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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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The People s Common Sense Medical Ads a We Give Away Free of Cost or Medicine Simplified, by R. V. Pic wulting Physician to ey ical Institute at Buffalo, book of 1008 large pas cover 700 illustrations, Mapicat AssoctaTion, DR. PIERCE S FAVORITE- PRESCRIPTION THE ONE REMEDY for women s peculiar ailments good enouth Ghat im makers are cot afraid to print on its outside wrapper its every ingredient, No Secrets No Deception. ia French cloth binding, rin Plaio M.D: the Invalids Hotel and Sur- ides and N. . for women which contains no eleohol end THE onE Eee ao value. babit-forming drugs. Made from native m now ready for mailing, 's. Disrensany er ficinal forest roots Seventy Per Cent. of Pres- byterians Reported to Fa- vor it but Majority Not Considered Sufficient. (W. A. P, Dispateh.) Toronto, Ont., April Revs Dr. Gordon of Queens University will be alected-convenor of the Presbyterian Committee on Church Union at the meeting here tomorrow. The position Yecame vacant on the death of Rev. Principal Pattick of Wintipeg, the of dyterians, however, showed u vote aP- promimataly seventy per cent for un- f Rota reports of tite-cterks-of-the Hres Govt Phomes 7 Govt. Phones - lage ode feb oboe ek ok bb ohh W. Partingtin *. by the Counell last ight on recom- mendation of the finince committee: Alberta, Foundry Co 5.25 Alberta Foundry Co 72.00 sAlherta Foundry Co. 2.50 Alberta Foundry Co. 48.60 Alberta Foundry Co. 562.50 Alberta Foundry Co. 81.75 Alberta Fonndry Co, 98.00 Alberta Foundry Co. 47.60 Govt, Phones... .. 20.15 Govt, Phones . 20.15 MEDICINE Hal DAILY NEWS + +h Patterson Co. * ASSED + 01 Weil supply Co: +: ACOOU NTS i + Oll Welt Supply Co. o C. B, Pingle ....0. gt;- bobo bob bbb EEE Poe City on eo, NoTIcE . Ths Gldwing aassinls wero, passed Beaute ciey Olli Gel Situations Wanted, Help Wasted, Prairie City O11 Co, Purmal Block . thoes: peatiaas: 25 words, one day 3 rmal Block 25 words, three days 50 Purmal Block 26 words, eix days .. .. 1.00 Purmal Block . Purmal Block .. ... Purmaj Block .... Purmal Block J. Pettet ... A Registrars 8. A. Li: Registrars S.A. L. . 'Phistle Rub. Type Co. Additional words at, ame rate. No ad acdepted for less than 25 cents, Phone your ad to No, 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. tle work. Apply personally to News of- Govt. Phones: gt; Standard Dr. Go. ... 202.47 tice. 224ag 8rd. a2d-te jom and thirty per cent against. This Prov. of Alberta Standard Dr. Co. ... .. 150.50 town, From ill to ball the. river is Teparded: gy some cirurch authorities) een Standard Dr. Co. ... 296:30 WWVANTED A boy for a few hours AUCTIONEERS this morning destroying farms as being too small q percentage im op- R. Blythe -- Standard Dr. Co. 169.02 every day, Apply Foreman, Daily Sear FLOOD ap tsaing acces und factories. ae. fox-the General Assembly to S. Bickle .. . c Snowden 10.00 News, H.3. BROWNE CO., Live Stock Bee 3. Bullivant . IC. C Snowden .. ser x snd General Auctioneers, 619 Tor- Tere Sacer Pa av : A.B, Burns . Times . 195.97 WWANTED Good farm hand for Dem- tad hoes, Salea every Friday a a Whi the coniing of daylight the work SpoBae ee ets ee mohegs Ap 8 Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch ississi) reaks i fo taken yan farm stock wat uy The . Mississipp BASIE of. rating Soe Alin refogees) wee Drisser Mg. Co. Vulcan Iron Works . 