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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ANE HAT NEW 1500 copies daily. 900 circulated fm elty 2000 copies Thursday. Advertisers in Dally go the bent gt the Weekly sounity clroulatier ao artes charge. Books open to ad vartiners. oe pest DAILY EDITIGe WAP. AND. nein 4 TIISURAPHIC SERVICE MEDIC MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. WEDNESDAY. MARCH ..6 1912 PRICE, FIVE CENTS Manitoba Bill Unfair to Other Provinces Claimed Opposition) : oe Nationalists Voted With Liberals on Sir Wilfrid s Motion te Hoist Second Reading of . the Bill Separate School Question at Last on the Scene Government Major. - English Goal. Strike is wes torn in Yan Kleck Hill, Ontario, Working to' Have them Passed without Amend- lt; GW. AP. Dinpaten gt; Expected. fn 1822, His firet venture was home- ments. Gave Mar, 6 lt; The. ghost of the tain a clause guaranteeing the reports had long been denied to the province + steading in the state of Minnesota. z - Separate school question-whtch has o -shacealnlateg-o-the minlatry-o0- sarees 19. a by ee aes aalisba ssa weal (W. BP Sadie) ile Bosnestsed eats There ae Washington, D, C., Mar. '6-By je. They conceded however, dan beam: hovering in the backgrotind of areny Cte si Paris, Maroh 6. Eivery da: mea om fo ee nightfall arbitration treaties with ger polht In Clause 3 of the article us : iets-who-voted with itt -into-her long - deterred ports, 'Y Sew Se- ds. Farming was not profitable in the Manitoba boundary extension d - yore Paquet of Lilslet, Bellemate of He promised that Jater on the nat- UTitich are being Hloated Ly the banks. those days in the wilderness and the Se oo ee be Foliage Re See eee * date, stalked boldly into-the ocom -Maskinonge, Glulbati iette, and ural Fosources of the province sur- THY meet with really aboorption by sure profite of the fur trade attracted Te et, 07 tat mine, men Contin to, the eint Bien o gt; mong ebamber shortly after 8 o'clock Sevigny of Dorchester. The result rondered under the bill would be re- Pe public. Importal causes are 2i-lnim oo he set up his h adgnarters at Tsiativa Gay ok ree el nie ata ie treat MGbiaeeiae aie last evening and has continued to oc- W88 that the government. polled a stored. ven im. connection W ith the Russien Grand Portage, In 1863 ho came to peclieed rho have been care- agreed, total Yote ot 103, those fwho votod' Speaking at a Inte hours Mr. Mon- railroad. Several large Resoian- what la now Fort Willlam, where he senators Who have been cupy the attention of the house to the : . Y Oar ort eB fully canvassing the situation almost With that clause maintained the a yea, a government * ity of 8. dou said that in view of Mr. Monk's French banks are to inereage remained until his death, ly ing the situation almost : exclusion of every other question ever sinee, The subject, which has been so carefully tabooed by every member on the debate up to that time, was or- dered by Mr. La Marche, the Nation- alist :nember for Nicolet, who desired to explain: why he had voted just ar ta 6 O lock for the follow- ing amendment which had been mov- ed by Sir Wilirid Laurier. That this bill-be not read a seo- ond time, but that it be resolved that while this House is favorable to the extension of the boundaries of Man- itobd, it is of the opinion the terms under which it 1s proposed to make the said-extension as set forth in the Dilland in the order-in-council of February 2h, the territorial arrange- ment offeriug Ontarlo are unfair and unjust, both to the people of Mani- toba ana to the people of other prov- Inces of the Dominion. . Mr. La Marche explained that he had voted for this amendment be- cause the bill it seemed did not con- ity on Taking Vote Cufito 88. Mr. Mondou, Nationalist member, did not vote, When he. he had reserved judgment until later in the debate, * The qvening.wag taken up mostly by speeches of Hom. F. D. Monk and Hon. L. R, Polletifer in. explanation of their attitude. Both declared that if the minofity is. to recel e justice it muse from the hands of the Manitoba government. Replying. to. questions both assured the house that the Manitoba govern- ment had made no pledges in-regard to the matter, The debate on Sir Wilfrid Laurier s amendment took place in the after- noon sitting and was confined to speeches by the mover and Hon. Robt. Rogers. Sir Wilfrid de lared that the basis of the settlement was expediency and that it was poor business and. poor statesmanship which would lead to much trouble. Hon, Robert Rogers said that the Dill gives to Manitoba justice, which expldnation of the constitutional as- /pect of the