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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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aINEW REAL ESTATE acc natt See OFFICE IS OPENED Sea ss secon, 3 OFDM Davis, BA., Heary Pan Cordery, of e F.C. Lowes Co., with headquarters Fabris ose Motaaey, Sank, y and Winnie Rama fe oe os ol fe ese be oh ob ob oboe oe at Calrary, is in the city on visit BAPTIST YOUNG aie Hunt, jie Hat, were united ia to: branch. He s accompani- A Mr. A. Gi Trotman, who bas been tye gonds of holy miatrimuny, Wodnes- Mrs. Bertha Parent, baloved wife of/ed by H. BM. ad ee ah en ee oe connected with the Hollinger Agency gay, January 17th, 1912. William McKay, died last evening af- Insurance department, ihg at the Baptist church. The during the past year, has opened up ter a short illness. Deceased bas re- A scclad toocting of tha young peo: wit Wises tints myn U Seer ees a Real Estate and Insurance office on MRS, Litt sided out qu the mnch ll summer ple of the Parish of St, Barnabas will) service in sian 5 the ground floor of the. new Impeciall rye-tunerat of the late Mrs Benin amd came tuto UR eity on Satuiday B Held this evening, the 16th inst. in sinctgie with cae eee ee Bank Building on Fourth avenue, and . Tittle took placo Wednesday. 48 and wus tajen illon Sunday; Ba- the Rectory, 395 Montreal strett. All) 150 take nat re ey already bas q large list of choice pro- pev, McDonald officiating. Me. end sides her husband she is survived by the yosag. people of the parka are officers, aad ne a man st perty for sale. Mis. Little, although comparative fer father, Richand Parent, of Lower cordially invited. bers yt ae ote ener e My Tropaigg, hia ad: ettenaive. tx: sccagine tee city youn the qenpis Dumns,: York Goi, MiB. Toads ewol Gceke sechatatiods antelbaraandeliiy bette eee te parience in this line of business in ost kind. Mr. Little and family de- children, John aged mine, and Annie for the Boy Scouts banquet tomor- (W680 copies dalty, 900 etres vey Thursday, Advertio Denedit of tha Wedily coun Declared on every article in the store. A Barbarous x this city, and is well acquainted with sires the News to convey their thanks ged six. She was 33 years of age. row ear 8:80- eae m. : Sl: th f Pri d realty values. He will also represent tq their many friends for their sym-j The funeral will be held oat Friday Reet church AM Boy. Scouts PRESENTATION Ar S 3 aughter o rices uring a number of the most reliable Lile pathy nd Kindness in this their hoar Jas. 19, from. the residence of G. A-lare requested to: attend in aoe BAPTIST CHURCH and Fire Insurance Companies. The of bereavement, Wintermate, 703 Princess avenue at At o'clock a p mal et News wishes this now firm every suc- 2.30 o'clock, to Hillside cemetery. (introduced. Pi ae a stl puis cas Wilace, whe swell nes r st First Baptist chutch invited to be present ag this part of Se upon which entries for the Poultry the evening's fun. See ere z Show cam be made. Apply to the se- The regular Tennis Dance will be Percy Ga: held Mr. and -Mrs. Vincent Troutbrikige held in the ey, Gayeor a stag party Gb: McLaod are visiting Mirp. Garter, CWMY. Star News lies for, eatty TCE 1 gir Narre 8 See last night-at which-sevpral friends blanks. put in ak appearance. STOCKTAKING SALE Here s your opportunity to tiy a e of the best shoes on the market to- The Famous Hartt Shoe foment We are giving a special cash reduction on bess. Tomorrow (Friday) is the last day Rev- Mr. Holman will officiate, iripg most of the long period ix: which the church was pastorless, tas. Presented the church with handsome pulpit bible. It bas deen fn woe lor our 15 days sale. Come early as bargains most- wanted by you are want- : ed by everybody. : :. : Emporium s Stocktaking CLEARANCE SALE Odds and Ends must Go Unheard of Low Prices You Can Save Money. bead BARKER PATTEN a Report of the Medicine lett Don t Fail to Attend This Sale. ae ae these shoes of 20 per cent, this -- Been es Seadeateateateateatesgeageyy odedeaeateade deeded Below area Few Items. The Store is Full of Others. eater a pair of 3.00 shoes for ee S ms also on Men s Clothing, Shirts, lt; With an increa Imperial Bank of Ganada veh ae: 0 eee Capital and Rest ............. 11,993,800 and Calgary with 1 Total Assets . : - S000 00 : Spencer Todd + Taking the tot: z A Guwmain, Givuinc: BegiNass CMRI Gea: 3 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Review number, M S savines: Bark seg AT ALL BRANCHES. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. ing, was in sie 2 : ye a SHOOTESSEGLHD SEMPER TETOOS Tie apie in th Soeteeteagoetogeate os Dealing with t Seooeee: SEPLE CEL OOSOS Special LECPOSGOG HSH HOTS SE OHHH OSS session of first plac Double Bice Bollrs -4-4 OFF : : * Sitnesgh with a rat s ugh with a r: MONARCH THEATRE Hewitt Armstrong ikl abo ha * ceptio dings, Albert and Medicin by each and Brand: tations. A net-gais eeeded, and should ed. The-erops wil jals may so, change the outlook to-indi Ribbons. Laces and Embroidery at 25 per cent Discount. Guar- anteed Alara aoe Onin 4 (The Home of Good Pictures.) T .day s Program of Photoplays. Palting Out ... 