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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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fay 15, 1912 Wednesday, May 15,1912. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. i : ESTATE Sovresrestectocbetectectoctecteateat Borie nieepoegoetete tioeleeloetectoats rect from owne ng lots in the Y: Write, stating price AL, C,, Assinidbola 1d12, 2 Peete stestestectectectectoot sth aee-atosoeseereeloele areata Pea Sostosteagoetectnate-ateatesteate itedadeste-stesteateaeateateateot Sr tosteste ae Seeteateateatenteateateateateateatpatpateatpeteeteatecteteoteeteetectecteegenteateateate pede eetpetpeteateateatacteatecteatecte Sosteseehostosdecteetratestestesetostentene dostocetretpatoatestestelratpabeatonteegecretesteceeteatesteceeedoeteeeeheapae nearly opposite the ) north side, would ult Intending tenants. ars apply D. B., 722 R ; most wonderful batsmen the game a rule transfer him to first sie niin eee rane, ie e Senate: et 8 ee econ MEAT OFvice ee the 1912 easom of the Mountain Benz and Kuhn. MENTS UNSURPASSED by any city in the world States Baseball league. The league Coombs, Prock and Lapp.. BOY SS ee 254d6t LADIES GOLF, LEG EE i se, MYERS A GREAT. POWER me : : 9, 10, 12, 12, 18, 14 cw. Cable.) * ese lots are all high See Turnborry Arga hire, Scotland, May s gunn z eee Cpa Giant Catcher is Wielding His Club at a Great Clip 15 In te ial OM chniplonahlp, * + in a bunch. Lol Cee first round, ustralian champion, Stambaugh, North Just Now. a Miss N. Parburyy beat Miss F. Hane. PEREELE EE EE he 268d6t 3 gt; of Hamilton, Ontario; Miss . Bauld AMERICAN LEAGUE . Manager MeGraw did not get this season, ho is likely to shatter oy talitax, N.S, WAS douten at the Detroit cae 8 wee TO RENT. Chiet Myers as cheap as Connie all batting records in baseball. nineteenth Hole. Miss M. Thomson of New York : te 1 40 Mack. procured some of his stars, Myers has been hitting over .600/st John, N. B., defeated Mrs. Lald- Mullen and Stanage nished front bed- and though the Little Napoleon haa p Ye? Since the season began, and/iaw, the outatanding feature the Caggle and Willams. siness gentleman two ever produced, and if he continues to/defeat of holders of -the Scottish and office. Phone -182- to fork cver a stiff sum forthe slug- shows -no-indieation of dropping be- Welsh tiles. Boston ... . 61 3 26048 ging redskin, Myers is now worth low those figures. Day after day the St Louls . 4 5 100 about ten times the amount Josin J. mission Indian peals of two or three ) MOUNTAIN STAT: Cleotte and Thomas, ely farniahed - front paid for him, hits, and generally draws pass or Baumgartner aad Krichell. ; Tan or multe ot SPECIAL SALE The Rig Chiet is one of the two on the side, as the pitchers as (Special to the News) nes i ve., cor. of Roy of 16143 hit at the remarkable pace he has set runners are on the bases. nished rooms, 626 Patent Leather 16103 Kid McCoy :Was B embraces six clubs, located in Hunt. for you to locate your permanent home. within its Shy 1 cloy as orn ington, Mid lepert amd Pomeroy, Ash- Cleveland ... ... ... .. 3 4 1 M limits. Cheap light, heat, water. Fine schools and AND FOUND oes 25 Y ce f d Jond and opcenass. Williamson, Washington... . 2 4 3/f churches, in fact everything is favorable then, too, D A Ironton and Charleston. A season of Cregg and Livingston at the prices and easy terms offered by us i 8 Cyc aw gaye gt; Lew: toD ten, CATS LAZO 1 O-GAY 120 tamer wi be Br Groom and Henry. a very PROFITABLE INVESTAMENE, Great tan be Zales pats Patent Leather Shoes pep - nomi eines To roe NATIONAL bers of people are locating in Medicine Hat this year. St, Finder please so for the next six days Kid McCoy, who succeeded Bobyreally been born in 1873, Selby Is ; F You, who are hereon the ground have every advan- z ftice or. 835 3rd Ave. os will give a discount of Fitzsimmons as mfddleweight cham- back in the ring after a long absence (Special to the News) guleiss cae sss. 2 8 .1/ tage to secure the best. NOW while the buy- 5 16183 plon of the world, was born twenty- an has been more than making good Vancouver, B, ., May 15. A trio adelpbia ... .., .... 