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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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April 7th, i918 a build, consider rat, Don't be per uy CHEAP LUM- . it's cheap use the Ve have it, and ev- Builder requires. stock of LUMBER; iH, FIR FINISH, LDORINGS. the agency for the organ Doors, OR BEAUTIFUL OOD FIBRE, LATH 2AR POSTS, WIL W POSTS AVER ARD Po Wedaeeday, Ape 30h, 1013 OPEN Ve 9 CLOCK Lef Us Loan You the Money at 5 PER CENT, Building permits for March show a 14.5 gent. for 15 East- MEDIOINE HAT DAILY NEWS. MEDICINE HAT WELL UP IK BUIMDING STATISTAGS INCREASE Western Cities Show 50 Per Gent, Gain for Quarter Eastern onal Only One Per Gent. Increase, While in Montreal They Show a Per Gent. Against Gain of Twenty-Nine Per Cent. by Western Towns. Of Fourteen (Financial Post) Sos reise being 1806 per cent. Guelph s Victoria has the largest actual in- jmereage Of 859 per cent. heralds the crease, which 8 accounted for by the granted on the 24th ult. The table of Rank will iow at a glance the com- parative positions of the various clt- les. One noticeable feature in conpect- fon with the reports is tho large num- ber of residences tb t are being erect- ed. In the west especially, op account of the stringency which was felt in this respect last year, there has been distinct movement to cope with this scarcity of residences. In April, since plana for building operations have been retarded on ac- count of the backwardness of the spring it s expected an exception- ally large amount of permits will be issued in the eastern cities, For this reason, since April generally leads the other months of the year, this EEAEEEEE EERE TE * A aoop WANT AD. +) +f Is, of course, one which will bring the greatest number of +h replies or answers, It is law that increased de.sand makes certain the quicker sale. + The Want Ad. ts the briet- est kind of an Ad. thats eyer +h written, and.hence in its brev- + ty there must be wit-wisdom. + The Want Ad. can only inter- est the reader on the basis of his interest. Each wader is sp interested in each and all of the fife essentials to every sfesfesde ote ie eo Railway or 8, 8. Agent or write eb airect te A. B. Davis Fea wala Sts Whomipes. Wau or Improve Real Hatate. SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone or Call jes, and re Hatt largest Dullding year in ita. career, milion doliar adaition to the Parila- 29.9 per cent. in- 5iS month s figures including per- ment Buildings in February and a month s figures will likely establish crease for 17 western, as compared mits for several new factories. Win- 400,000 store, office and apartment one ; with March, 1911. The increase from ripe Tias the largest actual month's building, the permit for which was the west offsets the decrease of the increaie and also the largest amount east, the total showing a 11.7 per year, Although the actual increase ,coond place In the Iatter respect. ro TABLE OF RANK Want These essentials, im the order of their import- ance, are Grst, the names of th or thing advortis- e4; second the quality of the article or the kind of thing advertised; third the price of The Canadian Home tment Co., Ltd. Phone SO Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alta. Inves' BOOF664SS9 5067 CS 090 0OR is much smaller thanthat shown in February, the total 11 which includes the returns from the thirty-two above-mentioned lt;fties and those reported from seven addit- fonal cities whose last years figures are not available, is much in advance of any montx-this year. The prediction by a Fort William newspaper that the city would hold the. premier position with regard to real being the chief offenders, and Vancouver in -the Western division has declined 718,508. In the east 4 Victoria Winnipeg +++ Calgary. the unfavorable weather conditions, Montreal .:.++Regina bint the decrease shown by Moose Jaw, 1. 2. 