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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Saturday, February 17th, 1918 to awakea worthy man. When she loses it and still loves on, no one in the wide world cam know the heart agony the endures, The women who sulfers from weak mess and derangement her system, soon loses ber persgaal magaetiam, Her general health, sullen and the loses. ber, food looks, her ami womanly charm, Dr. R. V. Ot his stall of able physicians of women. He bas devised ia known,as Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription. the weaknesses and disord: Peculiar to strengthens and heal: Medicine dealers sell it. Jou to accept a substitute in order to make e little larger profit. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellein regulate and streagthes Stomach, Liver aod Bowel + EEE EE be bE bp DHNE and summer uses im the north, + The light-toned, rather rough wool- lens of light welght are popular for such purposes and one ses, too. some charming new models in dark blue serge which, while not so service- able-for-motoring asa mixed material Because of its propensity for spotting and showing dust, is always a becom- ing and good looking long coat ma- terial, There are new and smart looking coats Of severe English air in black and. white Check, of mederate size, and some of these have their sevority slightly softened by touches of black velvet In collar, cuffs and pockets. Silk coats of the dust coat type are not yet generally shown, but coats of a more dressy kind developed in silk are provided for. the southbound folk, and among these taffeta plays an important part. The war between the straight tine + b FADS AND FASHIONS, PEPE EEE EEE (Spectat tothe News:) + New York, Feb, 17. Although tors have sbeen used a gteat deal during the present winter th furriers are complaining of an exceedingly unsat isfactory season and the retail mer- chant with courage and money to seize his opportunity has been able to take over at wholesale large consign- ments of furs at so low a price that he 1s able to offer to his customers veritable bargains, M dium weight cover-all coats are appearing plentifully among the heav- ier winter models and while too light for use in northern February and March weather they are desirable for a southern sojourn and for later New Up-to-Date Store OPENING ON COLUMBIA AVENUE AND FACTORY STREET With full lines of Groceries, Fruits, Candles, Tobaccos, China and Glassware. Special Prices for Cash. It woll poy you to give this store a trial to save money. We have had a long experience im this business and believe we can give you satisfaction. w. A. Ravesteyn Co. Phone your Order to 705 ONE PRICE J Ana ne Se LePAGE-BROS. Spring Print Remnants 1650 yards standard English print manufactured mill ends, frora 5 to 12 yards each piece, put up in remnant form. Right here is where you save 214e, on every yard of this special print. All new Spring patterns. Spe price while they last 1214c. per yard. Directoire Corsets Made of fine white Coutil, finished at top with deep lace and four hose supporters attached, for medium and slender figure. Sizes from 19 to 25. Special price 65e.-per-pair. Opening to-day new Dress foe all-over Laces aad Ginghams- metecortostrstreretertesteraledto dh aretodte dre stostaiteddrtiegs 7 50-4 oo il, oo LePAGE BROS. : Old Stand, 888 Toronto Street. Ro lt;ge Meese eNy MPO OOO Th A, P. Burns CONTRACTING CO. LTD: fPoz ad tory, Esplanade. Phone 100 GEERAL BULDERS AND CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS SUP- PLIES, PLANING MILL, HEAVY TEAMING. Spring will soon-be here: if you-anticipate erecting -a-howse or Duflding of any kind, let us give you a figure on the work. No matter how large or how small, we are here with the goods. Wo carry a full stock of builders stipplics, umber, lime, sand, gravel, cement, wall plaster, window and door frames, sash and doors, all kinds of mouldings,-ete., ete. MILL WORK A SPECIALTY WE ALSO DO PAINTING, DECORATING AND SIGN PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. GET OUR P RICES PHONE HOLLINGER-ANDERSON 6 Transfer Co. apid LIGHT and HEAVY Plano Moving) Peasonable DRAYING A Specialty liable 364 Toronto -Street. coat and the coat of perceptible curves oes merrily on and will probably be waged throughout the season, since each cause has powerful backing, The fashions wre undoubtedly moving toward trimmed effects, longer aud belted waists, shapely under arm seats, etc. but the change comes slowly, and there seems to be no o0- woman may strait, weant frock throughout the coming season without feeling out of fashion. With the belted long waist effects come peplum and basque arrange- ments, a development to be expected after the tentative gropings in this direction that could be observed. last summer, Very charming things of this sort are in