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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Listen ur shoes wear well and make the foot look neat and trim. Fhey ere comfort A shoes too. SHOES SHOES New Spring Oxfords have just arrived and are now in stock. All the neat nifty lasts in blacks, tans and patents, in lace and button styles. These shoes are the production of the RE- GAL Shoe Company, and come in quarter sizes. Come early before the nobby ones are all gone. Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. eas any , Sosteat lo afe ete co 2 * teetee' oat reat eee Se-afe os ot 24 So-ef e So es os 2 of iM e Me e Ms e sedheteetediee e es erty 2s of Ms e 4 es e so-f res oes cog 2s cS so-ite os 50-8 e o4 Me e 0-4 a Se-afe-s * Posteatecteatestecteatests Soateateate toate Nesfoofeateatoetectoatecfoateatecteatetoate-efeateaiecfoatectoateets st Here is the Chance of Your Lifetime . To get in ton the ground floor. * By an extraordin- ary stroke of good luck we are able to make you this of- fer. Such an opportunity m: nin y not occur s long as you live. Read this. and call here at once for particu- lars. We are well known to the public as a firm who never offers anything that is not a first-class buy. Every lot in Norwood is level and a good building lot. OPEN EVENINGS H From 8 to 9 o clock e Sfoateateagectecteatentect We want everyone who property to see e Look at the Ideal Location of Our Property. C. PETTET CO. ,,,268 eis Toronto Street . areatoesete ate ieaseatoetoateeteatosteciatoateeateeeade ete egeate deat ateasoateealoateaioateetresertoeseateeteaoate foals efreteateeteafoutscfoatoateetesteateeeatoe Poerectiste stnateatoctostoet Soaks Se atadectest Pear eae ase ae aS ase oho aso ase ane ase sto aco ee aie ele ete ae ete eteats ode See Our Property Before You Invest a Cent In Medicine Hat is property. You will be under no obligation to buy but we know you will be so enthusiastic o er its location and its price, that you will become a purchaser right off the bat, but that is entirely up to you. We are so con- fident that our property ) can find in Medicine Hat that we state you will double your money within one year. You are invited to investigate. Prices and Terms We are selling lots 25x124 feet from 100.00 to 150.00 per lot. Terms: quarter cash and the balance in 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, or 10.00 per month. is the best bu Dreamland Theatre CLERKS MEETING ADJOURNED The Clerks association held a short session last evening. The committee which had charge of the interview- ing of the merchants were given un- (The Old Reliable) . To-night: The Empty Saddle ................ .. 8. A, Co. Redemption of Rawhide ........ Perens Melies The Village Romance ................. Lubin Co. Dreamland 4-Piece Orchestra Supplies the Music See the Empty Saddle It is extra good. Matinee Prices 5 and 10c. Come Ear Come Eat rs ee til Wednesday next to complete their work when a full report will be giv- The meeting will be held in the Court Room of City Hall. To bleach clothes that have turned yellow from Jong use or from wear- ing in the dust, put them to soak for tabouttive-days in buttermilk. Use e stone jar or a wooden bucket for this purpose. At the end of that time rinse . Evening Performance 10c and 1c. Monarch Theatre thoroughly and boil in light suds. BY. P. UL AT DREAMLAND TONIGHT Glimpses 0 be the subj of the You a Beautiful Life will ken at the meeting People s Union in the We wish to say a few words, that is, come and see the Empty Sad- dle tonight. If it is raining come - McKINNO story of Madame Feller, the founder of Grande Lis told by the reading of a series ip herself and some gramme you will be well repaid. mation tale hich he has that on and afte: Joint Stock Company, Limited, a continuance of their esteem continuation of that serviee and associated with this store. Institute, will be Subscribe NOW for The Dally News. Real Estate Investments Lot 7, blk 85, 1050. Lot 25, block 82, 1 Lot 22, block 80, Lot 12 bloc letters written friends. ither ma or string have been left over make them into a Salad adds tew-choppet onves, a Tew Spanish red peppers French dressing is preferable to may- jonnaise, If a few by capers and . Little Women will be produced 2000.00. in London fext fall. Lot 14, block 96, 1300.00: F. B. McKINNON h-for further Announcements purchases t with their own eyes. invite you as our guest to come in our auto- y you One- Soateafede N S.. F. B. McKinnon desires to thank his numerous friends and generous patronage during the past seven years conducted his bakery business, and begs to