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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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SEER ANAS ARE MES SNES ' Monday, May 20th, 1912, SHOES are now in stock. gone. New Spring Oxfords have just arrived and All the neat nifty lasts in blacks, tans and patents, in lace and button styles. ir These shoes are the production of the RE- GAL Shoe Company, and come in quarter sizes. Come early before the nobby ones. are all Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : Listen Our shoes wear well and make the foot look neat and trim. shoes too. SHOES Toronto Street. aT es . Rev, Father Cadoux preached two strong, sermons at St. Patrick's church yesterday, At high mass he spoke on the Mass, or rather the du- ties and obligations of Caholics in attending mass, explaining the reas- ons for the church enforcing the rule that all her members shall under the day. At vespers he continued his in- struction on the sacraments, speak- ing on Confirmation, the second of the seven sacrements. He explained that Baptism is the first. step towards the making us children of God,-but the real confir- mation, or rather the confirming of the taking us into God's fold :comes with confirmation. These fnstruc- tions of the Reverend Father are same time most educative. He is dealing with every detail of the sa- craments. He has gust completed. after three months time his instrac- tion on the sacrament of baptism and will continue on dealing with, the various phases and points of the sacraments till he has completed all. The ever-growing numbers of the - parish has led to the sending of an- Other priest here to assist with the work. He is a German and will have charge of the German Catholics of the parish. His Lordship, the Bishop of St. Al- bert, will visit the city on August 4th, according to an announcement made at High Mass yesterday, The Purpose of the visit will be to give first communion to a number of chil- dren. Those who will make their first communion were chosen by -Wather Caddoux yesterday and the list will be read next Sunday. Rey. J. W. Morrow, in his sermon from 2 Cor. ist Chap. and 2nd vera: Called to be saints, made the fol. time in his life to make a choice as to. what his life occupation shall be. Parents and friends give their coun- il on these matters, and in some cases influence the boy against his own inclination, resulting sometimes in indffferent success for his whoie life. Parents desire to see their chil- dren make a success of certain Iines of business, but the children dosire to follow other channels. It is a safe Frle to follow to allow the boy to Choose his own life, as he knows what to a cercain extent, is to his liking. Bvery man is called to take some part in the Plan ot Salvation. St. Paul reasoning was directly along this Une, very Christian s called to be 2 saint. 2 Corinth at the time of this history, was a city-of corruption and vice. The Christians in that city had to be continually reminded of thelr stand- ing before the inhabitants, They were not to be Christians apart, but to be Christians in every day lite. Other things were apt to come between them and their love for God. Firsc and foremost they put. thelr business; or politics, or amusements, and after they have had their fill, they will become Christiane. But sald: Seek ye (iret the King- God and His righteoustitse other things will be added un- Dain of mortal sin hear mass on Sun- proving highly interesting and at the our wealth with us when we leave fused. He was poor, but did not fait in his mission, And today his: name is on the lips of more men than any other. has power over millions faithful to their duty. He did not seek honor but He is honored in thousands of homes and His King- dom will increase, he forgot to a certain extent, Smowledge of God and lived among SS SS SS HE CHURCHES every man is running for a prize, Forgetting those things which are behind, let'us lay aside every weight jand the ein that doth so easily be- set us. We ate not to neglect our business, but to live the Christian life in our business and concentrate our energy to that end, that we may be faithful servants of the meek and lowly Jesus. It matters not what occupation we may follow. They may all be made to glorify th Almighty. st Paul lived a varied life. He was a tent-maker or a lawyer or teacher, and still he said he was called to be ja Saint. In what kind of life are we putting Jour energy? Are we falling away: while we should be standing stead- fast? There is a call for every. one, 'a duty for-eoch one to perform for jhis fellow man. Are we going to lay jhola of the truth that we are each ealled before we sought God? He was revealing himself to us on every hand and gently calling us to be- come His servants in this world of sin, , Christ called or chose his disciples from the various phases of business life to occupy positions of great trust land o start the church on its work lot evangelization. St. Paul's own experience on the rod to Damascus was