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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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- MEDS Hat DadhLY ABS . Monday; February 5th, 1912 tn feqding-to hogs-the barley should , TO RENT soaks tf oa pan Saas eat (TO RENT One five roomed (new) 100 aires) Le ey ae aation anil, Setled tenders marked Tender for fully modern cottage. All conven- copies daly. 000 will prod Sa highs ality off eure WHE be recstved up to noon fences, Rent 20, Immediate pos- Cerin Dien dey, Bavertionn : will produce the quality of February th for the purchase of NOTICE session, H. B. Browne Co., Auc Demet of tha Weakly cout REWARD Ww beeen. Knox Church building..and lot, sit- Situations Wanted, Help Wauted,/tioneors, Torontd St. Phone 481; no matra charge. Books open Barley has also teen fod to shieeP/nated near the corner of Queen and For Sal , Lost, Found, ete., ads under vraatt To TO with good results, B, Allowance, Tenders to be accom- these headings. + Barley. meal fed in connection with panied by marked. cheque equal to 25 words, one day .. .. -.25 FOR RENT Large barn, Columbia EB other feedu haa given good results a9 five per cent: of amount off tender. 25 words, three days .. 50 Ave, will hold 30 head of herses. VOL. 2 NO 177 . feed for cattle and miileh cows. Board will not. necessarily accept. 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Apply to H. C. Cooper, 377 Esplanade, SUFFERERS SUFFERERS highest or any tender. Address Tho Additional words at same rate, No Palace Livery. i7di mo, Secretary Knox Church, box 184, Med- aa accepted for loss than 25 cents. f READ OUR GUARANTEE READ BONA-FIDE OFFER CAMORRA TRIAL feine Hat, 40s Cau cote aovecocny the ertsrs AUCTIUNERRS F AVOI i f fe : Phone your ad to No. 18 ring 2, and it will receive attention. H: 3. BROWNE CO, Live stock A VILLAGE and General Auctioneers; tarm ; HELE WANTED. fnd ranch sales specialty; house , : - eas furniture will receive : in conjunction with BELL'S P.S. of A. Pl a Cuseullecos A. Dickinson GENERAL SERVANT WANTED lopecial attention. Goods of any. de. pe 10 SOR iT BAY eee and his Wife were Con- Highest wages paid. Apply 238 seription can be entered for our reg. fatter of Granting ce : hte te to-certity thar. the Belt Semesy Come aers Gopoatted 4500 pe t a Box 233. Phone 689 splanate 7 weakly sales on the Marker t cash In the Bank of ikon, Winniper to be forfeited absolutely wi demne d to Death Scene . x Ae Favor N Strititon, to any yereon sudering rom Eovema or other germ akin Bo a sacnines Oba aavanced od goods ton: men Fav' Seng dingnoacds under perscwal vupervision, Ghat cannot be, eur by tho of Famous Case. BUILDER Raa AnD. womne so SRL een es ve Up see Serer ee Youre very traiye Darter trade, special summer B, Browne Co, 366 Toronto St. BELL REMEDY COMPANY, Wiantpes. Cs e alt Baim, 1a conjunction with Ball e 8 of A. te net a medicinal expert- OW. A. P. Cable) 420 Ottawa St. rate on, join mow end save money, Modicine Hat Phone 481. Sce our ss egiataliceeuae ie pti - menfi it a's pond ide une apboltce remedy Gr Besema apd alt geriy akig Torre del Grace, ttaly, Feb. b : particulars tree. Moler System Col announcement elsewhere of auction 3 eputation trois te MUO Saace Ater every other remedy has failed, Gall Baim, tm conjunctl This town, built on part of the lava prouse Plans Furnished. Estimates lege, 600 Centre St., Calgary. W4ati sale, Agricuftural Association w Wer bere h A of Awe eet ae fia SE stream hich came from Mount Vesu- Ss - 2 eity council at their meetin bake weil Ge guted aulckly ty. We suarente Itsy Tus ee Vitis in 1684, was the scene today for om Concrete Walks and Walls, WANTHD Capable maid to do gen- MiscRLLANROUS and asked that the city. ee ae eee ce any CRS ah By + pakbepenne ait SJ ws the trial of the members of the Ca- eral house work and cooking. whit asalstaace possible ae sulphur bath brought to Witerbor, awalt- Highest wages. Apply A. J. N. Ter- W7AN paale tiles a tinimneaaTiancs Bell's P. 5. of A a aalp qi bom mofra, in prison a a WANTED Contracts, outfit break- SESUENS SDT kaae sxnlant alt forme of contagion Seat to gy ing the result of the long drawn-out rill, News Office. tt V-sead aabelieaeeesrAply siniaeee cient Fiesta as fy address, securely ready for use Upon receipt of The Price. gant Nee Scare jeputation and be addre: we did y poeta at hacen ay weeean enema ae Thi iy ton the