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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Pe For Easter You will shine if we supply you with your furnishings for the We are showing some nice exclusive designs in Neckwear, Hosiery, Hats and also Clothing and Shoes that are up-to-the-mark in style and finish. You will have, that well-dressed feeling in our Put your head into one of Our Hats. Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. fi SOLPESSSSSSSS SHSIO TO PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS This is a breed of Fouty eat eee ee requirem nt. The utility bird 0 e century large, beautifully plane? and unexcelled in laying qualities. gs 2.00 and 5.00 per set- ting. Cockerels ae ise A. J. N. TERRILL, NEWS OFFICE 3 ABOUT THESE BLK. 11, CENTRAL PARK, 800 PAIR. BLE: 22, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX, 500 EACH. BLK. 24, CENTRAL PARK, 100 FOOT CORNER, 1400. 14 BLK. COUSINS SISSONS, 3375. CHOICE Bue: IN acre Dreamland Theatre (The Old: Reliable) T0-NIGHT Among the Irish Fisher Fo Kalem Franciscous of Killomey . Seenie At the Huskin Bee Vitograph Drama An Effort Lost 2..... Lubin Comedy Our Peerless 4-Piece Orehestra Supplies the Music. Prices the Same COME EARLY Night Performances 16c. and 10c. COME EARLY Matinees 10 and Se. Monarch Theatre - Niagara Honeymoon .......-..-- Thanhouser (A beautiful Drama and Niagara. Falls as a back- grouns Ene An Easterner s Peril . : Over the Hills . Imp Comedy Drama (This shows Eins at his best) DP Le eedr ede eer scantey Patterson; HextertMeCat TP DREAMLAND SOCIAL AND PERSONAL s We are showity four distinct sub. fects tonight to ovr patrons amd take this opportunity of Temimding you about the Husking Bee. This is a most interesting and beautiful drama thet will mebe you both sad end happy. An Filort Lost s the com- ely. It cost the Lubin company geod many, lt;forta to loove thia one. Pricde the same. Come curly: Mr, is im from the South. Mr, and Mss. W. J. Lynch ond fom ily heve returned from California, when they ave been spending the winter, Mr. Victor Ready, 412 Fewings atreet, will not receive om Thursday. Mrs. David Gillies, Balmoral street, will not moeive on Wedncdday, or agaim this seapon. Mire: Bs My Cawker of Fewangat Sid Hooper m1 v the last ti this y , Tice on uh fmt Thursday tsmtead Hair, Pingle the Druggist Of Gipsy Wednentay- Has the Article and Guar- Agee FE. Heyes wit receive-ca the: fourth Thursday of Unis month je-) fun Your Money. stead of the first Wednesday for the Rei a ae v: last time thit season. Pingle, the druggist, backed up by Mrs, W. Ansley will not ceceive 0/10 manufacturers of SALVIA, the Great Hair Grower, guarantees it to srowgrow hair. SALVIA destroys Dandruff tn -ten days. The roots of the hair are go nour- ished and fed tbat- Bew-crop of hair springs up, to the amazement and de- light of the user. The hair is made soft and fluffy. Ltke all American preparations SALVIA is daintily per- fumed. It is bard to find an actress who does not use SALVIA continu- ally. Ladies of society and influence use no other. SALVIA is a non-sticky prepara- tion, and fs the ladies favorite. A large, generous bottle, 800. The: Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Canadian distributors. Read over the Electric Railway Charter on Page three of this issue. Don't forget at the Opera House Friday night The Ladies Quartette, the mmisical event of the season. Plan