his call to be a Saint, and he showed himself faith- ful in-the work. Many things come between us and the true life. Whether it is business or pleasiire, they go to drown the soft voice of God, calling us to cdme to Him: We are so busy that we do not take time to heed the warnings of God. It is a great mistake for to make and has to do. with our rela- tions to Him in the life hereafter. If it were possible for us to take this life, it Would be a different mat- gain the Whole world and lose his own soul, or what would a man give in exchange for his sowil? Men are today emassing wealth, which, if distributed in a proper man- ner for the good of the causd of Christianity, would do much to has- ten the kingdom of Christ. I am pleased to say that some are doing 50. ,Men are also seeking power and are every day combining wealth so that by the power vf t they may dic- tate to governments as to what shall be done or what shall not be done. Christ was called to be a Saint and Was tempted. being offered the power of the world, but the, offer was re- He died.a poor man,.but he who are Let ns look at some of the lives of great men. ot Biblical times. Abra- ham was a rancher and farmer, but fhe was faithful and wealthy. 4 man of God. Lot was wealthywhen he Ieft Abraham and went to Sodom, but his the wickedness of that vile city with- Job was zishteous and had many jes but through them all be proper spirit and after. his testing time he came out a better man, Men, in living Christian Ives, have pleagure without contamnation and are-the better for their pleasures We. may-have wealth and health and all the things that we may wish to make lus happy, but me will take all these enjoy life and rightly 0, but the ime will come when the step will ler teble and the find lose 1s brightness: and the faculties cannot be reclaimed. Character is the Only thing that 1s possible to build here and take with us for eternity, Nothing can deprive us of our good character, it is the bloom f eternity, Therefore let us-Teatn the lesson of character buflding, while on our sojourn on the earth, so that wo will be assured of a place in the heavenly mansions, Where neither moss or rust doth corrupt nor where thieves do not break through nor steal. THE FORERUNNER OF CHRIST* The above was the tople of Rev. C, 'T. Holman s sermon in First Baptist church yestenday morning. His text Matt: 3:1-12: And in those days cometh John the Baptist preaching. in the wilderness of Judea, saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven ii at hand? In the course of his sermon ; Mr. Holmai sald; John s kind and sin- cere, though blunt and straightfor- ward answ rs to the simple ani ear- nest seokers after knowledge of God, showed that he saw clearly the new truth that God s laws were suited to answer the requirements of the hum- ble and meek. God's laws were not promulgated for His own gratidca tion and well-being, ad enforced by His power, but they were so con- structe as to promote the welfare af His children. - God- doth not need elther man's work or His own gifts, His state ig kingly: thousands. at this bidding speed And post o er Jand and ocean without rest. He is not pleased to hearken to Forced Hallelujahs, while He lordly Our envied Sovereign, and His altar breath Ambrosial odo, and ambrosial flow- ers, Our servile offerings. God s attitude toward us is not that of despotic king, but a loving. Fath; er; Like as a father pitieth his chil- dren, so the. Lord pitieth them that fear Him. John insisted on a new standard by which a life was to be valued. He instituted a new court of appeal by which actions should be judged right) or Wrong, Tt was not so much what a map did, nor what his opinions concerning this or that theological question were-that mattefed so much, The thing that did matter was what 2 man was morally. It was character that counted. But what a man Isis shown In his a tions, and so a man s deeds are important only as revealing the state of the heart. The tree is Judged by its fruits. Jotm--did mot ask biihd-obedience: to unintelligible law his teachings appealed to man s inner sense of jus- tice and teason. The scriptures were not a code of rules for the govern- ance of life, as a criminal code, but contained all embracing principles which must be applied by God-given reason and conscience to all possible still a message for us, Be faithful to the obligations which reason and conscience impose as you read your Bible aid honestly endeavor to follow after Jesus. This you will find is the strenuous life and in so doing you Will find the Bible is authorita- tive it will bave authority for you It demands that we, without deviating, live -honestly, sincerely, and innocently before the God who liyeth and seeth the secrets of men. We say the Bibie is authoritative be- cause it lays us under this obliga- tion, Let us them follow the gleam Let us follow the light of reason and of laway. trom us People when xoung human clreumstances, And this te (2 7 ct Ja tie. ferme, Siam, F. Weidlich Pays Heavily for his) Recent