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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ly been near by. stu) in one hand, asillade of pistol wn companions, vette had rolled 3 climbed along as for the time Tied out his ruse indow and fring ded cabin door. other-side of the- it, but the door re, ting bis re- fre seindow ant ould ba side of the br ad- y-quickly the as- , while with the i Grove it to the . the force of the p the frail little sound and rolled O. I. ad seen him and, ned the gliding. river. 6 skilful pie to hold almost rent, so that the well out on the. was not int rses and, shoitts: ose of the small shore, the young iver and till day- he conld muster, nd the pirates of see-or hear the: swearing, zellingy 7 cruise around reach, and to the who was respon- h bad cansed the. wounding of three who had g-bullet shots had wissed escaped in the twas Tittle short ndians and living onth in his canoe rs house, the sole that had started ars, but he never night's slaughter citement and the When Y Of the pain which many women experience wit tmoath seer the geationgan and Liciasss slugs senate Sted with womanhood seem to imost a miracle. While in general 90 woman rebels against what she re- Garde osu patural necessity thoke is 2 woman wha would + met. be ree from this recurring period of pain, Dr. Plerce s Favorite Prescriptiol strong and sick women Bick women. ere invited to auweule us by letcar, AM correspondence strictly private and sa fre fideocial. Writ foal Association, R. 'V. Pierce, M. D., President, Baha NeY send - Hlostrated' Golmmon a French cloth bindin thout fear and without fee ta World's Dispensary Mes. Le + WINNIFRED (From Winnifred Record) fwho casts the corn before the swine, 8 now ter's on the upper grad His corn half Yond of hay: mrrettretenetetetet able for. Homesteaders Build y igure-the materi the cost.of your building. slghses you Toque and The Revelstoke Sawmill Co.,. Ltd. Every thing The Builder Requires Headquarters for STORM SASH and DOORS. Special Prices on Several aanee of Lumber, suit- We will glad. si Lima Call .at our yard, N. Ry. Street,. or PHONE 60. ToTh Pohepesepeperete-keheiedete-te-Letebe eet Sa ee ee heen town the rest of us by right should go way back and sit down. Bxchhng gt;- On Tuesday evening a iarge numi- der of guests gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, August Bremer to fhelp them celebrate their silver wed- ding. All present enjoyeda--plea- sant evening and left the happy cou- ple feeling almost ag young as they used to be, May many more anpl- yersaries fall fo thelr tot. At the annau meeting of the Board of Trade held in the office of the Cit- iz ns Lumber Co., on Tuesday even- ing, the following officers were dloct- edt tor, the read) Pres. - 3. Be Agee: Treas. R Sk Parker Bxecutive Committee? A. B. Kendall, : K. Biliott,. G. W. Fleming. The telephone committee made a brief report, and were con- tinted inorder that they might make SERPS areata -BUY YOUR LUMBER FROM: z oe Western Canada Lumber Co., Ltd. Largest Stock in the City to select from. Best Grade and Lowest Prices. King Street-and Road. Allowance, Medicine Hat PHONE 461 Beoeengreeeee PPE MAX 60 TO CALGARY inhood Milling Company, wnegotiating for the purchase of the Calgary Milling Company's plant and inliood business in-addition Business here. The Robinhood peaple are larmed at the loss Setestesea deterred through the delay in securing a plant. The Calgary plant has a capacity tar Calgary, Jan. 5. President Bean of in excess of Its own business and the Seki: equipment is sufficlent for the busi- they ar now doing, and the Rob- : f eugene people took rm business Subseribe NOW. for The Daily News: 2 fo-afe vs Reietest a. further investigations. f gt; The Ladies Aid wil meet with 4, 1912. Lunch will b rs are requested to be present. were in favour .of hursday, Jan. 11, 1912. Johnson on New Year's Day and i ;now-the-proprictor of the meat