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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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p-2ind, 1012 uary 22nd, 1912 IRS Ww HANGERS. ADJUSTORS THER STRIPS. h of Windows. dows and doors. 1 of doors. 1ding, 13 im... f elt combined. snow, cold aod proof. rips in 12 foot ths. Y CO. ; PEOPLE . . P.O. Box 29 j Trial re LEADE rR rating. ORS AND DERS RE WITH YOU ACING YOUR: R A BUILDING ES FREE, ace E Binsings Store. ished on ail kinds: Paperbangiug saere st isfer oe ss fouse Mover OR SALE VATING TEAMING TE WORK. ne 260, ., LAT RAL STREET To get a Lined Coat or a Qoon Goat: : : . At Less Than Cost We are also selling the balance of our Men s winter wear at absurd: iy low prices. What we have left will not last long at the prices. 0 DON T DELAY Turpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth JEWELERY REP. We give a great deal of attention to this important branch of work. OUR UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT places us in.a position to do re- pairs. that otherwise would have to be sent out of town. FIRST CLASS WORK A,T REASONABLE PRICES, TRY US. G. W. ELLIOTT AND OPTICIAN Marriage Licenses Issuer aces Palaer Bout. New Haven, Conn. Jan. 42. An offer of 60,000 Y assure bout be- tween Jack Johnson and ejther Jim Flynntof Al Palzer has been made by P, H. Dronson of this city and -Matt- Larkin of San Francisco: ' Dronson fs a wealthy sporting man, is. pre- sident of the Kdgewood Athletic club which has held more-boxing-mateh than any other organization here in five years. Dronson said in speak- jing of his scheme: Associated with Larkin, I will give 80,000 to stage the bout at Lighthouse Point, July 4 We will post a certified cheque for Purse at Madison Squa: cw. A. PL New York, Jan. 22. An offer for a finished match- with the Itallan wres- tler, Racivich, was wired by Harry Pollock, to Zbysco yesterday, the terms being a 10,000. purse and 1,000 tothe Pole if he signs immediately. The match Is to take place in Madi- son Square Garden Feb. 12. In case Zbyseo does not want the match an BASEBALL TEAM Wants to-put a Team in Al- berta Ball League. (W, A. P. Dispatch.) Calgary, Jan. 22 Chesty Cox of Calgary, haa been appointed manager of the Bassano baseball team and ap- plication will be made by them for entry to the West rn-Canada Teague, CANUCK POLO TEAM WINS HARD VICTORY Los Angles, Cal., Jan. 22 With the score 2 to minus 12 in favor of Coronado team at the end of the sec- Lond p riod the big crow at.yesterday s polo-game in San Diego included that so far as a victory was concerned, it was all off. However, by a biilliant spurt in one of the latter periods, the Canadians under the dash and daring 4 tea cont of atx months'courss, three nightas Weok,at the SOUTHERN ot plead Ge 2 MEDICINE HAT. AJL Business Subjects taugh. Write areal tor of Toilet Articles Proprietary Medi- ig of Physicians Pre- sctipeons a epectalty, 204 South Rv. p stees, ote Phone 75- err PPR tl POULTRY For Sale Several trios of , thoroughbred Partridge Rocks. Wither Eng- lish or American straths: Also some young cockerols. J. N. TERRILL, As. 812 Esplanade, or at Nows office + Ww. A. Henderson Company cuanratae ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS * ( Bstablahed 1882) Winnipeg, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat A. B. Given, f A, Manager. Burns Block Shiloh Gure HEALS THE LUNGS IS PRICE. 25 CENTS of Major Colonel Ross, scored three goals, Both sides were frequently penalized for fouling especially the Coronado team and finally lost them th game by 44 to1. Major Houck- ston a British army officer from India was the referee. The teams lined up) as follows: Coronado Lord Tweedmouth, four, John Hobbs, three, Lord Gower, two, Capt. Besley, one. Cknadians Major Ross, four,...G. Norton, three, A. Honem, two, K. 8. Snowden, one. + Peete ee eee EES BASEBALL NOTES ze he PEE PE ot bbe t Fielder Jones says he thinks Frank Chance and Counie Mack are the two best managers in baseball. His opin- jon s not to be despised but any op- nion which jeaves Fred Clarke out of the first two will be far from un- animous. Christy Mathewson is never long out of the limelight As a business man he hag as many curves as a pitcher. Popularly. supposed to' bean insur- ance man, he developed into an actor