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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. : we Thureday, April 4th, 1912, OCIAL AND PERSONAL 's Mr, Garnet Best of Winnipeg. is a visitor at the home of Rev, A Mv- Laren Jos. Pollock of London, te staying in the Hat* for a day or so. Miss Barclay of Regina ts visiting Miss McLeod, telegraph manager Mr, C. H, Powell has been appointed Inspector of Telegraphs at Medicine Hat. Wm, Scarles town. Wm, Swinburne and wife of Eagle Butte are in town renewing old ac- quaintances, Brank Dittner o to town on a business trip N. E. Robi of Suffield was a vis- tor in town yesterday spent yesterday in Five Cents is all you need pay for the best and purest soap in the world Sunlight Soap. The inducements offered with common soaps cannot make up for the purity of Sunlight Soap. It-cests US more to make pure soap; but it costs YOU less to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself in the clothes, as it does not wear and rub the fabrics like common soaps do. . Se. avbar at all Grocers. EASTER fet coef -OF- LADIES oe - * + a. We are showing some very pretty designs in py nis place. , hi cing The sale from this district which oat Set 5 ya z Coat Sets and Dutch Collars which are making a lt; ae paid ia. Winnlased eat eae eahag 4 special hit this Spring. was not very successful- There has s been a larg number of sales this. ee 5 spring and nearly every one is now ; M RB TS supplied. SUMME EL pate 3 Seetess pique form and elastie belts. * Spetegeet SroHSTHTored MerTeeeees ss LePAGE BROS. THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE 53 2 ep cine Hat with a load of goods for the Ld z mill. 2 3 z e we. Wilbur made a trip. to Medl- - DISPLAY - FANCY 3 ployment, Fred Hodgson aut . . Potter dig in his well last Saturday. Specially shaped models in embroidery, +An inspection of thes lines will be to your- rived in town yesterday morning. The relatives of D. A. McEachern, formerly of' Medicine Hat, who died at Calgary, on March 28th, wish to the B. of R.T.-and E. for thelr Kini n ss and sympathy shown during their recent bereavement. Mrs, A A, Smith will receive to- morrow (Friday) for the last time this season, Mrs, James Wilson, Barclay St, entertained very pleasantly at bridge on Tuesday, Mrs, Cameron and Mrs. Napier winning the prizes. Mrs. Nichol on was hostess for pro- gressive whist on Tuesday and again on Wednesday. Five tables played on both occasions, the prizes on Tuesday being won by Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Smyth and on Wednesday by Mrs. -M. Everard and Miss Kellett The annual general meeting of tbe Medicine Hat Lawn Tennis Club will be held in the court room of the City Hall on Thursday, April 11th, at eight o'clock sharp. All those Interested in . temnis for the coming season are re- quested to be present. 2276 STATUTORY HOLIDAYS closed on Friday, April 5th, Good Fri- day; and-on- Monday, April 8th, Easter Monday. MANY BERRIES. Mr, James Whrte returned from Ta- ber with a team of horses which he purchased there. Messrs. Robert and Clyde Marches- sault returned to Taber after a stay of several weeks at Many Berries. Mr; Chinworth is hauling posts and wire for the erection of a fence ar- ound his farm. We still have about six inches of jsnow. A meeting of the ball: tossers called for April 20th, From the ma ial in view a gdod team should r sult. J.C. Beardsley returned-from -Aiedi- Pioneer General Store. Z. R. Foulet left for British Colum- bia where he will work in a saw Herman Leseman has erected. a house on his homestead, the S: haif of Sec, 20, Township 4 and Range 5. FAIRLIGHT. cine Hat iast week looking for em- nnifred, came they tougi my The Dominion Land office will be tion by dynamite in event of war. tee awe at Gana Darseud Ts Whe oat ofa DOCTORS GAVE ME UP ut Fruit-a-ties Cured hie, Moorvimiy, Onr., March asth, 1910. a meee Sepia er lt;is ndiewe : and two Ot take food without fearful Qistreas, T could riot do any work and became so run down and weak that I could hardly walk, I was attended by two experienced doctors and they both nounced my case incurable, that could do