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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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END OF SEASON SNAPS This month brings you an op portunity to do some real . money saving. Remnant Snaps Dress Goods Snaps Blouse Snaps Costume Snaps Underskirt Snaps Bargains all through the Store To Our Frie Patrons: THANKS TO ONE AND nds and ALL FOR YOUR VALUED . ATRONAGE OF THE PAST. 1912 WILL BE TO MERIT YOUR CONTINUED CON- FIDENCE : H.W. Ireiand Co.. ED BLOCK, MAIN ST. PHONE 54. BROWN PEKOE regular 40 cents per EXTRA CHOICE GOLDEN PEKOE - 50 cents,per pound, 3 pounds RROW North Railway Street. for one dollar. M - THEROYALBA Incorpuroted 1860, * -Oapital-and Surplus. Total Seteestoctecettete ere F CANADA 13,400,000 105,000,000 we NK Assets Over Business Accounts carried on favorable terms. in which Accounts may be ith sums of 1.90 and upwards. if MEDICINE HAT BRANCH a C. H. McDunnough, Manager. Me ; Pn aty tocteets 7, Po te Soetoateadoateatertectotesh: etroteatestestessenseste ee eee Savings Department it 3 ee opened wil , Fourth Avenue. Seats ve ae abe. eetertess a ELE ELLA OO Seeeeteeeieds + SHAMROCK BOTTLING - WORKS: . All kinds of Aerated Waters, equal te any- thing on the market. Delivered to any part - of the city. 320 South Railway St, eteetesegy hone 122. HOLLINGER-ANDERSON Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY - DRAYING 364 Toronto Street. easonable Medicine Mat Neiws Published by the Medleine Hat News Co, Lid, every lawful evening at Ita office, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Alta, A. J. X. TERRILL, Baitor. PHONE: Editorial, Repartorhd, and News Dept 1g BING 3 RING 2 13 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cireulation and 1 y.a1, delivered, .. 4.00 1 year by mail months, d-livered.. 2.00 6 mouths, by mi Addresses changed as often as desired, but both now aud WEEKLY NRWS, Publisher every Thursday in eixtebn or more pages, and . contalus a eumrhe-y of the Hews of the week 4 V-year in advance:... 1.50 Wednesday, January 10th, 1912 The drug clerk . wrapped the bottle of cough medicine earefully in a neat white nonn: Paper scented with tooth powder and.tied Advertising the package up with a pink string. Seventy-five cents, he said, setting it -Job Depts. the counter. . volvers, ran muck in Orangeville The old man laid down a nickel, slipped the bottle into liis pocket and opened: so daor. local and district. made a dash for the once-ati-hour Bingville 6 months, in advance 75 months, in advance..f0e electric and boarded it. Obs Nel) Siged the clerk as he open- Fed the- eas awer and flipped the 5-cent piece into Tt, we stand to make 2 cents Bet Spee tind Be eee f MEDICINE Hat DAILY NEWS JUST A LITTLE FUN * pup COOK IN THE TOILS ORANGEVILLE DESPERADO CAP- the ATTRACTIVE INDUCEMENTS. N a resume of the prospects of. Western cities in general, Canadian Finance particularizes as follows. regarding Medieine Hat: z Notwithstanding the loss of the C.P.R. shops, Medicine Hat, with its cheap power, natural gas and free sites for manuf: ers, gives promise of becoming a-thriving manufacturing city. Over six hundred hands are now-being given regular employ- ment by a half a dozen of the Hat s indust- ries. The transferring of the Lu smelter from Nelson, B.C., to Medic is proving some consolation for the lvss of the shops. The new industry, when com- pleted, will alone employ over four hund- red men. . Great developments are look- ed for in Medicine Hat during 1912. The new water works system, 170,000 on sewer, Lextension, and a considerable amount on sidewalks. It is expected that the power: and practically free gas facilities will prove sufficiently attractive. to induce ot- her industries to locate in the city in the near future, especially as these features ill be given regular publicity: The pre- sent population of the city is considered well over the 7,000 mark, although the po- pulation, according to the Dominion e n- sus, was 5,572. The single tax system will be introduced in the near future by the nactment of-an amendment to the Medi- l eine Hat charter. The amendment. pro- vides for the total abolition of business taxes. Licenses are to be solely for regu- - lation purposes, but the principle upon which the city s revenue is to be derived is to be that of a tax on land alone. CC TRY SHORT COURSES,- portunitz-to t: wan have plaeed- good-short-eourses with stead. 