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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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i. The Secret of Good Pies pIE CRUST, more than any other delicacy of the oven, ought to be tempting and appealing to the taste. You do not cat pie as a nerve tonic or to strengthen your appetite. . You cat it for pleasure mostly. You want it, of course, to taste good, properly made from . Roy: is always good food, the absolute uniformity of chis best of all flours-elimin- ates failure enti y: You get the same de ightfal results every time and your pies are more healthful and ishi than if made -from ordinary flour. The reason is that ROYAL HOUSEHOLD having a larger f high ft percentage ol quality gluten, scieataccs more readily, light, flaky, wholesome. al Household Flour THE OGILVIE FLOUR MILLS Co., LIMITED, WINNIPEG. want the crust to be is more satisfying than ordinary flour, comes out of the oven flakier, more tender and more digestible. Be sure to try ROYAL HOUSEHOLD when next you make pies. It is the finest flour 1i the world not only for Pastry but for Bread and a//family baking. optics Book For A pares 6f tried and tested Tecipeswiil beseatfreeto sny user of Royal House- hold Floerwhoasks for It. 13 For Sale by LePAGE BROS. Medicine Hat AEAVY TERNS in succession, suffragettes to terms ranging from four to six months im- prisonment., In some cases where women were understood not to re- Suffragettes Draw Sentence 4 to 6 Months for Break- ing Windows, a London, Eng., Mar. 27. A special sitting of County of London Sessions opened to-day for the trial of 125 wo- men. who bad been committed by police court magistrate in connec- tion with window smashing reids in Eondon-on March-4: Travers Hum- phreys, counsellor treasury in his speech for the: prosecution emphasis- ed the tact that raids or organized attacks on property could not be tole- rated. ; : Judge Robert- Wallace sentenced MEDICI Wi Auction: one Set of Ox Harness. AUCTION SALE -ON MARCH 29th ?12 AT 1 P. M. TO BE HELD AT THE COOPER LIVERY BARN - s ishing to reduce my stock of Farm Imple- ments I am offering a part of my stock for-sale at Gang Sulky and Walking Plows, either Stub- ble or Breaker Bottoms, Disks, Seeders, Harrows, Wagons, Buggies, Democrats. . These are all new goods. New Harness, also second hand Harness; HORSES . One tea mof well broke Draft Horses wt. 2500 Ibs., and several head of Draft and Drivers, all broke; one Mule, two yoke of Oxen with harness. TERMS OF SALE All sums of 20 and under cash. Sums, over that amount, one-half cash, balance in 8 months, with approved security or bankable paper, 8 per cent. interest. 5 per cent off for cash. H. C. COOPER, Owner SATTERLEE-McLARNAN CO., Auctioneers. OFFICE WITH DUNHAM CO. Dear the offence they were Dou Over to. come up for judgment if called upon, Y. M. C. A. DESTROYED cw. A. P. Dispatch) Pioria, T., March 27. Fire origin. from spontaneous combustion ywrecked Peoria's new .M.C.A. build- ing carly this morping. Loss estim- The Uuilding which cont 3100,000 was all but completed terday the workers ended ating ated at 45, and on a campaign for 25,000 for fusnishings For all kinds of job printing, try News Job Department. NE HAT CAPTAIN WANTED FOOD TO TID Ons of the Mounted Police is at prawmt time investigating en uppeal of family near Winifred for assis- tance. They are reported to be des- utute. Captadn Parserstatesthat-this wine ter bas been particularly free of such cases. We have tnd but few cases, he said, a fewmear Many Berries, ono near Irvine and the present case. This Potice Chief Bruce is of the opittion, that Alderman Ansley s proposal to control dogs amd prevent them from running at large is a good one. Since the matter of thedog bylaw which has brought forth various and divers. opi- tions on the matter camo up, the phief has been beseiged with com- plaints, of all kinds. Some of them have been anonymous and. these bave been confined to the waste paper bas- ket, but boni fide reports or rather complaints that have been made have been investigated by the chief or his men and he states that-many of the severe one, but despite this fect But Few Cases 2 of Destitution PARKER REPORTS THAT APPEALS. FOK THROUGH THE LONG WINTER HAVE BEE. THEM OVER, Wednesday March 1912 WILL RUN MILITIA INTO MiSSISs'PPI