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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEW Monday, April ilizing of the water is effected partly in Medicine Hat News REDUCED FLESH The the towers, from the bottom of which the pe finely divided style, and Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every) lt;0S in a ver 7 + gt; Glasgow House Ow House lawful evening at its office. Main. Street. Medicine Hat, Alta. hence in a yery intimate contact with the FOR A DISGUISE A. J. X, TERRILL, B tor. Iw: ater. The latter is discharged from the PHONE: HONE: towers over de-aerating cascades into al mmbess shier - Av: Baitorlal, Advertising jischarge pipe, which conveys it to the Deen i Reportorhed, and Cirewlation and) jure-water reservoirs, whence it reaches Beco: Thin. When build, consid E 13 une mae ath high pressure ptinps, which force it in- a as eerie a eelaaes E to the municipal mains. rai Ren re eee ee eee In the power house two 150-horse power LOVE FOR DAUGHTER ee eae biel 1 yas, delivered.... 4.90 2 year Dy mall... .. 5.00 di tod h BER because it's cheap use the months, dulivered.. 200 6 mouths, by mail....31.50 steam engines direct connecte: to threes. LED TOE Als ARREST wery BEE We bate tt. andl ere PER 3 months, delivered. 3 months, ne mail..... 6 phi generatorsyhave been provided for iz ihe SuLuRe tocuiton 1 month, delivered....35 jrunning the plant, Three high-frequency w. ab oe ve TO Addressen changed as often as destred, but bots now anc tary transformers raise the periodicity Refuge 5 a. s Foune by Let- A select stock of LUMBER, BU G14 ad reason ret be Sivan, at which the eurrent is generated to 500 Family. DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, Pay om WEEKLY NEWS. eyeles per second, after which the current Paris, Apri i4--A drastic: methoa BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH or Improve We have just received our Spring Styles Published every Thuceday in sixteen oF more cages an /; lt; stepped up, by static transformers, to jot alskuising himsoit from the pottee AND FIR FLOORINGS. asi in Rain Coats. Soa) and diacrick: pressure of about 7,000 volts, for the ozone aoe by apres a ere of We have.the;pgonapsies tie 2 ees battery. 8 Te cay, ne ae celebrated Morgan Door lt; 7 a 6 -months,-n-advance-76e. 3 months, 1n a vance..50e pel peared-from Paris last October afte oF a These are English goods and quality un- Miseas Entaancaneinail The cate Kalen of the Nova, te ie Rivage AEn Gen tio e400, and THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL sete, Pe surpassed. All new models and at prices converted into clear, pure an ealthy who was arrested thesother day In a EMENT, WOOD FIB HW Th Can you will like. Roney SS inking water, the bacteriological index Turkish path at itl. Lepreux, al Gham tran are Len e a of which is very low, and the pathogenic sout Senna of sheets ears Investme ceived the drastic course of ns of chole aaa Jesh reduction would furnish him z Phai HE cine Ala. Hi ont. The running costs amount to aboutlwin disguise calculated to baffie imparti'h T resignation by owson of vent per 1,000 gallons, of which less than) tne most astute detectives. woth his seat in the City Council creates a va- jalf is for the ozoning process. He accordingly went to Lille on No-/, . eancy in the representation of Ward No. 1 ae se Sera emdty a BEAVER a which the ratepayers in that quarter of the PUBLIC OPINION task of reducing his figure. BOARD as i city will be immediately called upon to fill. Accompanied by magnificent col- Reoeseeore The House of Fashionable Dressers A word of caution in this respect may not, Montreal Gazette Mr. Randell of Tex- be taken amiss. It is to the effect that, if ,s, created a sensation in the U.S. House of possible, the selection fall upon some citizen) Representatives the-other day when he de- who already is the possessor of some exper- ed that many congressmen were ap- lie dog called Dick, Lepreux arrived daily at the bath at 2 p.m., and after passing through the various heat rooms was given elaborate massage. Then he drank a bottle of claret and Ww E.M.C Phi Dru ience at the Council Board. Preferably proachable . For those who wonder why *ent te alsep: tn: the- tvan