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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page coe MEDICINE HAT DALLY NEWs : Thursday, April 18th, 1912. j poe ments for adoption as party meas- HOW GIRLS YESTERDAY'S MARKETS. - ures will be submitted to the voters. Ww ? P. oman S ower The dallots are the largest ever used CW, A. P. Dispaten.) in Nebraska, Winnipeg, Man., April 17. The tol- he constitutional amendments are lowing were the market quotations Over Man to be Voted upon by each party sep- yesterd: y Woman t is the pow crately to determine whether oF fot Whanipeg Markel Sie eet Sat eran tan they will be endorsed by the party. Wheat May (old) 104 1-8, 103 3+ worthy man. Whea she loses it and still loves on, / The ea Ss ay ft. The vote on presidential and vice- May (new)-104, 103 1-4; July 105 1 mo one in the wide world can know the heart agony oe ra r A abe s ho suffers from weak presidentit preferences, the election ence of Two Girls 28. Sarai pe Sete en rosy wen of national commitieemen and dele- Related For The ,,0e MaY 48 3448; sy a7 3.) Bee ee Oe eel kcack ee f gates and alternates to the national Here Rel. 3.No. 1 feed (May) 43 3. and she loses her good looks, her amiability and Vi Wi conventions, are additions mode to Benefit of Others. Flax May 194 1-2, 195, July 194, Wemanly charm, Dr. R. V. Piereo, of Buffalo, N. Y., with the essistanco-. - e er e er y ay the primary ballot by the last legis 194 1-4, i De SS of ie ae elateet, hae otenectoad Sie pen emcee, (esy, thansesile lature. ete a cas eas eee es Winnlpeg Cash Prices. ie Knowa as Dr, Pierce's Favorite Proseription, Ie la'a positive specie for d Forecasters generally confess ary, Raalthy uncil recently when she . WBeat 1 Nor, 102 1 the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, regulates, an the ready ff .2ott 2m. See eS oe te scene te ny, edn Sey ch ENG al was 0 accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. a definite Idea of the probable re- month, so bad that I would have tokeep Nor. 66, feed 66 : fi d s sults of the presideutlal preference her home from school and put her to bed Oats No. 2 C. W. 49 1. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, 11 l a oO vote in either the Republican or to get relief. . 40; Extra no. 1 feed 41 3 q e o Democratic party. The names of , After giving her only two bottles of /feed 40 3-4, No, 2 feed 38 1 SIOK WOMEN WELL aa 3 De Pierce's Plesszat Pellets and Stomach, Liver and Taft, Roosevelt and LaFoliette will Ede B. Pinkhan's Vegetable Com.) Barl y Rejected 50, feed 50. s requiite and stressthen beekin: appear on the Republican bailot ad Realth, Teannet praise your Most Quickly Adjusted and sap to any Use. Wilson, Harmon and Clark Roy wai American Markets. fie eee ae re ballot. a BT Sa an oetee 7 Minneapolis, JOINT MEMORIAL SERVICES. inations of the various protestant / i Nebraska Isa strongly progress- ehild, Mrs. Ricuarb N, Dunsam, May 108 8-4, 107 1-2; July 110 3-8, churches here. A requiem mass will, -x0--2-FuRER ive state and the Taft people, while 81 Exchange St., Rochester, N.Y. 108 7-8; Sept. 104 3-8, 102 7-8. Montreal, Que, April 18. Ar-/be celebrated by the Roman Cath- THIS OUTEY hopeful, are not making any defin- , Stoutsville, Ohio. I suffered from Chicago, Tangements are being made herefor olics in St. James Cathedral. The ' tea elaine: Theale ohler reliance roils Mbepeiems pstkoche bod was very tires: May 111 1-4, 111; July 107 3-3, Joint - memorial services for victims date of service has not been fixed I-A Co on the possibility that the strength oy iss, A fiend 2- 106 3-4; Sept. 104, 102 5-8 of the Titanic, to be held by denom- yet. HALO of Senator LaFollette may draw Bag : Lydia E. Pinkham s es ue B A Ce heavily from the Roosevelt vote. The Fag Vegetable Com- wit aA Ce Roosevelt managers, on the other ft pound and afore 1 weet etoseteetretratesfoatecrstoatoctreietoaterrete teste stectecteleatoatesfecatetostoatecieteateateateccts oA hand, are confident that neither Taft Rl of