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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS: SPECIAL Lots 21 to 40, Dlock 22, Cou- sins Sissons, 800 per lot, 50 foot corner, block 4, Central Park, 1250, A. G . TROTMAN CO. Try Us For Service and Quality Every indication points to exceptional activity in the bullding line this spring, and whatever ts Wanted in Fellabie TOOLS, we can supply from our well assorted lines of HIGH GRADE TOOLS. FOR SPRING CLEANING DAY We Offer as Follows: Hammers, 260 to 1.50, Saw, 81.75 to 2.50, Shovels, 81.10 to 125, Spades 1.00, Rakes, 40 to 7c. Garbage Burners, 2.50 to 4.00. THE MARSAALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LTD. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat 1600 copies daily, 90 2000 copies Thursday. 4 the benoat of the Week uo extra charge. Books VOL. 2, NO 2 Tita on 9 to loan on Improved Farm Lands, Residential and Business Lot 3, block 8, N. Yuill + 500.00 - Property. A Lots 8 and 9, block 11, N. Yuill, each . 500.00 oF Lot 8,-block 1, -N yum aaaa ere Rano. Current Rate- of interest- Caroma ravine. eeece E First Report BUY NOW WHILE PROPERTY IS Call, phone or write me about i to 14, book 7, Herald, 200 feet long, cach . 460.00 ripe anlantls a He looks fine because he bought his clothes UNDER VALUE Your, Needs. Se Oe Ne Herel, nak 500.00 Now Be 7 ons 50 feet, block 12, Herald . a x from us. So will you look fine if you buy your 5 Buliding Loans. + 840.00 Ship W E : We have-a-good-list-of-business-propertys 7. J clothing at our store. ; ; BUSINESS SITES Arranged Tong Leave 56 feet in business center that 6000.00, will handle and i Not only does our clothing look fine, but it as tote, eee a tan , pROUTH, 2UTLL ane oe ce es (FLASH) ears fine. , dIK. 3, . Snap. 900, Share fine. f iow ii: ot ik, 175 each. tt a. B00. Ins u ra n ce rm syndicate and buy this. IS SI NKING. i NS b a s : It is the make that makes them. All block 15, 230 each. oedk He il (Toronto: Bt) 5 7 / Halifax, Gar See eas Se ee re ee Toe 1 aE Be de fase Sek nae ae he, 55, H.T.W. FORSTER p4C. PETT Cc being made to shops in the world. oe . Lots 1 to 10, bik. 19 (exclusive) Lots 8 and 9. bik. 11, 550, eLle ET oO iS here this after Wermake the under's price first, no ene can, 72 SB Pik 22, 300 cach. 100 feet beck E vith aMRoh) List Y Pb ehh ehhh birder riebittete i under-price us on up-grade clothing. Lots 21 to 40, bik: 22, 300 each. 100 feet, (with shacl ist Your Prop- Halifax, : Lots 35 and 36, blk. 11, 800. HERALD a : ginia was to t be 5, bik. G (Espl de) ns P i . ey lt; ee os, bie 2, son, Ik. G : e erty With Me ee Soe not re uh wy Stoney address on wom- age from Live Lots 14 , bik. 27, . , bik. 23, 900, iN N : eC. home ve Bark r a t t / n 50 fe corner, Bik, 4, Stas Lots 27 and 2s, blk. 23, 300. os nea mae Mr. J. A. E. Roch of Bowell is in by Mrs. Williamson at Sie and had gona A.G. TROTMAN CO. oronto St. Medicine Hat, / town. meeting on Wednesday aftemoon at Later disp High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. E. J. Sketon and Jack Jobnitiow are) St. Johns church. These meetings are sengers have Ground Floor visitors from: Walkerton, Ont. Proving hhelpfol, and all ladifs are cor- : Iniperial Bank Bldg., 4th Ave. Phone 695. o gt; : S: : Powey came into town iully invited to attend them, the se- and that she i zt 3 AT DREAMLAND TONIAHT om Winnipeg. + S0Rd Wedacsday of cach montis. SEE EE A sale of home cooking will be giv- If the Ideal One' could be found Mr. J. J. Bundy left last might for The mecting of the Woman's Liter + em at tne home of Mrs. W. M. John- would you marry? Try the Ideal In- es If you are interested. in the Indian Lethtpidge to spend the week end. ary society will be held at the home + AN ANXIO son, 416 Balmoral street, first house troduction Club. Pay when suited. y x 4 D Mutiny come tonight. We bave an ex- ' Mr. Edward Wetzel of Winifred is of Mrs. Wikite; 413 Ottawa street, on + trom Fourth aeedkieren' Teareday) ab Paiticalara for stump Box 1716, Verr 1 3c. Ff: Ginter 