pothing. for S doctors gave meup a : for death tu a abort tx at gon Beane for fa50, tial ely soc. 1.50 sent on of prion Bicine dives Limited, Ouse. Because it is on an important stra tegic line, a new Swiss railroad bridge has been designed for quick destruc- An Obio man has invented a plum- ber s torch in which a soldering fron ig utilized to operate the compressed air nump as it s delng heated to economize fuel. Ladies of Culture and Re- finement Use Salvia Hair Beautiful. That Dandruff is caused by germs is accepted by every sensible person. At last a remedy has been discover- ed that will rositi destroy. this evi SALVIA will kill the dandruff germs and remove Dandmf in ten days or money back. Pingle thes Druggist) guaran- tees it It. will rrow hair, stop itch- ing scalp, fa ing hair, and make the hair thick and sbundant. It prevents hair from turning gray and adds life and lustre. SALVIA fs a hair dressing that has become the favorite with women of taste and culture who-know-the sec- ia ivalue of beautiful hair. A iarge generaus bottle costs. only 50c. leading druggists everywhere, and in In a few days everyone will be on Me fields busy at work. for-the telephone line to go through Mrs, AH. Wright is visiting 11 Island for a few weeks. lt; Percy Robinson purchased a fine: team of horses last week from Bartner and Jounson TO HELP STRIKERS a CW. P. Cabley London, April 4 The people of distress, lt; itis made the: on of 70 White Lead and 30 Zine White because white lead used in it is Brandram s B. B. For-alt-kinds-of job the News Job Department. + Local Agents: McPHERSON BROS., Jig rung outside by 'Dr-Martells Female Pills New Zealand tablid over a thousand potnds for the re'ief of -the Ptrike+- Painting and Paperhanging. Medicine Hat by Pingle, Druggist. The word SALVIA (Latin for sage) ison every bottle. An automizer operated by elect fn connection with am electric fan for diffusing a perfume in a public place sheen patoniad by two Chicago men. . When a button behind a counter is Pressed.all doors ar Closed and a bell new electrical ithief-catcher designed for stores. Nineteen Years the Standard Preseribed and recommended for women s ailments; scientifically prepared remedy of. proven worth. The result from thelr use ts quick and permanent, For sale-at aii drug e004 10me- Reynolds at. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall. Paper Estimates cheer- acerca on cost of Papering yo ms. Phone 166. PIANO TUNING VOICING and REGULATING All kinds of repair undertaken at the lowest charge consistent w: best. workmanship. Expert Work Guaranteed, Medicine Hat. CHAS. A. ADSIT Telephone 68. EASTER Tonic. It Makes the Hair SOUTHERN ALBEBTA WILLIAMSON - NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Waited, For Bale; Lost, Found, ete., ads under L Let Us Loan You the it will receive attention. TO BUY BUILD Pay Off Mortgages or Improve Real Estate. wages, WANTED An orderly for hospital. Good-salary. Apply-at-hospital, 22743 Write, Phone or Call The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. Phone 649. Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alta. VANTED Two young men to sell real estate on commission. Apply to Box 1248, aataee) drive dairy waggon. Phone, 198. 22603 Apply Mrs, Frank Columbia Ave. : Iddon; 874 E. M. CAWKER, - Phm. B. Druggist Complete stick of Toilet Articles cines, ete. of Physicians . Pre- a specialty. : 204 South Rv. St. Phone 75. cupipeegant (10 and 12 am,, A, Dickinson, 120 Ot- tawa Street east. 216-att WANTED Bxperienced dressmaker. mar street. 22603 WANTED Good dining room girl. American Hotel. 226d6t (ANTED First Class carpenters. bgrber trade, special summer, late on, Join now and save money, Particulars tree. Moler System Col- JANTED A delivery boy, one with a bicycle preferred. Apply Bar- ker and Patten. 218dtt lt; SITUATIONS WANTED, RE-OPENING. APRIL 9, 1912 SITUATION WANTED Young man desires position as office clerk. Old Country experience. icine Hat. Box 43, Med- MILK DRIVER Scotchman, exper - jenced driver, wants position im- tmediately Anpl: Box 1246, News of- fice, 22643 Contractors. Shop Fittings and Repairs Given Prompt Attention. BOX 353. 