70.85 ply at 10-o'clock at tho News Office. he re eran, Through Levee at Pick- BS ee ae pcan Can, Pipe Co. A, Watson . 39.25 Ask for Mr, A.B, Campbell. 224a3 Weare. House f ee ae coe man-and Citizens Flee for bight lan . sop aT pherse 20,91: ee ee aa perlens ais) . SS) oe Ta is will arrive . Can, Foundry Co. GM, Johnston . 49.50 WWANTED At once, smart young ice at your disposal free. H. B. Their Lives. olel: : I Ttatian Cruiser Proclaims can Meter Go. .-. See om Ho a mee al eatate bunt Browne Co., 619 Toronto St. 182dtt Sieaaay At midnight th residkts of the Tie-Up British Ship Can. Fairbanks ... Hat Fire Dept. 495.00 ness, must be stenographer. -Apply Pick ie Apel a tiewataieg poten tee pats See Seized Can. Fatrbanks ... News .. 907.17 Simpson Northam. Co, an0-tt MISCELLANEOUS amy : warned to flee as the levee threatensd Can, Westinghouse . Can Finance ae 2.00 lt; ; . : revealed something of the dames) ji nt danger of g outs) Thal (w. A.B. Cable) Can, Westinghouse NN einataiise Hotel.c..227 lt; 12:00 WANTED Firet Class carpenters. CE canis Canes ets one here last night, when the flood 5 ss 5 Can, Westinghouse . G. Mi Apply between 6 and 8 p.m. and er. Guaranteed against aera water is two fect ttigher here than eVetl Perim Red Sea, April 2. The cap- Can- - Marwick . 1.40 ain x: 120 Ot- breaking or rusting. Phone 604 watery of Sip Minsianipes sheet beset Rain of the tain cruiser Piemonee, Can. Westinghouse iC. P.R. Teler. 51.90 29 and 12 am, A. Dickinson, is: e or one of the sqtmdron of Italian war vessels which bas been cruising in'the Can, Westinghouse Can. Westinghouse . tawa Street east. 216-att The last Tennis Dance of the season 1.25 and 1.50 a Pair. 5 For For Bale, Lost, Bound, ete, ads under Cash must adcompany the order.) Tuesday, April 2, 1912. me J. J. Taylor sate at a bargain. Size 2 6 x2'6 , Can be seen at T. J. Flager's Blacksmith shop, or apply to box 22, P.O. 221dtt FOR sau room house on hill. Bath, furnace, water, gas. 4200. 1000 cash, balance like rent. Apply box 1233, 199ate WANTED TO BUY WANTED few setting hens. Ad- * drewa box 283, post oftice, 190at LOST AND FOUND OST A small black change purse, fontalning several bills and child gold locket and chain. The latter is a a 7 WANTED General servant. Live In or Out.* Good Wages and Tit -Very valuable-Reepeake:-Finder-return to . P. Rrticket office and get re- send card to box 72. Mrs, Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 202dimo ROOM TO LET Furnished, bath, EN AND WOMEN TO LEARN Red Sea since the berinning of the Orand Orlway, 4 will bo bald in the Opera House on Neer trade, special summer WANTED Gentlemen's castort HHS oe voweem Italy und Turkey today CP GUbPer C0. 2: aiezo Easter Monday: 92043) rate on, foln now and save money. . clothing, also old gold, silver, * proclaimed the blockade of the ports con oa. A5.90 Particulara free. Moler System Col- Jewelry, furs, hides, and all kinds of ; B of Ledhela and Salif, qo Kemen coast 005 Gen, se z lege, 609 Centro St, Calgary. 294dtt Second hand goods. Best prices paid. Can. Gen. Blec. Co. le a e Of the Red Sea and atso ol Komaran Co. ise 47F gt; lobe Cleaning and Pressing Co.; rear ; Can. Gen; Blec. . Standard WANTED A delivery boy, one with) post office, 4th Ave. 202d1mo fe Petey Island, a cable station which comnects Can Gen. Hlec. Co. s00 Nineteen Years the a bleyele preferred. Apply Bar- The One-Price Cash StOP e yl vccious cities om the Arabian shore can Gen. Elec. Co. . 