0 40 ing is good. Many of the pro erties we have li * 20 per cent. five years ago today, It was on the in Paris. McCoy. ran away from/of noted Am rican roller skaters sail- Cheney and Archer, woe be cocina by a no eal Loe t S inte 8 WANTED ona naan ather tisht-of-May i5,1887 that-a molo- honi adopted ed on the steamer Marama today for Alexander, Seaton and Killifer. Salar tots ee See drama was produced by a barnstorm- the name of the melodrama villian Australia, where wey .xpect to en- ce-by monthly paymen RENT r 7 roomed house shoes in the store. ing company in the opery house of and ever since he has been contin- gage in an exhibition tour. The St. Louis 6 9 o ff Call at our office or telephone us and we will show 1 Conveniences. State - the little city of Rushville, Ind., and ually on the move. He has usually members of the pafty are Harley Da- Brooklyn 0.2 0/M you the houses. Two ears at your service. + box 856, 268a6 Tu rpi fn Bros. among those present was a fourteen had the money wherewith to-gratify Vidson, bolder of the world s five- Salee and Wingo. * - DO IT Now. c year old lad named Norman Selby, the*wanderlust in first class style, mlle championship; Joe Munch, the Knetzer, Ragon and Phelps. oi LLANEOUS The Man's (Stone Where You . the son of.a country merchant. One but tm his youth there were times former Eastern champ .n, and Jessa : Bek ee or the principal characters in the when he had to ride the freights and Carey of Reading, Pa. Boston and Cincinnati game post- aor reom ae house, 60 ff lot, block 26, 6,500. Terms. pins. AND GaNTS play whe a b ld, bad man, a ngnway- was probably referred-to-as, a hobo ened on account of rain. Moder. 4 Toom frame house, 26 tot, lock 28, 2000.00. Terme. man or train robber or something by such persons as he apjealed to KUBIAK TAKES CUz-e1, JOB Called enced; -Fittebure same BE modern tom: brick-tiouse 48:1 Wetec 4,501 like that who was set down on the for a hand-out. He had been given alled in secon inning on account jot, bloc lot, block 37, 5,260.00, . Modern 8 room. brick house, 50 ft. lot; block 40, 6000.00. Terms. brogram as Kid McCoy. Young Sel- tair-education by his parents, who Philadelphia, Pa., May 10 Al Ku- Tain. Modern 6 room brick house, 50 ft. 1 crak we aoe by watched the play with breathless wanted him to become a minister ofjpiat. the Michigan giant, who at onc bieyeles, carpenter Modern 7 room, brick house, block 63, . Terms, oO a interest, and the villian of the melo-/the gospel, and in his wanderings time aspired to bring back the pug INTERNATIONAL sraaetn ream, Brick Rowe, lot hla ck. 3, 5000.00. Terms hides and furs, horse e drama so appealed to his youthfuljover. the earth he has acquired all listic crown to the White race, will tu ci Tas Modern 7 room, brick house, 50 ft. lot, block 83, 5500.00. Terms, f.ithers, bought arid Ss irts imagipation: that he; determined to/the polish of a man of the world. in. tow weeks pond a beat in some Sean 7 8 3/B Modern 6 room house, 40 ft. lot, block 87, 4100.00. Terms. ot the Harvard Tailoring y emulate the exploits of that viclous Tall, slender and graceful, with soction of this ity in a poli s MeEee Sax jena of BA Modern 9 room, brick house, 35 ft. lot, block 94, 3000.00. Terma. h avenue, oppovite The time for dressy ctaracter. The next day he told his pleasing countenance, the Kid when 4 : cHale and Rondeau. Modern 7 room. brick holise,'83 ft. lot, block 98, 4500.00. Terms, + uniform, The heavyweight fighter Viebahn and Roth Modern 5 roo brick h use, 0 ft. lot, block A, 2500. Terms, tre. . O. box 701. ir id playmates that thereafter his name/clad in evening dress looks the thor- 5 5 2 shirts has come and we was one of 60 policemen sworn into- pS SOUTH YUHL. ) Best