two bottles T Seeded eeteatedteaieaie atootenseeioniesieaieaieete tie ste Sasteateeteete tei te ste ste eleatestecteatoatesteateatefeegeets) These Tools S nor LaFollette will head off a solid foand rebel Aepda : 3, Baiada Sage SS delegation for the former president. fg only sixteen Faaae 7 5 se CAM On the Democratic side there is fe S old, but I have bet- oy also little basis for a clearcut and ter health than for oy THE FEICES No readily defensible forecast on the s ee eo presidency The Clark managers ap- cannot expres i a. . Brite wiry pil pear to be the most optomistc. One Shanks, for what Lydia Flakbam's fie os os interesting phase of the situation is fens Ger medicines bat ia ot a fA eode ae the position of William J. Bryan. Mr. find relief. * Miss Cora B. FosNAUGH, 3 2. Th Pp 7 : F; h jBivan ts nanei asa delegate on all Stoutavill, Obio, RF.D., No. en an e yy . the tickets, as a special honor, but lundreds of such letters moth- wae e Fresidentia 1g t; hig friends are a little apprehenstve f , xPtessing, their eredtade for what od. . 2, i lt;i el conservative Democratic vote bank- Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. , ed solidly behind Harmon, the Ohio man may possibly win on plurality and thus give to a smiling political world the spectacl of Mr. Bryan go- ing to Battimore instructed for Har- mon, whom he bitterly opposes. The contest for the United States able interest. Senator Norris Brown, Nebraska-Campaign Ends) sctrtecars ane wilson una ines fara pearetaied Expect You ? Lincoln, Neb., April 18. The multi-;their preferences for nominees for tude of candidates for public office the Presidency, for United States sen- in Nebraska closed their speaking ator, for governor and other State tours today and the lines were drawn Officers, for nominees for represent- tight for the state-wide primary to-jatives in Congress for delegatse-at- morrow, which is to determine the large and district delegates to the complexion of the ballots in the nationa conventions, for president- delegates at International Con- election next fall. In-the- primaries ial electors and for minor officers. In ference on the Negro, which assembled jthe voters of all parties will record additional, five constitutional amend- Repos whose term will expire ,t Tuskegee Institute today for. a : next March, is a candidate for re- threg days session. The general pur. election. His opponent on the Re- hose of the conference is to discuss CONFERENCE ON THE NEGRO. Special to News. Tuskegee, Als, April 17. A score of missionary societies and numerous foreign countries are represented by so-0fo-4) of the best * dealing wit Pine in 1 in. 3, Fir and Ced eonvenience os 1M eeeere penis orteet RS Mast oe oie aa Seite So foafe dt os Sere d Senin 3 fnint + Publican side is Congressman Geo. the work that is coing on in Africa s3 oy s W. Norris of the Fifth district. The ang elsewhere for the education and 4 gt; ode contest between .the two is closely Negra 8. ods 3 ome o ur oo peau ote Nesla ec iet, ; SS connected with the Republican pres- Boker T. Washington presided at eteate od - dential race. Congressman. Nortis today s sessions of the conference and gyqty . : eode Uys ane Snaps fie a cee ew os esige All Portraits are selling 33 - a i the Republican insurgent in the Peregrine; an ciitor of Cape Town: y 4 oi. CENTRAL PARK 2 lots. block 21 840. 14 Cash. House and an outspoken opponent Rey. Isaiah Co: huba, president re? Loe i HERALD of President Taft and his polictes, of the Ethiopian churth at Queens- oe 5 3s 8 D , nad dode 250 feet, block 10, per pair 100.06 Begala lt; while Senator Brown is on friendly town, South Africa: Rev. Mark C. eer. or Zi 9 ote Lots 9 and 10, block.23, pair, 900.00. Regular. terms at the White House. - The Hayford, of Goll Coast, Africa: Rev. gy ae tannin RS a, Mm I - ae + Lots 9 and. 10, block 4, 1000.00. Regular... Snap. Democratic aspirants for Senator p. p. Marti Atfant resent- Sh : ee Tot 10, block E., 1456.00, Regular, or r D. D. Martin of