15.96 Prescribed and recommended for ... sng Patten sisatt WANTED-LADIES AND GENTS k : Q with Egyrt. The Italian vesset thus can. Gen. Hlectrie Co 104.00 women' s ailments, a scientifically cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, i gt; severed conn ction by cable between) Can. Gen. Elec. Co. a 40 prepared remedy of proven worth. SITUATIONS WANTED. Jeweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, sult 2 Kamaran and the, Arobian mainiand./Can, Gen. Electric Co. 51.90 The result from thelr use is quick : they, cases, stoves, musical instruments, p The British steamer Woodcock has Can, Gen. Elec. Co. sai rnd permanent. For sate at all drus fcpanigNGap Lady Stenographer furniture, Democrat waggony, bus- been arrested by the Iteliens in the Can, Gen. Elec, Co. . 87.30 stores, epd-i0ma. MMPOG ceslter capasenant sieey- hatnens,-Glerslea gt; tarpanter vicinity of Leobeia becaus? ste was S140) Sarees r apply Box 1241, News Office 22403 tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse : gt; transporting contraband. 8.50 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. sao hair, wool and f-rthers, bought and 2 3, 22.00). - ; * aa : To HENS e x 3, Detective Pub Co; 31.19 NOTICE -is hereby given that the, Co, 312 Fol gt; . sit + SIDUKE OF SUTHERLAND , sor - site pertneriniy heretolote wabslsting be- r ner ny ie tage) Dreanlead tassera Mee ae 3 * G, Billot ... --- 58.95 tween us, the undersigned, as auction- 7 1 ignted offices in the News Phone 295,. The Best Prices Paid for + x RETURNING 10 W. Alta, Blec. Co. 15.00 jeers and canes yunder oo CF block. sultabie for real e tate, Best the above 2p i i i -Pleager 2.00 style of HB, Browne . in the epee . ? Should include a pair of Kid Gloves. IF y eee Trane tno Chey ar Seaticig Hat. Si ue wroviden eeeooe the ltr Modern Fane (ar Re Wee ee x * italists Ful 20.7 of Alberta, has this day been dissol- Z , ND 2 gloves bear the name Rouillon, style, quali- Seri eon aS aim, Losier so. 18.45 jved by mutual consent. All debts Horses WANTED TO RENT. on add tin beew scletean et Basia y SP eS Made of fi e Says Special pany, 7 Journal Pub. Co. . 2.00 owing to the said partnership are to) AWE Hana Tools in the eity. We carry ty and durability are assured. een 3 Ve; Spee. Gen. Supplies .. age 92 he Daia 0) er ON eer Medicine WyaNTED By English family for Furniture, Stoves ana Bedding, new 5 MG J - Medicine Hat Hospital 31.00 Hat aforesaid, and all claims against : ipiioders a and second hand Clothi 2 est Kid, cut and stitched correctly they : cee) wate- Medicine Hat Hospi 41.00 the said partnership are to be present- Beate tere grec ea say Fea Watshen, Tebalry Rieaee cise e Regina, April 2. s private- imperial Oil Co. ed to the sald H. B. Browne by whom . . . : ce alti : imperial wick, Redcliff. 22443 volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, will velatien, and cost no more. ly wed here last night that the ill bi led. S Pere eee 1 dud of Sutierland, who in extenive italia, Lt. eer Gata Wil continue to carr Se ee ee ee oo eT Be Se ee oe see ee ene gp Duness under, the name of HB) SUN 2 pay ihe batt beeen alta 64 rooks woul LePage Bros... - 5 Z osteo et LePAGE Soegeete of It is also announced that several, noted English capitalists will accom- reatected BROS. ; eGill, E. 1 Medicine Hat. Milling Co. pant: the -lnngeot-lend-owner -. in - the Medicine Hat.) Go peg during the early part of May for p, Mitchell . Dated at Medicine Hat, Alberta, this e 7 protracted visit-to-ait-important MeAity-Sons Ast-Day-of-April, AD. 1912 J, places between tut city and the) McAiay Sons .. ees (Sgd.) H. B. BROWN x coast. Medicine Hat Electric Co. (Sed.) WM. MacALPI Jas. W. B. Will, Solicitor. Witness. South Railway St. or Phone 687. f. hot and cold Water, phone, een- H rally located, 701 Ottawa St LEGAL WANTED One or two: young men to Toom and board. (English pre- ferred). 