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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Eat es By Woanosday, January 81,.1912 moon . MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWs SOUTH DAKOTA DEMOCRATS FOUR IN OLD PERU. The Mystio Number About Which Cen- Lloyd-George's Legislation The Perdvians Arex NOtanNE tor-eny- Pri Send hemto Pallium for Mgr. Prendergast of the supposed mystic properties of oD Interestng Ceremony at Philadelphia took Place to-day in the Presene of Three Cardinals. either three, five or seven. Tp them ; SS the four was sacred, and dround it English Cleric with His Wife Family and Suite Com- up Farming Sorry They Didn t ith Dakota . Do So Long Ago. Pierre, 8. D7, nm 84 Leadlag + Democrats of South Dekota mot in conference hor today. to discuss plans for the coming State and national JEW REPAIRING) Wo give a great deal of attention to this important branch of work. OUR UP TO DATE prevails. in conference is the nearest approach to the old-time State conventions. For some months the Democrats have been engaged in perfecting a reorganization the party for the purpose of wag- ng on aggressive campaign this yopr. (Bpeciel to News) all their religious ceremonies and Philadelphia, Pac Jat. 31- Before rose from hts-seaty -and. lifting the queer a distinguished portion of the Roman pellium from the alter, Taid it upon pe 0 anaes Catholic bierarchy of the. United the shoulders of the archbishop. As oad soemeet from 4 poarees by States, including the three American soon as the declaration of the Car cots, coe at each Sf. some cardinals and mumerous archbishops OW. A. BP. Cable) corners. All of their cities eir cities were quar - yr ondon, Jan. 1 The Rey. R. B. left long ago. dival was made vesting the pallium, tered by four principal streets running Supplies. Specialty. icine Hat EQUIPMENT places us in a position to do re- * pairs that otherwise would have to be sent out of town, FIRST CLASS WORK E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist stock of Toilet Articles pisg Gendsies, Proprietary Medi- cines, etc. of Physicians Pre- a epocialty. st. In view of the fight in progress. be- tween the Ropublican tactions, che Democrats believe their chances of success this year are better than ever before, Whether South Dakota delegates to the Baltimore convention will support Harmon or-Wilson for the presidency cannot be foretold as yet with any degree of certainty. Among those ti conference were B.-8, Johnson, mem- Ber of the Democratic committee from South Dakota and a possible candidate for governor. and form r United States Senator Richard: F. Pettigrew, who hopes to be the Democratic choice to succeed Senator Gamble when the lat- er s term expires a year hence. ee BRITISH COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE Representatives wanted to sell lots in Hazelton, the fastest growing new clty in British Columbia, - Canada; most promising young city on the main Ine of the Grand frunk Pacific; sur- rounded by productive farm lands; excellent climate; natural: location navigation; now has 24 stores, banks and 2 newspapers. .G. T. P. has less than 20 miles to build into Haselton; arrival first train in spring boost prices; good talking points; easy seller; a firm of high standing finan- cially; convincing Hterature and plen- ty of Uberal commissions; want general agents everywhere. Write or wire for literature and contract, Can- adian National Investors; Limited, Agent Dept, 310 (e7) Hastings St. West, Vanconver B, . 17241 2 s Colon, Jan. 31- Arrangements have been completed for the second cen- sus of the. Panama Canal Zone, which will be begun tomorrow. The census will include an enumeration of all residents of the Canal Zone, and em- ployees thmian canal com- mission and Panama Railroad Com- pany residing in Colon, Panama, Por- to Bello and at other places outside the Canal Zone on the isthmus or in athmiam waters. The first census of the nearly 25,000 were employed on the cansi-of-railroad work. oOo for a big town; center Canada s rich pattinm was placed upon the alter. reraT atstrict; has -B100 square Cardinal inai -Gitte ded. a miles anthracite coal; head steamer remouy. and bishops, the Most Rev, Hdmiund E. Prandergdst, archbishop of Phila- delpiria, was toduy-insested with the sacred pallium. This insignia is the official recognition by the diurch of the archbishop s powar to succeed to thie functions of the late Arcbishop