evidence among the new frocks and separate blouses, and they call quite as emphatically as do the bigh waist and straight silhouette for a slender. hipless figure. The peplum may extend all around the bodice, may be merely a wide tab In front of back or in both places, or many confine itself tothe sides. It may fall from a long waist line or from one slightly raised, but in its latest and-smartest aspect it 1s asso- ciated with the long walst-and- the belt. The matter of the belt and-the gir- dle is rather important at present. Many of the new .tatlored suit coats show belts, sometimes extending only across the front or the back, some- tim s running all around the waist. The same thing is true of the one- plece trotting frocks in wool, silk, linen, ete., a very narrow belt of black patent leather being frequently used with such a model. Since the white lingerie blouse has there has been a great demand for a practical and dressy separate blouse to wear with the coat suit. The bodice of chiffon, mousseline de sole or net to match. the tailored suit s always in-excellent taste; but there are some who prefer the dainty, fresh appear- ance of the white blouse. From Par- Is come many attractive designs of white crepe de chine. These are stamped with the approval of the fore- most houses and are sure to find favor here. These blouses are es- pecially appropriate for spring and summer wear, They launder beau- tifully aid are durable, Crepe/ de Chine, adapts itself to any design with splendid results. The dressy, elaborate blouse fashioned from this material is graceful and rich looking, while the tailored blouse may be as severely plain as desired. Many of the new models have long sleeves and are trimmed with black satin or mousseline de sole. In wool fabrics for early spring the Jeading colors will be blues in navy. king s national, sapphire and cadet. Tans will range from champagne, tan and khaki shades, graduating into tobac and golden browns. In mixtures. grays and tans will take the lead over other colors,, Cream dress goods in all- wool materials will be exceedingly popular, As to materials, serges in diagonals, whipcords, French serges and storm serges will be much worn. For tallored-suits-skirts, ete., cream serges have single or double lines in black. Half-wooland all-woo challis have neat figures and borders. Black mohairs a volles are very Laiesrite Amone-the-heavier weights in cot- ton goods galatea is well liked, and is brought out in neat effects In tape stripes, small figures and dots. Cot- ton corduroys are produced in differ ent welts, in all colors from white to black. White and cream will proba- bly be most worn. Crepes in very effective patterns and borders are seen, and cotton volles are in variety and colored-embroidered figires, also white with white and-colored borders with black stripes. White Terry cloth which in general appearance can be compared to Turkish toweling, is the newest thing in white goods. Other new materials in cotton are very thin crepe, lisle finish, woven embroidery pattern crepes, Turkish toweling bor- ders, drawnwork borders on cotton sultings, glove-skin cottons, cottons with woven borders in darning stitch embroidery, point de seprise, simple primitive patterns, cotton suitings, white agaric grounds, with hair lines. Ruches and frills will be much fworn, The double ruche, with a vel- vet ribbon band, will be worn, not only as a stock, but as a short-sleeve finish, center-front waist-finish and forty dainty little headpieces at fancy dress affairs, bazaars, etc. Frills of side-plaited, dainty lace, to fall over the tops of high stocks, and similar frills at the neck lines of stocws, are also seen on some of the newest neck- wear. The newest side frills, either er and generally smaller than they- used to be...The double side frill is very popular just now and is worn in several different ways. While skirts remain narrow, there ts no lack of variety in the novelty and arrangement of the gores, the new designs belng extreme y graceful and having: unusual style ade-of colored Wood are used to fashion buckles, ca- bochons and cords to adorn the spring hats, Odd-shaped collars with scalloped edges are much jn favor. -These are worn with the one-plece Uress or sep- arate blouse. i Long handles continue fashionable for the parasol of the promenade. Florence Fairbanks. Shiloh Gure STOPS COUGHS FEies's cons ceased to be considered good style new navy, Persian, ertpes; arid plain whites with white Whom all Uabilities will be paid. in skirting width and voiles in white attached oF separate, are-muct short GIANTS OFF FOR THE SOUTH New York, Feb. 17. An fjtial pustr wag given the baseball season with the departure last evening of a bevy of Giant recruits for St. Louis en route to the South. Only a few of the players began the trip here, the majority