8 4 the decreases may be explained by 5. Calgary 6 7 Regina, etc,, would seem to indicate 8, 9. that in these cities building activity for this month, moving Toronto, Amount ot... Amountof .. Actual Ine, Percentage of which usually holds first place. into Building . Building or Dec. 1912 Inc. or Dec. 1912 1st Quarter dst Quarter over 1911 over 1911 A large number of decreases are 1912 1911 fr the-eust; Toronto-and Mont- Toronto ..... Vancouver Vancouver ... Toronto Winnipeg . . Montreal Eamonton ..-+Victoria Fort William Hamilton Ha monton Hamilton is striking a more normal balance, 10, Matsonner:ve + -Vietoria .......... Fort William . Port Arthur. Westmount. Medicine Hat. Saskatoon PEPE EEE EEE EE PEE EEE EEE Edmonton Brantford the article or thing advertis- ed; fourth, the address, (phone, or street number) of the advertiser, and, fifth, the name of the advertiser. When the above essentials are fully and truthfully stat- ed in the Want Ad, the best Fesults are obtained; but in proportion to the number of these ons ntials ommitted from the Ad., does the advert- Wardrobe LADIES SILK DRESSES WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. Pb beh beh bbe bb hb bek bob bee Sc percentage ineredse over all Canad- as the weather conditions there, on 11. Westmount: Ottawa. E.M. CA WKER, fan cities has prover true, the in- the whole, have been favorable. Heantrora Winntpes Yee oe Bates wen DRY CLEANED, Phm. B. BUILDING PERMITS FOR MARCH 13. North Vancouver.. Guelph. Hamilton. r - opportunity; lodk for them in city 19121912 Decrease Per ot. tebe SS. peat ee: cee The News, Phona 13. : Druggist Be ee 15. N. Westminster. Moose Jaw North Vancouver. . Lethbridge. . 16. Saskatoon... Saskatoon. Nelson... North Vancouver. stock of Toilet Articles Montreal, Que. 691,449 8,000 90,850 1133.1 0. dries, Proprietary Medi- 2 Westmount, Que. 98,650 suiougez 410448372 17 Medletne ae ttESR EE See te MBEK PEOPLE Cines, etc. of Physicians Pre- Guelpb, Ont. 101,000 22,000 79000 359.1 28 N: Vancouver. Brandon. -. incorporate punch into them, you + RR. B. Taylor . eS eaiNe aopecialiy, Brantford, Ont. 1350887 ae ETO 10a 8 retin Galt. may as well do no advertising at all. : 204 South Rv.St. Phone 73. Ottawa, Ont. 219,250 184,475 s4r76 gt; 680 20 gt; Westniount lt; m Mletne Mat. . lt;Berttn The best way to get advertisenients *) Masonnenve, Que: 151,000. 103,000. 49,000. 48.0 21 Guelph e Matsonneuve. that have not only the necessary Byitae fesse Galt, Ont. . 58,800 43,689 215,161 (34.7 Re eas Sarme punch but that are constructed in Hamilton, Ont. 438,300 350,250 8,050 25.1 2 Windsor Sees every way to bring results fs to buy ht and Heavy Draying. 2 London, Ont. * 70,289 Gea, Canon , sea 24 N Batlotonn ence Singejon. - a syndicated advertising service. This Pibapt Adestion to all orders - oronto,Ont ca.esvee++ 1,657,750 2210,770 653,020 29.5 - Brandon - core William. Brandon. service s offered in a series of 52, one . , Plano Moving with Plavo Yan : : Kingston, Ont. - 15125 * N9AAD Tate ang 26 gt; Nelson ..-+:-+ Nelson. . Peterboro . advertisement for each week in the a Speciality. 7 Chatham, Ont. 5,700 5,000 700 14.0 2 Galt - + Guelph. Sydney. year. Bach ad is supplied along with Pareels Detirerea. is the time to enroll in the Peterboro, Ont. 5,735 6,605 ais 13.2 22 Mooee Jaw sot Arthur Wemnaaer, ; an attention compelling copperplate *PHONE NO. 349. Windsor, Ont. 39,800 60,250 20,450 33.9 29- Red Deer --- Sydney. Moose Jaw: cut, the Illustration drawn by a high a SOUTHERN ALBERTA Sydney, NS. CATS AMO cess az. (80 Berlin Kingston. Regin priced artist. The whole series has SMUT Qa ZY Vito BRS sex710 at30as - setsts aoze * Vernon + Peterboro - Montreal . been constructed by an advertising ex- ae Ap eptneed a (ELCEGE) earmonton, Sita 904 998 276,825 624307 225.6 2 Melville en . pert with a national reputation who GAS CHV . Quart ES eps ries See Saeiree ane t Mactood vars Macleod. i - itais made success for many other mer- yp my es yy 3 Fore Wilanone: aise 45.005 20BATEY 976 94 Kingston, ...-NoHh Rattleford...North Battleford. . North Battleford... /chants in the same position as your uM .+.Pint piniepeajndcs asa Deskinepers Port arcauys Out wis 615 46565 3806-1 la syaney ...---New Westminster. New Werlminster. Now Westminster. jself, It wosls be impossible to: uy CLEANING CO. PAY MORE etinays in Demand. Withipes: Mail 77H Eoisesc hobacs.