mar- ket. experience in the bus ness and 1: business to the satisfaction of all hi: customers. pect 'to return to the farm. Mrs, A. H. Agar return d from he EERE ET EEE gt; ++ torned from a trip to Lethbridge on The man who wrestles with the cow and learns the calves to euck, in greatest-luck, for buT- voal's higher than a kite, pork js climbing up the scale and beet 1s out of sight; eggs he gathers every day from his Poland chicken coop are almost-worth thelr welght in gold and we are in brings him a s rising every day and h rakes in all kinds of mun for a The farmer 1 . In the saddle and when he comes to R. A, Salisbury and J. P. Pears re- fet as lt; Mr. apd Ms, Paul entertained as EEE EE EE guests om New Year's Day Mr. and Mra, J. W,. Densifson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Caye and daughler and Mrs, Nash, Messrs Rygg, Hausen, Beckstrum and their families spent the holiday G, J. Hangch spent several, days in Lethbridge this, week making arr angements for the transfer of the Bennet building, Misa Annie Brinkman returned frem a business trip to Montana on Thurs- day. Several of the boys met with a dis- appolsitment on New Year's night. They secured a team to drive to Whithe-to attend the dah e but while getting ready the team took French , The neckyoke and pole of the sielgh was broken, but otherwise no damage was done outside of the dis- appointment. experienced in not get ting to the dance. lt;The management of Winifred entertained severaj guests on New Year's Day highly pleased by the royal manner n which they werd received. One buckle overshoe: Sale price 1.40. goods marked in proportion for the Great Moving Sale at The Globe store. The largest order tor steel over placed nthe world,, b m let by a Calgary, Al- Fas OFEe all were regular price itis be- bara, firm, the United States Steel corporation 300, miles of pipe at a cost of about 8,000,000, to carry naturdlgas from and-to Calgary. Shipment which will require 2,500-cars, begin January 1, 1912, and will Mrs, J. R. Agar;-on . Thursday, Jan. be served promptly at I o'clock. All the mem- At.a, meeting of the ratepayers of the school district held in the office of the Citizens Lumber Go, on Sat- urday, the majority of those presextt continuing the school for the full term. . A petition was also started asking the Depart- ment to change the district into a village district for school purposes. Don t forget the school .election on A. Rister boug t out Fleming and Mr. Rister has had years of therefore in a position. to handle the 's tred. Fleming and Jones -ex- visit to Edmonton. on..Friday even- completed within six months. E. B, Weed spent Saturday in Taber looking after some property in which jhe ia interested. John Claussen was in Bow fisland on. Saturday. John says he has ix weeks threshing yet if the weather would moderate. - Arthur Rothwell, who has been stay- ing With Chris Lee the past month, l ft for his home at Red Deer, Altas on Wefinesday. Mr..Jobn Franklin came tip front Nebraika-on Tuesday and ts paying his sister, Mrs, John Claussen, : visit. The.Odd Feliows report twenty-six. is members as a result of their special effort, Mrs; Wentworth, Mrs, Parker and s daughter, Edna, arrived on New Year's eve to Visit 3th. friends near -Winnl Mes:: Wentworth is Mr. Jas. Wentworth's mother. * Mr. Franklin, brother in law of T John Claussen, arrived from Colora- do on Tuesday -morning , for a. visit with Mi. Claussen. ous: Which the BN. A Bank has op- r eng up here Is ndt proving much ot success, Winnifred Ymsa too much Dusitiess to be transacted in one day. RA. Parker, D, M., Installed the officers of thi ellows Lodge in Bow Island on Wednesday evening and. reports very enthusiastic and prosperous lodge, Te new elective officers. installed. were W. P. Cotton Noble Grand; A, F. Dylmage, V. G.; J. W. Reld, Rec. See,;R. E, Reid, Fin. + - raksurer. The new officers start out with bright prospects In