824 Third Avenue. 22343 , WILLIAM P. BUNDON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Medicine Hat, aie Offices: Pruitt Block, Room 2; lephone 74, P.O, box 540. 63Dtt 3s ro: St gt; ZS world. Northern Elec. Co oo rpro. RENT Furnished room, modern, 3 Toronto ss Phone ze ee la Loose Leat 8 close in, private house. 426 To- BUSINESS CARDS. e a o , For all kinds of job printing, try. S ahieseewe Department has every facility for sup- ronto St. toate Reate-ete an EWING MACHINES i i ic i tl i A A A Ae Po RENT Nice, big, front room, for SINGER SEWING MA ana 6 +. TURKISH TOWELS + + 26 dozen White Turk- ish Towels, size 36x20. quality Special towel Value, 15 PEER EEE ERE Good Very each + + + + + + ee as sereeistss HE Most Exceptional Values to be Sold for Cash On IMPERIAL D 213 FOURTH AVDNUE - - Early Wednesday Morning. seoleelebobebfotetetebe laces and insertions to match. Just the thing for childrens wear and underwear Special 6 yds. for DEC EEE EEE EEE EE PEER EE EEE VAL AND TORCHON EACES AND ENSER- + TIONS + yarde of l purposes. + e He a + * ly. A Chance for the Thrifty Housewife to Save Money. Better Come Down Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent All classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming, Office 81, Main Street. one or two gentlemen. Railway street. 421 North Phone 529. ee eee ee ie (GRAND. OPENING For first-class Dressmaker In this city. Rooms light, hoating and fsi dress making BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IE. Bartlett, Base. mi Robks, 1.50 per setting. H. A, Por- ter, Finns. Lake, Box 191, Medicine: Hat, 22506 The Globe Cleaning' . Pressing Co. -FOR-SALE A-small grocers and; Rear..ofPost Office, .Fourth Avenue. confectionery business, near the Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired centre of the city. Cheap for quick Equal to New. sale. Apply Box 1244 News office. New and Secondhand Goods Bought - - 28343 ana Sold outfit free, Apply to Box 770 city. ipat Engineer, 26-t Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor ot Industrial Spur Railways, FOR SALE Water Supplies, S wage, Irrigation, Plans, Etc. FOR SALE Eegs for hatching. Burns Block, Medicine-Hat, Phone 494 White Wyandottes and Barred fie ef i and at the of. the vote ficer on: beh: ested in the this By-Law 6. The sal attend at his at ten o clocl 18th day of 4 number of by-law. READ fi March, 1912. (Sed) (Sgd.) LADIES? FEANNELETTE GOWNS hens, mated to two. fine imported males; also w ll bred Buft Orping- ton, 1.60 per setting. Address T. EB. Mills, 211 Yulll St, or phone 95. 207att Probably-the-most convincing ment that we can presents that submit proofs of your Portraits til you are satisfied that your liken is both pleasing and correct ae Clothes Called for and Delivered. B EMBROIDERED STIFF LINEN COLLARS *GGS FOR HATCHING From R. + R HAND BAGS. MARK h LEATHE ne Sizes . 12 , 18, 194, and 14. Very Se Brows Lagiteie: More: Gen eee neatly embroidered. tra Special half of the females have won the Ist Good strong frames, leather 2 7 wo aV atte Reale CCE PRO S374 15 By prize, headea ny a silver cup winner. Painting and Paperhangin Regular 1.00 values. Truly one of our G i ooo Percy Riches, 99 Toronto St. 22343 ge most remarkable values, on sale for enuine Seika wwooiON CADE Reynolds Stewart : no 2 Ne each 50' Black only. Very best quality. Won- J WiT WYANDOTTE Hons, 264) (4th Avenue opposite. derful value, 4 cards .. 