at Pngles. For afl kinds of job printing try the News office. morrow April 3. Sum Moreau was changpd this morn- ing with being drunk and -disorderly. He could not remember anything of it gt; Magistrate Kealy fined him three dollars. Mr. and Mrs. James Crawtotd of Ir- ving are in town tor the day. Mrs. James an Mrs. H. W. New- comb ai, Winifred - came into town yesterday. Mr. J. Lewis Cox, Mrs. Cox and soil) have arrived in-town from Totouto. Messrs. M. H. and Wm. Armstrong) 0 London, Ont., are visitors im town. W. L. Weir and N, Dix of Suffield came into the city for to attend the Horse Show. C. T. and J. S. Casmpbell of Seven) Persons. were in town yesterday. A. G. Trotman went on a business) trip to. Calgary. yestenday- A. G. Trotman went on a business) Western Canada Baseball league, Mr. B, Sbeaityeck ta 365: Saead Calgary) and Mr. C. J. Eckstrom oi Lethbridge are in town-attending meeting for the purpose of organizing bali team im this town. Master Noble Ginther, age 7 years, son of Mrs. F. M. Ginther, was given surprise irthdey yesterday. The exch theatre and afterwards- taker for an automobile ride. After such g splendid afternoon's sport. We are sure that the boys who were. present wish Notif many imppy returhs of the day. Those,presenit were Milton jWhite, lum, Heraid . Petterson, Alfie Peard, Ppvald Limb rt, Herbie Nelson, Allan McLeod, Jack Matheson, Willie Novis: ky, Joe Novisky, Buff Laudrew gnd/ Wilbur Ginther, Mrs. S. T. Ho; wilh. mot receive on Wednestiay, but; will repsive: on Thursday instead. Mrs. T.Taylor-will notte receiving tomorrow (Wednesday) owing to her being in Calgary on a two weeks visit. Msp. . B. Finlay, will zercive on the second Wedcesal in rune instens of first. Read over the Electric Railway Charter on Page three of this issue. 1600 100 ft. block G, Herald, Tens. 750 50 ft. blookj H. IW. FORSTER WONEY TO LOAN: 968 Toronto Bt i City. HARDWARE CO. NOT SETTLED BY APRIL- 15TH, WILL BE PLACED IN THE HANDS OF OUR SOLICITORS FOR COLLECTION. THE MARSHALL HARDWARE CO. Office: Assiniboia Hotel Block. 2 antees it to Grow Hair, or - Must Be Sold The store and business in this city, Known as the Emporium. This is money maker and will stand the closest c. J. HA o er 894 Toronto CENTRAL Bik. Bik. Bik. Bik 9, lots 37-38, 28, lots 27-40, 29, lots 19-20, Corner. Bik. 6, lots 16-17, Bik Bik. Bik. 16, lot 14, 351 COUSINS . Bik. 2, lots 5-6, Terms BUSINESS posite Station. quire.) 40 ft,- bik. 21. CENTRAL Lots 1 and 2, blk. Lots 4 and 5, 19 tots, BYk, 7, Terms. Lot 14, bik. Terms. Ground PHONE NOWLISYEN; DQ YOU WANT YOUR -TENNANTS TO CLIMB THE HILL OR CROSS THE BRIDGE? If you are looking tora suitable spot-where you-can buiid-e S few low priced houses on low priced lots, we have the lots you are looking for and we can deliver the goods. , TPS THIS WAY: Inside of the half mile circle we can deliver lots at 75.00 each. gp These- are-porfectly level lots. .Then lots at 150.00 each without a ripple on them. 100.00 lots on the incline where the excavations for the foundation from one house-will form a terrace for the low- r lot and so on down the enitire block. Can you expect more? WHEN THESE LOTS Are-only seven-minytes walk from the post office and city hall that is the spot where the Seven o'clock to work man would like to live instead of walking in two miles to work and bringing his cold lunch along with him. aAe ReexEe gan now go home for his dinm UME: home