state r April 15th the business will be carried on as a and would bespeak for the company ed patronage, with an assurance of a quality which has always : Present Dally Advertisers in + of the Weekly No extra charg vertisers, Me os 2 so ao-o eo xe Soe te cof a 5 our We ty? vee gt; a ? eeetet fe oo SS Insurance . the He in Acci soafo-dtestots oe New York, Ma ports from the panies as to the tani disaster current. issue of and show a tots northwestern Mu list with 500,00 Mutual Life with table Life with sylvanie Mutual Travelers with Mutual 16,600, the Dominion Lif which with the o panies lost but a Sodedededt oaieeteates 0-4 Re oo Poste ee . ostoctect st single passenger been ce Says That it for some time. PLAYS AND PLAYERS, will probably. remain in that ficld Election be Agair June Madness, a new play re- cently produced by the Drama play- The Coward ................ American Drama The Doctor s Close Call ............ Champion Miss Masquerader ......02....- Eclair Comedy Music bythe Monarch Orchestra. Afternoon 5c 10c. Evening 10c 15c MATINEE 3.15, i EVENING 8.00 STAR THEATRE The Corporation and the Ranch Girl Essanay Western Comedy Drama The Freshet ... ... Vitograph Drama Song And a Little Child Shall Lead Them. Caught With the Goods ...... Biograph Comedy- A Mix-up in Rain Coats Biograph Comedy Afternoon be and 10c. Evening 10 and 15 . and Quality Every indication poiris to exceptional activity in the building line this-spring, and whatever-is wanted In reliable TOOLS, we can oe 7 -well -assorted tines-ot FOR SPRING CLEANING DAY We Offer as Follows: Hammers, 26c to 1.50, Saw, 1.75 to 2.50. Shovels, 1.10 to 1.25. Spades 1.00. Rakes, 40 to 75 . Garbage Burners, 2.50 to, 4.00. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL- HARDWARE -CO., LED. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat 5 thy 1500 Lot 18, block M (with modern house) 4050.00, CENTRAL PARK Lots 25 and 26, block 21, 875.00 sketch called Quits. Muriel Starr has joined a stock DF. Lots 29 and 30, blk 9, 825, pr. Lots 21 and 22, DIK 21, 750. pr. Lots 25 to 48, blk 16, 900. pr. a) y Annette Kellerman will appear in some of the English music halls. kaye-isto-appear ina ers in Chicago, will York hearing in the fall. It is rumored that Dollie Dalnert, Florence Roberts is to appear in a. vaudeville sketch entitled The Rev- nave a New London, May 3 gt; P., In an intervie company in Los Angeles. e French singer, now.-at the Win- think the reciprod Jan Cowl may enter vaudeville if dem New York, will become a star t Sdartoday 1s strong sh finds 2. suitable sketch, next season. Laurier governin n cause its ppfitical I was ovep there a 7 to 10, bik. 28, 5 21 to 40, bik 22, 350 each. 21 and 22, bik 13, 735 pr. 7 and 8, bik. 2, 840 pr. SQUTH YUILL 4-an -5. bik 12 (facing Al- lowance) 1260 each. Lot 8; bik 18, 900. HERALD - Lots 22 to 24, blk 8, 275 each. Lots 27 and 28, blk 23, Lots 9 and 10, William 'T. Hoge says he will use The Man from Home for three more seasons. Arnold have returned to vaudeville for the 1957. 900 pr. Ik 23, 900 pr. aly and Valeska.Surratt oe the Ss Modus oy a seneaeis wr gt; Spooy yueg esoN 21180ddQ in a growing section of a prosperous com- munity adopts the surest and safest method of becoming independent, for real estate Is the basis of all wealth Theodore Roose- yelt. TOWNSITE Montreal St, 4 lots left in blocks 54 and 80, 50x130 1000.. Terms, Roy St,, block 94, corner, 50 ft 1600 cash . Main St. S., 50 ft 2000. Terms, Bik. 96, View lot, 4th Ave 1000. Terms. CENTRAL PARK . 50 feet 1000. Terms. feet 950. Terms. 0 feet 10 , 50 feet 8: COUSINS SISSONS Block 22 350-each. Terms; Block 19 375 each. Terms. Harrisville blocks at 125 per lot. Herald lots at 700 and 800 per pair. Powell sub-division lots at 200 each, Business sites on Main St. and Toron to St. Trackage lots, snap. Terms, HOUSES Braemar St. North, 5 room brick 2500. room brick 2400. Terms 8'room frame 2600, Terms t..madern 9 room frame 4700. Highlagd St, modern 8 room brick 5600. Terme El Paso St. Central Park cottage 3500. Associa i Terms. tion Roy St., frame cottage 2500. 1-4 cash, Head -Ofifce lance monthly. . e Want Listings of Houses, + gt; Buyers, FEWINGS --RUBIDGE Phone 90. News Block, Opp. Post Office. A Want Ad in the Daily News Will Bring Results. - Look for the Label. -MOTHER S BREAD YOU'LL LIKE IT. TASSIE BROS Listings wanted in Townpite, Central Park, South Yulll id the Herald. A.G. TROTMAN Imperial Bank Bldg. Prone 695. -stmmer months, Edward Sheldon has departed to Lake Como, Switzerland, to com- plete several unfinished plays. Max Figman will be a stock com- Pany star this season. he will star in The Truth Wagor Louise La Gai, a French dancer, to appear in a playlet called The by Allen Fawcett. Ethel Barrymore will next season make an extensive tour of this-couns try in a repertoire of her former suc Red Slipper, MONEY MAKERS AL PARK. bik a1, Phone 256. 