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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Refuse When the People to Pay VER since King John signed the Magna Gharta-the-people-have been discovering new rights and asserting them. Long ago the people learned how to get what they wanted by the simple expedient of refusing to pay. Inthe days when kings played war with one another the people could al- ways put a sudden end to the fun by refusing to pay. Today, when men play the great game of business, they have to depend on the people, even as did those kings of long ago. When the people stop payment, the game ends. Of high importance is the right to know as applied to modern com- merce. The people have found they want a reason why before they buy. We awoke to this fact but a short while ago, when a few manufacturers began to tell us some of the things they thought we should know about their goods. They were the pioneer Soon the world discovered that it had an appetite for facts. And in the re-adjustment of things for the proper satisfaction of this appetite, we have developed a new science its name is Advertising. Now.that.we have leaned. there is. a way of telling us we demand to know. By the exercise of a power that has never failed the refusal to pay un- less satisfied the people have set up a new order of things. The manu- facturers and merchants are telling us everything we want to know through Advertising. When we buy soap, we must know Whose aphh How, is it made? What are its properties? What are-its uses? rein does it ex- cel? i) (e fal a advertisers. It s the same with well-nigh everything we buy food, clothes, furniture, pianos, The Advertising tells us. automo- MEDICRNE HAT DAILY NEWS, RUMORED CHANGES Be Called to Fill New Judgeship. Ottawa, April fimors of an rly reccnstrir? erethe Robi cabinet of Mantt ersistent at the enpiaa., The r ut Hon. Geo. E. Coldwell, min of education, RI beeAMed to) the Tew kImE ench fudgeship 1 by act of parliament for thy province. though unofficially Confir.) in the depart- ment of justice, yes no denial. This poattion, it ndersteod, was originally created provide Hon, Hugh Jobn MacD. i with a reward for his service party, but the latter has decline (lie offer, and it is now almost a: the present minis: receive the positic It ia stated, howeer Roblin witl. preter (0 nitely settled that of education will that Premier the services from his cabinet 0: Hon. H. J. Hows den, atorney genera of the province, rather than lose that of the minister The name of J. M. Aikens, mem- ber im the Dominion house for Bran- don, is mentioned in connection with the vacancy which will be created in the cabinet. Atkens is known here as not beng altogether satisfied with his position among the government back benchers and a transfer to the Mani- toba cabinet would no doubt be wel- come by him. The advent of Mr. Aik- ens Would necessitate a reshuffle of the cabinet, since t is stated that it will Hkely be the position of attorney general to which he will Ge called, his long legal career fitting him for this position, Mr Aiken in the event of his, appointment. it is considered, Will be the premirs *ht-hand man, nasday.. May Ist, nor again this sea- son. SoclaL AND PERSONAL Mr. Joe MeNally spent the end in Calgary. Mr, J. R. Bundy wary Saturday eve week, retur ing. d from Oriell was in town over Sunda Mrs. J. W. Cooper was a from Suffield on Saturday, re Ty Marrs and Wife and Tam ily. of Lethbridge were int town over Sunday. Mr. Ed, O'hara of Maple Creek is in town for a few days. Mr. R. Hodge and wife of Redeliff were in town for Saturday. raneh. Mr. W, Little is in town from his Mr. W. Johnson is in town from 30 MileSand Hills. Rev. C. J, Wilson occupied the pul- pit in Knox church owing to the ill- ness of Rev. Mr. Hench. Mrs. . J. Wilson, 630 Fewings street, and Mrs. R. H. Kent, 623 Balmoral street will not receive Wed- isitor SAD NEWS FOR MR. BYRON W. BELLAMY Parent Whom He Visited But a Few Weeks Ago Suddenly Stricken and Died. Mr. Bryon Bellamy has word of the death of his father, Thomas Alexander Bellamy, In his 60th year, at Ingersoll, Ontario. De- received R. A. Leishman is a visitor from Hamilton, Ont. Ralph White and Robert Clove were in town from Redeliff on: Satur- day Mr. Ed. , x of Pendant D - NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete., ads under these headings. 25 words, one day .. 26 28 words, three days .. 60 26 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for lebs than 25 cents, ash must accompany the order. , Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and It will receive attention. HELY Wa ED. * Monday, Aprif 29th, 1912. REAL ESTATE. OA a laa Provera reas 0, BOK 974 Or 17. Block 7, Terms a South Yuill, 1000, 1, Cousins and Sis- Terms, 5 FEET, Block 8, Herald, 750. 4 LOTS, Block sons, 1000, WANSTED Pantry girl and cham ber maid. Apply to the Cosmop.- olitan Hotel. 