foom-an- Complete stoc the representative. should reside in the ie charge created a sensation it may be Lue fig Sea aie cae FINLAY co. cines, sea 5 ward to which he is beholden -for his seat, explained that approachable * in this ase months Lepreux reduced his weight utes nside Rea x Bl but, if through chammstances, such an ar- means amenable to reason. by 42 Ibs. ana effected such a change THE LUMBER PEOPLE en a aie I E S t a t rangement Js not feasible, then let him re- his Appearances That Te detectives PHONE 67 OED ns I bi eC a side where e er he list so long as he possess- London Advertiser The speech of Sir uld et at frst recognise Bim : See es a clean record and has to his advantage James Whitney on the bar question Would arrest was due to his love for his only aaa Is a Good Investment, But some practical knowledge of municipal af- e a credit to the most eloquent Of Park or- daughter Marcelle. When lig:fled he ; 23 Seite Roe fairs. Mr. Heiry Stewart, Colonel Sissons) ators. He would not think of attempting lett note saying he had saw Jo N C E t t I ns 1 d e and Mr, Walter Huckvale are residents of such a thing-as to-abolish-the bar, but-he be- ie fe sreelae ene ks aater abe ea Ss a e the ward who have all served on the coun- jieves that a law along the lines of his 'am- through letters sent to him by his E is the time - cil and made most creditable records as /endment-will: tunder the favor of Provi- tamily and fetched trom the post of- SOUTHE: municipal administrators. Any one of the dence, in a short time, kill and destroy the tice by one of the bath attendants. G 5 of the body is not good. you will get your allot- three would be of most valuable assistance) desire for the-habit of treating. The con- , The ates are coo eabtak FOR- SMUT ULL peck of dirt soon enoug set hane aes tee a to Mayor Spencer and itis to be sincerely fusion of lanes reflects, the confusion of Neat room, where the attendant poin- r in its present condition. Gtiard your healt hoped that one of them will.consent to en- thought and.logic. To argue that abolition gq out to th in'a man In a bath wrap. 60e- .; Quart iave water alone and to quench your thirst phone ter the field. lof the bar is impracticable, but that anedict they were unable to. fecognize the 25c... Pint Stenographers 122 for some of the famous ee in a short time ? comfortable, polly cashier of the pol- sees Always SHAMROCK BOTTLING WORKS against treating will change human nature It is like leaving a hencoop open and for- WATER STERILIZING PLANT is merely peurile. ice photographs in this emaciated- Jooking individual with sunken cheeks. DON T PAY MORE hiddi m1 i 1 eae 46 AES TAG His face was deeply furrowed, his A HESCity of Petersburg has recently bidding all nocturnal visitors to take more erstwniie rotundity had vanished, and . Soft Drinks, any flavor, delivered to any part ipstalled a large Neate water-ster liz- than one chicken apiece. a ragged grey Beard had taken the Pi ingle s Drug and et of the City. . ing plant, with a view to stopping ty- veces) dented Tila dentity, but Book Store :.: : ndemic and to sup- Tor Toronto Globe After spending three- ) 2, sae iaessths- gaaiecwas pe PAT pressing the eublene endemics, which have (uarters of a million on a filtration plant ne politely asked to be allowed to take recurred annually for-some years. the people of Toronto are asked to continue nis cola plunge before dressing and . Cont: s Ww. rilizi nt has bee to drink doctored water and to pretend that roing to the police station. The det- Shop Fitting ee f adteditovonesof*the municipality (water- they like it. Chlorination was supposed to ee ee ane teaeaved Given Proe - works,, which..pumps the ordinary Neva be temporary expedient. Why is it COD- the unfortunate cashier take his last OF CANADA. Z River water direct into the municipal tinved if the filtration plant is efficient ? lt; piunge. tn his pockets th police BOD CAPITAL AND RESERVES 16,000,000 jmains.' The daily capacity of this water- o- - found 22 Suex Canal share counons.. Ul JT), urtis 1s3-1me, eee ccca a mnan oer bia muccnsa to the tact that be bad the right P WOTES is about 11,000,000 gallons. Before THIS DATE IN HISTORY well ae some white pills belleved