- enn (2 Petorbarcigaammmrile: Melville. . Melville. those advertisements for the low 7 M Biaudon Maa Teast 74.806 4386 56 87- Chatham- ..--Re Deer Red Deer. Red Deer... price at which they are sold trom one Aes Bak seany, eae rine siene . Moose Jaw) Sask. 30,008 105.108 weiose 715. Note In columns 2, 8 and 4 the last five towns are not ranked because ollar per week up but for the large the Vacuum Process, the best and 's Dru ' Lethbridge, Alta. 170.215 99,400 76815 77.3 the various figures are not obtainable. ocibere: Of ssedh kind) Cink ake sol ORI way 0 eet es chai ano s iJ. and Eo a0 ae oe a8. S - to thousands of retailers throughout and for less cost than the old hand a s SUA Lisle non oes aoe the country, Only one merchant in WAY. fore : 3-2 Vancouver, B.C... 7,494,290 ZaaT 798 718,508 35.2 F the COUNT tiaved to vee a servico qrise , Your order. to avold the WILLIAMSON North vancouver, B.C. .... 72,984 104,000 hogs, 29.9 - flag eons tina aiea panna OF delay is i ninlniminiminieininfna PATERSON jj B.C. 38,750 sea 4208 142 g The retailers here would do well Aieticn o20a1 mo. se a ata Ree Mag ae bs ? to get full particulars of this new syn- - Contractors. Saskatoon, Sask. . 197.285 G42 132,918 208.7 BY DUNDAS HENDERSON Sheet a ee SER Bagctbe ati a shag Calgary, Alta. 1,086,201 1,012,260 73,941 13 salesmanship on paper P.O. Box 525 . Curtis -DER and TRACTOR red, Estimate Free. Braemar St.) inininininininlnininintat SON LEADER FIGURE WITH YOU PLACING YOUR T FOR A BUILDING MATES FREE. ext to City Hall. wforinfontninlonferinininfofet LANDRY, CARPENTER BUILDER Residence Office 711 Ottawa Phone-626. Job Work Attended to Look me up if you want good substantial, properly plan Box 381- Something aily designed and homelike , and worth the money every time. FOR SALE S moderate pric- '- ed houses. 1000 cash will han- 7 dlevany-of these. 2 first-class thoroughly mod- ern houses close in. * you want a house. See me if Total 15 Eastern Total 17 Western . 7,825,657 Total East and West ... 11,406,015 Sti Catherines, Onty 34,800 Owen Sound, Ont. . 8,290 Red Deer, Alta. 44,940 Macleod, Alta. 12,500 Melville, Sask. 85,000 North Battleford, Sask. 16,650 Prince Albert, Sask. 27,100 As disparities occur from month to month on account of some local condition, the monthly permits do not reflec as-the following table of permits is- sued to the end of March of this year. The actual amount is 30.2 per cent. * city T91z Montreal 1,481,159 BUILDING PERMITS FOR FIRST QUARTER, 1912. b05,198* 145 4,803,094 29.9 10,208,114 1,197,901 other actions. that fe necessary to secure success in ahead of last years figures. The east- ern cities fare somewhat better on the three.months record than on 4 they manage to connection therewith along w ll de- fined rules, They even become imi- tative and follow the rules laid down 'b ythe great men and women I have ure, No matter how good your plans ing them out, you must put punch in- cessful, Ss register a 11 per cent. increase. The western Increase of 504 per cent. is distinctly encouraging. 1911 Ine.or Dec. px- 2,110,165 679,000 32.2 SLEY BROS. and Contractors. )NE- STFABLE-PHONE- ieimcantar ear . S. FOLLIS racting Co. TORONTO ST. ng. Sand, Coal Gravel rating a Speclalty. eavy Horses for sale at All Times. LYON TRACTS FOR 7 TEAMING 7 AND EXCAVATING and Sand: for Sale: 0. Box 81 Systom The News Job nas every facility for sup nost satisfactory. Sale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses . For Sale Light and Heavy Draying Hay for Sale Fred M Phone 85. W.R.Simmonds. CARPENTER Ap CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to :2,852,725 614,340 2,238,385 1,198,222 399,055 799,167 429,480 622,225, 192,745 *Phone No. 335 W. A. Henderson X Yerconer - Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND j Calgary AUDITORS (Bstabished 1882) Winnines, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat ae A. B, Gibaon, C, A., Manager. Phone No. 198 Burns Block House Movetsci. su SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. *Phone 260. J.J. LAI 116 MONTERAL STREET Phone No. 415, 4,607,380 1,271,928 122,780. Vancouver .. Vernon Total East and West 22,994,320 17,661,704 5,332,616 Macleod .. : 32,200 North Battleford of 00 New Westminster 208,198 87,830 90 2,110,185 678,000 38.2 Red Deer as weil as for March alone. 