it. winter. Now the hoss twirler is id to be filling in the time between the Cuban campaign and the opening of the training season by selling Long, Island real estate. . Clark Griffith Is find Ita hard prob- Jem to get a good man to lead off in the batting order and the next hard- est to get good man to follow him. Most managers not only find it hard to g t good men for these two posi- tions, but also for the remaining en, Jimmy McAleer dentes that he Is trying to trade Tris Speaker to the White Sox for Harry Lord. Boston was certainly worsted in the deal that took Lord away from the Hub. Both Lord and McConnell are stars on the Chicago infield, while Frank Smith and Bull Purtell, who were ex- changed for the pair, have been turn- ed loose by Boston. Offers 60,000 for Johnson Go New Haven, , Conn, Promoter Wants Jim Flynn of Al SUPREME COURT, PRIVY COUNCIL, FOR ANE TEMERE Matter will be Up in the Build Ponies F For Incoming Settlers Business Men of City will F: iety to Erect. Rousse H the amount with any newspaper wheh permission for the bout is given by the New Haven authorities. The fighters themselves are agreeable to the scheme. Flynn has agreed to come for- 10,000, Patser for 5,000 and although have no defini ures from Johnson, I am told that he will come for 30,000 leaving 15,000 ses-of-the-matoh, The men will, box either ten or fif- teen rounds if matched. Lighthouse Point, the proposed scene-of-the bout ig the summer re- sort Where the Connecticut nine play Sunday baseball games. Want a Finish Wrestling Match Italian Wants to Meet Zybsco or Frank Gotch for Big re Garden. Dispateh.) offer will be made to Gotch of a 15,- 000 purse and 2,000 to sign articles. There is only one thing that the pro- moters will insist on if elther the matches are made and that is that the referee must be able to speak italian, This is the chance that Jobhn- ny Dutn has been loking for asthe Vellyian Ja the only Ungulstic expert. eee HBASSANG TAEKS OF contracts to the Red players. The first batch included those to the-catching staff, Clarke, Severald and Mike Mur- phy. He did not send a contract to Long Larry McLean, who will be left to the tender mercies of Manager O'Day in the matter of salary and con- ditions, Herrmann will continue to ship the documents, three or four a day, until all the players have been favored. The Am rican Association is unde- cided whether to accept-the Reach or Goldsmith ball as its official play- thing and has left the matter open until March 1, giving each firm time to make another offer for. the pasneee. Larry Schafly, forme? Senator, now at the head of the JerBey City Skeet- ers, says that first baseman who will cayort In a club uniform next season is a wonder and will surely stick jn the big show. We have heatd that be- fore, Larry. Frank Baker has just purchased seventy-acre farm with the money he made in the world s series. Hardly Wkely that there will be any benefit: games held for the Athletic slugger after his playing days are over. A Detroit pencil pusher attributes the consistent lingering of the Wash- ington club around the bottom of the ladder to the fact that there are so many old men on the club and con- cluded by saying: Where there is youth there is hope. How about that bunch of fossils? : Minneapdli POLITICS IN LOUISIANA . (Special to News). New Orleans, Le., Jan. 22.-On the eve of the Lotiisiana Democratic. pri- mary at the end of one of tha most inceresting-amd bitterly foughi: cam- paigns ever conducted in this State, cach of the factions and candidates expresses confidence and on unusually heavy vote is anticipated tomorrow. Eominess for State officers trom governor down are to be selected; also a legislature that will elect succes- sor to United States Senator Murphy J. Foster, whose term will expire next March. Chief interest centres in the race fof the governorship. Thi oppos- ing catiidates are Jobn T. Michel, candidate of the regular orgenize- tion Dp ocrats, end Judge E. Hall the choice of the insurgent Democratic organization known as the Good Government league. Spoator Myrphy J. Foster is secking re-elec- tion, with former Govemor J. . Sanders and Congressman Robert F. Broussard as bis leading opponents. The registration in New Orleans and in other parts of the State is the largest on record. 