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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY*NEWS. Baturday, April 6th, 1912. Is straight line room: car invAmerica by The ness Accushion soft and pleas- incl J ingeventoan invalid. Bight inch upholstery of finest feather and eclected long inches front: fort, finished like club furniture. touch it. open. Big wheels and tires help to carry you lightly over depressions in the road. It's the bumps that cause fa- tigue. You don't have to brace yourself and hang on: in the Rambler. It's a 38h, p. five -with-120-inch-wheet base, and demountable wheels a rare combina- tion of power, comfort and appearan It s long it s low it s roomy. Low, drop frame and Long with front axle wara under radiator road edge of tonneau seat 9 inches Se Baal benennen Sein h ch Batr 45 double acting steel Now do Jour wonder that Io the cesiest spring coils. ic com- siding: -enibeee to drive and easiest to tura around go other make, at 3,500 Delight to Drivers It's sr sieht. Think ems es eee Ws just that. Your arms - ehe Cross Country. 1 motor ie a bicycle. jon t tire. Your levers are itiside and the sound of just the sweetest hum that turns instant into a snappy roar when the cut-out a selling below 3500. Ride 200 Miles Without Fatigue Si into this car and are dominated me ot spacious case and gratifying comfort. ten is of such, don t . Silent, long and lean, with swift moving lines, the Cross Country tion of speed and beanty of contour. tourin: a Toth tires Rew spring suspension. Set forward and . Roomy with tonneau seat four feet wide 3I inchesof leg for the tallest man 27 inches from front seat to dash and wide elbow room at the wheel. The most comfortable rid a grinin - with 6 Ds spite of youn elf throug rare dcight You Hill, Albany, may tour all day with pleasare and return without fatigue. pleasing soft- even the favalid may ride without ions 8 inches deep made from finest selected long hair. Rear cushion has 45 double acting steel spring Front springs 39 inches long fear 52 of Lbeam coils. set for- jearance 10 has grace, sugges- That Rambler Cross Coun Great Read This and You Will Think Car At starts quic motor car virtue that has saved many accident. The braking surface is square inches. th Snap Ginger Power like a spirited horse. You touch hour on the open road it tops ey. at took Abbey Hill, New York, ar with five people, starting a Eales Ser hour and Eoibe 80 males att It too to 12 at the crest and 25, droppin; Ing at 1b at the top, passing two high priced ears going up in 0 a Tt fook City Line Hill, Philadelphia, high, Roundout Hill at 'Kingst: with six passengers. Looks Like 3500 have guessed its price on sight at rare shade of deep Diack enamel, with 94-inch tam, enamel and: hickel. muipment on cars selling at 3500, Sea Rakish, low anc Why the 2150 Price? 2 THE RAMBLER CROSS COUNTRY, 2150 Spare tire on demount- Hickel side able wheel carried in rear, eliminates worry about tire trouble. This demountable wheel can be changed in five minutes, Ten Other Styles, Incading Open and Closed Cars of 38 and 50 Horse Power EQUIPMENT 32222 suples ignition. nickel headlights with gas tank. Black and and tail olf lamps; large tool box; tool roll with complete tool outfit; Roomy, folding robe rail; foot rest, jack, pump and tire kit. Top, with envelope, 105 wind shield, 45. with brackets and tools, 40. Gas operated self starter 65. All Prices:-F. O. B; Kenosha, Wis., Duty Paid EL Beckers, P. 0. MEDICINE HAT, Alta Box 208, and stops quickly a To drive this car is exhilarating. It runs throttle and it s away. In the trafic of Fitth Avenue it will creep along at 4 mites off at Viaduct Hill'on High, starting at ton, N. Y., and climbed State Street m river to Capitol on high A big car of exceeding beauty: few people 8500. Finished in English Purple Lake tmarcon trimmed in nickel, with bonnet, fenders and fillers in in black fou ll find. the same ders of sweeping grace, radiator of 20 inches fully with no outside latches. balanced perfectly, you can putt around a corner in a jify and the a0 year end wiil hug the road. Fine large, black and Demountable Wheel, less tire, So Too an 400 the 2 22 op. go- on Lots of room in front and fear, 27inches rom seat to ash S1 inches from seat to Seat'in tonneau rear seat 4 feet wide plenty of elbow Toors at wheel. Thr large persons may ride comfort im tonnean. Slight or heavy, tall or short, the steeing pillarcan be adjusted to exactly suit. Sit at the wheel for a mo- ment and you'll want to -drive drive and you'll want ito buy. fi New radiator of popular and distinctive type 12,- 000 square inches of cooling surface 9 inch head- lights, in black and nickel tadiator cap of exclusive design. Passengers at the Judson Bay aud Mr. Kerr amd bis genial wife ex- ert every effort to provide the best for the tired travelers. The country improves vastly from Sturgeon lake and becomes more ple tureaque as the trip to