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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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peiry EDITION P vernge 16 at -y - ra ee ene INE HAT NEWS of the W ly country circulation, A AND C. AL PL * extra charge open to ad. TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE aa cecuuive Lounett 2UF H0RE VOL. 2,NO 249 lt; Beey MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 1, 1912 PRICE, FIVE CENTS Building Statistics Increase 956 P.C. For Past Month Wonderful Development of the City Evidenced by Increase in Amount of Building Customs Returns and Dominion Land Office Business New Hotel, Business Block and Many Handsome Residences Are Under Way. Medicine Hat's building permits for the month of April show an inereasv per cent., the greatest in the history of the city, according to previous statistics. Unprecedented is the amount of building that is going on in the city at the pres- ent time, and also which is being planned and on which work will be started during the course of the next few weeks. The permits issued during the month show a new hotel, a new businc the balance is of residences. . , lt;A very noticeable feature will be observed in glancing through the list of permits which are published below, is that a large number of the old residents of the city are building handsome new homes. The list contains one.24 storey residence, cighteen 2 storey, seventeen storey and a half, and two three-storey. . Comparing the month with the month ofj The first four months of 1912 as compared April, 1911,-they Heute: - - to the first four months of 1911 show also a. block and ETHODILLS CONV ) (Special to the Minneapolis, Minn, i est in Methodist bur 1 centres in the twenty Inter: Lolegat quadrenntel General nee of the Methodist Epis: chure which was begun in t )is city today. At the first sitting, Whit) began at 10 o'clock and lasted until von, the for- mal ceremonies of th: ening were Jgone through and ors jization was effected, leaving everything in readi- ness for the vast amount of) to come before the boils tor disposit- fon. Bishop: Henry W. Warren of Col- orado, the senior blsbop of the church led the asemblage to vider and de- livered the opening There are accredited to the conference up?) wards. of 800 delegates, who, with the fraternal: visitors from all parts of the world and ryresent more than 5,000,000 communiints. Two of the delegates: that attracted much at- tention at the initial session were Miss Italia Garibald , a granddaugh- ter of the Italian lberator. and Dr. Li Bi Cu, a famous wotian physician of the Pimion provines / Cina tt eros DEMOCRATS FOR BALDWIN NUTMEG (Special to News) Bridgeport, Coun, May 1. Praetl cally all of the dvlegates are here for the Democratic State convention which is to name the delegates: fron : Connecticut to the uational convent- fon at Baltimore. The convention meets tonight for organtaition and will then adjourn until tomorrow, when the real business will be trans- ed. The convention s not expected to disclose the real preference of the Nutmeg State for the presidential no- mination. The present programme Is for the Connecticut delegates tw cast a complimentary vote for Governor Simeon E. Baldwin when the ballot- ing begins at Baltimore, and then to await developments, AMERICAN IRISH HISTORICAL SOC (Special to the News) South Bend, Ind; May 1. Many persons of prominence were in. at- tendance foday when the American Irish Historical Society opened annual convention at the University of Notre Dame. Thomas 8. Lee of Providence, R.I., president general of the Society, called the gathering to order ana President Cavannah of the yy Patch the body of Allison at once to its HORRIFYING EXPERIENC : IDENTIFYING THE DEAD Halifax Rink the Scene of Much Sorrow as Relatives Pick Thelr Way Among Piles of Dead Bodies Look- ing for Their Fond Ones. WW. ALP. Halifax? N.S. May 1 The bodies of two Montrealers recovered Dispatch.) bodies brought to Halifax were ui- identified. The following is the revised list of bodies reclaimed from these: Total bodies recovered, 306. Total bodies brought to Halifax, 190. Identified bodies buried at sea, 56. Unidentified bodies buried at sea, from the scene of the Titanic wreck wreck H. J. Allison and Leopold Weiss, were claimed today. Arrangements were made to dis- Chesterville, Ont., while the body of Leopold Weiss, young sculptor will o2 a ul be forwarded to Montreal. pee ee ee son Bale It had not been known that the Unidentified bodies brought to / body of Mr. Weiss had been recover- Halifax, 65. came there ed until the Mackay-Bennett into port yesterday, so that was nobody here to receive it. This morning, however, his friends committee of the American Ked Bodies embalmed on ship, 18. The relatives who went to May Flower Rink yesterday afternoon to attempt identification of relatives and friends had a horrifying experi NcW YORK'S : University wel omed th Isitore in Mor Sgraphe - April, 1912 ..0...0............ 