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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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tath, 1912. Friday, April 12th, 1912. ages for electrical 1a, Oregon, Wash- izong and Idaho, d by the Pacific electrical workers. t dates from Jan- will hold good for utive board of the 1 of Carpenters ing ite spring sess- at present. Am ) be considered by ve board during e FOUNDATION SACRIFICE OF: --ANCIENTS STILL PREVALS ind disabled mem- . gation, for the Dally News, infirm carpenters Conrvight, 1912, by the New York Herald Oo. Altrights reserved.) the iron worker,. ears ago, did this weird rite k The boodoo's off this buildin , Wellarg r-moasuro of observance than it bas killed our firet man yesterday, I'mlat this moment in the United States. sorry for the Itallan they crashed, Save only these important or unlmport Dut all the ame, I feel better./unt differences, however: That we do There's got to be some good red/not call them. sacrifices; that, whereas human blood in the makin of every bulldin' the ancients generally used but one sac or the thing s a hoodoo, But it keeps you rificial victim to a building we use many; nervous until you bear that some other that all religions ceremony has bee when the United States took over Alasks fellow s blood a spilled. Then you think abolished, and that the event, instead of trom Russia, in 1867, this rite war maybe yours aln't-needed thls time. Eery honoring the victim, is an annoying thing, eredibly known to exist there. It war man gets his call some day. Somethin', to be promptly forgotten. goaaiaihiioned Ray laws made by the somewhere, is keeping.the time card. Whed The facts are so remarkable that they United States for the goverament of th: the right minute comes one o them bif/nave siready attracted the attention ofTerritory. Observant travellers believe fron toothpicks swings round when you're /several foreign governments interested it is secretly practised to-day in remote folklore of a half dozen peoples, Every third floor it was publicly announced that land has them, The songs of Helne are the first man had just been Silied. Among fall of them. While the sacrificing of the workmen-on-the-fob-there. ware quiet, human beings af the laying of founds- knowing miles: It is atimsted that tlons and cornerstones was the prinitive mote than a hundred men have alreedy rite, It has beem superseded, perbaps been killed in connection with the com through the increasing value placed on struction of New York's new Catskill res human fe, by the offering of animals Instead. Thus to-day among the Copts A equarr centre of the wall and human remains in of Egypt a sheep oF goat Js slain and Its she ore sues crumbled to dust on ex-/biood spilled on the cornerstone. In oma existed anywhere to 1n- upper black hen is carried around elected for the fireplaoe bere, as every cate that any interment had taken place ho hocse aud slnugntered on the threab- where, the family altar, Four holes sr nd the location of the body refuted any hoid. It is this to which many theologian lag for the replace comer posts, The. suggestion of ordinary burial. The body pelteve the verves in the sixth chapter of 1 slave, man of women, ceptive, or had clearly been laid in the wall em- Joshua refer where the rebuilding of the sven descendant of captive, Is biind- fedted in the stones aud mortar to glvelcity of Jericho fe associated with the olded and compelled to Ho down in the t * S cred edifice security and perme- geath of the firstborn. S S Between Rite of Human Sacrifices at Remarkable Analogy G. Chase, an Alaska authority. space Is cleared for the house and 2 spo pecial 1.45. 8 Ibs for 1.00. not lookin' and over you go. More founda-lin the welfare of their citizens here. Pro- sections, sich as the headwaters of th tion stuff that s all. Never beard of human sacrifices in this buildin business, eh? Well, look it up, nenee. riage selected for the fireplace. Under the walls of the only two round jo far been examined casts of human bodies hav been discovered in such posi- Te will surprise many well posted Amer- Icans to learn that when the foundations jeresalve legislators, broad minded em- Xukon. Ample evidence is at band to A fresh young sapling is ent and laid towers of the ancient Irish which havel o the Turkish building at the Chicago Columbian Exposition were laid living 1 40c per Ib. Ml 39 per th young man. And take it from me, we fiom that there can be no reasonable doubt mcTiscee Tere ere Tet when the 25c per tin. ain't got past laying fine young bumana) Tas they represent observance of the rite of sitsoad which e-now-operating. z Se per 1. alive in the foundations of the big things Joppa and Jerusalem was begun living pe . tins. Reg. 25c: al 45 per tin. 25c. 43 for 25 or for 45. 