Prices Paid for ., was to be Kid McCoy, and the young- ough gentleman and bears no resem- ldaynty bin of Public Safety Balti 2BDtt, offer you many diStine- sters, naving Fespect for Selby s pro- blanee to the conventional type of 999 by Director. a Ulpemeeen a Oreos rug house, 60 ft. lot, block M, 1700.00. Terms. lt; tive li Soft collars wess within his fists, granted his de- pugilist. During his residence in PFtet;, , T., Want to go to work,' Toronto ... sie aes s 6 9 2 8 roon house, 26 ft. lot, block Tr, 1009.00. Terms. HAT HIDE, FUR roe ican sire. 80 Kid McCoy a born, and France he Is said to: have acquirea Said Kubiak. You know it is hard) Danforth and Hayne, Scroom tou sbec et aon aa0b00 Terme va attached and detached, ; ta-get, 2 Job ttises days, and . when fajRudolph. and Higeine 5 room house, 50 ft. lot, block 7,. 2200.00 Terms. CO. The above have ? jthe name has stuck through all his a thorough knowledge of the lang- t se aioe : 2 houses, 50 ft. lot, block 12, 3100.00. Terms. st selection of Second and French. cuffs. busy career as pugilist; wine agent, uage of that country. MgCoy. has this one was offered L took i ee S room house, 25 ft. lot, block 18, 2000.00. Terms. eg HY FN GY CORTE . automobile dealer, hotel keeper and long entertained literary ambitions i a i 3g Modern room NoUuse. 60 TE Tot, block A; 5000.00. Terms. i Splendid Wi TEST SW. NE WAIKS osc is cess ade Be Modern, 6 room house,-50-ft. lot, block A, 2500.00. Terms: es and Bodding, new 3 plendid Wearing, the core or more other pursuits the and has even written some poetry; CONTEST RUHLIN'S WiLL Nowark ... Modern 7 room House, 60 tt. lot; Block A 2200. Terman na Clothing, Clocks, Pretty Fabrics from /Kie nas followed. Although he 1s some ot which has been good-enough : neited eeateaGne: Two three room houses, 50 ft. lot, block A, 1000.00 each. Terms. ry, Rifles, Guns..Re- now in his thirty-ninth year, having to pass muster with magazine editors. New York, May 184 The will of ie z Modern 6 room house, 50 ft. lot, biock J, 2000.00. Terms. 8, Buggies, Harness, q Gus Ruhlin, the heavfwelght boxer, S Modern 6 toom house, 25 ft. lot, block A, 2200.00, Terms, line-of winter goods -? to jas filed for probate'in Brooklyn, Puffalo i. ...... 1... 18 12 0 Modern 4 room-house, 50 ft. lot, block 6, 1300.00. Terms. ie ning mentioned above ake hititititieieeeeiicieh bbb biinieinininininininintntet SE) leaves an estate valded at 40,000 to PFovidence 2 5 9 5 Pin HERALD. st prices. Call at 504 + EWS cou E Sinn a ae Mrs. Sarah W. Rublin, his wife, wha Jamopon and, Schang. Moers 7 seont howley 60/6 i SRE . eee core St Phe 7. ME As ALL AN awriie - a Mitchell, Thomas, Sline and Breck- - Modern 5 room house, 50 ft. lot, block 10, 2550.00. Terms. oe Phoae) 687-) +H. IRE 5 SO: 0) ss ee Prominent in the suffragette mover aorp Modern 5,room house, 50 ft. lot, block 10, 2600.00. Terms. S; ment; . L Modern + room house, 50 ft lot, block 10, 2650.00 Terms TIONEERS i . Seeininiet zx x Brothers and sistets of the de- , MERIC. ff Modern 5 room hours, 50 ft. lot, block 10, 2650.00. Terms. eee : 3 md si i AMERICAN ASSOCIATION CENTEAL PARK. 1B CO., Live Stock C.P.R. MENS STORE The Toronto World says:Some un- ceased who live in the west have Curley with the statement that al- xeasonable an6 Guolined to roast ready he has wagered 5,000 on started a contest on the ground that Minneapolis ... Sales every. Friday the Jeafs for their failure to-hit *' Johnson, laying 24 to 1. In spite of Will was not properly executed Kansas City re at to'elock. Ranch : te j a - ball and win a game uiter two **' this boosting eastern and western and that it was signed under undue Young and Owens. sales conducted any- HOWH Tos wha then ak guld infinence Atterock amd O COROT, -furnitur salescon cise a Kittle patience and give Messrs e. Consult us, our ex- wally take in) championship events say they will ir disposal free, Ex- 1 yoke of. oxen, 1 MAY 15 IN PUGILI SALA St. Paul WE ARE THE FARM LAND COMPAN McCaffery, Kelley and Jordan steer clear of New Mexico this time AY 15 IN PUGILISTIG ANNALS eee WITH SMALLPOX shance. They should remember t/ for the reason that if the scrap ison we and pigs. H. B. 1871 Mysterious Billy Smith, first Leroy and Block. 