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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MAEIILUINE HAL UAILY NEWS. Saturday, with them ff their real personality, were known they hide their persanale J ity and represent themerlyes ae our dead fronds who desite to spoak with Use thor directly or thro dium: A fu How Jesus Preached eres th wants This Great Coaching Picture hor di Angels Once Materialized 0 snr ever a narman'h and Took Wives From styled oltession, Among Daughters of Men maane acvlum wheres Tt ic -.timat a FOR ONLY they constitnte mica the entire nu In the dove of our Lord th were not mist 4 Td Atlanta, Ga.. April 23. Christ alse imprisoned thass apteiteengele whe-t cunpusmt tect Teng Tat et Fen ents d Six Coupor Thath ones suffered for sins, the Just ieee not their first estate, and : declared to he obsessed. All remom: an x ou ons for the unjust, tlat He micht bring therefore called fallen angels, devil ber the New Testament account thi demons. They were not imprisoned our Saviour and Flic Anat Beak re DetOR bet to death ip the ic) some feral wand calle hel ume cal iene crea, piel flesh, but quickened in the spirit, hy are they engaged there m stoking fites futmaene which (two experiences denth nnd for the torture of poor humanity. We need not diseuse 1? resurrection) He preached unto th Following the cading of the Scrip. h Bible St epirits in prison. I. Pete 18.19 tures we find icat whe the From This Paper question nenized to This text, snid Pastor Ru jive came ey were not sfor some prculinr eause, while. thor feshly om it same hav which they assumed might indeed nostles deduged an intermediate state Insti Petish et they would snerely cde Uipeg geaUs ant the, Anosti betweon death and the resurt n, materialize, or assume their spirit Although we still have wth Others have claimed it as an author. conditions again. medicme ity for the doctrine f Purgntory I. The record is that God cast them cannot kno The diticulty tn every. ease seme te down. that He condemned tiem to an 'ate number is-ereatey -oeforer thor orem That the overthrow that they might not any in our Lord's day. Sinee the colts Biblo always and everywhere teach: longer assori: with angels, population to-day is so much larger, Phat the dead are really dend. thut but must be reserved in tartarus our the same number of evil, spiitc they know n and that. there. learth s atmosphere. Here they were (which do not increase) weuld chavs fore, it would be impossible to du any ) imprisoned, not in a special place, proportionately leas. But howeoey Prenthing to the dead humans. Un. but in the sense of having theit that may be.-we may assame that ple ary liberties restrained, in some fruitage resulted from the great ea 2 in the top y die than when daz i -frermans preached to these in co : 4 they we- for mi. a eae : know thai Cu z nection-with the death and. resurrec- : nearly all tion of our Lord. respecting which : 4s the olde: time professed to thingy are distinctly told us by St. 8 Peter walle text. Addi : Food hats ae Jude and St. Peter (Jude 6; 11, Peter tionally, St Paul yeaa noes . ; good hat ng the thoueht that i, 4, B) an explanation in full har. ye not That the sainte meal Ataee : the man eacay arith the esis account of gels? (T. Corinthians vi, 3.) We . her-the prop Cig he : : stiff hat lo know that the holy angels need fs : E 4 We of course cannot know that all no judging. no trial, hence the Apos- r CHRIS human. be Qf those Yallen angels are still in a tls mnst in some way refer to a trial eo 5 Pe nd spirit beings a disloyal condition of hear. On the or judgment or testing of these spirits . A We ar Who maketh His contrar; a with out text, Fin prison who wers once disobedient, ies: F 2 , of for Christ spirits, tural prope: Y suppose that som? of these in the days of Noah, And if the i 5 7 orenes True, we do sometimes speak of hu- fallen angels have since repented of: j1igment oF testing ie a part of the u Ee. ; city. mans as possessing a sniri ; their wrong course and it would he Divine plan. it implies a hope for Ye ee Get thi but by-this we