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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS Sta Declared on every article in the store. A Barbarous Slaughter of Prices during our 15 days sale. - Come early as bargains most -wanted by you are want- ed by everybody. 3 8 Sh RP, Ii ta ss ag ELECTIONS AT P 4 i) ef Gertie Evans Chosen President;-Ralph Forster Vice, and Dorothy Niblock Secretary-Treasurer. Barry Glover Editor of School Magazine Closely Con- tested Fight. In the election for president and se- don 23; R. Manger 19; 0. Tinney 15. cretary-treasurer of the High School the diy, a girl in each cage being given. the. favored position. Owing to the fact that there are few spoil ed papers, however, there will be a Fecount, to take place on Friday. So far, how ver, the returns give Gertie Evans a majority of six for the presi. dency, and if the recount does not give fa different regult, for the following year the destinies of the soclety will be presided over by the young lady who heads the polls. The vice-pre- fidency election resulted in a win for Ralph Forster with substantial ma- fority, whilst Dorothy Niblock captu- ted the secretaryship. lt;a Figures are not yet to hand of the voting for the-editcrial staff but. the position of editor-in-chief has fallen Some of the ballot papers ate believ- ed to have been spoilt but close crr- utiny will be given them anda defin- ite annouticement-made on Friday. he elections took place yesterday and all tncldentals of a regular elec- tion were got through, with-duly ap pointed returning officers and scru neers. The following acted as feturning officers. Returning Officer, Garnett Trimble; deputy returning officers Leslis War- house, Russel, Barl, Mina Snibert, Vera Armstrong. Poll Cletks Kred Napier, Harlan Newell, Horace Whiffen, and Helena Kerr. 3 NIGHT CLASSES. HIGH SCHOOL These figure aro subject to revi- Literary Society the fair sex have won slon should the recount necessitate. to the lot of Barry Glover. The following are the results of the polls: ter Niblock 44; Barrie Glover 9. oe PEEPS ry Imperial Bankof Canada ?: Capital and Rest . 0 Total Assets . - 72,000,006 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. R. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. Heo eoetoet Sesocesessoes Loeeegosteateteasectoatecedioeonty Seep 21 Secretary Dorothy Niblock 4 Editorial staff editor in Barry Glover nard Pattersor fe Agnew; literary Niblock. pointed by the executive. Executive committee Stuart White 60; Wilbur Cory 48; Nellie Cain 47; 8, Holt 38; L. Nason 37; M. Rae 36; M. Agnew 31; Laura Ames 35; Glover 31; EB THEATRE The Home of Good Pictures.) . Thanhouser Drama . Reliance Comedy . A Scream iz ne 8 Faith, Resignation, . Compulsory Fatherhood, . Betty s,. Boat, . To-morrow s 8; pecial + King s Durbar at Delhi, India. , Admission 15 c Doors Open at 7.30 -Ghildren 10 Matinee every Day 3.15 and 4.15. DREAMLAND + HEATRE E TONIGHT : Luea s Broken Romance, ....- - A Pathe Drama The Knight Errant, - . A Selig Drama Making Mother Over? a2 A Kalem Comedy Bessie Portillo will sing rwillg ht an Milustrated Song. Matinee at B15 and 4.15, T day s- Frogran of Photoplays. AUTCHINSON'S STORE - OPENED 10 PUBLIC Splendid New Premises of well-known Leather Store on Toronto St. ALL KINDS OF Goons Most Commodions Shop of Its kind in the City. Am additional store, or at least an ese ctlargement of the old one that now has the appearance of being entirely new premises, bas been added to the landmarks on Toronto street, Thomas Hutchinson's leatherstore is now opel and without exception it is the lerg- est and most commodious of its kind in the city. Situate im a prontinent Position on Toronto street next to Spot in the town, Hatters will be interested to know that Mr. Hut son will be able ina year's time to President Gertie