1 30c per doz. Be. ice and onions. e and 90c. Spec- 1. SE. 1:25--Spects . Special 85 tin. we build. Not by good deal. They did it a thousand years ago. We're doin it now, all right, only we don't call it by the eame name. And there's bell to pay if a man gets caught talking about it Look it up. Ye'll find it mighty inter estin . And leave me out of t, under staria? I don t want em to lay me off for bein gabby. 9 Hey, Corrigan, swing that block over and give 'm two whistles. It is a startling fact that almost every custom of the ancients, whether exqui- sitely beautiful and Inspiring or brutally horrible and debasing, finds counterpart or anniogy in some custom of this time. Does history repeat itself? Or is it nearer the truth to say that every gen- eration has to pass through the same experiences, differing merely in name ot Is mankind building a outward form? Legends Worldwide. Legends and stories on the subject take the student all over the world. The trav- eller who knows his Europe hardly need be reminded of the story associated with the building of the lt;amous Cologne Ca- thedral, and the pact which the architect made with the devil by which the archi- tect sold himself to the devil for the plan. As a result, so the story says, the archi- tect forfelted his life while the building was In progress of construction. A much more plausible explanation of the story, In view of the facts of foundation sacri- fices, is that the architect voluntarlly gave himself as a human sacrifice to in- sure stability to the enormous edifice and thus preserve his own fame. His body lies buried under the choir. A Scotch legend tells that St. Columba Jeould not build a cathedral on Tena Inland Juntit te bad made the foundations firm by sagrificing a young man in them. Old i English churches almost Mvariably have Uh WH some association of murder mixed into sacrifices accompanied the ceremony of turning the frst epadeful of earth. This these trades ts killed and one man out of road wae planned, built and financed by every twenty-five hundred ts totaly dle habe live ieto of our own day seem to We t War never, broug futicote that, there io-un ebbing buntinet) aers cetaceniee gusts iether et skeet mong men to offer propitiation when the road of Waterloo is duplicated to-day in gods of any place are disturbed in thelt/the number of its victims who also find Deacefal occupancy of immemorial herl- graves In sunken places. Every floor of t The habit of foundation sacrifice every skyscraper is a modern battlefield still shackles the mind of man. onto which rain red hot bolts, wrenches, Modern Human Sacrifices. bits of tron and wood, and across which The foundation sacrifice is modern fact Wis giant beams mowing everything In as well as ancient legend. Everywhere thelr path. The riveter's forge spits red that men build. to-day human beings me like the cannon's mouth, and even sprinkle foundations with their blood. No e tremendous pneumatic hammers, great cdifice but bas it mixed in the cor-/St king their half ton blows make sp- Rerstone cement. No towering skyscrap-(ProPFiate war music. In 1889 Benjamin er, Or steel tube worming its way beneath 2 'is0m, President, said in his message city or river, no tethered Niagara pulling *? Comstess* It Is a reproach to our at leash of, copper two hundred miles sation that: any. clase of American) long, no gigantic terminal piling tracks on W rkmen should, in the pursuit of a nee- essary and useful vocation, be subjected to prea a a anew the fact or the fancy Ree human saerifice there can be no structural *0ldler in time: oat without oper packet: road to the stars or just plodding over /) ih Cape or ace oy Sap eee es x Foreign Governments Investigate the same moring but unmoved treadmill A BY satin i vatedeals of Burope are almost Whether this ancriSce be necessary in Italy, and not the United States, strange 211 for 1.00. its ancestors trod? Is it-maxing head- el) sarsaly Gia, reminiscences of victims hese days let others aay. Here we have to say, is the first country to make a way against the Stream of Time or is its : buried under the foundations., Grimm's *e do with facts, presented without con-jserious business of getting the facts 25c. Ssespeciis labey daly eompeag ena all Heeeee ne vies are full of references to foversial intent. If out of a story writ- Hvery consul in these United States has sereetombment of living human belnga ten in Kindly spirit and containing the strict Instructions along this line, Extra craft even with the Shore? To every pee candations, from the building of the latest data available to the careful in-/employes, Including lawyers, have been ce reader of this story his own answer. famous Castle of the Reichenfels, sacred Vestigator there comes incentive tp help- hired, and in Hme Italy may lend us the ar thn For thousands of years, so. tar. back fo uvery traveller along the Thine, down ful action between man