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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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tefichera and definite fori vement of the eople. first. pictures t Delhi, India, tomorrow. Apply Mrs. C- y St. asoatr MEINGEND Hat DAILY MEWS - Wednesday, January 17th, 1912 ECZEMA 3c ECZEMA ECZEMA -- FAREWELL ECZEMA BELL BALM In Conjunction With BELL'S P.S. of A. Positively the world's only und absolute cure for exema and all forms of Skin Mrup- tlon a awift and.sure destroye- of all germ sitin disenses hundreds cured since. its discovery. Testimoniais fram some of Canada of Eczema or any other Skin Dis by the use of BELL host prominent busines i Yon positively can be ci BALM, in to-day. Combined remedies reai y for use, shipped securely upon Feoeipt afprice . Note A comprehensive boot on junction with Ball's P. 8. of A. men, If you suffer the,tortures ured privately In your own home. Why suffer longer? Order packed, to. any. address, the treatment of Eczema, written and compiled by eminent-physicians, scat free to ill sufferers upon request, Write to-day. CURE Guaranteed Under Personal Supervision BELL S P.S.of A. A SULPHUR BATH brought germicide-and antiseptic. to your home Nature's refreshes and invigorates, cleanses and es. Bell's P. S, of A, the universa should be in every home, and every should carry jf as a safeguard against conta. jon: Write for book. Price for large bottle, 1 THE BELL REMEDY Offices. PORTAGE AVENUE 710 to 712 Somerset Block oF Bradstrect's and Dur'a. Use it inthe bath J REFERENCES Any bank fa Winnipes WINI FREE ' Consultation By. Dermatologists In Our Offices gteatest purl- kin tonic, traveller COMPANY (Adjacent to Zaton s) 2G, CANADA Fight Home Rule to the Last Gasp Proposal is Intolerably Unjust to Irish People, Says Bonar Law Can' Not be Carried as Part of Corrupt Bargain. London, Jan, 17 Addressing his constituents in Bootle recently upder the auspices of the Bootle Constitu- tiunal Association and the Loyal Orange Habitation of England. Boatle Province, Mr. Bonar Law said, that when the general election came, and it might come sooner than was great- Jy expected, he wonld feel it his duty to fight in whatever part of the field of battle he thought his sc-vices might be of most use, and fo: that reason he relied on the consideration homes and a contented . veasantry. Strange reasons, surely, for Lyaling a connection which had reduced thos results. They spoke as if they. jhad had some share in- those, results. Why from the beginning to the end the Nationalist agitators have realized that the real strength of their move- ment was in the misery of their peo ple and from first to last they have hindered every effort to raise, to re- deem the social conditions of Ireland. Land Purchase DISAGREE OVER PENSION BILLS. - (Special to News) : Washington, D. C., Jan. 17 Civil service employees, including the men who draw pay from Uncle Sam for their work in the post offices, cus- tom houses and other branch s of tho government service throughout the country, are flocking into Washing- ton to attend a meeting of the Na- tional Civil Service Retirement Asso- elation, which is working to secure. retirement pensions. for civil service employees. The meeting promises to be stormy one. While all the mem- bers of the association ar -of one mind so far as the desire for pensions gos, they are of widely diverse views, in regards to the style of pension system that should be adopted. Two systems ate propos d in. the bills now pend- ing in Congress, That: known asthe Hammill bill :provides for straight pensions paid out of the Federal) treasury, while the Austin Bill pro- vides for pensions with con his constituents. That meeting was the first in the vigorous campaign against Home Mitle, which was going to take place in Lan- cashier: and Cheshire, and he pro- posed to show them not only that Home Rule was a bad thing for-Ire- land, England and Scotland, bot that it was impossible that it could. be carried, as the government yretended to think, as part of corrupt political bargain. Frome a purely party point of view Home R rs fit to the Unionist party because it would remove: the Irish members from parliament and would, rr the effect of the Irish vote in suctf con- btituencies as Glasgow and Manches- ter. If, therefore, the Unionists were determined, as they were, to resist Home Rule to the last gasp, it was Not forthe sake of party but because. the proposal was intolerably unjust to their loyal feNow subjects in Ireland and' ruinous both to Treland snd Great Britain, He would ask:- What good could Home Rule-do to Irelamit?: Their policy, as he bad expfained in F tent contests, was to treat Ireland