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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ee Imperial Bank of Canada 4 3 Capital and Rest . 11,993,800 + BR Total Assets ..............:.. 72,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. 3, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Wednesday, April 10th, 1912. Tke Glasgow House New Window , Drapings HOUSE CLEANING TIME OFTEN SUGGESTS NEW CURTAINS. We are showing a specially attractive stock of draping materials this season. in light tints is one of the newest drapings for the bed room. af . We have just opened these. MORE NEW BUNGALO NETS, NEW BURLAPS, NEW NADRASS, ETC. The House of Fashionable Dressers Credeedretecteatetrctoeteatectesteee eateteateregoatreteetetretea Se ms ROYAL BANK? OF CANADA. CAPITAL AND RESERVES. ..... 16,000,000 Many a man owes his success to the fact that he had the right behind him. . oon Bank offers its clients the services of a fully equipped Banking organization. i : MEDICINE HAT BRANCH Fourth Avenue: :C.H. McDunnough, Manager eteteatededoatocteatorteatestoad gt; elearectoateetoetness eioagesteaie tease POPP eres oeteeteeteeeeeteeee gs be Poste eto ote dosed R y . RB. WILKINSON, Manager. + Medicine Hat Branch. f, a dostesrcte ostesesfodtoatodtodte ostestettesGesestesretectoctoetod gt; feet Sefnfninlninininininicieinicieieieininininint OF CANADA Established 1864 Capital and Reserve Funds .. .. :. .- -. 200s. 2+ + 11458,878 We give special attention to SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. No delay in withdrawals. Two or more persons may open a joint account and either pary can withdraey money. Our deposits have Increased from 19,126,091 in 1901 to 63,194,550. W. 0. JOY, Manager : + Medicine Hat Branch Medicine Mat Daily on gas and water. Th has arrived and is on the back yard. Flies are hatching there now. . cannot come too soon. Wednesday, April 10th, 1912. EDITORIAL STEAM LAUNDRY BY-LAW BY-LAW to which there is apparent ) 10 opposition is that relating to the new Steam Laundry and Dye Works, the building for-whieh-is iearing comple tion on Main Street North. All that the Company ask is that the city grant this industry the manu/acturer s rate site has been purchased, local cap- erecting the building, and almost all tle machinery round. A conc rn of this na- ture is a large employer of labor and as sul is deserving: of every encouragement at the hands of the burgesses. It ital ount of the Company with the city will amount Buch being the ease tewoulkd really pay the company to drill their own well as the in- terest on the investment could not possibly exceed: this sum. However, they are willing and anxious to become eustomers of the city and it is not very probable that the city will evince any desire not to accept so good a client. WORTH OF FREE ADVICE DVICE don t gost nuthin , and therefore it can be had for the asking som times without the asking. The Lethbridge Herald tells Medicine Hat that if a Street Railway in this city can be made to pay by a private. corporation, it can be made to. pay by the municipality, That may be all right, but just here that oft quoted serip- tural parable of the mote might be applied. If a from Bow Island and make it pay, such a proposition could be made to pay--by the-city. What s sauce for the goose is.sauce for the gander. SSS Tepresnonneee in-London that-Ler Stratheona, the Canadian High Commissioner, will invest the 47,000 secured for the Dickens fund in Canadian securities which will yield an annual income of 750 for the next five years to each of the granddaughters of Charles Dickens. After that time the money will be used to purchase annui- ties which will yield each of the women 85) a year. The American subscription to the fund brings the grand total * private corporation can pipe natural gas into Lethbridge jup to 8,419, or 47,095. go on T HE BY-LAWS in connection with granting cer concessions to the Medicine Hat Porcelain. and the Medicine Hat Glass Factory, will presum- ably he endorsed by the unanimous vote of the ratepaye: on Friday. Every burgess is acquainted with the condi- tions of the agreements with these industries and is more tian anxious to see them locate in Medicine Hat. ee HE festive little house fly is alrealy with us again: Do you know where he came from? We'll tell you. From that winter accumulation of garbage in the Clean-up Day i I looks as though there would be a labor famine in Med- icine Hat this summer. In addi to the large amount of building which will be-undertaken, it has been an- has been calculated that even at the five cont rate. the) iyearly to-over six hundred dollars. devs Aaa SSS SSS SAP From Missouri, Show Me For the past two weeks fair and clean endeavors'have been mage to draw the attention of: the Burgesses of this city, in this space, to the fact that they were in danger of being influenced to vote esSIONS WHICH are Of Vital and serious tiiportto.4Me future of this city, These articles are awakening the people to their deep sense of the individual responsibility