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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDIOINE HAT DAILY NEWS Friday, January 12th, 1912 OUR BIG AD IN THIS ISSUE t Fail To Attend This Bargain Carnival Imperial Bank a Canada Capital and Rest - Total. Assets A GENERAL BANKING BUSENESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. B, . WILKINSON, Manager. 11,993,800 72,000,000 Medicing Hat Branch. 4 -Auditorium. Loud and long was. the SCHOLASTIC ORATORY SAT IGH SCHOOL STUDENTS MB ABILITY ON THE PROVE T PLATFO) GENERAL ELECTION ADDRESSES. DELIVERED BY CANS DIDATES OF BOTH SEXES + BRING. TUMULTOUS APERAUSE. Budding parHamentary goniusts etd literary lads and lasses who may in the days to come take prominent share inthe well being of the coan- try, gave splendict iliwatrations yes- terday at the Bigh School of the la- temt abilities with which they are on- dowed.. The occasion is the school pleotion for officers of the literary. end other societies connected with the school, and candidates for nomina- tions which have bein banded. in dur- ing the. past Yew. days, aditressed-their constituenls from the platform of the: applause lIsvished on each imdividea speaker, and well worthy of the marks of approbation were several of the addresses delivered. Not on'y Roys bat also girls who bad bumger- ings after office took their solitary stand om the platform end explained im terms of splendid eloquence the reqson they considered they were em- inently fitted for their . important posts. There is q vacancy for the po- ition of edit hie of the new jf schoot-maguzine En Avant swhich. sex are offering themselves. for election, to this position, The magazine im its present form is a splendid periodical which bas as vast q scope as any Maily wide importance, athletic events, so- ciety news and a poet's corner are all features of this production, end the editor and his numerous correspon- dents are to be heartily, congratulat- ed on the up-todate type of periodi- cal produced. It is the intention of Principal Hay that work on this mag- wzine shall be ind that en Two Little Girls, Suit Case Mystery, The Last Drop of Watens: A New Life, .. .. Han s Millions, - Matinee at S15 and 405. 0 OF Evenings at 800. 9.00: t+. (The Wome of Good Pictures.) E 3day s Program of Photoplays.- oph Breaking of the ; of the Seventh Commandment, Thanhouser Drama Admission 150 Doors Open at 7.30 Children 10c Matinee every Day 3.15 and aiB. nHebars the right Of Supervising prevent the; eee: S torial lige, In all roiled in Suit of perhaps err- ing on the side of the itic than. the polite. Tho magazine contains-e high-class the paper, and well reasoned deduc- tiosi-of- erue from the publication. Phe scholars in the High School) their modesty and others equally so because nf convictions of the speakers. Itis worthy ofnotethat though girls as well as toys offered. themselves for the vacant positions, yet the speeches of tach of the girls were highly eppluad- ed by. the boys. Most of the girls eile ee eae using qll their powers to the further- ance of tha work they might be called upon 15, undertake. Blections are to take place o3 Tues: day wh just reward. from Nelson: yesterday morning. Mrs. H. C. Pettit was h stess newspaper could ever have, am altericom tea yesterday afternoon News of the worl, articles af world-/given,in honor of Mrs. Suthetland and this parents and the DMfrs. Brown. ; ghest of Mrs. FE. Walton, Main'strest, yee ee cae Mar- jon Agnew, Margaret Mitchell; -Jes- William, Henderson and her sister Mrs, Seto the thagazine goes si Milne, Marjorie Rac, Gertie Rwans, J+ W- Kaske' who is visiting her ffom doc, oq Mildred Tissier, Maty McKinnon Del- 5 editorial explanatory of the policy of Pk Bot yes aoa one nein were teteiget i ee in the ore tremely enjoyable evening srecine wore deivrot yestelay r cy aus Balle acl, ie BO some of them eloquent on account OF 1a) ptize going to Mr. Mencely. W. Cousins thas retrirmed to the'city after being away in the east. +N. McLeod left Jast sight for Trin- lity College, Port Hope. The stall of the General Hospital wish to acknowledge the receipt of cut Bowers from the Rosary. from 4 GOOD BUYS 50 foot lot, Rosy St, 400. 