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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ay, May 25th, 1912 e near the High ate possession. lap 525.00 ingle returned Thursday trip to Regina, tchell has returned from Red Deer. srman-Ditheran church: es Sunday evening at aan service and confir- n will Hot receive gain this season. on Ison, local freight agent algaty last evening. . Ginther, A. P, Thomp- . Day went to Calgary rt went out to Moose oF 50. seting of the Woman's . Barnabas church will residence of Mrs. Hay Puesday, May 28th. ee greene BE WITHOUT ARY'S OWN TABLETS. her bas used Baby's he would: not be with- ey are the-only medi- ones guaranteed by a ialyst to be free from and other harmfut 1 so-called soothing cerning them Mrs. J. rwood, Ont., says: by's Own Tablets for ears and would not be as I have found them y time I have given tle ones. The Tablets edicine dealers or by sa box from The Dr. cine Co., Brockville, 8 of job printing, try i epartment. es VS... rous friends and past seven years und begs to state carried on as a for the company n assurance of ins always been KINNON ag5-dtt j t he + eb inieeieti vertisere, VOL. 2, NO 270 Bs, Present Daily Averuge 1668 Coples. Advertisers in Daily get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation. No extra charge, oke- oper -to-ad- J. J. Lawson Faces Attemptec Endon Man Charged with Firing Bullet Which Entered the Back of B. Harpell s Head Case Being Heard at Mounted Police Barracks Today. Byron Harpell, of Endon, about 30 miles south of Seven Persons, fs in the City Hospital where ar effort is being made to extract a bullet which is lodged in the base of his skull. His neighbor, J. J. Lawson, is in the Mounted Police barracks on a charge. of- attempted murder, as Harpell charges that It was Lawson who fired the bullet which is lodged in his head and which came so near to ending his Ute, The alleged shooting took place on May 24th at the Harpell homestead. What lead up to it is not known, but will likely be brought out in the evi- ing this afternoon. tween the two men, as Harpell, though he did not give the cause, Is that there was no mistake about the shooting and that he was the man that Lawson was after, down feed for his horses and just as he emerged from the ladder into the his barn on Friday Giveriben te put ence at Lawson's preliminary hear- There has, how- been something be- al- aleged-to-have-sait-that-he was-sure Way-proved-unavaiting- Special Prize and Exhibit for the Dry Farming Congress MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA, MONDAY, MAY 27, Viurder Placing his hat on a stick, slowly mounted the ladder, pushing the hat ahead of him. He stood a little below the loft floor and slowly shoved his hat above the floor in the hope of finding out whether the next commer into the loft was to meet. with the same reception that Harpell got. The hat, however, was ignored, and so the Sergeant took the chance himself and slowly entered the loft, alert and watching to see f the man supposed to be there was laying for him, How- ever; no one was in sight, but he found hin hidden in the hay, or rather ly- ing in the hay and apparently asleep. loft, a-shot fired from behind some hay, struck him in the side of the head and lodged in the rear of his skull. The assailed man was stunned for a few minutes, but he was able in some way to gttract the attention of some of the Other neighbors, and they at once took up their positions so that they could guard the barn and not let Harpell s assailant es- cape. Word was telephoned to the local Mounted Police and Sergeant Harper was placed on the case, He at once started for the scene of the shooting and arrived there on Satur- day at noon. jd-not have a revolver on his per- He, with the assistance of the nelgh- son but one was found hidden in the bors, tried to get the man in loft who left. afterwards turned out to be Lawson, . Sergeant Harper immediately re- to come down, but their efforts to get turned to the cliy with his prisoner and was accompanied by Mr. Harpell BRANDON JUDGE FOR KING'S BENCH CW. AP, Dispaten) Winnipeg, May 27. Although no ot- made it is-known tn legal circles gen- erally that Judge) Cumberland of Brandon, will ste eed Judge Robson on the King s Bench. The vacancy 1 as caused. by the appointment of Judge Robson to the chairmanship of the Manitoba Publle Utilities Com- mission, Judge Cumberland was first selected for the utilities commission- ership but refused, Owing to not being in robust health. THIRTY BETT HALVES-10-B LAND IN ALY. Steamer Caledonia Brings Blushing Misses to WAS ing Swains. aie (W. A P. Dispatch.) 