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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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CUPID BUS YESTERDAY Y S00tAL AND PERSONAL vorirs wsrreu ap som nope lt;i, Motacren of Fontnge Prat The ninete hth anni meeting ot b0. interested in hospital ald work, a 6, ts i47aa A very pretty wedding brated yesterday in tre Lome of Mr, was cele- from the groom being a pearl neck- ting her brother, Mr. Walter Ireland, Balmoral St. Mr, JamesBewell, of Calgary, spent the Woman's Hospital) Ald Boetety 4. H; OQunlifte,. of Toronto Streety when his daughter Miss Minnie Cun- COOK. litfe wan united in the bonds of holy At the Pregbyterian Church yes matfimony to Mr. - Arthurfinch, of/terday afternoon a pretty Granum, Alberta. The happy couple was celebrated when Miss Lenore left-on the Crow at 23 o' lock for Evelyn Ellis was married to Mr. Granum, their new home where they Elsworth-H. Cook, Rov. J. Morrow. will spend their honeymoon, A num- offictating. ber obcguesss were pr sent at th The bride who entered the-church home and Rov. N. McDonald tied the on the arm of her father wore. a white wedding knot. Y) satin dreds trimmed with silk and all The bride looked charming in: over lace with a white bridal yell and beautiful white satin dress, trimmed bouquet of roses. with Trish lace, and marabout and Miss Kathryn Rae played te Men- a bridal vell of pearls. Miss Win- delasohn wedding march. Miss Mat-jers, during the week-end. ple Cunliffe. sister of the bride, was garet Corsey of this city wag the -F. G, Belcher andl, T. Brown. ar- Chief bride's maid. Mr . Arthur chief bridesmaid and the Misses Walk- rived in the elty from Suffield on S Cann, of Saskatoon, massisted the ler, nleces of the bride, acted as flow: day and spent a few days vacation gtoom. er girls, * Following the ceremony a splendid The newly couple left for buffet Tunch was given at which Mrs. Calgary pnd Sther western points Doty, Mrs. Horrigan and the Misses where they. will spend thelr honey- Wagstaff assisted. moon, Amongst the out of town guests), who were present were: Mr and Mrs, inch, of Crescent Valley, B,C.; Cantellon, of Creacent Miss Floyd Finch, of Port- theejty with his bro ee, Mr. R. A. Sewell. Messrs, A. P. Burns and -Vernoh Melaan bave returned from Roches- ter, Minn, Mra, F, G. Forster, of 427 Montreal St,,..will not receive tomorrow. Mr, Robert Mitchell, Elmer Wright and W. Day will leave tonight for Cal- ifornia on a two month's trip, HM, Sampson, of Redclitt, was. in town yesterday. Mr, and Mrs, Francis Gijiett were visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Ay- will bi be held in the coudclt chamber, 1 Hardware d qloesd . tor city hall, on Thursday, January athy Will be opened as soom jat-3-s'clock pm. The-attendatioo of ae 20 Per Cent. Reduction On all Christmas Neck- wear, coon coats, fur-lined a A meeting of the subscribers to.the public'ty campaign will be held to- coats, sheep-lined coats, sweaters, heavy gloves and . felt shoes. SKIDMORE ROBERTSON. A pretty wedding was solomnized yesterday evening at the home of T. . Fleming, of Toronto Street, when Frank Skidmore, the well-known: icine Hat, ie spending his reugeet in the city. There wilt be no regular ap of the W..G; F, U, in January, but Valle; Paris, Ont; Mr. and Mrs. Horrigan, land, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Barker, of rancher was locked in the bonds of Mra, Hyslop will address a mectiig morrow night at the city hall at 8 o'clock. Mr, J... Taylor of 2114 9th Ave. East, Calgary, an.old resident of Med- nid -Migs Mabel Bar- wedlock to * ss Barbara- Robertson, of the union, the ute to be announce er of Swift Current. : of Dankeltl Seouand, te The wedding march was played by Morrow offilating. The Miss Annie Wagstaffe. A number of couple left for Calgary and other Seat ees and is hanggome pr sents were western points where they will spend expected in, the'elty tomorrow to spend pert gitt their honeymoon. the week-end. , Mr, Geo. Gillis has teturtied trom a and states that the Winter weather in the Bast has been Who: ware denned isto. thay worl, TAH 08d, fousy: BAe that fhe: seer, Tath than bormtato it/ and whg Diows. were belie used when, he Jott; throomti all. thet Mrs. R.-H. Kent, 623 Balnibral 2 lives have owt ee is month no surroundin: ve a se save those of mis- Comtractog Be C. Sackrider Jett on happy R: Mitchell has recovered) casee where misery and pain far out- welghs happiness? What of all those Shee Pe Tee Peete HHeeeeteeeeeeeeteetesd : AMONG THE a fe ImperialBankofGanada 3); swsoms 3 Fete tee eee ; ry sd iar ee te 81d prin oe ime. Sachite ao 5 s * + wisest Dest have left the problem A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. unanswered. Philosophers, saints and SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. sages of all ages hav deeply med: A. D. DUNCAN, Act. Manager itated on it, hut have'left (ie: problem: Medicine Hat Branch. unsolved. In view: of all piness in the world, we en to pessimisim but der mercies, and thy. 1oving kindness, they Rive beet ever. told. Rev C T. the above teits last Sund y