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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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HAT DAILY NEWS MEDICINE is Saturday, April 20th, 1912 FORECAST rote vue You a Heart Racking, Human mutans SURVIVORS OF eo ae , f P Adpeals (seco) UMICS THEW arenes Chorus Oo rayers, ppea Ss Searle tn enought SAIL FOR HOME, than es Came from the Drowning . 220827 sa tor x et need on moe emer Roaed tho Liner Lapiand : for England. OFFICERS AND TWELVE cheap use the have it, and -ev- lider requires. k of LUMBER, od. The interest of tite Republican poli- ticians will be-confinel largely to. Missouri and Towa; where State con- ventions are to beheld for the selex Terrible Were the Cries Which Reached the Survivors From Over the Spot Where the Giant Liner a Few Moments Before Stood Helpless, Their Own Safety and Life Staring Them in the Face, Those in the Life Boats Had to Turn a Deaf Ear on AS A Cap With Style You men who imagine that every, FIR FINISH, - x i i 3, Friends and Dear Ones. . tion of delegates to the national con- cap looks sloppy simply don't Le BIRCH Their Comrades, : Lon eetas The Rosser OF THE CREW ARE HELD) ee ete ates EASTERN ; claims appear (0 be the stronger so Senate Investigating Com- BRAN D-vap will look on you. had beon on the bridge (he TIGAHI6 (YT believe that the officers knew she rar gg Missouri i8, concerned, though rials 5 sade ea oles Gaede cases New York, April 19, Seven hun- i a pm. coe le the fone Te Sve: parsons, mmpetiy ouiuck ave Bit the Bere, WORE aa gone dows. Hows the first, tut ine tate eumagerm are not ready) to mittee Wants to Question once you'd wear hat- if you only tiad a aa r ted one ein, heart oud body. wrote oven 117M JooKout bad been on the Pa aiey sti og tet Ge Parsseters Snow concede ChRuees.* OF Meat, Them Further on Disas- the right cap. BEAUTIFUL women, sick in healt Sharine pustory iu the crows nest fe whoald MANS , Thm the great tll began to set/in Toway ite Beis: io ie Se) toy, ) FIBRE, LATH today the loss of the finest and big-/scen that berg, said Peuchen, It out of the horizontal, a acttling of the popes of winning AR a tesult of tho Post - o est ahlp ever built, They were tho was a Denutl cleat night, the P hows was foticed, and the onder was tycen Roosevelt end Commins (W. A, P. Dispateh.) 3 : 's, WIL: ervivors of the White Star Liner Ti- tain Was at dinner with Bruce JamaY giver that the boats were to be low- tween Roosevel L 5 New eck uri Socoane busine ere aa tanic, which sank bow foremost with and number of passengers for more 4. 52 gt; progressive vote ting divided be- o inquiry by the senate investiga 1559 souls aboard, her captain at the then Tie houra that nights Ineteed st haw aathing but praises for the The Republica; State an district ting committee into the Titanic dis- , 2569 souls aboarss ping and her band of Delog on the bridge, where BEBE 6 crowds on the deck tchaved convent tie Ish Wi tate an acne iat she Diaying Nearer My God to Thee in longed, knOwing that, wo. ware going e was Pe cane deck shaved. ped. Wedneadayi The Tall yeopls a e senator Smith of Michigan, chairman : Me jay control of the Rigwlar party; ongaclof the committeo at Into ice fields, not a single extra look- out was sed and the speed was nev- 2mone the first ami vecom cabin pas- nization ak expect o win out in the er reduced: We were running very ;SrEse there was-ottit the fHert Convention. 2 ifferont sitmation ex: fast when we struck. fostered bp the officials ami, crew that iste in New Hat eee aes taking te the foats was only precan- gay pramaciey Zz ceeciaa telus tionary micasire. Again and again 4. i - Se termine the complexion of the Repub- women. nefised to Teave their hnstiands jin State Seon aol atiy of them fad the idea that the) po audi stfoam Progressive foltow- boats wonkd likely come hack to the ing in the Granite State are working ee cera hasan hard in, the Roosevelt interests. En- order waa given that the pas- conragement has deen lent to their ef- sengers should also put on life belts. the recent Roosevelt victory As boat after boat got away, how- j i come yy how: ine ighboring statc of M ever, there was more speed and anxi- ie fee : ieercl phate ees of 4 movement inita a Sr Oe Wat ted sty President ett, representatives techie BE aad and some of the of pusiness organizations throughout /ment, when with Alfred Crawford, a bedroom steward on the stand, Sen- lene country re to. meet in Washing- Ter