27.6 39,542 192 Medicine Hi * * 8,250 194575... Saskatoon 281,065 87,767 + 198,298 ...2408,718 1,641,900 766,758 Total 16 Eastern 7,311,824 10,480,580 5,258,466 Total 16 Westei 15,682,996 7,281,174 80,150 Vancouver has the largest decline coming year, The total amount Is and Montreal takes second place injalmost one million dollars and the consummation of the sale. this-respect. Regina and Moose Jaw increase 2701 per cent I8 the lar- + show decreases for the three months gest for all Canada. Its twin slater, Port Arthur, ranks next i percent- Fort William's figures for the quar- age increase with a 1545 per cent. what your business, you require punch in that salesmanship to impress your goods .on the minds of the people and make them remember you sufficiently was buit on it, as much as on their ig-the straightest road to advertis- Many men and women believe: all are or well lald the methods of carry- Pieces Each on, Titanic. to thelr execution to make them euc- New York, N. ., April 16. Post- be called advertising with punch In It ing success. TENDER FOR DRILLING GAS life s to. conceive an idea or s t of Ideas and carry out the actions in WELLS, HE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT will I Tecelve sealed tenders until noon of Saturday, the 20th April, 1912, for enumerated. That is the road to fall- the drilli lowit 3,500 Sacks of Mail 2,000 drilling of the following gas wells. 1, One well, 1200 feet deep, finish ed, 6 inches in diameter throughs . master Edward M. Morgan,.stated to- a throughout. ness a success, and you know that had.on'board 3,500 sacks of mail, It the highest. grade of salesmanship, s not -likely he sald that the mails ene sees aan ee both inside and outside your store Is were saved. be ot Snseaes necessary to that sticcess be sure As the Standard ocean mail bag Proposals for above works must be Faas : - holds about 2000 letters it 1 estimst- mage in sccordance with- Specifics vention of your plans, In your pub- ed that in all about 7,000,000 piece of tions.on file in the office of the City licity, for instance, you need punch fom in the salesmanship used. No: matter x have been lost. Engineer, 2 ios The lowest or any tender not nec- NEWS OF TITANIC DISASTER CAUSED SUDDEN DEMISE essarily accepted. *, (Bed) A. Wi GLWAVES : ee a Westmount 183,050 35,500 97,560 gt; 274.8 Guelph 112,950 22,000 790,950. 418.4 Brantford 157,960 - 60,645. 97,315 160,5 PUT PUNCH INTO YOUR Ottawa, 404,735 -- 228,075 176,660. 77.5 ADVERTISING Maisonneuve 323,000 318,000. 5,000 13 Galt ese. -86;570 50,949 eee When you are attacked by someone Hamilton 703,800 464,950 Baaa60 BLA Wilo wants to do youbodily inury, Ons end eermestty to Duy. tt te dust London 110,541 85,363 24678 28.7 if you are the average American Toronto - 3,665,880, 3,638,040 26,890 07 man, you straighten out your body Kingston . 19,299 20,072, 773 . 3.9 4 give the miscreant direct hit 8.100 7,000 4100 15:7. from the shoulder thatlays him-out not leave a sufflclentiy good impros. 9,905 12,170 2.265 186 a candidate for the hospital. 97,200 118,625 16425. 14.5 That is called punch. 2 11,225 20,220 Bo0se 445 But there are other kinds of punch. Dunch, then, in 53,000 48,000 40000 233. Bvety kind of human action originated Punch home straight from the shoul- human-being-may-be-strong or 364.4 Weak according to the energy put 2093. into it by the person. The effect of 91,9 those actions on the rest of the world; 21010 or on Any particular person, when ' As you already know, there are four connection with the theatrical play. Uniless that play has punch it would sion on the play-goers to make them criticise it to its advantage. Use in your advertisements. into the minds of the prospective customer and he or she will remem- ber you longer and more tavorably than all possible rivals. - points to a- successful. advertisement the same punch as is referred to. in), CW. A. P. Dispateny, ) Botssevain, Man., April 16 J. P, Alexander, P.P,, and Deputy Reg- istrar ot the Boissevain Land Office, dropped dead this morning at 9.30. Death took place shortly after he got into the barbers chair. Heart failure was thec ause. The news of the loss of the Titanic yesterday upset him, but the later news of the heavy loss of ife-caused his death. Fort William . 