for him in ALTAWANA. You the-gas there now,and the ; derneath the surface if you will only stick a sand-point down to river level. i This property has been re-surveyed and you The Great Asiericar Round- Up in three on Heels Actual happenings on Mr. Irwin s Ranch in Wy- oming, namely The Y6 Ranch. And a comedy pictute The Troubles of a Butler Admission Ise and 2ic. Afternoon 10 and lic. er cannot possibly get the lay.of the land from the old maps, you will have to see the new blueprints at our office, then you will be convinced, each. Perry, Sewell Perry Realty, Customs and Finuncial Brokers. Agents for Great West Life Assura * es Acch ent Tnturesee Goon dian Rallwey Phone 126. Ocean Steamship Tickets. Hutchinson Block. e Peete - PEGS OG roe L Fewlotsteft-in- Cousins- Sissons at Sear F + 0eaeee +t LES ooOOO oO DOR 500 Pair, bik. 2 3500 Pair, blk. 700 Pair, bik. 3750 Palr, bik. 1100 for all 18, souT) 2500 11 and 12, 525 25 ft and , bik. 2 ret treal St. treat St 900 Lot 8, blk. 3600 100 ft. bl COUSINS ye25 Pair, bik. 3630 Pair, blk. 3400 Patr, 1-15, 3500 Pair, 1-20, Drug Store - Lease can be transferred, fall particulars, apply Today s Bargains Bik, 19, lots 1-14, 600, Cash. Bik. 18,-lots 27-28, 600. Cash. 2, lot 18, 950, Terms. Snap. NORTH YUILL lot 4, 620. lot 1, 600. Terms. Bik. 1, lots 25-26, Terms. Blk. 10, lots 8-4, 700. , Terms. T corner on Highland 2 790. Terms. TOWNSITE Bik. 82, lot 26, 1050. Terms. Blk, 99, lot 2, 735. Bik. 96, lot 14, 1000. Terms. Buc. 82, lot 5, 890. Terms, Bik. 52, lots 16-17, 1250 each. HAMILTON REAL ESTATE 86 ft. corner, North Ry. St, op- 100 ft. corner. Main St. 8 ft Toronto St. (Enquire.) Lots 29 and 30, bik. 9, 825.00. Lots and 10, bik.8; 840-cash- bik. 23, Terms. a 3055.00 pair. Lots 85-36, bik. 11, 800. Terms. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Lots 21 and 22, bik. 10 (corner view lot) 840.00. Lots 18 and 19, bik. 24, Lots 25 and 26, bIK 21, 840.00. SOUTH YUILL Lot 18; bik. 8, 750.00. Lot 18, Blk. 6, 900.00. Lot 8, pe 735.00. TOWNSITE Lote bik. 82, 900 to 1050. Lots 1 and 2, bik. 89, 1800.00. 96. 1000.00. Lot 5, bik. 86, 1100.00. 38. lots; bile 3, 1 HERALD Lots Sand 10, bik, 23, 900. 50 ft, bik. F., Esplanade, 1050. Terms 3 lots, bik. 8, 275.00 each. G. TROTMAN nrperial Bank Bldg, 4th Ave. THE GROUND. IN REAL ESTATE SNAPS ENTRAL PARK 560 Palr blk. 20, 650 Pair, corner, bik. 25 750 50 ft. ry Columbia Ave. on Columbia Ave. lumbia Ave. 750 50 ft. in bik.-8. 3775 50 ft in blk. T. 33000 for 75 ft. facing both Co- tania Ave. and 8. Ry. ScHOOL ANNEX 1160 Lot 11, bike 87, st, 1950 Lot 6, bik. 86, Braemar 950 Lot 10, bik, 82, Ottawa St. 1050 Lot 14, blk. 1100 Lot 6, bik. 92. 31200 Lot 11, blk. B. F. SOUCH investigation. For LL, . Street. PARK 3750. Terms. 500, Terms. 600, Cash. 580. Cash. Terms. Terms. 00. Terms. 8 Terms. I 150. HE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO.,LTD. Tuesday, April 2, 1912. oOo LOTS IN BENDING THESE WILL BE WORTH 200 IN A MONTH LOTS 8 TO 11, BLOCK 7, HERALD 200 FEET LONG, FACING ON TORONTO AND PROBPEOT STS. Call or phone today and get farther particulars, or better still, come In at once and-artange to view these exceptional dpportun- 450. TINSMITHING - SELECT. A FIRST-CLASS FURNACE You intend building a new home or overhauling-your old home and the HEATING question confronts you. eis * When the profitableness of the investment and the comfort- ableness accruing from it are main considerations, you will decide you must have a hot air Furnace. Now we are specialists in fnstalling FURNACES. We-size up the lay ot of your house or advise you what the lay out should ,. Our work Is done quickly, cleMnly aNd SaUIstaCto The cost of putting in a FURNACE will be governed by the specifications and our guarantee will appear thereon. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat SITES Enquire. (En- Enquire.) PARK 11, 735 cash. 800. 500. ach., Floor Mt HERE EERE EEE RRR ere SPEER Er 695. ai. 22. 19, 20, YUILL bik. 21. bik. 5, -100- tt ae shack on 9. bik: 28 and 27. 82, Mon- Mon- 53, 82, Ottawa St. ik. 62, Main St. SISSONS 1. i bik. 26. bik. 24. Toronto St. T.F. DAWSON CO. GOOD BUYS: Lots T and 8, block-4;-on- Sara ee jt. 1000:00. Terms. Lots Fast 10, block 4, on-Barclay St 1000.00. Terms. Lots 11 and 12, block 4, on Barclay St 1100.00. Terms. Lots 13 and 14, block 4, on Barclay St 1100.00. Terms. Lots 21 and 22, block 5, on Toronto: St 1000.00. Terms. 4 lots, block 13, on Montreal St 460.00 each. Terms. These-are all suitable for high class houses. TOWNSITE Lot 8, block 2, Ottawa 900.00. Terms. CENTRAL PARK 4 lots, block 27 300.00 each. 4 lots, block 19, with corner 1250.00 the lot. 10 lots, block 19 300.00 each. SOUTH YUILL pores HIGH SCHOOL Lots 7 and 8, block 21 900.00. Terms. See us al our sub-division close in. here Want Listings. al F. DAWSON CO. BEVERIDGE S OLD STAND We Have Just Plaged in Stock rtment of arge PLAIN AND FANCY FANCY oy. 1600 copies ails 200 copies Thoreda the benedt of the uo nxtacharge. .. London, Ap the House of Co ccieeccee Ad ressing now impossible Mr. Stanley able to publish. to return to the London, April, northern countl portion of those lowed the leader cashire in decle sumption in the imum wage has Thia will give ers in the Unit of continuing th pected that, the theless declar The result of miners shows t The fourth an der the auspices Agricultural Soc vise largely atte idusiastic crowd The most moti exhibition was hurdles and the Dr. A. W. Can stration Farm y a proficient judj met with the he - erowd at the ri Following are ners of the varic cL Clydesdales (1 4 years and 0 : lis and Sallis; 2 3 year old Is 2 years old 21 1 year old tsi cL Clydesdale, Stall 4 years old an klin and Son; 2n Special by Hor by A.B. Carle: cL 4 years and ov cL Percher 4 years and 2nd, W: Kelly. 2 years old W. Kelly. 2 years old t1s cL. Stallions (5 1, 4 years: and oy 2nd, James Smit 3. years of age cL 4 years and ove zie s, Royal Geor a years old t Ensign, 2nd .W. eS AIMS Including the following CHRISTIE S ZEPHYR CREAM SODAS. CHRISTIE S GRAHAM WAFERS. CHRISTIE S RECEPTION WAFERS. CHRISTIE'S SODAS IN LARGE BOXES. McCORMICK S JERSEY CREAM SODAS. MOONEY S PERFECTION SODAS. WESTON S FANCY BISCUITS. CARR'S FANCY BISCUITS. H.W. Ireiand Co. STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST PHONE 64, Secretary. B In) Executive 8 Burns-and J. W. Farming Congres ing in the City E THTETERtE OF TED to be held at Let plained the varic on with the any questions w the audience ask Mr, -MeNicol cc to the duties of t hibition and the + He first outlined Dry Farming Cor that Alberta bas ly 80 at the last Springs, He sp of the word Dr3 the system for where the rainfi other words it w od of conserving
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Image 533 (1912-04-02), from microfilm reel 533, (CU1743173). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.