and their duty to this city. The truth in these articles has not been palatable, it has been utterly distasteful, and it has called forth a full measure of vituperation. It has also put the people wise to where their true interests lie. The truth of these articles has not been questioned. There has not been one word of mis-representation in them. They were necessary in the interests of Medicine Hat's future. They have been answered by calling such names as knocker , vulture and such coarse, ungentlemanly and low things trying to cover up the trail with dirty tactics and dirty names. Had these articles not appeared, what explana- tions would have been forthcoming? Explanations simply had to come. You don t have to go outside of the Electric Railway Company s Charter to condemn it completely. The great surprise is that the Council has acquiesced in its endorsation, in the rights it confers, and the terms it contains, HERE IS THE TRUTH, and it ts a plain case of condemnation out of thelr own charter) : Ptety-Acting Mayor Brown I defy Mayor Spencer, Tdety any City Aldernian, I defy Albert Krapfel, (1 defy Dave Brown, I defy Warren-Overpack, EE ieee T0 TAKE THE CHARTER FOR IT AND TRUTHFULLY DISPUTE THESE STATE- NTS : The Electric Railway end of this proposition hass no portent of thoughtful or real magnitude at pres- ent, beyond the assistance it will be in booming real estate sub-divisions in which the chief owners are the chief boosters for the road. It is certainly up to the Mayor and Council, who have become to a certain extent sponsors for this Proposition, and some of them out-and-out boosters for it,.to take a map of the country south and east of the city and show tonight s meeting in what names all the land between the city and the Galt track for three miles north and south, stands. If this is done, the voters can draw their own conclusions. It looks suggestive on the map. It 1s also up to the Mayor and Council to show the voters THE NECESSITY FIRST, THEN THE COMMON-SENSE,THEN THE NECESSARY ADVANTAGES, of building TWO LINES OF RAILWAY east out of Medicine Hat, up steep and high hil on unreasonably heavy grades for even an electric road, to serve the purpose of connecting up by an electric road two points Medicine Hat and Dunmore. The people will have to be shown ordinary common-sense in this, whep an easy grade could have been had along the creeks, and eliminating the hedvy grades. In face of what is before the voters, they can- not be expected to see anything else in this up-hill duplication of roads except a means of boosting the real-estate in which some of the incorporators are. interested. The argument that road-allowances were being used instead of buying right-of-way Is not good enough in face of the ECONOMIC DISADVANT- AGES TO THE RAILWAY. It anybody's sub-divisions has -beems overlcoked in the proposed double routes, he has a legitimate kick coming. The C. P. R. handles some traffic between Medicine Hat and Dunmore. They are getting along with one line. Of-course the interests are different. . If the burgesses foolish enough to give them the power the Corporation can buy fifteen rail- way ties, two steel rails and a couple of loads of gravel, lay them on one of our streets, start work, and hold their charter rights for five years. In the meantime, on the advertising and strength of the gift -of the -burgesses,-Medicine-Hat-can be-exploited and wildcatted to death-TMy the sub-division holders, who apparently don t give a continental abeut the future of this city provided they get their share of the Sales. Section 15 of the eharier dogs not do more or less than this: It isan innocent but useful little clause. Read it, and then read on and see if you can see any way of preventing it, except, under Section 17 for the city to buy it out. Pretty coarse isn t it? Just about as coarse as it possibly could be. Why should street railway work in Medicine Hat or any part of it be held up for any number of years? GREATER MEDICINE HAT CAN BE ROBBED OF HER FUTURE REVENUES. MEDICINE HAT CAN BE SPOILED OF HE R NATURAL GAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT AND ELECTRIC POWER REVENUES IN GREATER MEDICINE HAT. That is as true as I am writing these lines and you are reading them, and you will find the complete verification of this statement in the Electric Railway Charter. It is not hearsay, deduction, or sug- gestion. It is there, plain and Bold, in black and white, AND THE MYSTERY IS, WHY IT IS THERE, AND HOW IT IS THERE AND BEFORE THE BURGESSES FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTIO Section 5 of the Charter gives/the Electric Railway Corporation this great power and valuable con- cession: 2 (a) Carry on the busitiess of manufacturing; distributing or supplying-electricity and gas for light- ing, heating, power and other purposes, without the limits of the City of Medicine Hat; and subject to the consent and approval of the Minister of Public Works for Alberta. As we said a day or two ago, what Minister of Public Works will withhold