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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Oth, Apis. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. (bbe beleli-ieleiicelebeebebeeieick ei binbieererri-F-1 has gone before, Tt isa straight-out/the church Jaw, the menibership of contest between Taft and Roosevelt, the tribunal to consist of three bish- FOR WOMEN : cn the Republiean side, and not ODS six miuisters and six laymen Mingle State of eointy witice will be While the report of this comnilasion alceted by the results. They will not Will be placed before the General Hioven be lndlestive Cinent at. Conference, iC is believed doubttul if BY ONE OF THEM fecting the governorshij, : nationai eHom at this time will be taken to Id, vonsider in achidasties) for Wat mutter, for the eats such a court jon't be per- FoieiepepetebebebetotetetetetetatetetetetebedndneieieieieisinieicieicieieicieeS1at eonvention is vl ited under TRS lt;hireh le axaloxt dancing, HEAP LUM- The Women s Hospital Aid will) The stone yot might have lifted the new primary law No Blgsta i 7 icice ln ivarious eihier teraier at eap use the meet in the Council Chamber on Out of a brother's way, chusetts delegates to) cago and 1) saiaetuerililicegin ites braugeteup it, and ev- i Thursday-next-at-3 o'clock: The bit of heartache counsel Baltimore will not red even 4 tit doubstines-precipltate-the us You were hurried too much to sayy by a platform. esicivadl alvcteat er requires. eee . Peet a p Ftperalt sites ual spirites asston. Angels may have their sphere of (The loving touch of the hand, dear, ) If Colonel ceeds in phere are 10 be probably tour of LUMBER, tlave Been 3 Tsolulness up in heaven, but down in THE entte-wadwinsomr-tons, carrying Mimsenehcct +- with mea faenope enBete CoH VEERNCTER a IR FINISH, jthis world a0 angel ean compare) That you had no time vor thought in the opinion of bis wvnavers, that /ihough im this the General Confer- PLE, BIRCH . 4 with a sensible, patient, Christ-lov- for, there willsbemo chance to check his lence bas the power to increase. the Nas. Selling 3 ing woman. Theo. L. Cuyler. With troubles enough of your ows. triumphal mageh tow.rd the nomin-lpumber of new bishops as clreum- 3 - Jation. As the situation stands, the mtsnces may reuuine. Among those ency for the lumber for years and never had 3 THE SIN OF OMISSION For life is all too short, d Talt people feel comparatively -safe, talked of most prominently are Pres- Doors, a single complaint from any of It isn t the thing you do, dear, And sorrow is all too gr but at the sam time they realize the/ident Francis J. McConnell of De- :AUTIFUL our customers, either as to 3 It's the thing you left undone, fo suffer our slow compassion, moral effect of Roosevelt victory in Pauw University, Rev, Dr. David G. price; -quatity-or-promptness in- - whieh gives you bit ot heartache j That- tarries until-too late. Massachusetts. They think that if Downey, head of the Sunday School BRE, LATH delivery, We-can satisfy you 3 At the setting of the sun. And it's not the thing you do, dear, Roosevelt carries the State the dele- Boand, Rev, Dr. Homer C. Stunts, 0- OsTs, WIL Just as well as our present pat- 3 ine tender word forgotten, Tt s the thing you left undone, Pgates from Southern States, always ordinate secretary of the Home Mis 3 3 STS R PEOPLE PHONE rons. An initial order will tell the whole story. The Gas Gity Lumber Co y Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill Phone 23 Branch Yard at Bowell WO Look Out FOR THE ATER OPERA HOUSE Friday, May 3rd UNDER THE AUSPICES OF Sons of Scotland optiosirtioniearenieeie pero Plan at 1 at Pingle 's Drug Store For Sale WELL DRILLING The letter you did not write, The flowers you might have sent, deas, Are the haunting ghosts tonight. iP fe THE RICH YOUNG RULER , God gives salvation freely and of His Grace, It 48 not bestowed as a reward for some good thing that we may do. We can only accept. But be accepted altogether apart from conditions, There is a condition set on our acceptance and it is not light one that we lay aside all else, and follow after Jesus. The sahove remarks were made by Rey, C, T. Holman in the First Bap- tist church Sunday, while preaching a sermon based on the story of the Rich Young Ruler, in Luke 18, 18-30,. Mr, Holman pointed out that Lehe-rich-young-rulor's mistake a mis- SS. . 