cust coal of ROOMS TO RENT sate, ai, era seer et DY Reitition by Dermatolorists fa our omices: Lady attendant ears cae Nelites: wncre thane ven eae te tel Wubeieaia aici Portage Avenue BEI I REMEDY CoO Winnipeg Offices ff society once hela complete sway. ee nivesy Sieeet Abate eh Sea cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, some uae as to Adjac nt to Eaton's - 710-12 Somerset Bik. Tt was on a certain part of the open tia HE barth ctotrack atsas Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, built places in rta grant land Teading to the bey that Gennarre cases, stoves, musical instruments, fairs, Cvoculoceo, used as a trailer by the Camorrists, was found with numer- fous stay wounds on-his bedys The SNAP HOLLINGER AGENCY ieee furniture, Damocrat 3 The different places it 1 (OOM TO RENT All modern con- WAEEONS, . bug: IR veniences, Apply 701 Ottawa Sies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter : ere om an average mor halr, wool and t-.thers, bought sind FOR RENT Furnished room, mod- sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring 92,000,--,.Gab She, membay re ern, Apply 123 Toronto St, 160dtf/Co., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite bea Beal ee Sea 4 : x ag 4 the jury came here frotir the ses- a Dreamland theatre. P. Q. wh ay . c Phone 433. Beetle Sah 384 Main Ste Bytom ot the trial at Basnol, where JOR RENT Nicely furnished warm Prone 295, The Beat Pricea bald ter then they would feel I1ko 1 O50 FriveDanquetting in a restaurant was LADIES SILK. DRESSES front bedroom. Apply 632 Mon- the above. ae * Beha making the fair as g : G oO oO D B U Y Ss examined, it being alleged that the WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. treal St. possibly could, mo Camorrists met there and condemned ... . (pg MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR fr. Fleming went ini 150. feet on. - gt; . wite 15 dpatii WOR RENT Furnished front bed- hi i fhe financial standing of : 50 feet South Yuill 525. - Broce eee ve ie DRY CLEANED. Peron tee cob eons vitally in sauces eae lector cet tion. * Dominion St. 50 feet one Block from High School 800. furnished, Bath, 61 Baimoral St.) Yung Tools tee ole een VOTING MACHINE WENT WRONG 176a3 i carry B i 50-feet- Rosedale -Trackage 1,500... 4 a : Seo eee Burgitare, Hloves -and-Beddings new lock. 50 feet on Esplanade 1300. - - - Fo RENT 2 rooms, furnished, for second tana Ctothing, Clocks, of be . (Special to News). To ms, wi a Choice Residential Lot on 4th Avenus 1400. Muncie, Ind. Feb. 5 A peculiar light housekeeping, 923 Mill. St. ee Sematen, eee, a S case relating to election -laws and : . 176att and agai ba tine ae Sms a voting machines is to be tried out in FROOMS To RENT and one vory tnrse We bur area hig wetisnee ee he. facut siprelt: be ud on 8 Soe Oe room with a bay window in 0d pay the best prices. Call at 50 BARLEY AS A CROP cn ean Fase , A OAR aber ot Daeware South Rallvay BU ot Phose et : rx but when not available, county, which came. up. for trial in corner house, with the use of the or lone 587. tf 4 piano, Suitable for three or four gen- tlemen, with every conventence. Ap- HE GLOBE CLEANING AND ply at 648 Braemar St 17246 PRESSING CO. beg to announce ef FOR SEMLARID REGIONS i assis ont cicine te sont in OS cette shin to avoee na to immerse it in q tub of water and ne was elected sheriff in November, Discovery Recently itten DRY-FARMIN tehed imterest tion also Fou , is stir thoroughly. All the light, chiafly 1910, instead of O'Harra, his Repub- ANTE hey, have opened a cleaning and al Cae Fr moade in ae of ho uae a either shring or 9nd diseased grains, as well as the/itcan opponent. It Is Sonerslly ake - za er rs ee ae epposite the Erect Large T S) Barley investigations, United States winter, seems to be sdepted to. the /atwer Portion of wild oats end other / ceded that White actually was elected WVANTED To buy a large: s cond- . lon on 4th Ave. All work wt Departenend Agriculture, Wash- semi- Among i ve guaranteed to give satisfaction. New i entire semi-arid region. the Weed Seeds, will come to the surface by a-majority of 89 votes, a voting e and can te skimmed off and bumed. machine registering 100 more ballots hand box stove; suitable + Fant sscond hand Se aad i inter focms, Tennessee Winter, a tg paper, refuse, ete. Apply to the i a eS enerally not been com eared stictowed Barley, tas 20 fr, f the send was smmutted, adding