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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDIGINE HaT DAILY NEWS * CONTRACTING CO. LTD. tlice and Factory, Esplanade. Phone 100 GEERAL BULDERS AND CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS SUP- PLIES, PLANING MILL, HEAVY TEAMING. Spring will soon be here. If you anticipate erecting a house or ny kin give you a figure on the work. No matter how large or how emall, we are here with Foods, We cary full stock of builders supzlies, lumber, lime, sand, gravel, cement, wall plaster, window and door frames, sash and doors, all kinds of mouldings, etc,, etc. MILL WORK A SPECIALTY WE.ALSO DO PAINTING, DECORATING AND SIGN PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. - GET OUR PRICES OLLINGER-ANDERSO Transfer Co. apid LIGHT and HEAVY easonable DRAYING *PHONE 66 Piano Moving A Specialty pecial Bargains For Pay Day 6 Men s Workinug Shiris Made plain grey e+ light-and da stripes in Cannel. Sold as high as 1.65 Men s Underwear 50 garments only, shirts and drawers, Stanfield s and Penman s. Regular price 1.35 to and 1.25 per garment. Men s Overalls Grey, Blue and Black drill odd lines and sizes. Regular 1.10 to 1.25.. Your choice of the above specials y for T5c. each. Men's Grey Unien Lot Spectal-2 pairs tor- 5c -2-dosen in the lot. 200 Yards of Dress Ducks in light and dark stripes fast colors just the thing for ladies all-over aprons, house dresses and children's wear. Special 10c. per yard. Lace Curtain Specials House Cleaning time will soon be here. zi Why not take advantage of this Clearance Sale. It oe means dollars to you by buying now. We require the 1 space they are taking up for other spring goods. Don't x overlook this wonderful money saver. You will require toad tater ony Red cin pavocquoney: by: burida/now We have arranged two lots. and two prices. be Values up to 4:50 for 2.75. Values up to 3.75 for 2.00 LePAGE BROS.? The Trading Co s Old Stand, Foronio Street. Seeded errr, Sodetoedeeteetoet Loose Leaf * Get our prices before sending out of the city for these goods. 3 We carry a full stock of Binders , Indexes, Ledger Sheets, Account F ett for this work. We make a speciality of Loose Leaf Binders; in Cor duroy and Leather, Canvass and Leather, Canvass etc., and can make them any size Department dicine Hat News, Ltd. ia magnificent new uniform came io tempts to usrertain when sausages sehen he goes ons spree-be-never-sees- Te this Green apt 6 be enally-spot- creased to 375,000, ( F THE PARTHENON. Was the Most Geautiful Edifice ver Ereatet by htam The Parthenon on the Acropolis at Athens, the most bequtiful edifice ever erected by the band of man, was Venetian bomb on Sept When the sun rose on the morning of that evil day the Gnest building ov the finest site in the world stood ar rayed-in all its glory, Just as it did received it from the tls H * i tl ity fie i th fg 228 feet in width, with tof Turks had stored lot of powder. left t the ruin it has ever since remained. Rey. T. B. Gregory in New York American. A Way They Have In Geemany. One day. while-t-wag-in-a big beet garden in Bavaria. said a returned fraveler, a handsome young officer iv and seated himself at a nearby tabie- There was brought to him a big radish, several slices of rye bread and a tall mug of beer. Then saw that hand some young officer draw from the tall pocket of that magnificent uniform something wrapped in paper. This he unrolled, a sweet smile playing about his blond mustache ar he did so, and at last a plece of sausage seven or eight inches long was revealed. 0My astonishment at this sight was care- fully concealed. 1 doubt if any officer of our infantry would dare attempt such movement on the subsistence Aepartment. Indianapolis News. The Cleanliness of Animals. Man seems to be the only animal whose food soils him, making neces sary much washing and shieldlike bibs and napkins. Moles living in the earth and eating slimy worms are yet as. clean as seals or fishes, whose lives are one perpetual wash. The squirrels io these resiny woods keep themselves clean in some mysterious way: not a bair is sticky, though they tandle the gummy cones and glide about appar- satiy without care., The birds, too, are clean. thongh they seem to make good deal of fuss washing and ciean- Ing thelr feathers. From My First Summer In the Sierras, by Joby Muir. Old-Wedgwoed. ood is of greatly to- terior. qu ble that the success attained by Josiah Wedgwood will ever be again. Of all his creations ti jasper- his reproduction of the famous Port-- land, or inl, waKe (the original of which in the British museum) ts the most important. About 1790 Wedgwood at great expense attempt- ed to make fifty reoticas of his. vase, but it fs helleved that not more than thirty-Ove were sctnally finished Of these original pleces.oniy about Gfteen have been identified. Argonaur. Ancient