Wusban'S ton Tuesday to discuss plans for the/ator Smith pleaded weariness first flatly re- fused to let.any of the officers or the 200 odd members of the crew of the sunken steamship get beyond the Jurisdiction of the United States gov- ernment, 2,000 fathoms of water off the banks of Newfoundland under the starlit skies at 2.20 a.m, Monday, with one yoice they told of the splendid hero- jsm of those who remained behind to find a watery grave, that they might live. Capt; Smith died, they say, as a gal- Jant saifor should, after having first placed all the women who would 0 aboard the lifeboats. There were many who stayed behind to die in their husband's arms. cw. A. P. Dispatch ; New York, April 19. In a further interview Major Peuchen, of Toronto, made the following statement: The quartermaster looked to me to be drunk, he, by the way, had the wheel when we struck the feeberg. He talked rubbish, he refused to take a 3 lturn at the oars, saying he was in ; From the narratives stand out 19) 00 mand, but he took a woman's Tugs bold relief the following facts: and wrapped himself in it, and.even That the Titanic was running 21 warmed himself with alittle brandy Knots an hour when she struck the trom another: 4 ee day on the Red Star Liner, Later it was settled that the greater part of the crew would be permitted to sail, but that the twelve men and the four officers among the survivors now under subpoena, together with Mr, Ismay, would not be permitted to depart, The Intention of the com- mittee was made clear at the adjourn ' Le us figure on your requirements. Our yard is the most moderns our stock the largest, best and most completes oyr prices low-as the lowest. We are, therefore, In the best position to give you good service. No order too large for us to handle or too small to receive our best attention, Ask to have our representative call. CO. ER PEOPLE PHONE 57 e berg. We found a man with a broken Mrs. Dick confirmed A i No one at first thought she would arm, stowed in our boat. One of the statement that at first there was Nit 2 , 1 KTS reese a . at t here was Tit) for df a SMational Loan of have been at this all day and into the eink, See ee aca tour caepamens trem ASM -ER tear She (threo tienes seus OE a Seana Toa ol lnight he sald, and 1 believe we had estern anada She remained after for more than peneath the steamers and almost all Jed to get imto a toat put finally did) ject the bringing of business men in- Detter, cease until tomorrow. 1 am two hours, of the sixteen had three or gins a 80, het husband was put in as the to) touch: with the Governinent for ad- POt through with Mr. Crawford yet, i a sf TR Eh eae eee boats had not all W - iast man to make up the crew. 1 eo ech lmintcatgon and Would like to. question him fur- 4 Lumber Co. i; Ltd. ow the waterline. Ins je a ter. Di 2 : i - voided by Capt. Smith's appeal. A Did you hear anything of the offi- of Jaws, the enactment of new sta- ther, tomorrow, together with oiher e eer Oy, members of the crew and the officers. ) e PILONE 467 BAST ALLOWANCE cers being compelled ta use revolvers com- 0 quell a panic? was asked. There was some firing but I heard of no one) iqeing killed. I think it was only to frighten the steermge passer gets and keep hem in check,' said) Mr. Dick. (W. A. P. Dispateh.) tutes and the evelopment of New York, April 19 Among the earliest. of the first cabin passengers to land att the Cunand per was A. A. Dick, S04 Third avenve, Calgary, with his wife, who were passengess am the C, C. Burlingham, counsel for the rete White Star Line, interposed, there Among other large and important are 200 men who are to sail tomor- gatherings of the Week will be the an-lrow, he sald, surely the committee nuat conventioni-the National Re- does not intend to hold them. . We tail Grocers association, at Oklaho- are perfectly willing to pledge the small number of steerage passengers tried to rush for the lifeboats and were held back by the crew and oth- er passengers. The Titanic turned her nose for be- low when the last lifeboat was less ta sha haste ta Sete keetetettc Sete te Cerwin Jo-sheshestestecteczestesteseee tease Sordestedectoctentectertectestoates than a hundred yards away, reared ritanic. ma City; the annual meeting of the presence of the four officers and the her stern high In the air and trembled wigt news. have you of the other Se America Newspaper Publishers twelve men desired by the committee, for a moment before plunging