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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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PN LS Farlandtad died from ; children, aged and deli persons. steady worker. After one year in Mrs. ct baie WEWARK MAN FACES sess wus siete nai ptning Mach woe Yom Rel rd POSTMASTERS NOW oo. 0990808 4 Three sizes, 100., ve se . then to New York, then to Chicago, land that he had a bottle of cyanide ie of rsa: OSTA Mink marmot molt be: then to Michigan and finally to Phila- of potassium in ithe house and produc- . . Remember, you can SERIOUS CHARGE OF delphia. ed the bottle. The latter, which had get Rexall Remedies in this commun- NOUWLE Return to News atte. neward,14yes Aitieon MacFariand te a man ot Deen used for bromide which Mra. itx only at our store the Rexall . a sewuaumdl, wontads sin Wana . Reward, 4 cFa: 8 C. nd + Ns a considerable inventive ability and MacParland had been in ine Mail Bore snbagee: Deng, 2a Pook Hon. Ly: P. Pelletier and Col- ror sale, Lost, Found, under T,O8T A parcel containing pink while in Philadelphia, invented an of taking for Readaches, st a ie re: leagues Believe B thene hes gi : silk. between the post office and x 3, bromide label and under it a small automobile tire. Several capttalists 3 a creas . 23 words, one day .. .. 26 . the skating ring. Reward. Return - i. Great Deal cf Interest be- decaine interested in the Invention label with: ue tnnertytion, Soyanle TORE EXERCISE will be Ta ed, 25 words, throe days ,. 60 to New office. 147a3 - and futnished a capital of 10,000 to 26 words, six days .. .. 1.00 taken in Trial which put the tire on the market. OMcea MacFarland was arrested and char- Te ers ALawa, Jan, 3. The transfer ofthe) jaqitional words at same rate. No OUND East of O.P.R. station Sat- Opens Monday. eae ene cued and Misa Florence Brom. ed with the murder of his wife. The The Hague, Jan, It a stated In department of trade and commerte, 1 accopted for less than 25 cents. urday night before Chriet bar a theory of the prosecution is that he court circles that Queen Wilhemina fs which was created by Sir Richard Teal 5 . ley was engaged as stenographer. : ithe 3 Cash must accompany the order. cel containing pair Jady's all LIKE THE RICHESON CASE s2 res, bamorome and attractive brought about the death of his wiio expecting the birth of: another child Cartwright, was transierred on Jan. prone your ad to No. 18 ring dand Owner Fe ee ee x, blonde with a somewhat romantic to marry Misg Bromley and it Is sta- which is hoped-will be a boy. Ist. to the, post office department. On it will receive. attention. * property and paying for this adv, Aj ; past and Allison MacFarland soon be- ted that letters found in his posscs- Queen Wilhemina, who was married that date the services of the annuities Re Se ply News office. irae Both Victims Died of Poison came infatuated with her. This was 0 tend to bear out this theory, x9 Prince Maney oa faba 72D, ecturers will be dispensed with, and yep WANTED-FEMALE, lt; lt; Apparently while ae about three years ago. . Se a p has oly: one ving, (he work will be placed in the hands i KS Pp: ly daughter, born April 30, 1909. of the postmasters throughout the Vj AID W, tifamily, to AUCTIONEERS ss AR + Dominion. ire sleep at home it possible. Apply H : 8. BROWNE CO,, Live Stock, 7 were Absent. Mrs. MacFarland soon learn d of the relations between her husband . Bd ee 5 me if osetia, Anat B, BROWNE co , * pentinestae te neers. Farm 1. Newark, N.J., Jan. 4 With more and the pretty stenographer, and a one LP fetii, to cue Terote, AS than ordinary Interest the public is short time before the birth of her se- 3 ure to invade the field of organized base-) 14sate and boron, salen specialty. Goce awaiting the opening of the trial, next / con child she returned to her parents Pi ape opinion that the 0 wil est 7 cal fora, sce Monday, of Allison