his consent if you bur- gesses in majority give yours? It is not reasonable to suppose he would do it. You are thevarbiters of your future. : This charter in this clause gives this company these rights in what will be Greater Medicine Hat, on lands outside of what is now the city limits. Don t be fooled. Don t misjudge the importance of this. Don't be deluded. Go to the charter for your proof. Don t create the position where anyone HAS VESTED RIGHTS, and then you will not have to stru: gle as other cities are doing and have done to get back what you vote away. When there becomes vest- ed rights, then all other conditions alter. This is a Western Judge's opinion. This is an unprovided-for and dangerous feature of this proposal. This city should be free from the danger of future entangle- ments. : YOU WILL NO DOUBT BE TOLD THAT SECTION 17 OF THIS CHARTER GIVES THE PEOPLE OF MEDICINE HAT A CHANCE TO BUY BACK THESE THINGS. Yes, you have been told this on the platform and in the press. This is a false impression. Get your charter again, Read it every line and every word. I will give 100.00 to the Hospital or Ed. Bennett s Y.W.C.A. IF YOU OR ANY MAN CAN FIND IN THAT CHARTER ONE LINE, ONE WORD, ONE SYLLABLE, WHICH-REFERS TO THE GETTING BACK BY THE CITY OR OTHERWISE OF THE GAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT OR ELEC- TRIC POWER RIGHTS WHICH THE CHARTER GIVES. It is not there. You cannot find it there. Don't take the word of any interested man for this. Go to the charter itself. This is a duty you owe te yourself. mced that the city will expend 354,000-in provements. Se ge Section 17 OF UNS CHATS opEe-you tre tt betore rou reading prevides the way in which the City can get back the street raiJway lines within the city limits and within city limit extensions. It is very explicit about the railway end of the business, but, IT DOES NOT SAY A WORD ABOUT AN - 8 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS s Are the Best Assets that any Company Can Have. Prairie Pride . Patent Flour ys Pleases Because Its the Best That Can Alway espns yas Be Had can put a stop to it and it s a safe bet that they ean. a HE SLOUGHS are full geese are grounds. ing northward to their breeding Sagas raae eee an eeeeee See THIS DATE IN HISTORY HERE will be no more of this joy-riding at midnight, or any other oid time not if an cificient police force of ducks and thousands of, THING ELSE. The charter-gives but it does not take away. Don't take m; ter. Here is what Section 17 says 17. The City of Medicine Hat shall have the power at anytime, anything in this Act notwithstand- jhg, to acquire umd take-0 eowhole-orany-p e-of-th ction. the boundaries of the said city, either as such boundaries exist at the time of the passing of this Act, or as they may. be extended at any time hereafter, upon giving the Company six months notice of intention so to acquire and take over such railway line. And it goes on to the end of the paragraph to recite the mode of proceedure whereby the railway line, if constructed, may be acquired by the city, but never a breath, never.a word, about these other privileges, rights and concessions, which the Charter gives. Study this for yourself. Take the charter for it. Don t take me, and don t take the advertisement writer and speflers or the opinions they ex- press at so much per. GET RIGHT TO THE TEXT. It s your rights, and your future, and your power for development, that is being exploited and made the handmaiden of corporation interests. It is these things you are asked to vote away, and you have had littleor nothing promised in retut YOU CANNOT BE HONEST TO YOUR DUTY. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited PO0SOS0800 Ts a Good Inv stment, But Real Estate Insid teal Estate Inside of the body is not good. You will get your allot- ted peck of dirt soon enough without drinking the water in its present condition. Guard your health, jeave water alone and to quench your thirst phone 122 for some of the famous SHAMROCK BOTTLING WORKS 2 Soft-Drinke any fever dclirered to-2 of the City. mingo in 19 *PHONE 66 Piano Moving A Specialty Tasker Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 864 Toronto Street. apid easonable liable A Want Ad in the Daily News Will Bring Results. April 10 born in-Salem, Mass. Oct. 1, 1866. 