joining the party at St. Louis today and by the time Texas s reach- ed it Is expected that nearly the ei Ure lat of players 'reserved by the club will be on duty. The warming-up practice will be conducted at Marlin Springs, After leaving there a series of exhibition games will be played through the South, the team working its way northward in time for the beginning of the senson in April. SYNOPSIS OF COAL MINING ngGU- LATIONS. Cuay: mining rights of the Dominion. Saskatobewan and albert ihe Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories and in 2 por- tion of the Province of British Colum- bia, may be leased for a term of twenty-one years at an annual rental of 1 an acre, Not more than 2,560 acres will be leaged to one applicant. Application for 9 lease must-be made by the applicant in person to the Agent or Sub-Agent of the dis- trict in which the: sights applied for) are sit ed. In surveyed territory the sand must be deseribed by s ctions, or legal sub- divisions of sections, and in unsur veyed territory the trict appiled for shall be staked out by the applicant himself. Back applfcation must be accom- panied by fee of 5 wntcn will te re- funded if the rights applied for are not available, but not otherwise. A royalty shall be paid on the merchant- able output-of-te mine at the Tate of five cents per ton. The person operating the mine shall furnish the Agent with sworn returns accounting for-the full quantity of merchantable coal: mined and -pay the toyalty thereon. If the coal mining rights are being operated, such returns should be furnished at least once a year. The lease Will include the coal min- ing rights only, but the lessee may be permitted to purchase whatever avail- able surface rights may be considered necessary for the working of the mine at the Tate of 10.00 an acre. For full information application sbould be mad to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ot- tawa, or to any Agegt or Sub-Agent of Dominion lands. W. W. CORY, Deputy. Minister of tae Interior. .-B. Unauthorized publication of this edvertisement will not be paid for. Sept 14-D-6m NOTICE Sealed tenders for one or more of: the following buildings will be ra- ed at the office of C.P.R. Division Engineer, Calgary, up to noon, Feb- Tuary 24th;-1912; for the erection amt completion of the following biiilain Western Lines Class A Station at following points: Webb, Namaka, Seven Persons, Winifred, Dunmore, Clive, Nevis, Lougheed, Aldersyde, Jaf- fray, Burmis and Galloway, also a Western Lines Standard No. 5 Station at Yahk. Plans anf specifications can be seen at Chief Engineer's office, Winnipeg, Resident Engineer's offices at Cran- brook and Medicine Hat, and this of- fice. N. E. BROOKS, , P. R. Division Engineer. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the part- nership hitherto existing Letween the undersigned at Medicine Hat, Alberta, under the firm name of Kennedy and McIntyre, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the firm must be baid-to-the said-William-Kennedy, by (Signed) William Kennedy. Witness: p1szae (Signed) H. 0. Knowles. Seed Oats for Sale Ee Kasia of Regenerated Ab- lean, plump, fin- cat tal ba Bs cokes Import- ed from Seed House last year, Gse a bushel. Ofits went over 100 bushels to the acre. Barley Six rowed variety, a good strong grower. J. M. COOPER, NORTON. P. 0. STAPLEFORD EPROCTOR PHONE 539. BOX 394 OFFICE TORENT Fine large Office In the News Block, 20 x 25 feet in size, well lighted, steam heated, modern conveniences. APPLY TO News Off ice. (Signed) Frank G. McIntyre. WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contractors. Shop Fittings and Repairs Given Prompt Attention. BOX 353. ds3-1mo TENDERS FOR ADDITION TO NURSES HOME Sealed tenders will be received, ad- dressed to Mr. R. M, Napler, Secretary Treasurer of the General Hospital, up to 12 o clock noon of Monday, March 4th, 1912, for the erection of a brick addition to the Nurses Home in the City of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the architect. A certified check to the amount of 5 per cent, of the tender must accom- pany all tenders, eswarily accepted. (Signed) Wm, T. WILLIAMS, Architect. Medicine Hat. Dated February 15, 1912. ee ee -* Dickinson Phone 689. BUILDER 120 Ottawa St. House Plans Furnished. Estimates om Concrete Walks and Walls, Wardrobe LADIES SILK DRESSES WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. DEY CLEANED. Let Us Loan You the Money at The lowest or any tender not nec- WW NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under these headings. 25 words, one day .. .. 25 25 words, three days .. 50 25 words, mix days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate, No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 18 ring 2, and it will receive attention. BELP WANTED. WaANTeD For the new hospital at Swift Current, Sask., cook. and orderly, State wages. Apply to Supt, of Hospital, - 186a6 WANTED An - experienced seam- stress, No apprentice need. apply, Apply room 12, over Royal. Bowling Alley. 