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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Friday, January 6th, 1912 A Peer oeoaorrge 8099 Oo OEE LEOOOO EEE SeESe er rood weds ecotyooresoesescosoncoosoaseoootenen eB ALL MEETING JAN. 11 P oO R1 osteeteteepeectonenegeegentestess peoeeesesyes Se Ee sR RS JAERTA PRO, BALL 16 9 me - So Sete oat Sate ate ate-etosteateates Buck Inst year beld the Brantford pro, team in the troy temgur tti-H- went to smash, then moved it to G) GREAT NATURAL BRIDGE. Justice Marshall Called. 1k Geode elph ywith the same result, With all Greatest Mifacie In Stone. JD due respect to Buck's enterprise and) The great Natural bridge, which ts Q * inanagerial abilities it would be safe, one of the natural wonders of the a SB to predict the same fate for his 1912 United States, overlooks the James i a Lenght fiver valley, belag on the western H ry, I Bassano secs to together a pretty fair slope of the Blie mountains. It ts vA Just about the center of the-state. 18 A they 8bPfoaches Niagara tn grandeur and aif exceeds it tp height and awfo mys- iil have gathered 11912) BE DISCUSSED il 1 ORS slipped it over Calgary's eye for the tery, It is a single block of ime- i a nee first-battle anyhow atone with many shades of color. j Ne saan ed 18 HERE, AND WITH IT THE. . tPhe: walls are smooth; as if cut with MN i 7 . is ix R President Bolstiots has Called Meeting of Clubs of Pro- 5... nog. Brown of the A.AHLA. chiscls, and there is no sign of dis- 7 Dw RESOLUTIONS WE-ALL MAKE vince at Calgary Teams Outside will be Dropped says that the Kekimos of Eamon- pesnene tts ay ens will ton are undoubtedly the strongest e visitor follows a tumbling cas- i WELL May Mejn that Modjcino Hat will be Asiod to i ootut src on su oy nde ut in te HANGERS. : Join. went ea porta fee, tain under some of the largest arbor 1 ADJUSTORS . : 5 itao treoe tn the world and. turning ATHER STRIPS. WR HAVE M ADE OURS AS The annual meetiig of the Western, That Western eee yill have an- aterioo, one of the main stays of Sore ee ee. po . sh of Windows, Pe AS j re nc, Samad Teague will be beld on. Jan. other. professional ball, league; the Trolly professional, league. last, stream in a dark canyon and the great x back in the O.FL.A* this year bridge far above Bim. ndows snd doors. CERNED WE HAVE RESOL- strom. At scast the meeting will be and marked return by s m of doors. thet of the-ATBerta clubs. the first. scheduled intermediate Lord Fairfax visited the Natural bridge YED TO TRY AND DO MORE BUSINESS IN THE YEAR 1012 THAN WE DID IN 1911 AND IF ulding, 1 ta. + Felt combined. snow, cold und on 0 Al THE PUB. Sage: fa about POSSIBLE TO 41VE sths. LI BETTER SERVICE THAN . . EVER. Be Y CO. ; R PEOPLE.. Turpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where You -P.0. Box 29 Get the Big Dollars Worth. At this meeting the matter of an AYberta league will be discussed. J: is the President's intention to fornt a Teague in the Provitice and there is e likelihood that Medicine Hat will be asked to place a team -in.the lene The Bragdon and Winnipgg fmanch- ise of the W.C.L, will be held by the Icague until they pay up the money that is coming to tbe league. The name Western Canada Ieague will, still be maintained by thp Alber- ta League, and the franchises of the other dlubs ouitside the province who tere in godd stand ng will be turned over 6 the clubs and they will able to do es they please with them. BMAN TO STUMP WEST (special, to the News.) time that Semitor. La Follette of Wisconsin, progressive Republican leader, concind d bis present lt;swing ground the circle another presidential: gt; + candidate will take the road. Gover- * nor Harmoa of Obio, who is regnrded fs ont of the leading candidates for the Denocnatic nomination, is putting Bis affairs im shape in order to start on-bis Western trip before the end of this month. San Francisco will be the Governor's objective point ond the easensible purpose of the jaunt will Bo to select w site for the Obio build- + ing at the San Francisto expbaitivn, Governor Harmon's trip will take him over much of the ground covered within the past few months by -Presi dent Taft, Governor