7 We are THE FARM Land Compan : 519 Toronto St. 182att Cap. Bradley is out of the game ud the level, it will be a waste of tim eS it chi Slipnaicke and Mark: New York, May 18 Hal Chase, the team have not yet struck cit and money to make the long tri ieee eesoct al of the coe oe New * 7 JS i ve there are some e- . 3 519 Te stride. However, somo Willie. Lewt ox Loulsville ; Bie 5 oronto St. 182dtf the Yanks great first baseman, who (oo rho never strike their stcide, Under the ca of the Threex q2t? Willie Lewis deteated Sotdier : 10 14 a : oe ri ft t * ; z i pig ds ab Basis: Toledo J. : i was foreed to leave bis team fn Wee George Stone, who in 1906 headed jeague double admission it seed ioc Tums oe aes Snyder and Spencer: 890 TORONTO STREET. : hington on their i: the American league batting list for double-headers. Falkenburg ahd Land. aa ae ae nee with a percentage of .368, has te fee ely in inte apenas at said to unable to hold.a place even with tho Pat Donahye, Columbus. , house, 75 ft. lot, block 4, 5500.00. Terms. Auctioneers, 519 Tor- Modern 8 room hous 2 Modern 5 room house, 50.ft,, block 15, 3500.00. Terms. 0)ff *Modern 5 room Hottie, 50 ft. lot, block 20, 3,400, . Terms: - Modern 7 room house, LL. f WITH US, WE WILL SELL YOUR PROPERTY. a ESS CARDS. ch ING MACHINES fanning Pianos and tape : the former Boston- 1909 Ray B: and * 6 61 aq wol and to rent. All oa See ee two minors. He was released uncondi- philadelphia eatcher, is backstopping Van Hore 10 eee Seat Now aol eee 0. 2 DANISH KING DROPS DEAD WHAT A OMAN CAN: ance. W. J. Fleming anasto ta joing in tho southe tionally the other day by the Mil-ltor a semipro toacd im Springfield, Orleans. , aie Packard sad -Smith. SELDOM DO Years go while training sn the sont lwauikee club of the American associ- Sai entis tee ed) Schlltzer and Casey, lesan and this spring was again a victimof/ +50 Six years make a lot of. dif- Tibby Wate ome eye Se (Continued from page one) this dread : 7 i Seon uns at, New BASEBALL NO x be nveyed n : a ference in baseball. Pitcher Jeff Piefler, who used fe SORE pane ee Fe tre tannare Tas renee ee ee a A EXSSELS CYLEG ARE ily Bergan tor weverad- yours the) spat S0 See Se te Drs Hytnt aed Gy ey TeAthietlea Bold the Season's re ee ene crete Cee ee eee ee ay : oe y 7 ching for the Washington team in 10 rounds, no decision, xk. sing leading catcher of the Brooklyn Su- ie qa on in 10 rounds, no decision, at New Mor cord for taking out pitchers, having hagen om Friday, Minute guns have Mover o hs ows forme A, woman 9-inning game. been fired since noon, oloer respect she is peculiarly handicaj (Special. to the News) Londor, May 15. The newmarket the United States league. five Mtftice, Fourth Avenue. perbas, is also on the down grade, 1 used five heavers in SPORTS TODAY Pressed and Repaired i being now a free agent. He was A youl with sound health can lok , sed anc pal stakes run today at Newmarket, over Ww free agent. Mi: nkcer pe Frain After starting the season like win- straight down the road of life. awh, al to New. r course, waSwon crowded out of Brooklyn this spring peer Hingh Teamicgs Z A (W. ALP. Cable.) pniess accident befall him, be stands a idhand Goods Bought ee Ta eaten crpaaaat 400 to 8. and sold to the Newark Indians, but OVE Over. the work of the Ti- Olympic wrestling trials, Gracco- ners, dissensions among the owners Copenhagen, May Christian X. fair chance of coming to hale old age. aunts gers. Once the boys start, we will Roman style, at Chicago. and the iliness of Mani m : i for and Delivered, W. Raphael's, Tagalio,, 1, was failed to hold his place even in a ager Brosna- was proclaimed King of Denmark Bula git: cannot look straight down the league, Opening of anna bench of han have put a eri Foal, because tere are eriieal -peacts second and Brassesy s, Catmint, 100 to minor league. Joe MeGinnity decid- l ? WP the league, says Hugh. Altoona Kencel labia eras Mathie. fom te Beer e Dalnce, at Hey which. she (cannes, fee, i HARRIS, Proprietor. 