merely m Mone too strong a way to state the them. and conjunction with St. . oe : oe 4 f wel le Possesses the power or ener: . matter that any such repent. Peter's statement in ouf text it gives S . doesn t e and the same would be eq) would surely have terrible exper the reasonable inference. that the s : of the lower orders of creation. ences asa result. To he preaching which Jesus did to them eS ee . . r ed - + 7 1 fish, fowl, ete, in close touch and relationshis was not wholly in vain, igs 3 Tu rpl Aga imi the more evil and malienani oni Here arises 1other question: 1t . : 4 st a gs begotte Jand to have knowledge of al - their dests was realty stent, as the Serip- . , The Man's the Holy Spirit. evil designs ant efforts wold he a tures declare. if He poured out His rg : speaks of the natural man in contrast terrible experience and. this. soul unto death. and made His we i Get the Bi with the New Cr ature, a spirit be- we may 2s that the sol an offering for sin, and His 3 ing: To apprecinte t statement we would not hi fe to persecute soul was not raised from the dead i ts must remember that the Churel 'n- Tepentant ones every conce: until the third day after His cruci- receives the begetting of the Holv manner: as they would-be Irwh-s: fixion how could -He-in the meantime Spirit to the -end that, if fifhtu F x son, or to any- ey may attan unto as On the other sply that He could rection and become it beings. lik nes would he Bs e: same way that the unto the angel: und like to the Ro themeglves and ton mil fc e ying. He, being deemer. But we are not spirits yet. fevil. knowine that th f v * (Hebrews xi. 4); except by faith hy hop . How trary to th Divine me.way that the Wet the context shows that the Apost - ot in F ; A words, repentant ones amon: Abel is spid to have cried to naa Hl f W e had no reference to the Church. fallen chinta. intvenee ty Of ane Tee y . ae S , either: we were net in prison; we r reaching of Jesus or otherwis that Jesus gave no x ; : ceived the Mes-age of salvation woul eve kind of purgatorinl x. tal address while He was dead He : 7 pA POMMEE SL Wrongk the store the: moscaga Petiewee. and the very thought calls preached in the way we sometimes s A a e : er HERDER'S 3 e spirits to w he- message forth our sympathy sofarto-when we say, ACHONS Speak ; 46 : 8 chee Geobalicnt, ae, ee Peer He cman When imprisoned or cut off from louder than words. s : Se : ss : cae SLICKER PA cipbedient Te of thele disobediance. the privilege of materialization. many s the great object lesson which 2 : . PARAMATTA a ee one tina ot thelr disobedisnee.-l cr the:tallen spirila, we knew cnet t 1s saw that constituted Ps ps 3 gee, r COATS. Hamely ;sthatiit Wik was preparing. bat proportion, continued their ac- e great sermon that gave 7 eS 3 ae - s i Homie while the: ack vas wromsene. live. onpestion io Gea, anata a ground Tor hope. ; On several St x aie : re : CRAVENETT Burely, if noticing these particular lt; ener or Satan? eve it . ions the frllen spirits, when a : * J TURbERTSG Mentioned in thr context. BO Ont oken of ae bis aigela, Hie tc mm anded to come out of human : sa seetoe This See eee ea gnNaeT: gers, his servants ad he is spoken DeiDas. declared that they knew Jemus : : Se 5 oo RUBBERS, standing this Scripture an cote Saas Of 85 Beelzebub. the Prince. ot--Ds- the long ago they had known Him, 4 3 z E z : * Ca SRLS fugit in anyway epplicsbleto-he- oo Ratan, wip OMnEd srachoral, whens as the Oats Begotten of the a LA However. it is fer than the oiliars, and in s dilleom her. and His The goods -a b way, the Sc tell us-wac can 3d ereated them and all things that a : renee ata Kos, eit angel of a higher rank, or a higher te wade, and was also the mouth- : i. disobedience, and when and how were Oelire and this surerevitc of Me ber nlece forall: Divieg onions a eee they-imprisoned? fe Caan ' Z 2 n : : Prinee ot ruler over lutions. They realized that He had apTurning to Genesis vi, 18, we. Tre ee ree alee ee eee jame into, the world to, be ite Re- 2 M of thisge suacis. who feces tia aad The fHeht of Satan, andghis.f4 -n ariyelved the