MacFarland, char- in Rockland, where she. remained a an increased: of the vernment HELP WANTED. Gate. 6: langle 'danitltszick as eteaene 19 1s HERE AND Ross is chie of the tree platiting' di- hit if, t Pp og make any effort to induce his wife to ion Forestry De- ON FRIDAY JANUARY 18, 1912, 'be In the neighborhood of 126,000, af- In each city and township in Western 1 . Tao, oaittlachna 70 return to him. At bis request she ? ip in ter deducting percentage for interest Canada. We can offer very attrac- cam to Newark with her daughter Partment. He states thar the Dousin- AT 1 O'CLOCK FP) i t ble and auip sb e. 4 . and depreplation. The recelpts of the tive terms to those who quall shed. Situated In River- fiom forest nursery statidn-at Indias PGELOCK FROME. Aepreplation. The recelpts of the e who quality and 4 090) ae and her first born seh and her par- Calgary: Municipal Ratiway forthe pare willing tn-desate-tour-to-nlx hours RI oe case wcoaola red tet oat ase year 1911 amounted tq 263,980, be- dafly-to our work. Clersymen, school fice (formerly khown as the. Luno of the Richardson case in-Cambridge, iation had taken place between her Fae am exceas of 41,000 over the pre- teachers, and those Hiving Iarse per- House.) Apply: to-S..W. Sprague, 431 * pUSINESS nn Mass. In both cases the victim died and her husband.- It sems, however, ceeding year. tonal acquaintance who. ean devate ToTORts Sh, lt; tsea : of poisoning by cyanide of potassium that MacFarland continued fg rela- spare time, will be amply repaid tor THAN WE DIDI and in both cases the polson was tions* with the pretty stenographer FREED FOR ROBBERY thelr scrvices. Address Immediately, MISCELLANEOUS i POSSIBLE TO GI with having caused the death of nearly two years. In the meantime annuities, At any rate they propose Be od, : re SE wits ty poisoning her with cyan- the company for manufacturing the sath, Jam eo sate Beco to give the mew plan a trial. WEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN ed ee Fi ae hie : e ide of potassinn. Te Preparations Taber Wrest shcre he obtaimed K tone report suai AUCTION SALE -cazcany starer nv-rnorrrs- rate on join powand save money, 2OUAE Noure oF lot, fo zelt f9r cash BEGORUTES ecution anc fence are practi- we N si a S chee . . x of prosecution aad tence eve lay Bttion with - the Crocker-Wheeler inteinattonal Dry-Ferming- Gingtit - particulara Fae nae Aynani, CO: len auiomte Stereo ee : of the trial is anticipated. Prosecu- Company, manufacturers of electri- by Norman M. Ross of Indian Head - ON THE . a ee eee 5 ehed lege, 609 Centre St., Calgary. 204dtf a a tor-Wilbur-A. Nott will soprosent tha eal appliances. Sastatcher, won jt pubiisted 811 a A DET SQUARE, ime vrotte tr the reer setorne-of WWE have. pormanent,poltlons f j State, while Tames R. MeDermitt and Not until last July did MacFarland Pe annaal Congress i RI QUAR a Coes esa falbray cpttens watt ous or, ee ty Geenaiee ff WE HAVE mA See Catga: . ' O RENT 17 room, 2 storey house. EAR AS BUSIN his brothor, Frank M. McDermitt will defend the accused. The case presents many teresting features which, vision.of the: Domi Head is annualy distributing to set- thers in Westen Canada, free ot charge, more than two and three- quarter million seedlings and outings and. that, during the past ten years, When we shalleifer for Sale by Public Auetion a large quantity of Driving and Heavy Horses, Cows, Oxen, Single and Double 4 taken while the person accused offand made frequent. trips to that city the tree planting division has fur . on a having committed the murder was to visit Miss Bromley secretly. How ished, roughly, 18,500,000 trees and Harness, Buggies, Wagons, Bob gee evckad Box 851, Winnipeg. 