the Big Smo- ky is begun. Bejore qrriving at the of the Big Smoky one dssconds a steep hill and bere the south bank of the Big Smoky may be sem stretch ing for miles and it is at this point that one is first. able to anticipate what the tremeudons. maguet mus? that has draw so many men to the northland,-the tune that has led the seundy trmil blazers to brave the hardships of the lonely journey into a great virgin prairie country. One rea- lizes what it was that led thes? carly settlers to believe that the trials of opening up an undeveloped country. greatness of the reward. Prairie. The Prairie, is reached after a two-hour ascent ofthe south bank of the Big Smoky and guee over the bank the land is of an entively differ- ent character from, that previously Seen. Mile after mile is covered where not a twig is seen, while small clunips of willow brush and here and there a poplar grove, together with a few Sprtice trees in the lowlands may be seem, es Grande Prairie city is. reached eight hours after leaving the Big Smoky Tho mailjjta e is stopped at the stare and: post office operated by A. Patter- son. Mr. Patterson relates q story of his merchandizing which is very inter- esting. Last July be arrived in Grand Prairie city with q caravan of food-stufis. Grab was scarce and before he had time to get bis provis- ions under tent cover all the food was sold. Thr wagon served as shelves, counter and store. Naw be has a comfortable, well-stocked. store of which a part is the post office, while anther part is temporarily occupied dy the Union Bank idf Canada. There is perliups no other person im Grande Praitie who has used his eflorts to better advantage than Mr. Patterson has done., Twenty-two. tons of gov- ernment provisions, including seed grain is kept in store, and is iay,chargy) of q committee which has teen formed for the purpose of coping with ny Possible shortage of food or of seed. Beside Mr. Patterson's store is the Dominion lands office, in charge of-A- F. Mclean, wth Mr. Fletcher as in- spector of lands. The Szthirk Trad- is have a well-stocked store . E. Benson owns and opdrates hotel where large numbers are al- ways accommodated. Mr. Breeden clmrge of a.trained-uurse, q church, a blacksmith shop, and several cainor business buildings are scattered ghjout. Lumber forthe mew school and the bank bitilding is on the ground and the: construction of these as well as women renuenveal ana usin pre mises is to begin at once. The Catholic charch isa very nice building and adjoining are several smaller buildings used as residences by the priests. - Almost all of the old; er buildings are hewn from poplar or spruce logs, . Lumber is provided from q ail on the Wapiti river, and as fast as the lumber is planed it is taken irom the Is Now Over on the seri Carl H. Strom. of American amd Canadian settlers who are making of the great hinter- Capital reporter yesterday: by Carl Hi Sirom, of Grande Prairie city, tocm- etly editor of the Alaska, Daily Dis- patel and more recently a business rande Prairie Population 5000 So homestead duties. The land office figures alone s Past season. From the Yime when the -of the-great northward-track an imlication of the activity of the ollice was established last iall, with McLean, formerly of the EK it CBarge, until the middle of make an this month, when Mr. Strom and oth- er members of bis party, now im che city, left oa the southbound joursity, nigh indeed, in. some instances. over 600 quarter sections had Leen ie aes filed upon. Many of the bomesteaders iii. Tien, if he is capable di usdec- als cance, he said, in conversation with a Capital representativel which will north, that he has been misgvided.. In from) Peace River generally, are not yet. poor man's country. The settler who may be had. I would like to give yoo an ac count of Grande Prairie and of the trail, of the economic conditions of i the country and th pects During Past Winter 2000 People Have Gone Over the al; te 3 ents ues Trails Homestead Entries Exceed 600 Mark ljife Edson Trail and in Grande Prairie City De- 207 he taming settler to prepare himself for the dilliculties of pioneer lite, which will make it impossible for him to say, after he bap onte de- termined to cast in his lot with the sonal things which are of real signifi- ed for the load. The going was cellent and the 2) mile road house or for tailding purposes. The supply is stopding place known a8 Angur's or never equal to the demand. was made at 6.30. Here a steaming bot supper was en- city one comes to a country more un- Joyed and at 6 o'clock om the mom- dulating, with a gentle slope towar s the Frenchmnan's ing of the Sth ull tumed out basca river was made. brealdast amd the start for the Atha- scattered about. Phe enail atic few miles west Grande Prairie city Passdigers wer: transferred to Mr. Marks, one of the best stage drivers faving been, broken and arrowed. Jt of-the sorth. The country so travers- is, in