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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ab Wednead. 4 , April 3rd, 197 . rll 3rd, 1912. i petereatoatedtretretetodtodtediosted : Sreferteafectestortectocte deste top ds PM todto enero seniosgess etieetostoas Seat Sr ron iene dirtiest eo Saat See eres 04s eo Spee FITTING E TER THIS DATE. IF YOU ARE TROUBLED WITH HEADACHE CONSULT US SPECIAL SALE ENDS SATURD WHAT THE MAYOR OF TORONTO SAYS isfaction. we WU / 7s, EYES EXAMINED FREE From. University of Toronto. The National Optical Co., Toronto. Dear Sir, Replying to your enquiry re the glasses you fitted for me, let me say that they have given me the most perfect sat- I may add that though.I have been forced to wear glass- os a number of years, 1 have not been experiencing the same com- i me I freely admit that I never had such ease and such clearness of vision as I have at present. Yours sincerely, J. T. BURTEGENANS, Pha.B., B.A, Demonstrator, University of Toronto. Pingle s Drug Stor known Eye-sigh WES ae, of Toronto, Ont., especially to conduct this sale. a ad Satisfaction and Accuracy Guaranteed or Moneyrefunded at any time during this Sale it Specialist For3Da Only, We Sell Our 5 Gold- filled Spectacles and Eye- Greatest Deiat Sale Ever Offered REMEMBER- Ze EME thts Consultation Hours. This is to certify that you supplied Mr, Hopkins, of the National him as highly trustworthy. ee (Signed) G. R. GEARY, ,9 am. to9 p.m. Special and preseription lenses at lowest price. the bearer of this letter, ical Co,, of this to me and that I rega: Mayor of Toronto. nfidence in our ability to gi EYES EXAMINED FREE Consider These Facts, Then Take Advantage of This Wonderful Opportunity. We have engaged the leading and expert REFRACTIONIST of the NATIONAL OPTICAL CO., of TORONTO, ONT., especially to sale, in order to advertise our Optical Department to the public. We have every EYES EXAMINED FREE. You only pay for what you purchase, and only Keep it if satisfactory, otherwise return the ar back. We invite all persons with eyesight trouble to consult ive perfect satisfaction ine REGUL AY, MAR . Ex-Chief of Police, Sault-Ste,-Marie, This ts to certify that I have bet National Optica Co of Toronto, and me entire satisfaction in every respect ing to consult these people will receive perfect satisfaction. (Signed) J. J. DOWNEY, icle and receive your -money e ined FREE of charge. Enormous reductions in prices. Your only ears ey, to have your eyes examined FREE by this skilful and well known optician, who has a widespread experience in TESTING and ES, and secure a pair of perfect fitting glasses at a low price. FOR SMUT -. Quart 25c.... Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s-Drag- and Book Store : :: BARRED PLYMOUTH Thompson's Iinglets Barred i Rocks. ae Fauld s Canada s Best S.C. Black Minoreas, Indian, Runner, Ducks, ees for tehing 3.50 5.00 per setting. Stock for Sale, Poultry, Supplies. for Peerless In and brooders. Daniel s Hot Wa- ter Incubator. nduct this great ry respect. ALL AR PRICES AF. CH 6. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. en fitted with glasses by the say that they have given t. I believe any person wish- Ex-Chief of Police. MAIN Street Seeetenteesente Goodie ce oie rage aioe agra srs 2 PASTOR BELIEVES DANCING 1S GOOD Says Americans are Lack- Would Help. ATTENTION 1S- NEEDED Teachinf School body will mind my saying that Amer- fcans on the whole are more akward and more in need of good manners than any other nation on the face of the earth.) When parents object to children dancing of course, instruction should not be given. Where all the children poxve the opportunity to learn to dance it:tends to satisfy the natural craving, and at the same time to ell- minate the social distinctions. Chil- dren ;who Iearn fo danc are saved from. many of the t mptations that belong promiscuous dancing in later SUEZ CANAL HAS NO PEAR OF PANAIA Effect of Competition Be- tween the Two Canals Discussed. NEW ONE WILL HELP ranean and the Red Sea for such of these ships, which commercial comb- inations, impossible to foresee, may bring from the country naturally-ser ved by the Panama Canal into that which the Suez serves. We trust furthermore that when the Panama Canal is opened our tar- Tift-witbe much the-same-as-tts-tar if because we trust that the future has in store for us urther increases in profits which will allow us to make fresh decreases in our tariffs while jstill guarding, as. we