Woodrow Wilson and Senator Ia Follette. In a mea- sere the trip will determine how much Tarmon sentiment there is in the West and will either give great ian- Trial ONVINCE - our PURE UIT JUICE pressed that the Governor will Be, welcoine y. Ree: be well advertised and arrangetients will be made to secure largp audiences ernor is billed to speak and the news- papers feiendly ilo the cause are to contain Jo: of tha progress PREPA) AN FLIGHT. Gpetial ig New: Atlantic Gan, who plans toc Suchard, in his dirigtble balloon, Balled for Hurope today 4, the Harmon tour a, success. It, is 0 at the-variGas placts-where the Gov- have announced his retirement once 5 gents Dre Paul Foie and 1 cotntae 0, sen 8 atoer se FOH NSON-Mc VEY FIGHT IN AUSTALIA WILL BE SLASHING ENCOUNTER Johnson is Unprepared for Jobnson and McVey are booked to fight in Australia Faster-Monday amd this time it is going to be some fight all right. There is little chance of the scrap Using called off in the same way as the previous one, and provajily the pick of the fight fans of the world will, journey to Australia just to see whe- ther Lil Arther-has really seen bis ay. A lot of halk was circulated in in whick Jack had indulged had pr ban some way bchind tis-previous Wants fair to-omt the Hogih oan: padicr. He is known to have put on aa as he has now. been out of traiming fora long time, be certainly will have to go q long way to get fit again. When the Wells fight was de- clared off Johnson was alleged to und all trom the ring, but those im the know winked their other eye at the report. Jack is rather too fond ing as 7 tra barrel of coin with which to re- plenish his jewel case to turn down an offer when it happens along. Ev- little fortune down in Reno last year Bat after his little-gay jaunts in Paris and London, which would allow Of bis runnin away with the Bank of England, his pockets bogen t jingle Thutle less casieatie than they rinzess Cecilie... After a As it with bis fainilyjag Municl to Berlin, where the has been completed 21 will superintedd its ment to Teneriffe, f herexpects to begin: the ocean early in tinasth 201 pon AP keavy Dray he. Republican Stata Committee of see ee Virg nia abe arpivimg bere in anticipa- jeliverede tion of the meeting to be beld to giorow to issue a Gall for the State rE NO, 349, convertion to select delegates to the Hheeee bebe national convention, : Slemp, wi House Mover 3 end that tomorrow's meet VAgain and again and againy, ke, Va, Jan. 6, itembers of When I was single my PORES Bef Congressman gead march amd friend, bay pening who is chairman of the.Slate gtoagcigat hs committee, declares:that Virginia is gq asied itim whal was the matter, + solidly for President Taft for reelec-) stm nearly broie, tion in the days of yore. ia cee Beginning to get broke. Not only fhe himselt to look after, but as he d teen unto himseli wife there Sas q 1 pull out of huis pockets. One about 3 o'clock he was seen a friend im the Strand, leaning up Yellowing. limes of his Owsi composi- in: Train Off Many Pounds Before he is fit again No Opposition to Bout Likely. . merits of other fig'ters.. Bei cece thet she got peers the two colored men. Wood- Ryainst q lamp-post softly sisyjimybete) more of chance to The confining of ae to Al Verta will greatly the travel- ing expenses of the teams, the result: will that-aouey that previously went int the coffers of the railroad company will go into the league trea sury or clubs instead. This will mean a better fmancial league, and a stronger: league. Four clubs will likely compose the league: Medicine Hat, Lethbfidge, Calgary and Edmonton, but this re- mains to be seen. The old W.C.1, will bold their an- nual meeting at Moose Jaw after the Alberta clubs decid upon a policy. here is no possibility, the president says, of forming two branches of the the Fight and will Have to if) and will aBbo give his opinion of the There is only one man, however, whom he. prefers not to discuss, Langford. Joe Woodman, tha man- ager of the Boston Tar Boby, bas lveen after Jack for a long time and when Joe was down in Chicago ar ranging with Jack Cancilta for- a fight between their regpectivve Woodman