4s oproving, tim, Me: Hd. Todd, formerty of Barrik; is ceptionally strong Drama poittaying in town on business. Monday April 16th, 4 Medicine Hat ternoon, April 16th. Refresiments coaver, B.C. 42ap13-20 front and side of his grounds on Fifth building a howe on his lo om Bruc-/a Biitish regiment Holding fhe for. Andrew Ulsen of Seven Persons came Subject in the Presbyterian church + morning to hea will be served. E Owing to the severe weather pre- avenue by the addition of a cement mar street. We wre also showing three distinct to town last evening. moming: service Joseph. and Nicode- + liner Lusitania, if you are Britisher don't mise ailing in Eastern ;Canada, the steam- PSTet wal : A British regiment holding the subjects in addition to this one, in- A beautiful British drama of the mus of Secret Disciples. Subject at sh board, had sun a romance of the Indian Mutiny to- ship sailings from Montreal Imve been . Mr. Bending has almost finished the Ifort during: the Indian Mutinyr at cluding a comedy. Well, don't mise Indian Mutiny at Dreamlaid tonight. the evening. service Leasons from the bof Newfoundlan: night at Dreamland. Immense cancelled and changed to Halifax. dition tb bis house Dreumldnd -tovight. Immense. it. Immense life of Solomon. z orn ans .P.R. bulletin Soagececetosgececpetondecfeteetoatececoateaeeeteeteatesteeetoatontenetetuseeteeteateatoate a octenteceatestesto enero eres siete Seeqeateateateeteete foegeetoete-cfoateetoateatoatectecse-ete-setsetsestestiaecte esse siesteateteesa ouae wes if c og oe the News offic S lt; + piiieagto hotels ET INONS 2 2 . eo f the celebrated t ree Sa e z A woe * 2 . It was difficu . THE LAST APPEAL TO THE INVESTOR, LARGE OR SMALI Remember, you will never again have the same opportunityas prices will positively advance on the 20th of April. a + confirm the fl St a Sere *f noon no definite z , ieee es Ss a ie 7 ee fe- fears..of the.-m: s i a t 5 J oo brought the je : : : es oa 56 4 that it was the A MOST BEA JL-RESIDENTIAL PROP IN MEDICINE H + maiden voyage ae THE CHEAPEST, BEST 0 UTIFUL RESID 2 : + ont waa leet Ra ; e + REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY: : + feeeeee ee ie . a . - oe BECAUSE It is the cheapest residential property in Medicine Hat today. BECAUSE It is level, high, and dry. It is all beautifully situated. 4 + or une sor 2. lt;CAUSE It is 3 jon BD L Clad Investment. BECAUSE It is the easiest property to handle, ae 2 BECAUSE It is no speculation, but an Iron Cla esti i v pees . of the passeng zs BECAUSE There are no big hills to climb, Good road with easiest of access and a BECAUSE Our car is at your service, and we will be pleased to show you and your Titantic is now ur + - -magnifcent view of the city. - . . friends every block in the park, Saas + eee ee Sn e wee ie . . SEE-IT TODAY. Don t delay, but remember PRICES ADVANCE ON APRIL 20th. + News of the trans e Bye ae ans . - : ina wireless dispa : OPPOSITE ASSINIBOIA HOTEL. WSON A. 1. Franklin, vie + rT. F. DAWSON CO. as TORONTO STREET r.F. DA CO. Walle Star Lino, f 5 g Z at x 5 +t of -the Steamebip ie Sap eeceteateatenteceeetiatece nearing the Tita SS *C S ates that the st and Carpathia are the Titanic, The states that the Oly: eee eee PLLA LLL LLL LEE E LEI Peo os oo eel oOo If you are a Britisher don t) miss 3 i pallu Wi a e ce of the Indian Mutiny . to- m Pas Dreamland Theatre SOMETHING NEW it Dat ine FIN AL NOTICE ae : commenced . AP. (The Old Reliable) James Rae s warehouse on Fifth av- exe. A beautifnl British drama of the ((Bulletir) Mon 15. The local offi idsons, one of the fices, has received ALL ACCOUNTS DUE THE MARSHALL TO-NIGHT : A Romance of the Indian Mutiny A British Drama ...Vitograph MN Look for the Label, TASSIE BROS. ly s Phone 256 Western Redemption .. ee ee Sones HARDWARE CO. NOT SETTLED BY APRIL ea a Tntertaken to Brientz peeaaeoneed 15TH, WILL B HANDS Sse ey Amateur Night Do, you ever laugh? a Music Supplied by Dreamland Orchestra. OF oe BOLIOITORS FOR COLLECTION. Virginian; i 7 Come Early. Come