and man, unex-ifacts for our own betterment. But her Gus) Negondl cna seesea ile lbuviea modes to the well authenticated fact that In 1843, pected good shall have been accomplished. object in gathering them is in itself eel then a bridge was about to be built near Between forty and fifty thousand men good story. It resulted from the way : 8 Tb sack. impenetrable dust, It has been rite or Balle, the people insistently demanded that are killed annually in the United States Iu which Italian workmen after coming 40 sack, reg. 80c; 8 Tb sack, custom among men to offer living human beings es sacrifices when the foundations of buildings were laid. The custom was to this country and obtaining jobs, either in excavation or railroad work, then ut- terly disappeared. The home folk in Ttaly would get a few letters and some money -and then Tony would seem to ack Timited to no race, oF time, ot geographl- i. cal boundary. Careful research reveals ate Ihave been swallowed up by the earth. c evidence of the custom among all an- As the Walls Rose She Called to Her Mother. - (Asi he had, literally. - For, he was: what : F cient peoples, with the possible exception : iy the, usiness calle 4 won. Hy had no identity. He was merely a numbet. ot the Eaepitans Several referen - Fs jsIoW That this tite, or custom, svas a across the throarof the victim, and at a Austris, too, has just introduced resobge WW he book of Joshua accepted among ieaders and social betterment workers common occurrence within the boundaries sighal the two nearest relatives of the tions seeking to obtain similar informa a Reed j historians ax indicating that the inspired are giving the subject very careful atody.lof the most enlightened tamd on the ost seated themselves on the ends of the tion concerning her citizens here. 0, Ma: writers of Holy Writ knew of the cus: The analogy of the ancient custom to the gigbe less than fifty years ago, and peor te eakiny tn oe 0 a Facts Greatly Needed. io, Man. tom. It seems to have been religiously records of to-day is so dramatic that stu- prabably a little search would locate Scar the noste, ana cach le otruck a blo Facts are much needed for wise legis selected Salen near the posts, and cach is struck a blow 3 Yop oak abd came selected. observed pene man disturbed the dents of history and folk lore find it many men who have seen its observance on the forehead with a club bearing the See oe aie eee Lena toil for-thd efection of human. babite- fascieting in the extreme. But, unlke in very recent years. Given this out emblem or arms uf ie Bom Siyuayer But owing to the lax laws of tion or publie structiare. fost research having to do with vitalltangible fact of the actual existence of Ancient Romie Practised This Rite. most of our States the records are utterly : To-day, in the New World, in the tAtistics, it ig dificult to get facts. The ehe custom in this day, and all the mass) sus Gusiou provuun W tia dug. except inadequate. Recently ten States ha twentieth century, living human beings 2ien s are dead. and cannot talk while lo stories, legends, folk lore and . gs) tal, owing to lus laws af the Uniued passed conipulsory laws requizing the re- Env bhsrisesdl ta aplng tha etdetante te meen, Of teaay mmo ave the faet : 0) crus Ireland, Buglaid) ind) all tie afta) Pettey) MNinals bets eee abentuved ter porting of all accidents to workmen. But se. gt; ations Inot wish to talk. ern part of Europe are vitalized into ma- Human beings. ap to this time unregulated trades, and of every great structure man purposes r duy ot-its widest popularity, perhaps a thousand The Rite in Modern Alas should furnish proof that. the antient Yivis curious that our own Atuskw tut investigator tevin of-tremendous interest to the care- Description of the rite is given by W. At Ww a far cry rom modern Alaska to incent tt : Uistince sweets not to change we echo. Proud, cultured Akuwe uc the zenith of Ler glory pracusea in them is Ineluded nearly every depart- ment of excavating and onstructive work, have ree from any necessity of reporting accidents, . Special 35c, this rite. Indeed, sie was compelled to Again, certain clauses of the laws, even 3 : - its observance by the oracles trum tier 3 they now stand, have favored the pecial 80c. Let Us Laugh and Be Merry. . temple gods, Gilucn s Story of Rome evasion of teporta of any kind. The Celtic Arithmetic, din living along, explained the phil-) Casise be did me a great favor. He one. ceo taprenting ag a buildings) pia be ae ae Ge esse S NTO the general store of a town up in osopher, and disturbing just as few of vit Tommy's les. Cool ar emagae nme ee Soeepesies fiat w an. New York State there recently came almy-hablia as possible I get up at nine But -dearte, protested the teacher te a eee the tomb of i ca eee aa 2 tor 45e. + vig, good atured Irigh woman, wholo'clock just as I always uved to and ring