into the Yiner? (W, A. P. Cable) sociation, n New York, and che an- but these men are entitled to return depths, There were two explosions Canadians onthe lost He? Soutmampton, Aprif 19. The wives nnad conveutions. of the Southern to their homes. sera eng invusbing waters reached Myseli and Major Peuchen are the/and relatives and iriends of tie crew Wholesale Grocers . Association, in Iam not prepared to permit that, her boilers. only two Canaitian men who werelof Titanic gathered in the early hours Montgomery. nom eaid the senator, we cannot say Whom we may Want and they cannot go. re- picked up by the Carpattia, said Mr. Dick- There scems ittle doubt plications of fifteen hundred dying that Mr. Dick's statement is correct jmen rose in chorus indescribable over Inquiries have failed to trace Geo. the spot where the vessel sank. For i. Graham of Toronto and Winnipeg, save ors rode in the life a:,0t whose iate there eppeared un- oats over a calm sea in the bitter certainty, He was nox among WE SIT cold, until the Carpathia picked them yivors who landed. gt; up. Shugo Ross ami Thompson Beattie, : hi In the aftermath of the Winnipeg, ere gone, I am alraid, When she sank there was silence: A moment later the erfes and sup- of the morning hite S ise ning at the wae Starot of interest im church ets amd men who had been saved in some cases the posting of the list brought relief, but the majority went away with theie Worst fears confirm- TW Po Dispatch.) Gew York, April 19 and clucation- we cannot care for them all Tircteswitt-be the unveiting of Torteq ar, Burtingham, and when statue of Bishop Carroll at George- the Lapland salls we shall cease to town University. Bishop Carroll was ye responsible for them. the founder -of the wniversity and the Senator Smith declined to. recede first Catholic Uishop and archbiehop from his position at that time. The Vine the United States, -- committee then adjourned until ten. o'clock this morning. At a confer- ence later the recision to let all the men go except these under subpoena CITY OF MEDICINE HAT NOTICE is hereby given that Wednesday, April 24th, will be observed as the ANNUAL CLEAN-UP DAY And is Proclaimed a P. O. Box 525 Curtis No order too large or too small for the News Job Department. Give us a disaster A. Bray- u inci developments wel eo ts ae eves tamer manag (toed Me: DE Bek EO MET TEES om pte ome wan reached PUBLIC HOLIDAY which he t of there being: wo: 3 nd Ye tain Smith oe ri ER and EE ee ee ieeateation eae boats picked ap of the sixteen that Stood on the bridge until he was All citizens are requested to clean up their ACTOR valtee and the transfer of the.earyiv- S the sinking: Titanic dere is rey washed off by the waves. He swam A N ati n al B ard oO f Tr. ade yards and property and thus assist in making this ing members of the Titanic s crew. of hope. He is of the belief that tie back, on oe bridge again, and 110 fe a clean and healthy city. Senne Se et ee eae Californian, a boat not fitted with) Was when the Titanic went to. 3 7 NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. Estimate Free. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) wirdless has picked tip the misging the bottom. Great Conference to be Held This Week at. Washington eee nemar St.) New York, April 19 That Captain boats. a Smith of the Titanic was at a dinner lt;q was im my. berth, said Mr. (C. A. P. Cable) Delegates Present From All Over the- Country. - party on the last night in the big pick, there was no tremendous sliock London, April 19. Liord Strathcona i fopepahepepeteyerere--et: epepepe pereterered lefotelnlnietoieiefet Feataurent of tgniner despite lt;the'l pap cecmantied- tte pesscogers. There Nes cer ers oay et She memor Washington, D.C, April 20 Dur- ference. The suggestions of the 2 oN tact that he had received warnings by 15 nothing of a panic. The great ship al aoe skeld i St, Paul's Cathe- ing the coming week a commercial President and the tentative plan which a Gvireloas of-leeberas aNGhds wae .th8 orc dine eastained on ber'couree lor Te Py W gt; Orit All the iotherjconference of natignal. importance will be offered fdr consideration and z LEADER direct charge made today by Malor lt;a. a go. before it became wnown Dominion - offices were repfesented: which, It Is hoped, Will. be far reach. (discussion: by Becretary Nagle, are tu ' U Arthur Peuchen of Toronto. Major Mule OFS WOOT Ot ebere was OV filty thotsand pounds has ql- in its tts results, will be held