Early. Last Sna s at : : Sic Matinees 10 and Se. Night Performances 15e anid 106. duast Onaps at 2 c dispatch from Halit if THE MARSHALL HARDWARE CO. had beet received tanic wag still aflc her way slowly te rQedortedteatectectestectectecteate Moctertongeateatecoctoateateateateete S ISPs eaeoase sceees Metis etsesgeets so soso seats h 1 lt; the Old Prices SMASH-UP CRASH BANG AND ANOTHER BRAND NEW,-AUTO GONE TO GLORY : HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF THE POSSIBILI- Office: Assiniboia Hotel Block. eitetoee cw. A. P. Montreal, April 3 the Allan Line sal were without infor - CENTRAL PARK 500 Pair, blk. 29. 400 Pair, 37 ft. bik. 31, E e 560 Pair, blk. 31. ee as Let the Ermaline 450 Pair, bike. 27. 100 each 1-7, bik. 33. 850 Pair, cor., near Park. os TIES OF A SMASH-UP WITH YOUR AUTO? ps oe pect to hear-fro1 3, We Have And We Are Prepared to Protect you. til she got near-H 4 that now her wir - out of touch with t. Nestor Drama -Publie Liability and Insurance which will pro- tect you against-all classes of accidents, including personal injuries inflicted on pedestrians; also death. : Our policies in The Canadian Railway Accident Insurance Com- lt; pany-HH-proteet you-to.the-extent of 10,000.00 against any ONE ACKOSS THE SIERRAS . RELENTLESS LAW HELPLESS MAN ... PARISIAN MODES . ELECTRIC VILLA m4 . American Western . Reliance Comedy oe CW. AP. New York, April ceived here from ing. reports that a eee OLD TOWNSITE 2100 60 ft. Toronto St. S.. lot e or oateatetecte Sotoatetoegeegeed Bags Help You on . Pathe Educational . Pathe Comedy Saat arte fecident and five thousand dollars for any ONE injured. 3, blk, 53. Worth 3500 - a fe card : ewe Sve ies BF we atso INSURE YOU against collision, covering lose or dam- fy ee aes a. e ays. Tite Yet he , age to your auto, caused by a collisi with another object. 3650- 67 ft., bik. N, Te ito St. i J * Ce Music by the Monarch Orchestra. be ae year eauey indemnities. the INSURED against loss on account + North. With ibaataee ome New York, April . a E ii vi. Oc . 15 + of damage oe to the property ere: caused by the mainten- y Say 6, bik. 26, Toronto fices were besiege i ance, ownership or use of automobiles. -. it. Ne - :. Afternoon Be 10c. vening 10c s Sy Tilak this matter over, Took ux mp. One real good acct4nt Fl s1250 tot 18, bik, 89. Put your pies and cakes in bags and-you quiry from huni oe yu m it: ito el it yng Ye 2 4 D Taa Fou atiord te Gan nchencet ee ie, Sito Let 5, Bike will never suffer from burnt crusts. pees : . The Cunadian Rallway Aceldent Ins.Cos will carry the risk for 950 Lot 7 and 8, blk. 82. ack Re : ion, yom, We will write You up ieee en ee 1200 Lot 15, bik. 86, Vegetables becom delicous where cook- x 2 ee prosecutor in four damage sult wi ve to settle wi ate 1050 Lot 14, bik. 80. f ay . CAN. RY. ACCI. INS..CO., NOT WITH YOU. s1100 1ot o, bri. 1, main stn. ed in the ERMALINE BAG. All the nat- + : + Coupe a os DOESN'T THAT LISTEN GOODS 2600 100 ft, bik. 82, Main St, ural juices are retained when roasting beef - oe z andaeu A Thief in the Night :.. eae at cr poultry, making them tender. E dutty News o ie 2 oe a i bile, 12 : z - pcm Ace A Ghost Warning Snaps tn Cousins Sissons, . Ask to see the Ermaline Cookery Bag, or + entitles the be FES ending, ll, ete. vi Song My Heart's Desire. Realty, Customs ee better still, order a trial dozen-today. Price oh gravure repr tharton Agents for Grent West Life +f ouard Bisson By Mr. J. R, Athe . , 3 Aceide 30c and 40c rar dozen. oh led La Cigale The Point. of. wie at xpress Baggage. Ocean Steamship eare rae 4 ; s : 4 a oe . owling omedies. Ae Motion eee rote dte oe ee B. F. SOUCH t H.W. Ireiand Co. Une ater 5 Picture Show Prices. . Drug Store - Toronto St. cc ES x ture cannot 1 STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST. vHON + + +. 2 + + cme he News Want Ads. Pay. Try Em.
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Image 605 (1912-04-13), from microfilm reel 605, (CU1743339). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.