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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDIOINE HAT-DAILY NEWS. Tuesday, April 16th, 1912. A Speci of Ladies ne DPD OH ep OOO OE * Linoleams and eG os f Peis os te neste te tle it will cost you. Ps so-ahe reese 388 Toronto St. Seed teateetoeegeateetoeatee First-class Fire Limits Extended Century Methodist Church on West and Second-Avenue on East, Taken In Council Had Long Session Deal- ing With Minor Matters. The City Council held a rather ter. lengthy session inst evening dealit with many matters of minor import- ted up 80 as to receive patients. This will be done and the committee will now go into the-other phases. .of the question and report back to the coun- cil, Ald. Doty was named the coun- cil s representative on the Hospital Board, : from the Board of the Century Meth- 4 Hew agreement with the Medicine Hat Milling Co., was introduced by the Mayor. It is practically the same agreement as was passed by the burgesses last'year with the exception of the amount of gas, which is in- creased. 155 The Mayor said that the idea was tol put the Medicine Hat Milling Co. on the same basis ag the Ogilvie Co. pro raitlo, to the tax exemption of the property. The agreement gives 200,000 . tect of gas for ten years and exemption from taxes, The Mill which is to be erect- ed will cost 60,000 and will be of 500 barrels capacity forty men. ance and endeavoring to clean up the slate, There ate so many matter however, as yet to be dealt with that another meting on Wednesday night will ben ecessary. A communication ;-was received odiet Church, asking that-they be placed in the first class fire Mmits. They understeod according to Mr. Wilson, who was present at the meet- ing that a frame building was to be erected near them and they did not think that it -would be fair to the church, considering that they were spending such a large sum. Later a by-law was introduced by the Mayor in which the limits were extended to include the church. They were als extended to the east of the city and now take in east to Second Avenue instead of Third Avenue as formerly. The Board of Trade s application for a grant this year was filed. The fire chief asks that the con- tract for the new-aerial truck be sign- ed at once, The Mayor and Clerk the policy adopted by the Council. Some of the Aldermen. wanted named the N. Spencer, but the Mayor said that they had already decided on a name, eS. Adward 0, P. Hoffman, he of ath - letic fame, wrote re the prize he won and did not get for winning the bicy- cle race last Labor Day. He asked that the council see that b e-got his dust deserts. The Council decided that they had-nothing whatever to do gt; gt; with-the-matter-and his communica ion Was filed. various parks in the city be fitted up. expend the money voted in improving Central Park. The City will name a man to look after the hotels, he will be under the direct charge of the Chief of Police, but the hotel men wilF'pay the ex- The City by-laws are to be consoli- dated as soon as-possible.. This ar- duous duty will fall to City Solicitor Mahatfy.and Magistrate Kealy.Mayor City Clerk Baker. The Chief of Police, according to Mr. John- ston is haying trouble in handling-his cases as there have been se many additions and amendments to by-laws that it 1s hard for him to tell where + he is at. The matter of an isolation hospital LePAGE BROS. The One-Price Cash Store Purchase to give you your choice of 100 Idies White and Fancy Waists for the t two days at the exceptional low price of 1.25 each, (See window.) Floor Oilcloths We are offering some exceptional good val- ues in linoleum and oileloths. Are you go- ing to cover that floor this spring?