for- for O'Harfa than were cast. O'Hara foreman, News, City. ou. Mark Harris, Prop. zhane New York, N.Y... Feb. ee tages 4 ncn hat casults, amd Hannchen, a malin atthe rate of one pound to40 maintains his right to the office on a jan. 30. York American bas the eye eR (toe aaa nl ancam barley Ieads S2llons of water will ba found effec- the ground that the Indiana law pro- FOx BALE. ble despatch from Lone : ore ee tive in preventing its further propo- vides no method of going behind the X:-L. CLEANING AND PRESSING patches from Palestine at gation. returns indicated upon a voting de- PS ce Sram Tae Pape ae Siero va te re Fase excavations from Palest: sy : ; ite Wyandotte cockerels.: Ap- store, excavations in Naza Numerous triats conducted. throngh- vie. ply to J. Barrean, Main St. 174d6 St Satisfaction guaranteed. Ladies rae te ate ask Among the imiless varieties Himaihy, Out the dry land area have demons- mj Real fe (Guy Mayley Black Hulless and Ne- Fated the advisability of drilling) the WIPES OUT ITS INDEBTEDNESS Se atate: work given special attention. Goods JURNITURD OF ten roomed board- called for and deliveres. Phone 353. erp gh Ae ges stood the carpenter's w ts seed, This insures g more uniform SEE ing he for sale, with privilege G. Hopper, Prop. the. best OUR PLAN ing house for sale, privilege 0D. 76dimo. ol ee a rate and depth of sealing. If sown (Special to the News.) of renting house. Central. Apply for cere hee as a 5 F Broadcast end harrowed in it is cov- Providence, R. I, Feb. 5. The re- partioninrs to bxci0as News omtice: jesus. Franciscan mon With the exception of sandy and) va at various depths or not at ail, maining indebtedness of the Union Write, Phone or Call Died LEGAL. very almiine land, barley cam be , ast Tate Variety of soils, but the and consequently there is a lack ofj Trust Company, which suspen 5 Rocky. Mountain and Pacific Coast Sia ies seed on unormity im germination and survi- Oct 25, 1907, was wiped ont. today by The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. WILLIAM P. BUNDON, Barrister, FFOR SALE Pool room and bowling Solicitor, Notary, Medicine Hat, Alley, barber shop, cigars, to- Alta Offices: Pruitt Block, Room 2, eal bacco, ete; property and buildings in- Telephone 674, P.O. box 540. 63Dit cluded, 50 ft. frontage.- For price ap- Diy Fred Wheatley, Brooks. 17146 BUSINESS CARDS. : States thooded, or beardiess tarley: the prairie or alluvial loam soils. val that generally aficcts the growth es pagar aon ms Sct ads Behe i parti on ofki- and yield. In a four years trial in . bas long tea grow forty, ee Besley i Seas cenhin toy oe SEE I the. sicld of barley: was in- CePotite in the Dank at the time tt Seckites ase ec pie oe noe sae seodstisd. Feased. more than seven bushels per eararas Ree ates ee fa sa foutiog: Sales: UE the land fe plowed 4, should be aire Ey salog a pres dill fotced ofp Ae Se rote tha Yash, Fe: Sar Galina Mann ie dati gt;, eastern Colorado, immetiatedly larrowed to conserve the seeding broadcast. open payments ba SO Sse ee a 2 Kanan, Nebeaiies Oklehoma amd Tex- raeraeai many localities. best -e- Tha quanitity of seed to sow must pee hana 4 ee a, watt JFOUND Gold watch and chain. Sherlock, Manning Pianos and : 3 as farmers ore beginning to reafire sults are obtained when the land is be governed by the moisture likelwtol final 10 per cent, distribution today Owner can obtati same by proving Organs for gale and to rent. All Arbitration Leagu the advantages of winter batley over fall plowpd and left rough anti? spring PE available. Another factor to bel cleared up all of the indebtedness. In property and paying for this ad. classes of insurance. W, J. Fleming, and not Add a sgrain crop. and then disced and harrowed. Where as is the aa ae addition to the amount of their de- Treat Omice 381 Main Street. jates Suggesti fall sown, hhas' there is a tendency to blowing of the) the differant varieties. Three or Poslts the depositors received accrued gt; FES ay GORSETHERE Spiretia Go early start iw soil, cranvlar soil is preferatiiato the Pecks of alles, and four to siz iterest at 3 per cent. These. Can t Be L ates Phay teind, Gi vee leaioneah niebashebesd pris War. in frequently; pro- dust mulch generally advised. pecks of bumrded batley usually gave z file Some aay The yield and quality of barley ere the best results in the dry land area- ) p Ald of the wo: At present there are at cousidcrably