1912 gramme. Ottawa, Ont., May 27. We in British Columbia are looking for ward to the government's annowhce- ment of its naval programme and we hope that it witl provide for the creation of an efficient force. which will provide protection and will not trifle with the problem, is We believe that the best interests of Canada and the Empire require the matter to be dealt with effec- tively. So said Premier McBride when here in answer td-a-question as to whether he still stood bythe resolu- tion of the British Columbian legis lature for a strong fleet unit on the Lawson, according to Capt. Shoe- bottom has served time before on a preservation; was in.a quandry as to how to get the man out. At last, Southwestern Canada, ho Agricultural Society will Ask Council to Assist in work Says that Exhibit Second to None Can be put up *by Medicine Hat Distr: at Big Show. A meeting of the Board of Direc- tors of the Medicine Hat Agricultu- ral Society held in their office, (Board of Trade building on Saturday 25th inst., the members present being G. Howson, Ost vice president in the chair, directors, A., J. Matthews, Mayor Spencer, W. Huckvale, C. S. Pingle, Dr. Blyth, J. T. Fisher and J. J, Quail. President J. Fleming arrived too late to occupy the chair. The application of Mr. Brown, the auctioneer, for the position as auc- tioneer for the society was accepted. It was decided to write Lethbmdge , and Calgjary Agricultural societies to nd what they are charging this year for space for agricultural im- pliment for care- ed. taker of the fair grounds was re- ferred to the president with power to aet. 'Phe- president -and secretary were appointed a committee to interview the city council to secure 2 grant for la special prize to be offered at the World s Dry Farming Congress to be held at, Lethbridge October next, 21 to 26, and also a grant to cover the cost of a district exhibit, belie. ng that Medicine Hat can put up a dis- trict: exhib.: second to none in-the province. A Sona from Mr. Hay, superintendent of city schools, re the introduction of lectures to. pupils on agriculture and horticulture, and technical education along those lines , by the Board, highly recommend- he hit upon a scheme, and criminal charge. greater success than was hoped even by those who originated the fdea, Service. begins at 18 and continues or seven years, when if one does not wish to.remain in the active-list, he is placed on the reserve. Here he remains for seven years more. Those who have taised objections to the service do not form more than 2 or NO COME ON AND HAVE. A DRINK I ONTARIO ANY MORE New Law About to be In- 3 per cent of the population. Sup- ' troduced ee Lerisiatare port given by the employers of lab- will be Fer Rea ae in jor is one of the best encouraging eatacta;'ot tho eyetem. At *pomsent 3 Sttecl there are ninety thousand men in the Cw. AY Po Biapaten.y territorial foree: For the next five or six years this will be increased by bout eight thousaud annually. By the time the first Jot are ready to go on the reserve we will have only one hundred-and fifty thousand men on the active list, a-very-res- pectable number when one considers that the population. of the island is only about one million. Toronto, Ma; ant -treat+ ing Jaw which( ill be introduced by the Ontario Government at the next session, will be far-reaching in its effects. The hotel keeper, the bar- tender,-the man who buys the drink and the gt;man-who-is-given the treat will beprosecuted under the new law. The tentative plans are designed to reach every person who may com- mit an offense. Under the law the bar-tender will be likely fined to the amount of 100 and 200 and the treater and treated will be dealt with ina similar way. PRINTERS IN. ALBERTA LABOR FEDERATION Medicine Hat Union to have STRIKE IN ENGLAND (W. A. P. Cable.) London, May 27. Although every- thing is proceeding with utmost quietness in the vicinity of the: docks, the police took precautions today to ensure the removal of meat and pro- visions from the steamers which have been tied up as a result of the strike of the riversjde laborers, true r and transport workers. As it was necessary to move large quantities of provisions to replenish the supply, a tachment of police reserves were sent to the Ianding wharves. By the adoption of many ruses, re- tallers of Covent Garden market and many retail storekeeps received sup- Mies, some of them conveying meat and vegetables in cabs from the docks sentative at tine tion Mee in Lethbridge. 