Atfanta, represent J sf 50 foot corner, block 13, 1050.00. Regular, Brown's toga are former Governor ing the Stewar: Foundation for Af- ' y OU KI LOW tl 1e kK 1Y 1d. we see 3 CENTRAL PARK y Ashton. Shallenberger, W. 1. rlenand Dr. Corielius H. Patton home y aot Pi Movi 4-2 lots, block 9, 850.00 Hany terme. Snap. Thompson-ofGrand-Island-and-Will- seeretary for the American Board eae 5 3s - jane Movin SoU CUR Mens is E Rota or ataaioon, fromusies orm toler Make. This is a chance A Specialty 100 feet near Highland St., 2500.00. Regular. All the present representatives in tons. od a doe x oe Ge + congress are candidates tor renomi- doce e ek 82, 1. Snap. 3 i Lota tole, block My hrain Street, 1400.00. 600.00 cash. nation with the exception of Norris Ladies of Culture and Re- J, 3, Ou. will never et afaln. 2 E Lot 14, block 62, 1450.00. fegtlBr. cons z Saas meno is a candi-) finement Use Salvia Hair 3.3, ; Faas COUSINS SISSON: an . Prince, both of Grand Ts- B Mak Hai 10 lots, block 22, 600.00 pair. Regular. + land, are the Republican aspirants Tonic. It a) the 3 dod 5 lots, block 27, 600.00 as aaa + for the Fifth district nomination, and Beautiful. Soe Y no p one an ap- oe 3 :1ots, Block: 21, 9760.00. arn SULLD R.D. Suthpriand is the Democratic od oe + Lot 1, block 18, 625.00. Regular. candidate. That Dandruff is caused by germs Ze e a 2 + Lot 6; block 9,' 600.00. Regular. Governor Chester H. Aldrich fs * accepted by every sensible person. pol mer NOW. nae me. aed E50 tt, block 10, 900.00. Regular, candidate for renomination. Two At last a remedy has been discover- re i ey destrc - Lot 13, block 6, 900.00. 350.00 cash. Democrats are contesting for the gu- 4 that will positively destroy this a e si e ft, block 4, 85 Berane aman ia wige UP and See WNat you a S64 Tn addition to the governorship Dandruff is the root of all A 0 feet, block I, 50 feet, block 14, WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. T. F. DAWSON CO. tions will be made are those of SALVIA will kill the dandruff germs Meutenant-governor, secretary of nd remove Dandruff in ten days or State,.auditor, State treasurer, State money back. Potecte attr Seeseege getting for your money. seared superintendent of public instruction, Pingle the Druggist guaran- the State offices for which nomina- evils. Jofotoleioitelnlolith dosdeetoogedectetodtes attorney general, land commission- tees it It will grow hair, stop itch a oO Ev Ke 5 ie P er and-ratlway commissioner. ing scalp, falling hair, and make the es Studio pen eninss F x Real Estate and Financial Brokers. To add to the complex political hair thick and abundant. It prevents to Sh Mounti 3 oy Loans and Insurance. lists of the State are planning this hair from turning gray and adds life 3 oO ow iViO ngs 3 fi 7; - vear to wage the most progressive and lustre. 33 ae campaign they have ever made. They SALVIA is a hair dressing that has i+ Ps 5 Jock have nominated a full State tleket, become the favorite with women ot 4 5 2S Se Sn Mn Saete andidates, for United States dena- taste and culture, who know the soc- ee Soa Bryorterdengeatentededtertoctoctodte sfoefockeateatestefoatesys tor and congressmen and candidates ia Ivalue ot teautiful hair. A large ad dd z for the State legistat: ; Day Phone 311. Night Phone 537. PO. Box 550. Qo) Ginter, ure many of generaus bottle costs only 50c. o* feete y . . leading drugcists everywhere,'and in Xa eek ee Alb t F und r 4 ) New Haven, Conn., April 18 Four Medicine Hat by Pingle, Druggist. 