Sausages. Antiguaries are. baffled in their at- first became an article of human con- sumption. We know af least that among the ancient Greeks ees. called altantes and chordal. were n common article of diet. and every schoolboy knows.or onght to know, that sausages, black puddings and sao- sage sellers appear in the comedies of Aristophanes. London Telegraph. Sad Feelings. Jaggaby-takes-even his pleasures: Yes, and to such an extent that gr bn serpenta,.pink monkeys or pur ple elephants like other fellows. He feed cothing but black snakes. Balt more American. Easilv 8 ted? she inquired. At least four blocks off, 1 should judge. answered the gentlemanly clerk. Washingtoo Herald. Who keeps, one end in view maker ail things sure Browning. Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 14. Seventy- tive years ago today-the village of Milwaukee was organized, with Solo- mon Juneau ai first president of the village board. At that time the vil- lage boasted of a population of a lit- tle less than 700, which has since in- according to the latest consus, - os under the firm name of Kennedy and JFOR SALE 300 Men's and Boys ed from 1.00 to 1.75 each. Sale price 25 to Thc. Must be cleared. Al- so quantity Tailors Dressmaking Trimmings and Linings. 1 show case 11 ft by 7 feet, 6 drawers, bargain, Glove Cleaning Pressing Co., 4th Ave., rear of Post Office. 17986 NOTICE Sealed tenders for one or more of the following buildings will be re- celved at the office of C.P.R. Division Engineer, Calgary, up to noon, Feb- Tuary 2th, 1912, for the erection and completion of the following buildings: Western Lines Class A Station at Contractors. Shop Fittings and Repairs Given Prompt Attention. BOX 353. Feb. 15, 1912. At 2 pm on Market Square. Situations Wanted, Help Wasted, For Sale, Lost, Found, otc., ads under these. headings. 25 words, one day .. .. -25 26 words, threo days .. 50 25 words, six days .. -. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for lees than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and dt will recelve attention. RENT shoy and five roomed dwelling house above near Market Square. P.O. box 256 or phone 529. 1s2d3 BSLY WANTED, following potnts: Webb; Na Seven Persons, Winuifred, Dunmore, Clive, Nevis, Lougheed, Aldersyde, Jaf- fray, Burmis and Galloway, also a Western Lines Standard No. 5 Station at Yahk. Plans and specifications can be seen at Chief Engineer's office, Winnie Resident Engineer's offices at Cran- brook and Medicine Hat, and this of- flee. - : N. E, BROOKS, , P. R. Division Engineer. nership hitherto existing between they undersigned at Medicine Hat, Alberta, Mclntyre, has this day been dissolved by mutual. consent. EES All d bts owing to the firm must be paid to the said William Kennedy, by whom all Habilities will be pala. (Signed). William Kennedy, te (Signed) Frank G. McIntyre. Witness: (Signed) H. 0. Knowles, 18246 Ce gt; CITY OF MEDICINE HAT Applications will be received up to Saturday, Feb, 17th, 1912, for the po- sition of Secretary-Treasurer- for. the City of Medicine Hat 5 Applicants must state qualifications and experience. All applications to be addressed to The Mayor. A. R. PERRY, 10-12-14 Secretary-Treastrer. For Sale 20 HP, in the best of condition. Terms. Owner leaving city. F APPLY BOX 74. 179-3t. NOTICE The annual meeting of the share- holders of the Medicine Hat News, Limited, for the purpose of electing a board of directors and for the Pot such other business as may of M dichie Hat, on Wednesday, the 14th day of February, 1912, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the evening. se By Order, a A.J-N. TERRILL, 17847 Secretary. before the meeting, will be held tw -the-company s offices, in the city Horses, Furniture and Household Goods. En- tries can be made for this Sale on Sale Day. GEO. SATTERLEE Auctioneer. Office Toronto Street. A. on Concrete Walks and Walls, LADIES SILK DRESSES WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. DRY CLEANED. Le Us Loan You the Money at Pe PER CENT. TO BUY BUILD Pay Om Mortgages or Improve Real Estate. SEE OUR PLAN * Write, Phone or Call The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. Phone 649, Dickinson House Plans Furnished. Estimates JPSTAIRS GIRL WANTED Apply U Redcliff Hotel. 1s2dtt (VANTED A good short order see ond cook (woman). Hotel, Z AMEN AND WOMEN TO barber trede, rate on, jola sow SECOND HAND Mason Risch Piano for sale cheap. Duggan. Duggan, Agents Heintaman Co., next as STENOGRAPHER WISHES WORK evenings, any kind of typewrit- ing work undertaken, manifolding, copying work, etc. Fulfill any en- wagement after six p. m. Box 669. P.O. . 184d6 ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED YOUNG LADY desires place to board in exchange for services after four and on Saturdays. Box 1124. News office, 18443 ROOMS TU RENT FURNISHED ROOM Suitable for gentleman, Apply 503, Toronto Street. 