morning in the First Baptist chur W, his sub- Ject being. , Faith s Retrospect and Prospect. The import of may be briefly summed u been Blewiea;T-shratl be biessed: this tim ,gald Mr. Holman, within a few hours of passing of the old year, and niffiost on the yerge of the new, we almost all instinctively glance back over the past, and then turn, and endeavor to peep into the tuttire, Our : eexts oom well suited:to:the occaston. SU.gkmniind, Sixes: bat : Most of us, fortunetely, can look *erins-ad sictul a well. as the fo ack over our-lives, and say with sngint O Lord, thy tender mer- pose, the great. p bring the sorld to behind the ee titre MONARCH THEATRE (The Home of Gooit Pictures.) a Sie knew eas that all things somehow work togeth er for good. We'take this view, T pday s Program: of Photoplays. The Greater Love, .. .. . Reliance Drama) Those Tersey Cowboys . Nectar Comedy to. Hime Bo that all: who have lived their lives. in harmony.* with God, though tiey have soprowed, may tru- : have been blessed. n6 logical-in- ference from our experience. It is only. as we pin faith in Christ s rev- OPERA HOUSE elation of God as Father,.and of pur pose in the universe, that we can take TO-NIGHT Rut faith eegcicotietatanty to-the Oliver J. Eckhardt this morning, the break-down being have been ever of old But, unfor- Dug local In character er: tunately, there are some who find 9 difficult to say that, What of all those Medicine -Hat, on the Bist inst, to Mr, and Mrs. A. Tnnes Morrgon of 20 . Montr al St,' e9n- Crane, Rachel Foster Avery and other equarrights advocates of national re- putation, START CAMPAIGN FOR 7 WOMAN'S BALLOT Milwaukee, Wis., Jan; 2A pian of campaign that calls for raliles in v- Furniture Just arrived two. cars future and asserts: I shall be biess- edt Surely ard: mercy IL Follow Ime ait-the d life This beautiful 28 resents a day in a shepl life, All day long the shepherd bas led his sheep, in green pastures, by still wat- ers, sometimes through the dark val- ley of fear. The 3 is) sometimes ern Canad smooth, and Sometimes rought. Now vomshek Ballads ot re Safely feturn d again, and if should say that the cent for the next i one mentioning that they noticed ad. Long Co., opposite. the p office. with a meeting at Waukesha. In /Wisconsin leaders the e Statewide campaign predenthig - A Bachelor s Romance SMITH . RUSSELWS* * GREATEST SUCCESS 80L Pronounced by-leading critics t the best collection. cf verse: pubyish in Canada. By Rhoda siven the Orlental shepherd imagination than we, atid Us say: Nay, the sheep sre What is the song they.sing? Ti (tthe pewoatat chante shrely-gpod- - /ness and ,meroy shatl-follow me all . iecdaya-ot my Hfe he God docs not Tead us all by Tourn pathway , Were He to do so,- that pherds would lose many of His Ubgep But some live peaceful lives, others lives of unrest. But if our wills are harmonized. with His. we can by faith say, whatever the -pros- pect: shall be blessed God give us grace to trust Him whatever our lot may-be, Onily so far as faith fs built on Christ's revelation of God as. Father can we say: We praise Thee for all that fs past, We trust Thee forall tRat's to. come. The chote repeated -some of the Christmas: anthems at both services In. the evening, -after the sermon, Miss Sinclair sang very ef- fectively Bradley's solo, The Peni- ee 5 Rll Sheep Lined Coats, 12.00 Coata for 10. 00; 11.00 for 9.00; ee ene, ee 9.00 Coats for 7.00; and a limited number at .. i 34.50 ce All Wool Mackinaw Coats; dome-fasteners, eater welted poc- kets, best 5.50 for... . 4.00 show you some ;- 4,00-and-33.50 The Magnet, . The Hobo Cowboy, a A Melies Western stabhe ex Servants and A Wonderful Bre? Two Roaring TO-MORROW NIGHT. Yn the Bishop's Carriage Nice of Semi-Readly Lonely .SUETS AND OVERCOATS DAYS WE WILL OFFER ALL SEMI- OVERCOATS REGULAR VALUES OF 18, 29; 22.50 25.00- FOR. 18.00, All Suits-from- 18,00, 1650, 15.00 for. Es FOR THE NEXT 20 -READY. SUITS AND - 13.00 Pee and Nut, stu s We to PencuRrs . Olives stuffed with anchor-- The New estat Soong ae We wee in with Varying weathe?. Since Hast, day of the old year the thermom eter has shown a variation of close on forty degrees. The lowest as yet l reported is 38 below zero, this veing Sunday morning. At ten o'clock the glasg stood At 34 and remained FANCY CHINA UT-GIASS : EBONY G00DS Fresh Daily Ba s Celery, Caulifioy TOILET cases 7 PERFUMES c., 4 B. F.SOUCH l Phin. B. Druggist , Optician. We eaKei up Buits, if yo you havea Suit or Overcoat Cloth, bring there, we will during the month of January make up for 15.00 Cee ee and supply. Trimmings, Fit Guaranteed; Jump aboit moon the Wereury, fated up the glass unt al ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES. Sylow Yerrfdny wad compara ively mild the merctry mounting up to well over zero, baf thts morning it was down again 1 below record- ed. There still seemy to be a goou amount of-snow-tn: tr amttorit few days more the a look for- ward to some more showy weather.
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Image 4 (1912-01-02), from microfilm reel 4, (CU1742707). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.