60 YARDS IN 6 1-2 SEC. (Cc, A. P. Cable) Edinburgh, Jan. 22 At the Royal Gynasium grounds here today Biggars beat Eastman by one yard in a sixty Eastman allowed Biggar two yards start and the latter running confi- dently, barely lost his lead. (PRL WANTED to asslat with house- work, to go home nights, Apply 227 Ottawa St. 16443 Garry Herrmann has begtin sending people Ta yard race In six seconds and a half House on Monday in Lan- caster Bill. FOR TRE PROVINCES Minister. of Justice Says that B.N.A. Act is very Indefinite. (w. AP, Dispate Attawa, Ont, Jan. 22 It is report- ed that the government will refer the Ne Temere question to the Supreme Court and later to the Privy Council with a view to clearly defining the rights of the Dominion ond-the-pr Inces in regard to dealing with the marriage question. Sir Allan Aylesworth is of the op- infon that it 18 matter for the provin es to deal with. The-British North America Act is very indefinite. The government, it 1s reported, feels that it is useless to pass any laws un- til there can be-no doubt of its power. Tite bill of E, Lancaster on thie sub- Ject will come mp on Monday in the house and this, it 18 sald, is the way it will be dealt with, SANITARY HOTELS FOR ALL ALBERTA License Department at Ed- Many Licenses. MUST BE CLEAN All Hosteleries are to Re- move all Refuse from Buildings, 2 Himoaioo, Jen, 22-During the past month, the licenses of Several bo tels in the Province of Alberta, have been t xiporarily suspended: An. offi- cial of the Liquor License Department, questioned about the matter gave the inforniation that some of the suspen-' sions were on accomt of unsanitary conditions, and some of thean were especially om account of carelessness on the part. of licensees or their em- ployees in allowing refuse, straw, mable material to accumulate in the Basements of licensed premises, where on this accousr, either as 9 xesult of jaccident or carelessness fire might re- sult, Tt has not been. the intention of the License Deparment to work 0 hardship on any licensee, tht by ex- ample call attention .g nkrally im the INCORPORATE The-business men of the city of: Medicine Hat will be asked In the near future to Join In movement un- ique, but much needed in the cities of this growing western country. The movement in question is that of providing houses to rent or sell to Incoming settlers and workmen in the city. There is no city in the west at the present time that is not suffer- ing from.a want of houses to shelter the constantly increasing population. Medicine Hat up to date has been par- ticularly fortunate, as. the building which has b en going on rapidly has beon-inkeeping with the. increasing population. However, this summer and right at the present time the aet- tlers are coming in faster than the there fs no real shortage of houses at the present time there is every pos- sibility that there will be one in the near future and it Is this that the business men wish to avoid. At a recent meeting of the execu- tive of the board of trade this mat- ter was brought up apd. discussed thoroughly by the members and the result may be that in the near future The Medicine Hat Loan and Building Sovlety will be started. The idea of the society is to erect the houses and to rent or sell them at the lowest pos- alble cost to the settler. The idea Is not to make money but to encourage houses are being built, and though . orm Building and Loan Soc- ere Will Consider Erect- other settlers to come here and to keep: them here when they do come and not have them turned away hs other cities are experiencing because. Of the fact that they cannot get a home for their family. It is likely that the matter will be discussed at future meetings and def- inite action taken, , Another idea which.Is being discus- sed is th shortage of business houses in the clty, or rather stores for pos- sible storekeepers. At the present tlie there are several prospective Storekeepers who would ilke to open here but they. wish to rent, not hay- ing the money to launch out and erect a building of their own, At the pres- ent time there is a severe shortage of stores-her and the bullding society when they get going will likely look into the matter, with the possible idea of erecting a couple of business blocks, * Another idea which is being fol- lowed up in this city and which may be carried