869,715 wonderful increase: THe Sea oe PT ee ee ae eras cobrapued to the relist (axserlhe bodies hed: not Bena sqrt 1911 35,000 First four months, 1912 70.315 88 toss Society, who will forward the/ed into. identified dnd unidentified April, 1911 .......... +, eee. days. body. The Red Cross Society here and the, searchers had to go from First four months, 1911 ....... ' is doing all the work of identifica- one to the other, most of iew- NOTED CHURCHME b of them view: Increase cn ieiscccot sos x tion and forwarding to relatives un- x the hundred corps in suc EOVISHE CANADA a: rired cor SET Or .358 per cent. The Dominion Land Office business this year is also about doubl of that last year, while the customs receipts show an increase of over 7,000. The different statistics are: i Dominion Land Tnerease . aot 1911 Homesteads .... 388 Homesteads Saweclnare 211 Pre-emptions .. 242/Pre-emptions .... Be . 128 20 Purchased Homestead: Serips Purchased Home 4 TAKE JUMP Highest Prices In Years Now Prevail Cost of :--Feed the Cause. New York, N.Y., May 1. Wholesale and retail prices of beef has raised today to the highest point in years in this city. (Special to the News) London, May 1. A party of more than one hundred noted clergymen and religious workers of the United Kingdom sailed from Bristol today for Canada. They are officers and mem- bers of the Federattd Brotherhoods of the Old Land, which has a member. ship of 750,000, and the primary ob- fect of their trip i attend a meet ing soon to be held in Toronto for the similiar roth yrgantzation of erhood to embract all of the wxisting that able to make the long journey to Halifax and there is much identifica tion still to-be done yet. Up to yesterday afternvon the White Star officials nere were under the impression that all the dead on board on the MacKay-Bennett had been identified with the exception of 19, and that the whole list of the before the right one was dis- covered. The cumulation of sorrow in unloading and identification of bodies was such that these compell- ed to witness the sight could handly control themselves. One New York newspaper man used as he was to scenes of tragedy was overcome and 1 came out of the morgue in a state identified referred t those on boatd. bordering on collapse. Oky fay God, It caused something like consterna+ my God, he exclaimed, What a discovered. later than 65 of the 190 tion when it was fewer load of sorrow has that cable ship, brought into .this country. no. nee a andl le rtae nas sheet cliatine tarrine io ere a ee i Ament past three weeks and packers say that angelicat brotherhoods and societ- . Or Wes 00 aere Total 2.00.0... seer e ee 369 with corn at 81 cents a bushel the es in the Dominion Es 3 Or 59,040 acres. otmers are uot feating cutie, none ayes Le SS ee i. Customs 2 toes too, are selling-at record prices FATHER WILL OPPOSE SON . 7 . Duties, April, 1912 ...... Bor 19.8 531.56 Duties; April, 1911. ..2....... 12,420.57 and scarcity of*production is given as 5 Inctease... 2.0... eld 7,110.99 enee couse: Acco eeeogtcny) merket Ores tne ont owt an * pee sae . dealer said today that if it had not Pottsville, Pa. May 1 Much inter- 9 Suliuing: Btatintibe Permits Issued. been for the importation of low grade est 1s manifested in the trial of the No. of English potatoes, there would have Beven residents of Minersville who . . + STREET OWNER. Cost Stories Material peen a potatoe famine Im Nex York are in Jail-here charged with killing Holdings in St. Louis Real Estate All That G. T. Presi- First Avenue Thos, Louden ...... eee 11-2 Frame The marketing committees of State Michael Sweldaw during Ja quarrel dent, Who Went Down With Titanic, Owned. A Toronte, wo SS - 2- Framefeod-tnvestigation has peen-told that ver Tellgion, The cases are among : Balmoral, E. Scott Sec. Co. ....... 2 Frame there is am extreme shortage in but- he first om the calendar of the May Yuill a .. Fred Raab 11-2 Frame ter. term of the criminal court, which (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Yui : ndoiphi and: Suithy lt;- 113 Fraute * will convene next week. An unusual St. Louis, Mo,, May 1 According known consists of nothing but real Yuin .... Adolph and Smith ..... 