Riots at Rock Island Cause Death of Three and In- jury of Nine, (Wl A. P. Dispateh.) Rock Island, Ils, Mareh 27. An Unsuccessful attempt lt;to assassinate Mayor Schreiver at his home, was there have beon bu cw appeals for Inade this morning by an uyideatitied help and the most of them have heen Person who shot a rifle bullet through Yor food to tide them over til the spring broke arid they ot a chiace to work Companed sith last winter * the Mayor's office window from the top of bufldings squares di which was much shorter the Captain cays that the numixr has been few, Who Was standing In front of the cal the condition of ith paopha Window art buried itself in the wall throughout the o: winter tias been a prolonged and rath- good. CHG BRUGE RECEIVES ANY DOG. COMPLAINTS fools peaceful now, there is an under- WV: wy RECENTLY MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN BITTEN BY D0GS CHIEF FAY ORS THE CLEANING UP OF MONGRELS RUNING AT LARGE, tilitia tomight. Deputies report that of the office, Militia and deputy sher- iff at once commenced a search for the person. who fired the shot. Rock Island, Il.,, March 27 Despite quiet in all quarters of the city this morning, the sheriff, police and mili- tia prepared to resist resumption to- night of rioting which resulted in current of vicions feeling against the Policy and I expact an attuck on the numben of desperate characters) in complaints were serious omes. Thare have. bedp several people liiteen he says, and the Bites jn some cosas were bad ones am im one cas the dog was shot. Recently: Magistrate Keally or- dered ona dog ownr to tie her dog up,. but Cliief Broc bas since received another complaint about the . dog. This time it chas i a young girl and nearly drove her into hysterics. * The chief says thre are mamy good Bogs atout the city but there are also a lot of mongrels ani these cause the tronble and he thought that it ought to be a good thing to get rid of them. LIBERAL ONTARIO TEMPERANCE PEOPLE SAYS OPPOSITION. AIMS FOR TEMPERANCE GOOD SO FAR AS THEY GO. (CW. A. P. Dispatch.) Toronto, Ont., March 27. The plat form adopted by the Liberal party in Ontario for the abolition of the bar end the sale of Hquor only in ragule- ted shops and clubs: good as far us it goes by leading pro- vincial temperance people of all poli- tical affiliations. Some of them, how- ever, consider that the adoption of such a policy would result in too muuch encouragement of club life. A great step in advahca ds thy kamani4 mous opinion of the clergy HALE A MILLION For Diocese of Falkland Is- lands British. Character Should be Paramount. QW. A. P. Cable) - London, March 27. Yesterday the King received the American Bishop ing to raise half a million dollars for churches, schools and hospitals thro- ughout his diocese which stretches from Panama to Cape Horn. The Bishop urges that with the opening of the Panama Canal, a supreme effort ought to be made to make the British character paramount in that quarter. EXTRA TRAINS FOR THE WEST DAILY INFLUX OF NEW SETTLERS THE HEAVIEST IN HISTORY SAYS DISPATCH, OW, ASP Dispateny J Toronto, March 27. Settlers traftic to the northwest this year is the heav- fest In the history of Toronto. Each night an extra Canadian Pacific train leaves the Union Station at 10.45 with two or three hundred men and women e + PLATFORM PEER EE EEE EEE ob Have you secure your seats for 3 the Musical Comedy Hiram tomor - is regarded as et them to join PERE SSS tt ee + MUSIC DRAMA * row night. 25 peop CHORAL SOCIETY. ove society will oqm of the Cen- n tomorrow ey- A meeting of the be held in the schoo tury. Methodist chu ening, Thursday, : s o'clock. All members, and any riends wishing to vive-tn their nam lease bepresent sharp on time. Suitable music has now arrived and a good time Is looked for Will all members use their influ- ence with ladies singing contralto to Satisfaction is generall: at the success attending the format- ion of the society and ov r Tifty mem- bers have been enrolled; more names will be-added to the-list this week, A Social evening 1s to be arranged for Thursday, April 11th; keep this date open. THE GARDEN CHORUS. The Sunday school and choir of the First Baptist Chureh are busy prepar- ing an Easter Cantata entitled The Garden Chorus. to be given on Has- ter Monday evening, April 8th. Those who had the privilege