out in a short time s the erection of a couple of large: apart- ment houses in the city. It is known that already a couple of business men have. the matter under consideration and in the Hear future residents may see,a couple of five or six storey apartment houses, Similar to. those seen In other. Canadian and American cities, erected. Alberta Gazette Contains Announcement of Two New Hat Companies. Announcement of the incorporation of two Medicine Hat Companies, The Diamond Liquor Co., Ltd, capi- tal 10,000,and The Ansley Coal Co. Ltd., capital 750,000. NEW HEAD FOR ALBERTA CUSTOMS Sask. Man to have Charge of -this Province with Headquarters in Calgary. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) North Portal, Sask, Jan. 22 A C, Paterson, who has been collector of customs at North Portal for the past elghteen years has been appointed in- public safety. Samitation and cleanli- n ss also prompt the removal of rub- ish and refuse. The, enforcement by: the Department of this regulation jas-much in the interests Of the censee as the traveling public. OWEN SOUND AFTER - DRY DOCK CONCERN Company -Want Annual Grant. of 10,000 for 20 Years fro mthe Town. Owen Sound, Ont., was an enthusiastic town counell and board of to deal with the . proposition for the dry dock project which has been before the people for the past year, the proposal when it came before the spring Was endorsed l- most unanimously. The town voted to take 50,000 in common stock and grant a sach bonus of a similar am- ount on an enterprise Which would involve an expenditure of a million dollars. The revised proposition in- volves a million and a half expendi- ture and the towh is asked to revoke the 50,000 for conmmon stock and make an anual subsidy of 10,000 for twenty years, with the nsual exemp- tion from taxation excepting school taxes with a minimum assessment of half a milifon dollars, Jan. 22, There meeting of the CHILD BURNED Brandon, Jan, 22 During the ab- sence of the mother from their home for a few minutes about noon today, Sophia Boloski, a seven Year old child while playing near the stove, her clothes caught fire and she was fatal- CW. AP. DispEteEy spector of customs ports for the prov- ince of Alberta with headquarters at Calgary, and will take up his new po- milton oh Webrabcy tat Winnlpes Cash Prices : TOLD E nee No. 1 Nor. 96 1-2; 2 Nor, 93 3 4 (Nor. 82 1 5 IEA A FINE Calgary Man Took on of Stimulants and Beat Up Porter. A case of assaulting a Chinese por- ter on the C-P-R. was brought in the polfce court this morning with the re- sulb that C.Riley of Calgary was fined 5 and costs, The complainenty Me Vi Ma alleged that Riley bad struck him over the face. on the train with some friends. who had been drinking. Riley stated to Captain Parker that be had struck M Lim self defence.and that .though bis friends had been drinking yet he had not had a drop. ; The C. P. R. constatie then rosqand stated that accused was drunk whien he arrested him. His worship stated: You have told me a deliberate He and I will fine vou. * TRUANCY ACT Frank D. Harrop appeared pffore the captain for refraining from sending his chiki, wham he stated was over 14 yeurs old, to school. The costs of the court were imposed on Harrop senior. TEXAS LAUNDRYMEN MEET (Speciat to News Waco, Texas, Jan. 22--Waco Is et tertaining for two days the annual convention of the Texas Laundry- Jmen s Association. President S. Burnett of Beaumont occupled the chair at the opening session today, Shilohs Gi ly burned, QUICKLY props COUGNS, CURES coLDs, MEALS THE THROAT ANO LUNGS. 28 CENTS Accused wasl . Jan, SHOT SISTER Gun Accidently Discharged and Struck Girl Lying in Bed. Minitonas, Man., Jan. 22. Violet Bracher, the 11 ye r old daughter of The Alberta Gazette contains the), Bracher of Fishers, was instantly killed by the accidental discharge of a rifle in the hands of her brother yesterday. The lad had been out shooting during the day and on re- turning home he discovered that his rifle, an antiquated Swiss army wea- pon, was frozen, up. In some way or: other while attempting to repair the gun, a cartridge exploded and th bul- * let crashed into the girl s head as she was lying In bed. Apparently driven frantic with grief the boy rushed out and made for the bush. He has not been seen since, The coroner after investigating the shooting, pronounced It to be purely accidental and consid- ered-an inguest unnecessary. eave MARKETS i jan. 22 May wheat (old) opened 101 1-2, closed 101 1-8; May (new) opened 100 3-4, closed 100 8-4; July opened 102 1-8, closed 102. May oats opened 42 5-8, closed :42 1-2; extra. No.1. feed, May, closed 88 1-4. May flax opened 196, closed 196. Nor. 73 1-2; 6 Nor. 63 1-2; feed 57. 