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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page 8 MEDICINE HAT DATLY NEWS. Thursday, April 25, 1912, pe eee - AAWLEY'S EDUCATED PONIES at. Dreamland TO-N IGHT A Present Dall Aadvertizers 4 See how well she looks in her brother's clothes of the Week No extra cha vertisers, Specials eK e a Foot for 75 Line NORTH YUILL Lot 8, block 9, 600.00. Lots 8 and 9, diock 11, 3500 em SOUTH YUILL Lot 18, block 8, 900.00. 100 ft. corner, bik, 11, 1800.00. HERALD Lots 8 and 9 bik. F. (Es ade) 1050.00. Lots 9 and 10, bik. 23, 900.00. CENTRAL PARK Lota 4 and 5, block 22, Lots 21 and 22, bik. 21, cash, 25 ft, block 9, 875.00. COUSINS SISSONS Lots 21 to 40, block 22, 350 ea. Lots 1 to 20, bik. 29, 250 ea. Lots 7 and 8, bik. 2, 840 pair plan- Feet on Main St. ye 7 y 0.00, 00 Wireless O This is the best buying in the city today. we ou ZA SS Y) 4 S If you compare this with business pro- Washi TOWNSITE perty in other cities you cannot keep from ian refused Lat 22, block go, 1050.00. a ee ti Lot 25, block 82, 1050. buying this, Ernest Gill Mary Jane Jooks well in her brother s clothes, because her lz i Lot 7, block 85, 1050.00. tivating th ae Lots 1 and 2, block 89, 900 ea. gating brother bought his clothes from us, Be Tot 9, block SF, 3135000. Can be sold in 25 or 50 foot lots. the deck o t 4, block 58, 01 . We want all the boys in town to buy thelr clothes from us. +2 EY'S PONIES, SPOT AND BEAUTY, ARE AT BO tt Bib G2 (iteie ey 2000, Oui Hart If you do, boys, we will sell you clothes you will be proud of, es DREAMLAND TONIGHT. sa + against his othe Theyare considered the most intelligent and best traine + coat Our Boys Clothing Furnishings are priced so as io give Se 1s playing the big circuits today and are simply here sf A. G. TROTMAN . minimum of profit for a maximum yalue. +f through an error In booking with Winnipeg. : * Imperial Bank Building H Cc PETTET co i Se. Ni pees 1be and 25 Suits 8.50 up to 12.50 and every sult Is worth at least ten iz Matinees 10 and 15 . ight Performa: an Phone 695 e e by 00: to twenty per cent. over the price asked, and is good value at that. : : EFFORT TO SAVE THE AUTHOR OF Barker Patten JTRADES C0 einen ROSARY McKINNON ar e 0 (Special to the News) ROSARY DEAD Sire Cc I Ss ee Hard Fight ; a SS High Class Clothiers.-: Toronto Street. 10 HAVE MOST Boston, Mass, Avril 25. The hear- Bobert G, R In Taf obe: fameron Rogers c AE Sto Re s0hest or comtnen Dassen PAwaycin Oalifor: B, McKinnon desires to thank his numerous friends and gates. L jof the sentence of Clarence Y. T. v patrons for their generous patronage during the past seven years Richeson, confesged slayer of Avis Diz. f In which he has conducted ibis bakery business, and begs to state Linnell, who is sentenced to die in that on and after Apri e business w e carried-on as a T the electric chair during the week of Santa Barbara, Cal. April 24. (i, SRN ar areas ee area Tee the company es 2 miand TFheatre a Jealt a7 227 Ft mone up- before-Gover- Robert Cameron Rogers;- poet and continwution of Ut vice mnd quali ni Hias a 5 oon co (The Old Reliable) Questions to be Dealt icr rose tomorrow morming. Will- newspaper publisher, died im -hls Mf Coutututlon of that service nnd quality whieh Has always, been early today sw leganeaiat With Tomorrow Night. iam a. Morse. of this city and John home here Tuesday about five o'clock B. Mc A ns publican con r Pee cE Lene Ya) Counasl Ta From Cue revs Ob anlconere cons pers Watch for further Announcements etter about 42 Mr. Hawley s Ponies. The busiest session in the history the former preacher, will ask for the formed two weeks ago to relieve him the Taft leader of local trades unionism is anticipat- commutation of their client s sent- of appendicitis. to surrender. E to the natioval all Roosevelt's 1 for him were leaders had beer resigned their 1 delegation when instructions for lt;The, conventio nals of Missour stubborn and dr tory of the stat Mayor Freder Louis, and Chas eph, the latter committee, are t ed and resigned a conventi SPOT AND BEAUTY ed at the regular monthly meeting /ence and the Governor will thereup- Mr. Rogers was stricken three can 