20: PUBLIC OPINION. British News of Canada . be natural or acquired by s man is one whose mind is Jife, such as the professions and the le lative hi The man of mental 4 can aly et to the front no mat : his position in life is. needs. earns) Edmonton Bulletin ithe Department of Labc cost of living has advanced one dol stuff get sixteen dollars for what b anyhow. Ladies Home Journal. thirty without evincing the slightest in- terest in the cost of living, at the increased outrageousness of millinery, he-may prop- erly be called a bachelor, says George Fitch in the Kansas Gity Star. Bachelors are of two Kinds self-made and girl-made. The first kind is the man who is too foolish to marry. The second kind is produced by women who are too wise to marry. Ow- ing to the inconceivable tender heartedness ,, and headedness of women, the first variety is by far the most numerous. a a passable state of repair by their landlad- ies- They are very handy, and will eat almost anything. If you are in doubt as to whether,a man is a bachelor or not in- vite him to dinner. If he accepts-with a hungry look in his eyes he is either a bache- lor or a man with a peripatetic wife. Then set before him a pi ce of fried shoe upper. Tf he eats it without remark and grabs his teoffee cup about the waist instead of by the handle you can safely bet that he is helor from the lightning lunch belt. city will spend 200,000 . to. 300,000 on at smoking for fear he won t get a Christmas present? stopped smoking for fear-he will get one New York Sun. F the boys who are old enough to ap- . preciate and benefit by a short course can possibly be spar d from the farm this winter, they should be given the op-la7 to learn something that wiil be of jasting benefit to them through life. The short course beats the pool hall and the dance thalias an educational medium. It is more profitable than the barn datice or the soi- ree, though perhaps not so popular. The governments of -ATberta and Saskatche- 1840 British Penny Postage instituted. 1842 Sir Charles Bagot arrived at- King- ston as second governor of the provinee/customs staf tor ebout two years, has Lamia ts woos Beg on He takes up eilice of depuiy clerk of cvurt at Aivoly jndicigl district of Canning- 1862 Samuel Colt, invento; ver, di d- 1893 Marriage of Princess Marie of Bdin- in the reach of practically every farmer s son. If farm work is distasteful to the young man,give him a short course and he may view it from a different angle. If he still revolts against the farm, then it is time to think of placing him where he will be more contented. But give him a wireeebpeeotrosre chance to find out what farming really Peo rrr err eoeserso means. Unless he has knows-one. side of-farming, the drudgery side. . .Give him a glimpse of the other side, the human side, and he -may change *lhis mind. The experiment will not break anyone and is th trying. The -Home- studied, he only ility is one of the prime essentials in the struggle for Its fountain head is the brain. mm ap- plication to study.. What we call an able apable of achie- vement, whether in the field of manual labor, -on the-farm, in the workshop, in ihe store, or in the more intellectual walks of g and in Canada he has all the area ? or the room to grow hie r. The exper fifteen during: the y ; jen of the house will confirm the maxim that the figur s do not lie. Vat does the farmer whe produces tlic fuod- When a man has arrived at the age of Bachelors live as a rile, but are kept in * Mrs. Knicker Has- your. boy stopped Mrs Bocker Yes; and my husband has -:0: THIS DATE IN HISTORY am January 10. 1645 Archbishop Laud beheaded... Born Oct. 7, 1573. 1737 Ethan Allen, soldier of the Ameri- can Revolution, born in Litchfield, Conn. Died in Burlington, Vt., Feb. 42, 1789. Tiament. of Canada. mania. TEE hs: 1911 Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce building destroyed by fire. 10) . THIS IS MY 50th BIRTHDAY. Reed Smoot. other term,which will expire in 1915. 