Evans-50; Webs- Vice President Ralph Forster 58; Ruth Charterton 24; Mary Douglass Harry Freeman 23; Lottie Nicholson 15; Glyde McLaren 9; Minta Hartley chief, Sporting editor May- Grose. ; Social editor Marjor- corner, Webster An historian will be ap- /RED:-CROSS BAKERY The first of the nightly series of classes was held at-the High School Yast night and 25 in all put in an ap- pearance. It is expected that 10. more will be joining the class. to, night. Anyone wishing to join the clases is requested to make appli- cation as early -as possible. The classes are intended particularly for the foreign element in the district nd courses in English, civics, arithmetic, and some of the sciences will be given under the instructorship of Harry The classes commerce each evening from 780 until 9, Invitat- ions are also given'to . ildren who hhave left school and who would like finishing education before finally severing thetr connection with the school. Of those. who attended. Inst-night there were 14 Lithunians, 1 Russian, 1 Galician, 4 Lettish and 5 German. commodious in the city and the gen- jeral appearance is cf a vind that is likely to attract customers. Mr. Hut- chinson has not stimted in his desire to make the store as presentable and jas picturesque as possible, and efter painstaking efforts on the part of the workmen a really handsome store has been erected which mow takes its place amongst the best in the city. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL (Mesbre..A. P. Burns and C. S. Pin- gle-left this morning on a month s trip to California. The Medicine Hat Tennis Club will hold another of their popular dances At, the opera house January 25. Leon- ard s orchestra will be in attendance. Mrs. W. R. Penland left the city last night for California: Robert McAllister returned to the city after a short absence. Mrs. Thomas W. Knight, 619 Brac mar street, will receive on Thursday Jan. 18, and on the third Thursday of each month. 1 CONNECTICUT MASONS Hartford, Conn, Jan, 17. The 124th annual communication of the Masonic stand lodge of Connecticut began here this morning and will continue over tomorrow, Don't miss seeing the first pictures of the King's Durbar at Delbi, India, at the Monarch: Theatre-tomorrow. LIFE INSURANCE . REPRESENTATIVE . REQUIRED x For Medicine Hat District Only. good producers need apply. State references and experience. Good opportunity for capable per- est buy in City. These are the Cheapest Buys in the City To-day. H.-C. Pettet Co. 866 Toronto Street : + WHICH ON ONE OF THESE LOTS you WANT TO BUILD YOUR HOME ON, Ottawa Street, Lot 88, Block 0, 725.00, Terms. Ottawu Street, Lot 8, Block 82, 700.00, Terms. Charley Street, 50 feet, Block 6, 785.00.Terms, Ottawa Street, 50 feet Block 49, 1400.00. Terms, Main Street, 50 feet, Block 52, 1,500.00. Terms, Ross St., Block 7, 50 feet, 400, 75.00 down. Braemar St. E.,'50 ft, Lot tor only 200.00, 70.00 down, eheap- FIRE AND AGREE TRURAKCE t 2 Phone 481 son. , J. W. W. Ste wart, Managing Director, THE MONARCH LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Winnipeg, Man., Canada. (Communications confidential.) AUCTION SALE LAST 5 DAYS OF SALE A large quantity of men s and ladies cloth- ing of all descriptions.. Boots and-Shoes, Guns; Watches, Jewelry, Skin Coats, etc., yet tobe dis- posed of. / AT 312 FOURTH AVE. (Opposite Dreamland Theatre) this evening at 7 clock sharp, This stock must be cleared regardless of sacrifice. 