precisely as they treated England, Scotland and Wales. Indeed they went further, for they treated Ireland far more generously, and on this point he quoted 2 recent statement that from Mr. Balfour's time in 1891 to the present day there had been a suc- cession of great things, and conso- quently they must admit that the day of Ireland's regeneration had conic. That, continued Mr. has beeour policy, What we Gave given to ireland have been less poll- tics and more industries. What onr opponents, led by Mr, Redmond sud his band, are promising to Ireland is keynote of the Home Rule volicy Treland was given by Mr. Redmond an a speech in America, when ne paid: freland would prefer. rags and pov- erty rather than Surrender hor na- Well, she had lived up: Now, it is true that tional spirit. to that theory. there-have been great poaition of Ireland. *- potated out not many months ago Trotand was studded agith nappy Mr, Redmond Take, fer instance, what was the greatest ameliorative measure in Ire- land the -land purchase system. It 4s something for which the British people, the British House of Com- lmons, and the Unionist party which carried it have every reason to be proud; Now; what isthe attitude-cf the Nationalists, and what is the 1tti- tude of their friends, the government, to that pollcy?. At the beginning they did- lip service, trom tt m2 others did thelr best to hinder it. And now the factions have got control of first Mr. Dillon and purchase system. They have dove that; but b cause it Was not success- ful, but because it was too successful. Of course, I recogn at there are financial difficulties. That 1s not sur- prising--It-a-country chooses to se lect as controller of its-fin hdi or a Mullah (laughter) have got to pay for it (laughter.) Such a chancellor of, the exchequer (hisses and Jaughter) may have ad- vantages as an electioneering asset, jit he is an expensive luxury (laugh- ter and cheers), and it s no wonde that under that prophet's guidance consols now are at the lowest point they have ever touched in the mem- ory of any living man, ONE KILLED; SEVERAL HURT, New Orleans, Jan. 16 An express messenger was killedand several vs hurt and the baggage cat pufiied after daylight this morning af train No. 1 of the Alabama. and Vicksburg Rallway;seventeen miles et an, Miss, IDAHO'S RIRST EXTRA SESSION Boise, Idaho, Jan. 1. The first ex- tra session ever held by the legisla- ture of Idaho convened today in re- sponse fo-the call of Governor Haw- The work of the-session-will-be revenue laws of the State. Prairie Pride Patent Flour not only stands the satisfactory. results it is the FLO test, but always yields in, which to place your confidenc ask your dealer for it. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited confined to the consideration and ac- t tion upon the Droposed revision of the funds from the employees to which the Government will contribute a small percentage. The younger ele ment of the employees favors straight federal pensions for the reasua that the time when they would benefit is far distant and in the meantime, un- would be obliged t gt; give up part of of the older employees who would be- but come eligible to retirement. .The old- ornin P support the sistem of contributo pensions, as they would be the first Yor straight federal, pensions. ICE-CREAM MAKERS AT DALLAS (Special to the News.) Dallas, Texas, Jan. 17. eal Manufacturers fi fifteen States gathered in this city today for the jannual convention of their national as- sociation,Four days witl-be fn discussing matiers of common in- terest and at the conclusion of the fa tour-ofsthe leading cities-of Texas. Savings of a Little Child Dying Tubercular Trou,e Goes to Help the Consumptive Poor How true it iain inany difforont walks of lifethat a littlechild shall lead chem. We huve been shown n copy of latter written by w lady of St. John, N month ago lost ber Litas mears ot tubercular trouble. own words tell the story better thats he-told-in-any other way. She writes to the SeorStary of the Muskoka Pree Hospi joc Consuniptives at (iraveobraryy is wi While my loved one was ili, Lo uight- mpened some literatare from vou st her bedside, She asked ime what ic wax ftwid ler it was a paper asking for sub: erijtians-to the Muxkoka Free Hospite vr Coasumprivess showodt ber Th jictures in the paniphlot She ask she soll eat ital nav nie bau. told ber. Yeu ive it to the doctor and he would send it. Snir. wlio was too nick when he came sya Tancenchniiig ait express order for the tonne teand in the bauk. vi. 179. Samal wnaription, bub trust you will cocive it in the spirit in which it war Tho letter in typical of many that ary wine worl reneived at the bend fe A ttm Muykuka Hogpital, 347 hemo come