247a3t WANTED General servant. Apply to Mrs, McDunnough, 1017 Es- planade, 247dst WANTED A general servant. 206 Montreal St. or phone 366. 24743 MA D WANTED Young girl to sist In general house work. Ap- ply to Mrs. Terrill, 812 Esplanade. WANTED Common laborers, forty ter, Season's work, Apply Craig Higs, Tilley, Alta, 240d10t WANTED BricMiayers and tavor- ers. Apply Lussier Construction Co., Limited, Redcliff, Alta. VANTED Two young men to sell Teal estate on commission, Apply to Box 1248. 2atatt MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade, special summer rate on, join now and save money. Particulars free. Moler System Cel- Tege, 609 Centre St, Calgary. 294dtf. SEPEATIONS WANTED. dollars-e-month-and-board-or-bet- ALL of Block 33, Bending, 185 each, Terms, AUCTIONEERS H: 3. BROWNE CO. Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 619 Tor onto St Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- Perlence at your disposal free, H. B, Browne Co,, 619 Toronto St. 182dtt eee MOSCELLANEOUS WANTED LADIES AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, sult Cases, stoves, musical instrumenta, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- sles, harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f.thers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co, 812 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre, , 0. box 701, Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for 23Der. HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best s lection of Second , Monday, Ap Posto atestes 2 doeteatooteagectes When Yor in the top o know that i the oldest good hats i the man w tiff hat it CHRIST lt; for Christy city. Get the 2 doesn t cost Turpit Hand Tools in the city, We carry ee It 1s stated thi Mr. Aikens would ceased visited in Medicine Hat last NTED. 3 . . te Situation as cook. on/ Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new The Man s St biles... We wi// have the. facts. about these... . have 59. SieBouls abtalaliig Seat falt-for-several-days-while:om-a-trip Ww ch ffom to 1S mea, Good ANA SevoNa Nand Clothing, Utoel 7 Get the Big . rowamee should ne Gesire, tolthrough the West, and also assisted experience, Apply to box 1272, News Watches, Jewelry, Kifles, Guns..Re- things or we will refuse to pay. . leave Dossinion pits, since It s Mr Buchanan inthe editorial work cree zardat volvers, Wagons, Buggies. Harace force. We We, the public, have created a new world call it Advertising. Advice regarding your advertising probl ms is available through any recognized Canadian advertising agency, om through the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Rooms5o3 Lumsden Bldg., Toronto. Enquiry involoes uo obligation om your part so write, if interested. , a members of the Odd Fellow and R - becca lodges last night. Coupled with this was also a memorial service for those who went down with the Titan- is. He took for his text from Acts 27.41: And falling into a place where two seas met they saw the ship aground: And-the forepart stuck fast and remained unmovable, but the hinder part was broken with the vio- lence of the waves. It is a pleasure for me to speak to the order here represented and as Ss SS Se THE CHURCHES 8 ple were in a moment's time dash into eternity, with no time to make peace with God. But if we are ready to meet God, it doesn t, matter when or how. Again the presence of death fs an equalizer a state of complete dem- Sate thers are embers mh Winnlper who would be glad to resign in his favor for the furtierance of the par- ty S interests. The definite announce- ment of the king bench appointment is not expected e time yet WIRELESS ETHODS. - Continued f+ money for the exclusive matter sold to newspapers he was asked. No, I do not think 80, -said the witness. They did not know there Wwas- any-Tewari for them. Senator Smith intimated that the case of Jack Binns, Republic oper- ator gave the Carpathia operators a fair idea of whdt theymight- expect. Operator Cottam of the Carpathia was in the room while Senator Smith was questioning -Mr- Marcont. n page one) BEING PROBED) on the Lethbridge Herald during the Dominion election campaign. The hews was a great shock to his son here, who had been visiting his par- ental home just a few weks ago, leav- Ing his father in the best of health, making preparations to leave. for the West to permanently locate, Mr. Al- bert Bellamy, was home when - the death took place, Deceased was a Methodist in relig- jion, a great temperance advocate, and was prominently identified with Ja number of fraternal societies, in- cluding the Sons of England, Canad- lap Order of Oddfellows, Ancient Or- der of United Workmen, Independent Order of Foresters, Royal Templars of Temperance and the Loyal Orange Lodge. He was also-a- member ot the International. Typographical Un- jon. In his early days he was a school teachor,lator-turning his attention to newspaper