places, as level as a floor ed was of little use as am agpicaltural asset. At the Aiimbasca river, Siev- erson S Andersox have-a-first-rate -the prairie: From-a small hilt fast Stopping glace where meals and iterths south of Beir Iake ome can see nice Planer and piled upon wagons or ex- sleighs amd havlet-away immediately Traveling west of Grande, Prairie for one of the numerous lakea which are Im certaitt places a M. thefraw land has the appearance of and single twig to break the unilormity of fresh water jakes and the panorema, post Goodwin stopping place on the banks , would ity good time jie forgotten y the At the Goodwin stopping place ev- Hi EW l I eryone is happy, for just across the river is the much talked of Grande also owns a hotel, while hospital in i -One- whole sections may be seen without a - sst there a floor or other You could, do the job yourself with M-L, few dimes, For every cent's worth of Paint you'll get a dollar's worth of satisfection if you ar particular to get M-L (Maple Leaf, Paint. For the floors get M-L Floor Paint, Desorete your Flat Wall Colors. Oats are now selling at Two leaves all that is plucked at one time in gather- ing the, crop for might pluck more leaves and get a bigger crop, but it would deteriorate the ity of the teas. Sealed in air-tight, half and pound p: 1.00 per lb, May Now be Had your house that would look lots better if freshened up with a little good paint? in way you'd be proud of, at cost of a tits Cr wns S0k aly ng measure, Made by i Varnlat Color Cas Lid, Torsone reported by from the Finlay and Pino rivers. Mica deposits were found scittered along the banks of the Ponce Coupe river. in the Gramde (Prairie, Marl, coal, sandstone, timber end al: most every) other-resource required by iiuman kind await the day of the two hands of sitecl that will shorten the When the C.N.R. provides an outlet pioneers' trip from one month to 10 this countty will be one of the greut- this, tbe last Great West. Her Majesty's Blend* 5 O'Clock? *Old Country 00 pe 60e. perlb, S0cper io Capital Househald 40exper Ik. at Best Shops woodwork about Paint M-L 5 Paint soresde 20 sony ameumserly. goloce are wo. clear aed cloen, lela does 0 mech painting, and beat of all itretaion ite glosey swartace far loager than other paints. Made in forty-seven colors and Its and ceilings artiotieally with M. hades, Sanitary, darable, washable very economical SOLD BY BLACK countty. The older settlers have mads est good by selling oats and wheat, cat- ses. tle and horses to the newcomer. Last year oats brought 2.00 per bushel, while bay sold for 190 per'tor) aleng the route. 1 per bushel and Will continue to hecome cheaper as time goss alonp for almost overy- one is sowing oats this year. agricultural belts Canada posses Gold in paying quantities was Prospectors returning: HIGHEST, and a bud. That's ws Tea. We dust-proof, quarter, es, in Town inuse in your office, will absolutely prove to you the enduring leader- ship of the Rem- ington. And every additional one sim- ply, piles up the -proof. Remember that we guarantee Goes iHito the hinterland must be Provided with the necessities of man who goes mort should realize ;He-must not go there expecting to he immediate tumover, not Transportation company. must be expect to earn living hir- ing himself ont. Prices are ttigh, very From the Attabasca the run The country mas ol Winnipeg.( Mr. Strom has just are family men, and some of the fati- going some hardohip, of meeeing dif- frosts in June und July. meturmed to Edmonton gfter complet the Edsom trail, in a trifle over three Roosevelt. ilies are of proportions which would entries if-te cam take with: bier pro- fog the round trip from this city to satisly the demands of tle most de- nee-equipment in hirm iduplaneste, Grande Prairie and back by way of voted believer in the creel of Col. and especially be cam buy num- Mr. Strom spent several) ter of head of stock the more the weeks, taking up land i the north days in Grande Prairie city,amddar- setter he may look forwand, T am aad making arrangements to locate ing that time in the-n iglbochoot of couvinced, ith the brightest prospect tlement without breaking their Tut fhe Take route is the more popu- preity safe estimate that some 2,000 People at the least hhuve: entered Grande Prairie since the freeze up last fai. Of fliexe mans have located and e(urned to Edmonton? for the: sum: BC quarter cections were taken up. area hich thus The total umber, today will protebly harvest of prosper ty ie oe o ane than 2 ia the neighborhood of 709, while Atenas Sie ney tase WS tcc eee the population of the whole Grtinle trip. fe by way of Ea trail, Prairie settlement is estimated he Mt shown by the register of the Stur- 5000 souls. eon lake stopping place, at the Hud- : son Bay post, and in addition to out the Grand Prairie district, of thie hopes being realized, to a rich that ere to come. Now as to my own at) Tie party of which I was