grees CPR. : : 4. angele Ie og ia at Rech serait fe See Wat Whey could frre te -hasarony wiih itin a ty position 1 the heavenly plane fever, permited to demopseate tnt a fe frat af tteuenr . the sgvant pagn gn the human oe THE LAST CHANGE iix-downward tendency of sin is in--/and against all. the channel and /iAiuinese to Gat tek eke God has alrendy arranged for through St Paul's words. along. this er eu preied Mi 60 arias Beasts By HEWARD HARDY Messiah and His glorious reign of a forceful; he remarks that God : t when they. perceived. Hie 3 thousand years. Ble contend spot iiersly ei mith 9 Ge lt;ntrec'?on on the third day to glo Instead of those angels helping 0d blood, but also with wicked Sbove : . . ne a a ee sears Bele spirits in high positions, ani she ter ard. immortality, far above This picture is one of the best products.of-Hardy s brush: -He stands foremost PPE Se kind out of el them- eee De Atel . principalities we: an a Poet . telves into sin, and by lt;0 doing they question arises, Who is euMielent for hime that is named Hie sere : among British artists who have undertaken the depiction of scenes like that handled ++ NOTICE increased the depravity amongst hu. these things? The reply is that nons S Meee ee 3 is 5 : : * AD manity until the astoum ing record is See ih ae ead ae : s of sin is death, but in The Last Change. He has su ceeded in reproducing the surroundings of the tav- io that the wickedness of man wat 1 FeeiG hones z i: eternal life. id es aa . : great in the earth and Shab: svete (Serpe sad vengtlehed crit, vi, 22.) And as they realize ern yard of the stage-coach days and giving to his. picture the atmosphere that should + Patrons i ti of the thou ol is, s. 2 ene PSC: 2 the Pow of Go* and the . *. . shy. hawt was only ev't continually. The aid through His peivecontaaitheut of God for His human creatures, be part and parcel of it. Hardy is.a regular exhibitor at the Royal Academy and at-- *+ who desit ticula: sin of those angels was the binding of Satan, without our postle's words imply that this e teas es 99 66 j their ac pater etre a aed nes eee eesing, iol Metinorld) trom uted to them a message of the Grosvenor Gallery. Some of his other works are Little Sisters, The Sleep- i will here s of materializing ot ing e. ee Perhaps if they would she : ee unan tediee or the sake of helping would be mo. hope of the worl iil contrition Gud eventual would ing Beauty, The Rear Guard, and- Sale of Cavalry Horses. we + leave the and instructing mankind they mi 0 see 8 wv mercy upon them, even as He te with the Apostle we exclaim, feet a ., 5 same in ran Oe tenet Recateperieimican Oa aasinel core jad hed miercy Aad had provided for Few people have been slow to understand and appreciate the opportunity The x offing the refer to live ns men amongst men Satan's original plan of a Vicnmet ictnnnite os te Bisoyeree Daily News gives to its readers to put into their homes the best reproductions of i the aasue: a to bri e under ence uray Bias ee i Se Bee i 7 a cae i e esta Tasnilies rates uy mistepresontation by et oy ital irae aera sore of the best pictures, representing the world s art. The Daily News is gratified P wish thes y Ww it be- darkness for t and light for durk- ei y R 2 . . x . Jase inher thant lumens nen ier instance, the. temptation oi, SEA ae eters t atthe response from its readers. It wants sll of them to avail themselves of the offer - s is wi ense th which Moth .. Satan , Di oe J ; a 7 res 3 5 Se Rea bly a cautie ta ree (eee Soe Bima ae Bor ite veeek aay tae made, and will exchange either this picture or the first of the series for ten cents and SEES e Divine ent, but it was friend, giving her sound advice. Hel ; z ae 7 a s Srageaito yecaus thing yas Tepracenied God Se avian eee six-eoupons,-one-from-each-day s issue-of The Daily News of the week ending Sat- for th ii vetio id tifica-; motive behind His commam ar eam, nd Ib led to their own frst. patente ehOnld- not, eat Obans Legend of the Niger urday, May 4th, heb moral deflsinent x3 well a gt; having a tres of the knowledge food ats There is a curious legend