of attending the cantata given by this Sunday School at Christmas time, will not miss the evening's entertainment. The musical numbers are excellent, and the whole program is one of much charm, The proceeds Witt Koto the expressed that the admimistration of the New out of the-hands. of the. Bomimonweulth, Davenport, Motine, and Rock Island are today carrying around Word that they will run the mblitia into the Mis- Sissippi river tonight. This feel ag in my opinion will get stronger the day goes. on. S Last night's rioting continued prac- tically ynchecked for three hours.. The Police said th re were more, than 6,000 (persons ir the aob-which' surged through down-town streets pulling car trolleys from the wires, overturning wagons and other ways secking to lock public thoroughiares.. * Di Springfield, Iils., March 27. Gover- nor Deneen today ondered the entire Sixth regiment af Illinois Nationalj assist in preserving order there. The Froquett for troops came from Sher- iff amd States Att mey of Rock Is: and after an unsuccessful attempt. to. assassinate the Mayor of that city had convinced them that mone trouble was brewi Guards to proted to Rock Island to W? NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wasted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under these headings. 25 words, one day .. --, 26 26 words, threo-daya ., 50 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 26 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. HELP WANTED. of good education and with a thorough knowledge of the city, to act 8 reporter on the News. Apply to A.J. N. Terrill, News office, WANTED Laiy Stenographer for Medi ine Hat real estate, insur- ance and brokerage office; must write a good hand, and be able to keep a small set of books; write giv ing experience and testimonials, and state Salary required, Address Box 1242, News Office. 220-att TANTED Good general Apply 429 Braemar St. servant. 2oatt WANTED Nizht porter at the Cos- mopolitan Hotel. 21943 WANTED First Class carpenters. Apply between 6 and 8 p.m. and 10 and 12 am., A. Dickinson, 120 Ot- tawa Street east. 216-att WANTED Good reliable girl. Ap- ply 602 Fourth Ave. 215-EE. (ANTED First-class plumbers. Apply Marshall-Mitchell Co., To- ronto St ity Se 2ibate Ror WANTED Sixteen to eighteen years of age, to assist in busi- nesa office. Good prospects for ad- vancement. Apply T.R.L: News of- 204att ANTED Good woman cook, din- ing room girls, general servants. North state EN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade, special summer rate on, join now amd save money. Particulars free. Moler System Col- lege, 609 Cenffe St, Calgary. 294dtt Apply Simpson-Northam Co., Railway St. SS yANTED Middle aged woman for housekeeping in: small family, FOR - BALB s --White Wyandotte cockerels, thoroughbred, prize winning stock, 2.50 each. D. Chat- terton, Medicine Hat or Bowell. 219-43 For SALE Two lots and three mod- ern houses thereon. Lots 18 and 19 in Block 1, Townsite. 3 new frame houses t,he -three will be sold en bloc for 11,000. One third down and balance can be arranged to suit the purchas rs, Apply to Wm. Ansley, Phone No. 269 or 643 Highland St., Central Park. 217d. FOR SALE Fresh milch cow, also a some,s6ed oats. Apply D, Cam wh; Rosebeg, P.O... a4g-ag eager an areca rene gee bullet missed Mayor Schreiver, ORTER, WANTED Young man) SEED WHEAT 600 bushels of seed wheat for sale at 1.00 per. bush- J. Warranted clean and not-frosted. Call or write H. Schmidek, Coleridge, Alta: 212412 LE CLUB SEED WHEAT FOR SALE Ripens 10 days earlier than the Fife wheat,-clean and free from smut. Sample on request. Grades hard. Myers Bros,,, Bowell P. O., Alta. K-Ap. 18 FOR SALE s room house on Lill. Bath, furnace, water, gas, 4200. 1000 cash, balance like rent. Apply box 1233, i99ate ES6s FoR HATCHING Heavy win- ter laying strains, Barred Rock hens, mat d to two fine imported males; also well bred Butt Orping- ton, 1.50 per setting. Address T. E. Mills, 211 Yuill St, or phone 95. 2oTate t AUCTIONEERS H- 3. BROWNE CO, Live Stook and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- perleiice at Your disposal free. H. B. Browne Co., 519 Toronto St. 182dtf MISCELLANEOUS (CORSETIERE-Spirella Corsets made to order. Guaranteed agains breaking or rusting. Phone 694 or send card to box 72, Mrs. Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St, 20241mo (ANTED Gentlemen s cast-off clothing, also old-gold, silver, Jewelry, furs, hides, and all Kinds of second hand goods. Best prices paid. Globe Cleaning and Pressing Co., rear Wednesday SHH HPS Se ns (CF caeen 3 f FIRST + New style 1 ready. Beyo dow of a smartest, cl ored and 1 clothes eve here. We a: agents. SS Turpit The Man's St Get the Big I Five Me ee wealth. Fisher with some apperity denies there is official ground far the report Hobrides is to he vested hereafter ex- elusively in tht Imperial Govertiment, or in other words that it will be taken He says: If British settlers in the New Hebrides. prefer Imperial to Aus- tralian control, they don't know good thing when they see 7. Incidentally this is not the view of the settlers. concerned. JPAINTL PAINTING PAINTING - Man wants work, painting, kal- somining, papering, etc. Apply to W. Rogers, General Delivery or 317 Es- tplanade, Cit 220d1 NEW HEBRIDES Sydney, S..W., Match 27. Premior ()FF ICES TO RENT Two fine, large well lighted offices in the News block, suitable for real estate. Best location in the city, Modern conven- iences, tf. PO RENT Store building in Sufti- eld, 22x52, with full size base- ment; Also-5 g00d--size rooms. up- stairs, For particulars apply Box 7 Suffield. 21946 eee FFICES TO RENT in Imperial bank building. - Several suites, AU modern conveniences. Apply News office. Is4dtt ROOMS TO RENT. Room TO LET Furnished, bath, hot and cold water, phone, cen- trally located, 701 Ottawa St. WANTED At once, smart young man to learn the real estate busi- ness, must be'stenographer. Apply Simpson Northam Co. 220-tt 0 RENT One nice Jarge front room furnished for one or two gentle- men, 125 Balmoral Street... 219-d3 FURNISHED ROOM 235 gies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and fathers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P.O. box 701. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid tor the above. 23Du. HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand ftie best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness; and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy. everything mentioned aboye and pay the best prices. Cail at 504 South Railway St or'Phone 87. tf LBeaL 35+. WILLIAM P. BUNDON, Barrister, . Solicitor, Notary, Medicine Hat, Offices: Pruitt Block, Room 2; Bracmar; Telephone 674, P.O. box 648. 63Dtt Rood tome tor right party. Address post, office, 4th Ave. : ie e a 202dimo Settlers Baid to Prefer Con- ?.. Px 2 React. 24888 George Stor trol of Imperial Govern- VANTED A delivery boy, one with WANTBD LADIES' AND ae Manager ment to that of Common- a bicycle preferred. Apply Bar- sewarry, guns, ea sinter Naps, . Ap Leer ker and Patten. sada oe eer Cooma: ae ae Pi Tul ace enres To ENE furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- (C. A. P. Cable His Jeans. Five men are af job. Now,- though into a catcher by stilt eligible for 1 First and foremc orite for the ni Stovall, late Nap, Ror im the Browns Seheeetebtt The B PEPER League. American Associat American League Appalachian Leagu Blue Grass Leagu Canadian League aay TWO EW TRANS THROUGH THE HAT (Continued from page one) Atrain from Winni coast and another through train from Tor- onto to the coast are the two addi- ions which it is said will be aided to the passenger service. Ht the Winnipeg, train does not goon itds almost cer- tain that a local train fron Medicine Hat to Calgary will be included Six work trains will go on in the course of the next week and already sotae-of the Medicine Hat train crews are out-on construction work ou the Swift Gurreit branch. The company are sefting up crews all the time, It is expected that in: the course of next month a large number of experienced trainmen, ex-Grand Trunk employees, ( THE FUNNIEST SHOW HIRAM 25 - PEOPLE - X GOOD CLEAN-MORAL SHOW ONE WE ARE PLEASED TO PRESENT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SATURDAY MATINEE PRICES 1.00, 75e and 50c. ery PLAN AT PINGLE S DEUE STORE ON THE STAGE TODAY. seeking for new homes. In order to accommodate these people the Can- adian Pacific have added eighteen new tourist cars to their equipment. CAUGHT A TARTAR Kalispell, March 27. In a struggle with three highway men, who attack- led him on hia way home at-2 o'clock in the morning on- Second Avenue wallet containing 65 in