to 2 bank behind him. the ozoning process, the water is subjected Ba polo 3 packing ciecon: its clfents the services of a fully equipped to clarification and rapid filtration in or- April 15 He declared that,he had lost all the BUILDER and (Geen v MEDICINE HAT BRANCH (der to remove the impurities in suspension) 1632 Lord Baltimore, founder of the Pn eerie Sere SLRS a ee Fourth Avenue: : 0, H. McDunnov; gh, Manager * peru from ; the excessive one vinee of Maryland, died in: London, eres Sens elon sie the oa CONTRACTOR En Sotetetedeateee doses: Sooooes dpegeefeeegeage which it undergoes during the period when Born, in 1582. om company for 30 years, having entered Piang Prepared. Estimate Fre Box 331. the ice breaks up: The water-sterilizing 1755 Dr. Samuel Johnson s Dictionary its service at the age of fourteen, was (285 Braemar St.) eee ze plant consists essentially of two main of the English Language published. st r pected b perce Seen osSeate-ctoaedteeteeeatesteetnete Se ieclessesceeceesieag parts, the filtration pleat and the ozone 1g00 Sir James Clark Ross, English Are- * ? cues department. Ee z sterilizing plaut. The water is pumped tic navigator, born. Died in 1862. Loves Laat Bysten The News Job hed, and prop Something or : Imperial Bank of Canada spon rect from the Neva River into the clar ing reservoirs, a solution (of alum of s tect who drew the plans for the Cap- plying the most satisfactory. 1844 Charles Bulfinch, the. Boston archi- Department has-every facility. for sup- .. FIOTSON : a and homelik money every LEAD . Capital and Rest . . 11,993,800 , able concentration being added in ace: itol in Washington, died. Born Aug. ne oe ? ER avon aki S . Total Assets 73,000,000 . 22ce -with the well-known American sy 8, 1763. s conn ee : dle any of th 3 4 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. 2, tem. The clarifying reservoirs are eight in 1847 Prince Charles Louis Napoleon, son RENEWAL OF THE HACTORE lak Pens rr SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, 3, pumber; they are connected by means of of the King of Naples, died in Jeff- - LET US FIGURA WITH YOU you want at R. G. WILKINSON, Manager. pipe'to the rapid filters, thirty-eight . erson county; Florida. Born inParis BEFORE PLACING YOUR Medicine Hat Branch. RS Sectorteatectotocteateateatesteate Cosette eee sareaesar eee FREE EEAHE EERE EEE EEE EEE REP EEE REE Et THE MERCHANTS BANK *jnumber, These filters are of the.Howat- son type; somewhat similar to the Ame fee can Jewell filters, hut in-place of fine filter : tablishment: of the sand specially prepared tis employed. 1865 Abraham Li The rate of filtration is about. 92 gallons ea Jan, 21, 18041. ingdom of Italy. sixteenth Presi+ dent of the.U.S., died in Washing- 1861 The Pope brotested against the es- 3 TRIPLE ALLIANCE Ensure Prolongation of Bismarck s Masterpiece. CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. City Sa Heavy Team per square foot per hour. The filters are ton, D.C, Born near Hoi Th cleaned in the usual manner, by back-rins- Ky., Feb. 12, e309, sage 2 ae Gamented the Three F OF CANADA : ing with filtered water, the flint being stir- 7911 A group of American financiers Nations Again. - ae ay Established 1864 : jred-by suitable gear.: The filtered water made a 50,000,000 loan to China eae nega Saat eee e copa ate Reserve ooh ee aioe ios iees re a eke direct. to the enlist towers 6 -Beritn, April, 15: It-may be stated, Builders and Contractors. Fred See deen Ue, Bite: Specials we through a ring-main, a sm: part eing di- dn high official authority, that ai un- at ert pape eee me Pree bs verted into eerie Where it is collect ee Is MY 75th BIRTHDAY derstatiding 1h principle; which in- Beer Phone 8 FE Our deposlts have Increased irom 19,426,001 In 1901 to ed for rinsing the filters... In contradistine- 3 Sires Oe Dreionesiecsy Eames P. 0. Box 304. 