irum/ell parte of At the 4 wonts in residence i onpital, 128 of whom are wu siete cont, and the ober 24 only nomipal uch less than actual cost of haintenance. During the nive years that the Muskoka. Free. Honpital for Con mptives line been Opened, nov sin en rat holt tedoed edulnioa PDODOOCR GMs Docsuse unable to Pay ELECTRIC ANFLUENCE ON LIFE OF PLANTS) Growth can be Stimulated and Vegetation Preserv- ..od against Parasites. Landon, Jan, 17. Some remarkable developments in recent research upon the electro-culture of plant life were demonstrated before the Royal Botanic Soclety in Regent's Park, London, re- cently, They are the outcome of study by two German scientists along the Hines suggested. by..Sir.Oliver Lodge apd Prof, Priestley, and show that ot only cap the vitality of plant life de Gppreciably stimulated by electric Influence, but that it is also possible, Under similar treatment, to preserve Yogetation against external and in- terna parasitic attack. Tm the first instance, Wheat grains were causod to germinate in fifteen minutes, A number of dry grains were placed im a fine layer of earth upon a copper late, and after mols ture With an fnsecticide were sub- Jected to a powerful electric current. At the coneliifion of the period they were examined and declared by many of the visitors to exhibit distinct signs ot germination. The demonstrator showed that-not only. could, e1ectrical treatment hasten the initial develop- mi nt of-the seedling, but that plant food eould be pumped into -weak- lings. th a8-also possible perma- nently to protect vegetation against externa apd internal parasitic attack The-apparatus employed was capa- ble of producing currents of low ten- sion of high-frequency. The former were employed for xermination, and the latter for Tevitalisation and para- sitic extermination, The promoters of Saturday's demonstration claim to have discovered an insecticide which, whilst deadly: in its effect upon in- sects and mammalian : life, has no ef- fect upon plant life, and that, once a plant is treated, it becomes perm. nently immiine against parasitic at- tack. The poison leaves the plant through fts,skin within six weeks of OB fe ole fe ole ode ecto ole obo lone ole he oe fe se ofe fe fe ole oho oe do ohe obo obs she obeobe sfeobeobestod ob oh ob ob ob LEEEEEER REET + + A GOOD WANT AD. * Is, of course, ene which will bring the greatest number of replies or answers. It is a law that imereased demand makes certain the quicker sale, The Want Ad. is the brief- est kind of an Ad. that fs ever written, and hence in its bre The Want Ad, can only inter- est the reader on the basis of his Interest. Fach Jeader is interested in each and all of the five essentials to every Want Ad. These essentials, in the order of their import- ance, are, first, the names of the article or thing advertie- ed; second the quality of the artiel or the kind of thing advertised; third the price of the article or thing advertis-- ed; fourth; the address, (phone, or street number) of the sdventiser, and, fitth, the name of the advertiser. When the abore essentials are fully and truthfully stat- ed in the Want Ad, the best resulta are. obtained; but in proportion to the number of these essentials ommitted from the Ad., does the advert- ieer curtail the results to his Ad, Bach Want Ad. is an opportunity; Jook for them in The News, Phone 13. PEELE ELE EEE EEE DEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE a: SEE EE EES he Prize Lists for the Poultry Show can be obtained. at The News office. The entry lst closes om January 15Tatt AL CLOGS its application, India-rubber trees and specimens of eucalpptus. and gerantum were pxhibl- Hted sind declared to bo thriving, al- though impregnated sith polson. The cost of the treatment was stated to be quite small, but the apparatus, which requires expert handling, owing to the danger of high-frequency discharges, was priced at. 3,000. Considerable discussion took place duriag the af- 'ternoon upon the possibility-of-scons omically exploiting the treatment on a large scale, Some doubt vaisted amongst seed experts whether, with the existing types of vlanting machin- ery, the application was feasible Phat 2 Hon has aroused Keen, Interest in the possibifities of elec- frically stimulating, plant life is gen- erally admitted, CIRCULATION MANAGERS MEET s (Special to News). - Winston-Salem, N, C., Jan, 17. The circulation managers of the leading newspapers of North and South Caro- fina met inv A roduy amd began the annual convention of their present their salaries for many years in aid ciation, The imitial session mot at the Board of Trad rooms this with Sam M Be ritt in the chair. The convention will Hast two days and will be devoted