183-1mo. PHONE 712 SCOTCHMAN Wants. situation im- mediately. Good education. Ap- ply Box 1247 News office. 22603 To REXL FFICES TO RENT Two fine, large well lighted offices in the News block, suitable for real estate. Best location in the city. -Modern conven- fences. te HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. WANTED By English family for six months, a small modern house with stable preferred. Apply J. Chad- wick, Redclift. 22843 CARPENTER BUILDER Residence Office 711 Ottawn Box 331, Phone 626. . Job Work Attended to Look me-up if you want a good substantial, properly plan- ned, and pro gt;-rly put up house. omething originally designed d worth the WANTED Six. seven or eight room money every time. nt. Must be first class. FOR SALE 3 moderate .pric- Box 32 City. dle any of these. 2 first-class thoroughly mod- ern houses close in. See me if you want a house. ROOMS TO RENT. ROOM TO LET Furnished, bath, hot and cold water, phone, cen- trally located, 701 Ottawa St/ ROOMS TO RENT Or room,: in private Yuli Street. City Sale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle family, TO RENT Furnished room, modern, Horse close in, private house. 426 To- For Sale ronto St. Light and Heary Draying a Hay for Sale RENT Nice, big, frout room, for one or two gentlemen. 421 North way street- Phone 529. j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 2 2: ae GRAND OPENING For tirst-class Dressmaker in this city. Rooms light, heating-and full dress making outfit free. Apply to Box 770 city. 225-tt W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER AND CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to. *Phone No. 335- FOR SALE POR SALE Cockerels, thoroughbred White Wyandottes, Apply to L. W. MacBean, 611 Oftawa St. 22646 W. A. Henderson E968 FOR SALE arred Rocks Company White Rocks, Brown Leghorns Bronze Turkeys Eggs. Jas. Fleming. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND 226-1mo. AUDITORS (Bstablshed 1882) FOR. SALE Eggs for hatching. White Wyandottos and Barred JFPoR SALe. VANTED Good lad about 17 or 18 than the Fife wheat, clean T Years old, used to farm work. Good trom smut, sieeae (GENERAL SERVANTED waren, WASTED From Yuill, 22643 Box 15, Apply this evening to 715 Brae- W: Apply between 6 and 8 p.m. and News Office. MIEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN /to 612 Toronto Street. Jege, 609 Centre St, Calgary. 294dtt Post Office. Fe (LGWO7E23 Chea Good penmin-and quick at figures Reward to finder upon leaving at the 22701 News office, y, Sast-off-clothing,shoes, watches; ery store and com- . Plete stock; good living apart - ments above, 1200 will handle this, the balance on easy payments. Apply Ox News office 2asdi2 T White Wyandotte ace one year old. Price : Money at et earls aires woe A Balmoral St 22643 words, three days .. see E9Gs FoR HATCHING Heavy win- words, six days .. -. se tor laying strains, Barred Rock Additional words at-same rate. No/nens, mated to two fing imported aa seeeoten for less Hee 3 cents males; also well bred Bult Orping- ash must accompany the ler. to-, 1.60 per setting, Address T. B. PER CENT. - Phone your ad to No, 13 ring 2, and i Mills, 211 Yuill St, or phone 95, Se 20a JTTLE CLUB SEED WHEAT FOR SALE Ripens 10 days earlier Sample on request. Apply D. Davis, Finn's Lake, Grades hard. Myers Bros., Bowell P. - r efop ae NRA. R SALE Two lots and three m: rn houses thereon. Lots 18 and: 9 in Block 1, Townsite, 3 new frame houses t,he threo will be sold en bloc for 11,000. One third down and balance can be arranged to sult the purchasers, Apply to Wm. Ansley, Phone No. 269 0 643 Highland St., WANTED Young man about 18, to Central Park: 21Tatt. WANTED TO BUY Owner, one or more lots on the hill, or in South State price and terms. P. 0. 22743 ANTED A few setting hens. Ad- dress box 283, post office. 190dtf LOST AND FOUND JFFOUND a ring. Owner please dos- eribe same in writing to Box 1248 22806 08tT on Sunday, a three-cornered stone seal. Finder plegse return 22843 L FT Bunch of keys'in the post of- fice. Finder will please leave at 22843 LO8T A small black change purse, containing several bills and child s * gold locket and chain. The latter is very valuable Keepsake. Finder r turn to C. P. R. ticket office and get re- ward. Beate ,OST Pocketbook containing about 20.00 cash and a conple of checks. 