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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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a MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS gt; Monday, April Sth, 1912, Ca 1S Sai - Make Your Dreams Page 2 y the organized workers 7 2.3 ame The Medicine Mat Dews isittor war does not necessarily mean Glas Ow OUSE J retires o:-a0 medletgg tat Neve Coq Lids avery Hit they have turned down the political latul evening at Its ofice, Main Street. Mediclae Hat, Alta, (00. A. J.N; TERRILL, B tor. They haye only put it on one side for a l PHONE: sHONE: time, because the workmen they had depu- walter ag Advertising cl to handle it were not good enough for ome : rue E orse ae oe Seyeatien and the job, and pecans the weapon of Syndi- x Nev Depts. 1 is Moke suited. to thelr. immediate The dream and the lfe-work of miny Of tle good citizens of : 13 RING . i anes 13 eur immediat Medicine Hat has always been for Munfelpal Ownership of all X SUBSCRIPTION RATES wy iatteeein . Utilities. 2 ecial pais aurea, Scbe 1 Soar SM 4 alae Oe Bre oy eanees the It fs always with the Burgesses of the city to make thelr dream months, dilivered.. Z.00 months, by mall.... 1,50 ) e yadicalist has by far some trie, Whee A. Compell dots, aiysRing: get past them, the Court / 3 months, delivered..4200 3 movthh; By imallccsstee, (UC Dest of the-argument. After six years - of Mnal resort ts the will of the burgeses. cox 1 mente aelivecdectss in Parliament the Labor politicians have 1n pp RU? DOASTED: DREAM ABOUT MANUFACTURING REAL ddroaten chaveed ag atten an desired, but dots usw ane Id Age Pension s Bil, a Workmen s Com- ATE MILLIONAIRES BY USING THE COUNCUL AND THE TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY id ad reesee weet bo eiven pensation Act, a Trades Dispittes Bill, auvd outs was whe is walking in ls sleep yrenld get bonind such AND THURSDAY WEEKLY NEWS. i number of minor measures as evidence of a proposition In a city built up on a Municipal Ownership basis Ike : Published e Thursday In aixteen or more pales, and r influence on legislation. All excellent A By purchasing a large contains a zune za wee of the week. things in ee ways but none of them affect- is scion moe meee se es8y Gal eee so fast that it will on Ai ge th en y + bs i i quantity of this high class months, m advance 76 8 months, m advance..fee Deen Bedi of the . worker, IHI- gues mutteny, tea te pat te apire to conubet op all present aad Garect OT aes ta advance 0ises t eee ppreciable difference in wages I prospective industries. -XOBODY COULD POSSIBLY. i . can be shi in those industries which haye on conte the ti ic BETTER THAN THE CITY, AND NO INDIVIDUAL OR CORPOR. We have secured a regu- d on the principles of diregt action. ATION COULD HAVE. THE SAME fe The extra money accruing to.seamen PROPERLY AND WELL DONE AND ITS PATRONS WELL SERY- WHAT OHI PO ss from the sus i i nity n WHAT OHEAP POWER MEANS rom the success of the strike last. June is What City do you know with a street rallway franchise under lar 2.50 quality which-will be o nsale for above days at computed at one million pounds a year, and, ; R. FRANK TOPPER, representing ded to the force of a million pound argu- SO PRS eeerentyy Cone Nek Muto SHR a8d cussing. (hs ay 1. A - gu hes voters 1.75- Net M the teiie tot Poe ins warn the rt, Me Earloc Wilson kee. Zor ih Wit uae toe sou ne ee city last week and was eonsiderabl. Middlesbrough, is quoted by the Syndical- ing eternally with the corporations, The corporations are sitting All New Models. surpided 5 phen shown the various mean: as bee stated that his eighteen years pagers, lasehing, furnishing an indifferent service and pocketing Don t Miss This. yy which the natural gas is made to serv in Parliament was practically wasted. 