989,450 35,325- * 954,125 Winnipeg 4,761,400 3,472,410. - 96.9: those Actions make a deep and paratyz Brandon .. 85,156 1506 1,7. me Impression ts called punch. We that must be miade operative before Moose. Jaw... 112,455 dfass 4a. talle about the punch of a theatrical it ean be successful. Tt must cop- 308.750. 90,020. 4 play meaning the strong permanent ture the attention of the-prospective 2 flow of its action om the feetin pert acta 20388, Bae: eet ithe audience, A story has punch and est in his or her mind apd itm ust af- ate pression on the people with whom he the prospect. Lastily, the advertise- 281.0 comes into contact. ft fe punch that ment must cause the actual purchase 202 makes you succossful without punch jot the goods. Toad to prosperity. oe Punch should enter into every ac- all those principles tit gog (Punch into it. If you soll goods in bine them successfully the most ordinary Clerk in your store terwards bring conviction that the nm give punch to his dally work goods are what they are represented aud Tifa that will leave a lasting im- to be and that they are needed py you cannot even hope to start on the Any man who has studied advertis- tion of your Ife. If you pray, put way, but it-requires an expert to com- your store, put punch into the sell- A salesman in your store may eas- ing talk. Punch shows sincerity just ;lly apply all the rules of selling to the same as that blow from the shoul- the Customer that comes in, but he der on the part of the man. If you may not be succe look a woman or man in the face, and of forcetulness punch. It is the put punch into the arguments and suggestions you use to sell yourgoods Punch the appearance of forceful you will create an impression that honesty ang convincing power in the you betteve in what you selt-and-that wording and expression of the ad to fact alone gose al ong way towards When you 100k carefully over the It is punch that makes all the dif- written accounts of the men and wo- ference between success and failure in men who have made history and been the advertisements of our greatest re- really great in all walks of life, you tallers. t 6 punch that will bring ter yaflect an unnaual amount of gain. Toronto maintains first poal- will find innumerable instances of success (0 30 through your announ- building and development during the tion with regard to total amount and ing closely can very. fal through lack me with an advertisement. You need to expect from it. s-it-witlhave-to-ereate-inter bring the reaults that you have a right FOR: THE POLMATIER SIOTERS All Star Company OPERA HOUSE Friday, May 3rd UNDER THE AUSPICES OF Sons of Scotland punch, showing clearly thit siccess cements and unless you are able to Pian at Pingle s Drug Store TENDERS FOR HORSES. om NOTicu 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Medicine Hat pro- poses purchasing five horses for the Scavenger Department. Sigs Sealed Tenders for the same will be recelved untH noon, Wednesday, Ap- jet 17th, 1948; + Welght required Between 1250 and I pounds, i is Immediate delivery must be guar- anteed. The. lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted, J. Pettit CONTRACTOR Phone 727. Box 781. LOOK HAPPY Yesterday. is dead torget it Tomorrow does not worry. * Today is here use it. How? ot Let us tell you- with that mew - gown, spring hat or new suit we could certainly make pleasing ptoto of you. : New designs tor spring. : BARTLETT STUDIO * 93 Fourth Ave. Over Binning s Store. - puesta SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Daity News.
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Image 625 (1912-04-17), from microfilm reel 625, (CU1743235). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.