work, Hir fearless ag- gressiyeness editorially for municipal and political reform made bitter en- WANTED By young English wo- man a position in business or otherwise. Apply Box 1271, News of- fice. 246a3t MAN CooK wants work. Used, to camp and ranch work. Write box 17, post office, 243-6 OFFICES TO RENT. QFFICE To RENT Fine large office 20x24 feet in size, corner of 4th Avenue and Main street, upstairs in the News Block. Modern convenien- ces and well lighted. Most central location in the tity. Apply at the News Office, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf See BUSINESS CARDS. SE SINGER SEWING MACHINES and Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent. All classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming, Office 881 Main Street. The Globe Cleaning Pressing Co. Rear of Post Office, Fourth Avenue. BOARD AND ROOM. VANTED 2 roomers or boarders. English family. New hous2, mod- ern conveniences. Splendid situation. Superior apartments. Apply Box 1270 News Office, 24603t and Repaired Equal to New. New and Secondhand Goods Bought and Sold Clothes Called for and Delivered. MARK HARRIS, Proprietor. Wodelp How ix this minute last? Y sizes, You will find look over the s and shoes offe dark, the outlcok could not see the danger as the color of the berg was bottle green; rendering it almost in- visible. We should not throw mud. The captain was doing his duty: He had to please his employers for some one else would quickly-fill his place. Lat is I60K al the position tak n by Major Peuchen of Toronto, .who has been criticising the actions of the chief officer. When he landed at New York he presented a piece of brown paper. which he said he re- they are a brotherhood it seems de-feelved from tle officer in charge of sirable to speak of the disaster which was so r cently brought to our notice, and show our sympathy to those who are afflicted, In our lesson for to-night we read of a sea incident which happened Some-nineteen hundred years ago. Previous to the boat taking voyage, Paul,'who was a prisoner, advised the captain not to.sail as the ship would be wrecked, but the captain said, this man: is only a minister; he does not the life boats, witnessing to the ma- jor's extreme bravery. Now, if I were that man, I'd shut my mouth, W all know that at the time of a isaster no would take time to write any such statement. We should give the dead the bene fit of the doubt, if any, and show to them at least mental charity. - In this incident we believe the pas- sengers who were drowned had-high view of nature. They allowed the ocracy, great Teveller- we know that some classes will not so much as look on others. In our trains we have classes of travellers. On the Titanic there were cabins that only money and influence could ob- tain, but the inmates of all cabins met the same death. Money could buy the privilege, but could not have the lives. They that trust in riches shall como to naught. There is dis. tinction on earth, but democracy in the graveyard. : We think of*death coming to the peasant and to the King, but all have to give up their life on earth to meet a righteous judge in heaven. Those who pass the portals of death pass on the same status regardless of position. If we live on earth a righteous life all will be well hereafter, no matter how we may go. The sermon was brought to a con- clusion by the congregation singing the hymn Nearer, My God, to Thee, Taal Tands When Senajr Smith saw him, he said, Officer, want Mr. Cottam to step outside the room wihle I am continuing the inquiry of Marconi. Cottam stepped out into the hall. IT would to ask you, the sen- ator Continued, whether from the de- velopments of this inguiry you do not feel it is incumbent upon you to de- sist from the practice of imperrilling the stories cf this disaster? Certainly, am entirely in favor of. discouraging the practice and natural- ly give very great weight to the op- inion expr: d by the chairman of that committe said Mr. Marconi. Asked if he had anything further to tell the committee Mr. Marconi ask- ed to read several messages which his company had sent after the disas- ter endeavoring to get. information from the Carpathia. The request was granted. emies. While in connection with the Orangeville Banner, his office was dynamited, and in Ingersoll, where he had been in newspaper work since 1885, two murderous assaults in the midnight hours by thugs created great exeltement and indignation among the.citizens, a conviction being made on one occasion. s Interment takes place at Dorches- ter station, in which locality deceased was a school teacher. WANT POST OFFICE OPENED ON SUNDAYS Petition Being Sign Give Box Holders Access to Boxes. There is a move afoot to have the this being the hymn- the band played FREIGHT RATES TOMORROW post office opened on Sunday so that, while the great vessel was sinking to . (W.