why . should you want Dick to Ble abainiy Baten Lelag vate tomb ie ee eae ee ee see . Se. - wanted to be weighed. She stepped off the bell for my valet Tommy's leg? Fas Geute a eae pd core an al ee were inches, dottl the scales almost as soon fe had at exclaimed the friends, are you 'Cause I hate the taste.of Tommy's) 4 man and a woman of eact: away iiding no teport would eo ped on. still able to keep a valet? explained the cherub. They were inimured in the wally in ac- be rendered. The New York Public Ser Be, ee Sieae: eckise li No gocat wae Noy sighed Tie philosopher, bur estdamee with an utterance from the vice Commission has soe that Ifa mam ' i: No, ie philosopher, FE ibylline laws, the sacr d: book of che * does not die immediately or within three die Cae retes eel oe ee Haste to Reimburse. Romans which they had adopted from the days he may be listed as injured. He swelgh ay to wan hasdsed,: 8-4 wes The Bishop of Mimosa. Hite, carryiig luuder through the Greek them. drops out of the records, The how inesday, om oi ee oe ENT or a crowded strects of Phliad lpiiia the The Appian Way, whlch the Romans pital doctors have ceased recording any- A pees N a Uishop of Minnesota was) VW other day a big Irishunan was-no un- boilt about this sae time, connecting thing but the immediate physical aspects for ref- ter Sat- wberry, 5 Ib tins, ew. 1.00. Special Tis easily discouraged ye are, Mrs. Casey, said a friend. Just step on 0 High Cost of Living. , HERH Is a little girl in Washington who has very decided notions with reference to the high cost of living, whereof we hear so much. This child bas a weekly allowance, thim twict, me dear, and let Mickey, here, , service in the English church outside W abroad he did a great deal of work in Rome. One day, after holding tC wails, he overh one English woman say to another: Who was the bishop who couducied service today? Lhe Bishop of Mimosa, was the re ply. know. He comes from South Africa, yvt fortunate as to bretk a plate glass wi der, the Celt broke into a run. had been seen by the shopkeeper, coltar. See her keeper when be bad regained 4 bave broken my window ure 1 have, agsented the Celt and didn't you see me running bome to gs low Rome with Bri in a shop. Immediately dropping ly Iad- mites away, and probably to this day th But be moar remarkapfe sper WhO lite in the World, ix dashed after bin aod caught him by the/ tne tombs of hero angrily exclaimed the shop- frequently breathi'be secure. F He newrle four hundr*d sand Men Are Killed Annually delta. road butt Witte Engazed in Construction bordered witt We und great wen, for ancrifices of living soung men were offered thet the foandations might Am:rican globe trotters speeding over thix road In high powered motor oars know that human bodies helped Work, e jiving cbild ahould be placed in the foun- ations. Copenhagen s Child Victim. weak tie huey Anderesting, as IL a thy uc, iegend is told by the Dawu fan, chiele, of the building ot the Between Forty and Fifty Thou- of the injured man, since they have been taught that to do otherwise might mean summons to court as witness in dam- mission, appointed by Governor Hughes, reported: In all the large number of jmineuse skyscrapers erected in. New sees totes ee Le York not an aceldent of any kind (ex- white euguged 1 Toundauou wud cou cept to the Coroner in immediately fatal siruction work. Competent experts 00- cases) is reported from tLe time the firs: wve that every mile of the New York shovelful of dirt is thrown out te the age case. The Employers . Liability Com : Teen Hi to cement together the very stones be- ; 3 Sige which Ee soni: ecaplors, rath nee ie eos Undisinay ed: a the money to pay. fot rth afound Copenhagen. the wails) aubway cost a human fife and that the laying of the last slate on the roof. Nor 2 i ously, eas abe, wid a Wasliln peat them... ateutiy suuk-urs certam place. Atte?liater work is exceeding that figure. Atean the sumber of killed or injured-in for 45c. ; Grery lttlo naughtiness the culprit Is M sah. wiall oud. ge. Me. 8 An Impolite Question. Algiers Has Cast of Victim. 21) iuer methods failed Little git was cyroner's jury having censured for care- these trades be even approximated. 26e. fined-in other words, her allowance bie yonies sled (nie iw teen eae sar b easl Glstacsashar ; Musi tt walle ol Algiers were: being parciiased. crv bar mother cobs. eats Iesutiese the Company cconetrast Ag: Bost). Gatety device: wou Oc conuat ener Ss ILWAY St. One morning the child was in a peculia: ly contrary mood. She did something out of the way and was fined cent. In a few minutes she erred again, and a sec- ond Timposed. For the third time the offence was committed. Now, Marie, said the mother, I shall fine you two cents this time, and if you disobey again I shall make It four cents. Dear me, sighed Marie, I think this fa o pretty expensive place to live In. Philosophic. 