question, he was prepared to vote for the second reading of the bill Hoai(Hudoiph L mleu moved the adjournment: of the debate. : Ottawa, Mar, 6 The Liberals: this morning notified the government that Hon, Rudolph Lemleux will be the last Opposition speaker on the second redding of the Manitoba boundary bilk, This means that Sir Wilfrid Laurier has decided as he stated in the house yesteriay, to stay within the lines of Torres Vedras. No further amendments to the sec- ond reading will be moved-by the Op- position, although it is maid that on the third reading Mr. MacDonald will move an amendment to the effect that the Maritime Provinces should be consulted before increased finan- cial aid is given. It is said that the Nationalists are considering moving an amendment with the object of plac- ing the French-Canadian Liberals. on record, SNGAD'S. ATH pe J. MacPherson of Winnipeg, who) was in the Winnipeg sleeper Bel- mont; which had such a narrow es- cape of. being pulled down, upon the : Barly 4 FRENCH MARKET PRICES: SOARING se sad Steady Tnerease ks Every Good News of Setting NO rere EFFECTS: Settlement of the their capital in ordef to handle the thcreased business, fimmmeial and com: mercial, now passing between this, country and Russia.) Considding the number. of unfavorable devclopments in force in. foreigg (countries . the strength of the Paris Boursa 1s alawst puzzling. First one depressing niluenco ud then another bas been withstood. The English market bas teen rea.. onary for days-on account ofthe .ou ke, Bertin had been. nervous lest x might reach Germany, The biyes f.5 money entertained ofan ety sct- Hiement of the Italidm-Tursish var are vanishing end the slow . reported in the Franee-Scavsi ney.- tiations all ar grav ly taxing our wonderfully well. TEsioi.s upward patience. s Nevertheless this siatket is behaving with every piece of mews on which a favorable construction can be placed, This whows that the French market has been thoroughly Tiquii 1, every bad feature has bes 1iounted. Frettch bankers expect an carly revi- valvin activ ty im the London market and also in the Berlin as they are cal- culated that the coal strike in-Great Piece of pore wititam, Ont, Marae 5 Death PONEER DEAD of Fort William Passees Away. occurred at an early hour this morn- ing of one of Fort Willlam s oldest citizens, Mr. John MeLaurin, Nearly fifty years ago Mr. McLaurin first came to Fort William when It was less than. Village. He has seen. every phase of its development. Deceased NOVA SCUT'A 10 BORROW 4,000,000 Halifax, Marci 5 Hon.. Premled Murray Introduced a bill into the leg- 000 by the issue of debentures and the Bale of Nova Scotia consolidated stock and to make the issue at rate not exceeding four per cent, The premier made no statement regarding. the bill but section six provides as follows: The sum realized trom said deben - tures and safd stock shall be paid in- to, the provincial treasury and. shalt be applied in payment of the existing obligations: of the province and for services chargeable to capital account that have been or may hereafter be authorized by the legislature. CONCENTRATING FORCES IN THE NORTH SEA Germany Follows Eng- Old Resident and Trapper islature this afternoon to borrow 400- . Points me Senators ever since the treaties were submitted to the senate early last August as- Serted that they expected to. muster the necessary two-thirds vote for the ratification of ee one unamend- Ratify Treaties at Today s Session - Great Britain s and France s Arbitration Treaty may be Passsed without Amendment Two Danger Who are Hoping and main fight would be n the lodge reso-. lution of ratification which would Interpret the treaties so as to safe guard the sendte s full treaty-making prerogatives: creasing. London, Mar. 6 Any trades tnions which, have a sentimental sympathy with the miners are greatly straining themselves now for funds and their fellow feeling is given way to more materia considerations, As various industries are being crippled and closed down for want of fuel, the exe- cutives of other unioris are being com- pelled to-hatid out funds to their own unemployed and these leaders regard the outlook with great anxiety. It is all very. well for the miners;* said one of them today, but our own. 0 STRIKE SETTVENENT England s Big Industrial War Having a Telling Effect on other Trade Unions Strike Funds Fast De- workers. he uiine workers had ex- pected demands would be raised: but that the operators would offer coun- ter proposals, QUEEN MOTHER BETTER OW. A P. Cabler : London, Mar. 6. Queen Alexandra, who has been ill with influenze for several days, is not progressing