* Let us figure on it. You will be surprised hew lit- LePAGE BROS. first and second time and considered by the committee of a whole, and is now-to be advertised. Extmnontion, April 15. The Province Jof Alberta has gained another signal The report of the Parks and Market victory in the Case agaimst the Royal committee recommended that the Bamk ard the Alberta and Great Wa- . terways Railway, for the recovery of The Athletic park over the river be the 7,400,000, proceeds of the sale of fenecd, and that steps be taken to tonds. has given the unecrmous decision ;-sus- taining the finding of the trial judge. was in favor of the province on the Point; held that the province was not entitl- ed to interest on the money prior to the time was made for its payment ) The nounced that they will carry. the cape to the Privy Council, and if they ad- here to this decision, the case wilt toe es feet toe Blouses Aero see nie ep oN ee he io dpe Sots os - *Phone 28 2 The committee recommended it The hospital be fit- Some of the Aldermen objected employing about The Ogilvie agreement was read a Court Sustains the Legislature in Every Re- spect Bank Will Likely Appeal. ee The Supreme Court, sitting ea tac, Mr, Justice Stuart, whose decision Justices Scott and Simmons have om likely go there direct fromthe prov- ince Without appearing ii the Ottawa court. was again brought up. The commit No order too large or too small for tee appointed met. with the Hospital the News Job Department. Give us a Officials and they went into the inat trial. estestetosts Settee convenience. You Can Be Assure of the best-of everything in building materials by dealing with us. Clear Fir and Cedar Finish, also Pine in 1 in., 1 in,, and 114 in. mouldings in both Fir and Cedar. Call and inspect our stock at your The New Lumber Co., Limited BR. J. Russell, Mgr. on toto en AeS z ed on the lists cabled to New York Al k 6 W CASE yesterday sailed on board tho Tit- s anic, They may, they say, have been ? Supreme Southampton Is a. Practically Every Member of the Crew of the Lost Titanic From Other Countries All Overwhelmed at Catas- trophe. cw. AP. Cable) London, April 16. The news of the /ned to sall on board the Titanic but loss of the steamer Titanic and prob- in view of the delay in'the arrival of able drowning of more than a thous- Myron T, Herrick, his succeasor, Mr, and of her passengers overwhelmed Bacon decided to postpone his depart- London today. Those who had friends among the passengers or crew had gone to their homes last night after a day apent in eager inguiry, relieved and reassured by last evening's des- patches, which declared convincingly that, the vessel was still afloat and on her-way to Halifax. Londoners: were, sure all was well wilti the authentic tidings. came this morning that had overwhelmed the great ship, The news, this morning in the late editions of newspapers France on Saturday next, LIST OF SURVIVORS Continued from page one) ollices here have their mast today, It is believed bene that the Virgiminn ever got near the Tit sternation resulted. This was trne deace, V, Payne, secretary to Chas. at Lloyds, H. Hays, was Throughout the morning the crowds wrecked. ship. which besieged newspaper offices and headquarters of the White Star Line increased in size. Pitiful scenes (W. AP. Dispateh.) Cape Race, Nfld, April 15 (Bulle- children, unable to get information as of the first-class to relatives or friends, left the crowds Were rescued from the Titanic. fer them, beyond dispptehes cabled to Pathia. In spelling and initials, it were to the effect that considerable cabl d tromi London yesterday. numbers of the rescued passengers Mrs, Edward W. Appleton, a few more might have been picked Miss B. G. Crossbi was remaining in the vicinity of the Crossbie, Mrs. Hen: wreck also gave hope that somie morefiess)y Mr. and survivors might be found. of the rescued began trickling into /eyman, Miss Nanette the newspaper offices during the mor- Bazzina, Mrs. J. ning, cabled from New. York. Every thur Rogerson, iss name Was eagerly scanned by thot burton and Norman Craig, members of ess, Miss C. M. Burns, parliament, whose names appeared-in eber, Mrs, B, Chibin: first cabin passengers did not said on Susan P. Rogerson, Miss Smiley B. the Titanic, this-3etyto-America Mir and