1 ier ar ara Sateen time im London tell of philosophic duancier in the British capital who, after being at the top of the beap, saw Bia wealtly swept sway. His trivads came, ever fearful le Iso thet they had to be-cut- off; trow would you like that? Well, mother, would be convenient not to have so many, finger nails to keep clean. Disliked the Flavor, prought to her for instruction. woman. - ea'm, replied the cher TFommy and Dick. 1 like Dick beat. nd why do you like Dick best? Why, Harry, said the parent, who 1s the lad get into trouvle Jor be injured, A knew a little buy who had a aled of that kind, aud the Hirst time he -osed it he crushed two of his fingers said the youngster, it KINDERGARTEN teacher in Phila- elpbia fell in love at Srat sight with cherubic youth of four who was Oh, what a dear exclaimed the young Have you any brothers Iie Souf. te and ot chicken and pie. The Bostonian thought that be would sample Old Dick's ware. He compli- and wound up by asking : Where do you' get The old darky, with a twinkle in bis eyes ling by, said : Boss, 1 sbo' knows you al And bow do you figure that? use, uh, sald old Diek, no South- e'n genulman ever by askin bim whi be gita bis chickens, acts, aud a ouumber of his staf re- cently visited Richmond for the pur- voc uf unvelling a. meuument to the aasyachusett. soldiers who fell in Vir- sua during the civil war a certain Bos- (ouian encountered an old darky, vender mented the chicken and then the pastry, ch nice chickens? cast is now in the Cathedral of Algiers, and a wink at the gentlemen atand- pany. from de curate and contributed by himself to the comprermiaes a-plgger bulit. UL, im the sxteeuth century, trouble in the foundations. The blocks were -v with the foubdationy caused the livinglurranged ua to leave a amall open space, cutombment of a Christan captive uamed/and here the little girl, surrounded. by her Geronimo, He was lmmared in a cement playthings and sweetmeats, was placed. At block and the ramparts of the wall werela signal from the taser builder, twelve built 6ver mud ubout him. Binee the masons-walled-her-in, As the walls rose: French occupation of Algiers a subsid- she called to her mother, Mother, cai fence in the wall led to an examination see you, then Mother, I can see you still being made and the perfect cast of aland finally, Mother, it is dark, 1 cannot human being was found, the body baving see you. becom dust. The block containing thelsolid wall After which, Nor does this remarkable find lack com- foundations. Stald England fornishes com- When Detines, on the Danube, was be panion story vouched for by a well known ing built by the Sclaves, there was con tant sinking of the foundations, until the workmen took young boy, the firet one ning, and buried bim pages of the conservative Cornhi: Mnj zine. In 1886, the Chureh of Holawor- they met in the - thy, in North Devon, was testored and re- alive in the founds When the old south wall was town, Dijcte, means n Sclavonic, boy. palled down cavity was fonnd in the Such ar * She had been built Int the has just been finished over in New Jer-'worker, Jim, ys the legend, There waa no further trouble with the nearest city compiled a list of the dead doing fool thing. The boys talked it all The name of the cently erected ih New York coat a man few random bite from in New York city bad metropolitan railway terminal which bas jessen the human sacrifice. Responses re- been seven years in building, the Corduer cejved from more than ninety per cent of stated that the death rate there was a the more than twenty thousand members man wtuy.* Phe-death roli in another of the Manufacturers Association clearly immense termfnal, upon which one hun- jndicate that the manufacturers them- dred Ipillions of doflars .. being expended, selves are 1a favor of rigorous accident ts said to total more than two hundred pre ventable accidents. But, says- my horny handed. fron we don't want-all them One of the papers published in the new fangied tricks to keep man from men already The greatest rallroad cut in the world sey. aad wounded a year before the job was over the other night It'll bring lot of Gnished which filled four columns. It is scared babies and incompetents into the believed that Sfty men lost their lives In pusiness, and we don t want em. It) this one cut. takes a man to do this work now, end It lv currently belleved among men who we like bit of spice thrown in Any- know the facts that every skyscraper re-lway, young feller, I tell yer no buildin s worth shucks without humag Blood gets When the new Munielpal Balld- spilled in the makin of I gt; ched the Perhaps Jim is rightl ae ation amt compensation for unpre
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Image 596 (1912-04-12), from microfilm reel 596, (CU1743236). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.