as rapidly towards. sonviilescence as her physicians expected. Disturbing ru- mors hee say her condition ts very. serious, union funds will goon be bled white. Srroted ait an ct rae bone MST oa docons. ad s Tend im, Rstablish ss, corm meat ngeanianaent sey psugniteD SrOtgEe dowe. The wala ewopen Doubts, however, are tule as to the ing Permanent Fleet aistrivutions of the Steel Smielters an- ee. - with a Jerk, throwing people out of shen ity: of New York joining the There. fon are 4,000. Thene have alteady s) Touis, Mo, March 5:-The jury. their seats and I jumped off the V *rt: a pean The normal dls- i. the Kimmel insurance case report-. eae z train to the foot-path, I ran to the Berlin, March G The Tegicuch: Barsement of the jamated Ensi- oq to Federal Judge Chas. F. Am den Second. Murder in Connection-with the Texas Feud ena or the bridge-and saw the other, Rundleau ennounced that , cruiser neer's Union to the ployed mem-) a noon today. It was unable to agree when Tennant Killed Father of Boyce s Sr..Slayer. Georgetown, Texas, Mar, 6. John T.Sneed was Killed here today by one of his tenants, R. O. Hilliard. The assassin then killed himself, He said he shot for revenge. John T. Sneed was the father of John Beal Sneed. The latter was re- cently on trial for the killing of Cap- tain AG, Boyce. It is thought to- day's Milling was the direct outgrowth he Boyce-Sneed feud. Hilliard met the head of the Sneed oe family in front of the postoffice. He opened fire, killing Sneed immediate- ly, and then Killed himself, He left a note saying Sneed had ill-treated him and that he intended to kill him, then feign insanity. At first it was beHeved that the slayer was a mem- ber of the Boyce family and it was said that AL Boyce, whose elopement with John Beal Sneed s wife, started the feud, had done the shooting. The mistake was soon discovered. It is believed young Boyce remains in Man- itoba where he went with Mrs, Sneed. Wintipeg, Man.j Murch 6.-A. G. Boyce, central figure of the. family feud centering at Forth Worth, Texas, left Winnipeg on Thursday night of : dian Pacific and his lawyers say be was bound for Medicine Hat to carry This intention of buying a ranch: A good many people here think be dropped across the international boun- dary about Sundey last. The jewels of Mrs, Sneed are now held up by the United States customs. Authorities af St. Paul, Minn., after having been sent from here two days ago to Mrs. Smeed. They are valued ut 200,000, and apparently are denied a free entry coach lying in a mass of debris at the Bottom of the bank. It seemed as if) it was hardly half a minute before it was all ablaze. Following the wreck a number of, officials were immediately transported across the river in a buss. This was done last night for the first time when the north bound Capital -City, Express arrivod hore shortly after ton O'clock; thirteen hours late. was made at the 11th street Passengers and baggage were unload- ed into every available vehicle. that could be-obtained and then brought to the station, Here a train was waiting, The passengers got: on board, The baggage was piled off and after a remarkably short stay. the train started for the north again. Late last night the gang of work- men who had started in to clear up the tebris,-taa mmte poor renaway. A large number of the smaller timbers were cleared out and the work of PULLMAN PLUNGED OVER BRIDGE WITH HUMAN FREIGHT; MANY MIRACULOUS ESCAPES under way, The moat difficult task will be the getting of the sleeper Kip- ling out of Her position. At the pres- ent time the rear end projects about ten feet over the pie gt; of the bridge portions of the bridge which had not completely collapsed are halt sup TWMENSE BATTLESHIP FOR ENGLISH NAVY Far Larger than Any of the Super-Dreadnoughts will be New Ship. London, Engiand;-March-5 -The British admifality have ordered a bat- tleship which will beat all records for be built by the firm of John Brown jonthe Batiks of the Clyde. The ship was Tit havea displacement of. UNiFty thousand tons, develoving eighty sev- enen thousand horsepower and her builders fully expect she will develop one hundred thousand horsepower when she undergoes trials, Her speed must be thirty knots. She will have -a-battery of sinprecedentel power, con- sistihg of elght fiftecn inck guns each firing a projective of two thousand Pounds seight-and-:welve-tnely-wea- pons, fleet of six smell ships and four dreadnoughts are to be transferred in April to Wilhelmshieff and will be permanently stationed in the North Sea. The Journal explains the transfer has nothing to'do with Anglo-German relations, declaring that Germany