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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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satisfactory. THE QUALITY IS THERE AND THE PRICE High Grade Hosiery That s the reason you ate finding our lines so IS MOPERATE We have just opened another shipment. SOME OF THE SPECIAL LINES Fine Silk Hose Ladies Black Cashmere Q5C 75 Hose, only 2, Only Ladies Large Out Sie Q5C Childrens Hose, In white, pink, Lisle Hose, only sky, tam and cardinal, All Less 10 Per Cent Cash. The House of Fashionable Dressers ictetateste dete Sodertedtestestertetestestes ETE oatateetostoatoetetoteagrege IN SIX WEEKS * we shall have ten 7-roomed houses finished and z ,o-f Anticipated buyers of houses on easy terms, Po oy In three weeks we shall have ten small houses WANTED Six first-class Carpenters. ADOLPH SMITH MEDICINE HAT. Seetetentegedenteeteatontetectoaty for sale. for rent. keep in touch wi here this season. Others need not apply. MOOSE JAW For further particulars see C. W. Smith 116 Montreal St. iM tos e Me 1 eafoagees S Soa os Ms Addresses changed as often aa desired, but bota naw aud MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. La Diva The fit of the back new double piece rou of abdonrinial comfort uni has the greatest amo: Combined with (ie Unbreakable feature, This corset is i It is one of the best corsct values that can be had. Like The Dominion Corset Company .. to quality. Published by the Medicine Hat News Cow Ltd. every A. J.N. TERRILL, E ttor. 13 Bes - DAILY SURSCRIPTION RATES 1 yar, delivered.....84.90 1 year by mall... .. 3.00 6 months, d-livered.. 200 6 months, by mail. 8 months, delivered.. 1-00 3 months, by maf 1 month, delivered....85 780 gt;: balance of the roads, very Stylish provided her Corset is Right. Crest ? Redacing Model No. 790 surpasses ribboa and bow, and hws six wide suspenders, book and dra Makers of the Celebrated D A Corsets lt;s ices could be diseussed. Then, too, the ques- Medicine Hat News: of Having the governments of the yar ix provinees take over the leading roads lawful evening at its office, Main Street, MedJelne Hat, Alta. ould be discussed in all its bearings, There isa need for a well-planned system of how even the ner ones in style, in comfort, in durability. And it is sold at 3.50, which is 2.00 to 3.00 less than any imported corset which can be compared with it. J hips together with the spoon clasps and the effect gives the wearer the greatest amount of rod: H other Lu Diva Corsets, No. 790 is sold with an absolute We guarantee every pair or money refunded. Quebec 3-12 PHONE: +HONE: large grants for road improvement are go- Eaitorial, Advertising j) ; to be expended before big appropria- a ing be expended before big appropria Reportorhul, and Ctreulation and) +55 are : 3 be the Dos ae youn Job Depts. 1OUS are made for the purpose by the Do. RING 7.Q/ Minion Government, One essential in this stem should be that providing for the tak- x over of the leading roads by the local 1.50' governments. With this defined, the coun- ties and townships made responsible for the and a well-planned YUKON MINING ACT IMPORTANT CHANGES Speculative holdings, group- ing of Scattered Claims to be Prohibited. OTTAWA MAKES REVISIONS To Simplify Placer Opera- tions For the Actual Working Miner. Dawson, May 2 Ottawa advices Just received, state that parliament, just before Its close, made several im- portant amendments to the Yukon placer mining act. The same had been proposed, it is sald, during the time of Frank Oliver as minister. Com- jmisstoner George Black has issued a public statement here giving the fol- lowing explanation of the changes: The effect of the bill amending the Yukon Placer Mining Act passed at thes ession of parliament just closed, which amends sections 51, 74 and is as to t Sectlon 51. To prevent the group-/ ing of claims other than adjoining claims, except in cases where such claims are part of the same operation or system of mining being carried on; and prevents the holding of Isolated claims for speculation, the working of one or more of which will have no effect on the others. Section 74. This section was inten- ded to provide for the arbitration of disputes between the owners of claims but In the original section no provis- ion for a case whete one of the dis- putants declined to arbitrate was made, In which event the scction was found to be unworkable. The amend- ment empowers the gold commiaslon- er to appoint-an arbitrator to repres- ent the claim owner who refuses to appoint one for himself. There is nothing new in principle in the am- endment, It merely makes the old old ad resser nt be given. SADAGSOORSG Soeatertorteatecteatecteatecteates Seer 4; a WEEKLY NEWS. Publishec: every Thivsday In *ixt en OF Titre pages, and contains a eunimr y of the news of the week. local and district, ' 6 months, in advance 75 3 months, m advance. h0e 1-year in advance....31.50 ote isoatoas oes 1 foes Thursday, May 2nd, 1912, THE CHIEF LICENSE INSPECTOR COMMENDABLE tendency, which tony oo Lake dete tetera cececewte etecewewene feeferfergeseagesgeeeeteeteeteeteete oesoeresieeseeys Soetesseateesoetees m ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL AND RESERVES...... 