22603 AUCTIONEERS H.- 8. BROWNE CO,, Live Stock and General Auctioncers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm. stock sales conducted any- where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- perience at your. disposal free. H. B. Browne Co., 519 Toronto St, 182dtf MISCELLANEOUS (ORSETIERE--Spirella Corsets made to order, Guaranteed against breaking or rusting. Phone 594 or send card to box 72, Mrs. Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. .02d1mo WANTED. Gentlemen's cast-off clothing, also old gold; silver, Jewelry, firs, hides, and all kinds of second hand goods. Best prices paid. Globe Cleaning and Pressing Co., rear Dost office, 4th Are. 202d1mo ee VANTED LADIES D GEE Jewerry, guns, revoivers, valises, suit Cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, dicyeles, carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and. furs, horse hair, wool and f- thers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co., 312. Fourth avenue, opposite Phone 295. the above. The Best Prices Paid for 23Dtt. E MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK,CO. The above have on hand tte best selection of Second Hand Tools in the eity We-cat Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and..second hand Clothing, Clocks, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods, We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 50 South Railway St. or Phone 587 tt BUSINESS CARDS. SINGER SEWING MACHINES ana Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent All classes: of insurance. W. J. Fleming, Office-881 Main Street. E. Bartlett, B.a.Sc. Munfolpal Engineer, Dreamiand- theatre, ;-0. -box 101. - Thureday, Apri ou-know th ing about ld hardly peat it here- mother or yo mother what way, you Sit ve somethi on that parti We would to get your S net or Tie or your compl from Es Turpin The Man's Ston Get the Big Do AN EASY V Long Set s victory shire Handicap; the mate flat clasges England, was an ea lengths. He is a gelding, by Rabelais due, vad Frang O'N month ago to ride t is owned by J. B. Jc Derby winner Lans Long Set won th handicap at 33 to I. bought bim out of 2600. In many of deta. made prior to Long Set and Rati for the Lincoln hax pool Grand Nationa to 1. ae SUBSCRIBE NOW Poeoeeeteegoeye cr 8 became itis the result of 31 years experience in mixing lon for the more uniform, is guaranteed pure and the formulas printed on every can. 7 FOR SALE BY. 4 hecanse it is finer, more sarface, lasts and holds its colors longer, than any other more economical touse. BROS. AT HOME Easter Monday, April the 8th From three to seven o'clock, At her Studio, Becker Block. :EVERYBODY INVITED Winnipeg, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat Rocks, 1.50- per seme. H A-Por- : Finns, Lake, Box 191, Medicine A. EB. Gibson, C, A., Manager. hat, 22546 Phone No. 198 Burns Block POR SALE 50 fect in Block 7, Rose- dale on Tudor St. close to corner House Mover srw 2 nor outs SAND FOR SALE eridge Block, Calgary. 22246 EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. R SALE One J. J. Taylor safe ata bargain. Size 2 6 x2'6 . Can be seen at T. J. Flager s Blacksmith shop, or apply to box 22, P.O. 221dtt Dominion atid Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Etc. Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 494 The Globe Cleaning Pressing Co. Rear of Post Office, Fourth Avenue, Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired Equal to New. New and Secondhand Goods Bought and Sold Clothes Called for and Delivered. MARK HARRIS, Proprietor, 'Phone 260. zl FOR SALE 8 foom house on hill J i A 1 T Bath, furnace, water, gas. 4200. ad . 1000 cash, daiatice ke rent. Apply 446 MONTREAS STREET box 1239. iseatt SUBSERIBE NOW for the Dally News,
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Image 545 (1912-04-04), from microfilm reel 545, (CU1743174). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.