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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Tuesday, April 28rd, 191 ts Keith of the: : Le Us Loan You the bad already taken from bis poo the papers belonging to th man. He had not found the locket hidden under his birt, yet more thorough, search would doubticss re veal that also. Exen should the ease come to trial, how would it be posaible for him to establish nnoc nee,, and would tt ORLD of SPORT eer hie CANTILLON S BIG HEART lewis and ran class. That may te tlw correct dope, but when a practical gewtomer Acicatls two veterans decisively be's going some. 3 The promoters in this-coumtry have s HTEN A Tale of the ever come to trial? Kelth knew the cabled flattering offers for Carpentios Money at Plains character of the frontier, ad of Car to cnoss the briny, tus ie's doing so r son City. The inolination of its citi piry wel, Shack yom, be te fete (By Randall Parrish.) tens in such cases was to act orst, Brother Joe Puts Dan Sweeney on the Payroll Shows) tnc North Pole e. + n and refiect later, The law had but . x glance. 5 ; . Dro tees slender. hold, lt;belmg Tespected only There is Sentiment in Baseball, Noe A : when backed by theatrons band, and Now hat he bas trimmed Bddie 3 (Continued. primitive instinets diols as i, at ose decisively at the recent PER CENT. knowledged but one duty to get the Bure, Eknow you're square, Hicks, saeendianey, ant PF W Wey doway tl 3, was bis frfemd end when catherwnigit elimination contest, Soo : mail ee on time. he paid, coolly. And now I've unlim- - oe forth tie ts ac ane deep in the isiermost regions d his he discovered the old leaguer in ex Coster s hungry for chamco at * TO BUY om, dost of thdir passing sti ta the Fen Kindly inform me what this 1s ' is ee oe er ah hig ring Reart, Manager Joo Cantillon, of the ee tard lines at Louisville, test Johmy Kilbane. joe figures he is eee eR A ch eee Rael ae cee yg Rs tet don't know. +t g-a mob It, z ke eee 3 . gt; ld feria horse wearled and had te be No more than an waporn babe. T) for some eee het eur BISXtGu und tramseating perfume, bas Sweeney sg mow with the Millers, ia was considered the most dangarous out the war fot veteran ball pl contender. If Kiltane has any feel or Improve Real Hatate. ae : 5 ise: 7 janapolis, on his way to Minnea- That's it: if yer had been longer eel feeli sympathy r 'y. the man seemed tireless. rant and assist in the arrest, he would ex polis, where he ia to be clibbouse;ing and docan't-want J mmy Jobn 3 fan hour high when they climbed the thar wouldn't be no trouble. Yo're : if SEE OUR PLAN Tong hill, and loped into Carson ity. ;wanted for killin a couple o' men out have: see ee thowe fel yends far beyond the ken of a ball- hoy. Hid ame ona hotel register son's thatch to become gray, he had me The cantonment was to the right, but iat Clmmaron Crossin early yesterday ee re Nd deena telni, with 209888 stilt im darkness, All Mionea-lalong with the preseut-day players wetter listen to the pleadings of Write, Phone or Call Keith, having no report to make, rede morain' : its possibility of exposure, and eagerly Polis ia loyal to veterans since the would, perhaps, look tittle queer to James's change. Fk sd toa directly ahead dpwn the one longi . Keith stared at him too completely for wiping the boys in blue have ped twe the fan of dit . good Th Can dian H street to a very corral, leaving his j astounded for the instant to even none any op) Sis voce: a se a copped fed: Tee sid yesterday, but it's there res, public le a OME hore there, and sought the nearest' speak. Then he gasped. slate clean. seamemy Coty font sats. Brother Joe has just contra- just the same. Although it's a big You wouldn t think Ad Wolgast 2 : j Co Ltd. e S'For God's sake, Hicks, do you be jscovery unt y dicted the