16,000,000 Many a man.owes his success to the fact that he had the right bank behind him. Banking organization. Po toste te testetetesteReteted. sleet dodeateateateateateateateatectoctec gt; afeateet This Bank offers its clients the services of fully equipped MEDICINE HAT BRANCH S0 has become evident of recent date, ou ' the part of the press and the publi: in general, is to recognize worth when it be- comes apparent, in contr: practice in vogue in bygone days of resery- ing encomiums until the subject thereof kad passed to a haven of rest, wherein the bene- 4 me og Poste ootest oo scheme for dividing the moneys available therefore, be some well defined scheme by distinction to the provement. for road improvement, the Dominion Gov- ernment: would have reason to feel that fin- aueial assistance given the movement would he expended in the best interests of the whole country. All the roads in this coun- try cannot be improved in a day. There must which permanency and effectiveness can be secured and by which eventually all the roads in the country will be improved. And it will take all the money both the Dominion and Provincial Governments have lying around loose to bring about permanent im- A Dominion road conference would aid in working out a comprehensive scheme of road making, and we commend this suggestion to the Government of Can- tion-75-provides for the settiement by arbitration of the amount of damages payable to the owner of mining prop- erty which may have tailings, water or other material dumped onto it by other operators. parts rubbed into the eyebrows will stimulate their growth. Tablets. Druggists refund money if it Synopsis of By-Law No. 21, section workable. Section 75. The amendment to sec- Almond oil and lanolin in equal TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine fails to cure. B. W. GRO'B' ture js on each Box. 25. whieh will come into effect on May Ist, 1912, o- oo fotos fit to be derived from a word of cheer v ithe ada. The Farm. be of comparatively smal advantage So much for the prologue. It furnisii son-etrefor-a few avords-in-re THIS DATE IN HISTORY No dog will be allowed to run at large upon the streets, Avenues, Al- leys, Parks, or Public Grounds of thd ct bem taken Pa Poste crestetewt Ry se-sfo-efo-elo-ops efo-cte-sleatesfette Cote te ketetetetetetetts iRorseatorseetesSreertestesteteets 4 imperial Bank of Canada Sa Seatestese- ste tote testeets Seefeefo-efo-efecge-ae-efe-ofe-ele-ere Capital and Rest . - 11,993,800 Total Assets ..... +--+ 72,000,006 BRAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. 28 BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. R. G, WILKINSON, Manager. : Medicine Hat Branch. So toceeds Sestestesteat Roefoege-eteafesfertecfostocteets Moat to o 1 3 2 fo oa 05 1 cS e os Hat, who to Alberta s chief license inspector, M/ +. Forster, a former citizen of Medicine movements sinee asswuing harge of the Provincial Licens Tx nent, have furnished the press of the with the copy for flaring headlines a daily. The illicit liquor traffic, under ized in England We should-be-more than pleasing to the (iuy- ernment and to the law-abiding portion of ; ae May 2nd 1670 The Hudson s Bay Company 01 1785 Thomas Jefferson appointed United States minister to France. 1863 General Stonewall Jackson mor- jadministration, as directed by the Attorney tally w at battle of Chancell- General, is being handled in a manner which orsville. 1865 Clyde Fitch, noted playwright, born in New York City. Died in France, + the-eommunit. Bootleggers and ether 5 io members-of the fraternity, who in a new September 4, 1909: Seats 4g THE MERCHANTS BANK -- The Medicine Hat Milling Co delay in- withdrawals. OF CANADA Established 1964 We give special attention to SAVINGS Two or more persons may open a Joint account and either pary can withdraw money. Our deposits haye increased from 19,426,091 In 1901 to 62,494,550. W. 0. JOY, Manager: 0: 3 : SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Are the Best Assets that any Company Can Have. Prairie Pride . Patent Flour Always Pleases Because Its the Best That Can Be Had. : Medicine Hat Branch Limited hitler - personat honor,-and the-Government 1878 Coinage of country as a rule, flourish like green bay jtvee in following their vicious calling. are being ruthle: xterminated by a system of fines so heavy that. this ne ous trade jbids fair to be a thing of the past before it has been given the opportunity gf fastening itself upor the provinee. ice the pioneer days of Medicine 2 been k: 1885 Col gt; Otter rebels 1911 The Hat, asa acteristic, he possessed a nae pyofessor G above reproach in matters pertaining to , gown soci rest secure in the knowledge that they have uplift of the masses, w in him a servant who is absolutely mia g proachable in regard to the settlement of ar ae which he has undertaken to in-leq Theological Seminar: gate. Y. ing In another column will be found an arti- al orter prac pating cle reproduced from the Edmonton Journal j which Mr. Forster has shouldered in grapp- ng with the illicit liquor traffic. The task is a hereulean one, but we in Medicine Hat, who know the man, are perfeetly confident that the hand which is now laid to the plow will never be lifted until the province is purged of evil doers in this respect. For the p: lor s activities hay Soy PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS This is a