Playful Action. ' Frank Weidlich was fined 50 and) costs by Magistrate Kealy: this mor- ning for shooting at. Fred Clarke on Friday night,with the intention of searing Kim into digging up horse that) had been burried that. day. Weidlich was under. the infla- ence of liquor at the time, SOME CHEAP LO R. A, Sewell Wins Out in Case, Awarded 12 Block 16 Herald, for 125 Each. The case of Sewell versus. Mathews: was the opening of the supreme court before Judge Stewart this morning. In February 1911, the defendant offered for sale ten lots in Block 16 Herald subdivision for the sum of 1250 cash. , The plaintiff, Sewell, paid a depo- sit of tem dollars on them and algreed' to pay the balance on being tendered the transfer of property. On March 9th Matthews became) the rightful owner of said property and proceeded to transfer, the same to Sewell for the monetary.consider- ation of 1240. He notified Sewell. that the property would-be his on: payment. Sewell could not make his arrange- iments or did notibefore the 15th of letter from a member of the firm of Matthews, Murray Proby' to the elect that the deal we3 off. Three days later on the 18th Sewell ac- companied by his counsel, Mr. Ma- hally, went to the office of defendant of 1240. This was refused and a writ was issued to prevent the def and offered in lecal tender the sum endants from selling tho property un- ti , the ease was decided by the Su- preme Court. i jo. The decision was handed out today, lin: favor of plaintif with costs al lowing the defeniants interest om their money 1240 at 5 per cent in: terest. ANOTHER NEW HOTEL Messrs, Lockwood and Bennett have been granted a license for the big wew hotel which they will er ot jon Montrea) St, across from the C.P. air: Browatoot. of Redelift WIN manage the hotel; BIRTHS Martin On Saturday, May 18th, 1912, at Medicine Hat, Alberta, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Martin, a son. Lots in Terms. k 15, North Yuill, 735 Lots 4, 5,-6, 7, block son-Northam, North Railway St. 26348 Special display of Summer Millin ery on Saturday, May the 18th, at Miss Buzza's, 397 Toronto St. 26842 If we If thine eye be single then shall thy whole-body be full of light . Be honest in your judgment, unflinching in your will, true to your conscience faithful in your use of the faculties with which God has en- dowed you, and your life will stand the test To.thine own self he true, And ft must follow as the day, astray. not tail. ed; second the quality of the are honesl we SHaTEYs crtic e or the kind of thing To Loan on . a City Property and Farm Lands. Interest per cent. Prompt Attention, Insurance. C. A. KRAUSS Porter Block, Main Street. Meileine Hat, Phone 250, SOGIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, apd Mrs. Samson of High Riv- er, are the guests of Mrs, McClellan, Toronto St, Mr. John Mitchell has been uc Cessful in obtaining the degree ct Phm, B. at the Ontarlo Cojlege at Pharmacy, Toronto, i Mr. J. Marshall and his mother came down from Calgary on Sunday evening and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. B Marshall. Mr, H. A. Marits, of Sarnia, Ont, came to town on Saturday. Mr. Lyle Sawyer-is a visitor from Brooks. Wy Philips of Bowell was in town on Saturday, . PS H. J. Beard, of Alliston, Ontario, Was in town over Sunday, ae fesers. A, H. Ayers, Geo. EL Strong, jand Oscar Johnson were in town on Saturday from Suffield. Mf, and Mrs, Robt. Hamilton Redclift were visitors on Sunday. of Mrs. Thos. E. Mills of Yuill St.left town last evening to Attend the fun- eral of her brother at Winchester, Ontario, eee Special display ef Summer Millin- ery on Saturday, May the 18th, at Miss Buzza s, 897 Toronto St. SRead the Serial Story in the News. EFEPPe See eee ee 3A GOOD WANT AD. + Is, of course, one which -will si bring the greatest number of replies or answers, It is a law that increased demand * makes certain the quicker sale. z The Want Ad. fs the brief- best an Ad. that is ever written, and hence in its brev- oh ity there must be wit-wisdom. The Want Ad. can only inter- est the reader on the besia of f f bis interest. Each .eader is +f deste obeole sett fe oteobe stoke +f ance, are, first, tne names of the article or+thing advertis- * +f advertised; third the price of * the article or thing advert s- ed; fourth, the address, (phone,-or street number) of feeeeeae TASSIE BROS. The Bread that s Sweet Is the Br'ead to eat. MOTHER'S BREAD Look for the Label. PHONE 256. buy. See it at our Store. Phone 2 There are many kinds, some good, some otherwise. A refrigerator that will k ep onions, fish, milk mat- ches and butter for 48 hours in the same foot ham- ber without taint or odor is one of the best, THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR is the only one which will do this, and therefore the best to Screen Doors and Windows, etc. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LTD. oronto St. Medicine Hat SOSHSOSOSOSES SHOOTOHESOOTS a eh to NORTH YUILL 7 00.00 per lot. 56. FEET Cor. Ottawa S. Railway 9000.00, Snap. 2 H.C. Pettet Co SOOSHSS OHO - POO rere Some Things You Should Know About Poets lt; EBe Tf the average egies mia had. time to carefully investigate every proposition put up-to him, he would pay Jess attention to first impressions and judge less by appeat- ances. But he is called upon to think and act -quickly, and he must base his judgments upon what he can take in at a glance. Using poor. stationery or printing is poor business however you look at it, because it represents you, and you cannot prevent it. The safe thing, therefore, is to use paper and printing so good that you are willing to have your work or your goods judged by it. There are certain things that are impossible to say about one's self. hold for your business, your integrity these are things that cannot be advertised. But you can through your stationery and printed: matter. A handsomely printed letterhead on good stock will at once impress your man favorably, while an indifferently print- ed letterhead on ordinary paper might have scarce gained attention. a, It is not exaggeration to say that the success of your let- ters often depends upon the printing and paper you buy. We will gladly submit samples to you. We know that we can please you, * Meditine-Hat News, Limited. - Business STATIONERY Srfeegoetess For instance, your character, the esteem you suggest- them Medicine Hat, Alta, te PPO SEO OES egoegors 1 SP Gessoedeectonted Ms . Sipe B vy reSostreSoate i F. B, MeKinnon desires to thank his patrons for thelr generous patronage during the past, seven years merous friends and Present Daily J Advertisers in I of the Weekly No extra-charge vertiseri City Counci Minor and Fiz The city counci sion Inst night matters, the. maj ever, were of mi A-by-law was the tax Fate-at-4 iausly reported The by-laws to the Ogilvie 3 Medicine Hat Mil Yoted upon and gesses, along wi the purchase of given their third passed. The Chief of P count from the C the care of the f s0-cente-a day; t the keep of the Committee and t find out just wh Dr. Thomas, t Officer, reported 22nq notified all take out a licens houses before the far no licenses hs They are liable the city: by-laws, council to take was referred to t lice Committee. The city is lab the Finlay-bridge it into the city, received. by the ton. The oounell corumbiis, Onto, managers declare shine with which ed was indicative the president. M they said. who Roosevelt were be work and would x to cast votes. F stuck to thelr fo1 majority of the would be Rooseve of approximately 1 precincts in the o'elet he vote was cast. E 5.80 o'clock In ci the country distri en until six o clo for presidential n Taft and governo HEAYY RAN 1 a gt; f Speci al Snaps CENTRAL PARK. 675 pr Lots 31-32, bik. 25. 500 50 ft, lot 10, bik. 93, 860 50 x 186, lot 13, bik. 33. 600 60x186, lot 41, bik. 33. 875 pr. Lots 26-27, bik. 22. 650 pr Lots 25-6, bik: 25, 825 pr Lots 29-30, bik. 9. 450 pr Lots 21-81, bik. 2 500 pr Lots 87-88, blik. 29. 223 pr. Lota 81-86, blk. 29, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 1000 pr Lats 9-10, bik. 28. 900 pr Lots 1-9, bik, 29, 1150 pr Lots 5-6, bik. 20, Snap. 3900 pr Lots 22-26, bik. 28. 650 pr Lots 88-89, bik. 31. 420 pr Lot 23-24; bik. 2. 785 pr Lots 23-26, bik. 27. 800 pr Lots 14-17, bik. 21. 900. pr. Lote 25-28, bik, 21, Lot 14, dlock 80 for 1060.00, -... (Best buy in the efty) ts B.F, Souch,phm.s: i DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. ; Sets aoe CALIFORNIA . Asparagus Tips This Asparagus is packed in Califorma; the centre of the best asparagus growing section in the world, immediately after be- ing cut and therefore retains all its natural delicacy and flavor. H.W. Ireiand Go. Main Street. Phone 54. the advertiser, and, fifth, th whieh he has conducted his bakery busi begs to state a Of the cdvertioon IM that on and after April 1sth the business wil be marin to se aha tunseserc en, Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would be: for the company len the above essentials fe a continuance of their esteemed patronage, with an assurance of + are fully and truthfully stat- continuation of that service and quality which has always been results are obtained; but in F. B. McKINNON proportion to the number of - - Srna ot fe Watoh for further Announcements 235-d-tf *h from the Ad., does the advert- Cag igser curtail the results to his - * Ad. Each Want Ad isan * opportunity; Jook for them in +b + The News, Phone 13. + Le + + lt; EEEEE EEE EEE EEE : intel BIG WAS Man. to the heavy rains isfon of the Cana way at Runneyme of Kamsack. whicl troubie.on that 4 line between Win Winnipeg, ton, has develope affecting a mile 5 Piles are, boing dt traffic both east now being detlec Albert and Swan sixty miles additi lt; UNREST (WL AL) Sabtaigo, Cuba, rest prevails here apprehension thfc ity. It is reporte Serer town of Stbony .n number of hors en from an Ame longshoremen on today and it is r have joined the r
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Image 848 (1912-05-20), from microfilm reel 848, (CU1743459). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.