20 ' CONGRATULATIONS TO: Mexico, 58-years-old to-day. - Toronto, Jan. 10. tBab Cook, the desperado, who, armed with two re- wp years ago; defying the police and citizens, is again in the toils. rh eee 1 s house west of Lantiton, Lewis * That s 75 cents, said the clerk, raising Drinkwater of this city isalso under 350 his voice. Well, I ve paid ye, grunted the old old ad resses At be given. man. There s your five. Seventy-fivel ? shouted the clerk, see- ing the old party about to escape. arrest. changed with stealing three sheep from q faimet living near Orary i Cook, who was recently liberated J from the penitentiary where he was T give ye five yelled the man, as he scat for aon a ubloeenalt at Or- angevillo, is probably the most wide- ly ksiown jail Breaker in America. arrest Cook. He submitted quietly, rural constable tried to take him 'ack to Orangeville. . A bachelor is a man Who e mes home DYNAMITES SWEETHEART late of a cold, dark. night and gets a warm and effusive welcome from the hat rack.,- REJECTED ITALIAN SUITOR rejected as a stltor by 15-year-old Denise Sarrazin, who. said that - she CANADA'S FINEST ine, the Canadian Pictorial, which-t to Canada what th ustrated News, -or the Graphic dre to Eng- land, continues to improve With each of-the reyol- Reed Smoot, United States senator from Utah, was born in Salt Lake City, January 10, 1862. He received his preparatory education in private schools and later at- tended the Deseret university and the Brig- ham Young Academy. In early manhood he-located in the city of Provo, where he made a large fortune in the banking busi- eee ness and numerous- industrial enterpri- ses. At the same time he rose to high pro- minence in the Mormon Church and in 1900 became an apostle of the faith. Fol- lowing his election to the United States senate in 1903 a vigorous effort was made 7 lto unseat him because 6f his connection CHO O Li with Mormonism. The effort failed and - in 1909 Senator Smoot was elected for an- Ramon Corral, former vice president of Assessment Notices TURED IN LAMBTON CHARGED WITH SHEEP STEALING. He was captured carly yesterday in Cook iti Drinkwater are jointly Six city detectives were detailed to BLOWS UP HOME NOT GIRL, Montreal, Jan. 10. Because he was ILLUSTRA That delightful illustrated, magaz- year of its existence. it is by all odds the best printed magazine in Canada. While Canadian pictures generally predominate, plenty of il- scenes of the world- pxer:-se as to merit its claim to give News. by Views. Short complete stories, mu sic, and well edited departments add to the Interest. It-is not only a be- autiful album of the highest work of the-engravers, but it gives much in- formation that the printed page un- accompanied by fine llustrations simply cannot convey. The quality of the photogravures, the exquisite enamelled paper, and yon, is appreciated the production. ly to further evide the show is one of that has appeared here this season. FRENCH FOREIGN * CW. A.B. Cable) PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Assessment Rolls Tax Notices Wednesday, January 10th, 1912 Get Ready For Winter .ORDER YOUR STORM Se (SASH AND SIORM DOORS. Now 3 STORM SASH HANGERS. STORM SASH ADJUSTORS FELT WEATHER STRIPS, For upper sash of Windows. For sides.of windows and doors. For bottom of doors. Width of moulding, 1 im. * Wool and Felt combined, Positively rain, show, cold and dust proot, All weather strips in 12 foot lengths. FINLAY CO. HE LUMBER PEOPLE... Phone 57, BQ. Box29 One Trial: - WILL CONVINCE you that. our PURE LIME FRUIT JUICE is the Best. lt;ot-events-and- Pingle s Drug and Book Store the fine printing, cannot be fully ap- preciated unless you actually nee it, but to quote Lord Strathcona, it s undoubtedly a credit to Canadian journalism. The Canadian Pid- torial is issued monthly by the Pic- torial Publishing Company. 142 St. Peter Street ( Witness Building), Montrea , and hecription rate 1s 1.00 a year. To NEW Subscribers. for 1912, on trial only sixty-five cents. 