50 egg strain, mated to mported New Wall Paper Estimates cheer cockerel3 age 9 months, weight 8-1. fully ufrnished on cost of Pal ee 65c a Pair from 241 egg strain. Two or three your rooms. *Phone 154. peg steaee ; SAFETY PINS. : settings only from this choice pen ga, LADIES AND CHILDREN 180 pair of corsets, long hip, 150 pair of corsets, low and 12 safety pins on a card. All sizes. itmay now be booked. Poultry, Box eee ee ee ee ee ae We bought an enormous suantiy IH se tas PLANO TUNIN z around top; four garters at- sizes 18 to 26: lace trimmed. 5 ES o erat VOIGING and RECULATING Some are solid colors, others are trim- tached; sizes 18 to 25, Made LA very superior fitting -and For en feet in BOCK 7, Rose eae an Manassa med with differesit combinations. RM, of good strong coutill. Nice, wearing corset Truly won- FANCY HAT PINS a Eis idile' Ot Tatior:- St. cides tas eoeNa tO eet chates COnmmTeRE 31:00; to F1.00. adios and childrens comfortable: fitting corsets: derful-yalue for our-Special In bia k Jet, gilt and-other fancy:hat El about opposite Oi Factory, what of- pec workmanship. sizes. A genuine clean-up price on VerySpeclatpalr--.- G5C sora C pin styles, Regular, 250. Almost re- ujifers, Address owner, room 300-6 Bev- Expert. Work Guaranteed. : this lot- Be-early Each ...... 75 i Bd 95 markable value, cach .. leridge Block, Calgary. ands CHAS, As ADSIT. z a s i - Telephone 68. 505 Main 7 7) Heavy win- - S S ze 2 If You Value the Purchasing Power of Your Dollars You Cannot Afford to Overlook these Remarkable Values. ter laying strains, Barred Rock Wautd Yon be Ple: STORK PANTS Sic A PAIR. dozen stork pants forthe bab; large-size; Abso Special Price, per pair ..- Plain white or pink tlannelette gowns, 56 to 60 In- ches long, good generous sizes; buttoned up the front and high in the neck. Excellent values at 1.00 to 1.25. These must be closed out at once. This price will certainly clear them out quick. Special, ae 75 small medium or style-of: cut.Our- A BIG BARGAIN IN THE BASEMENT. 100 Enaniel Dish Pans, Extra Large Size, Good Strong Handles. Regularly sold at 75c each. A most wonderful Bargain 35 each. oe Se SO a PURE SILK HAIR RIBBONS. A special purchase of 1000 price, a yard -. yards of this ali silk rib- bon, which is 5 inches wide, every imaginable color. just the thing for hair ribbons. bows, etc., by buy this large quantity we-can.offer it 10 Basement a ioe -at the very startling LITTLE CLUB SEED WHEAT FOR SALE Ripens 10 days earller denced by the fact that we have than the Fife wheat clean and freeleyer Increasing patronage. The quality of our Portraits is from: smut. Sample on request. HE BARTLETT STUDIO Grades hari. Myers Bros. Bowell P. pourth Ave. Over Binn 0, Alta. K-Ap. 18 FOR SALE Two lots and three mod- ern houses thereon. Lots 18 and 19 in Block 1, Townelte. 3 new frame houses the three will be sold on bloc for 11,000, Ome third down and balance can be arranged to suit the purchasers, Apply to Wm. - Ansley, iuside an overcoat collar and put 1 Phons-No; 269 oF 643 Highland St, lor oft with the tatter garment s Central Park, 2iTate. Minnesote man s inveiitiod. ,
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Image 527 (1912-04-02), from microfilm reel 527, (CU1743147). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.