112 Frame BIG CATHEDRAL AT: feature of the trial will be the spect- to officials of the St. Louis Union estate in the vicinity of Fifteenth and South Railway Shae aes meee AT NATION'S CAPITAL cle of father and son appearing as Trust Co., the estate of the late Chas. Olive Streets in this city. In all Esplanade ....... Hy Saar a ee 112 Fans Jopposing counsel. District Attorney M- Hays, president of the Grand probability a certified copy of the cae : : ee 5 ees (eet eee C. A. Whitthouse will act as prosec- Ttunk Railway Syetem,. who went will making his widow administratrix Ross : W. G. Goddard ...scccecseescee 1 Frame Washington, D:C.,May 1 Eminent tor, while his father, W.J. White- Gown with the Titanic, will amount will be filed in the probate court on - Balmoral St. Fea Sam Perry 2 Brick prelates and laymencof the Episcopal house, will appear as counsel for the to gless than 100,000, and as far as Wednesday. Dominion Mr, Thompson 1 Frame Church throughout ithe cou as- defense. Sora J .F. Bending 1 Frame gembled in Washington today for the ERAVEURES SN EERSION ER a aie Ten NRE SDH CRT C86) Esplanade R. J. Rice .. S 2 Brick formal opening vf the Bethlehem s SIN SESSION T. f d R S - Bentanade WoH, Turpin... 1 ivatsl Goats cr ne Gov Mai ae, he ait an oosevelt Oplit jueen .... E, Brut Kentz 1 Frame vices, which will con entire pecial to the News) E 2 M h Columbia vier Siseel ot 1 Frame wook, were opened with e sergon this, Darlington, S.C, May 1 Darling- ven on Mlassachusetts Chicago G. R. Matthewson . 2 Frame morning by Bishop Tuttle of Missouri tom 18 entertaining for three days 2 Maple 3. Slemko 1 Brick isho chureh, the anuual convention of the South a Peronte aMaccartes Fi ae pe eee ee ee gn chury (Carolina division of the Travelers Sbate which Meant so Much) cues while on the preference votg Murs. W. J. Turner 1 Frame Nativity is to be a parteof the Protective Association. The-large at- to Pres. Gives Him An Taft has a plurality of 3,600 - ov; Fewiage RS Haren 2 Frame al Cathedral, of SS. Peter and Pau tendance and the tlaborate enter- Even Break, penoeorele se Bartly explained by- M P. Houlk 1 Frame the great Eyiscopal church. edifice tinmtnt programme providtd com- aS ee eee Roy S. Phillips .. 2 Frame which is rising on Mount St. Albans. bine to give promise of the most suc- 5, Maj gt; a Massathusattes cae ee Dominion E. B, Landon 1 Frame in one o: the suburb of the natioial ess meeting tver held by the or- a on resi e months ago. By that law every Vou Dominion E. B. Landon 1 * Frame eapital. The corner stone of the edi- Sanization in South Carolina. ee oe Ae ao vit, ter te have his vote recorded: was): Montreal Cc. W.. Smith 1 Frame tise was.taid severalsyeats. ago ty the ents Lge ARCS. PET Sie jon te compelled to mark tach delegate-at- Elm . Wo Smith 1 Frame Bishop of Lond When completed, PRIEST'S SILVER JUBILEE find that the Republican voters had Jarge of his party there being 20 Em W. smith ; ariel gi tie 3 it expressed preference for the nomina: oircle for voting-hy graups lt; The Law: chm. 6 WSmiti T Framejin size and Sanne Scaaetatitar ( News). Ton-of President Taft, but notwith- enabled hundreds of voters to mark Elm Cc, W, Smith . 1 Frame edifice in America, with the except- St: Louis, Mo, May 1 AJarge Standing had given Col. Roosevelt eight names inthe del ghtion headed, - E Elm C. W. Smith. 1 Frame lion of the Cathedral of St, John the S thering of Roman Catholic pre- 18 of the 36 delegates to the nation- py C. S. Baxter, and styled For - Elm Cc. W. Smith . 1 Fram pivine in New York city, lates, pHlests and laymen took part in al convention. The Democrats-9f the Theodore Roosevelt, then expressed Yun -Adolph-and-Smith - - 11-2 Frame ytte-eelebration today of- the sliver) state expressed a preference for/ preference for Taft on anothe part Yuill Adolph and Smith . . 11-2 Frame 59 by 150 feet on Yuill St., ,with Jubllee of Rev. J. J. O'Brien, pastor Speaker Champ Clark although of the ballot. Bridge R. F. Collins ; 1000 1 Frame good 6 room cottage 2,600.00. Only of St- Margaret's church of this city. majority of the delegates to Balti- On the Democratic ticket, although piece a ci DL cetety - 2000 E Frame 5500.00 down, Balance same as rent, The see opened this morn-/more will go pledged to Governor ten of the. fifteen. gandidates for dele: Oy. M. Eeplen wc... esos 35 Ick 6 per. cent interest. H.C. Pettet and ing with golemn high mass at the Foss, Iti Esplanade - T. A. Cory . . 