cash and a number of checks, but succeeded in overpowering one of his assailants, whom he turned over to the police a few moments later.. The man arrest- ed gives the name of John McCarty, but novelue to the others has been found. Bubseribe NOW for The Daily News. west, B--Peterson was-reHieved-of 3 Eady will come to the Hat from the-east Several other work trains will, it is expected, be put on during the courss of the next month, Qver 100 men will be here about Apri? Ist to rush the work om thd pew ize. Other plans for Medicino Hat arpnot complete yet as Supt. Camer- on says that his The adult Bible Class of St. John s church will give an At Home to the Young People of the congregation in the basement of the church on Thurs- day evening at 8 p.m. 21843 SSS Sp TENDERS TENDERS for the Cofistruction of a brick and stone church for the parish of St. Barnabas, Medicine Hat, will be received by the undersigned up to noon of April 12th, proximo. Plans and specifications may be seen in the office of Turpi Bros., Medicine Hat, and in the office of J. C. League, Architect, 312 Dominion tank Buliding, Calgary. A certified cheque for per cent. of the amount of tender must accom pany all bids, sald cheque to be re- turned to all except euccessful tender. he lowest or any tender not nec- easarily accepted. ; H-COLLIER, Secretary Vestry. Wanted Four Strong Boys a6 years..or over).to 1 21706. ness. J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING Shiloh Gure WEALS THELONGS STOPS COUGHS Paice. as cents GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale. FOR SALE negs; White Wyandotte, 2.00 per 15. E. M. Thortiton, 208 Ross St. St RENT Nice, big, front room, for one of two gentlemen, 421 North Railway street. Phone 529. (Nf NICELY FURNISHED BED- ROOM to rent. All modern con- veniences, with use of phone. Appiy 627 Montreal St. Agate WANTED TO BUY TANTED A few setting liens. Ad- dress box 233, post office. 190dtt of sale. sinikoia, . J. Butler, Hotel As- 21946. LOST AND FOUND *OUND Bunch of 12 keys, owner can have same by paying for this ad at the News Oftice tigate FOR SALE SS ea ae VHITE WYANDOTTE Hens, 261 egg Strain, mated to imported cockerels, age .9 months, weight 81: from 241 egg straln.. Two or three settings only from this choice pen may no be booked:- Poultry, Box 806. 220-46 en FOR SALE Four oxen. Price 350. Apply Box 888, Medicine Hat. 220-att will trade for city real estate. E. J. Few News Block, 21946 jUCK EGGS For 1.50 per setting of 0. Box 88. (Pekin) from prize winning stock. 219-ate WANTED To purchase, hgreements -SALE Second hand automobile BUSINESS CAEDS. SSINGER SEWING MACHINES and Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent All classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming, Office 381 Main Street. S E. Bartlett, B.A.Sc. Municipal Engineer; Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Ete. Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 484 The Globe Cleaning Pressing Co. Rear of Post Office, Fourth Avenue. and Repaired to New. . Clothes Cleaned, Clothes Called for and Delivered. - MARK HARRIS, Proprietor. Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avene opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- PIANO TUNING VOICING and REGULATING All Kinds of repsir undertaken at the lowest charge consistent with best workmanship (bo Expert uaran' CHAS. A. ADSIT. elephone 68. Yuill Street. 'P, 0. Box SL Phione No. 415. Por efi ads of job printing try - 219-64 News office. Z Carolina Associatt Central Associatior Central League Connecticut Leagu Cotton States Leag International Leag Kitty League ... Mid-Continent Lea National League New England Lea New York State Northwestern Leag Ohio-Pennsyivania Ohio State Leagu Pacific Coast . Leas South Atlantic Le Southeastern Leas Southern League Southern Michigan Texas League Oklahoma L Three-I League . Tri-State League United States Lea Virginia League . Western League . Wisconsin-Ilinofg Fifty thou ring and on Johnny. Kilbar coast fight pr McCarey s boxing bouts to fill all stag take the prince one of Johnny McCarey. It is prob: realizes the es knows it woul fally as the o ia to. box. ten. PEPPER EEE EEE Eee
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Image 493 (1912-03-27), from microfilm reel 493, (CU1743128). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.