3400 Pr., lot 500 Pr., lots 29-30, blk. 29. Pr., lols 21-31, bik 2 so-e Se so-e go ee gt; 2. lt; gt; es 0-44 2 eS so Be es cof 2 S oN ee co 2 co-' ee es eS oes es fog . lt; ms * a er by waiting, *s-s o Pe stastn testa stata sens Ss NEST EGGS. Like Our Investments They Bring Results Level lots in blocks 33-34,-Cousins Sissons, 400.00 per pair. Reg.terms. You cannot dupli- cate this buy in the city. Money making propositions in Harrisville and Powell. Make your money work for you while you are working for it. The opportunity was never better than at present to get in on the ground floor in-these two sub-divisions. sure and soon. Everything Pr., lots 81-38, blk. 29, Marie Dressler may return to vau- lation. deville for the spring and summer. Tom Dingle, the eccentric dancer, is with Mabel Hite in her specialty. company which J. M. Barrie will each year-a-playlet-for-Charles-Froh- The one-act play, The Drums of She-will be supported by- company of six players. Next season PY, John Cort. At is said that Viola Allen is like- ly to be the leadino, lady of the stock illiam Gillette will in future write) establish in New York next season. the advantages of re Oude, which David Belasco is to Produce with Martin Beck, is a Sepoy imitiny in India in Theodore Burt Sayre, author of Tom Moore, and Cleveland Rogers have collatjorated in a drama, called Ransomed, which will be produced ; Allan Davis, a Harvard graduate of the class of 1907 and author of The Promised Land, the first play produced by. the Harvard Dramatic al feeling east as we Club, has recently sold a drama to high tariffs. Parties intending to build a house Will find it to their advantage to write Edward Abeles has had such sue to Box 1266, News office. cess om the vaudeville stage that he Read the Serial Story in the News Though was str Tetiprocity, voted a meat, and a great eAals did the same, das been a pictures Western Canada is ularly Manitoba, Alberta, Where they big scale: Last ye was very heavy, frost,. It could Minneapolis where could have used its had had reciprocity ty would have bee Canadian farmers twenty per cent mo When you put tha politics will disapp very live factor at t election, when there Sweey tf. 1500 Pr., lots 17-1 186 ft. by 84 620 Pr., lots 27-28, blk 29. 750 Pr., lots 10-11, bik 31 im DIK. 22) 7 lots 19-20, bik. i os i : Sty ade with wide silk bow in front, ankle strap and Cuban heel. 3850 Pr. Corner. 500 50 ft. bik: 33. Snap. YUILL NORTH 750 cach, 12-13, blk. F. bik 18, 500, lot 14, blk 10. 1100, lot 9, blk. A, 1200, Tot 18, bli. G. 31000, lot 6, blk. K. 31050, lot 18, blk. B. 1050 Pair, tots OLD TOWNSITE -- 1050,.Lot 10, bl 950, lot 7, bik. 42; lish Patent. Leather Sestonteateateateeteatoatectond Peters 2 fs S 125, lot 18, bik. 1800 for al Ms seetpatoat et A rapid advance s ends to show that property on the South Hills will be in big demand shortly and the time for you to be one of the fortunate buyers Is now. 1-2, bik. 89. Cor- ce lt;feet eS es fog et 6000, lots 7 and 8, bIK 52. COUSINS SISSONS Pr,, lots 21-22, bik Pr., lots You cannot get them cheap- Values will go up before they go down, that's sure. 2 mee 2 S fog to cs 2 *e ros vs feed 3, Perry, Sewell Perry 1d Finunelal Brokers. Agents for Great West Life Assurance Co, and Canadian Railway Aceldent Insurance Co, 2 Ocean Steamship Tiekets.' Hutchinson Diack. Phone 126. Neoetesfeteate cto ego eee serrtrese Mreleslecteatnetedtectoateete siete Realty, Custom: so eaoegs Pr., lots 11-15, blk. 11, bik, 10. 2 S Pr. bik, 4. + Pr., loty 19-20, blk 32. Pr,, lots 1-20, blk, 24. Pr, S 1-2 blk 22, B. F. SOUCH Drug Store - se so ofe-afe oe Suited Toronto St. . 5 i -Pumps A very dressy shoe and a good fitter. Sizes 214 to 6. Price Phone 54. H.W. Iretand Co. 300 Turks Kill for Possessio (WL A PL Rome, May 3. Th day announced anot tory by Italian arn Immigran A et Were Brought Claim Altt fe j ble Can 1 Ottawa, Ont, May ers, Minister of Lab of many complaints f and Scotchmen in th: sett that they were Canada to work-on th ermakers and machi: that there were no tfoutle. They declare Feached the west the Polleemen of the con told they would have cars and unable to gc ff boundaries,
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Image 745 (1912-05-02), from microfilm reel 745, (CU1743335). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.