is onty following England's tead im con Seer ber pair im these waters, (Umer the prud at assumption that most im- portant decisions will fall in the North Sea. ATTEMPTED MURDER BILLS-AT MONTREAL: Three Foreigners will Face Serious Charges on Grand Jury Presentment. Mootzes), Que. Marsh 6 Tutee moce bills for attempted murde- against members of the Motitreal foreign papa: fation were returned today by the Grand Jury. The mea whom the bills were returned against are: Jan Sen- respectively, have been cancelled bers of their orga and in the past few/days it has jump- ed to 15,000 per fveek. Southampton, March 5. Sailings of American line steamships Philadelphia and New York from this port for New York on March 13, and March 20 in ation is 5,000, consequence of the coal strike. New-York, Mar. -6 The-flat- r jec- tion of the demands of anthracite miners by the coal operators is ex- on a verdict after being out 73. hours. The jury was discharged. eae ENGLISH GALE CW. A. P..Cabe) London, Mar, 6. A tremendous gale taged yesterday in the English Chan- nel. All wires-were down and tele- graphic communication between Eng- land and the continent was completely cut off until late last night when it ion of the modified demand by mine Decisive Action to Stop the London, Merch. 0 The. gaverainese has at last taken decisive action im regard to the militant suffragettes. At 1 ten at Last Taken by the Government tences Meet with Public Approval will. Sue Women s Society for Da (Wi A. P. Cable) wag restored and 1685 SUFFRAGETTE LEADERS FACE GONSPIRACY CHARGES LAID BY THE GOVERNMENT Wanton Acts stage. a hall im a suffrugette play entitled ra . z Franci ti and Anton: ci hh River Tragedy C. io ior and jt Js feared that if there cated : and repainted. In wie tae 4 te the Polo 20 o'clock-last night the police raided ception -N.RTrain Wrecked on Prince Albert Branch shoula be a weakening in the opera- Plage of alee aisle ue Ae a plot the beadquarters of the on been affected tions of the workmen that the coach Which wap fo there is o je Cial Holitical Union and arrested . ments, 5s while Crossing Over Saskatchewan Passengers iti 0h, xo inde wad nate ere RS Deve anes age aelow z 2 Seal opis samen soresag aor pa e ate Chueaem ae ak *. Tell of Weird Experiences But One Dead, move It last night. The remainder of three Met wide. This change swbeeld of 's conveyed to Bow Street aml changed smashing (W. A. P. Dispatch), Saskatoon, Mar. 5 What was thought last evening to be the worst accident yet recorded on the Prince Albert - Regina branch of the Can- adian Northern Railway attended by considerable loss of lfe,. turns out this morning after a general survey of the situation, hag been made much less-serioug than was at first anticl- At-an -carly. hour last -evening it was thought that at ieast a dozen per- sons had gone down with. the Pull- man car Kipling, when it made a headlong plunge from the north side of the bridge across the Saskatche- wan to the ice below, but inquiries this morning elicit the information were more than nine in the car, I that every passenger has been ac- counted for and that of these only one is likely to succumb from the in- Juries received. This is H. E. Ash bees, traveller for Fry's Cocoa, with headquarters in Saskatoon, who was bound for Regina and Who went down with the Pullman and received horri- ble injuries beneath the load of deb- when they fell with a crash to the river below... Ashbeos was crushed almost beyond recognition, his skull belng badly. fractured, his. body Squeezed almost lifeless and his face mangled out of all shape, He teat P * Hy-hospital hovering between life and death, with no pos- sible hope of- recovery. Of the other passengers in the wrecked sleeper Dr. the train proceeded to Regina shortly after the accident Occurred. 3 ENGLAND. START AVIATION SCHOOO Plans and Provide for- Purchase of 131 Machines OW. A. P. Cable) London, Mar. 6. When introducing the army atimates in the Houge of Commons today, Lieut. Col. John Ba- ward Bernard Seely, under-secretary of War, stated that the aviation school should be a great improvement and jareadly acititate the ingress and exit Jol: the spectators. A metallic sereen- 8 fab replaced the original ome and is estimated to increas: the brightness and distinctness of the pictures per cent. The theatre is mow unsur- Passed as regards modern pictnire shows on the contincet end the man- agement are to be congratillated on their a nothing The music will be produced vy the former four-piece orchestra. The management will shortly make am announcement as regards the re- opening of the show which will be in the -near future, 100 8 tthe