56 Stamp act passed by the British par- CLERK AT ARCOLA North Portal, Sask., Jen. 19. J. Mi: Ector, who has been here om the HOTSON LEADER Decorating, CONTRACTORS - AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURA-WITH. YOU PLACING YOUR f. CONTRACT FOR A. BUILDING BEFORE Office Bext to Cliy Hall. Now is the time to see aboui THAT. ROOM YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE - Papered os Just phone 156 and Rey- nolds Stewart willbe pleased to bring and show NEW SPRING The Thiet was given a good re- iceptien at the opera house last night onits 2nd.ap pearance. A good sized audience was present and thoroughly you their WALL PAPER samples and give you an estimate on one or all the rooms of your heuse. REYNOLDS STEWART Last night s perfor: Served on- the fact that best dramas 4th ave, opp. Blaning s store. Estimates furnished on stt-kinds of Paintifig Pay ' L MINISTER RESIGNS perhanging Paris, Jan. 10. M, Deselyes, minis- ter of forelgn-affairs in the cabinct of Premier Caillaux, resigned today. tefnteteefe R. 8B. Taytor s Transfer Light and Heary Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders, Baled Hay for Sale. Parcels Delivered. PHONE NO. 349. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Frotruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 60c bieinieieleiniefeleieinfeleinininint FORMS. feted Licensed House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING. Aelininint from Vermont, 69 years ol men zate, 53 years old to-day. i C. G. D. Roberts, a Canadian-bor famous for his animal stories, 52 y to-day. Carrol S: Page, United States senator - Tax Reminders Daniel Boyle, an Irish member of parlia- Soa da prominent Home Rule advo- Rotter Paper writer 4 3 old . Benjamin Andrews, former president THE NEW. of Brown University and later chancellor E Receipt Books Envelopes, etc., etc. Mail Orders get prompt attention, him fifteen last year? to-day. of the University of Nebraska, 68 years old MEDICINE HAT, - ALBERTA fofedte CONCRETE WORK. *Phone 260, : j. J. eet Hf Patterson Funecnt 01 ve Lo ta Wodnesday, January-10t 7 Soto Roaeatenteteeteey Se ST ae a F AOWLNG z os cS 3 . Segre tette ones . We are offering tt ance of our Fur Coats, Coon Skin Calf Skin Coats, Boots, Lined and Mitts and all Winter Underwe: men at * 20 per ce piscout Consider what means to you ane - yourself of the tunity. Turpin Bi The Man s Store Wh Get the Big Dollar's , Seb ee ees BASEBALL NOT Egeeee eres Yean Gregg, the Nat hhass gone back to his trad ng at Guldesac, Idaho, ter. As Chattanooga will salary Kid Elberfetd dei 4alo bas put in a bid 1 + + lt;Washington player. Manager Harry Davis piss permanent home na make an effort t elf Napville on the bas Frank Baker, the. clear Yhas- purchased another fa Athletics continue to wi ships Good Night Ww State of Maryland. The declaration of Graw that he intends to the present line up of should set at rest the Red Murray ia tobe gl Sacramento has . signet der named Kobner, a Clara College: pitcher, good in the Pacific Coa wili be sent to the Bosto Me. Pittsburg Pirates -tor-pitcher Marty O Too for pitcher Hendrix. TP palin railroad fare from Kansas to Pittsbu It is sala Charley Sch b ill cont 3 Smith, Ark. club, and the old Washington pla: the-Springfleld tranchis Tri-State League. - 7 dim Magee, a brother Magee, the Quaker slu given a trial by the st. next spring. Young. J sweet hitter in the New gue last season. -With-Falkenberg and on thelr pitching stalf, -club lias the tallest: pa qn-the American Asso kenberg is six feet four jght, while Higginboth: shorter. The Washington tean Charlottesville, Va. z teams Won Championsh ing out at Thomas home which tact fact the Senators in the bet 1 to 7 to 2. Mike Murphy will this year. Besides ht * *prettc trainer at the Pennslyvania be will deiphia Nationals and tiean team which will Olympic games in June. Manager Fred Lake, dence team, bas done hot-footing during bis Daseball. Starting his diamond at Moncton, wick, in-1890; Fred m Boston Nationals in quitting Boston he wa Kegyand-Providence 1 Barve, 1893-4; Toront City, 1896;, Boston Syracune, 189 Lowell, 1901; Nashua : Little Rock, 1906: + 1908; Boston, Nation Louts Amerfeans 1911 1912, FIGHTS 8CHEDL T0-NIGE Roh Moha vu, Jack. at Pittaburg.
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Image 50 (1912-01-10), from microfilm reel 50, (CU1742653). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.