Ryan, who died February 11 last. Phe ceremony: took place im the acchbishop s purple, The rarity end significance of the occasion and the ) presence of so many dignitarins of the Church attracted a large owd. The vicinity of the cathedral wos roped off entirely a hour before the ceremonies began. Shortly after 10 o'clyek a solemn procession of 160,of the clengy. wendedl its way to the cathidaal and a throng, of other persons crowded the eitifico. was sung by Bishop John 2. Fite maurice, bead of the Erie diocese, the Mgr. John J. McCort,. vi- ated as assistant priest Bishop Cane/ vin of Pittsburg deliveed the setmon, Jami the students of St. Charles Bor- romeo Seminary furnished the music. v When the new archbishop bad re newed ihis oath of allegiance and fide- ity to the holy see, Cardinal Gajjpus RED ROSE TEA AND COFFEE Mx, T. H. Estabrooks, will Establish a branch of the Business in Cal- gary. Among the big and important-Hes- tem firms opening up Bere this yeor we welcome T. H. Estabrooks * Co. Limited whose head office ami ware- house 48 in St. John, -N.B. The mere fact that that city is kaiown as The home of gjood ten speaks. volumest fort the sterting qualities of the firm's products. Perhaps the famous slogan Red Rose Tea is-- good Ten ? ac counts for St. Joln's good name who can tell? Of course Red Rose Tea and Coffee Tave bees popular throwghem ta for years owing to the energy ond Archbishop PERKINS TELLS HOW TO SUCCEED New York, Jen Prendergast ascended to the altar and promouneed the papal The conferring of the sacred palliumt was fg tuted in tha fourth century, and to pew archbishop it is the in- signig of power and authority, trom Rome as well as allegience to the head of the church, The vestment is e-band-of-white stopl with two pen- dents of the same misterial, while in- serted Sit are six purple crosses, the whole being worm about the shoulders 1659, and six years. later, in the very cathedral where he today wus invest- ed with the pallium) be was ordained a priest. He served in various changes 1874 he was. lachy's church, iat car general of the archdiocese, offici- ro tor of St- Mar city, of which the big. Tea and Coffee howe every success m Alberta. from a square io the center, They beld four annua feasts tn honor of the moon, the silver sister of the sun. To them eternity-was to be divided tito four periods of time, each com- posed of four times 4,000 years, and at the end of each of these cycles the-eun was to be blotted ont of existence. They prayed to the four winds, or to ye gods that dwell at the four corners of from four eformous heavenly turtles, that vomited dampoess, and the four winds from the Jungs of the four gt- gantic caryatids which stand at the four eardinal polnts of paradise. The fours alluded to in the legends of the Incas - OLD SAMOAN MATS. Precious Helrlooms That Are Treas- ured Samoans ts that of making belrlooms of mats. By some simple process of reasoning the mat Das come to be iden- tifled with the family, as the bearth- Saxon race. The Samoan mats are really fine specimens of art. Tbe people. them much more highly than any ar ticle of Buropean mabufacture, and the older they are the more they are regarded. Some of them bave names known all over the Samoan group. The oldest ts called Moe-e Ful-Ful, or The man that slept among the creep- ers. It got this title by reason of the. fact that it bad been hidden away for. years among the creeping convolvulus that grows wild along the seashore. it fs known to be 200 years old, as the names of its owners during that pe On both sides the orators were would be actresses, and pro and con the dis- cussion was feminine and furious. it seemed at first that the ardent tisanship of the fair opponents would preclude the possibility of harmonious * the nervousness of ber Grst public The earth. To-them the rains came pong ihe chrlone: cantons E1551 the 5s ms re stone is traditionally sacred among the Walker, rector of Frant Church in Hussex, with his wife, Lady Emily Walker, daughter of the Marquis of Hertford, with their five children and maid and footman, have announced that they will sail for-Catiada-inJu ly, They intend to take forty acres mthe shor s of-Puget Sound near Vancouver where Mr. Walker will en- gage in dairy farming and Lady Emily will raise chickens, in.which pursuit she has beer interested for year There.are two reasons for my g0- Ingyto America, said Mr. Walker, the first s that under Lloyd-George