store for the lodge. As entertainers the Bow Island poys can't ba beat. Sheepskin Sox, regular price 1.00. Sale price 80 cents, The Globe Store. A deal is pending whereby the Win- nifred Odd Fellows Lodge expect to take over the Bennett property to be used as. a lodge hall. Get a suit or overcoat of that classy) Campbell clothing at The Globe Store. Price, quality and fit cannot be equat- led, Have you resolved to buy at The Glob Store during 19127 That s one New Year's resolution you cannot af- ford to. put off. CHERRY CODLEE. John E. Wilsun and Andrew And- erson went to. Grassy Lake some time ago'to make application for final proof of their homesteads. John Schnell atid family, Dave Settle and Dave Shedelier spent New Year's Day with F. Settle and fam- ily. Leap year has come again, the time ry their luck. Andrew Anderson an? Msg FIllaa Peterson weit quietly to Medicine Hat about tworweeks ago and were married. The - nelshbors must all have been asleep for no one scemed to know anything about it. The ba- chelors are getting less each year, 60 hurry-up boys, don t be the last. Mrs. John L. wines and son Char- les were visitors at the F, Settle home on Sunday. J. D, Dejardin hag announced his intention of sailing on the 12th inst. tor Belgium where he will spend the winter. The nelghbors are hoping that he will bring her back with him. B. E. King was busy working on his homestead and Jack, Frost got after him-on Thursday and-ran him fn till-it should get warmer. Leon Losey is busy these days working on his barn. The s c.-treas. of the Local tm District 6E4 presented the following report to the ratepay- ers at their annual meeting held on) Jan. 2nd: A Recelpts: Loan from Bank of British North Americt .. .. 350.00 Loan from Bank of British gt; North America .. .. .... 200.00 The expenditure Sec.-Treas. Salary . Returning Officers Salary Salary Council Men . Stationery Supplies .. Culvert Pipes Lumber 7 Rent of Hall . Work on Roads . Information and Plans was as follow . 112.60 40.00 95.80 2810 286.80 4.60 5.00 35.00 3.20 Total 609.90 Assets, Uncollected Taxes Money in Bank .. .. 4, + Money in hands of sec. treas. 1918.00 295,76 16.14 1390.50 Liabilities, Due Bank ... ade wee 550.00 Interest on loan 25,92 Bad Bre Prelin 37.50 oa 613.52 Assets over Liabilities .. .. 777.08 Thig report shows a condition of affairs that should not vxist. It wo- juld look td the interested observer as if the expense ter than the benefits derived. As shown by the report, the actual ex- pense incurred by the district not figuring accumulated interest is 647.40, Of this amount 321.60 was spent -for supplies and materia) and 95.00 for work on the roads, mak- fog a total of 356.60. The greater part of this account is tied up in un- used culvert pipe, while the current have b Bn 290.80 and to this should be added 25.92 of interest which would bring the total current expen- sea up to, 816.72. It is almost time that some steps were taken to place on the statlite books a Iaw that would enable a provide ways and means to secure improvements with- out having ta: pay out dollar for every dollars worth of improvements Secured as is the case in. this inst- ance. - Ben Reid was re-clected for Divis- fon 4 and-B. B. Weed was elected for Division 1. DEMOCRATIC BOOMS TO BE ON DISPLAY Specia) to the News) Washington; D:C5-San:- 6. Ths booms the several aspirants for the Democratic presidential nomination will be much in evidence in Washing- tom during the text few'days. A Woodrow Wilson headuarters opened tor bubitiess today in anticipation of the meeting of the national commit. tee next-Monday and the gathering of the party leaders for the Jackson Day From Citzens Lumber Co. day a week the bank bus ror 20 Taxes Collected 432.40 tam pet. Governor Wilson: will be here in person Monday. The Harton headyiarters elready in rupming or- considerably gren upon to keep the Harton booti, well to the front, even though tha Ohio: soverver should not put in gn appeare ance for the bammiiet Monday night. Speaker Clark and Congressman Underwood, .who make up the quar- tette rf the leitding-aspirants for the Democratic nomination, will keep opets house during the stay of the national committee. Each of the four cadi- 5p tates -maturally-desises to make ged impression on the commuittec inembers, GERMAN EARTHQUAKES S (Special Cable) Berlin, Jan. 6 The frequent oc- currence of earthquakes in -South Germany and Switzerland for month or more is caus'ag much discussion among German sclentists. They, hold a common origin, which they assumed to be structural displacements far be- neath the surface of the earth, sim- ilar to what must have accompanied the upheaval of the Alps, Shilol.s Gure STOPS CONGHS TASS THELENSS PRICE, 25 CENTS Let Us Se Your Plans and we will tell you accurately how little lumber you can. get along with. We can do this be- cause our lumber does not cut ; to waste, It is full. length, fully seasoned and free from soft spots. That kind of lumber saves you time and money-both. Let us see your plans, 3 The Gas City Lumber Co y Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill 982.60 der anid Senator: Pomerene is Folied Pee rO DODO treet eSSeS333 eeesee334 hen they went 1 and hanged for roek remains as t along the Ohio s and the legends carnage and crime t bens, and t sree v0 stop me, Bue per, and my. ft she wasn't. She. o get away, -but peaides the grizzly sonsiderable uum- oo 3 ve gl + d wherever I haye stior give sat it pressed the time end. HE SPIRIT. rmored female, UE eSSSSESSSSEESS SSS: ehostod eloatestostecectratesteatestectecateetestediet VETO PPP OSS LOCOS OTS Seatoateateats Loageateete tect Qinterterse heahoade-cteetestesteatecteeteateateat Seegoeteirrie ds Se shek SF OLOTOOS SESS Eee Sessseeteceees Roe Sooetony This. year the WEEKLY NEWS is in a position to offer its patrons some- - thing ab eve the ordinary i in the way vance - you Can secure the Week? News tor one year and a volume of QELS Potecte test Se foeteefoetescoeies Bote cot spsrdee despite cecpepteited So Sostetoateetest at Sooo dee ese oe tits eer SaaS TE east Tie: OFF LES PIs h-wide pink ribbon ** talking, to-leave L. at he s to have for in time, James'd 1 in't make him, and heads of the push- sft the car, and the ind laughed soft7- pinented. I won Bartlett Haggins, worry over him if Jest be would: neg- natter of meals. to be gone for e Spegield, whe red help had berw er and over, more, ented, you'll bite Iwilys do. for. you. she went off in the back, and ber Arst ike you promixed ? nim for 4 wowent, jen, yours truly at xparieyee with bis y didn't expeat to yellow bread Doe. 2 it Tepored exactly Seeds Spey ae pay eat eee Soetes - Soi o 2 so So-8 i. ts Re os So-fe 2 oe cS rte meSoa eed Re ret A way for 1 50. este nes Sones Sompiel iy F S.Hedgins, .S.-henerary graduate-of thaO piace: Velerigtee Cok lege, Ind THHigsleeth secretary. of the Veterinary Science. Company. and will doubtless be sold ont early in the coming month. GET YOUR APPLICATION Oe A OPY REM EM BER No farmer or stockman shouldbe without it The supply, is limited The book contains over four hundred pages and deals exhaustively with the anatomy ; liseases and treatment of domestic animals, also containing a. full description, of medi- cines and receipts. The book i is now in its twentieth edition and is sold in the regular IN. EARLY. that thete almost dafly shocks have esoeeeer otociodgoete et reateitecte ctectectactestecteateateatestosteal Mettettedteateaty sfociestestestecTestesten Saececrceces Retold Peedi Soatectoaeg: SSSGooSs LpeasaeeesebeaeaaeeTTeeEs Oe Costas reteste testes psheste teste de sto Bossssseoroerssesesgssssees oe 4 ; 3 * sad bot i eee e boat eatla em : Soe m the Guor way,
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Image 33 (1912-01-06), from microfilm reel 33, (CU1742669). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.