idea that there is no senti- juinp from the grub to which be has Played the part of a grees goods Spring and . q Investment Co., te Exhausted by a night of high play.) Heve that? x. ment in bassball by picking up teen accustomed of late, Dan puts tis mam im hist short carcer. Well, he dict 4 scart deep arinking. the border town i co ae aah een down and outer. He is diminutive feet under the dining room table just and what s more, he can prove it. art at once ae ee ae pellet oe eae Bao battle: vidence ta Dan Sweeney, an ektbig lcoguer, - a ax satumlly as be did io the goo/old) - A few sive tefore the champion ing for the almost deserted, To Keith, whose for-, straight nough, an thar ain t nothin good ball player in hig day end alday , and he's happy. Joe has not fought Abe Attell in Log Angeles, be or ser ncquaintance with the place badi :ter me ter do but take ye in. I alr member of ths Louisville club when conveyed the mews of his, generosity Was called upon to post forieit of ant to make ean attra after sight, the Viet) gy a eee : the Colonels hata: place in the old to brother Mike, and he wi,l not un- wo hundred amd fifty dollars. Might a was almost a shock the: ought rdinary atic e i iena- til ae . We.want ciabe woe die shacks, the gaudy, saloon' sense, an you've known me for three as ae tae aie at coal Ga Gea ae abe well Rate ae oe a seapatated tel Ube airy Pony cf exa' Bure T have, Jack, but it yeo've Polis. Cantffion knew Sweeney in with the club. ors overing, temarked thie gham- we not do Ven the uncccepied reed, the ull gone Wrong, you won't be the frst : , I dtifted into fake jewelry x sweeping away to the horisom, good man T've seen do it. Anyhow, the are shop and picked out the largest dic- BT composed hideous plsture be- evidence ts dead agin you, an I'd ar H Fit Kidded Shark mond in, stock, which cost me two Speath the sun glare. He could searee- Test my own grandad if they give Ow Z Kidde rke hundred and + fy find s man td attend hia horse, sndi ' e a warrant agin bis . : the club's San alse Jon ee et the restaurant a rowsy Obinamaal What evidence is there? , I alipped 1 me had to be shaken awake, and fright. Five men swear they saw ye haul- Into Leaving an Opening icom my soe I haven't got the ened-into serving him. He. sat down: te the bodies about. and lootin he : teasty ssoey, 1 sumonncet, oheS 3 T to the miserable meal oppressed withi /poc? ts. ry 2S this 800 matters er eer peter tad his ite ; Twen Keli understood, bis heart Australian One of the Most tct his jew, and just ther Fitzim- 0 SS seemed 20 pa oes That Ever mt ee : force sppermat, oe ePhe secretary took tid blazer, jon loves. on the Keet of that big ship like si wrapped it up, mated tha package and and dusted. tormado. The eet made a oplendid juried to hie safe deposit. vanlt to nm windows. When Bob Fitesimmons end Million: 27et a it was directly over Shar- take no chances. es: aire Tom Sharkey clashed at Coney *Y S solar plexus. Island some time after thei battle at The ship reeled, lt;uivered and sank) Jimmy Johnson took Jim Smith up ators enam- Tas San Frajacisto the sailor, who had im to the floor with all on board. Tom he state for battle a few yeass airs and ta- is the time to enroll in the proped great Seal in the meantime, het SS sieae ee ago. The feam traveled over night, Make i SOUTHERN ALBERTA rushed at Fitz, swinging both hands. But never anywhere elec. He which was Smith's first experience ix slits 2. eer His Ieft caught Fitz high on the W285 up in a few seconds, fighting des- a sleeper. During the early hours Udo HaaD 3 maxillary ? a term used by Chuck Peratels, however. there was a terrible racket i the car, 3, 3. iyadius Derhe toes Commors when he meant jew, end Once-more Fitz slipped tiim'e blet- which baught every ody from ther years the East called him