-A, P. Dispatch.) greatest boat of nll ages, and amid maiden-voyage. But-they did not cal- jow everything. So he .a storm arose, and we have the story of the happy deliverance. Men claim to have conquered the e-on-the sea. Note the contrast with the Ti- tani disas *Shipbuilders and scientists declared the Titanic to be unsinkable, She was to be master of any obstacle. The builders were con- gratulated on their putting out the great enthusiasm she started on her culate on the power of God, or the presence of an instrument fi God's hand, the iceberg, and -the outcome, the greatest tragedy on the high seas. In Case of this kind what was the captain to do. Just what he did, his duty, Some people are passing judg- ment on the actions of the captain. I think they are going too far. Christ sald: Judge not that ye be not judg- ed for with what judgment ye write it ghall be meted to you again. Some have gone so far as to say that because some of the passengers were playing cards on the. Sabbath evening, God rose in his power and caused the. disaster. Now, I believe in keeping the Sabbath day holy and quiet from all worldly enjoyments and employments, but I think the above avery morbid view of the ques- ton Perhaps right here in Med cine people were on that same evening in- Weakest to estape when they might tave saved themselves. Those rich men who went Public gaze on other matters, Take the case of Astor, who ten- derly placed his young wife in the life boat and stepped back to. let. oth- ers pass; or the incident of Mr. and Mrs, Straus when Mrs. Straus had a chanc: efused and died by her husband rather than part from her partner in life for years, Or again take into consideration the words of Guggenheim: I wish it to be known that a Guggenheim is not afraid to die. They were sure- ly faithful unto death, and no doubt will receive reward for thelr actions. We may certainly learn- the lesson of the punyness of human power when compared with that of God. Man has launched this monster of the deep, an unsinkable craft, but God had been busy in the north, land and had also launched a ship which was of. sufficient size and strength to ov- ercome the puny effort of man We should bow our knees and reverence the God of power, before whom sclen- tifte estimates are nothing. * In this-age- of progress on land and sea,-and of great tragedies I con- sider the advisability of every man carrying Insurance. Men are travel ling hither and thither, crossing oce- dulging in games of bridge or worse. Why did not the Almighty destroy this city? We should not judge oth-' ers when perbaps we ourselves are guilty. We must take into considera- ans and continents, and they know not the time that accident will happen. We here may look calmly on this fact it to.n watery grave, bulk 4 oa larger in or thoughts than they did Doctor 1a year ago, her last anchorage: is Located at : Tompkins Mysterious Disappearance Of Montreal Physician From C. P. R. Train at Last Solved. Tompkius, Sask. April 29. While. Griving in cattle near Tompkins last Thursday some children found-the body of a man which on investigation Proved to be that of Dr. Poitras. of Montreal. The body was lying face up on a hill in a pasture field. The face was badly decomposed but the rest of the body Was in a fair state of Preservation. Some three months ago Dr. Poltras was a passenger on a C. P. R. train, en route to Vancouver. He mysteriously disappeared from the train, and nothing was heard of him until the body Was found last. week. The R.N.W.M.P. here were notified of the tody and- Inspector Ritchie went down to inquire into the matter. After viewing the body he decided. an inquest-umecessary as there were To marks of foul play. He wired Dr. Pol- tras relatives fi Montreal e Don t miss seeing The Girl and of recent history, but ther s a valu- able lesson to be drawn. Those peo- the Tramp tonight at the Opera House. subjects were discussed by the. Dom- inton: Rallway Board, which conven- Jed here today. The question of freight up tomorrow. A FIVR DOLLAR MEAL Thos. Lohner was fined 5 and costs for trying to get his dinner for nothing at the American Hotel on Saturda; - He said a friend told him to go. im and get his dinner and he would pay but the friend did not turn up and Lobner was. put in charge-of. police with the above result. CARLOAD OF PUREBRED POULTRY. The attention of those interested in poultry is directed to the display adv of Gunn, Langlois Co., else- where in this issue. This firm are bringing a carload of purebred poul- try to Medicine Hat on Thursday, May 2nd, and will offer for sale pure bred Rocks, Orpitigtons;-Wyandottes Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds at very reasonable prices, This is the third shipment of breeding poultry Messrs. Gunn, Langlois Co., have sent to Western Canada.The birds which they are sending are specially selected from among the best flocks he east and are being sold at a close margin. For ali kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department. s scat their mai Phe-industriat bi Toronto;-Oit, April 29 Only local *eir mait- ee jrates, It is exusdtet will be brought reading his paper Sunday afte OR SAEE Duck eggs, Pekin, set- emaon Or eleven for 1.50. Box 83. box holders. can get in and secure have taken the matter up and sent out 1,000 cards to box holders. They argue that a man may as well be than some novel, magazine or old paper. Their notice is as follows: Dear Sir: Ifyou are in favor of having the Post Office open between the hours of 12k. a.m. and 2k. p.m. to enable those renting Post Office boxes to secure their mail on Sun- days, will you call at the committee rooms of the Industrial Bureau, on Fourth avenue (building next Dream- land. theatre), Room No. 1, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., and ign the petition which will be for- warded to the Postmaster General. Tiris list will close on Wednesday, May. 1st, when it will be forwarded to Ottawa. The petition does not include a request to have the Post Office open for the General Delivery of letters, ete. ECRETARY, - ndustrial Bureau, City of Medicine Hat. AT DREAMLAND TONIGHT We are showing another Selig Co. production Lieutenant Gray. Don't miss it. Also a Kalem-Co.,- MWhen Calitornia-was won:' These two worth your presence. A Modern Annias is a comedy you must not are both exceptionally good and well miss a sure cure for the grouch.- ed to F' ROOMS TO RENT. RENT Furnished bedroom, all modern convenfences. 509 Fourth Avenue. 247d3t. 0 RENT Furnished room at 207 Balmoral Street. - - 2azast FOR SALE FoR SALE A choice trio of Golden Wyandottes, includes 1st prize cockerel, Medicine Hat Winter show and first hen at Calgary mid summer exhibition. Also firstp rize Buff Coch- in Bantam Cock. Geo. N. Bartlett, 213 Fourth Avenue. 2aTast OR SALE 1 Verity Walking Plow, 1 Imperial Gang plow, 1 eet Dog Harrows, 1 Mower, 1 Hay Reke, 1 Buggy, 1 Single Harness, 1 Wagon Box, 1 Hay Rack. W. Tomlin, East Road Allowance, Store. After 6 p.m, opposite Rossiter's 44503t- SALE 1 easy-rocking-chair, 1 mantle bed and mattress. Apply 220 Montreal St. 24503 241-6td For SALE A seven room house on west Braemar St., bullt about a year ago, lot 50x10, Good neighbor- hood, excellent value, easy terms. Ap- ply owner, The. Bartlett Studio, 213 Fourth Ave, Would accept a good lot close In a 8 part exchange. (237-d24t EGGS FOR SALE Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Brown Leghorns, Bronze Turkeys Eggs. Jas, Fleming. 226-1mo, LOST AND FOUND 4 L ST 0n Aprit isth, a big red hair- ed Scotch Collie Dog. White chest slightly lame in front. Answers to Paddy. Reward if returned to 833 Third Avenue, 24ba3t OST Betwenn traffic bridge and crossing, blue coat with watch, ete. Finder will be rewarded. Call at News office. 243-6 IMPOUNDED. Gelding, Light bay, no visible brand, Welght about 1000 Ibs., will be sold by public auction at City Pound on May, 7th, 1912 at 14k, unless the same is claimed and all Jawful charges paid thereon. WM. FUNNELL, Read the Serial Story in the News. 246100 E-Bartlett,B-a-sc. Munt tpal Engineer, Dominion and: Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Etc, Barns Block, Medleine Hat, Phone 484 Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. . (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- fully ufrnished on cost of Papering your rooms, Phone 156, PIANO TUNING VOIGING and REGULATING All kinds of repair undertaken at the lowest charge consistent with best workmanship. Expert Work Guaranteed. CHAS. A. ADSIT Telephone 68. 505 Main St. TENDERS WANTED, For the erection of-a Brick Hotel Building at Medicine Hat, Alta. Plans may be seen at the office of the eub- scriber up to noon, Monday, May 6th. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted, - W. T. WILLIAMS, Medicine Hat, Alta. 245-km6 House and Garden Plan ts Now Ready for Spring. - Pansies in bloom and hardy enough for plant- ing in garden. Vegetable plants will be ready shortly. Men's store. We have 5 values now on HLS IR C.P.R. ME SPRING RA IN ENGI OPEN ' (as London, April meeting opens tom nesday the two The first classie r: run over the mil Joal's White St: favorite at 6 to offered against th White Star shares Lemond favoritisn the latter colt. is thousand entries. Jarge, the followi starters: His Majesty's Ipel's White Star pion, August Belt Brassey's Catmi Jingling Georgie, Cylgad, Arthur-J: of Devonshire's J yea's Sweeper, Col. Joel's Maid Ladislas Lubomir Rothschild De Blanche Bailey's ( De Szemere s Kos er s John Amenda Cross. NEWSY LALONT cw. ALP. Toronto, April director of the club today confirr Newsy Lalonde as the Torontos. that the Toronto the signed contra and Len Turnbull Aicitors -for action
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Image 712 (1912-04-29), from microfilm reel 712, (CU1743265). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.