we taxed out of existence and see no above are bat small portion Of 188 lruture in this country. I wish we T Won't Works Pinched as Vags by Coast Police New Labor Men are Trying by Them in Fresno but this morning an attempt fo hold a street meeting at the corner of Car- roll and Cordova Streets was mado but it was broken up by the police almost before it started. A squadron of men were rushed from the police station and the patrol wagon, which followed it down returned with four prisoners. The arrested men, who. are all members of the LW.W., taken by themselves to mean the Industrial Workers of the World, translated by the police as I Won't Work, had se- cured somewhere and started to speak. What followed was minia ture repetition of what occurred on Sunday, as soon as the speaker moun- ted the box he was dragged down by a policeman, There were no clubs drawn, however, and the crowd was dispersed in a few minutes. The men arrested gave their names as Arthur Pickin, Patrick: McAuliffe, John Cor- mier and John Morris. Pickin fs charged with interfering Fwith the police and the others with vagrancy. When the prisoners were searched at the police station not a five cent plece was found on any of them, although one had a few crusts of bread in his pocket and another had Here Lady Emily backed up h husband: It you make money, Bald, Lioyd-George can't run away with it. Then Mr, Waiker continued: *lt, Jo the-children we are thinking of and that s the whole-case of our starting in Hfe afresh. In that wonderful countiy over the sea we shall all be able to, settle down tigether and my ' will bave a fair chance to make good in the world. eee shall attend to the poultry, sald Lady Emily, and my husband will superintend the dairy and of course the children will be brought up on this to Repeat Meetings Held are Landed in Jail. OW. A. P, Diapateh.) dustrial workers and getting rid of them, Recently they carried on free speech campaigns in Fresno, Califor- nis, and Aberdeen, Washington. NEGRO S FARMERS CONFERENCE Hampton, Va., Jan. 1 The annual conference for negro farmers opened with a gratifying attendance at Hamp- ton Institute today and will continue over totnorrow. The conference is in charge of Dr. H. B. Frissell, president of Hampton Institute, and Charles K. Gfiliam, director of the agricultural department of the institute, The con- ference programme provides for tho discussion of all phases of practical farm work and management, together with papers and addresses by a num- ber of well known agricultural ex- perts. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Jan. 31 Arrangements have been completed for the formel inauguration tomorrow of General Manuel Bonilla as president have been clected for terms of four For Sale Several trios of - thoroughbred Pertridge Rocks. Either Eng- lish or American strains, Also some young cockerels. A. J. N. TERRILL, 812 Esplanade, or at News office t stated they were ont of work and all admitted they were members of the resourcefulness of Messre. W. V. Moore Limited who have acted ss Perkins, who startei fhis tmsiness ca- speech. suggested common ground. reer as an office boy in Chicago and Ladies, she sald. spealing rapidly, agents thus far. Mr. Moore, being allater became a purtner' of J. P. Mor I think there has been much misap- personal friend of Mr.'T. H. Esta- gem ond Company. im the banking gs td the real truth of the brooks and knowing the remarkable business, wes fifty years old today. Baconian theory. I stand ready tn guccess achieved in the East by the The eminent financier did not permit ow: thst the, ere Oe apa propriator, assumed the responsibility the enpiversarp to interfern with his ee re neces aa of the agency with the utmost con- prdinary: routine of work. Just ot shakespeare in collision Gheme Lite success. His tact nd presint Mr. Perkios is om exceedingly Amid laughter and applause, the 3 : u energy is now seen in the fact that busy man, for, if rumor is correct, be pate was declared a te New York ee g Red Rose Tea and Cofies tmsiness bas , oose Leaf W. A. Henderson rors rovetions that te Roerdt praideatiat tou, - 0 3 fs the cout of a slx months'course, three nights week,at the SOUTHERN ALBERTA Shiloks Gure HEALS STOPS COUGHS Paice ts cenrs addition to giving his time and. st- Es Company MONTREAL'S WITNESS im conpection with the large andeyer- tention to the many great business E eceagen - es fruit business that ke has enterptises