3- Oats, No. 2 C.W., 39 1-4; No, 3 C.W. 34 1-2; extra No. 1 feed 35 1-4; No, 1 feed, 34 1-4; No..2 feed 33. Barley, No. 8, 68; No. 4, 59; reject ed 49, feed 45... American Markets Minneapolis, Jan. 22 May wheat, opened 105 3-4, closed 105 7-8; July opened 106 7-8, closed 106 3-4. Chicago, Jan.-22, May. wheat open- led 100 1-2, closed 100 7-8; July open- ed 94 3-4, closed 94 7-8; Sept. opened 93 1-2, closed 931-8. - 5 Jan. 22 Pat- Tons of the Chattanooga Atbletic Club are promised a good card of events ut the club s boxing show tomorrow night. The feature event of the eve- ning Will be an eight-round bout be- tween Danny Goodman of. Chicago and Leo Kelly of St. Louis. Chattanooga, Tent. APPRECIATION. Medicine Hat. Jan. 20, 1912, To Fewings-Rubidge Agency, Agents of the CALUMENT INSURANCE Co... Medicine Hat. Gentiemen, I wish to take this op- portanity.and means of expressing my appreciation of your office for the promptness shown in the settlement of loss which occurred in my plaice of business on the 13th ins Further, would like the insuring public to know of the promptness of the CalumetInsurance Co., and the manner of settlement. Adjustor -of the Company arrived Friday morning, 19th, and befdre six o'clock the same evening a draft for full gettle- ment was made. Again I wish to thank the Calumet Insurance Company, and. yourselves, for the prompt; attention shown. Belicye me, yours-Fespecttully, J, B. HOWSON. If you want a plano it will pay you to keep tab the bargains we offer. We sell on easy torms You pay a little down and a Uttle every month, If you have children it fs not fair to de- prive them of the pleasure a THE ASSINIBOIA DWP Main Street 5 MORE LIGHT can be easily arranged for if you send for us and have ua wire your hdme for electricity. Everything that pertains to THE ELECTRICAL BUSINESS can be found-here- The individual- or the large con- tractor can purchase his supplies here most reasonably. Our stock is so extensive that it contains something electrical for everybody. Medicine Hat Electric COMPANY MAIN STREET PHONE 430 Auction Sale H. B, Browne Co., Auctioneers, Medicine Hat, wish to announce to the public that they will hold a spec- fal sale on WEDNESDAY, JAN, 24th and THURSDAY, JAN. 25th, from 2 o'clock until 5 o'clock. on the prem- ises of the Harvard Tallorin Fourth Avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre, The whole stock of Ladies Garments and Children s Shoes will be disposed of, Owing to the recent successful sales in the general stock, the auctioneers were unable to have arranged-this sale in the oS noon for the convenience of The stock of Household Fur pend carpets will be sold each after- noon, : ee Reniember the Sale In for wo ate moons only. H. B. BROWNE CO AUCTIONEERS, 866 Toronto St. : Medicine Hat MONTREAL WITNESS CANADA'S BEST METROPOLITAN AND NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Strongand Courageous The Daily Witness on trial .. 1.00 Regular rate, three dollars, The We kly Witness and Canadian Homestead on trial 60 Regular rate, one dollar. These- trial-rates ure offered to NEW subseribers or those in whose homes neither edition has been taken regularly for at least two years, that is, since it hag been so Wonderfully Enlarged and Improved Its clrewlation fs mp doubled, and ts the most popular paper along church-going people. Its subscribers love it. MAKE IT YOUR CHOICE FOR 1912 At the above Whirlwind Campaign Rates And tell your friends about this of- fer, They would also enjoy it Subscriptions sent in at those rates should either be accompanied by: this advertisement or the paper in which YOu. sai the announcement must be flamed when sending the subscription. JOHN DOUGALL SON, Publish- ree M.H.N, Witness Blook, Bt offer eny Ladi s Clothing, and they
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Image 117 (1912-01-22), from microfilm reel 117, (CU1742793). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.