65 gt; HE CHURCHE SS. do not imagine that this grace can Which-gives-you the bit of heartache At the setting of the sun. Margaret Sangster. sui fe) yet thou lackest; go, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come follow. me What is Christ saying? He Is merely making a practical application of the com- hmandments whtch the-young ruler claimed to have kept. Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself, Go, sell all that thou hast and give to the This one thing yet thou lack- Only one lack, but that lack was fatal and fundamental, lack of The one att comprehensive require ment of the law the absolute subjec- tion of the heart of God, and this want Vitiated all his-other obedience. Nothing short of this can satisfy our Lord s demand on us. Jesus, an uncertain quantity, will very like- ly flop over to the Koosevelt band wagon and create trouble, if not dis- aster, at Chicago. While the situation in Massachus- etts is mot 0 erucial for the Demo- cratic candidates, both Speaker Clark and Governor Wilson are anxi- ous to get the Massachusetts dele- gates to. the Baltimore Convention. The Clark campaign got under way several weeks ago and has gathered great momentum. The Clark mana- gers express themselves absolutely confident that the Speaker will de- feat Governor Wilson in Massachus- etts by a three-to-one vote. While they are not making any -definite-pre dictions as to the outcome, the Wil- son managers apparently are not, worried over the situation here. They. say that Governor Wilson is certain to get hia share of the Massachus- otts delegates... At the same time they have taken nothing for granted and have sent some of their strong- est-campaigners into the State dur- ing the past week. take which caused him to go away from Jesus exceeding sorrowful was in the spirit in which he approached Jesus. He had kept all the command- ments so he thought, and now he would perform some work of superer- ogation in order to assure entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven, Master, what good things shall I do that I may have eternal life? And Christ meets this man in just the spirit in which he comes to him, and will courteously demonstrate that the kingdom is not to be attained by doing, What good things must 1 do Keep the commandments said Jes- us, Yes, grasp the true inner con- tent of the commandments, that, and you haye truly grasped the secret of unselfish living and reliance on God s grace, Which ure they? asked the ruler, and Jesus recited to him the second table of the law, his duty to bis neighbor, and: summed up with, thou halt love thy neighbor keep from the first saw. this man's dor, wealth, and laid His great authorative grasp upon It, Give me that and all is well he said, And that same au- thorative grasp is laid upon our idols, whatever they may be, whatever we have been worshipping before God himself wealth, worldly prosperity, personal ambition, pleasure, hidden sin and the Master says, Give me that and all is well And the one who does so, who yields all that he is, or has, his powers-of personality or his. possessions becomes heir of the Kingdom of Heaven, a child of the king, He lay up treasures where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break throu- gh Sud steal. ee a Do you see What ft is our Lord de- mands? A complete recognition that whatever we have is not ours, and a Willing Iaying.of all at His feet. - It is a general command, and applies to Not that we are all tevery one of us. ating. ORS AND DERS RH WITH YOU ACING YOUR R A BUILDING Sand, Coal Gravel ; a Specialty. Horses for sale at Times. muon D EXCAVATING Sand for Sale Phone No. 415, Box 81. 7 mmonds wp CONTRACTOR ptly attended to. 2 No. 335. Situated at Moose Jaw, Sask., suitable for drilling 4000 feet; 65 foot double-tower, heavy fron drive wheel, heavy balance wheel, 35 H. P, Link engine; 40 H. P. boiler, un- derbits 18, 14, 10, 8 inch; drive head and elevators for 18, 14, 10,-8 Inch, drive and flush joint pipe; pair of 7-8 in. quadruple bloeks for handling pipe, complete set of sand pumps, sinkers, jars, wrenche' ete. Carpenter's and blacksmith tools, steam fan for forge, all order for 3500.00. Also 825 feet flush joint pipe at 1.45 per foot, 1115 feet drive pipe at 92 cents per foot. The pipe has never been used. For all particulars apply-to THE WALLACE BELL 005 LTD. 78 Mitcheson.St, Montreal, Que. 241-15t