connected Z eae ded oui File act the pia z A Goop ae - il. leclars hat bad . of ti S int e re cut weedy sec Tat for tne seety eald ae ant akan Hie eee. pic elesthe-wanzce of devil fives inside Each of the photogravures is 22x28 inches, printed on art paper, the plate jot superior powers and intelligence, the penalty for sin would be death. - fh ce the river springs. a + - inches. They ar largest photogravures ever made by ro- to become leaders in lustful practices He declared that man cannnt di Misi riakivess ator very oe corse surface averaging 17x22 inches. ey are the largest photogr: y + Is, of cours soma a great indiuence pen aoe Be fol sae Rape Uy ihe ays he We Sark pisces tay and tary printing process in America. i + bring the g mankind towar.. sin and defilement of same of falsification? S reatly fear this demon, who Is, sup: an 5 epilator 7 eee Hee ata ee ene ove 10: any iodlviiual who dass - Ten cents with 6 coupons buys any one of the pictures: They cannot be sent by law that 4 e are particulad ; look - the source. Hence, when Sema Teal map anne aorta bllers Ghee sre Towi stranger le apt ey eo mail - eee the angel: ie daughters es he * er up their face aid walk backw: a of men were giants, both physically anes elie seal bata s ile ithe -1 the-direction of the source, point. + . The Want Rehan tdiettanc fy Recut Agate mtogat HA, eushs g lowand it wi hand culaieabed ct ind ot And this statenjent, that they were who traly love Him, and who truly sees written, and * was at a ti lesire ieve the teachings of His z ty there mi auld ans oe ee Word We have all been under a Did Not See Daylight For 20 Years. z eo ek hundred years, and implies that God kind of hoodoo. The god The pit ponies of one of the Eng- : arene did not interfere to hinder ot stop world (Satan) hath blinded our Yizhcoal mines were brought to the th est the read the progress-of sin for perhaps several minds on thie subject. We are now vurface when the miners stopped work Sun a a +f his interest. centuries. In the meantime the race coming to seo that death is the pen- Several weeks ago. None of the ani- Mr. Willard and Mr-- Maxfield will my land, in-educating-and rearing my jand th grain Commission company Alberta, in new buildings, in employ- + sf interested ix hac become so corrupt that apparent. alty for sin and that the resurrection nals had seen daylight since they appear before the state land board at/family and in trying to bring some took 25 cents of that price, leaving ing Alberta labor, buyfig lumber, lt; the: five: ec ty only Noah and his family were je the salvation which God has prom. were first taken into the mines, some its few comforts of home life on to the me, who furnished tho land, capital, hardware and other materials in im. wiktT Ae uncontaminated all others had more ised and will provide. as long as twenty years ago. All of its next meeting and urge its eo-op- a tabGpsweet lvastthan halt of dhe Liedvibe tay tore oh Want Aa. or less come under the influence, Satan has had powerful allies and them were bewildered, and many eration in the making of the exhibitonce bald prairies, aoe eege tae e ey baa ela lt;P in the order directly OT ndrectly. of these fallen servania in the fallen angels, ond it were as frightened es though they sna im selecting Progressive farmers Therefore, I feel that my own ex- Drice of my''product. In short, I would have brought oS atoe, anes tt psels.or their giant sons. Hence, of ie through their, persisten: that his had been deposited on snnan Rlanet: as delogates to represent the state. periences,, my own aspirations, my This same wheat, under a reciproc- back for favestiment here dn Ateatea go tharatiala Noah it was written (not that he wat lie jumphed over the Divine but there were some which shows : , ity agreement with the United States every cent of the profit which the 5 Perfect man, but). Now Noah was Word of truth Dying, thou shalt signs of joy, neighing and rolling jown ambitions and hopes, are identical ity aan ul iid awe avon: +f ed; second ibe jarida in the which would give competition in the American market