the olf a ae a AugR shook him up pretty well. ney. Old Ridby said: Ere's one on bertir. Johneon peeked out and saw es brushed Stenographers and Bookkeepers He of cleanliness and respectability. bend the full meaning, his mind con- Deiconstes te reciee, bor of eecape, *Tbat was good one, Tou Fitr your face, asd as Tom threw np this Smith lambasting the porter. Ll -up, ete.; Always in Demand. THe swore to himself as he tossed-the- fused and dared by thia sudden real :tor he believed now that no oppor. exclaimed. hands, not profiting any by his form- What's the trouftie? shouted Jol or if worn, ouinaeees (rey ee Se eee sseioal et candeel 1s ores vaideset vanity to /astiedemeeeet would, ever' /. Yes, aot bere somes eerter ons, eruuibcake Hite wot a tectifec-upper- son loor paint. aero. oe one tthe eiecot together ,WH2 hed half drawn his gun fearing (be) allowed Oise aepest ns aecel too. sak Sharkey: t'T'en 20t63 cary ei ee ie movey-end the Wy, I cangit this colored gay 4574 Neckitanss, to: tha wokcn at the botiarn: Sere ee ee ear aa you thought. ; ship floundered for am instant and to steal mp shoes amd I took a few Sreegeocgoated WILLIAMSON i Suddenly it dawned upon him where he had seen that dark-skinned face, with the black goa tee, before at th: faro table of the .s0 quickly, his eyes biasing, that helpless in the hands of the mob. In this Hicks wag in no way blamable he had merely performed his sworn duty, and would still die, if need be, Tom had the best of the round and kept Bob on the defensive. As they started hack to their corners at the Withont thinking, the sailor imme- wallops at bim,' answeted Smith. Why, you boob, yelled Johnson, she only intends to shine them. Go then sank, Sharkey of his envirotiments. As he was going down Fitz utterly offtivious said: eS ter, and waited, leaning against the fa his He R ea i aan PATERSON x, oze bend on his nip. Red Light. He srtpped his han s 5, ee paper oe 2 wood Sie turn- poe meant to say, Ere's one for back to eleep. se Hullo, Bob, be sald geniatly; : sether, instantly connecting that nag found Sekine. ed and winked al sailor. e ship . yourhomes ee ee etted you svt pret: sneering, sinister face with the plot ad found BeAED OE NE ah of ac Jimt wait until you see wr sink Hits's sorcasm wos'vever heard ty An English Chemist Has : . Contractors. ty early today. Who swore out that warrant? tion, a fighter by instinct, and so long the ship, he prophesied. Sharkey and Tom's feclings weren't Discovered. How to shly painted 4 They shore did, Jack, was the re- I did) if you need to know. a 87 accustomed to danger that the excite The ship, of course, was the fine, hust bit Grew Harr. Shop Fittings and Repairs eee bi ca nate cwhite tect, von thadidarit of oth ae aot ment of It merely fire into bis g, full-rigged threemastet that Tom Kid McCoy, Fister Maher, Spike Sul- hed soamnad it Prompt 2 eee Thetboys raise helf-aii-might-+ Siends of mine. a ee ee ee ccie test had tattooed on his enormous torso. Hivan, George McFadden, Tommy In England the ladies have entirely homes ae Yl BOX 353. Yan then come ter me ter straighten : ,WhY are yout ce partr i of besitancy and doubt vaniebed, Th the next-round Fitzsimmons sud- Ryan and Mystesious Billy, Smith) abandoned wearing rats, which s due SS ft out in the mawnin . When i4 ye tee eae gee aoe to Bart a eae? fhotantly alive. He denly exclaimed: Ere now, Tom, were other stars of the old days who) entirely to this new discovery. ressive, and 4 183-1mo. PHONE 712 t in? Black Bart Estat Mceightonsdi 6 would not He there in that hole wait- 'ere goes for your face depended a great deal om suggestion, It has been proven that Henna 3 An hour ago; had to. wake the P ing for the formation of a mob; nor notwithttanding the fact that elliwene leaves contain the ingredients that Mose