18243 0 RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 327 Mill St. 18403 ROOM AND BOARD 5.50. 943 East Allowance, Fogelburg. 18243 ' O RENT Nice big front room to rent, for one or two gentlemen. 421 North Railway St. Phone 529. 18248 willing to take a gentleman (Scotch prefered) to. board and room. Three minutes walk from station. Ap- ply box 1119 News Office, 18243 FoR RENT Furnished room, mod- ern. Apply 123 Toronto St. 160dtf FOR RENT Nicely furnished warm front bedroom. Apply. 632 Mon- treal St, RENT 2 rooms, furnished, for light housekeeping. 323 Mill St. 1eatt LUST 0 FOUND. JFOUND A sum of money in Medi- cine Hat. Apply W. B. Doyle, Redclift, 3 18243 WANTED. ANTED From owners only, lots in Central Park and High School Annex. Apply, stating best prices and terms to Box 1112, News office. 1isatt ANTED To buy a large second- hand box stove, suitable for burn- Ing paper, refuse, etc. Apply to the foreman, News, City. SCOTCH PRIVATE FAMHLY isi169 Nes : Wednesday, February 14th, 1918 OFFICES FOK RENT ()FFICEKS TO RENT in Imperial bank modern conveniences. fees AUCTIONEERS H.: 3. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 619 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. H. B. Browne Co., 619 Toronto St. 184tf News 16Adee Apply WANTED List all kinds of stock and household goods for sale at public auction. Office with GL. Dun- ham, 395 Toronto St. Phone 368, MISCELLANEOUS WE have splendid properties in and near Seattle to trade for ranch lands, improved or unimproved, in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Delightful climate on the Pacific Const, Get in ahead of the Panama Canal. Write The Realty Traders, No, 334, Hastings St. W,,Vancouver, BLO. 178d1ma00. WANTED Contracts, outfit break- ing, northeast. Apply Furrow, box 741 P, 0. 165det WANTED LADIES AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewerry, guns, revolvers, valises, yuit cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- sles, harness, bdicyeles, carpenter tools, ete, raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f.xthers, bought and sold, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. box 701. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above, 23Dtt. Se 3B MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best -selection-of Second Hand Tools in the ity. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Bugsies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Rallway St. or Phone 587. tf THE GLOBE CLHANING AND PRESSING CO, beg to announce that they have opened a cleaning and Dressing establishment opposite the Fire Station on 4th Ave. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. New and second hand goods bought and sold. Mark Harris, Prop. Phoue Jan. 30. lt; XX: L. CLEANING aND PRESSING CO, has opened in the Pingle Block, Room 3, over drug store, Main St. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ladies work given special attention. Goods called for and delivered. Phone. 353. G. Hopper, Prop. 176d1mo, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP The partnership existing between G. Smithson and F. Wright of Redclift, carrying on business under the firm name of Smithson Wright, was, on Jan, 81st, dissolved by mutual consent G. SMITHSON, F. WRIGHT Redclitf, Alta., Feb. 9, 1912, 181d4 LEe aL: WILLIAM P. BUNDON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Medicine Hat, Offices: Pruitt Block, Room 2; lephone 74, P.O. box 640. 63Dtt Organs for sale and to rent AML 500 bushels of Regenerated Ab- undance Oats, a est onts in, the country, Import- ed'from Seed House last-year, 5c a bushel. Oats went over . 100 bushels to the acre. Red Fife Wheat This Is good Heed nnd clear Odessa Barley Six rowed lt; varlety, a good strong grower. J. ML. COOPER, NORTON. P. 0. STAPLEFORD PROCTOR CONTRACTORS For all kinds of Brick, . Stone, Cement Work and Plastering. BOR 394 PHONE 539. OFFICE 10 REIT Fine large Office in the News Block, +20 x 25 teet in size, well tighted, steam heated, madern conveniences, APPLY TO ' QUICKLY STOPS COUGHS, CURES COLDS. Soereroeeenessoocooooooooeseseeses COCeeeoeeSe ALE TE THROAT AND LUNGS: O CENTS News Office. WEST REGULATIONS, ANy person ho is the sole head a Saskatchewan or Alberta. Agency tor the district. son, daughter, brother wr sister, intending hemesteader. and cultivation of the land in each of three. years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother. or sister. In certain districts a nomesteader in good standing - may pre-empt a quarter-section, alongside his home- stead Price- pre-emption six months in each of 8ix yeare from date of homestead en- try (including the time required to earn homestead patent)-and cultivate fifty acres extra, A hemesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for purchased homestead in certain dis- tricts. Price 3.00 per acce. Dutiee Must reside six months in of three years, cultivate fifty scr s and erect house worth 300.00. W. W. CORY, . Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N, B Unauthorised publication of this advertisement will net be paid for. Septl Dem SYNOPSIS OF CxNADIAN NORTH- tion ofthe Province of British.Colum- , F any male over 18 years family, Es old, may hemvatead quarter section of ade by the applicant in person to available Dominion land in Manitoba, he Agent or Sub-Agent of the dis- proxy may be made at any Agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, Yeved territory the tract appiled or Duties. Six months residence upon LATIONS. COAL mining rights of the Dominion. in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories and in a por- SYNOPSIS OF COAL MINING KEGU- bla, may be leased for a term of twenty-one years at an annual rental of- 1 an acre, Not more than 2,560 of 8cres will be leased to one applicant. Application for a lease must be the cights applied for In-sur eyed-territory the sand must be described by sections, or legal sub- cant must appear in person at the re situated. Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- Entry by of shall be staked out by the applicant himself. Bach application must be accom- - 8.00 per-aere. Duties. Must reside upon the homestead or panied by- tee of 5 which will he re- funded if the rights applied or are not available, but not otherwise. A royalty shall-be pald on th merchant- able output of the mine at the rate of five cents per ton. The person operating the mine shal furnish the Agent with sworn returns accounting for the full quantity of ble coal mined and pay th rights are being operated, such return: should be farnished at least once year. The lease will include the coat min ing-rights-oniy, but-the Tesses may be ith Ayenue opposite Binnings) permitted to purchase whatever avail- able surface rights may be considered necessary for the working of the mine at the rate of 10.00 an acre, For full information application should, be made to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ot- tawa, or to any Agent or Sub-Agent of Dominion lands. : W. W. cORY, Deputy Minister of tae Interior. N. B Unauthorized publication of thig dvertisement wil not be paid for Sept. 14-D-6m Office 381 Main Street. Sere (CORSETIERE-- er Spirella Corsets made ler. Guaranteed against breaking or rusting, Phone 694 or send card to box 72, Mrs. Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 168dim Evening Appointments. . Rates Reasonab A. G. TROTMAN Public Stenographer Secretarial work, correspondence, Typewriting, Manifolding and Con- yeyancing, Offices, Imperial Bank liding. Phone 695. Fourth Avenue. E. Bartlett, B-4-Sc. Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Ratlways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Ete. Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 484 Reynolds Stewart. New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- fully ufrnished on cost of Papering Your-rooms, Phone 166, muUSsIC , MANDOLIN: OUTFAR, ANJO, CORNET, TROMBONE, Geo, Satterlee,-Auctioneer, 17946 Painting and Paperhanging tury Brand light . over ready for Pick out you New Sprit New Sprit New ,, Just opened goods arriy We are out f breaking y have the goc +his-the-larg our nine yee cine Hat. aa Turpin The Man's Sto BASEBAL Beaumont, Tex., Galveston franchis league circuit. Smiling Al Ortt lander, bes signed ington and Lee l squad. President Al Tea: T League and fam make the spring t Sox. Peaches Grahi loves cold weather about it while sp months In Florida Bob Unglaub ar two old Boston p tore play on the s ing booked for Bal Jules Fournier, ger, has changed h released by the B the Chicago White John J. Halpin, of Detectives, was player and captalt (Mich.) champions With Jim McGui Joe Sugden doing trolt Tigers will n share of promisin season. Everett Booe B. ces). has signed . Pirates. Booe plas burg Virginia lea son and did consi ting. Catcher John He his contract for su but will deliver th son when he, jolt team, John alway ter. signing up. thirty. O'Brien, of Duluth luth 1g not a mem organization, havi Minnesota-Wiscon: Ten of the sixt managers have se er the Chicago or league clubs, Cha Callahan and W Chicago, and McG vis and O'Day, former member of It ts only a que a Dig league pla minors will eithe to the harrow or South Atlantic 16 any ex-big league tion, and. now thi Jeague threatens 1 use but six play formed inrhigh: 9 Fights Schedr Packey. McFarli phy, 10 rounds, a WITH TI Matty Baldwin * his injury and is with K. 0. Br Feb. 22. Bombardier Wel Jand, is coming for a muss with Chicago. Kid McCoy's n ducting a revival olis, has written to give up boxing gelist,
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Image 250 (1912-02-14), from microfilm reel 250, (CU1742815). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.