to the exchange of views concerning the Irish: Nationalist party, and, un- o benefit and also for the reason that snvassing methods, collections, pre- der their influence, the present gov- Congress is much more likely to adopt 1. contests and various other mat- ernment have done their best to put/a measure providing for such a sys- /o1 0s which the elrculation man- a stop to further progress of the latid tem than if ts to pass the bill calling) 20,4 are particularly interested. ANTHONY-COLT. WEDDING Providence, R. L, Jan. 17- St. Ste- jhen s church in-this city was the scene of a brilliant wedding today, when Miss Primrose Colt, daughter of Judge and Mrs. LeBaron 8. Volt, and niece of Col. Samuel P. Colt, became the bride of Reed Anthony of Boston. Bishop Perry officiated, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Fiske, rector of St. Ste- phen s. : Shilol g Gure (HEALS THE THROAT AMD LUNGS. 25 LADIES SILK what wie hud in her, jag DRY CLEAYED. OrHTGG TO REM Fine large Office in the News Block, 20 x 25 feet in siza, well lighted, steam heated, mod rn conveniences. APPLY. TO News Office. Le Us Loan You the Money at : - ground floor. 583 Toronto St. NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete, ads under 25 words, one day .. .. 26 25 words, three days .. 50 25 words; six days-...-. 1.00. Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 26 cents. Cash must aecompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 18 ring 2, and Tt will recelve attention. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Gs ERAL SERVANT WANTED A. P, Burns, iBTate SSS ee FEMALE HELP General servant wanted. Highest wages paid. Ap- ply 238 Esplanad 15803 WANTED AT ONCE A general ser- vant, Mrs. J. M. Cameron, 234 North Ry. St. SITUATIONS WANTED lish Woman a few hours a day, Phone 607. 15743 WANTED By young Indy, a position as bookkeeper, or would take a few-sets of book to-keep. Apply box 1005 News: office, - 0. RENT tO RENT Blacksmith shop, . wit five roomed dwelling house above, near Market Square. Box 1006 15043 ROOMS TO ROOM TO RENT AN modern con- veniences. Apply 701 Ottawa Street, agate, TWO light housekeeping rooms on iB5ate FOR RENT Furnished room, mod- ern. Apply 123 Toronto St. 160atf RENT Five room flat, central location, Apply at Trider s fruit store, 428 North Railway St. 156-a6 SSS See eae eae ee a RENT Large furnished. front toom, modern conveniences.Phone 185. - 15846 RENT Furnished room over Fos- ter's Saddlery, Main Street, suit- able for two gentlemen. UGAALE office. FAoUse WoRK WANTED by Eue- V 16843 daa ae SS HELY WANTED, AMEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade, special summer fate on, jon mow and money; particulars free. Moler System Col- lege, 609 Centre St., Calgary. 204def Phin SALESMEN WANTED or latest and most perfect gasoline Might in the world, Cheapest and beat tent known to science. Exclusive terrl- tory, big profits, permanent business, MacLaren Co., Calgary, Alta, 169 Tu. Th, Sat. a3 ROOMS WANTED UITAMI ee WANTED Two or three furnished 49; News office. OFFICES FOR RENT po eee E : a OFFICES To RENT th tiperial bank building. Several suites. todern conveniences. Apply nee : WANTED. VANTED House to rent, unfurn- ished preferred; no family; mod- erm conveniences. Apply to R. Q, Wilkinson, Imperial Banik. i AUCTIONEERS isoas H- gt;. cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, dewerry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit cases, stoves, musical instrumenis, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and fexthers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tasjoring Os, 812 Fourth ayeaue, opposite Dreamlaid theatre. P. 0. boxr 701. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above, 23D f. a , ( THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK Co. 7 ee or Improve Real Estate, SEE OUR PLAN ; Phone-or Cali. The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. Phone 649, Imperial Bank Building. A FEW SNAPS 425,00 50 ft. Central Park. 550.00 50 ft. Block 14 Herald. 1000,00 50 tt. Blk: 11, Alta- wanes, zs 1000.00 50 ft. Toronto St. 8720.00 Choice building Lot .- Rear High School. 1825.00 4 Roomed House'on 80-ftlot 8- Blocks from Station, all fenced, trees Bo. eS Tt will Pay you to enquire about these. HOLLINGER AGENCY 38f Main St. - Phone 483 SYNOPSIS OF CxNADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS. . ANY person who js the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years 1d, may hemestead quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion Jands Agency or Sub- Agency ior the district, Entry by proxy may be made at any Agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, Duties. Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in-each of thre years. A homestender may live within ning miler or his tomestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely, Lorned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. ae In certain- districts a homesteader jth good standing may pre-empt a quarter-section alongside his home- Stead: Price 3.00 per acre- Duties; Must reside upon the hom stead or pre-emption six months in each of six Years from date of homestead en- try (Ineluding the time required to earn homiestead patent) and cultivate fifty ucres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain dis- jtricts, Price 3.00 per acre. Dy Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acrea .and erect a houre worth 300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B. Unauthorizea publication af this advertisement will het be paid for. Sept. 14-D- m. . Signs that street. City Sign Works. Phone 476. saDep. Subscribe NOW for Phe Dafly News. vators, one other general store, Stock Sbout 3,000.00 Apply box S21, News) FOR SALE so Tecords for Edison Phonograph. Nearly all 4 min- ute and in. good condition. Price 15 for the lot. Medicine Hat. Fire De- partment. 1azatel RORSALE Good warm shack, 16x Apply- to, owner, 508 Roy Street. 15746 FFOR SALE 1 dark bay stallion ris- ing three, also two or three, brood mares in foal. For further informa- tion apply box 62, Irvine P.O. 150d4 FoR SALE or will exchange for op itlcine Hist real estate. general Store business, small town, on main line C. P. R. Good district, three ele- office, 1586 FOR SALE Stock of Jadies and gents clothing, furnishings;-boots aiid shoes, worth about 1500, to be sold in10 days for 50 cents on the. dollar. Buyer can rent the preinises. Store, 5 living rooms and barn, for 40 per month: Horse, 5 years stylish driver, suitable for lady; harness and Democrat wagon. Apply to The Harvard Tailoring Co., 312 4th Ave, opposite Dreamland, T08T 1-gold-ring, Bs in Spencer Todd s store Sat urday night. Finder kindly phone 311. 1s2dtt SYNOPSIS OF COAL MINING REGU- LATIONS, (COAL mining rights of the Dominion. in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and, Alberta, the Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories. and in a -por- tion of the Province of British Colum- bla; may be leased for a term of twenty-one years at air annual rental Not more than 2,560 seed to one applicant. Application for a lease must be made by the applicant in person to the: Agent cr Sub-Agent of the dis- trict in which the rights applied for are situated, be described by sections, of legal divisions of sections, and in unsur- veyed territory the tract appiied shall be staked out by the applicant himself. Back application must be accom- Panted by a fee of f which will be re- funded it the righta applied tor are Hot available, but not otherwise. A royalty shall be paid on the merchant- able output of the mine at the rate of fixe cents per a The pers furnish the Agent with sworn returns accounting for the full quantity of merchantable coal mined and pay the royalty thereon. If the coal mining rights are being operated, such returng showla be furnished at Yeast ance a year. The lease will include the coal min- ing rights only, but the lessee may be permitted to purchase whatever ai able surface rights may be considered necestary for the working of the mine at the rate of 10.00 an acre, For full information application jshould be made to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, tawa, or to any Agent or Sub-Agent of Dominion lands: WW. JORY,. In surreyed territory the iand must operating the, mine shally on-hand He best selection of S cond - Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, anda nice new. line of winter goods. e-buy ererything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. ogyPhone 587. tf THE GLOBE CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. beg to announce that they have opened a cleaning and Dressing establishment opposite the Fire Station on 4th Ave. Alt work ruaranteedto give-sutstaction. New and second hand goods bought and sold. Mark Harris, Prop. Phone 169, * San. 20. LEGA. T)AVIDBON. WILL, Barristers, So- - licitors and Notaries, Medicine Hat, Offices: Corner of Toronto St. and 4th Ave, Telephone 614. P.O: Assessment Rolls Assessment Notices Tax Notices Tax Reminders Receipt Books Letter Paper Envelopes, etc., etc. Mail Orders get prompt attention. THE.NEWS Deputy Minister of tae Interior. i, H Unauthoriged publication this Sept. 14-D-6m., MEDICINE HAT; - ALBERTA vertisement will not be paid for.
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Image 93 (1912-01-17), from microfilm reel 93, (CU1742604). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.