Me Meta decree edie oy f Residence Office 711 Ottawa St. Phone 626 Box 831. Job work promptly attended to. Look me up if you want a house built. Special attention given to that class of -work, - chink up to get any chuck. Town ooks dead. - Gay, permitting his blue eyes to wan- bat I reckon It'll wake up later on. Be stood squarely on both fest, and fone hand rested on the butt of a re lwotver. Kelth noticed this, wonder- vaguely. I reckon yer know, Jack, as how I iginerally git what I goes after, said slow, drawling votes, that I w bout as quick as any o the They tell me yo're a gun-fight- Ger up the silent street,but instantly / Bringing them back to Keith's face, , the marshal jerked bis gun clear. 4 here, Jack, shortly, are yer goin to raise a row, or come along quiet? As though the words had aroused jhim frem a bad dream, Keith turned to front the stern, bearded face. There'll be no row, Bob, he said, squietly. T'll go with yor i CHAPTER Iv. An Old Acquaintance. The Carson: City lock-up was an tm provised affair, although a decidedly would he trust 0 the ability of the marshal to defend him. diatel: threw up his guard to pro- will positively grow hair. That they great boxers and ring generals. contain the long-looked-for article is He -had-some friends without not many, for he was but an occasional visitor at Carson who would rally to Hick s assistance, but there would not be enough on the side of Jaw and or der to overcome the Red Light out- fit, f once tIiey scented blood. It he was to be saved from thetr clutches ho. must save himself; if his inno- cence was ever established it would be by his own exertions and he could accomplish this only out yonder, free mnder the arch of sky. He lifted his head, every nerve tim In a famming bee the other night in a Toledo hotel lobby. Manager Hart- tion nine waa asked to recount what sel of the Toledo American Associa- he cousidered the worst *bone' play proven every day. the market a preparation containing the extract from Henna leaves, which have phenomenal sale. The preparation is called SALVIA, and is being sold with guarantee to cure Dandruff and to grow hair in abundance. Being daintly perfumed, SALVIA makes a most pleasant hair dressing. ingle, your druggist, 18 the first to import this preparation ing Uke count. Therefore I conceived the idea that -by kicking the ball, as if-byrate gent, I would be able to drive it into the crowd and the run- net would oe held at third and we would hav chance at the sextiman. Tht Americans are-now placing on eaters opt gM Oe Se Topsy Tells How Hurst Put One Over on Him HOUSES FOR SALE i - ; g ler, but it tet popular fesort. It was originally a , an Medicine Hat large gener- O90o004 ee eo oa eee ee el te oe git yer fo yer sabeT street, the front apartmentat one prougn the partition, but there was meSeg replied that during his car- reached over to pick up the ball, but eer plock 13, 1000. City Sale Stables Horses For Sale Hay for Sale Get me? Keith's voice and face bik. 18, 630 pair. Fred McClain windows, the back door heavily spiked, somes - fo pe 4 of mah andthe game was close, the score Hurst merely turmod: hie ack, donned and the front secured by tron bers, 'rne fellow's limbs twitehed as if ina Standing 2 to 1 in our favor. There his mask and protector and resumed a bieck 36, 4lae0 Phone 85. Prop. any prisoner onee looked within, ould aream, otherwise he might have deem: was a big crowd at the geme, nets, his position tebind the bat, merely ane i (tear eee ates Ge e tm dond, 0s i faco was buried sitating ground rules because of the vouchiafing the explanation that the or, biodk 21;- 850, lock 24, 850, 450 Ww. A. Henderson time a low groggery, the keeper sleep- ing inthe rear room. Whether no other sound. Carson City was still S04 seating, and there would be no