2 2 Premises to let. H. B. BROWNE CO. : Auctioneers. w ; WEEKLY AUCTION SALE z : MARKET SQUARE : on FRIDAY , JANUARY 19, 1912 Hewitt sree THE QUALITY GROCERS LPO SSH ISOS SOSH S HHH SOS Hewitt Armstrong. A RE NOW OPEN. AND DOING: BUSI- NESS AT THEIR NEW STANDIN THE BECK. . ER BLOCK. COME AND: INSPECT THE NEW STOCK. : : Phone 258 Fight Proposal is Iz Bonar La t Bargain. London, Jan. 1 constituents in Bo the auspices of tt tional Association Orange Habitation Province, Mr. Bou when the general it might come, soo1 ly expected, he wo to Might in whatev of battle he thou might be of most reason he relied o of his constituent: That meeting w; yigorous campaign which was going t + cashier: and Chest posed to show th Home Rule was a land, England and it was impossible carried, as the go to think, as part of bargain. Frome a of view Home Rul fit to the Unlonts 1 O'CLOCK SHARP. would remove th from parliament a HAS CHANGED HANDS TASSIE BROTHERS BUY OUT SMITH AND McKAY WILL EN- STALL MODERN PLANT. Evenings at 8.00 69.00 2 2 + rank amongst the old timers of the : j city. Mr. Hutchinson is ab present as oan ld timer but as the rules that, ooo ee J rover. the old.....titners association STAR THEATRE. TUSKEGEE NEGRO CONFERENCE Participants williriclude teachers and others engaged in some defintte form of work-for the improvement of the masses of the negro people. effect of the Irish stituencios as Glas ter. If, therefore, determined, as Bome Rule to the not for-the eake-o/ ENTERED TO SRRIVE: 15 mares-and Colts from 2 to 8 years old. e 7 Milk Cows. E Several other Geldings and Mares. ) (Special to the News.) Tuskegee, Ala., Jan. 17 The twen- ty-first annual meeting of the Tu: kegee Negro Conference began at George W. Tassie Don't miss seeing the first. pletures and Milton B. Bave mow become more stringent 4 man has te-have- -recerd af-20-years LICENSED FILMS AT THE OLD STAR. Flaming Arrows, - The - Lionlly, Contortionist .. .. My Old Dutch, tip-top English-story by Albert Chevallier, fam- ous Costermonger s song. That Awfal Brother, Lubin Comedy Song by Mr. Hallsworth. - Eph and Dina in comedy sketch on On the the Old Plantation. and Cake Walk, MITCHELL BROS, ANNOUNCEMENT WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE COMPLETED W. B. MARSHALL. ING TO-BE-PAVORED- WITH -YOUR-PRADE-EN- FUTURE, Marshall - Mitchell Hardware Co. fs the annual convention of the Pa- : Wash., Jan. 7 Spokane ciflc Northwest Hardware Association pevananarpal for three days a large which opened today and will continue gathering. of representitives of the ts sessions until Friday. residence behind him before he is en- titled to class bimself in that cate- gory. Mr. Hutichison is looking for- wa however, to the coming year when he will take fis place amongst (Scaeleeaumprererricsfiey stakes inthis city in the wren, Mr. Hutchinson hae 30 much confidence in the future of the city that he hus, through thick end thin, carried on bis business from the small beginning at which be started. So rapid has been the devel- opment of his business that e short time since tbe consideyed that it would be aiecessary for bim to enlarge his Premises to allow for the added am- Ount of,business that he is hopeful of doing in the future. For same time men have been at work om his pre- mises and now the new building, al- most double in size of that of the old, has been opened to the public, and Mr. Hutchingon is hard at work im the mew store which is certainly a credit to the sity. All kinds end descriptions ol teath- er goods, sadlery, bags and other window adoms the front in which will Tassie have taken over the business - formerly conducted by Smith aud laCRAY, Bakery, and intend to inatal a mad- ern bread manufacturing plant. The busiiess will be managed by George W. Tassie, who has had a large ex- perfence in this line in the east, but who for the last few years has been-a popular employee of the C.P.R. here. Milton B. Tassie, is now representing a large manufacturing concern in New York City, but intends to make Medicine Hat his home in the near future. WINNIPEG S ANNUAL Winnipeg, Jan: 17 Fire which boys cout n Lightfoot s storage ware- houke at the corner of Adelaide and Bannatyne. at an early hour, this