Mrs. B,D. Bishop, The family of J. Bruce Ismay, man- A. Bayton, Mr. and Mrs. aging director of the White Star line recelved o direct news from him, but the appearance of his name in the Warney, Mre: George brought great relief to his friends and 8. A wireless despatch received today by the firm of Pears Soap makers, twas timed 1.20 yesterday, said mere- ly:, All well. It was:nsigned but was believed to be from Thomas.Pears who with his wife was, among) the Titanic s passengers. It ' came. via Potsdam, but there was no indication as to where it was originally from. It may have been dispatched from the Titani before it sailed, but neverthe- less it gave a welcome relief to many who believed that Mr. Pears is aboard one of the steamers which reached the scene of the disaster yesterday. pany say that so far as they know every passenger -whose name-appear- a few who changed their minds at the last moment, but at the offices up to the present time no cancellations from or additions to the passenger list haye been heard of. As a matter of fact these would be known only to the purser of the Titanic. (Ww. A. P, Cable) Belfast, Ireland, April 16 Thomas Andrews, Jr., a director of the Ship building firm of Harland and Wolff, was on the Titanic. He was accom- panied by mfechanics who were wat ching the Working of the latest pro- duct of the company s yards. + (C. AP. Capier Southampton, Eng., April 16. tressing scenes have been witnessed throughout the morning at the nite Star offices here, thronged by rel: cost you 1.50 in book tives of the crew of the Titanic. The ating story of the early town ig stunned by the news of the disaster, which is the greatest blow that Southampton has ever sustained. Bvery member of the crew had his home and a portion of them were.nat- ives-ef-the town. CW. A. P. Cable) 1 Paris, April 16. The American col- ony in Paris was plunged into. pro- found grief today by the definite news of the stupendous loss of life caused by the wreck of the Titanic. Hundreds of permanent residents here had. rela- tives on board. All went to sleep la: night comforted with the assurance that all had been saved and only when they received the news this morning was it that they learned the toll of fatalities. The White Star office was besieged by weeping women, several of whom had sons on board. Among these was Mrs, Wm, Dulles, who left in otal collapse, It is definitely pub- lished that Lady Duff Gordon, who Is known in Paris as Lucille the name under which she conducts her dress- making business, was on board with her husband, Sir Gosmo Edmund Dutt Gordon. They appear on the official passenger lists. Mr. Morgan and wife, Robert Bacon, United States Ambas- sedor to France, with bis wife and final meeting of Keith es Soafeatrae-ehoateatete eine efosteecoate te oS So-ageet Pe - the long score between sa 2 ee - e-atot es eS go eagess s beautiful bain, *, Daoks Mo aM Seteetedereseees daughter, had until week ago plan- City of Mourning lt;2 lt;3 EAGERLY SCANNED ?s. Miss Phyllis O (mame mis: and early editions of the exspine allt Sek pe newspapers sphead rapidly lt;fid con- ceived at Bruce Ismays London r si- Addie Wells, Bryon Smith, Mrs. Mat- Irs. were aboard the Carpathia and that Rose Abbott, Mrs. William McLarke, Miss Jean. Hip- some of the published lists of the Longley, Miss Bertha Lavery, Mrs. with, Miss KT. Andrews Mr H. Blank; Miss C, Bonnell, Mrs. F. M. Ruth, Miss Marie, Master Richard. s Widener and list of rescued posted by the papers, maid, Mr. Gustave J. Leassuer, Mrs. Olivia Middle, Karl Barrett, J. B. Thayer, Miss Willard, Miss Mary Douglas Sheddell,,Miles Haussing. On Saturday next, April 20th, the News will be- gin the publication of Randall Parrish s new story iber for the News, this is the time to have your name placed upon the list. The tale would Parrish, who has written many stirring tales of the plains, the wilderness and the sea, has woven into his new book, Keith of the Border, a thrilling representation of frontier life as it was in the