crowd stood out eyually prominent: eer he had made many of them,, which Loose Leaf System The News Job Department has every facility for sup my shoe wes faster than my hand and the ball rolled blithely into the crowd. den death, or fnapclal reverses, been the cause, the community had in tt to the commonweal. For the pur pose thus selected it was rather well (guarded, and on the outskirts excitement until much later, Not) Dat there some, continued ti nightfall would any attack be at- tented A : jsome manner become possessed of the oq, which T remember above all into the inetd, the runners stopping Heary Teams, Drivers, Saddle S Ocrts, at TAM Ae chick AedicalaR eee eee ate tie Deronee i. tensed ian to, tose cliwelat: second ent third, seapentively, Bat fm which to perfect bis plans. ran his eyes about the room searching It was game, and the play might have been considered a clever one had it suc- jfor some spot of weakness. spate er back othe bony ade torsed enjed 3 z A eae eee ee ts of the lin that direction, Leaning over, Be ive were playing St. Lovie ome day entin-after the ball and threw it, imagine my surprise when Tim Hurst, who was umpiring that day, waved both men in, I rushed in to protest as did the rest of my teammates, but cecupled by a rather. miscellaneous jassembly the drunk and disorderly abutting upon the street was tated; then he reached down and jabook the sleeper, until he aroused feuMotentiy to look tp. Tt was the fo0d for two bases. uisnal a kic hit into the crowd was comsidered would not allow Dutchman to ahead of an Jrisher. 5: jlements conspicuous were - Towards: lat rt. the Well, OUR LISTINGS. Company 2 Diep seeds, of contin gaze: Ante aris the Tait: pact ott i, but Bw da you daw eee 7 eee co sexi eat ge ee stared game with or team still one run in was accidental? was the next ques- rER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND. ewer for various misdeeds. over bim, Bis thick lps part the jead the Browns succeeded in tion. AUDITORS Cee ee ra ae ieee i. Bore: were, Bis eyes full of sudden terror. i eAGiNe strat pee ipacing the floor, others. sat m poke Ble aes epee nase oer asia 4 mae om first ad the oest Te Gee '8 ichmanto pull off gt; Box 819 (Hetablshed 1383) ie. ranged. santnst th Wal, tore: him as thouglt warding off hatter lined one to left. I saw sich stunts, was Tim's come-back. 2 soo Mi while a few were still peacefully slum the time J would reach the ball An Irishman would not ttave thought wim Lethbridge, Medicine Hat bering upon the floor. It was a frowsy, moi de Lawd' s bake, be manag 4 3 Innineg, Lethbridge, ee or aoa oe oie ae lares Gai Be DANS the runmer on fst would score, ty- of it 5 Bring Results A. BE. Gibson, C. A. Manager. aa Jeerioaity-at-the arrival ofa new peit srassa Jack? . Phone No. 198 Burne Block Are You Goin to Ralee a Row, or /oner. Kelth had barely time to. glance Come Along Quietly? jabout, recomnizing no. familiarity of Se ates or aoe h alike, at the ex- : geste a gace amid the mass peering at him, as oo me 9 9 H M exprested- astonishment, but not he was bustied riakly forward and Oreesiono 1s NOS tere art a 6 5 ouse OVEN muscto ot nis boay moved. What 4o tnrast into the rear room, the heavy inn Ter eeeiged the Sele ot : z : ot Meese SAND FOR SAzE So (Doerr (Se Sree ee Ge Diamona LT 5 : i Friday, May 3rd Sl Z lof a spring lock. 3 Ys : EXCAVATING Bure thing; pee tthe warrant here, tte wast site, voici oa toe tanab - Seat, OC erorns Re Groans. - 5 re and he tapped the breast of his sbirt est murmur of volces coming to him *S 0) fn ** (By Ed Curley) HEAVY AMING it is left hand. through the thick partition. Tt was Z : pea New York, April 5. Wouldn't it the other members of the avenging UNDER TEx AvariCEt oe oe color ear e i : GONGRETE WORK. ',,7 cet mounted into te cheeks room some