in which be is) interested. a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 43D) - QqnADA S BEST SE ciaibintng chacelonn, When asked to give his advice to the gi SE METROPOLITAN AXD WATtONAt, * Bie Tea and. Cofice Hoses Sas ) young, eager to NEWSPAPER Le Poe eee sotnbrlage, Medicine Hat trong and Courageous) Ti. t 4 ofice ant werccis ot US the bee s ae H. The Dally Witness on trial ..31.00 gt; Regular rate, three dollars. est quarters occupied by any gt; Tes The Weokly- Witness and - te Canadian Homestead on trial 65 - wit not. 1 do not 0 1 have 3 Regular rate, one dollar. ry ene ae one for a These -trial rates are- offered to King, they will have to pay for the NEW subscribers or those in whose setting. No, no, replied Adelaide. homes neither edition has been taken ST wil pay for ft ol myst aad regularly for at least two years, that via the course adopted London ig,-since thas been so : Wonderfully Enlarge - and Improved. Its citgulation is being doubled, and js the most popular paper among church-going people. Its subscribers love it. MAKE IT YOUR CHOICE FOR 1912 At the above peaereint Campaign We can supply you with the latest improved Loose Leaf Systems at Eastern Prices, City will be nuary 3st, the Charter ric Railway know How. fect). We have beeni pleasing the Pablic for SIXTEEN YEARS, there ts something fn the name- THE BARTLETT STUDIO, (ever Binning s Store). Chronicie. ; Pa ae 1 One Cell Animals. * Only 6ne cell animals which have 20 ifferentiation are immortal and pew x grow old. Physical immortality, Geathless youth, is possible, but you Keep money at home. apust be an infusorian or a yeast plant to attain it, and one wouldn't even be a clam or a jellyfish for the price. no limits any more it has int Life is just one-third dying that two-thirds lve, whether it be the Single cell or the body. Dr. Woods. Hutchinson tn Bampton's. of the City ENCER, Mayor. For Sale 5 Room Cot- . tage, South Yuill, near Linseed Oil Mills.) Terms Easy. CROSSLEY BROS. . Builder Contractor, 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 Get our prices before sending out of the city for these goods. * Sin Mags Tough Luck. Tough lock Jipson had. - What bappenea? In order to keep his cook be told her she might bave the uso of his touring car two-afternoons week. Yesterday she eloped with the chauffeur. Birtaingbam Age-Herald. Ang tell your friends about this of- fer, They-would. also enjoy. it. Subscriptions sent in at these rates should either be accompanied by this advertisement or the paper in which you saw the announcement must be named when sending the subscription. JOHN DOUGALL SON, Publish- ers, Dept, MILN., Witness Block, Montreal, Bt LIMESTONE AN-FED Best Prices paid per cord deliver- ed at Medicine We carry a full stock of -Binders., Indexes edge Sheets, Account Forms, ete. for this work. i : J. Jessop Nott Funeral Director We make a speciality of Loose Leaf Binders, in Cor- duroy and Leather, Canvass and Leather, Canvass etc., and can make them any gize Taking Him Up. Policeman You've been 9 Now, you jost accompany me. Orgna : S 4 me Grinder With piegsure, sir. . What Poste es 2 oso Me es eong would you like? Vele Mele. 00 es oS tre An act of yours is not simply the GEO. 4. SUMMERS thing you-do. but it ts also the way you (stingulshed comedian, appearing at the Opera House next week do tt Wendell F Dillips. in a repertoire of high-clat ays. 7 . 10 MEET AT IOWA CITY peateates eS Chas. Johnson Fun: Directar and Embeimer PaHore at 200 Main St , corner Third Ave. Office 257 Main Bt., Phone 188. Monumente, os eteete 5 There is Only One Bromo Quinine That is Laxative Bromo Quinine ea ae CEL. 2 Special to News. Towa City, Ia, Jan. 31 Prepara- tiona have been completed for the meeting here next week of the fifth annual conference of the church work- era of the State universities of the United States, The sessions will be- gin Tuesday amt-continns two-dexs Many prominent leaders tn-Teltgtous and educational circles will partict- pate, o gt; Ms 6 W.R.Simmonds Hat CARPENTER snp CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly uttended-to re THE A. P, BURNS CONTRACTING CO. For cil kinds of Job Printing try the News Omtce, Medicine Hat News Always remember th ful name. Look for this signature on every box. 260.
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Image 167 (1912-01-31), from microfilm reel 167, (CU1742809). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.