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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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arch 2nd, 1918 , bh tnd, 1912 WE ARE . OFFERING EXCEPT- IONAL VALUES IN DIAMONDS Our buying is done direct from Baropean firms, thus saving you the jobbers profit, G. W. ELLIOTT JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Insuer of Marriage Licenses lang.teli your friends abont thie of- They Would alao enjoy tt sent in at, these rates j Offices: Heavy aise: Ddveek Buacie hould either be accompanied by this Horses Ses For: Sale: Light snd Heavy Draying 2 Hay for Sale Fred. McClain ie tbe cont of watz montha ooures, three ightas week, at the GE INCREASE srence of Scale end Attitude of LIMESTONE WAN TED. Best Prices paid per cord deliver- ed at Medicine Hat y-netion as the agree submitted to the joint the scale committees st Western Pennsylvan- na and Mlinois in Chi- . 5. A resolution was nding the stand taken of England in the re- Jeable iron hoops and nual output of 25,000, been amalgamarea wn the Scottish Iron: Bteel rstood that the capital 5,000,000. ONTRACTING CO. Is of job-printing, try- i : fer. MONTREAL WITNESS CANADA'S BEST METROPOLITAN AND NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Strongand Courageous The Daily Witness on trial Regular rate, three dollars. Canadian Homestead on trial 660 Regular rate, ove dollar. These trial rates. ar offered tn NEW subscribers or those in whose homes netther edition has been taken regularly for at least two years, that 1s, since tt has been so Wonderfully Enlarged and-Improved Its circulation ts the-most-popular paper among chureh-going people. Its subscribers love it. MAKE IT YOUR CHOICE FOR 1912 At the above Traine Campaign yubled, sind s + 1.00 A WELL KNOWN WHEAT BUYER BELL BALM P.S. of AL Read the oliowing, unsolicited feotimonial ct f Hide (Os Co tiie inatrumantallty ef i, after all, ce ta worth vine. sre atimply marvellous; afte, ud disappear; and, best of all. U 1 atte Sid heat Row 1 tin cahey'a peed ty work with comparative ease. Mi. Woathorston has of his ahd in tach case 8 satcure for Rictownn an alt wets rite. to-da: ne pele. trgtirul tehine and eating night's reet Yours tray, inrasen Combined remedien Shipped to an address on rceelbx of Free consultition by. Dermatolocists at oe Lady attendant. Ontice open, evenings trom 8 to THE BELL. REMEDY COMPANY TAO to T12 Somerset Block (adjacent t Entod'a), WINNIPEG. advertisement or the paper In which eee ee eed you saw the announcement must be named when sending the subscription. JOHN: DOUGALL SON, Publish ers, Dect HL. eee oe 183-1mo, Box 238. Department. POULTRY For Sale Sereea trios at seoresep ied RE C0.. LTD. srs Supplies. or sh aadecas brains. Also s zen we de cockerels. a Specialty. A. J.N. TERRILL, giz Beplanade, of at News office f .dicine Hat SERRE errr errr Would You be Pleased Probably the most convineiig argu- wvament that we can. present Is'that we submit proofs of your Portraits un- til you arefatistied that your likeness vfs: both pleasing and correct. The quality of our Portraits is evi- Genced by the fact that we have an evor increasing patronage. THB BARTLETT STUDIO Over Binnings, W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER ano CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to J. Ae Box 33t PHONE 539. LADIES. SILK DRESSES + WAISTS, GLOVES; BTC, DRY CLESXED. WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contractors. Shop Fittings and: Repairs Given Prompt Attention. BOX 353, Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P.O. Box 304. Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. PHONE 712 A. Dickinson Phone 689 . -BUILDER 120 Ottawa St. Hotise Plans Furnished. Estimates on Concrete Walks and Walls. STAPLEFORD PROCTOR CONTRACTORS For all kinds of Brick, Stone, Cement Work and per Plastering. - BOX 394 LANDRY, CARPENTER BUILDER Residence. -Offics 711- Ottawa. Job Work Attendoa to. cree city, bave pots Hoe giiny years... tom as unsafe as they are now. . Hold-ups, teoad, daylight and-on, the public highway robberies: end espanits in are in suppressing efits is clearly il lustrated by the fect that in some ease Burglare visited nd robbed cor- districts, abd dating tusplacien re.o/ peatedly, tet Ag paMe were unable daily occurrence, bart onl f rare to make any arrests or erm to find instances are the culprits apprehended /4 clue. The proprietor of ap egg and by the police. Sherifl Harburger; butter store on upper Third avanme, thoroughly disgusted with existing was robbed more that twenty times conditions, tas decided to declare war using the past few months. Several against the criminals and, gocording ttimes Iris stora was visited and plun- ty is swearing in lange number of/ dered on other dotasions, tut in all deputies, among. them actors, bask- ers, brokers, and other prominent pro- made. fessional men and business men, Ev- The fear of heing bitten tyy.a mad) ery one of the deputies will be greut- dog ie deeply rooted in almost every sd the might to carry a revolver and bumen being and the cry of Mad Patoate etees eS With Every 5.00 Cash Or- der on Saturday- Monday: foe CH sae ioe received another shipm oranges which we can sell at 5 dozen for : 1 00. B.0- Granulated Sugar 20th reg G00... .. 91 MceCorniick s Jersey Cream Sodas neg. 35c ..-80c. Autumn Leaf Salmon. . Reepeieaeme. et Santo Coffee, reg. Wes ac Bee. . am White Star Pate Powder, reg. 25e.. + 200. Brunswick Sardines, reg. 10c., 5 for .. .. .: Fine Choeolate Creams, per tb Cranberries, reg 20c., 3Ibs, for Swift s White Laundry Soap 6for.......- Fairbank s Sunny Monday Soap 3 cakes for . 25c. Uncle Tom Tar Soap reg. 10c., 3 Olive Castle Soap, nothing better for washing flannels and baby linen-per Ib .. .. .. .. 20c. ES We are headquarters inthe eity for every- L6fets . E Best value in the city in Teas and Coffees, part of theeity COD. . + HOME SEEKERS + EXCURSIONS. FOR SALE thing that is good. Jee new houses on y a home seck- +f 8, ors eaairtie Hight bore in five room cottages in Block Butter and Eggs. ae the olty ao aera 25 High Sehool ly conducted, too, by readers z ot The Dally Now Want Ada, a 14 Goods delivered to an; rand. ace eames : Henderson tages apartments, plan Co: home pakec excursion + mpany through the Wants; bid pos- CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND sfble tenants come and look +f AUDITORS at What you have to offer. (Batablshed 1882) The Wants cost but 25e for + Se one insertion, for 500, one +4) : tor 1.00. a Nears Lethbildge, Medicine Hat 2 princess Ave E. Road Allowance. 18, two rings. LEEEEEE EEE Phone No, 198 A.B, Gibson, C, A. Manager. Burns Block PR OSS LER: Ss Premium Store Phone 575, Sore eeeeoe 2966600000005 * How tetpless ie- police anthorities Dog in as potest to canse a pale om the tireet as the cry of ire is fm q theatre. The fact that im miners fine out of hundred casa the mad dog is not mad at oll, but. simply seared, dow not lessen the general fear in such cases. Last Sunday CF Little yellow dog stood in front of the Firat Presbyterian church, Mount Vernon, just as the congregation Started to kave the church alter the young dogs who'dd not belong to Gnybody im partictlar this tittle pup attached himself to one of the mem- bers of the congregation, a young wo- man, and followed im her foptsteps. When the girl acchleatally came io contuct with the dog, she became yoared -and screamed. Some mien near het, believing that the dog tad bit- have been carried out into the Sound hed mot ther sum mo tress, the white shirt of one of the mez, tied to one of the oan, been seen from the shore. A police baunch started in pursuit of the floating piece of ice and rescued the three men. The smuggling of digmonds and oth- ex