happened across: Johnson man wasn't able to come to terms, however, and it was said that Jack) was Stack. WWwis statement wants confirmation, Sam number two has been chosen for the honor of standing; mp. to thy. eyes of the universe will te om Aus- tralia mext Easter Monday whet the two terrible gladictors engage in pionship. Jack's is now seid to be euout 280 pounds, aml as oe in fighting condition at 210 asda he still has a lot of superfitious flesh to train down, McVey is in better cond tion jack been going the pace as rapidly as has nis rival, and will consequently have Yess work to do in. preparing. for the trayt The year 1912 may go down iar tris tory as'the one in which Jack Jobn- son, the undefeated and unchallenoed heavyweight champion of the world, met his Waterloo. KGY NOTES Fee Eb PrP BB ri it ts a.noticeable fact that the local and that is Sam to invade tlie field ofomganize base- stated that he WouNn't fight San for the simple reason that the Tar Baby Baltimore tha exclusive world's champion and practically the selected in each- of tha prospective deadly combet-for (he world s cham- sions. Bebe eee erie /tests in New York. game from Galt by 5 to 1. Hockey team has Eamozton Girl The question pops wp what's)the mi ter with the, girls of the Hat getting up a hockey team. It would sure/ prove a paying proposition. Victoria dropped the first pro. hockey game ever played on *e coast to New Westminister by -to 1. The All Stars must sti k to one success in the S.A.H.L. Repeatedly changing their line up only reduces the strength of the seven. ferge in local games. b nelle the rink makes it Yor referee to keep his -puck when It iin the cer or seven players anti at,4he same time watch for dirty workpslashing, ete. S Ky NEW BALL , LEAGUE 5 ey New York, Jan. a 5 promoters are hard at work on their proposal tall, They expect to file articles of mcorporation next wedk in New Jer- sey. They propose-to grant franch- fses to the cities of New York, Brook- iyn, Washington, Pittsburg, Chicago, Taltimore, Kansas Cay and Indiana polis. Tn the first five mentioned the major leagues are already established solid- lyin New Yark and Chicago both ter- ritory of the International league, wi tity and indianapolis Yelong to the American Association. It'is stated that parks have been eight cities. Both the New York and Brooklyn plants will be located on Leng Island, clos: to subway exten- 2 years or The recent Knock-Out Brown-Leach 5 +ross contest-demonstrated not only that neither boy is in the champion- ship class, but also the desirability of and crying demand for referees de- leisions. The day following the match. J waded through fourteen leading New gave the fight to Cross, four to-Brown, and ibe-oth r three called it a draw. Iam not going into the merits of the verdicts. I merely want to illus- trate for.the benefit of my readers the diversity of opinion that exists among boxing critics and to show how, un- fair, both to boxers and to public, are th present methods of judging con MARATHON WINNERS MATCHED oo , (C, A BP. Cable) London, Jan:-i Kabetminon, the Finlander who won the Powder Halt Thom: challenged ee ae, Dreeisent Seerernt visited the dames to meet iw re arr: place, surveyed it apd made the map stone. two mountains on team if they wish to make any great: York papers and found that sever and carved his, nime, where it may still be seen. The original bridge tract was granted by King George II: to Jefferson in 1774. After be with bis own hands. Jefferson spoke of the place as a famous place that will draw the attention of the world : Chief Justice Marshall wrote of the bridge as God s greatest mifacle in Henry Clay wrote of the bridge-not made with hinds that spans a river, carries a highway and makes FOOT OF THE BEE. Strong Claws and Flexible Pads For Rough and Smooth Surfaces. The seeming miracle of insects walt- nonchalantly on a ceiling is ex- Dy hair man of the British Beekr pers asso- eigtion, in his book on The Lore of er, t appears, to an ingenious yehich is well illustrated in the foot of the bee. She bas a pair of short. strong dou- ble claws, which will take ber securely. over all but the smoothest