11246, w30-D Wanteosciome inn G Sco ae sbsent. When Mrs. MacFariand, for well they kept under cover may be ctittings to 11,682 settlers, an avera-o Slelghts, a quantity of Farming miele Gun c camiane pation ron BA cast-off clothing, shoes, nc OH whose murder Allison McFarland is inferred from the fact that for seve- of 1,240 to cach applicant. At the Tmplements c, his nas ta ie molsiea eee ate tl jowetry, Nevalvers, lee EVER. to be tried next. Monday, was poison- ral years the parents of Miss Bromley lowast estiinate, itis said, 85 per Entrles for this Sate can be Greeuan Nortners Express robbery TOR SALB 80 records for cn oasee; nea rauslal astromentate . ed, the accused husbamd was-not at were entirely ignorant of the fact cent, i these plantations are suc- made up to 12 o'clock on-day of hore, cam up before Magistrate Trant Phonograph... Nearly all 4. tufniture, Democrat waggons, bags home in this city but in New York, that she carried on a love affair with cessful and, based om the total ap- Sale, at the offices of the Auet- tnig afternoon: for preliminary hear- Mite-and-in good condition. Price 1 sles, harness, Dicyeles, carpenter companied by his six year old son. Ja married man right before their eyes propriation spent by the tree plant- Joneers, 66 Toronto. Street, /ing, the prisoner electing to-have his for'the lot. Medicine Hat Fire De tools, etc., raw hides aud furs, horse T ur P in Allison MacFarland was born in and entertained ritimate. relations ing -division last season, the cost to . Medicine Hat. Phone 451. cate disposed of by the police, and at Partment, tadel bale, wool and tocth rs, bought and 9 fie F stan' -0 The Man's Stor the same time pleading not guilty. sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring , 1 JFOR SALE Stock of indies , and Co., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Get the Bis D Following the evidence of Canadian Northern: Detective Thomas A. Bradt, . Sente clothing. furnishings, books Dreamland: theatre, P.O. box 701. who told of the arrest of the pris- 514 nae Jon eau G9. 1600, ( He Phone 296. The, Best Prices Pald for r a boarding house on St. John aw 2F the above. : 23Dte. en tha fiadihe Of 188 on him. C8 Buyer can rent th premiies. i Etnest Brunnell, the man who Was pe ie ving iene bat: barn, for HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, * ti hold thede Sales weekly.on jlast week committed for trial, was 7, nibehe Gos Ape to Tis Berard : AND SON COk ihe shordaay the Market, and farmers ad called as a witness despite the ob- prosmiand. * Meni bey a the pas oa E A heat ttle t organized by the provincial authbri- oth tion of his-counsel as that sy Hand Tools city. We carry for our custom x by ets can* now depend on a 'Jectio is 5 ea Eee toe De vat Be Thomastowff? Me,, about thirty-three with MacFarland, whom she met fe departypent amounts practically years ago. He was the only son of whenever he caine to Philadelphia. to sepeiyt 3 pepe planted in the Mr. and Mis. John McFarland of that On Tuesday, October 17 last Mac- city and Feveived his carly education Farland went to New York with his a division, says in the-Thomaston grammar and high little son to take the boy to a Nee eee a issues and distributes Schools. After two years in the high They remained in Newark over night , great quantity of printed-matter in tie form of illustrated bulletins . and H. Bs BROWN CO. AUCTIONEERS.. desis Auctioneers intend school Allison. MacFarland ' went to and did not return to Newark until Rockland, Mo., where he attended a Wednesday morning. Wh n Mac- circytars, and furnishes speakers: to commercial school, It was there Farland arrived at his home he found .ttaq the farmets' institute meetings that he met Evo.yn, the only daugh- his wife, dressed in her night-gown, 7 is ter of Mr. and Mrs. George A Croc- dead on the bed. Instead of sum- Or i . A The Ft kett, of Rockland: Allison frequent- moning:,Dr. Crowley. the next door y+, See regular Sale for cattlay:pro- of Bourden s counsel, The gist of 00R SALE CHEAP A horse. Gentle: and second-hand Clothing; Clo x gatite laws of large areas ere sat Gut td permanent dhce, oF anything