2 when, once a year they swing around Jas. Thompson as pespre: McBride Hopes that: A eT es jhe bad a ponversation with Win- ston Churchill, first lord of the ad- miralty, Premier McBride said: While not interfering with what Canada may do or inclined to sug- Rest what should be done, I found the people whom I met in England greatly interested and looking ward to the amouncement of the Dominion programme. I did not discuss the matter offi- ino authority to do so. The matter is one for the Dominion government alone. You people in the east seem to think that we are demanding too much and that we should not be for- cially with the admiralty as I had DAILY EDITION W. ACP. AND. C. A. Bs TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE PRICE, FIVE CENTS Provincial Library Dee 29,1 With Naval Problems British Columbia's Premier Wants an Efficient Force Created on the Patific Says the Best Interest of Canada and the Empire Requires Effective Action People of England He Says are Looking Forward to the Dominion Pro- this view. You seem to expect me to protect Canada on the Pacific and you hesitate to pravide the force which I may require to'give that protection. With Japan in the Paci- fic and other nations with naval forces there. I tell you that there should be strong unit to look af- ter our defences. It is imperatively required, The trouble is that the people of the east do not know Oanada. Every man who can should cross the con- tinent.. I believe that no one who has done so and has given intelli- gent attention to the conditions which exist will say that British Co- lumbia is asking for more naval def- i he whole E. A. Halverson, - Label Committee Geo. Thompson, J. Thomson-and-W- Ryckman: Investigation Committee Geo. Ril- ey, 8. Smith, and W. Freeman. Laws Committee R. Collier, B. W. Bellamy, Ed. Forbes. Mr. B. F, Watkins will represent Medicine Hat at the ,annual conven- tion of. the International Typograph- eal Union at Cleveland Ohio;-in-Au: gust. The convention will run for about a week. Mr. James Thomson is alternate, : Betegates to the local Trades and, Labor Council in future will be C. Oulten, J. Thomson, W. Ryckman and R, Collier. ANNUAL GAMBOL OF THE LAMBS ; Special to the News) New York, May 27 This is the week of all weeks for the Lambs not the lambs of the flelds orthe lambs of Wall street, but the lambs that pasture along Broadway. When lambs of any color are out for play: time, their antics and capers are re- ferred to as a gambol. So the Lambs Club, which comprises all the great names in the theatrical pro- fession, actors, dramatists, and mana- gers, designates its pastime tons by this characteritic term. And the country and play several of the largest cities in one week, this be- comes the: Lambs All-Star Gamtol. The-first-performance-takes-place-at the Metropolitan Opera House in this city tonight, The other performances ton, Baltimore, Atlantic City, Phila- delphia, Newark, Brooklyn, Spring- field and Ssosicn Among the famous actors, play- wrights and managers taking part are David Warfield, Raymond Hitchcock, Jefferson de Angelis, Robert Mantel, him. to say a word or answer in any 2 New York, WE Thiriy, briaes- Pacifio Coast Ratectin see 1 who-lala the information charsing: toon nine toe ee a ee ee Lest he should prove the victim of Lawson with attempting to end his Caubicc: ieS to England, in the course of which understand why the east should take country require. a second shot did he try to enter the life. He then went to the hospital to er Caledotiia from Glasgow. Most of loft. The constable, aes an eye: to/have the bullet extracted from his 14, young women were bound for lamy,.C. M. Oulten and B, F Watkins, ie . ot duty and at the same . Ss Autiitors ft Forbes, C.