and sbiniest surfaceg. and it is with these claws that bees form ther selves into dense clusters and knots and eabies within. the biy , hdlding hand to band. -a It. in all directions. But wbea LOOKS LIKE A COs. aig for the claw to hold by another part of the foot comes into play. This is -a soft, flexible pad, of the United States Basdball League, wh is always covered by a thick, oily exudation. In walking the hee puts her fe t dowa three at a time, the pads adhering Instantly they come into contact with the smooth surface. At the next step the other-three pads come into play, while the first three are stripped off. But each foot is capable of attaching and detaching t- self independently of Its fellows. In this case, we learn, the strip- ping is accomplished by downward pressure of the claws of the same foot. Saxon Bs Fronts aao ao Saxon is from seax, a sword. an so the Men of the Sword. In the early days the Saxons took for them- welven ihre sacree Sa Blowls a5et. Skull Cleaver, Death's Head. names which in no way belted thelr original character. The berserker rage of the old Vikings spread death and destruction all around the couxts which they haunted, and by the terrot of thelr name they ted the Christiaus to put Into their litany the prayer, Deliver us, O Lord. from the fury of the Northmen. Very terrible were these old Saxons, and to this day the jost dreadful of att phe face of the earth, when they are thor- oronghly roused. are the desceidants of the saline Men of the Sword. York American. * End of Altruiem. Because be was too soft hearted to k bis poverty stricken Iandiady to buy new rugs for bis room-the altru- istic young man bought several small rugs and spread them over the floor, Immediately after the next sweeping day she presented a bill for the week expenditures: Items ftoom rent. urea ltasts, taundry and-beating rugs. 2 cents, Hello sald the altruistic. young man. What.does this: mean? Just what ft says. she returned. It folks must cover their Goor with extra rugs they'll pave to pay for beating em, that s all. 1 can't afford to do It for nothing And from that moment altruism lost the Eloneybee. Insects asre such pow. CIGARETTES 7; i MADE INTHE: WEST F FOR WESTERNERS, eegeageeonteasecteetestersorsecieste siesinatecieciesteaie se efectoate eee Spencer WISHING YOU ALL THE Compliments of the Seas SEPP O EES fe 33: Years Record-of.. Terrible History of Reign of Deposed Sultan the World Every Written Record Bloody Career now Unearthed. OW. AP, Gables Iemdon, Jan. 6. The authentic rec- the ords of the terrible 23 years reigm sr ieee pe abe ae oe the deposed Sultan of Turkey, Abdul which ae as Hamid II, are to be given to- ie word The m nutest search bad fail- ed to. reyeal-their whereabouts until Abdul. Hamid -himself disclosed the secret ehamber where every*written document- has heen kept. a The Constantinople correspondent of d Straay ot Sultan, for writ Little Garrison of Frerreh' Officers made Gallant Defence and after Eight Hours Drove Enemy to. Retreat Leaving 5 of Garrison Dead. jingle Again and agein and agai. ' This song of which Jack is rather was being sung to a mournful tune something after the styla of the of the nigget man * responded Jack; and 1 want to make a bit of coin. Why not fight somsbody then res ponded his ftiend, and Jack carefully considered the suggest.on. players while battling for honors ammong themselves don t play all hoc- key, but have a great tendency to mix a lot of football up with it This may be all right and the fans may not object to seeing a game of football and hockey for the one price of ad- mission, but when the teams come to play league games this practice which they are cutivating wigpget them in bad with the referee, and not only that they may be obliged to decorat the boards for 3 or 5 min- utes for repeatedly committing this FOR-SALE - the formal opening of the AVATING . Tet campaign in the South. 