they may Brunnell's evidence was identical with proke to ride or drive, 120 Otta Bs Alb H ly called at the girl's home and after neighbour, MacFarland, whodid not 3 i coke, le, oF: Watches, Jewelry, Rifles,-Guns, Re- rae Moreen Sebamed plantations, in order that Jata may have-te- dispose of. his confession which he put.on as we st. Bast. raoatr s 2 a Columbia, and C os a courtship of two years they became seem the least excited, walked seve- 7 tiered as to the cost of estat- ae . evidence-at-tis preliminary hearing. volvers, Wagons, Buggies; * Harness, er useful infor engaged. They were married at ral blocks and called Dr. William-V.)4. 035 E na Rabie ACT ane ; and a nige new line of winter goods. sportsman. - Thi Hishing and the probable returns that The case will probably be Fesumed FOR SAL Well drilting/ machine, i Rockland on October 3, 1900, and for Gale, The latter hurried to Mac- urea pean i Mie Day. qretyians. saation k vale: nailed: and for Gale. latter zr pected from prairie plant- 0 Se sComplate with gasoline...engine, 119 pay gy Bs misgttone above etait. any -w-tew -years seemed to-tive-happiti S togethei MacFarland ' was nc Siatanee e EN ollered to intend: ing thee planters is em sently prac; S00 teat capacity. In Bond Fepalr 7 seORIS OF COAL MINING REGU- -wiil sell cheap for eash, Jf tien at oC allway St oF Phone B67. -.4f LATIONS, mee P.O. Rox 88, Caritadt alte WY WANT Kishen cars, bedroom 5 REOPENING OF Ss Sieg 92 oe pate SP OC0OSO0G tical and, during the past ten yeats, Dp : 4 sets, stoves, Uns Nea sfiven reanlte, of. a. very couvioe- A ANCIFE x Co. QNE good milk cow for sale. ApPIY Phone 15, and have wi call. fODH FIGHTS SCHEDUL a LeP. GE BROS. ing character. The work is under the * Mine in, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and at 24 Balmoral St. 14948. : AY ; arses rta, .the Yukon Territory, the Price to AIL Soares Cash direction of the Dominion director .of :b Northwest Territories and in a por- E : LEGAL, SCT forestry. If a settler wishes to plant tion. of tho: Province of British Colum- R ne eee se (Special t trees on his farm the forestry branch ia, may leased for a term of veri VIDSON ' WILL, Sa Sc Jack Herrick vs. gees ag a 3 1 twenty-one years at an annuel rental renlendea Apply: 702 bere we te Se cay ee ae es nae a aa fee Darian oe toca se oe en rner of Toronto z am cuttings as ee jpinder certain i sere will be le to one applicant. - - ee : have to be compli i trees J Ap lication for a lease must be OOMS-TO RENT with beard. Cor. 80 Ave. Telephone 614. rounds, at Albany, with vcore Be cker s Hall lace etic apmisant te person. to) BoP ouawa stand Firat Aversa Dox 792 et Gn Stanfield s Unsheinkable Under- - -qyeat, Maae Double Breasted 3s The conditions whick granted practicaliy ensure the Regular 1.50 to 2.25 secre ofthe plntations. The cyound g lt;fpthe gent or Sub-Agent of the dis- : s Ei Na a ss i (CE MEET OPEN EVERY MONDAY triefyin which the cights applied for Xl Jjate Btuated. ROOMS TO RENT With all modern JILLIAM P. BUNDON, a lt; conveniences, sultable for gentl - Ottawa;-Jan./ 7 MUNG JANUARY st J g-gurveyed territory the ed nrenlene trees planted according to instruc- AT 890 pm. fipe. ieee vy sections; or legal eub ; ply, 133 Ottawa P Offices: Pruitt Block, if meet of the Ottawa t visions of sections, and in 5 A Garment ous supplied by the foresry Ueanch, jweyed. territory, the tract, ee ea op Ma tonone 574, P.O. box -640. and cultivation carried on for hs fsany shall be staked out by the applicant CHIGDREN'S CLASSES EVERY. ) Ree a opugation must be acconi- Tooms, every c nvenlence, fully modern house. Also largp par. paniedby a f f * which will be re- are granted only on the recommenda: SATURD ER MORNING funded if the rights applied or are lor bedroom with or without board. tion of an officer of the forestry AT 10,30. not available, Dut, not omerwise, A . 