influenced by the Kind of Were the rainfall is ample six tol uan s Guild, to be held at Mrs. Wal- bariey grown in sced sown. The sood should be jaight pecks of the bearded barley ter Ireland's resilience, 643 Balmoral oa seo thoronighly) cleaned -amd graded- before can besown, head Uteh Win- sowing. Tange, plump seed wilt pro- Bateau of plant intustry, Department struggle for existence that breaking or rusting. Phone 594 or send card to box 72. Mra, Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 168dim London, Feb. 6. In a t sted Ly the arbitration z 3 Ei Sar testing against the use lt; Kyeniag Appoletucate: Rates Roassoable SU igs eur he nein OFFICES FOR RENT Ee ROTMAN to all governments to fo F ublic Stenographer national understanding ded B on left shoulder. All bave thelr manes roached.. These. horses. were lost from a field 4 miles west of James Craw- ford, or L. D. Porter, Medicine Hat. Beaten Yuill for OF Aguiculture, tas developed a nutm- the world from ber of other winter forms which were mote likely to survive then willlplanta tivating the. crop. 2 Q)FEICHS TO RENT in Imperial bank Secretarial work, correspondence, think would add new bic : 7 nee building: Several suites. Alt Typewriting; Manifolding and Con. wh E istributed in 1911, and reauits all, shrunken: nae ee modern conveniences. Apply News veyancing. Offices, Imperial Bank ccs Geiger te P feeexel, ier office, 164dtt Butlding. sceceseary , E jadditional labor and expense. Seed Oats for Sale Sg ES ree ee, OE, Botte Asai unique in that. all eee The proper time to harvest the Gar- ests its desire for peact E. Bartlett, B-A.Sc. 7a grea SYNOPSIS OF COAL MINING REGU- 500 bushels of Regenerated Ab- LATIONS. undance Oats, clean, plump, fin- 5 er est oats im the country. Import- COAL mining rights of the Dominion, Mijictinl ablanees ; cites the suggestions th CONTRACTING CO. LTD. Stccietc Docc, Sc Ties ae rs ghee eee ary ae eee ae ee SYNOPSIS OF CaNADIAN NORTH- tion of the Province of British Colum- WEST LAND REGULATIONS. imsures q sound, brig it 100 bushels to the acre, gales tt sons ifpars eee Tcl Red Fite Wheat This ts good i -and cleam. the grain ean be-cut wheat the bard dough stage, as then there Gdessh Barley Six rowed is much Ices loss frovi shatterong dur- TAFlety, good: strong: grower. ing-hundling. Many farmers preterto J. M. COOPER, NORTON. P,-0. pay, the additional cost of stacking barley, owing to the better ynality of gtain produced. Where the header, or Fsomiined: harvester,-is wsed the pri cipal object is to harvest the crop at Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, art of flying will never : bia, may be leased for term of Re gt; without the Tear eee aes etl Tl are mek, ein at Pin e .. eee Vet aa . Not more tha 56 urns (edieine Phone 484 ANy person who is the sole head will be leased to one applieant. a family, er any male over 18 years Application for a lease must-be - old, may hemvatead quarter section of made by the applicant in person to available Dominion land in Manitoba, the Agent er Sub-Agent of the dis- Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- trict in which the rights applied fot cant must appear im person at the aro situated, inion Tamis Agency In surveyed territory the sand must icy, OD ffice and Factory, Esplanade. Phone 100. GEERAL BULDERS AND CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS SUP- PLIES, PLANING MILL, HEAVY TEAMING. Spring will soon be here. If you anticipate erecting a house or iding of any kind, let us give you a figure on the work. No. matter how large or how small, we are here with the goods. We carry a full stock of builders supplies,iumber, lime, sand, gravel, coment, wall plaster, window and door frames, sash and VIOLIN, MANDOLIN, GUIFAR, AKJO, COMNET, TROMBONE, Agency ivr the district. Entry by be described by sections, or legal sub- proxy may-be made at any Agenc divisions of sections, and in unsur- C.4. ADSIT Televhone certain-conditions, by father, mother, veyed territory the tract appiied for STAPLEFORD PROCTOR - doors, al kinds of monidings. ete., ete, the: proper time as rapidly and- lt;con- sm, Cd brother yr sister, of shall be staked out by applicant pone onseag nding hemesteader. himself, 7 M. CORPS OFFIC - MILL WORK A SPECIALTY Seay eee CONTRACTORS Duties Six months residence upon ack application must bs accom- AMINE, a0 In threshing care should be taken ON TRIAL : lt;ciNG; DECORATING