would have giv perfect in his geveration (uneon- die. These fallen spirits have made over and over op the ground, TIME FOR REMEDY with those ot many thousands in the Banat cui Mave ee eee +f article or th taminated) and his family appare..'iy various manifestations in every ; western provinces. In speaking my S y me. ig +f advertised the same Hence these alone were fo- centuries, thereby have ap- te cing the Wherewhere from 45 to 55 cents per Is it any wonder, after having re- saved in the ark, while all the re- parently substantiated the theory The: Misty Her, ee ee ee chiar hd police tase tay ear eatPaaball Iobviag the ralltoads 2 ena oeivea le rotten cosas rene ie the article mainder,smore or less contaminated, that a dead man is more alive than Seven million pounds sterling re- Editor, News Telegram, Calgary, Alta. thoughts of the entire farming commission men thelr present toll, bor, that I should be tempted to vote eed; fou D Mefe destroyed by the food, when he was alive, Knowing thei prezent the value of eggs imported io. 1 sir ao not wish to be classed as tho West. Saet ieactie tor desesaion oe the wectern overs +f ( phone, or then God i no to and ii ear. ery oo ed sper at monk ind ot te acer ne ane neoe Kicker: 1 ama cltine. wad votes Off) 1 bave. just. secsived petred SOT seas Wheat will be sold to we inces?. Put yourself in my place and *h the advertis a eee ete ere ae a Cares dare ke Tati gene oth tra DMeeaeburer by tho Cansdlia gratn say for gourselt: what you woul do: spi sting ot MINNESOTA IS IN LINE dustrial Commissioner of the North- hibit and the installation of it at the Canate Alberta, the best Ee fee pare ot fea tog eta ANG ltruat at 75 cents to 80 cents per under like conditions. ewe cone rae yern Pacific Railway, and it was lat- big exposition building here. -ada, in my op bushel. Aud the most cruel fact 8 jer announced by his excellency that/ The Governor stated that the bank-/bulld me a home and gain an honest /harvesting that crap. neat And-thie accursed market condi- condition 1s, ,that a trade agreement +h ed in the Sersiner Enesbardt trceages for Minnesota will be represented at the/ers of Minnesota were particulary in- ving, and am doing the very best t returns ae ae tion. fs brought about by a parrow/with the United States which would +b results are ee piohey ioe Dry-Farming Congress in this city terested in the dry-farming move- I can, according to my means an Is just exactly comes PET alae Tx w hiss Valuseectasearore niaie ica Liceaeeen In ee ade, wala + or rp cn aig mext October by a large and repre- ment, because of the future agricul- ca with any tasatiy when mst Ont or this 49 cents par. wanes hsp of buyers, With the aes a income to every farmer in ns Lethbridge, May 1 Gov, sentative delegation of farmers and tural euccess depending, so much up- I'am y fam Amercian buyers itr competition, -I the Wes erhardt last week oa in aeons bankers, and also by one of the larg-jon it, and he had recommended to farm. All of my energy is concen- must pay all the cost of seed, labor, would have received. double for my Will the Canadian government rem- + At Minnoapolis the xecutive Secre- est and best exhibits the State ever thelr organization that they make a tFated in the effort to make thie farm 4 harvesting antl other expenges of rals- fsent out, Ho hi the crop. Siete ioned Im- special eftort to have a farge and Protitable and pleasant. Whatever ing teration, og ancora to representative delegation at the con- Profit I reap from my labor is spent The wheat sold for 48 cents at Fort arrange for.the collecting of the ex- gress, in Alberta in mprovements on William, but the railroad company tary Ter ol nternational Dry-Farming Congress, Mr. John T. Burns, gad Mr. Daniel F. Wiliad, In- wheat what I did-re x n befor: And every cont of this price which : T Would-have received whder reelproc: ity would have been spent here in Calgary News Telegram.
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Image 761 (1912-05-04), from microfilm reel 761, (CU1743418). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.