have always tried to do, the interests of the ship- owners and of scockholders. * During the last fifteen years the read the best papers. want ad column of the er is the logical med- : btain the most capable News Want Ads. man. has patented a wheels to be moved collection of rubbish, a purned without empty- state department of clerical work on a labor saving mechanicat basis Visible Writing Both are eliminated by the Remington The machine. which places every Remington Typewriter-Company 706 CENTRE STREET, CALGARY, ALTA, Visible Adding St. Paul, Minn., Apr. 3 The Am- erfcan people on the whole are more awkward and more in need of good Smith, pastor of People s church, in an address on Dancing and Dances in the public schools. This was given as one of the rea- sons why dancing should be taught in the graded schools and why- more attention as a whole should be given to the fantastic art. Dr. Smith passed his vacation last summer traveling in Europe and paid particular attention DreSmttir-satd tn part: Recently in an address upon The casion to advocate the teaching. of dancing in the graded schools. Some have been misled in regard to the issue, because of the special question of social dances in high schools, within certain limits and held in the daytime, might be without serious ob- Jection. The criticisms upon high school dances are the late hours, the expense which some of consequent class disfinetions and heart burnings . which follow. It dances were no functions but were simply Informal occasions, the whole matter would-be upon a different ba- sis. However it was not the dances in ut et your allot- drinking the your health, thirst phone WORKS i to-any part MILLER BROS. of Medicine Le Wholesale and Retail Will sell Beef at th Market Square from 8 to: 12 in the morning, the prices will be per Ib 10, 12 cents. Also the rest of the day we will call at residences, Be careful and remember the prices. Post Office ever day or in evenings Phone 587 25 Ibs for the price of 24 Ths. Send orders to M-W-F-2062wks sbe-high schools that T was discus: ing, but it was the question of danc- ing in the grade schools. The points sire to dance, which is just as natural and just as innocent as that of lambs to skip and birds to,fly and when they fall to have the instinct it Is because of deficency in a- sense of rhymth.. If dancing is taught at the natiral period, that is, before the children are twelve years of age, the objections that are urged against it are nearly obviated. In right con- ditions dancing has three functions it is healthful, it promotes graceful- ness and good manners. (I hope no- Amusement of the people, I took o - -mnarker-that-he thovght-he-bad hand-J he said. lare that-young-ehiidren-fave the-de-loictomer left the store. HOW MUCH WAS foe ot tee cutie sald DE BG, THE-CROCER SHURT ? Puzzle for Some Clear- Headed Person to Solve. P. J. White of St. Louls being a grocer-and not mathematician, has asked the police to solve a little fin- ancial problem for him. A well dressed, smooth talking young store entered Kiute s store and to the amusement question asked-for-a five-cent jar of mustard. He gave ten dollar bil In payment, and upon receiving his change re- ed the grocer a one dolar bill. You certainly are an honest man, You might have given me only ninety-five cents 4n-change-and-F would. not have discovered the mis- take. Then the customer produced a one dollar bill, placed it with four of the dollar bills. I can do better In change nd asked the grocer ff he would the students can not afford and the: +44 tetting him have a five dollar bill for five one dollar bills. Klute threw a'five-dolar bill on the counter. Here, I'm robbing: yOu of al your change, sald the customer, picking up the five dollar bill and the five one dollar bills. I can do better than this. Just let-me have my ten doler bit back, and I'll give you th s five dollar bill and the one dollar bills. : Klute made the change, and the Later the grocer, In going over his cash, discov- ered a shortage. He told the police- man he was not sure, but thought he was ont about 5.05. The policeman insisted Klute was shy 9, and the clerk at the station to whom the re- port was made figured the shortage to be 6. Shilohs Gure quignty, stops, covane. cunts SEALs The THmOAT amp CuWas: 26 Cras Favors life, and President of Suez Talks on ss s 5 my observation is that they A Children the Art would care tar less for this form of amuse- Waterway Rates are