69,494,580. i tipn to sleavly- percolating * sand: filters, the Hotace Porter easiarbiaee: tie pe eae 3 W. 0. JOY, Manager: 3 + Medleine Hat Branch duty. of the rapid filters is not: to,stop b: General Horace Porter, w heck is,to deliver pene Se daca coe aade Estimates Free. . aie : rely t tain impuri the: oration i in Washington-this week at the trlo-Hiungarian ae tallan gt; Govern- Plans Prepared. Ww.R.S - pe - and coloring matter in suspension in es memorial miente - s CARPENTER Bevrereceessoarosseusvesescocovascoasosasores impure water. The actual ozone plant is ee born an Honungton, Pa.,April15, 1837. There 4s reason to belteve that this Repairs pro . gt;, Sleonsists of two parts,-viz., the ozone -hat- 18 career has been eventful and interest Fecent date ana qennt the. Katsere: *Pho SATISFIED CUSTOMERS eee tery and the sterilizing towers.' The form-ling- He ntered the West Point Academy faueieeceh te ing ot stay st he OFFICE PHONE STIBLE eaeee Are.the Best Assets that any Company Can Have. * 3 ler consists of 128 lements, while the latter 47 1959, ang was gr adoated s 860, ate SOT apos. Gel the Weep ae) eee : comprise five towers, of which one is a next year-he joine expedition under tween the threo: governments had led . Prairie Pride 3 combing, five Rowers ot ee eee eiSherman aod Dupodt eentnse Port Hoyal, ee mut mata THEA. S. FOLLIS 3 Siemens Halske, ozone tube: elements, in He saw mor service in the James Island While the statesmen of tne powers Contracting Co. F atent Flour which the oxygen in the air ts converted eat ae as eu of i ance under Me- aie Dies ae aaa rae 103 TORONTO ST. into ozone by high-tension t dischar- Clean, a arrison wanding,, at Antie- s virtue, thet e1 . F Always Pleases eee Had. ue Best That Can Sie The brush discharges-take place ,he- tam, Chattanooga, Chickamauga and other segaeaaia Saebact be tates tet poh ee Se gacuies Grae Bs y 1 C Li 4 3 ween cylindrica poles -of aluminiam ahd fields. is sere oe Porter became in the nature of lp service, Italy has ten he ANE at Ee at Milling. Co y., Limited glass. The concentration of ozone is de- vice-president ofthe Pullman. Compa eh freely accused in thie: lt;ountry of Light am - Winnines, Leth : The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited termined to Suit-the method 6f working-of His ability in great business affairs is as or hoe git See Yoare ainerey An Times, Cage : 0006e0ereses0onsesncwsssssns0case O0008ens: he towers, at the comparatively high val- ane ed as was his capacity as a soldier. Hel fring the Dalkas aa Q Sees Phone No. 198 ue of 0.07. Before entering the azone bat- lias been connected with many important lerises. 0 VON ae Baedotece tote tehotpletore SPObSooTeooee tery, the air passes through a cooling ap: palroens: financial concerns and commer- The view Fepeatedly found expres Z . a Paes s- Fram 139 io that the alliance for all rollablo P iQ r3 aT sbrote ; iA DUS 'p DG MOUTH ROCKS - of dryness necessary for the production of. Ameri ican Ambassador to Fyance. He fs Ratpoees. bad become :4-parely. G 00 ss PARTRI E. PLY ae a abe ozone, Phe -movenrent-of air through the+ 2accomplished linguist, a fluent writer is eccincasiteuetiae wend HEAVY TEAMING os This is a breed of Poultry which meets every lozone battery and the pipes connecting itland an eloquent orator. survive the Tripolitan war in which RADING AND EXCAVATING EXO. requirement. The utility bird of the century + with the towers is effected by the so-called 0 Germany's sympathy had so out- Gravel and Sand for Sale, HEAVS large, beautifully muita ged and unexcelled in emulsifiers which are fitted in the towers. CONGRATULATIONS TO spokenly been on the side of her CONCR layiig qualities. re 2.00 and 5.00 per set-, /These Otto system emulsifiers, or water- 2 - nites qaeny: Yolll Streets 6 pox phone No 416 py ting. Cockerels for jet air-pumps, suck the-ozonized air out of . Henry James, the well- known author, 69 prips cungp et01 DA s A. J. ON. TERRILL, NEWS OFFICE a the ozone battery, and giect it, mixed with years old today. : Nour druggist wit refund money tt Loose Leat System The News Job J 4 J B the water, into the sterilizing towers. The Bliss Carmen, poet, editor and journalist. rane. SO eT eee te i celtnp ee Department Hxs every: facility for sup- 136.0 absorption of ozone Bad simultaneous ster- 51 years old today. Protruding Piles in to 14 days, 60e. piring the movt satistactory- +
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Image 607 (1912-04-15), from microfilm reel 607, (CU1743258). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.