1864 The Archduke Maximilian of Austria accepted an offer of the Crown of Mexico, 1894 Behring Sea proclamation issued by President Cleveland. Died in Dorchester, Mass., of the renomination of President Roosevelt. : 1911 Tom L. Johnson, noted Democratic leader, died in a eee THIS IS MY 47th BIRTHDAY George R. Colton. Galesburg, Ill, April 10, 1865, and re at Knox College in hi s native city. After leaving college term in the State legislature. As an officer of a Nebraska the island: public and the United States Goy til 1909 Governor Colton was again in-the Philippines, act- ing as insular collector of eustoms.. Since 1909 he has been territorial governor of Porto Rico. o CONGRATULATIONS TO General William Booth, founder and head of the Salva- tion Army, 83 years old today, - Representative John A. Martin af the Second Colorado district, one of the several labor nt mbers of the Sixty- second Congress, 44 years old today, 1907 Senator La Follette of Wisconsin declared in favor) 1827 Maria S. Cummins, author of The Lamplighter, Cleveland. Born in Georgetown, Ky., July 18,1854, George R. Colton, governor of Porto Rico, was born in ved his education he went to New Mexico and for five years Was a ranchman jthere. He then located in Nebraska, where he served a volunteer regiment he went to the Philippines at the time of the insurrection-and after the American-oecupation of he was selected to organize the customs S r- vice at Manila. He performed a similar task in Santo Do- under an agreement-between the island re- nment.' From 1907 un- XOU CANNOT BE HONEST TO YOUR CITIZENSHIP. YOU CANNOT BE HONEST TO: MEDICINE HATS FUTURE. YOU CANNOT BE HONEST TO A TRULY GREATER MEDICINE HAT. z AND VOTE FOR THIS STREET RAILWAY BY-LAW as it is now drafted, and has been put before you by the council. You would be better off for the city to build a single line to meet the company's coun- try line ata reasonable point. You can well afford to wait for a proposal which eliminates this char- ter s bad and dangerous features, and. better and more carefuly preserves your rights and safeguards your public utility interests, Two bad clauses- have been cut out already. Others should be removed before it is properly acceptable. Why rush this until the rought-stuff is: removed? HERE IS YOUR SALVATION. When this bill went to Edmonton and was thrown out as originally drafted, the Legislature gave you this safeguard in the re-drafted bill (the one you are voting on.) It put in this clause to save Med- ne-Hat and her future, PU 0 YOU, lady and gentleman burgesses, to say whether or not this charter shall become a law or not, as far as Medicine Hat and her future is concerned. These val- uable rights and concessions cannot get away unless Medicine Hat's burgesses approve of t by thelr honest votes. Here is Section 19, see just how it saves you and saves the situation: 19. This Act shall not become operative In so far as it concerns the exercise of any or all of the rights, privileges or powers of the company within the City of Medicine Hat or any extensions there- of-that-may-be madefrom-time to time, nor shall the company construct or operate its. railway along any of the said routes within the City of Medicine Hat unless and until the Company shall have first obtained the assent and approval thereto of the City of Medicine Hat expressed by by-luw of two-thirds of the burgesses voting thereon in accordance with the provisions of Title XXIII, of the Medicine Hat Charter. a aS 3 The sensible thing to do, the fair thing to do, the duty you owe to Medicine Hat's future to do, the only safe thing to do, Is to vote against this railway proposition as it has been put before you under the terms of the existing charter. It 8 the only safe thing to do. A-proposition containing the things which this charter contains, should not be able to get the votes of any except directly interested peo- ple. : DESTROY THIS THING, and then let the city put up a better proposition, with objectionable features removed, or go into the Street Rallway Business themselves and throw out radial lines, east, west, south and north, and to all industries requiring them, That is the sane and safe thing to do, Vote for the Industrial By-Laws, Vote for the Fire Equipment By-Law. Medicine Hat will never suffer loss if shape, The' Council of the City of Medicine Hat should explain tonight why my. money and-yours-fs-being-- wepaper space to call opponents of this schonie Kyockers, a bas been done, ixthis- Council s function? 5 uu KILL THE STREET RAILWAY BY-LAW, in Its present . Advertisement. mae al TO PLAN MISSIONARY WORK FOR Mount VernenPince Church in this the women's missionary work for the SOUTH. Jeity today to attend the opening sess- coming year. Miss Belle H. Bonnett, Episcopal church, gathered at the on of the xecond annual meeting of of Richmond, Ky., fs the presiding of- Washington, D. ., April 10. Sev- the Southern Methodist Episcopal ficer. There Will be three sessions eral-hundred women, directly or n- Woman's Missionary Council. The dally and on the last day of the meet directly connected with the mission- organization is the woman's depart- ing President and Mrs. Taft will re- ary work of the Southern Methodist ment of the general board of missions ceive the delegates at the White House of tbe M. B. church south and the meeting, which will occupy a fall week, will be mainly devoted to the recetving of reports from the various mission, fields and the planning of PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in-6 to 1 days, 600. THE LUNGS STOPS COUGHS Paice. 35 canrs Wadnesday, AD
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Image 573 (1912-04-10), from microfilm reel 573, (CU1743146). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.