AND SION PAINTING ing ees 2 and. cultivation of the land in each of panied by a fee of 5 which will te re- WE ALSO DO PAINTING, ING sian NTING Tepat the soheaves are not set too - S three years, A homesteader may live) funded if the rights applied or are IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. (ease; Bt the beards may be broken off, ) For all kinds of Brick, within nine miles of his Bomestead on not available, but. not omerwise. A (Special to News) Kod short -e6d the enda of the kernels a farm of at least 80 acres solely royaity shall be paid on the merchant- Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 5 A court- Grech oe teal Tae conaare Stone, Cement Work and owned and occupied by him or by his able ontput of the mine at the rate of martial with Goll George Barnett pre- Large Grist of We ET OUR PRICES . facher, mother, son, daughter, broth five cents per ton. jefucen the sonckit value Tt inv Plastering. Ot sista ee The personoperating the mine shal As convened at the Philadelphia . cil Reports ake fotos tooteny pe iit cartatn, distrets Homesteader farnish the Agent with sworn returns N vy. Yard EN Nene Gone Busy Seas a in good standing may pre-empt ajaccounting for the full GC. W. Alger of ie jarine TDS. usy- ae however, this feature neat not be con-' PHONE 539,. BOX 394 ) quarte ion alongside hia homp- merchantable coal mined, ies tay the Liens Alger is cDarged with conduct bocokpesaconeneesoscenences sidered, as the entire removal of the stead. Price 3.00 per acre. Duties. royalty thereon. If the coal mining unbecoming an officer. The reports of the a f G ears 8 advioable Must reside upon the homestead or rishts are being operated, auch returag : a Sthade as. ptesented t Se e : ent pre-emption six months in each of should be furnished at ? a tees, os Es Prairie Pride Hi barley Bigot Wicestied antll Six panve- rom date of Nomestend-On-l sends OO NL PLO ROA WER SPEAK FRAT a aiovsens at the thoroughly cured, either im the shock * try (including the time required to The lease will Include the coal min- night took up a great or stack, and is then placed in well earn homestead patent) and cultivate ing rights only, but the lessee may be Palatka, Fls., Feb. 5- This city is Many matters of more i Patent Filo ) vontifated bing, it will raywire little THO Moree stiles gt; ca elie Doan eee Whatever svall- rapidly filling up with delegates to ance were dealt with. a abie surta lered - : t care. If not sony ae . forests 4 bis Nomestead Hight kad oanhiot opr ueceaaery Toh ab Working at ae eee ST Te ring eee : Other. than the city Bd 2 lt; . . when placed in the bin there is dat tajp a pre-emption may enter for a at the rate of 16.00 an acre, tion, which will elect six delegates- most important was that pot-only-stands-the test, but always yields ger that. the germination will be in- PUPCHAREE Roestead T-SePMIN CSU For full. Tatormation application at-large and nn equal nutiber of ai- Engitiger Maxwell, who satisfactory results it is the FLOUR. in rd hea dog Fite large Office in the News Blocy, ict Price 8.00 per acre. Duties should be made to the Secretary of ternates to the national convention Power Plaat was tot which to place your eonfidence ; 'ixpeinodte-condacted at geveral 20-x 25 feat in alga wall lighted thres-soure--culetvate tiny aeres- and Liewar ce to any Agent-or Gobeigene to be held in Chicago next June, Flor ition and should not dealer for it. stations in the feeding of steam heated, niodern conveniences. erect house orth 200.90, of Dominion lands. ida Republicans are believed to be * the elty. This tact 1 . , es live stock indicate that for horses i a - W. W. CORY: -W.W. JORY, unlit for Prosident Talt, and it f6 om uel p gears CORDE: The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited luc ruts witl te obtained, if the APPLY TO. - Deputy ofthe Minister of the intrfor , Deputy Minister of tae Tuteriow, pect he, stato delegation will om, a's rongbventatve, Mr 5 Darley is rolled or cracked and ed dr Ocoee *hie edvertisement will not be paid for, 4 Sete teagent tr: chars, New: meat will not be paid for. bis nome st eciifing vote: pl de coumectica) wii othe: Sietiy: ews Office. Sept 14-D-6mn, f Sept. 14-D-Gm. oct iy aheseating vote, 7
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Image 192 (1912-02-05), from microfilm reel 192, (CU1742800). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.