great middle West before the continent was span- ned by railways. The plot is so cleverly conceived that the reader is mystified until all is unravelled. Thrilling situations. abound, and no reader with - red blood in his veins can fail to be stirred by the the chivalrous scout having determined to settle six shooters, rather than have the gambler expiate his crimes upon the gallows. .Keith was wounded but was nursed back to life by Hope Waite, the finds a lover for Christie Maclaire, the heiress,-a in the rotund, eccentric but very human Dr. Fair- Subscribe for the News this week and do not miss the opening chapters. In the weekly edition the story will begin on Thursday, April 25th. POPPE OSOOSD Clines, Madame Melicard, rs. H. Wool- mer, Mr. R. M, Williams, Miss Helen A. Wilson, Mrs. J, Stewart, Miss Geor- wette Amadill, Mr. J, B, Thayer, Mrs. J. Stewart White, Mrs, Edna S. Rob- Miss Mary Wiek, Mrs, Hingrid Lind- strom, Mr . Tucker and maid, Miss Anna Ward, Mrs. Thomas Potter, Jr. Resided in the Seaport Many Messages of Sympathy r. . Rolmans. Stephens Mrs, Carter, Mr. We. Mrs, Osby. Boston, Ma ss., April 15, Among the names of Survivors of the Titanic picked up by wireless from thes team- er Carpathla here tonight were the following: Mr: And Mrs, L, R, Henry; Miss Alice ure to leave by the French liner Fortune (daughter of Mark Fortune, Winnipeg), Mrs. Robert Douglas, Mr. J, Flynn, Mrs. P. Smith, Miss- Roberts, Mrs, Paula Mange, Mias Bertha , Mr, William Carter, Miss. Alice Phi l- ing), Mr. Miles, Mrs. L.:W. Hoopers, Miss Hilda Slayter, Miss Lucite Car- ter, Mrs, Florence Maro, Mrs. Jane D , 18, Graham, Miss Cummings, iss Hosle lt; Emillo Pallas, Mrs. Parish, Jane Quick, Miss Phillis Quick, Mrs. Lucy Risdate, Mrs Maud Snock, Mrs. Miss ilda Weiss, Miss Marlon Wright, Mrs. aiso om hoard the West and two children, Chas. Will- ams, Julian Padro, rs. Emelio Port- aluppt, Miss Went Quick, Mrs. Rebout Mr, and Mrs, Emile Richard and son, Juliet Mr, Laroche, probably mean- Miss Synly meaning Lillie Silven. Mary, Healy Mt Rossie, Skaltery, rs. W. N. Becker Mr. Miss Bessette, Mrs. W m. Mucknell, form and-is a most fascin- days in the West. Randall and Hawley in the dessert, them by an appeal to their half sister of Hope Waite, almost her exact double, Miss Bertha Watt, Ralph Wells, Miss: were witnessed as men, women and tin) The following is a partial lst ioana Trout, Miss Webber, Miss Bes- passengers who sie Watt, Miss J. Wels. , The with tear stained faces. The officials list wait received by wireless-at Capt ing, Mrs. Joseph Laroche Simon and ofthe White Star line had little to of- Race Station from the steamer Car Simon Laroche, Linkkanca, Miss Anna Mrs, Amastigen, Marshall Miss: Mate, the newspapers from New York. These dges not correspond with the list 98 lxr5 Marshall, Mange, r. Paula, ay be Mrs, William Angle, allcroft. Miss Nellie, Miss Sal Nellie Mallcroft,. Mel- joss, J. N. Maybe, Wm. Meoss,. Mrs. . Adia, Miss Nichols Nisser, Oxerham, up by the Virginian, The announce- pach, Version Mrs. L. . B. Harris, Percy J: Thomas Oxenham, Roger ment that the steamship Californian) Mrs. Atex.Hatverson, Miss H. E.1Aiss- Hllza, Salina Rodgers. B. Harris (wire Mrs, Ed, Kimberley, The list Miss Margaret Hays, Mr. F. A. Ken- anhart, Miss A. M. Brown, Mrs. At- W. Allen, Mrs. ion Renardo James Baxter, Miss G. C. Bowen, MF- mery, Miss Ellen, Gerroae Mri ands of People, the tst bringing joyBruce Lamy, Miss Hmile Ke to some, misery to others. Lord Ash- Misg E. A. F. Leder, Mrs. Ernest Liv- nie, Hososon Massefame, List of survivers whose Hames do not appear on the original mailing list), Brown Buth, Brown T. W. S., Trout, Mrs, Jessie, Catheries, W. M., Carmac- Driscoll Miss B., Port- McGowan Miss Annie, McDermott Miss Lillian, Mary Mrs. Florence, P en stay Miss Some question as to the identity Lord Ashburton is on Rogerson, Master Allison and Nurse,/and probable meaninj Allan, undoubtedly the same as giv- en in sailing list under names Mrs, C850 must-accompany-the-order. tools, ete; Faw