6 Was third: Two of the favorites for ed that he had catchers enough and : sie 4 Tee. 0 fterns Points which may be full uf hidden diusgets, the derty. Lomond, who started at gave Bergen his unconditional re: , SBafer, of the Giants, must be out Annual championship tournament presence of a large concourse of, Any girl is fortunate if she enters woman: 6 to 5 and White Star whb f : ing of Texas State Golf aasociation Ping Bodie, hod without finding herself a. victim ted at lease just before starting for Buffalo. C tue base-stealing reeord. During ex ing Bodie, the speedy gardener of people who had gathered in the lett, B.A.Sc ey to anemia or some kindred trouble, ce the first three weeks of the season Pens at Dallas. 4 the White Sox. is doing star work square In front of the Royal resi- 7,1, , when she becomes a mother, she * 3 to, mere among the ele tans. The Only last year Bergen. ted the Na- s 0 tered eleven cache + , Packey Mo arland va. Young Hrne, both in the fleld and with tho club. dence. Tho reading of the proclama: she has s new sefics of duukns to fares pal Engineer, winner s by Oyllene-Gadth, was en-) tional league catchers in fielding, and a 6 rounds, at Philadelphia. . : tion was hailed with loud cheers 2 ouce again, atthe chengefal season Sele kieee a Soin the two thoutand. Tagaifo won 22 00 2, he 8 in fino condition. He With Manager Dooin baak in the Touy Gapoal ve: Top Gorman, The Milwaukee Club haw released ons Teena g: Throughout Of ie; she: tae careee ey ial e Spur Railways, eee animate polices may drift to some elib in the Te) game the Quakers look like bunch Fouids, at Chattanooga. Soars Stone to the Terre-Haute the'day the church bells of the coun- Now, all-doctors iow thet altbougt) tesa Errigation; ree is United States league. of live ones, and should be able to Ohio and Pensylvamia Baseball team. While'a member of the St. try have been tolling. At the palace eee ee ee a Ta pret i i Louis Bro few telegrams of vondolence from 4 wi ato te ee OF ey 2 get up among the leaders pretty league opens its season, with Me- Loui wns a few years ago Stone many AS ie of these. ailment ertal ey - oo. CRICKET, Why does everybody pity the poor soon, Dliceeack? ak Connellsville, Follans- was the champion batter in the big chlefs of state have arrived, includ- Madat sr iow os mon eee keeps het Sei Fone umpire? Tom Lynch, an ex-umpire, bee at East Liverpool, Salem at Al- show. ing one from President Taft Tho digestive organs in working orien, dq cae se is running the National league at a The Cardinala have been fat pick- liance and Sharon at Newoastle. German Emperor is expected to at- That is practically the whole seeret ud Rovecanene: match which ended today te 6. C. 999 salary; Hank O'Day, another ing. for the Cinsimatl Hote ta The citeuit of the Maine New tend the funeral ceremony. headaches, bilourdeas, Sid cemasigaatooge Is Stewart. . detested the South African's by ' MEr Um; has the Cincinnati club spring, tho Reds having copped out GETTING BACK TO NATURE Branswick leamne, will be composed) Tanyuor, irregularities of the, syatem opposite Binnings) 108 runs. in the first-division in the National: seven. straight games ftom Bresna- Anderson, Ind., May10. To.. sup- of St.John, Fredericton, Wood: (W. A. P. Cable) see gente yoann ean yer Estimates cheer- on cost of Papering Cy Rigler walloped Manager Bill han s crew. plant lawn mowers on the links of stock and Houlton. Highty games London, May 16. Tributes were ing order, by taking Mother Seigel's Syrup London, May 15. The following Dahlen of Brooklyn plentifully the the Anderson Country club the club will be played, the season opening pald today by speakers of both houses dally, aftcr meals, and all vall be well, Phone 156. county cri ket games were finishea ther day when Dahlen got fresh Bronkie, who is playing third base has bought and-installed on its pre- May 24 and closing Sept. 7. of parliament to the memory of the , 2. Ramstaple, Scatatie, Island, . 