tveive foot sauare Cpe sigsof aaron Caton durin de wah. I mahe-yon, Zigle t the Benne os oo aamwcre to eightont yes Sons of Scotland Phone 260 White, and tis gray even darkened. itaining no furaiture except a rade Ain seen J, oem Jack, sence de Phampionship mantle dropped down youth who answers to cightoin years, aS 5 a Let ft all out, Marshal, he said 'pench. Still dazed by the suddenness isa betes ee a wes upon French shoulders? Woukin't it and is gaining rapidly in strength 5 ' bin ot Pingle s . TNSITE J J I A I T and lof hie arrest, he sank down upon the Ot. woke up. Sho yor members P Pally well annoying if you wanted well as weight. Taking the word of Dru; oon . 2 seat, teanedhis-head on his hands,- 8 e world s champi In attic various ri sl journing siege Cae ig tba ne nal Sati oe ong arctan sctneraopee eerie rE a ea mee eas ae ein Cartesian more St., bik. 86. 4 swung about so as to face them, ficult the facts marshalled into 5 : ies. 3 100 ft, corner, Sas hand ireet ott of sight beneath (tay otter or to. comprehend clearly 28 ee cas ship-office and set youradl -back many the beam at 200 pounds when be 7 St, Bik. 85. the tall of His Tong-coat the ftuation, yet little by little his frenca 40 see the battle? Well, i may reaches manhood ; 2 a) 9. Make him throw up Bis bahds, -brain grasped the main details, and happen that way: before long. That a HR: 8. Fa: aaa Bob, he sald sharply. he awoke to a full reall ns Dr. Marte e ie i : follows. the Carpenter has niet been before the) : VACUUM SNe ca a eee ee ee er seoen Years the Standard cis ial est for'nm ty ho wai te very lon i o x th laid out for hm by hie admir- public very long. Tn the few months H YUILL CLEANING GO. 2 trouble. returned the marshal against, (The seteal mu ot Ni n Years the Bem ieeiost nue heen nists aaa rans er 1k. 8; Demink gentally, yet with no relaxation of at those two men on the traill had bad Prescribed and recommended for ers. he thas been performing he 5 . sea for spring clean- tention. . Kelth knows S ; eae 1) women s ailments, m actentifically Over in dour old Paree George is/the wiseacres. Tt took him no Time Is now ready for spring me, an ex- their suspicions aro by his ac- 2 ing. Have your cleaning done with pects a fair deal. Still, maybe I bet- they believed he guessed some- Drepared remedy of proven worth. he real noise. They may flop Cabi-/to capture the welterweight title of t and Heavy tions; they ui 7 . NT YOUR the Vacuum Process, the best and ter ask yer (o unbiteh yer belt, Jack. thing of their foul deed, and had de- The result from thelr use s quick pets out and they may flop Cabinets) Europe and now fhe is the prow pos- ( Prompt Attention ta ass S f only way to get ett Oe yp apieent Batt, a termined to clear themselves by and permanent. For sale at all drug) into power again. Who cares Ts not) sessor of the middleweight emilem. Plano Moving. with VW way. des Vring to S06 Soule WiY ed or. Ae eC eicewd Rlek ead tt Oo e0.4.-10m0. Gove Carpentier still ready to de- His two real good were when es. in or eall, or We? Vince your order to avold the ntetorine to see some, Way of oe Him ay stuck to thelr story, ought Loose Laat System The News Job fer the sricolce France? AM he slipped Jim Sullivan the shiniber' kspsela. pall rates, aisanpotntment, of delay. --- 53; flently unhooked the belt, Sanding st ter za. He had no evidence, oth-- Department has every facility for sup- 7 lt; (ne start figteir pin im a few rounds, and ven he PHONE NO. 349. Phone 707. an 229d1 mo* 4 er than bis own word, and the marahal plying the most satisfactory. Carpentier bas big shade oa all trounced Harry Lewisy the, Phitadel-
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Image 671 (1912-04-23), from microfilm reel 671, (CU1743220). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.