7 , the needs of local manufacturers. In Moosv Mr. Tont Mann, who was at the head of the/ xo aeeetean tc etcaeny Stes asta col grok tase Jaw the cost of power to the mills is im the transport workers struggle in Live: 1, rallway by-laws for fair, neighborhood of 200.00 per day. One needs laims that in Liverpool alone over thirty. in Medicine Hat pa direct ieee Se ee to be no conjurer with figures to estimate) tiousand doek workers won an increase of ah the total of the fuel bill for the year. Where ages averaging eight shillings per week Don t Plar. and Think on a Ten ed H it costs about fifteen cents a barr the each, i i it i i ici : t fit arrel for the ach, in addition to nutherous concessions Dollar Bas Med DePegrededegePg power in other cities, the cost per barrel inferring to the conditions under which the is ps bt ut ssigeeo Hat ts onda CVSOLILIHIIS SHS er : ee r oe Medicine Hat is estimated to be less than en would work in future. No other town GE ROYAI B one cent. Taking these figures and apply or-eity in-England eould be used to sueh : cort steps c ing them to the Ogilvie plant, which is to 00d advantage as Liverpool to indicate the OF CANADA. turn out 3,000 barrels a day in Medicine growing consciousness of unity among B would bea backward step. a Hat, the profit accruing i i .. workmen. Its religi id boas 000,000 Hat, the profit accruing is something star- orkme: s religious and political sec- ectrte CREE aa Eee ne HS ae rage tling. The Industrial Bureau might well tional hatreds are intense. The dockers esa eau cpoaieaaa toalen. orgie Wypersasa ra hora) se compile a little data along this-line for the 2te almost entirely Roman Catholics; nine- Giving away the right to sell electricity and gas on the sub- The House of Fashionable Dressers OOO ee bank behind him. . Bt 2 nae ae oe Its clients the services of a fully equipped new Medicine Hat pamphlet which it. pro- tY per cent. of the carters, numbering 7,500, divisions abutting the present townsite, would be like cutting off ae MEDICINE HAT BRANCH poses issuing. Take a pencil and figure it e Orangemen; but throughout the seven- one member of your body. - : Fourth Avenue: :C. H. McDunnough, Manager out for yourself and you will be amazed ty-two days of the strike, not one discordant Medicine Hat should be Sema aaes all her energies towards Ractestectectedectectestoeteeteeteed gt; atreleeteeteteseede eee ee a tod where a few simple caleulz ote was sounded. proper, renee barr pr ee Lance ae Stan, . ions w land you. Let us see. The Ogil-, That is one of Mr..Tom Mann s strongest WORKING FOR OURSELVES AND NOT FOR A CORPORATION. vie mill, it is understood, when completed, points, the readiness: with which diseon- What have we been laying solid foundations for? What have Soatectests Pak ke RPelertetoedecoatetoeteagectoate SODA ree will have a capacity of 3,000 barrels a day tented wage-earners will now drop political we been building thoroughly and sensibly for, if we are In the end to LET THE RIPE FRELT DROP INTO.A CORPORATION OWNED ce 2 and the saving in power by the use of nat- and even religious differ y it e a 3 igious erences when it can 2 : Imperial Bank of Ganada ural gas will:run about fourteen cents a be proved that unity in industrial warfare ae future we want to give some part of the City or some barrel, or something over 400 a day, rough- ill put money in their pockets, and there- industry a street railway service, or spur track service, why should + Capital and Rest . 2 11,993,800 ly speaking. If the mill runs 300 days in fore, that in advocating Industrial Union- wwe be In m position where we should have to talk business and de- s Total Assets chs. 0. +5 72,000,006 the year but that s enough and all there ism, he is siraply following the line of least yelopment through negotiating with x second party the owrcrs A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. is to dois to wonder that mor manufactu tance. He further points out the use- she comers ea Aiaaches), ae SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. ers haven t this way. The ninety- lessness of Parliament, either to help or hin- ea dela at Disa oe ae a great future. R. WILKINSON, Manager. three other cities and towns in the West, der.the men when once the fight has begun Medicine Hat is going to have a greater Municipal Owner- Medicine Hat Branch. Ooi sere ehenng inducements to the) and all aeons unites, illustrating his case ship? future, and she could have a Corporation owned future. r - Satestetens SoH raetrteoedy pW ELV can Now ea r at 1 tancing the fact that during the strik Don't tie a mill-stone around your necks now, and in the fu- Sreesteeeeeatrgtrireteste o 7 reason why the big mills will be located in although 7000 troops paraded the treet ture-gurets.umd yett-for help-wwhea-zos ere siaking:-doxa- Medicine Hat. The cheapest power: in the with fixed bayonets, thousands of police THE SIGE THING SOW. (hehe Re RRR REPRE EERE EEEPEEEEPEE EEE EEE world i vhi Pactiir-lwere dt . . THE MERCHANTS BANK wr a eed lh Aeeee ara ere aeatees Oe ee een, See Pt the Dip X Againsk Wie Raltway ME advantages in this respect become known sey with trained on the docks By-laws on the 12th OF GANADA amongst the big industrial concerns we.nay and stree Ce W, eet of huge trans- . lt;o- Atlantie liners and 150 of the finest ran Qe TZ : Established 1864 Capital and Reserve Funds . .: .. .. .. -. +--+ .