-M Oulten, O tas of the week will be given in Washing- shock was felt by several of the pa- tients. Elections Today Heaviest Rain Storm of the Year-Greeted Edmonton Voters Voting in four other Districts also Three for Cabinet Ministers and Other to Name J. w. Woolf s Successor. Edmonton, May 27. With the heavlest rain stormyof the year, convey Ing the streets into seas of mud aud water, the day of the most: import: ant bye-eleetion Im many years opened unpropitiously for a heavy vote, al- though the energies of the workers for both candfdates started early to round up voters,..The election will determine. whether or not- Hon. C..W. Cross is to enter the Sifton cubinet as Attorney General, thereby patching up a serlouy split in the Liberal party whieh has exisied ever since the days of the Rutherford government and the beginning of the Alberta and Great Waterways difficulty. Mr. Cross is opposed by A. F. Ewing. Four other districts in Alberta are open today, three for cabinet positions, and Cardstone to' choose a successor to J the United States. Earthquake Strikes Toronto, Hamilton Windows Rattle, Dishes Knocked*Off Shelves, Pictures Displaced on Walls and Hospital Patients Distrub- ed by Shock. (CW. A, P. Dispatch.) Toronto; Ont:; May 27. A distinct jexperienced something of a minia- of the earth was felt here jture earthquake: shortly belore eight at about 7:45 this morning and last- o cloek this morning, the shock last- jed several seconds. At the Western ing shout 20 seconds, Solid. brick Sanitarium for consumptives the jhouses were shaken, dishes were knocked off shelves and pictures dis- placed on the walls. There was a distinct vibration causing houses to tremble and win- Special sale of trimmed hats at mw to their shops. Officials of the Trans- wilton Lackaye, Robert Edeson, daws to rattle Reports show that Sa pc port Workers Union have not gone Mackiyn Arbuckle, Montgomery and the quake was felt as far east as Miss Buzza, 397 Toronto, it : leyond peaceful picketing, allowea MR. B. F. WATKINS Stone, Dustin Farnum, William Court-'Kingston. Doute toiget tis icosm lux or Cores Fall of Over an Inich Already, Farmers are Happy as a 1, in thelr endeavors to bring FOR CLEVELAND Ieish, Edaie Foy, James O'Neill, . Result Storm General Throughout the Province. Farmers throughout the whole of - Alberta, -are-idle-today-as-far as can be learned, due to the heavy rain storm which started about six ofcloek last evening and still con- tinues. Up till 12 o'clock today .98 of an inch had been the rain fall and the way that it is keeping up it will go well over the inch. Many farmers from the surrounding district are in the city today and they- are all smiles. The rain is the best thing that could have hay- pened, they say. It/is just what we have been wishing and praying Hor; for-the-past-two-weeks: The. ground was getting kind of dry and rain was badly needed to give the crops the neceseary moisture for a quick growth. As far as can be learned the storm is general all over the province. Ono thing ure that the whole of the Medicine Hat district: has been bless- ed with the storm. This rain practically ensures good; crops unless something very unusual and unlooked for happens, said one farmer today, EW TCALAND'S COMPULSORY SERVICE PROVES A SUCCESS So Says Army Officer Who is on His Way to Ottawa and England. Vancouver, B.C., May 27. Col. A. W. Robin, of the New Zealand staff corps who has been a guest of offi- cers of the Sixth D.C.O.R., left for the east yesterday en route to Dng- land to attend a onference between reppesentatives ofthe various. colon- ies and the war office: He will stop over at Ottawa for a few days on business with the militia depart- ment. He is accompanied by John Graham Gow, New Zealand's trade representative in Canada. Ly Speaking of the compulsory ser- vice which has been in vogue in New Zealand, a little over 1 year, Col. Robin said: It has been sufficiently tested to out every man employed in transport work, Men are responding generally to the appeals of the striking comrades help them and at Covent Garden getable market pra ly all un- jfonists. who are, however, in minority there, have thrown down their tools. Will Represent Local Printers at An- nual Convention of the Inter: national Typographical Un- fon Local Oificers Elected at Saturday s Meeting. At Saturday evening's regular monthly meeting of Typographical Un- fon No. 451 a communication was read inviting the Union to appoint a dele- Bate to attend the convention in Leth- bridge on Friday, June 14th for the purpose of forming an Alberta Fed- eration of Labor, The members de- elded to send James Thomson as rep- Tesentatlye. It 1s quite*probable that other local labor unions will also be represented and that the newly form- ed body. will be invited to hold its next meeting In Medicine Hat. Lethbridge, Calgary and Edmonton have had the privilege of holding all labor confer- ences heretofore and ft about time that the claims of Medicine Hat-were recognized. Two officers only w re elected on Saturday night. At the nominations in April no opposition was offered to the nomination of the following offi- cers who have served in Ike capacity continuously since the organization of the union about three Years ago: President R. Collier, Fin. Sec.