7pey Fe not moving pictures, they are live, intelligent Ponies, and jor tho Trades and Labor Council on on, decide whether it shall be pre- Weeks ago. After the first operation, SSS Friday (tomorrow) evening in the sented to the Executive Council. It Paralysis set in and a second opera- ELECTRICAL AND gt; gt; its sessions through the remainder of A eR peLCUn re ie : Eagles Hall. The executive and ed- is understood that one point that will/tion was performed. Aside from GAS MEN MEET the week. lon ES OF YELLOWSTONE PARK . Seente ucation committees have spent con- be urged fn favor of commutation is books of poems and several prose oe ae TTY CAPTURED AT OULTON Kalem siderable time during the past month the fact that Richeson' s confession Works, Mr. Rogers wrote -the. dedica- (Special to the News) 800 Block 16, Central Park. Simp- aA Soar se rae Evening 160 and 25 . in discussing various questions and saved the-state the expense of trial. tory ode on the opeiing of the Buf- San Antonio, Texas., April son-Northam, North Raflway, 24443 Come Baiy: Come Early. several recommendations will be pre- This exp nse, it is estimated, would falo Pan-American exposition and the The Southern Electrical and Gas As- sented for discussion at the council have amounted to fully 45,000. Elks Eulogy. His most famous sociation began its annual conyen- meeting. Every union is expected aif adh work, however, was The Rosary, tion in this city today with an at- Edison Loose Leaf System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. Subscribe NOW for The Dally News. pend its full quota of delegates jes intending to- bulld aj house Which has been translated into many tendance of members from several the views of the entire trades move- Will find it to their advantage to write languages.. Mr. Rogers was born in States. The convention will continue mitntef the city may be gu to Box 1266, News office. tf, Buffato, N-y., Jan: 7, 1862. S60 LOCKS OPEN - FOR NAVIGATION Some of Our Good Monarch Theatre Legend of Balanced Rock . ioohondorte /. --- Solax Drama B da hs gonvention was Branigan s Promotion Nectar Com. : ays an Roowevell, iat hef's Downfall Imp Comedy Boats Expected to et CENTRAL PARK 2 lots, block 21840. 14 Cash. charge violation: Change of Stripes Imp Comedy Through St. Mary s Riv- HERALD + gt; LeGregor, harp soloist, will render er by End of Week. 250 feet, block 10, per pair 700.00, . Regular. a2 two iambere ee Lots 9 and 10, block 23, pair, 900.00. Regular. i. St. Marie, Mich., April 24. Lots 6 and 10, block 4, 1000.00. Regular. Snap. + Oo Music by Monarch Orehestra. Sankt St Marie, Pa ee Lot 10, block B., 1450.00. Regular. ets Every indication points to exceptional activity in the building Sealeaastas Gana 3 Prices the Same. line this spring, and whatever-is wanted in reliable TOOLS, we can TheTe seems to probability 50 toot corner, block 13, 1050.00. Regular. a supply from our well assorted lines of HIGH GRADE TOOLS. Gut that steamers will be able to CENTRAL PARK x mt twa are tn Saar) a Wk ga, ae ce Se : ees Rms 5 : 2 ee ots, , 650.00, Regular. i Matinee 2.30. Evening 7.45 and 9.15 FOR SPRING CLEANING DAY river by the last of the week without 2 lots, block 17, 840.00. cash. t Life of We Offer as Follows: any difficulty. The steamer Ashpen rq- 100 feet near Highland St, other Regular. 3, Hammers, 25c to 1.50. Saw, 1.75 to 2.50. Shovels, 1.10 to 1.25, turned yesterday from a trip down as ESN ee blocks 63. 000 000 Fine one Spades 1.00. Rakes, 40 to 75e. Garbage Burners, 2.50 to 4.00. /far as Mud Lake. As far a3 she went OEE at eae et cae Snap, If there is Lot 13 to 14, block M., Main Street, 1400.00. 800, 00 cash. Lot 14, block 62, 1450.00. Regular. COUSINS SISSONS 10 lots, block 22, 600.00 pair. Regular. 5 lots, block 27, 600.00 Pair. Regular. 2 lots, block 11, 750.00. 