3 ae ee yesterday. Warwickshire had an easy *nd Bill Byron is stalking around for the Cleveland Naps, is a fast mises a herd of 166 Sheep sta cost ; late King Frederick. + : ) TUNING victory over Derbyshire, Winning by these days at the stadium full of worker and nie fielder, but so far of 600. For several years it has - American-league managers over- 3 an innings and 22 runs. Sussex fell Pep. has not started anything with the cost the club more than 1,000 a looked the real article when they al- (W. A. P. Cable.) indigestion, and I have fmnd it a certain z ind REGULATING victim to Lancnshire, being defeated ae stick. year to keep tho grass down to pro- Jowed Pitchers Suggs, Keefe and Berlin, Germany, May 15. Joban- cure and I look upon the ip. the 4 repair undertaken at by an innings and 182 runs. New York Sum: Jack Curley of Bes height (oe gull arate, sod the SuuGh: 0 Grift to the. Matigpal nee Kacy, speaker, at the Spenins sass sbigech medicine tere i Va gi ge consisteht with ques ea eee is promoting the so- Pitcher Hub ? Perdue had won all grass cattite item had beccins a bur- i The tie Aro one ape pete Reem ices eee SPT pace thorns 1h eset ote 7 called fight between Jack Johnson his games this season when he den. The club links afford fine feed- -act-offs are pitching great for medicines have bitterly disappoint Tk a a Se eaneS and Fireman Jim Flynn, which, he faced the Cubs, and then the stufl ing grounds for the sheep and the Hank O'Day's Redlegs. Sore expression of sympathy (Of the ecp i henty; asi tales Ieftar eames 505 The football. match that was to/ says, will take place at Las Vegas was off. The Cubs eat Boston piteh- club figures that it Will have further people. ct Germany: 2 :) N. the High School and Caledonians He announces that the gate will ex lis Feniale Pills WITH THE BOXERS ars the Standard nd recommended for ents, a scientifically dy of proven worth. F sale of wool, TOR PRIOR peckay McFarland va: Young Bevo was called off until Friday night coed 150,000 and that the public Of the five players, Zimmerman, sheep graze on the links is followed 6 rounds, at Philadelphi -19,..on account of some of the will eagerly pay 10, 20 and 25 for Smith, Bell, Betgen and: Coulson, on most of the large golf courses in Tony Caponi, vs- JooGormun; g Dilly Hunt, the players on both teams not turning choice seats in the arena. Curley turned, over .to.Newark. by the Scotland. To further reduce ex- ,. cunds, at Chattanooga, Tenn, bantamweight, up. A practice mateh was played, insists that the battle will attract Brooklyn cinb two, Zimmer- penses the Anderson Country club this country in the near future. however, and resulted in a score of) Porting men from all over th world zaan and Smith, re now. with the has also dispensed with the services PRINTER WANTED Two-thirder, If Bill Papke makes a good show- ma their use is quick 2 to 0 in favor.of Caledonians. . and furthermore he predicts a vio- Indians. Bell refused to report, Ber- df a protessions instructor. Fred Good chance for advancement. ing in his coming bout with Bill , For sale at all drug oe tory for Flym. Tom O'Rourke, who gen was released and Coulson sent Bell, instructor for two years past, Apply personally or write Foreman, Hurley, he will be matched with -10mo. Bul be NOW for The Daily News. 3 in the west with Al Palzer, tivals to Kansas City. has gone to Chicago. Dally News, Medicino Hat, Alta. Frank Klaus.
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Image 831 (1912-05-15), from microfilm reel 831, (CU1743401). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.