many stabbing affrays which have tached to q train scheduled to start shortly. The victim was found early one morning shortly before the train was due to leave,, beaten almost. um conscious, his head tied in q sack of ashes, firmly fared to the wheels of freight car. The other two men ara Italians who were mized uy ia two of occurred during the past few months. PROVE OF BAS OF CHURCH UNION TORONTO PRESBYTERIANS MADE SLIGHT RATIFICATIONS IN REPORT TO ASSEMBLY. Torotito, Mar. 6. Toronto Preabys terlans have finally sent up to the ea aati BOtkT- with conspiracy, The pollke had a warrant for the arrest of Miss Chris- tiebel Pankhurst on the same charge but sha was absent. She was arrested later. Owing to the fact that the suffra- pete destruction would te extended to treasures the Stete Departments fendon, the Raygl Palaces and several museums and gulleries have been cios- Hard labor sesitences passed on sev- enteen womem arrested for wimdow smashing meet public approval, Tie: Weat End trad smen who had their windows broken are going to sue the Women's Social, and Political Union for damages. The ustal institance on plate glass. dows not cover breakage during riots Frederick Pethick Lawrence, joint editors of Votes for Women, who were arrested last night, and Mrs. Em- mettine Pankhurst, and Mrs. Luke, + the last two of whom were brought 4 from Holloway jail, were arraigned at Bow Street court this afternoon, charged with conspiracy and malicious lamage to praperty. : Miss Christable Pankhurst, who was erroneously reported to have been ar rested last night was included in the Charge, but she bad disappeared, and thus far hag: baffled all attempts of the police to trace her whereabouts. Four prisoners were remanded by the magistrate for a week; bail being re- fused * ; + + ee pee ee ee F. . Sparling. ot Saskatoon waa the io bo established at Sallbury Piaing 1 8 TP OTT gy ug General Assembly committes on pa te oe ae eee * fbb bob bt c tern i the-great manoeuvre-ground-in-Enge Chifch Union its approval of the ba- rence competed mes ca RECORD SALES. mation is given thia morning that he land would be for -the training of F Fl sis with: ertain modifications, Phe irance against window bieaking by +f RUMOR a ue Gees ae gt; we witi recover, his injuries consisting of soldiers, sailors and civilians. One * F. WOOLEY'S PRIZES fe coomitiee meets on- April 15th, The aitragettcs has been fesued and + SCOTT 4 +f + The Hollinger Agency re- F)q disiodated shoulder and several hundred and elghty officers wonid + 2 el work of the Presbyterian committee welbknown member of patliamint has Fee E +f port the sale of ninety-three F/ fractured riba, be passed through the school yearly. *f Mr. F. Wooley, of Nortons: +) on this mattar is concluded therefore ist insured the witdows of this house + WAP. Cable *b properties including houses Miss May Wealtheruit of Moose Jaw After first learning to fly at thelr. made-afine showing at the for this year with the presentation of i Grosvenor strest. at a premium of) London, Mar, 6 A rumor 4 +f during the last) thirty days. + who escaped uninjured sald: There own expense they would receive when sf Provincial Seed Fair at Mae- eg tinal report yesterday and the en- 38s. Tn the city many tanks gre bav- - 1s published in fin: evening: -f +f Business,.they say, 1s getting F/was acrash and theeouch went down. they, presdnted their pilots certiffeate fe leod, taking first for best bus- el guing discussion and adoption by ing the windown protected by wite -S paper that Captain Robert Re +. brisker every day, and every- +F Then I heard someone breaking the and before appointment to ithe flying + hel of Winter Wheat, frst for 4* members of the Presbytery which oc- nettings. sh Sobtt, British Antarctic Ex- 3 + thing indfeates an exception- windows of the fqach and wie porter corps. 375 to. recoup them for. the +f two-round barley and first sf cupied most of the afternoon session. As an instanca of the change opt: , plorer hus reached the S uth- + ally prosperoun year. - Pulled me out. I am sure that there expense they had incurred, The gov- +f foru bld peas, One of the alterations suggested today nion induced by wanton outmges of ae eitines a shaiild ey Chere were at Jeast, sevan- ernment, he sald, was purchasing 131 os. sel was witn regard to the naming of the the suffragettes, Jars, Langley, x suf a Fgh bb a len or eben: aeroplanes. Sb EEE EE Ro eh churen courts feagette, gives her experience Gn the 4 PO tebe *
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Image 374 (1912-03-06), from microfilm reel 374, (CU1742909). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.