Tanster Light and Heayy Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders. Piano Moving with Piano Van a Speelality. Parcels Delirerea, INE. NO. 349. M.E. RYGG FEACHER OF Violin, String Instruments AND Brass of All Kinds LOOK HAPPY Yesterday is dead forget it. Tomorrow. does not xiat don t worry. s. Today is here use it How? Let us tel you with that now gown, spring hat or new sult we could certainly make a pleasing, photo of you. New designs for spring. THE BARTLETT STUDIO 213 Fourth Ave. Over Binning s Store. - as thyself. . And. the. young man to sel) all-that we have and give to PLANE eatiy belt that he had kept the poor the social order would be- these laws, and yet his heart was not satisfied. All these things have I kept from my youth up, what lack I yet? Then Jesus looked at him and loved bim and no wonder. Here was a clean man, Here was a gem worth saving. Here was one very near to the Kingdom. And even though the young man finally turned his back on him, his sincerity, frankness and goodness won for him a place in the Savior's regard. He was a good man but he Was not a saved man. And Jesus looked at him tenderly. Great Was the sacrifice He was about to ask, and I think that He spoke in his most winning tones. One thing come chaos but we are to sit loose on the wealth, not make, the getting of it the whole, or the supreme. end of life, and we are to expend it as our Lord directs, And ff it ever comes to a cholce between Jesus or wealth, righteousness or prosperity, God or Mammon, we are to remem- ber that surely there are things of greater worth in the world than mon- ey. What are we here for anyway? To. make money? Enjoy. pleasures ? No, but to make righteousness prevail on the earth *Follow Christ the King, live pure, speak true, right wrong; els where- fore live? State Scene of One of the Hi History Primary Held (Special Boston, Mass., April 30. Alter ond of the hottest political campaigns Massachusetts has seen in years, the State-wide. presidential primary will be held today. The pri- maries will be confined to the selec tion of delegates who will represent Massachusetts in the coming nation- conventions of the Republican Democratic parties. The names of Taft. Roesevett-and La Follette will appear on the Republican ballot. On the Democratic ballot will appear vernor Foss withdrew his name fropd, receptive candidate for the Democra- tic presidential nomination and is expected to receive the support of the Mas achisettsg, delegates when the Stat hallot is. -at the Baltimore convention. Tomorrow : 5 primaries will determine who is to have. the support of Massachusctts when it be- comes apparent that Governor Foss has no chance for the nomination, As early as last November astute Politicians predicted that Massachu- setts would be as interesting politi- Are Fighting for Massachusetts ottest Political Fights In Its To-day. preference 08 the-names- of -Wilson-and Clark.Go- -the-batiot, though he-stitt remains-s to News). Jeally this year as some of the other States that have been known in the past as doubtful. In verification of this prediction it is-only newes: to point to the fact that both Pre- sident Tait and Colonel Roosevelt have paid three visits each to the Bay State since the contest between the two began in earnest. Encouraged by tke re-election of Governor Foss and the defeat of the regular Republican candidate last fall the Progressioe Republicans de- itermined months ago to make a hard fight in Massachusetts + this Lyear: At-firet-they -heped for-noth- ing more than to prevent a solid delegation being sent -to the national convention for President Taft: But developments of the past two month4 havi s2encouraged the Progressives that the leaders will be disappoint- ed if they do not capture the entire delegation for Roosevelt at tomor- row s primaries. Since the Maskachusetts primaries are not complicated with tocal fights vath of any kind they will offer a test of sentiment different from any that PHONE 66 apid Piano Moving A Speciatty liable Tasker Transfer Co. easonable LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 864 Toronto Styect. list. adopted. there shall be a supreme court BiG CONFERENCE OF METHODISTS Large gt; Gathering at Minne- apolis at. 26th Quadren- nial Session. (Special to the News) Minneapolis, Minn., April 30 AN preparations are completed for