-Treas, B. W. Bellamy, Ree, Sec. Ed. McB. Forbes, Other officers elected wer: Vice. Pres S McLatighlin JERSEY CAMPAIGN ENDS (Special to the News) Trenton, N. J., May 27 Political leaders gave final instructions to their Heutenants in the New Jersey campaign today; the speakers closed their tours and the lines were drawn tight for the voting tomo-row, when the State's preferences for presiden- tial candidates, Republican and Demuveratic, will be expressed at the primaries. The general prediction, is that the result of the contest-between Taft and Roosevelt for the Republican indorsement is likely to be exceeding- ly close. RETIREMENT OF COLONEL EVANS (Special to the News) Washington, D. May 27. Col. William P. Evans, recently in com- mand of the 25th Infantry, stationed lin the State of Washington, was plac- ed on the retired lst of the army to- day. Col. Evans fs from Wisconsin, and was graduated from the West Point academy in 1878. David Belasce, Charles Klein, George V Hobar:, George M. Colen ant A ustas Thomas, Victor Herbert and his orchestra are go'yg along to fur- tuo) portin of the entar- ENGLISH CATTLE (W. A. P. Cable.) Liverpool, May 27 John Rogers Co., Liverpool, cable today that with no fresh supplies there was no change in the market today and Saturday, and quotations may be repeated, viz: States arid Canadian steers, 16 1-2 to 17 cents per. pound. Hamilton, Ont., May 27: This city bus at Dreamland tonight. Thrown from his Car While Out ge and his Shoul- der. Ure T. Hopper Officiating on the oa Magistrate Kealy was unable to at-/ round, injuring bis. shoulders. He tend to his duties et police court this will be Inid up for a few days, morning owing to an accident while S. 'T, Hopper was called upon to of- out motoring last evening. Some- ficiate in Mr. Kealy s absence, and thing went wrong with his machine gave one man the usual fine of 3 and and he Was thrown violently to the costs for being drunk and disorderly, RED MEN MEET IN BIRMINGHAM Birmingham, Ala., May 27 Sev rat hundred delegates.are in Birmingham for the annual meeting of the great council of Alabama, Improved Order of Red Men, the sessions ot Which will be held tomorrow and Wednes- day, The great council of the Degree of Pocahontas, the women s branch of the order, held its annual meeting to- day. DUKE LAYS CORNER STONE Toronto, Ont., May 27 His, Royal Highness, the Duke of Connaught, to- day laid the corner-stone for the n w wing of the Weston Tuberculosis Sanatarium. The new building fs to be erected thorugh the munificence Don't miss the Motion Pictures of the Titanic Disaster, at the Monarch Theatre Tuesday. Sgt. at Arme Geo, Riley, Committees: Executive R. Coliler, B, W, Bel- of W. J. Gage of this city and will be devoted wholly to the treatment of HAT-HAS APPEARANCE OF When told of the number of indus- tries that are locating here, or have arranged to locate, Mr, Knight was surprised, but thinks it a wonder that So Says Edmonton Man at ten tora at Present in the City. R, H, Knight and wife are spending the opportunity. was not taken advan- a few days in the city. Mr. Knight is tage of three or four years sooner, a civil engineer, and is here from Ed- With the development that Is now go- monton for the purpose of looking tor investments for outside capital, Mr. ing on in Western Canada, with the central location of this city, together Knight (s well pleased with the devel- with nature's gift of gas, Mr. Knight Gpment that has taken place during thinks that Medicine Hat is destined to the last year, He says the city has be a great manufacturing clty, and already taken on the appearanes of a within ten years will be the third children. real manufacturing city. largest olty-In Western Canada. ool, who r signed to remove to L WANUPACTORING CITY
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Image 885 (1912-05-27), from microfilm reel 885, (CU1743444). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.