7 TEAMING * re ee ETE WORK. ; 1one 260, THE HOLIDAY QE-UNION Offers an opportunity to LAIT TREAL STREET a that GROUP PICTURE takene We are produce the BEST tn Groups or Individual apparently mo one to fight, for most of the big guns had got scared of him apd the last ch.nce he had of mak ing a bushel of money had been rob ved from him by Rey. Mr. Meyer and a few other similar Kitd-oF gentle men, This time, howaver, thero ts less Ukelihood of the fight being spnohibit- son Cc Portralia: ed as in Anustralia they loot upon Directors end que BARTIETT STUDIO 4 oT on cee ee balmers Binnings Storo : gt; ay Ao4 ORE gon ste Over a When Jack performs at th halls be The difficulty was that there was Wednesday night's game petween the All Stars and Intermediatey was played under OHA, rules and it proved a great deal more jTepexted-art backs tast yenr: league thts-tnre: He-tsopening- the season of a pTO.-league to-night with tistactory than the previous game that. was played under NLA. ru Buck Irving, promoter of many teams is a it again this year after Hya Marathon on Tursday last, and Hans: Holmer, of Halifax, N.S., who won ft last year, but was second this year, have been matchrd to run 15 miles on Saturday at Edinburgh, Scotalnd. MOOSE JAW COMMISSIONERS, CW. AL PL Dispaten), The new city c uncil at Its first meeting last night appointed L. W. Rundlett, of St. Paul, Minn., as engi- neering commissloner ata salary of 6,000, and Clty Enginoer W. F. Neal, tn new city clerk at 125 per month. CARDINAL PARLEY SAILS : tm Persia, Persian Ware. True porcelate wax oever produced wui bard pasie porceniin ia Persian tolls and tylen of decoritivn way made in China for the Persiua market, Wine ewers with powder vive glaze n gold overgiuze decoration, small und bowls with bronze luster glaze and, dexignn rvserved 0 white are found in roliectionx ot Per sian wate, but these are noquestuion ably of Chinese orixin. Argonaut, offence. The best way to stop it Is , commissioner, at 3,000. A city Homelike. tn em Jotiy tntozalengineor has no yet been appointed Mamma Why ure soo hiding from Tgames. All leageetrules forbid it. and t was resolved to advertise for Your brother, Lizzie: Lizzie Ob, we are Just playing. I'm the lady of the bonre, und Yommy Is the boten- er come with his bill. Chicagu News. FOR HOME (Special tothe News) Naples, Jan, 5 gt;-Cardthal was honored with no Farley 10 threwell demonstration today when he and his Bulte boarded the North Guvaicn. Uner Berlin to sail for home. -The veseel is due to arrive-in New York three teams, Galt Guelph and Berlin. doesn t mind talking about his fights on January 15. Toya ne , BRoperty -Weman's Intuition. Mra Crabsbaw -1 can't nnderstan why didn't see thom faults to sou before we were aurried. Mr. Crap- shaw-It's quite piain. gt;my dear. don't possess them. Judie, His gutiee-aawelt- a8 Drammond. Ite rights. Thom Suheerthe NOW for The: Dally News. WAP Cable) Tangier, Morocco, Jan. 5. A large continued to arry.out wild Fushes, force,ot revolting Moroccans attack- but after elght hours fighting the lt. d Sefreu, a day's Journey to the south tle garrison finally succeeded in fiak- of the capital, The gatrison, which ing them retreat to the Rees Teav- is under the command of French of- ing 20 of thelr number dead on. the floers, offered a gallant defence, beat- field. The garrison lost-6 killed and fig off the fanatical tribesmen and j15 wounded X JXnOQlll Ble Fea FOR IMAMIGRATION 10 WEST BETWEEN RYS, 15 PROBABLE New .York, Jan, 5 It 4 unlikely joffice, on Ellis Island. -The Grand that there will be any further trou- Trunk will be given representation ble over immigrant traffic between fn the tariff on immigrant business the Paasenger, Ashociation of the to points in Western Canada via Chi- Trank Lines Asgociation. cago as soon as this can be arranged. Jsland. According to rumor the mtsston bt 3 per cent per capita, the Cadadian Pacific may not submit steamship lines hilave made an indefin- quictly to the settlement arranged. ite postponement of its application Its plan Ix reported fo be to reddit for permission to re-open its ticket. rates. Abdul the. Dama ds 7 In consideration of the withdrawal It will glso have representation on jot the Grand Trunk s offer of a com-
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Image 23 (1912-01-05), from microfilm reel 23, (CU1742685). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.