the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. which begins here tomorrow its twenty-sixth. quadren- nlal session as a delegated body.. Throngs of delegates and: visitors to the conference are arriving in the city. All nations, races and tongues are represented among the visitors. From Europe, Asia, Africa and: South America have come men bringing greetings to the conference either as delegates or fraternal visttors. To aay the-vartous committees were bey completing the arrangements for the gathering or putting the final touches to the reports that they will present to th conference. Bishop H. W. Warren of Denver, the senior bishop in point-of service, will pre- side at the opening service tomorrow. The delegates are looking forward to the most Interesting and impor- tant conference the church has held in years. During the three or four weeks that the sessions will continue a vast amount of routine business will be. transacted, old bishops will be retired and thelr successors elected, and various proposals calling for rad- Seal reforms in the methods of church ministration willbe considered and acted upon. The overshadowing question to come before the conference will be the modification of the Episcopal Horm-of-government, Withiit the past two years the question has been de-) bated at the annual..conferencos and, by. thei stated the insurgents ask for four radical changes : the abolition of the office of district superintendent, for- merly presiding elder, as now consti- ited ; the election of bishops in ufficient number to. allow. each bishop to have a term of Fesident of- fice, about four years, ina district; restoration of the pastoral time limit, and rules for regulating the transfer. of members, The clergymen and laymen who want..a modification of the episco- pacy point out that the conditions that required the organization of the present system, Which In the past hasbeen most efficient, no longer ex- New conditions require the church leaders, Or bishops, to be fa- miliar with the problem of the vari- ous conference districts, .so as. to counsel the cletgymen and initiate methods of work., Nearly all of the church leaders Goncede that there is some foundation for this argument in favor of the proposed changes. At the same time, it Is pointed out, the; Vative body, and It ts likely that very few of the proposed-raforms will be Another subject on Which th re ts a diversity of sentiment is whether of Methodism. . Tt 6 pointed out that It manasa person. said C C McCaul Department has every facility tor sup General Conference s a xery conrertpiace in which the occupant or oc: jon Board; Rev. Dr. Matthew Hughes, of Pasadena, Cal.; Rev. Andrew Gill- fes, of Minneapolis, and Rev. Dr. Wm. . Shepard, district superintendent of Chicago, The bishops who may retire are Bishop Henry W. Warren of Denver, who (8 eighty years old, and Bishops David Moore of Cincinnati and Earl Cranston of Washingtor, both of whom are more than seventy years of age-The-question of-their retice- mentj however, depends wholly upon the action of the General Conference. WOMAN NOT A PERSON SAYS THE LAW OF ALBERTA Lawyer Raises ises Novel Point In Argument Before Su- preme Court. Edmonton, April 29 The law in Alberta, does not yet recognize wo- K.C,, in the supreme court this morn- ing, in consenting to an amendment of the pleadings in the case of Maggie Buhler vs. Dr. Alex. C. Robertson, by which the husband of the plaintiff is made a party to the action. A wo- man, it appears-has no power to sue on a court, except in respect to per- sonal property. The action was brought by Mrs. Buhler to recover 5,000 damages for alleged malicious prosecution, and it was explained at the opening of the court that the pleadings would not be regular unless her husband appeared as one of the plaintiffs. think the time has come when Chief Justice Hardy by way of com- ment, The action is the outcome of a trial which took place before. Magistrate Cowan on November. 10 last, when Mrs. Buhler was charged with theft of a packing case containing a ladies Persian lamb coat; x quantity-of pil- the-law should be changed, said Honored by- Women When women speaks of her oret suffering she trusts you. Millions have be-. stowed this mark of confi- dence on Dr. RV. Pierce, of lo, . . Every- wherp there are women who bear witness to the wonder- working, curing-power of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preseription which saves the suffering sex No woman's appeal was ever misdirected or her con fidence misplaced when she wrote for advice, to the Wontp's Disraxsany Mupicav Association, De, R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. De. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Induce mild astaral bowel movement once day. P. 0. Box 1010. Phone 759. THE WESTERN PLUMBING CO. LIMITED HEATING, VENTILATING AND SANITARY ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS For Steam, Hot-Water, Vapor, Vacuum and Fan Sypkans of Heating and pV enUlAt es and Sanitary Plumbing. Plans, See and Henietees furnished. 602 MAIN ST. MEDICINE HAT ALTA. M AY 1st, 1912 TO SUPPLY ICE TO ALL, DAILY DELIVERY: Phone your orders to the Company s office, Corner of Esplanade and - lows amd ottrer bedt ctothhirg amt household articles. She was acquitted and now alleges: that the prosecutor was malicious and that the proceed- ings against her were instituted with- out reasonable cause. Frank Ford, K.C., is appearing for the plaintiff, . C. McCaul, K.C., and Mr. Valers for the defendant. med Ladies of Medicine Hat y Now Have Beautiful Bae Pingle the Druggist Has the Article and Guar- antees it to Grow Hair, or Refund Your Money. Pingle, the dragelst, backed up by the manufacturers of SALVIA. the Great Hair Grower, guarantees it to growgrow hair. SALVIA destroys. Dandruff in ten days. 3 The roots of the hair are so nour- - shed and fed that a new crop of hair 2's gegociations.. Briefly. springs-up;-to- the amazement and-de-; light of the user. The hair is made soft and fluffy. Ltke all American preparations SALVIA s daintily per- fumed, It 1s hard to find an actres: ally, Ladies of society and influence use no other. SALVIA Is a non-sticky prepara- tion, and fs the ladies favorite. A large, generous bottle, 60c. The Scobell Drug Co,, St Catharines, Canadian distributors, Loose Leaf System The News Job plying the most satisfactory. Extract of By-Law No, 202, regard- Ing the Disposal of Rubbish In the City of Medicine Hat, Clause No. 45. It is hereby made the duty of the occupant or occup- anta of every dwelling house or other building in the City of Medicine Hat to provide a suitable box, assel ory cupants shall also cause the contents of such box, vessel or place to be taken twice in each week, from the first day of May to the first day of November, and-once in each week from the first day of November to the first day of May n each year, to some Js incongruous for the General Con- ference to be both a legislative and Judicial body. A commission has been working on th cotigtitation of the proposed judicial tribunal since the General Conference four years ago The commission will report a plan for the proposed court: to Interpret place without the limits of the City lorto such place as the Health Officer direct, and to be there deposited siroved by burning. Cortified a correct extract from By- aw No, 202 n an PHONE NO, 745. Se-ere tg o. 2s * figure on your requirements. Our yard-ts-the-most modern; our stock the-lurgest,-best and most completes a our prices low as the lowest. We are, therefore, in the oe best position to give you good service. oe No order too large for us to handle or too small to 3 recelve our best attention. Ask to have our representative call. te e oetees ,o) Ms 0-5 vs g S s see So eso eae eSe tee aie eee ee eee eo see eee BUILDERS Lumber PHONE 467 ees epreee rr tates : Bebeding: Poultry For. sae Our express carload.of Purebred Poultry will be at Medicine Hat * Thursday, May 2nd 25 pens of Rocks, Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds to-cheese from, Your chance to b i J be Poultry at remarkably reasonable prices. Mr. aS P. Hillouse in charge of car. UND ce CO., LTD. oie eloaseo oF e-pebeLete-fe: BAKER, aid City Clerk: pepepebebebebereteLerere Don't close a deal for your Fir Finish without first inspecting our stock. Its thoroughly dry and all sanded, and will save you hours of work usually spent on cleaning. We have a full stock of heavy coast Fir dimension, and everything else required by the bu HEADQUARTERS FOR CEMENT AND PLASTER. (Mk SHANI 60. Yard, North Railway Street. : od : enone 59 toTh ea Ot ObOPOMS
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Image 719 (1912-04-30), from microfilm reel 719, (CU1743246). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.