- SUL468 878 We give spedial attention to SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. No delay in withdrawals......Two or more persons may open a joint account and elther pary can withdraey money. Our deposits have. increased from 19,426,001 In 1901 to 263,494,580. confidently look forward to a hea dus from other manufacturing centres to chant ships of the world held up, unable to Aten this point. The inquiries which are coming turn a screw. Te a vom England are evidences of the fact that Tn the matter-of unemployment, the Syn- already many of the big Old Country con-) dicalists also score. They say to,trade un- PREFERS SUIC'DE 10: y Say cerns are contemplating the erection of ionists: Reduce the hours of employment, branch factories in Western Canada. The and there will be employment for all. Ad- TWENTY-FOURTH CHILD Ogi have given them the ctie and that) yising them to organize themselves so ef- ; Paci ey s g-an-eye-on the trend of fectively that they will be practically in a Mrs. Agnes Racilta Oppos- industrial events is demonstrated by the position to dictate the hours each section of ed to Arguments jfact of no-tess-th: en shall work, They claim that of the ten quate Pes SATISFIED CUSTOMERS ao : Pos i ere received by tk Or yy2 3s aye is z When you build, consider Are the Best Assets that any Company Can Have. tars neds i ne Ca eee ne pa thousand merchantment of this country, the New York, April 8 Having borne QUALITY first, Don t be per- i a: zs vast majority are always undermanned. j to her husband, a railroad laborer) siaaeq to buy CHEAP LUM- P P d 70F Fi i three children sinc gt; thelr rair B i e 5 207 The moderate demand of only three more t enty: ae Mre. BER because it's cheap use the 2 HOW THE UNREST GREW men per boat would thus absorb thirty thou- ses coniied soaay, see ssna ). very best. We have it, and ev- sand more seamen:.A forty-eight hour week yer part m the race production by ce erything the Builder requires. , B EFORE-we-can get-any clear idea of on the railways would find employment for suiciae. re hind i sixty thousand-men, -A tuniversal eight- Help came befo A select stock of LUMBER, : ee pects oc nda a itch her purpose. She will got well DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, F oo nd re Patent Flour ys Pleases Because Its the Best That Can 2 Be Had. es + s he di - rial unrest, which is surging over EBiparl , ab the decks, 00 gene ae in the Jersey City Hos: ic g, Limited Great Britain, it will be necessary to deal ? e eae ad The Medicine Hat Milling Co'y, Limited Fo eral labor situation dire the PS, be required Sr. a fow avs ter Daca 9e eeeesewe past few years, These would absorb 180,000 men. punishment for her crime. We have the agency for the Poe TIGUSTF-ENIS-1S-a-IMUCH More AITMTIg Ske te 48-vodrs old Onis-sexen of celebrated Morgan Doors, Just over twenty years ago the trade un- Obviously; this is a much more alluring. cniidren are iiving, all under six- THE SooE BEAUTIFUL? jonists wrenched substantial conces programme to men flushed with recent vic- ..,. when she. hi xed them off from the employers. The ers Fe ory than a Parliamentary Right-to-Work. as ol -Raciltg baviag gone --15 tion won as much as 40 per cent, increase Bill, which will need a terrible fight to get work, she built a crude altar in her of wages for their members; th historie it through the House of Commons, and then parlor at 548 Grove street, Jersey A Ee . : . ae eM Clty, and it 1s believed said prayers sixpence per hour, with eightpence per hour St large sum of money to administer (0. her soal before it. Thien she drank --CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH. SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL LOW Posts x Inside Real Estate 5 overtime, was fought for and gained by the English Review. hottie of turpentine. He me Is a Good Investment, But dockers, and London coal-porters wages Re ee 5 from the gin attra the nelghbore 3 5 Lrose from 24s. to 32s. per week. These sne- THE SPEED MERCHANT why called the police. AVER - Re ( cE st a t e I nsid Bicesscs eave's tremendous impetus to trade HE INTELLIGENT AND BOARD union acti but their natural conse- wiz the coming of-spring the scorch- . BEFICIENT SERVANTS : quence was that the employers began to ing aufoist is again im evidence. Speed bestir themselves. 