2 Tfisenettion: i royalty shail be paid on the mefchant- Thoronghly Good Underwear, warm, well made and set Sieaie poten topes ce 4 able output of the mine at the rate of durable. Nothing wrong with it in any Shape.or form. cach case. The tree planting ( . reEs t five cents per ton. employs eight inspectors during the EES PAYABLE 4N ADVANCE The person operating the mine shall : Just that-we propose to cleanse It from our lines, as we stmmer months who visit ghd report 2.50 FOR FOUR LESSONS. Sarnia the Agent wits Sroen sess fe : Pisiioa new have too many styles In stock. This lot Is All Wool, :. or isin ee Ee 2 morchantable coal. mained and pay the E Orman for sale and rent, . sof recent royalty: thereon. If the coal, mining classes of insurance. i. : Unshrinkable. Sizes 26 to 50, double breasted, splendid cavities: TEACHER : + MISS K, PYE, rights are being operated, such returns Office 381 Main Street agen cold weather underwear. Regular 1.50 to 2.25 a gar- The value of (forest plantings by ; should be furnished at least once a * : 4 year. SSA it s: big ment, goes at- 1.00 per garment. the prairie settler to establish wind- Thesiease will include the coal min- TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES NOTICE TO DEBTORS ite ee breaks and shelter belts, to produce lag rights only, but the lessee may bi fuel, fencing and other timber and to 4 permitted to purchase, whatever avail- Able surface Flghts may be considered Sealed tend f addressed to The , Al my accounts: (without reserve) i add to the comfort and beauty of the 2 Z farm home has been well established UN R ES E R Vv ED Coe for art working fe mine provincial Secretary, and endorsed 8 been placed in Mr. Begg's ( coe at the rate of 10.00 an acre. Tenders for Supplles, willbe re- 7 ) bands for collec in recent-years, As a windhreak glone For full information application it has: been- shoym- at Indian Head shoula be made to the Secretary of /celved at the Department of the Pro- j apraiaiecahgier ga rest ixiward FS the Department of the Interior, Ot- Vincial Secretary, Parliament Bulld- ies ete eS the AUCTION SALE fawa, or to any Agent SubsAgen ings, Edmonton, up to noon of Sat- ss tabblish q poote: TS TTS jm - g : Sia jay of Desenior Hest, tive influence of 60 feet for every foot Le aes Sar, Bitsy, tie 30th: day; of December: nox ALBERTA STOCK YARDS, EVERYTHING AS ADVERTISED OR MONEY BACK. THE TRADING COMPANY'S OLD STAND. 488 TORONTO STREET. a tor the supply and delivery of gro- in height. Deputy Minister of tae Imterior et B Unaathorized public tion oj Sree- Hour, oatmeal, ete.; at. The The annual.bandbook of the Dry CALGARY this advertisement will nut be paid for. Provincial Gaol, Lethbridge; and The Se Soeteet roererbeooies Farting, Congress, in which this re- id 12 Gass Wsepe1eb- m. Hospital for the Tnsane, Ponoka, for port appeers, is a compendiim of si-2 8 38 sharp. J amartturing the year 1912, commencing than eighty articles, covering the Friday, January 12th, 191 , LeyXOM IS OF CaNADIAN on the first day of January next. gress of dry-farmis ; in cdgtrtcen states : WEST LAND REGULATIONS. h tender-must be accompanted of the United States, the Canadian prairie provinces and ten other fax tions of the world, and dealing with eS DOSoRes 400 HEAD OF HORSES by an s cepted cheque om 8 chartered A A Ny person who ts the-sole Kea Ge Penk fox. five nex, oents of the amount comprising well-matehod teams a family, or any male over 18 years Of the tender, made payable tothe) Gf Mares ong Geldings from to , m7 Remustead quarter section ot order of the Provincial Secretary, ki a Sees Meaken, Sxzilable Deutnton land tn Manitobs, which will be forfeited to. the Gov- ern range country into a region of 06 Years oly mostly Mento Saskatchewan or Alberta. The aopit- erninent of Alberta ih ealg-the tuc- good color, conformal us 4n person at. 2 productive farms and combortale toa or perchgron gant, must appear in person at th cessful tenderer, refuses. or. neglects