morning, caused a total loss of 20,000 before it was got under control. Don t fall to see Eph and Diana to- night and to-morrow night in comedy sketch entitled Down on the Old room, city hall, Wednesday, Jan. 24, One Democrat (nearly new). One Rong Rorapers: a large quantity of effects too numerous fo mention, Entries for this Sale will be aecepted up to 12 aes on lay of Sale. For further particulars spol H. B. BROWNE CO. Auctioneers, - 366 Toronto Street, OPENED JAN. 12, 1912 ner was the general Aacslnwenient So Wright informs his customers that after business is settled with the Insurance Company he will then be able to give out watches that were left for : repairs before - the fire, and also jewelry.repairs. For further enquiries call at. Less Kellers, or Tuskegee Inatittite today with a lare ptten daniias The progress of the ne- of dlsctisalon. at today's sestions To- morrow will be given over to the an- srs conference in which the of the Monarch Theatre tomorrow. the King s Durbar at Delhi, India, W: a rANTED A maid. Apply Mrs. C G. Milne, 908 Barclay St. 16oatt SBA EE SDSS SAEED EE errr Ts the proposal was i their loyal fellow -and ruinous both-t Britain, He would could Home- Rul Their policy, as h Fitent contests, wi precisely as. they Scotland and Wa went further, for t far more generous he quoted a rece from Mr. Balfour the present day th cession of great quently they must of Ireland's regen The Tw That, continued has bee our poll given to ireland tics and more in opponents, led by tis band, are pro position of irels i ictes Plantation, at the St: etre . Treland would D STOCK-TAKING AND ARE OPEN TO SUPPLY THE WANTS OV ffl (7? of szticies are for sale, snd the) Plantations at the Star Theatre: 16004 Phone 243 at Tesidence pnt nae THE PUBLIC FROM OUR WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF HARD- that makes for a-first clas store. NOTICE i tonal iyeiatl 5 rea eae . The building from the outside is of es to that theory. WARE, ,PUANKING YOU FOR PAST PATRONAGE AND HOP. fh). 1.3 aonecrance and bay A meeting will be held in the court A.M. WRIGHT. there-have been be placed a choice supply of the goods f0r the purpose of forming gun pointed out not m to be obteined within. The ground *l gt;. All Interesting In shooting ed a iTES floor measures 85 feet by 25 feet, a Please attend: 16026) -X COMPLETE STOCK OF part of this being partitioned off in the rear by a workroom, 1easuring 25 by 65 fect. Down foelow is a basement of the same size whilst above tHe ground floor are large and capacious offices. The whole of the store is finished in bardwood, whilst fa perfect torrent of light ia faebed THE POULTRY SHOW The Poultry Association begs to ac- knowledge a contribution of 5.00 from 8. T. Hopper, mavager of the Unton Bank. Intending exhibitors at the big Show on Jan, 21th, 25th and 26th down when the large burners are at work. The store itself is one of the most Shilolis Gure STOPS COUGHS Paice is cance FRESH DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ) ARTICLES, RUBBER GOODS, PERFUMES, BRUSHES AND EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT EN SPECIAL ATTENTION BY A GRADUATE DRUGGIST, . WILLIAM A. . BARRISTER, ETC. Has Removed from 374 Toronto Street, to: . MAIN STREET. BEGG. . MEDICINE HAT the walls and the ceiling, are kaloom- ary urged to make thelr entries aa IN AN UP.TO-DATE DRUG / it gi ieee (ee STORE. DOCTOR'S PRE. satist WARDWARE MEN MEET AT retall hardware trade throughout this ge lights on the cei day upon which they will be received - . which 3 SEOKANE nection of the country. The occasion fie aspect to the place af might and SCRIPTIONS WILL BE IY- The Becker Block deale1
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Image 92 (1912-01-17), from microfilm reel 92, (CU1742689). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.