in this tended merely to guide the -confer- anor ae Peucken is an officer in the Queens ev sestse The fact is that Tady been subscribed to the Mansion city and hundreds of delegates, repre-jence in its deliberations. According : Don't close a deal for your Fir Finish without first inspecting , LDEES prs meek oan and rece grater liter by el ping a darktmass House fund for the rofief of suflerers Senting various commercial and In- to the President s suggestion the na- our stock. Its thoroughly dry and all sanded, and will save you IRE WITH YOU i thers ihe Gas ce ths ise Fe eacceetcal isk Iscesenll'e orant: wens Tiemstecisantees dustrial organizations in all parts of tional organization planned should be f hours of work usually spent on cleaning: LACING YOUR Uasecabansabicee Sanit te cer of plates alomg her side-telow the the country have already arrived so constituted that t would give the 4 We have a full stock of heavy coast Fir Joists, good straight OR A BUILDING Pall peed th i ae Be a gad wes doomed: roea:. the (W. A. P. Dispatch) here, This conference, which is in- Government opportunity to consult + dimension, and everything else required by the builder. lt; TES FREE. SE ee ecu sin WiGts 8W, 3 Boston, Mass-, Apeit 19- The Tesp tended as the first step toward the the business world of the nation on HEADQUARTERS FOR CEMENT AND PLASTER aus crew. He insisted that if the captain land line steamer Californian whiey fFmation of a national organization a probe of trade eupremac ; it ot ise opera Bier 5 a rived. tollay fom London haa nei- Poelly representative of the commer- should afford eo-operation in the ex- 5 s inicio SEPP EERE ERE EERE EERE EE Io Sivin had nei- ci interests of the whole country, pansion of commerce at home and ae EDITS ther mrvivors nor ilies:from thet Tit yag called, upon tie suggestion and jabroad an shGSIR: provide i means i NICINE HAT AGAIN BLAMED. ae orders of President Taft, by the Secre- by which government officers charged + mee ee Soe 5 Ute ene of the dis- tary of Commerce and Labor, Mr, with the enforcement -of laws could 3 3 St te: big EY BROS * oe see tte ats sien * Song pasta ee poster: ae ae aoe at tai Nagle, and au woes i's meetings at beste Sana me complex- 3 Yard, North Railway reet. : sna PbOme 59 le sion of the city of cago and the adjoining states. Winter the a? eee ill- the New Willar el, es which surrotnd thelr administ- SS 4 March Lion, and Willie L. Moore delivered over the keys. as per the ed with survivors being pulled atioant tm.a message on foreign relations ration in the business world ; it FOPOTeLOTePerereLeLerareLeLeheLoke te-Le--etete 4 Consectors: schedule made and provided by the Equinoxes and the Solstices, who the Canpathia. We cruised the waters communicated to Congress in De- should give abvice to congress in i 8S Xe regulate the changing of the seasons, Miss Spring's sult in elect- about the sunken craft for three hours cember of last Year, President Taft framing new statutes affecting trado 49, 494 4 PELE Sok i e., Phone 434 *f ment was, therefore; not necessary and the action was not brought. Dut saw no sign of the three lifeboats expressed the belief that it would be/and commerce and should ald the 3 + Winter and the Lion had just started north, however, when they which we now understand are missingy of great value to have some central government in the intelligent and im- - Siti Box 304. received the following telegram: There was no sign of ile among the orsanization in touch) with the associ- partial development of domestic and I N S I x Ww E K Ss + peer er wreckage. f ations and chambers of commerce foreign trade. Medicine Hat, Midnight, March 19. , qe shall have ten 7-roomed houses finished and. throughout the country, and able to In some respects the plan suggest- Soateteate a oateateateateate af tes Free. Tear things up a little before you leave, gt; eee Storm King. (W. A. Pe Dispaten) keep purely American interests close ed by the President is similiar to that for sale. a repared. * This they proceeded to do. immediately, and all-day yesterday New York, Aprils 1ecsront mig '7 10-touch with (Gomnmorelal a fatra ) upon. which the German system of In three weeks we shall have ten small houses Jicihsj Sint torth.tielr utmost efforts to make a good job of it. Rein- bridge of the Titanic. Captain Sanit THIF Expression mee wich ental een ee eae, for rent. 3 forcementa In the shape ot-a fult srown: blizzard arrived early in called through hi: exphon: eral approval that the Presi le-jof trade roughout the jerman aie, BET e ie niorning, and all day the three proceeded to tie up traffic, fill British ides at tate ae We cided to start a movement In the dir- States Is based, but of course certain Anticipated buyers of houses on easy terms, keep STABLE HOME. E. the streets with snow, spread pneumonia, and destroy good tempers. ing Gly of INGLES Sink ences eae Totes COO intent . modifications will be necessary. The in touch with-us.We-are building. 