mem- bdr left Edson on Merch 4, at 3 Much has teen said and written ab- o'clock, by the Edson Grande Prairie the next stage. The town of Edson was these His shown that targe mumbers typography of the coumtry and its all activity. Outfits of all sizes and of settlers passed on through the sct- characteristics as farming land, but descriptions were being hurriedly, to the mew comer who is not himselt - Conversant with conditions umd in rush. velled through the winter ey Attha- fact, to the mai-who-has teen long alhonechold effects of every description, tase Tending and the lake rqute. Mr. resident in the /north but has mot ven- phunos, wash machines, portable saw. Strom was, of course, unajile to apeak tured to the farther frontier, even tiis mills brought together for the last winter, Sleighs, cabooses eattie, and almost every conceivable much advertised country is im many thing required by mastkind were boing Jar of the two, and it would be a ways a sealed book. To the intending assembled and loaded in ofder that settler, as to the city dweller who is the new country might be reached be- interester in the opening) up of the bint fore the trail broke up. terland, Mr. Strom a account of his own trip will prove of umcommom va. fue. Tt shed a light on those prac-'of the mall sleigh, tet tnobths. They will go out duringtical details of the trip, on thowe per- With blast of the Royal mail trumpet, Menager Tait, took the reins and the journey was begun. Four horses were requir- made ther to the Little Smoky of fine. Where breaking has bedn' done, 100 mile place owned by the We made the Lite Smoky river and found good accommodation coxpistioiy of log building, bunks, ami so forth here. is thickly wooded ond unfit for agricuiture - owing to the ig) Wont this point is said to be very the black could be plainly son every- where. About twenty milds west of Grande Prairie cit one encounters fohsiderable:bruph rte country is also quite heavily timbered Sor a distance of five or six miles. It is from, this timber belt that the residents of the dake fronts secure their logs for build- 3 Remington Typewriter Company fe corporated) 706 CENTRE STREE7, CALGARY, ALTA. Visible Model 10 Remington pewriter ALBERT SOAPS Min, - ABSENG improves, ater house river. Here elso is found Little Smoky to the House river one day 52 miles in aif. through up to this poin. day. Here the Pany have a store and sumber Store houses, while maintain q church tat a few 1 post and outside of the Indian serve, the land is equal to that Yhe Gramic Prnirie. topping place. We traveled from the The lend ate scattered along the entire trail improves fcom the House river and and te work of widening it to about Poplars and luck soil hecome far Get ter than they ate in the land passed The distance from the House tia thiel Edson road to the Grand Praatie will Sturgeon lake the stage math in one be an engincening feat such es few Hutson's Bay com- countries can boast considering the the Catholics done mission, hospital and school. Revillon Bros have a to transport. the necessities of life for ; Store here also, and post office nd several: years into the Grande Prairie large stopping place. The land gbont should attempt the trip, for at th Sturgeon lake is of the very best and/ present time tie Grande Prairie is We were informed-by old timers there mot a poor man's country. There is les northwest of the no - Consfostalnle ac- facilities and consequently ng market commedation is prowided far stage for the resourcds of. his wonderful From the Littts Smoky the rosa tg perposes: Mr Adair has a targe -and- pecomes-more level. stock farm in the- vi The St. Jeam Baptiste river is crossed borsts and cattle can be plainly seen x a three ours rum and in from the main road rustling for feed. good going a light rig can make tho Cattle thrive well, and horses are fat y-and tris al and hardy. We passed: the outfit Ip Mr. McFar- in lane. At the present time, road gangs 20 feet or-more ts inprogress Wher all wis conduroy is Taid and the roed widened to permit of its drying, the 1 of time. in which the work tas been No person without sufficient means employment, living, if procured re- from the merchants, is excasdingy/ex- MILLER BROS. of Wholesale and Retail vill sell Beef at the Market-Sqi the morning, the-prices-wilt-be-per 1b-10, 12 cents. Also the rest of the day we will call at residences. Be ber the prices. y or in evenings Phone 587. careful and remem Post Office ever d: 25 Ibs for the pri of 24 Ibs. Best Has Gots Down in Price, Medicine Hat. uare from 8 to 12 in- Send orders to M-W-F-206-2wks Gi pensive; there ate oo prevent transit PHONE Piano Moving A Specialty -Fypavia Retna a Nelinbre 666 Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING SAY Toronto Breet.
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Image 553 (1912-04-06), from microfilm reel 553, (CU1743156). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.