precious atones, of lacks and thet: valuable articles of adornment is. of rather commun occurrence. In spite of the watchfulness of the revenue of- ficers ut this port many thousands of dollars worth of such articles are, smuggled into New York everp year Once ina while one bears of: some- body who tried. to smuggle valuable pictures, brie-a-brac and costly dres- ses into this country, but these cases are comparatively rare, as it is great deal. tore difficult to smuggle bulky objects than diamonds or laces and much less profitable. It seems almost incredible that any one should make a business of smug- gling glass eyes inte this country and that the undertaking should pay so well as to make the smuggler g rich man, Yet this proved to. be: the case. A German, who posed 25 a. member of the German nobility, was arrested in Trenton, N.J., recemtly charged with, having emuggled large quastities of atificiel eyes ito this port. At the trial it was established that the man, Who ts-in-ne-way sonnectied with aris- tocracy; has been for many omuggling glass eyes into this coun- try, underselling the reguler impor- ters and accumulating latge fortune. He was convicted and sestenced toa Geavy fine and imprisonment and, a white atleast, glass eyes will bo higher in price. The. a of Martin Blithe, this city with tay Httle money soon reached the end of his string. tried to find-work im some studio, but did not: succeed. There speed to be no demand for young..German, sculp- tors and day alter day he made the rounds of the studios qnd even of the ahops whene gravestones and gonu- nients-for the dead are chiseled. His money gave out and be hed to sell his few valuables and even the clothes he could spare. His shoes tecams worn out tut be had no. money to. bey a hew pair and jt was when he was Degging for a pair of shoes that he Was arrested. Fortunately the young the magistrate and he was not sent to the workhouse but given employ- ment instead. MEN AND RELIGION FORWARD CAMPAIGN (Special to News). Oakland, Cal,, Mar. 2 The final arrangementr-harebeen-completed-for the campaign of the Men and Religion Forward Movement in Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda. The cam- Palgn proper will open in this city tomorrow afternoon, when Raymond y address a m.a6s meettae for then. Institutes will be conduct d throughout the succeeding week by experts on boys work, soclal service, bible at missions and evang lfsm. Bubscrine NOW for The Daily Nows, 1 WoMmaAn s ILLS Many women guffer needlessly from girlhood to women- hood and from motherhood to old age with beokacbe, dizsiness or headache. She becomes broken-dowa, sleep less, nervous, irriteble and feels tired from morning to night. When paine end aohes rack the womanly eystems at Like Uving elsewhere costs slonky 5a Gedipacdlsng power ot Dollar seems to be getting less year by year. ; Gireceriesand Provisions are necesary to good living and s tairy large portion of our Income must be spent to keep body and we are sure we can save you money and give you goed service. All we ask fst pay Cash for your supplies, Granulated. Suga:,.20 . sacks, reg. 1.60. Cash price. 1.45. Z Tea-in: bulk, good and strong, reg. Se. Cash price 402, oF 81 1.10. Tea in bulk, reg. 40c.. Cash price ac, or 3 for 1.00. 2 Coffee, Amber Brand. Reg. 40. c. Cash price 30c. of 3Ib for 860, Coffee, finest Mocha and Java. Reg. S0e, Cash price 40c. or 31D for 1.10. Flour, Medicine Hat. Reg. 3.15 per 1001. Cash price 3.00. Whole Wheat and Graham Flour, 101 sacks, 35c. per sack. soled Oats, B.