4 yecords are being broken nightly and if the are those who read the best papers. Meanwhile, the Social Democrats v matter is not taken up by the police a death Terefore the want ad column of the preached the class war and effective- record will he made which will horrify the * Ynjen to obtain the sae spread the ideas of social revolution community. Locking the door after the pep. . Use the News Wangliiae nong the extreme section of the workers. steed is stolen will be but poor consolation ern eee aes Mr. Robert Blatchford put life and ligtit in- to-the-stricken-relatives; - Action, prompt LOUISIANA RI to the dismal science of economics and and drastic, must be taken at once, and fines showed that it could be made intelligible to impos d of-an amount which will serve as ,, Ete LN nc MCSE any man of ordinary commonsense. Thela-warning to the reekless chaffeiirs WhO tommitice- state convention of Re- of the body is not good. You will get your allot- ted peck of dirt soon enough without drinking the Water in its present condition. Guard your health, leave water alone and to quench your thirst phone 122 for some of the famous Dp THE. LUMBER -PEOPLE P. 0, BOX 29. PHONE 57 BLICANS SPLIT * Soft Drinks, any flavor, delivered to any part - y 4 s + of the City. : E 7B Fabian Soe 'y mamiifactured social- have become e to life and limb on publicans of Louisiana assembled jes ammunition, and the Independent La the residential streets of Medicitie Hat. The teretodey-to name delegates to the Party (LL.P.) propaganda of practical pol- trick of extinguishing the lights to conceal nasonn convention clase GAS CITY Ri large working-class audiences. the identity of the car and then throwing tion of the so-called black-and-tan Ya U2 U0 MI. The trade unionists, although they had still her wide-open and taking a shoot up amd aciegates and mostof the Federal of- . ine. - 4 money aid numerical strength, v handi- down the'a- pleasurable floehold Fs and ts expected wo-anctare CLEANING. CO... capped their craft svstem of organiza- pastime but it ean be made a very expen- unanimously, for the renomination of Is now ready for spring. clean- : T fF. Co. tion every petty little seetion of men h Hive orte if the police do their duty: and exci Pemisent Task tng. Have your cleaning done, wit rans er e union c tion faction faiarranging to. hold al the Vacuum Proceps, the best amt aa T and. HEAVY separate union and gradually b force the by-law. convention hata epay in uay bonaie . OMY Way. 20 See Pertect Cleaning, Plano: Moving Secsesbt HGH RAVING helpless in the hands of the mployers with 0: . a contesting delegation to the Chic- on fete ase aso ie i their district or national federations em- Mail and Empire It is said ' that there) * convention, 7 Place your order to avoid the q A Specialty liable 361 Toronto Street. Hl bracing the whole of particular industries. are 4.00 500 Ghicistinna talndia, arid Sree disappolstment. of delay... .. fare iS CURE: -Phone -797, Post Office es. are nearly 4,000, ristians in: lia, an PILES D IN 6 TO 14DAYS Pe hox 74 5 Theleane aes masters beat the men atlit may be remarked that in India a man is your arusgist wil retund money it 229d1 mo. Eieereeeee gi 2 not classified as a Christian on any such PAZ0 OINTMENT. cure any See ahah tating aa SRC Seineieit The present manifestation of unity casual evidence as is accepted in Canada. Protmuaing Pites fa to 14 days, 60e. the News Job Department.) gt;A Want Ad in the Daily News Will Bring Results. 3 :
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Image 557 (1912-04-08), from microfilm reel 557, (CU1743125). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.