee to cure Dandruff, stop Falling Hair and Iitch- ing Scalp in ten days, or money back. A large bottle costs 50c. The word SALVIA (Latin for sage) ton every venue. from Spencer County. bottle. YOU want your new gown to fit and look well, first get-one of the new C/cala Grace Corsets. There are so many models to choose from each designed for non need sacrifice comfort for fashion, it she is patticular-tepe-of figure thar now particular to get the model intended for her. way the search for trade on both sides of the Atlantic. It was a point for serious thought that the amount of commercial matter which France had sent to Canada last year was News Want Ads: Pay ry Em: 2 2.7 valued at 11,700,000, while ail that Canada had exported to France was 2,700,000- He -assured Mr, Lemic: CORS are more popular than ever this year, becai 4 so successfully preserves the sik, youthful lines now so fashionable. ES use io other-corset- No. 517 is new model especially designed, No. 687 youthful fines to more mature that the commercial agency in Paris for slim, girlish figures. Lightly boned to give figures. Unusually flexible and would not be done away with. rWe - ease and naturalness, Low bust for average figures. askador, said 4 ne gt; ote wen oS aaeer ae G If you would like to see all the new a Grace mbdels write for our fiee style book to Crompton Corser Co, Limited, Foronto-
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Image 503 (1912-03-28), from microfilm reel 503, (CU1743179). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.