1848 UPSTAIRS GIRL WANTED Apply Redelift Hotel. is2ate ANTED A good short order seo- ond cook (woman). American Hotel. isdate AEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber summer rate Gn, jola mow wave shonsy, particulars free. Moler System Col- lege, 609 Centre St., Calgary. 204dt MAN WANTED Married or single, to take charge of farm. Write box 45, Medicine Hat. isiatt FOR SALE SEED WHEAT 500 bushels of seed wheat for sale at 1.00 per bush- el. Warrdnted clean and not frosted. Call or write H. Schmidek, Coleridge, Alta, 18646 FOR SALE Motor cycle, cheap, for cash or will trade for a good horse. Cali at 241 King St. evenings or Sundays, Larson. 18543 FFOR SALE 1 couch, aiso a folding bea and a 5-piece parlor suite, and 1 bed. Apply 625 North Railway St. iseas SECOND HAND Mason Risch Plano for sale cheap. Duggan Duggan, Agents Heintzman Co,, next door to Dreamland. 1843 gt; WORK WANTED STENOGRAPHER WISHES WORK evenings, any kind of typewrit- ng work undertaken, manifolding, copying work, etc. Fulfill any en- gagement after six p. m. Box 669 P.O. 184d6) S TUATION WANTED Experienced stenographer desires position. Can furnish good references. . Address Mary Sears, Carlstadt, Alta. 186d3 ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED - YouNnG LADY desires Place to board in exchange for services after four and on Saturd: Box 1124. News office. 18443 BOOMS Tu RENT 5 PER CENT. T0 BUY BUILD Pay Off Mortgages or Improve Real Estate. SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone -or Call Investment Co., Ltd. Phone 649, : Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alta, SYNOPSIS OF CxNADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS... ANY person. who is th sole head of family, or any male over 18 years old, may hemevstead quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- Agency ior the district Entry by proxy may be niade at any Agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, of intending hemesteader. - -Duties Six months residence upon. and cultivation of the land in each of three years, A homesteader may live a farm of at least. 0 acres solely owned and occupied by bint or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. ROOM TO -RENT Furnished, mod- RENT Large front room over Souch s drug store. 136a3 ROOMS TO RENT Nicely furnished Tooms to rent at 129 Toronto St. is as ROOMS TO RENT Furnishea or unfurnished. Inquire 716 Main Street. 18643, 0. RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 327 Mill St , ern conveniences. ronto St. ply 217 To- 18743 '0 RENT 2 rooms, furnished, for Nght housekeeping. 323. Mill St. 176dtt FURNISHED ROOMS for gentlemen. 503 Toronto St. 18641 WANTED. WANSTED From owners only,. lots in Central Park and High Schoo Apply, stating best prices and terms to Box 1112, News office. 179att WANTED To buy a large second- hand box stove, suitable for burn- ing-paper refuse;ete. Apply to the foreman. News, City. FARM TO RENT ARM TO RENT 300 acres, good buildings, 3 miles from Medicine icine Hat. Citizens wishing public Improye- In certain districts a nomesteader ents in the way of sidewalks, curb in good standing may pre-empt-a -and-gutter, street grading, water, gas quarter-section alongside his home- and electric extensions, and sewers, stead. Price 8.00 per acre. Duties:/should have their petitions for the Must reside upon the homestead or preemotion a, tha In each of/ * me. in the offiee-of-the-City- En t- six years from date of homestead en- 2 er on or hefore February 28rd, 1912, try Gnoluding the time required to so that they may be considered by the earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A hemesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain, a pre-emption may enter for aj proved, embodied in the by-laws which are to be submitted. (Signed) A. K, KRIMMER, purchased homestead in certain dis- 18706 City Engineer. tricts. Price 3.00 pet acre, Duties Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and FOR, erect a house worth 300.00. celtinos. W. W. CORY, GOES ont UES, ey LOOKS LIKE WALL Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. PAPER: YO HIT. A beautiful ius: Public Works Committee, and if ap- OFFICES FOX RENT iCkS TO RENT in Imperial back building. Several suites, All modern conveniences. Apply News oftice, ustatt AUCTIONEERS Hi: 8. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 19 Tor- onto St. Stock,Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 p clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales, con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- berlence at your disposal free. H. B. Browne Co., 519 Toronto St. 18sdtt PVANTED List all kinds of stock and household goods for sale at public auction. Office with . L. Dun- ham, 395. Toronto St. Phone 368. Geo, Satterlee, Auctioneer, 17906 MISCELLANEOUS WE have splendid properties in ana near Seattle to trade for ranch lands, improved or unimproved, 1p, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba: Delightful climate on the Pacific Coast. G t-in ahead of the Panama Canal, Write The Realty Traders, No. 834, Fastings St. W., Vancouver, BLO. 1784ira0. WANTED Contracts, outfit preak- tng; northeast. Apply Furrow, box 741 P. 0, 165att WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS* cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, sult cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggona, bug- ies, harness, bieyeles, carpenter tools, ete., raw hides and furs, horse halr, woo vthers;-bought an sold. Apply to the Harvard Tafloring Co., 312. Fourth avesiue, oppouite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. box 701. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 23Dit, THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city, We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers; Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at-604 South Railway St..or Phone 587. tf PRESSING CO. beg to announce that they have opened a cleaning and Pressing establishment opposite the Fire Station on 4th Ave. AN work Suaratiteed to give satisfaction. New and second hand -goods bought and sold. Mark Harris, Prop, Phoue 169. Jan. 30, Sa eee eee X- . CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. has opened in the Pingle Block, Room 3, over drug store, Main St Satisfaction guaranteed. Ladies work given special attention: Goods called for and delivered. Phone 253. G. Hopper, Prop. 176dimo. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Smithson and F. Wright of Redclitr, carrying on business under the firm name of Smithson Wright, was, on Jan. 3ist, dissolved by mutual consent G, SMITHSON, F, WRIGHT Redolitf, Alta., Feb. 9, 1912, 18144 WILLIAM P. BUNDON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Medicine Hat, Alja Offices: Pruitt Block, Room 2; ; Belephone 674, 540. s63Dtr Organs for sale and to rent. au classes of insurance. W. J, Fleming, Office 381 Main Street. a re (CORSETIERE Spirclla Corsets mate to order. Guaranteed against breaking or rusting. Phone 594 or send card to box 72. Mrs, Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 168d1m Evening Appointments. Rates Reasonable A. G. TROTMAN Public Stenographer Secretarial work, correspotidence, Typewriting, Manifolding and Con- Yeyancing. Offices, Imperial Bank Building. Phone 695. Fourth Averiue. vet Bartlett, B:A-Sc.- Municipat-fngineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways; a Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 454 Painting and Papethanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue- opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- fully ufrifshed on cost of Papering your rooms, Phone 156. MUSIC oF Sey OLIN, MANDOLIN, OUITAT, .XJ0, CORNET, TROMBONE, N. B Unauthorizea publication of ated, bok st et Hcolgrs. ind this advertizement will net be paid for, fo THE WESTERN PAINT Co. WINKIPEG MAN S pt. 14-D-6m The partnership existing between G SPR Samples of tury Brand light overe ready for Pick out you New Sprin; New Sprin New , Just opened t is arrivi We are out fo breaking ye: have the goot this the-large our nine yeal eine Hat. Turpin The Man's Stone Get the Big Do GAME LAWS WESTERN C. A peat little boo for our customers ft the vest pock game laws Katchewan, Albert Columbia and Ont er useful informa sportsman. Thig t gladly mailed witl ments to any desit THE CANADIAN SPORTING Winnipeg, BASEBALL. Hoaxs Wagner has Amsom e record of hi Better for 15 consecu Dale Charley F ex big league catcher pitchera with the Bo coming season. With President, Bas cheir, the American are peaceful affairs. ' Stringe. Hugh Jeanings wa: Pa., and therefore h melody as rendered bis migietp bat. Steve Flanagan he est im the Brock leogne team, and 1 Chicago White Sox. Joka A. Elliott, founder amd former nesote-Wisconsin lea elected president of Botk the Bostou 3 Milwoakee Club clai Brady Tee National have te determine w park will be a cous --delt. field. forthe ns between their wa and periaps a Mc Walsle will be added Rube Waddell bas with the Minncapo calls for 10 bonus play ag season if h funny cow's mille; bis salary in a lum year, amd Joe Cant thiek woat will will make the Ame fight all the way able to forget his Robby sow sings rc Every time I come The buys keep kick Tt muker no Aifferce They gotta quit Mic Shiloh QUICKLY STOPS cou Fite: THROAT A
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Image 276 (1912-02-17), from microfilm reel 276, (CU1742906). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.