9000 2: Frame aes audienc . BA8i6p Tihen of Lincoln, send evenly. divided delegation to (Continued on page four) Rose . W. Ritzuituler i . 95 1 Frame DUKE S BIRTHDAY. Neb.,. a life-long riend of Father- Winter. -+.-- John Leter ......, a 600 z Frame O'rien, preached the Jubilee sermon, First Avenue yo: H. Lindlay 95, 1 Frame (C, A. P, Gable.) - 2 Bridge GA, Full rton .. 300 1 Frame London, May 1. Bells .of the city NEW. BISHOP OF OGDENSBURG ew a UW c Balmoral. W. Gullector 800 i Frametehurches rang out and a royal salute pans Bray : y E, M. Mitchell 200 i Frame at Windsor Castle, with flags flying (Special to the News) fe Bray EM, Mitehell 200 1 Frame on all government offices today in Ogdensburg, N.Y., May 1 In the +: South Railway 2 F. Pendergast 400 1 Frame London, in bonor of th birthday of presence of many high dignttaries of ay uit tosses, Adolph and Smith... 1800 1 1-2 Frame the Sane Connaught. TS. lena manda) catnolle elaven anal peace W. T. Williams, architect, has returned from Yuill Ge ... Adolph and Smith . 1800 11-2 Frame ticaly all the clergy in-the diocese; Winnipeg-te-which city he was summoned to eon- * Toronto lt;2... covers tne A. McCarter ... 2500 1 Frame . 50 feet on Elm St., only 52 Rt. Rev, Mgr. Conroy was today con- sult with the Union Bank officials in respect to the rae : By Breve oe sits Sie C Pettet-and Cos tt cine ee a uot ee new bank building which that institution contem- -* ighland Mrs, e 5 2 frame urg in St. Mary s Cathedral, Card- a seat ss re Eaplanade H. 5. Kerr 4000 112 Frame fe of ob ob of deol oe oh ode ole de esbelinat Farley of New York officiated, * Plates erecting on the southeast corner of Toronto * Barclay . see zy . Snodgrass . 2600 1 1-2 Frame + assisted by Bishop Colton of Buftalo * St. and Fourth Av As the result of the confer- Factory New Lumber Co. 1000 4+ - Frame Coupon No, 1. and Bishop Gabriels of Ogdensburg. * ence, Mr. Williams was. instructed to proceed Fewings . vs G, Sinclair, 33007 2 Frame +f ao The sermon was preached by Bishop +* ith all possible diligence in the preparation of Braemar ...ssesse0ee sees + BA, Todd 2.22... cats 00 2 Brick +f MAY 1, 1912, Hickey of. Rochester ++ plans and specifications for a three-storey, press- F Balmoral R. C. Society ae 20,000 2 Brick + This coupon, with one from f+ . i puildiny, 25x70. feet i + Dominion .... saeve Geo. Landis 1400 Frame 4+ each of the other fssues of The fe THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY DED ed brick and Bedford stone muilding, 25x70. feet in. Roy : i Manzer Cur oe . Frame Daily News of the week end- CATED size. The intention is to reserve fhe entire ground Toronto .... - W. Simmonds eaves Iron Clad/e ing May 4th, and 10 cents, eae + floor for bank purposes, while the first floor will * Fileahethiiers ga ean Ere pete nee whole (Speciat 10 the News) he given up to offices, and the second floor to * Elizabeth m, Graham Frame e gravure reproduction of Ed- Cambridge. Mass. May 1. Today s. . a Bie , start. - Sa if Highland Mrs, D, L. Hughes Frame * ouard Bisson's picture entit- celebration of Founder's Day at the apartments for the State, At Angee mats. areal lt; TOrOBtO sens . Ww. R. Hull Brick . led La Cigale, or Heward le Episcopal Theological Scholl was ready under way for the removal of the frame ; Steel and Stone jsf Hardy's The Last Change. nade noble bY ihe dedication of the ** buildings which at present occupy the site ahd for, ** ttawa W. R. Penland 000 3 Brick stone f Coupons and money should new library presented to the school /* the beginning of the excavation: work as soon as *** pabianace eas picker E1000 a 1-2 prick ate d a The Daily by te John Goraons Wele t tise possible. Mr: Williams is also engaged in prepar- F raemar d c a 3000 Frame ef+ Daily News office a Bos principal speakers at the A id; : T Highland Mrs. Northam 2500 2 Frame ef after Friday. This heir jane al Se aay E Stent ing the plans for. 25x60 foot building for the Un- Columbia vs: Wy Hooper 1500 1 Frame ++ not be sent by mall, lowe of Harvard University, Bisbop * ion Bank at Swift Current. Mofitreal J. E, Stoddart ..... 1800 11 Frame + Lavsrrnee i former dean of the school es ain... WT Baton 8000 Frame of sfe sh oe de de oe ob gle ofe of qe ope she net hiise Parry
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Image 725 (1912-05-01), from microfilm reel 725, (CU1743355). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.