TAgency ior the district. Entry by to elter into contract, or when en- proxy may be nfade atany Agency, on tered into fails to eatry out the pro- certain conditions, by father, mother, visions thereof. Bees. ana 90D aughter, brother vr sister, of) specifications may be seen, approx- Anyone finding same would cor Yearlings, two-year-olds, intending hemesteader. ; ' y Suekling Colts. Dutles Six months fesldence upon mate quantities given, /ifid form ot /or by returning to Medicine, peg reer ee : : fn place on th and cultivation of the land in each of tender supplied upon jification to TWO-YEAR-OLD SHIRE STID three years. A homesteader may live the Bursars of the above institution: 3 within nine miles of his homiestead on'/or to the Department of the Provin- 3 are rs ow Jevery phase of tic great science which iz today so rapidly changing the wes- Patent Flour not only stands the test, but always yields -satisfactory results it is the FLOUR in which to place your gonfidence ask your dealer for it. The Medicine Hat The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited Co y., Limited homes. The next annual convention of the Congress will be held in Leth bridge in October, 191 CARLOAD jou OF MARES You RISK N NO MONEY Our Reputation and Money a This ts an exg ptionally good a farm of at Teast 80 acres solely werviceedle anc i 7 owned and occupied by him or by bis iiS cretary, Edmonton, i A p Back of this Offer. lots of bone. ) ONner mother, son, daughter, brother The lowest or any tender not nec- : cutter. : * ic or . essarily accepted. We pay for all the medicine used 20 HEAVY WORK TEAMS, the ' 0 ccrtatn districts-a oomesteader ROW it our remedy falis PToperty of a Contractor, Tih good standing, may freempt REID ES, James Deputy Provincial Secretary. Edmonton, Decenrber 18th, 1911. quarter-section alongside: his home- The above named horses are stead. Price 3.00 per acre.. Duties, avring the trial, to ompletely relfeve you of cdnsti- ion. We take risk. You ae vast obligated bo i in peas the property of a Bank and have Must reside upon the homestead or 439d11 A bile a in BBY AZT heen shipped In from the States re-emption six, months im each of . 7 The sold withodt reserve. Could anything be more fair for you M try (including the time required to THE HO i . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED earn homestead patent avd cultivate Is there any. reason why you should Anyone wasting H m Special attention given to the business of Ranchers and i uetheeg: Horses fifty ueres extra, Farmers, Hosttnte mng tour claims to a prac- do well to attend this Sale. A homesteader who has-exhausted RE-UNIO Sayings Bank Department at all branches. lt; peical: beet? a ws Le SaaS bis homestead right and cannot ob- ow A most scientific, commonsence tain a pre-emption may enter for a Ott an lt; MEDICINE HAT BRANCH W. 0. JOY, MANAGER. treatment Is Rexall Orderlies, which A. LAYZ purchased homestem in certain dis fers an opp are eaten ke candy, They are very . LAYZELL rieta. Price 3.00 per-acre: Duties that GROUP + Jnlelelnnlnteieteiel : : Must resite-six montha In cach of We are equipr: pronounced, gentle and pleasant in AUCTIONEER. three years, cultivate fifty acres and s BEST in Grou orect a houne worth 300.0 W. CORY, i + Signs, that attract. Clty sign Deputy of the Minister of the Interfor. ppawe tyne St Cty Ty unauthorised publication of PbeBe 478. q verti be pald f Vinit tated sii sisgigee oa xin yeegy cof roe BN ows Office. News Office, Portraits, THE BART action, and particularly agreeabie in every way. They do not cause + . t diarrhoea. nausea, flatulence, griping, : or other inconvenience. Rexall Or- i J'derlles are particularly good for 106, 6th Ave. E PHONE 22 it, Calgary. 3 TERMS CASH apply ToO
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Image 16 (1912-01-04), from microfilm reel 16, (CU1742663). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.