3 2 erta Fo y delegates at large to the Republican trie word--satyEh (Eatin for sage) ae National Convention were chosen to- day by. the Connecticut state conven- tion and by resolution instructed to vote for the renomination, of Presi- dent Taft. The resolutions requested the district. delegates to vote for Taft. The district delegates were chosen by seperate convention, these being is on every: bottle, Ci SAL ON THE MARKET SQUARE FRIDAY, APR. 19, '12 AT ONE O*CLOCK PROMPT mets Seg 2 Machine Co., Ltd. MEDICINE HAT Manufacturers of Engines, Boilers, Milling. and Mining Supplies, Waterworks Equipment, latter ratified by the etate convention. Building Castings, Etc. Pf lor these, two are uninstructed and Dealers in Struct 1 Steel and eon eta the rest are instructed for Tart. QUOTATIONS UPON REQUEST. Brass and Iron Castings and Fittings of all kinds made on short notice. *) Soak Soagess Soegesy maa Cala sesh atrat este fe othe goas , PTs ki iM fost e 4 ee oateateete Leading Photographer OPP. THE GLASGOW HOUSE Meat st tests Soto totects te Sotareseaiociedoeteate eeiesteatosiosie soatessoete sonia reer ser oe NN NN eI Soest costo stestees 2 so ctoate Sostoate Sosteatestest Meloetedie siete ioeteitehoste So ate ate efo-So so ite oeies Roateofe-efoateateaoste ste-eteatesteste-ofe-o deatesteatesty et oo Sreeeeges song ADVOCATES OF BAHAT i MOVEMENT: MEET (Special to Special Attention Given to Piowing and Thresh- Washington, D.C, Apt 18. A The auctioneers announce a ing Machinery... u 2 number of-men prominent -in -poll- - very-large entry of single. and. BPA onl sae a aie ties, education, religion and labor - double Phone 433. HOI I INGER AGENC Ags Ma ae Sa) Drivers and Work Horses Alberta Foundry MachineCo., Ltd. + sssombled Inte capital todas for lt; . the second ann: conference ot e Beers cge ee decectechetee onan an alvcaional 0 Persian-American Educational So- trop ac ciety, which is made up of advo Also a large quantity of cates of the so-called Bahai move- Farm Implements READ. THESE. ALL GOOD INVESTMENTS, FIRST COME ; FIRST SERVED. Seer errors: drehordontreertoatrfeagontregedty ment for universal religion, broth- 4 tiuant eae ohughe The cee ane conference ) isc, 2 cream separators, 2 wa- BEXALD) idly give us your ow TIE it to-a-de b, this y. is honored by the pres- gons, buggy, mew Democrat, at 7 re oe 2 2600 Terms, feet, corn- I N Ss I gt; lt; w E E K Ss Pence of Abdul Raha, the founder ana several sets of harness, and ae ee ee ae listings. We have buy- er, block vty dat S ize SP teaser of the movement nator large quantity of effects too Soe sir: bios Zi 3000 Terms, 100 feet, corner, he-finest we shall have ten 7-roomed houses finished and oviion of Ohio, Representative san 2Umerous to mention, Further, 735 Palr, block 10. ers waiting. Also have block 86. On for sale. lice of: New York, President Gom A Quantity of: Fr mes 1000 trust money to Sea ire tine Y60, foot blook 80: ay. Y In-three weeks we: shall have ten small houses pers of the American Federation ot ieusehold Furniture ESPLANADE (Herald) i Secs Vout: rex for-rent. e Labor and several other men of na- Liersle, 1 phonograph, ets, Pio invest. What have-you- - SOUTH YOULL fo 5 : . - iitoer thal Entries for this sale 5 5 . Bast All : Anticipated buyers of houses on cay terms, Koop + Uionateprominegce are; fe -ed rens: the) accepted up to 12 o'clock on day With small, house. to offer? ere eibloek ati se A i with us. .We are building 25 to 35 Of sale. 1400 60 feet, block B. : e touch with is ae deys. For entries and further par- We have some good NORTH YUILL 374 Toro eS ere this season. ? tleulars, apply -- ALTAWANA Wnoderit house propdst 600 Lot 2, block 9. M : oposi- i 12 j ADOLPH SMITH RAILHOAD APPLICATION H. B, BROWNE CO. s1400 3 tots, block 11. ae e ener ae block On MEDICINE HAT. MOOSE JAW LIVE STOCK AND l00e B lots, block 14. SOney Gas, water, sewer. Ottawa, Ont., April 18. Hon. Frank For further particulars ; Q Cochrane will on April 26th consider fie Mi. Be0. WW. Smith Several applications for approval ot -H16 Montreal St. Tailway route maps, the majority be- OFS 9 GGHG Hy ing for western ines. - 00 , block 14, Se ich Let, us know - your SEE US FOR LOANS AND INSURANCE wants, ee 725 Lot 13, block F. See us for snaps in all sub- divisions, Also. Acreage. nie GENERAL AUCTIONEERS 519 Toronto St. Medicine Hat, Phone No. 708 Serer
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Image 636 (1912-04-18), from microfilm reel 636, (CU1743334). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.