320.00 cash. NORTH YUILL - Lot 1, block 18, 625.00. Regular. that Ald. Aasle: was passed by night does not have to be some the wolf hound THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO,, LID, js, see's wor ust tomy, end it looked as if the ftoemet would Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat ere Uttle trouble breaking through 2 it. Some apprehension prevailed that STAR THEATRE The Outlaw Deputy .......... Kalem Western elebolelebeleleleielninlolelelnlelelelnieiebelebininininininlord: i i Sra Tot 6, block 9, 600.00. Regul ferel Lady Godiva ............... Vitograph Drama White Fish Bay would prove a block Sores block 10, 0000. aoa Beret cee Mr. Atherton, Tenor, Bee cog ek Lot 13, block 6, 00.00. ganeo, re nia arewink s icti: i A White Fish point have , block 6, 900.00. casl n drawing up A Victim of Circumstances Biograph Comedy BOR BREAD erg 99 fe, block 4, 850.00, Regular. eae Their First Divorce Case Biograph Comedy pee 50 feet, block 11, 800.00. Regular. Ginieing stualy 6 YOU CAN T BEAT MOTHER S pa a More Fortunes are Made in Real 3 Look for the Label. TASSIE ae Estate Than all Other Busi- nesses Combined. Every Lot Se pene PARE Increases the Value of all Pur- Soegertecteetestesiectecoctecieatoats eefeeteateleoteeteetesteateatesteete 850 Pair, blk, 11. chased and yet unsold. An- Be eee ees eee ee drew Carnegie. 850 50 ft. cor, bik, 29. TOWNSITE 850 50 ft. co bik. -2: Montreal St., 6 lots left in blocks 54 and 80, 700 5-6, bik. 29. i 4 ( 3 50 feet 1000 Terms. 755 11-12, bIK. 17. 900 50 ft. cor., bik. 24. 5 Block 94, Ro; gorner, 50 ft. 1600 cash 2 Block 11, Toronto St. N., 50 ft, 1500. Terms, COUSINS SISSON E ERY D AY The agreement 735 25-26, bik. 10. Vv. cine Hat Crayo 550 Pair, bik. 32. Hlock-52, Main St. S., 50 ft. 2000. Terms. 700 Pr., S 1-2 bik. 22. was ratified by. 500 Pair, 1-20, bik. 24. - evening. The ag Block 96, View lot, 50 ft. 1000. Terms. CENTRAL PARK 600 Pair, 19-20, bik: 32. es ye-aubnttted te Sis patr Hebe, bikes . : the near future : far submitted. Block 2, 50 tt, - 1100. Terms. Block 5, 50 ft. 950. Terms, 1050 Lot 10, bik. 83. ONIONS The city grant 950 Lot 7, bik. 82. manufacturer, ty RADISHES f ee CELERY f roll to 100 he is RHUBARB 680 Block K, Dominion St., Simp- son-Northam. North Railway. 2448 80 feet, block 14, 700.00. Regular. Snap. results of this been embodied i WE WANT YOUR LISTINGS. So long is ttt 7. F. DAWSON CO. ee ee aad Taetivanes: Afternoon Se and 10c. Evening 10 -and-16e. rome Hl) At the Old Prices raphit City Gives 1 More, a1 Seaton eS satoates --Block-15,-50-ft. + 800; Terms Block 21, 50 ft, . 850. Terms. Block 24, 50 tt., facing Park. 800. 1-2 cash. Block 26, South half-- 6000. Terms. COUSINS SISSONS Block 22, 350 each, Terms. Block 19 - 875 each. Terms. We have a buyer for a large 8 room modern house on hjll. Modern house, Roy a snap. Cottage in Central Park ..... 3500. Terms 60 ft. cor. on Third Ave. 4200. Good house. 7 room house on Braemar St. 4200, Easy terms, Powell sub-division lots 150 each. Business Sites on Main and Toronto Sts. Trackage Snap. Terms. *e me cS ae cs 2 * sea oe . 1600 Lot 11, bik. 86. 1200 Lot 15, bik. 86. 1200 Lot 14, bik. 96, 1250 Lot 18, bik. 89 3000 Lot 11, bik, 64. 1050 Lot 14, bik, 80. HOUSES 3100 New modern cottage, Ot- -tawa St. 8. 3600 7 room house, Braemar StS, 900 cash. gt; Would You Like to Join ihe Syndicate? sof eS co 5 seaoes of gas. Besides tion of 3 acres o acre, and i8 to 60 days of the p Wood, Gundy s 2 Soefo- eS Lots in all parte of city. + F 3400 Modern cottage, Central We are giving special attention to the sale of pend iseesto aes We Want Listings. P. S Il P e, mac gteens and vegetables. the bonds of Z W gt; 3400. modern cottage, is getables. ot ef. erry, e e erry +) : Byaeniar Be: South. ve Hat. A resolutic G ee , 31800 House, 4 rooms, in : council last nigh F Ew IN GS Ss ae R Uu BI DG E + Realty, Customs and Finuncial Brokers. + St, North. Z I - d Cc all bande will be 8 ee Agents tor Great West Lifo Assurance Co., and Canadian Railway 4h Eel VV r Oo All licensed a Phone 90, News Block, Opp. Post Office. 2 - Irelan 4 Soe Me st Aceldent Insurance Co, stuff on the marl B. F. SOUCH Ocean Steamship Tickets. Hatehinson Block. Phone 126, Drug Store - Toronto St. Main Street. 2 Phone 64. ing to an ament night to.the-Mat Saat e-afe-atestesfoatesloazecse dine Sloeeteateatoatedoetoatoatnd 4
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Image 688 (1912-04-25), from microfilm reel 688, (CU1743351). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.