breed of Poultry requirement. Soteteketetete Soatetededededestestest Soetodoafergertedederte eatertertentoctecteateete soe which meets every The utility bird of the century large, beautifully plumaged and unexcelled in laying qualities. Eggs 2.00 and 5.00 per set- ting. Cockerels for Sale. Soatege OFF ICE f no reason change our view. At GOES COEOP OOD Sertrderpeeaeeeys DOMINION ROADS CONFERENCE HE more one looks into this-question of Federal aid to good roads the more one is convinced that a Dominion good ds conference should be held. We advo- ated this some months ago, when Domin- ion Yid for roads was brought prominently to the attention of the public and have had 20-cent stopped by act of Congre: attacked the at Cut Knife Creek, French relief column at Fez, Morocco, and raised the seige of the rebel tribesmen. ae DA ee Noe Sts hereby mete silv Graham Taylor alam Taylor, one of the best ologists in America and a pioneer cal worker in many movements looking to the born in Schene: P- lady, N. Y., May 2, 1851. His education was received at Rutgers College and the Reform- at New Brun: rom the last: institution he was ordained to the mini: : . ournatlof the Reformed Chureh in 1873 which gives some idea of the Tesponsibility ltwalee years he was pastar of a chureh:-in 2 deetrared by burning, - Hartford, Conn., and during a part of the time he was also professor of practi logy in the Hartford Theological Seminary. st twenty year pieces Canadian arrived For theo- Professor Tay- been identified chiefly May Ist, in each year.. License Fees, Dogs 2.00. License Fees, Bitches, 5.00. License Fees, Spayed Bitches, 2.00. Any dog with collar and tag found running at large will be impounded, the owner notified and same may be redeemed within seventy-two hours upon payment of 1.00 for impound- ing, and 25 cents per day for each day that the dog is Impounded. If any dog not wearing a tag is impounded a notice will be posted on the pound within forty-eight hours it will be sold... No dogs shall be allowed withip any of the City Parks or Cemeteries, not; even when. Jed by a chain. H. BAKER, City Clerk. 246-6t. Extract of By-Law No, 202, regard- ing the Disposal of Rubbish In the City of Medicine Hat. the duty of the occupant or occup ants of every dwelling house or other building in the City of Medicine Hat to provide a suitable box; vessel: or place in which the occupant or oc- cupants shall-also cause the-contents of such box, vessel or place to be - taken twice in each week, from the of May to the first day of November, and once in each week from the first day of November to the first day of May in each year, to some place without the limits of the City orto sch Place as the Health Officer may-direct, and to be there deposited gate and i such dog is ai Bae aes witt voU B Thursday, May 2nd, 1912, When you QUALITY first. Don't be per- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it s cheap use the very best. We have it, and ev- erything the Builder requires. build, donsider A select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, rHE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL LOW POSTS 2 BEAVER BOARD FINLAY CO.- THE LUMBER PEOPLE PB. 0. BOX 29. PHONE 57 FOR SMUT 50c....Quart 25e....Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : :: PHONE 740 H. B. CURTIS HOTSON LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS EFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. O. Box 304. Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. ee OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO. 868, 402 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting --Co. Is in-blz Regu ci Tect-extract Irom By law No. 202. H. BAKER, 6td: City Clerk. EERE EEE EEE EEE 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Excavating a Specialty. Light and Heavy Horses for sale at All Times, F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Grayel and Sand for Sale, I Street. Phone No. 416. a P, 0. Box 81. various provinces on the juesti could be presented and the plans -for im- provement already adopted by the provin- 2 4 - * with the University of Chicago, where he . Home SERKERS has had the chair of sociology. He is the + XCURSIONS, + founder of the Chicago Commons, one-of the F + t noted social settlements in the coun- There's many a nome seek- i ers excursion right here in of the city every day personal- + ee bly conducted, too, by readers of CONGRATULATIONS TO *b of The Daily News Want Ads. If you have property for . rent rooms, houses, cot- + Hallie Ermine Rives, novelist, 34 years tages syartmenta, sian a old today. + home seekers . excursion Mrs. Isaac L. Rice of New York, anti- f trough the Wants; bia pos + noise erased sensor today. at se net yorare ts cae z such a he requirements of the Jerome K, Jerome, English writer an The Wants cost but 26 for + such a conference, the rea road question humorist, 51 years old today. pep cae eer See eat Rear Admiral Oscar W. Farenholt, U. S. thase ds;'ewo rings. 7 N., retired, 67 years old today. PEREEEEEE EEE EES CARPENTER Axp CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to. soe Oa Deg at yc Mr. 1 ( eae e eres
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Image 737 (1912-05-02), from microfilm reel 737, (CU1743332). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.