26. to 35 re le Miss Spring regrets exceedinigly this spiteful exhibition-inspired pew iver cea Case Set ee tary of tentative plan of orgonizations which * here this season. if + from Medicine Hat, and against her will has been forced to file an id k tried he, Sommerce and-Tabor-to-take. Secretary Nagel has prepared for the FOLLIS Eto esse at an scat rw Meaty chat pram ne 5 at Sth ao uttagion a conterlponen tht each, commercial Oak ADOLPH SMITH Me captain into a boat Akt Smi - gt; z s 5 cry eho : practicable at Washington a confer- poses that each, commercial organ- ting Co. aoe d tor in all the length and breadth of the Uni 5 ae dte, ne- T enisst ga dow sith ber. delegates from organizations ization with 100 members shall be en- 3 MEDICINE HAT. MOOSE JAW s ae Srsiged pS leon end oe te se He theft : Thich are engaged in the promotion titled to one representative, with one s ; wate loud tu : : Dee sb HANS racers sltmding the conveplcs wno.ere cal ngemeueee tice emery tt See san ceabera. aigrided fo. courtituent 116 Montreal St. ; Seat, Coal 5 Gravel. FE aenta of Lowa, or who formerly lived tn that State, attended a ban- + No order too large or too amall for sueh conference to consider the es- body shall have more than ten repre- Poste stete tet teste tee seio nee Reetertriteaergectoateetectoatestedte special quet of the Hawi i ne News Job Department. Give us a nt of representative nat- sentatives, Nation ae g F auet of the Hawkeye club at the University Club Jastevening. of the News Job Department. Gi tablishment o pi : al trader indos - Horses for sale at + . The above from the Daily Edition of the Railway Age Gaze 'e tia sett organization for commercial de- trial organizations would have one 4 4 4 a ia Times, March 2ist, This is Ia connection with the Annual Meets yo foes oe opment, and to outline the princi- representative: for each 600. members Lee Oey EP * American Railway Engineers Association 6f the Continent: ples by which it should be governed. jup to 2,500. te + In conformance with the tustractions + Y ( ; n Be Assured received, Setretary Nagle, throug . ul Dr. Martells Female Pills Nineteen Years the Standard UL a ine Bureau of Manufactures, sent out invitations to more than one thous- ont PEELED Paeeoeteedontetee teeters of the best of everything in building materials by AA ana chambers of commerce, boards of ) DO a 25a recommended for S ae Ey teeta 4 trade, and other commercial bodies se le dealing with us. Clear Fir and Ced inish, also TEAMIN me - women s ailments, a scientifically S f 5 A ING PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS 4 Local Agents: SRE ee ee erieneunitak prepared remedy of: proven worth. + Pine in 1 in., 114 in., and 1Y in. mouldings in both (D EXCAVATING This is a breed of Poultry which meets every *f McPHERSON BROS, states. 11 1s expected that arse The result from thelr use ts quick i; and Cedar. Call and inspect our stock at your Sand for Sale, a ae - ye : Tarity) ot ue atganizalions Htayted en SeTmanent Or, aie: ot all drug e . requirement. The utility bird of the century , Medicine Hat. Ba eee aren et (oe o.d-10mo. convenience. : J nox phone Noe 415. large, beautifully plumaged and oo in J - ae ee SS 2 laying qualities. Eggs 2.00 and 5.00 per set- The general development, of the : Timi - ting. Cockerels for Sal . 4 plan, the determinatign of the bagis of w.R.Simmonds oe The New Lumber Co., Limited sem The) News, 0b) e Pryuntzation, the demarkation of sta CARPENTER xp CONTRACTOR ) (g - ; rae cae lity for sup A. J. N. TERRILL, NEWS OFFICE 3 CONTRACTOR scone and all sa Sie at for: Repairs promptly attended to. ox R. J. Russell, Mgr. Fe 2 ation will be left. entirely with the Phone No. 335: 3 4 LLDPE ECCE ED LUNE LOL Lee Phone 727. Box 781 accredied represontatives at the con: SLOPE PELE COE LYON
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Image 649 (1912-04-20), from microfilm reel 649, (CU1743239). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.