Keep Them from Mis- ment than those who are denied the Reduce chief. early oportunity. The annual report . of tha Suez Canal Company, drawn up by Prince d Arenberg, as pr sident, refers to the coming competition of the Pana- ma Canal in these terms: The Panama Canal may be opened, will be opened is now certain, ina not distant future, I persist in seeing In the Panama Canal 2 complement to rather than a competitor with the Suez. The latter will always remain- tho shorter route betweeit Europe and the East and will preserve the superior- ity conferred by the existence of fre- quent coaling stations. There is no be afraid of the. Panama Canal provided always that the Suez Company will carry out in due time work siecessary to prevent any lack of prop r progress. The Panama Canal will form a wide and deep thoroughfore, wider and- deeper than-the-Suez-Czaal with its present dimensions.- Its exist- ence will encourage the building of larger vessels and-no insuperable bar- rier must-exist between the: Mediter treat treatment-and exercise at the dept of water nthe Suez Canal Mas increased trom almost 25 feet to 28 feet, while the passage has become more rapid and more safe, although ships haye increased in number and dimensions. In this period of fif- teen years over 16,000,000 has been Spent -in improvements. The tariff has been reduced from 1.80 a ton to 1.35 a ton: To lessen-the-labior-of packing-the trunks, an Illinois man has patented a trunk with folding legs, 16 raise it from the floor to make it easy of ac- cess and to fold under it to strength-+ en-the bottom when it is being moved. Pennsylvania inventor has com- V.. MORRISON P. 0. BOX 815. PHONE 255, 21541 mo. Tm, . reveal B. Taylor s Transfer Light and Heavy Praying. Prompt Attenti riders. Plane Moving: with, any Ya a Speciality. rerea. PHONE NO. 349. HOTSON LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS. AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING- ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to t eee Hall. CROSSLEY: BROS. nn SS Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. O. Box 304. imates Free. Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO. 368, 402 728 Contracting Co. - 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Excavating a Specialty. Light and Heavy Horses for sale at All Times, J. Pettit CONTRACTOR Phone 727. Box 781. THE J. S. FOLLIS. bined-a battery and Induction colt with gymnastic appatatus in such a manner that a person can take el same time. A machine for inaking and laying n-continuous stretch: of concrete pipe Fecelves the material from -a hopper with a revolving screw, which forces it-back-over'a mouid-as the machine moves forward, Bromo That is USED. THE WORLD OVER TO Always remember the full name, There is O niy One Gne Laxative Bromo Quinine Look . for this signature on every box. 260. Quinine ? C Udo 66 Piano Moving A Specialty apid Ress Hiable Tasker Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY SYNOPSIS OF CxNADIAN- NORTH- LAND REGULATIONS. - ANY person ho is the sole head of a tamil yr any male over 18 years old, may hemestead quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, The Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- Agency tor the district. Entry by son, daughter, brother or sister of intending hemesteader. .Duties. Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in ot three years. A homesteader may within-nine miles of his homestes om solely a farm of at least 80 acres owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or-sister In certain districts a nomestesder in good standing may. pre-enrpt stead. Price 3.00 per scre. Duties. Must reside upon the homestead of pre-emption six months in each of try (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty, acres extra. A hemesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased bomestead in certain dis tricts. Price 3.00 per acre. Duties Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth 800.00. W. W. CORY, le DRAYING 364 Toronto Street, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N, B Unauthorized pubiication of this advertisement wif net be paid for. Sept. 14-D-tm. cant tiaat apport nero een proxy may be-made at any. see certain conditions, by father, Pte six years from date of homestead em -
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Image 540 (1912-04-03), from microfilm reel 540, (CU1743164). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.