- K., 801 sacks 3.00; 401 sacks 1.55; 20m sacks 85c.; 8 sacks 40c. Seotch Oatmeal, 101 tacks, Reg. 50c. Cash prico 460. Corn Meal, 101 sacks. Reg. 46c. Cash price 40c. Wheatlets, 8D sacks. Regular 40c. Cash price 85c. Tomatoes, regular 20c. Cash price 2 for S5c. Corn and Wax Beans, regular 2 for 25 . Cash price 3 cans for 350 Peas, regular 15 per can. Cash price 4 cans for 55 cents. Peaches, large 3 TM. cans, regular 36 per can. Cash price 250 or 286 per dozen cans, Peaches, 2 Ib can regular 25c per can. Cash price 2 for, 35c, of TEE per dozen cans. Cherries, latge 3 T. oans, regular 36c. Cash price 250 per can, or 2.85 per dozen cans. large 3 Ib Cans. Regular 3c. Cash price 2c, or 286 per dozen cans. Lombard Plums, 2 tb cans, regular 20c. Cash price, 2 for 260, or 1.40 per dozen cans, Blucberries, 2 1b Gans, regular 20c. Cash price 15c or 7 for 1.08. ere 2ib cans. Regular 25c. Cash price 20c. Pears (Bartlett) 21 cans, regular 26c. Cash price 20c. Apricots, Jama (Cairns) large 7 tb tins, pure jam. strawberry and rasp- berry. . Regular 1.25. Cash price 1.00 per can. Jams (Buchanans) 6 Ib tins, strawberry, raspberry, and black currant. Regular 85 per can. Cash price 76 cents. Marmalade, 6 Ib tins. Regular 76c. Cash price-sse Syrup. Edwardsburg, 20 tb pails, regular 1.50. Syrup (Edwardsburg) 10 pails, regular 75c. Cash price 65c. Syrup, Lyles, 2 Tb. cans, regular 25c.. Cash price 2 for 45c. Valincia Raisins, regular 12 1-2 per I. Cash price 5 Ibs. for BBo, Cooking. Figs, regular 10 per Tb. Cash price 3 Ibs for 25c. Soup Tablets, all flavors. regular Sc. Cash price 6 for 25c. Maple Syrup, quarts, regular 60c. Cash price 45c per tin. Maple Syrup, half gallons, regular 1.00. Cash price 85 per can. Royal Crown Dutch Cleanser, regular 10c Cash price 8 for 350. Castille Soap, 1 M. bars,-regular 26c. Cash price; 2, for 36c. Royal Crown Soap, Fegular 2c, per carton. Cash price 2-for 46c. Fairbanks, Santa Claus Soap; regular 4 for 25c. Cash price 6 for 26 cents, or 5.25 per case, case, 144 bars, Switts White Laundry Soap, regular 4 for 6c. Cash price 6 for 26. Sunlight Soap and Lifebuoy Soap, 20 bara for 1.00. Jelly Powders, McLaren's, packages for 250. or 85 . per dozen. (Glass Dish Free with every 3 Packets.) Dustbane,-Banitory-Sweeping Compound; targe-tins, Cash price-35 cents per tin. Velvet Gloss Boot Blacking, reg. 25c. bottles. Cash price 2 for 35 . Corn on the Cob, large ast tins, regular 60c. Cash price 40 : Clover Honey (Pur. ee Clover Honey (Pure) 3 Ib. tin Clover Honey (pure) 6 . tins, Malta Vita, Post Toasties. an 11 for 1.00. St Obarles Cream, regular 12 1-20. Cash price 1.26. 3 7 tor 1.00. Sardines, Soabird Brand, regular bc. Sardines, Brunswick brand, regular 10c. Bracknells Club Saute, regular 36 . Cash price 85 a b Macaroni and Vermioelll, 2 packages for 25c, * Baking Powder, Alberta Best, 16 c . tina, reguinr 266 per can. c Cash price 2 for 85c. Tetley s Coffee, 1 i tins, regular 0c per can, Gash price 4 toe 76 cents. Worcestershire Sauca. regular 20c per bottle: Cash price 2 for 860 Stephen's Pickle Chow and Mixed. Extra large bottles, regular 40 gents. Cash price 35 or'2 for 650. White's Pickles, Mixed and Chow. Large bottles, regular, Cash price 26c. ee Oranges, niSe and sweet, regular 60c per dozen. Cash price 400. Oranges, ni e and sweet. Regular 40c per dozen. Sate price 30c. Finnan Haddle, tins. Reg. 2 for 35c. Cash price 16 tin. Kippered Herrings. tins, Reg. 2 for 3c, Cash price 160 a tin. Van Camps Pork and Beans, regular 25c. Cash price 20c a oan. Van Camp's Pork and Beans, r gular 15c.. can. Cash price 2 for 35 Sopade, large 3 Ib. packets. (Soften the Hardest Water). regular 26 cents a packet. Cash price-2for4 e lt; iD ikes for washing flannels, etc.; 10c per packet. Fresh Eggs, strictly fresh, 35 cents per dozen. Teard s Canned Chicken, 46 per large can. Pork and Beans, 3 1b. cans, regular 26. Cash price 2 cans for 35 Breakfast Bacon, sliced by machinery, 30c per.Ib or 2 Ibs for S6cA Goods Delivered to Any Part of the City, C. 0. D. TERMS CASH. News Want Ads. Pay. Try, Em. ak
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Image 360 (1912-03-02), from microfilm reel 360, (CU1742921). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.