Hl A. C. Becker and three children ,Miss Roger POPC OPSS OSS Bor 1249, News office. FRANCIS-WATERS WEDDING. (Special: to News) of Rev, and Mra. W. C. Waters, and Thomas Francis of St. Louis, son ot former Governor and Mrs, David -R. Francis, took place this afternoon In church ceremony was-fotlowed by parents, MONTANA STOCK GROWERS (Special to the News) attendance marked the opening inthis city today of the twenty-seventh an- nual convention of the Montana Stock Growers Association. Tie con- vention will spend two days in the lating to the stock raising industry. LOUISIANA SUNDAY SCHOOLS. (Special to News). Shreveport, La. April 16. The twenty-sizth annual convention of the Louisiana Sunday School association opened in this city today with a large and representative attendance. The sessions are being held in the First Baptist Church and will continue over tomorrow and Thursday. NOTICE Es Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads und these headings. gt; 25 words, one day .. 25 25 words, three days .. 50 25. words, six days .. -. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. HELP WANTED. JVANTED Dining room girl, also upstairs girl. At R dclift Hotel. 236-3t RIVER WANTED Apply at Cos- mopolitan Hotel. 236-3t WANTED Young lady for the cigar stand at once. Salary 15.00 a week. Apply Assiniboia Hotel Cigar Stand. 23543 (MAID WANTED Capable of doing plain cocking for small family. Wages i8.00 per month. Apply at News office, 1s4dtt. Apply at once to R. F. tf wanted. QWANTED Two. young men to sell Teal estate on commission. Apply to Box 1243. 2eTatt MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade, special summer Tate on, join now and save money. Particulars free. Moler. System Cel- lege, 609 Centre-Bt, Calgary. 294dtt 21gatt ker and Patten. ROOMS TO RENT. s- station, . Phone 727. 213 Toronto jstreet 234a3t TO RENT Burnished double-beaded room, modern, private, close in. 426 Toronto Street. 23543 T O RENT Furnished room, all mod- ern conveniences, phone 626. 235d6t fURNISHED ROOM to rent, station. Phone 727. near 23443 FOR SALE JURE BRED Bronze Turkey Eggs 8 dollars per setting of nine. Box 505 City or S. 1-2 See. 35, Tp. 12, R gt; 7. 236-d6t R SALE Brown Leghorn rooster. Apply 139 Montreal Street. Phone 445, a 336-d3t Peete tes R SALE Household articles and two stoves. Apply. 209 Balmoral Strret, mornings hefore eleven. 235-3 ce FFOR SALE One J. J. Taylor safe at gain. Size 2 6 x2 6 be seen at T. J. Flager s Blacksmith shop, or apply to box 22, P.O. 221dtt EGGS FOR SALE Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Brown . Leghorns, Chicago, I, April 16, The mar - Central Park. riage of Miss Leila Waters, daughter - FPOUND Purse contaiain Miles City, Mont., April 16. A large Alta: a bicycle preferred. Apply Bar- . FURNISHED ROOM to rent, near 711 Ottawa or Sh bb be ob oe ob bob bbb EF FOR SALE Good 60 fi, bullding lot + + Block 58, Ottawa St. 1350. 720 S UNLUCKY FROM BEGINNING - cash. /P, 0, Box 53. . + rele hk New York , April 15, The ++- JTTLE CLUB SEED WHEAT FOR *h great new White Star Liner ++ SALE Ripens 10 days earlier Titanle, started on her maiden - - than the Fife wheat, clean and free + trip from Southampton on - - from smut. Sample on request. + Wednesday. She was unlucky -- Grades hard, Myers Bros, Bowell P, : fee beginniag and when - - 0., Alta, K-Ap. 18 Tea the harbor narrowly ++ 2 missed a collision with the -f FOR SALE Two tots and throe mod- sf American liner, New York. ... Houses thereon. Lots 18 and + 19 tn Block 1, Townsite. 3 new frame PRES De a RT HNN he free, will be wold en balance can be arranged to suit the One third down and purchasers, Applyto Wm. Ansley; Phone No. 269 or 643 Highland St, iidte, LOST AND FOUND sum of money, Owner can have eame on Proving property and fi Grace Episcopal Church, of which the paying expen- father of the bride is the rector, Tho * MU, McClain, 616 Main st. 23403, reception at the home of the bride s STRAYED Eee STRAY Dark grey mare,. branded Y 4 on right shoulder. A reward, Of 5.00 will be paid to any- one finding the same. T, Wood,W. 236-2t .. AUCTIONEERS se ere te H:- 3. BROWNE CO, Live Stock discussion of a variety of subjects re outo St, Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. -H. B. Browne Co., 519 Toronto St. 182dtf Sc MISCELLANEOUS CORSETIERE-Spirella Corsets made to order. Send card to box 72. Mrs. Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 202d1mo seater eben lege WANTED Gentlemen's cast-off clothing, also old gold, silver, Jewelry, furs, hides, and all kinds of Second hand goods. Best prices paid. Globe Cleaning and Pri ssing Co., rear ee ee WANTED LADIES AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches. Jeweiry, guns, revolvers, yalises, puit Cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter 8 and furs, horse hair, wool and . ithers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Go, 812 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre 2. 0. box 701. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 23Dte. THE MEDICINE HAT HIDH,--FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the eity. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices, Call at 50 South Rallway St. or Phone 587.. tf the partnership ing between the undersigned under the firm name and style of the J, H. day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing by said partnership will be paid by the undersigned, J. H. Preston, to whom all debts owing to the sald partnership should be paid. Dated at -Medicine-Hat,the 15th day of April, AD. 1912, (Signed) J. H. PRESTON, (Signed) WM, -RUTHURFO Witness: og 236-2 BUSINESS CARDS. Organs for sale and to rent. Al? Pressing Co. ana Sold. Clothes Called for and D 'vered. Municipal Bngineer, Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Plans. Ete, VOICING and REGULATING Can) an kinds of ret the lowest charge best workmanship. Expert Work Guaranteed. CHAS. A. AD Telephone 68. Bronze Turkeys Eggs. Jas. Fleming. 226-1mo. FFOR SALE+Grocnry store and com- plete stock, gorda living apart- ments above. 1260 will. handle this, Reynolds Stewart. 4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer fully .ufrnished on cost of Papering g2edig TORE rooms, Phone 158. Dost office, 4th Ave, 202dimo OTICH IS HEREBY GIVEN that heretofore exist- Preston Planing Mills has been this SINGER SEWING MACHINES aud Sherlock, Manning Pianos and The Globe Cleaning Rear-of Post Office, Fourth Avenue. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repalred New and Secondhand Goods Bought MARK HARRIS, Proprietor. E. Bartlett, B.A.Sc.. Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Irrigation, Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 134 PIANO. TUNING consistent with 505 Main St Painting and Paperhanging. Our new 8 are here. Tl Christy Roug the Baltimo and Panamas ces from 5.0 SEE TI Turpin The Man's Stone Get the Big Do We Do -, Care V Yo The suits sh windows this Noung Eme, of Phil ten round draw at tonight. Brown we pounds while Erne at 137 pounds. FOOT Lonion, Aprit 16 results of today s Second division Fulham 0, Derby Stockport Counen 2 Stottish league Hearts 2, Glasgow UN TO HID Washington, D. servers of the cele today discussing th sun which will occ oretically, it is a practi of totelitn will be second: To the section of the glob m partial eclipse, 6 only in the casters ern Fanada. - Pervor line drawn throug Sioux City, Memp will not be able to mena. Washington apathesic regarding the reason that it sunnise in this nee Jacksonville, Fle coming trains toda; of delegates and vi Berfest of the Sot Federatian of Ger o Open thres: this city tomorrow Saengerfest ther day of the grand- Hermann, The city in honor of the man chorus assi ted by phony orches' w ening of the fone theatre, There wi on the closing. day, will conclude with
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Image 618 (1912-04-16), from microfilm reel 618, (CU1743233). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.