02k ce crs ve es +s Imp. Drama When Cloud Meets Steel, Educational, Powers Sign of the Helmet. . Some Coniedy, Powers EXTRA SPECIAL ING S DURBAR, DELHI, INDIA a a AND DOIN G BUSI. a a NESS AT THEIR NEW The Kind, that wake you ui STANDIN THE BECK-* Winnipeg, Man. ER BLOCK. COME 3 Hamlion Ont ANDI 7 -THE- 3 don, Ont. Admission 15e Doors Open at:7.30 Children 10c Matinee every Day 3.15 and 4.15. 2 Quart Enamel Sauce Pots. POD OG eS Giasswal: and Fancy China at Greatly Reduced Prices. All Enamelware; Tinware, Kitchen Utensils, Crockery, Halifax, 3E8- Malgary, Alta . NEW STOCK. -: 3 Soe Edmonton, Alta. Kingston, Ont... . Maisonnneuve, Que - Peterboro, Ont. .- TO-NIGHT Trapper s Fatal Shot, .. A Bathe Western The Winds of Fate, . - Xn Edison Drama The Diving Girl, . A Blograph Comedy Miss Bessie Portillo. wi sing Fellows Oan't do Without virls. Poet ongost 9 . soateatoas sapostoey . 904.596 Toronto Street. ge Cc. EE Hall, Manager. The Small Store Pull of a You Need at Small Prices. aes a as z : dsor, Ont.- e 2 eas Sydney, x 4 ae wien. The Flaming Ai x 3 ; 1G Sonics Lionlly* ng Aare - Pathe : 5 LIFE INSURANCE Westmount, Que. . we My O14 Dutch, tip-top English story by Albert Chevallier, fam- a 5 EPRESENTATIVE. St. Thomas, Ont. Brandon, Man. Moose Jaw, Sask . New Westminister 9990064000000 Sepeodoeecreetoseded Se ns. rae ees : Chatham, Ont... -. Galt, Ont. . Belleville, 01 Woodstock, Oni Lethbridge, North Vancouver, A. M. Wright informs his customers that canes One se after business is settled with the Insurance 4 Strathcona, Alta... S ompany he will then be able to give out MEDICINE HAT, ous Costermonger s song. That Awful-Brother, .. .. .. -... .. - REQUIRED For Medicine Hat District Only good producers need apply. State-references. and experience. Good opportunity for eapable per- son. os) J. W. W. Stewart, Managing Director. et Se eS iy ae one 4 MATINEES AT 8.15 pam, and 4.15 p.m. f ss Tai : a 4 i bs lt; THE -MONARCH 1 ee eee fess : LIFE ASSURANCE. CO. peacement . Lubin Comedy Song by Mr. Hallsworth, Act, Eph and Dina in comedy sketch on On the the Old Plantation. Southern Melodies, Dancing-awd Cake Walk. PRICES + ADMISSION : : Ibe. and 10 . Winnipeg, Man., Canada. (Communications confidential.) : W. B. MARSHALL. MITCHELL BROS. ANNOUNCEMENT. bp that Were left for repairs before eae Bol Ree tie fire, and also- jewelry repairs. For Phale enquiries call at Less Kellers, or 243 at residence, eegessostoets so- Eph and Dinah as they will appear at the Star Theatre tonight only, in their comedy sketch Down on the Old Plantation at the Star Theitre. mat rate dtenteatotots Not included it Vancouver. *Decrease. WE BEG TO ) ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE COMPLETED Berlin, Germany, Jan, 17. The be- bough, is expected to be announced on trothal of Princess Victoria Louise, the Empress's birthday, January 23, STOCK-TAKING AND ARE OPEN HE WANTS OF daughter of the Emperor, to the Grand sccording to a publication of one of THE PUBLIC FROM OUR WELL CK OF HARD. Duke Adolph Fredrick, of Mecklen- the afternoon newspapers. WARE. THANKING YOU FOR PAST PATRONAGE AND HOP. ING TO BE FAVORED WITH YOUR TRADE IN FUTURE, Marshall - Mitchell pe ice SPS FOR SALE OR EXPERT OPTICAL WORK WOne Westinghouse Gas Engine, size 19 x 22, 250 HP. direct 80 TO coniected to 150 K.W Phase, 60 cycle, 2200 volt Generator also direet connected Exelter. B. F, SOUCH One 8 cylinder vertical Westinghouse Gas Engine rated 90 H.P, Battle ( Ov 4 size 10 x 11, Phm. B. Ww M : Hardware Co. wphree 8 cylinder vertical Westinghouse Gas Engines 195 H.P., Expert Optician and Druggist. WILLIAM A. BEGG American and. Ca1 sizes 18 x 14 . vantage H. 1 One Tandem Compound Wheelock Engine 10 x 18 x 28 Fated Honor Graduate Canadian Op- ae E BARRISTER, ETC. Miles Nearer 125 H.P, Also a number of Motors and Generators for Sale. thatmie College, and graduate a . These Engines have been released from service due to the in- of-three-other advanced courses. Has Removed from 374 Toronto Street, to: HARDWARE MEN MEET AT- retatt hardware trade througli stallation of Niagara Power. Sen years exeecionsss 8: SPOKANE th Y aeee enrenenont this APPLY TO stant practice. The Be Minneapolis, Minn., Jar section of the country. The occasion ps tcslea aks ; Becker Block Pricer a wien ca ia the annual c i Spakan Wast Jan.72. Spokane citle 'Northweet meas asoclatiae The Berlin Light Commissioners. Prec beak abeclebly gaavae MAIN STREET. : : : ICINE HAT thamraies:and Canade: w ing for three days a Isirge which opened today and will continue BERLIN, ONTARIO. . teed to sire vatisfaction. MAGS SEREET. i: MEDICINE HAT eens tes mee : s-came to ight her weathering of representatives of the its sessions until Friday. Se : rene mivcenyrsen: Hag 7. P. Trickett, executive
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Image 102 (1912-01-18), from microfilm reel 102, (CU1742713). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.