75.00 down. 50 foot lot, Braemar St. 400,00, 100.00 down. 50 foot lot, Block 88, 950.00, 450.00 down. 50 fodt lot, Block 6, Central Park, 785.00, 295.00 down. ONLY DESIRABLE PROPERTY THE WR AIM TO SAVE YOUR TIME AND OUR OWN BY SELECTING KIND. THAT gt; WILL CAUSE YOU TO RECOMMEND US.TO YOUR FRIENDS. H.C. Pettet Co. 366 TORONTO STREET. : from Nelson, B.C F. Fatt returned trom the iyllis Becker, who is teaving ther stadi-s in Toronda, was i at surprise partys on xy efening, which a number of Evelyn, Rie, and ping for Coupleot days. tee eas, tirectes 46. th cs - fy dea, os oad MENS UNDERWEAR. HEAVY GLOTH OAPS Thursday evening PHONE, 481 recently made its appearance and pallingrid saa Thy SOCIAL AND P PERSONAG terian church putt willbe theses aee merry gathering on Friday mext et Mr. E. J;-R. Walton isame down 6.30: o'clock when the Boy Scouts of the city will gather for their enter- at tainment and Banquet. At 8, o'clock a programme will Subject in the Presbyterian church tinday night. The Sin of Covetous- Mrs. C. J. Wilson gavea very MIL ix: fA once OF fer mother Mrs. Young People s Union at the Baptist Guurch, on Thursday: evening last, at fig sosial, Each petsob, name is , which were duly at- tached to the-lapels of their coals. Sovttal amusing games, and. unique competitions were indulged im, after: which refreshments were served: atl the close of a deligittful evening, the crowd: broke up, swith the singing of S Blest be the te that nds, aad MEN'S FUR COATS short prayer. he meptings will comtinus every ening through the winter, to week. A hearty invitation is lt;x The tasement of St. John's Prestiy- tended to all young pedple. given and to Se ic are -imvit- the parents especially as they will Mrs. J. Alcock of Suskatoon is the then be given some idea of just, whet theix boys are learning under the tat. orege of the scout master. Mothers 15 6f the Scouts will assist at the ban- cgadt last. night. Mr. George Coshrast Soe ae MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNI AS USUAL WE COMMENCE OCK-TAKING ; PE THE Sith INET AND DESIRE ioe RE- UCE OCK TOTHE LOWEST Pi IBLE FIGURES CONSEQUENTLY WE OF, PER THE FOLLO bee wine, is wore REP -Bafirena Wath the nervices of workman, We rive the sam . attention to every. for renatrs that Wo les of We euarantes 82 PR Wateh In: E Si2 0 CALF LEATHER LINED ie 8.00 350 KERATOL - (Waterproof) 2.00 . FUR COLLARS AND CAPS 6,00 TO 7.00 QUALITIES, PERSIAN EA NUTRIA, AND GERMAN OTTERS, HEA QUILTED LININGS FOR 450 BROWN TWEED 5 Smart Serviceable for DARK STRIPE TWEEDS 7 i t i FANCY WORSTEDS : ed Newest Designs for 13.50 2 Becanse fst gt; 20.00 Swell Suits for 05. 00 Became 8 thority. FOL.) ee a bmaee se S1T50 S g 25, aac oe OMainabite for 19, 50 CELEBRATED SEMIREADY Su ITS, for which we are le AGENTS this district and also the PIOK of other WELL Stocks- KNOWS, BUY Now AND SAVE MONEY. Pe Stantield's Red Label, Regular 1.50 qualities reducea to Qype 3.00 suit fo? 2.50. 1.00 Capi reduced to The. SY0HAE C Stanfield's Blue Label, Regular This: stock ts very new, all bes Gor 5 8.50 sult for 3.00. - . - Ingtate repeats, cee * Men s Fleece Lined, Reguts A Business Subjects tau Eee ro 125 Saif for 75o, suit. BED COMFORTERS 172 x 72, neat Colored Comfort- ers. Regular 2.76 for 2.15. ee ee BOYS KNICKERS Good Tweeds and Worsteds, Splendid for school wear 27 (3 to 2 Regular 90 . to 1.26 for 0c. pair, 2 Only, China Dog, 62 in. long, weenie ee 18.50, aon see heavy, quilted Iin ing. Regular. price 13.00, for 9.00. es IN ADDITION TO USUAL PICTURE LAY Specitat Engag: ment THE TWIN CITY SOIMTETTE QW. A P, Cable, So, Liverpool, cabje today that Bir- Kenhesd quotations for cattle drop- Spegwone-alf- tnt per hundred, com- . .B. MARSHALL. WARE. ete BE FAVORED WITH YOUR TRADE AN-EUTERE, Marshall - all-Mitchell MUSIC, MIRTH AND MYSTIFICATION. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE AND MOVING PICTURES. hg Thoroughbred, yo The Sky Pilot, .. Mustang Pete's Love Affair, .. DMISSION An Edison: Drama SA Vitagraph, Drama An Essauay Comedy S-GCENTS.. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Abundant rite. aptism will be administered in the evening, and the pastor will preach off the subject. Prize Lists for the Poultry Show can, be. obtained at The News offise The entry list Soses on fanuary. a) 17dtt WE BE TO ANNOUNCE. THAT WE HAVE 003 SNOCK.TAKING AND ARE OPEN TO. SUPPLY. THR WANTS OF THE PUBLIC FROM OUR WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF HARD- THANKING YOU FOR. PAST PATRONAGE ANB HOP- Hardware Co. MITCHELL, BROS. ANNOUNCEMENT pared With those last cabled of Statea Jand Canadian steers, making from 13 4 to 14 2-4 cents per pound, Sheep John Rogers wore Feadily sold at Blightly higher prices, lambs making 16 cents, weth YOR BXPERT OPTICAL WORK ae BL, SOUCH Phm. B. Expert-Optician and Druggist. Honor Graduate Canadian Op- thalmfe College, and graduate of three other advateed courses, Ten years experience, In on- stant practice. Eyes tested free. Every lens absolutely guaran- ers 12 1-2 to 13 cents and ewes 11 1-4 to 11 8-4 cents per pouitd. teed to give, satisfaction, Opposite C. P.R Opened Jan. L ah COMPLETE STOCK ae: DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT. MEDI... wae Z CINES, TOILET ARTICLES, RUBBER BARRIS WILLIAM A. Pak, ETC. Has Removed from 374 Torotito Street, to: The Becker Block MAIN STREET. GOODS, PERFUMES, BRUSHES AND EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN AN- YJP-T0-DATE-DRUG STORE DOC- TOR S PRESCRIPTIONS WILL BE GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION BY A GRADUATE DRUGGIST. BEGG MEDICINE HAT MEN'S ULSTERS ee 25.00 Semi-Ready Uusters, Oe on 15.00 Chesterfields and Motor -Coats for. 3.50. suitable for work or dress, some with patent collars, some wit neck-bands and collar separate, All Bngifeh flanneis and clos- ely priced in: the various Ines from 2.25 to 2.75. ; We will clearout-any shirt im the rang for 1.75.and you had better look at the goods. For Sa Several trios of tho Partridge Rocks. Ei ish or American str some young cockerel 5:50 Mackinaws, all Wool for 4.00. 250 Mackinaw Pants tr MITTS. AND GLOVES: ae 2 : Lined Gauntlet Gloves worth y Heber os a 1.50 for 95c.. + , Lined, short gloves, horse hide 4 SWEATER COATS andi aBuskabiee Work en W. A. Henc oot and Collar Styles, Blue, 2d 1.75 for 1.00. : ( en Grey, Smoker, Tan, Green bodys wa stable colar a8 EREPEED WLBT Contpz Cates z CHARTERED ACCOUNT 38150 Sweaters Cadigan weave J Lined Leather Gloves, worth AUDITORS for 215. 85 .t0 1,165, reduced to 6fc. Sa tstablabed 18 2.50 Sweaters Cardigan weave 2.00 and 8.00 Fur Lined Gloves reduced. +0. 2.00 a pair. DURING JANUAw We will make up any piece of Winnipeg, Lethbridge, 2 a Phone No. 198 WOCL SOCKS. cloth you inuy want into a 7 Every Wool or Cashmi re Sock ut for 15.00 We a ng atl a aca hae been re Xer 000 trimmingsang an J. Jessop expert tailor. guarantees the fit. ig mes HEAVY FELT Congress style heavy telt soles. * Regular 350 tor 1.50. a - Light Cloth Shoes with Tdaither 4 Soles, Regular 2.25 for 1.50, C.P.R. MEN STORE H. S. IRELAND. Hartley Block, Corner Ottawa North Railway, duced to 260. are worth Many, of them ronto Street SMOKING JACKETS only to clear out, 7.50 and 6550 values for 4.25, Ghas. Joh Funeia Bicecss Parlors at 300 Main St . corne Ofllee 257 Main St, Pb Open Day and Night. W.R.Simm CARPENTER AnD CO? Repairs promptly atte + Phone No. 33
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Image 74 (1912-01-13), from microfilm reel 74, (CU1742664). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.