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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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y, April 25, 1912, a ta aD SS - ws Present Dally Avepage Advertisers in Duily gat the beziofit ot the Weekly country circulation. ebarge. Books open to ad. 1666 Coples. it MEDI SINE HAT NEW DAILY EDITION . A PL AND C. ALP. TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE VOL. 2, NO 245 lt; iBe,,, Wireless Operator Gill Says Captain Refused Appeals for Help Though Only a Few Miles Away Tried to Organize Committee to Wait On Captain But None ae Would Join Him. iness pro- keer, ron ff ian refused to go to the aid tigating the Titanic disaster, ; out, Liner California Refused to Go to the Titanic s Aid Washington, April 26. A sworn poneny that the captain of the liner Californ- Ernest Gill, wireless operator on the Californian, before the Senate Committee inves- Gill said the distress rockets were plainly vis the deck of the Californian and must have been visible to both the bridge and look- He tried to organize a committee of the crew to go to the captain and protest against his course, but he saw they were afraid they would lose their job. MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. FRIDAY. APRIL 26, 1912 s filed by ble from Sweep i e In Taft Men Resigning gates. rous friends and past seven years and begs to state e cartied on as a : for the company in assurance of Ow. AP St. Louis, Mo., April 26. Governor Herbert-8; Hadiey;-and his frientis ims always, been early today swung Missouri state re after about 24 hours deadlock in which 235-d-tf the Taft leaders finally were driven to surrender, Eight delegates at large to the natiopal Republitan convention all Roosevelt's men and all instructed for him were elected after two Taft leaders had been elected and then had resigned their places on the Missouri delegation when the convention voted instructions for Roosevelt. The, convention will go down in an- Rals of Missouri as. one of the most stubborn and drastic fights in the his- tory of the state Republican party. Mayor Frederick H. Kreismann, St. Louis, and Chas. D, Morris, St. Jos- eph, the latter chairman of the state committee, are the Taft leaders elect- ed and resigned as delegates at last tights convention, when the State gonvention was Instructed te vote-for- Roosevelt. In their resignation they ough the remainder of 6, Central Park. Simp- orth Railway, 244d ystem The News Job every facility for sup- t satisfactory. for The Daily News. fdeiegates to- Roosevelt Makes in Missouri Hard Fight and Deadlock Which Lasted 24 Hours Ended and Col. Winning All Dele- Dispatch) ment by which they would - be unin- structed, As National cor 13 Missouri to succeed Charles Nagel, convention elected Thomas K. Nied- eringhaus, St, Louis. Roosevelt has finally achieved success after four distinct fights with the Taft leaders who resisted each step stubbornly. The final battle after delegates had flooded the big armory and delegates were almost worn out by their all day and night struggle on the question of to the National convention. The Taft forces, led by members of the St. Louis delegation made a rally in their effort to prevent flat instructions for Roosevelt, But. they were swept off their feet by the now dominant Roose- velt tide and because. the. vote. was more than 2 to 1 for Roosevelt. The Roosevelt forces carried their point, which accepted the withdrawal of Mr. Kreismann and chairman Morris as convention, and elected Roosevelt men in their charge violations of Gener If there is anything- about dogs that Ald. Ansley s Dog bylaw, which was passed by the City Couneil test/ night does not touch, then it will have to be some fault known only to the wolf hounds of the far frozen north and foreign to the poodles of Medicine Hat. In drawing up his bylaw th man has made a very close and soru- tinizing study of dog life, and the results of this extensive study have been embodied in the bylaw. So long is tite bylaw that council decided that to have it published in the papers would add a couple of 00 cash. Dog By-law is Passed Twenty-three Clauses, Set Forth in Detail the Future Life of Poodles Goes Into Effect on May Ist. debentures to meet the debt laces, mills-to the tax rate or would even mean that they might have to sell that would be incurred, and so it will just be summarized. The bylaw says that no dogs shall run at large, if brought out they must be on a chain, vicious dogs when brought out on a chain shall future cost 2 and 5 instead of 5 and 10 as formerly. This is one great benefit to dog owners from a tereenary point of view. The pound: keeper-isto keep dogs 72 hours and then either sell them or send them to the great beyond. secretary of Commerce amt Labor, the instructing eight delegates at large - BUKE'S SUMMER TRAVELS TAKE HIM COAST TO COAST Gov. General s Itinerary as Announced From May to October. COMING T0- MEDICINE HAT Hudson Bay to Start in South Alta. ee ee Rosthern Figuring on Be- ing the First Divisional Point on Tine. Rosthern 26. ter section just north of Rositern was sold to A, H, Hamson of Saskutoon, who Is sad to be acting for the C. P. R. It ts-sald the company will build the Hudson Bay Une starting from Southern Alberta, The Initial start will probably be made from Wilkle, and indications polut-to Kosthern be- Ing thef irst divisional point north, as thed Istance Is almost right. The farm would give suffielent room for yards and station, LAWYERS DISCUSS THE RECALL (Special to. News) Chicago, Ill, April 26. In response to a call of the Hlinols State Bar As- sociation, representatives of the bar associations of majority of the States met In conference at the Hotel LaSalle today to exchange opintons on the judicial recall question. Hor- ace Kent Tenney, president of the III. inots State-Bar Assoctattory, the conference-to-order and Stephen S. Gregory, president of the I linols A quar- called New- ork,-Aprit 26- -Warren 8- CAROLINA -ORATORICAL (Speelal to the News) Rock Hill, S.C. April 26. College orators, accompanied by a large dele- gation of students, gathered in Win- throp College today for the annual contest of the South Carolina Inter- MEET collegiate Oratorical (Association, The institutions represented include the University of South Carolina, Charleston College, Erskine College, Clemson College, Presbyterian Col- lege of South Carolina, Wofford Col- lege, Furman University and New- verry College. PELE DOWN-STAIRS, (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Ottawa, April 26. Dr. T. B. Flint, Clerk of the House, is confined to his bed through falling down the stairs in his house, He was badly injured and will not be ouf for a few days. The commission which is investigating the house of commons staff has been forced to suspend proceedings until Dr. Flint is recovered. ANOTHER CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERS TROUBLE No Cause for Alarm as to Possibility of Strike, Del- egate Assures Them. CW. A. P. Dispateh.) Stone, Grand Chief of the Brotherhood ot Locomotive Engineers and fifty Had Strikers Arrested the Trouble. Southampton, April 26 The White Star Liner Olympic which has been held off the Isle of Wight since Wed- nesday by the strike of her firemen, abandoned today her scheduled trip to New York, and-returned to port. This course was made necessary by the desertion of her seamen this mor- ning, when the line attempted to re- Place the striking firemen with non- union men. One hundred and twen- ty-one passengers, who were awaiting the Olympic at Queenstown have been transferred to the Baltic, which will leave here today for New York. Four- teen hundred sacks of mall which were to have been forwarded by the Olympic will be held at Queenstown for the Cunard ner Lusitania, sall- ing from Liverpool tomorrow for New York.and due here Sufday. The Cun- arder is likely to reach New York a- head of the Baltic and-for this- the mait will be entrusted to her. The strike has a serious as) Will Visit This, City After Congress at Lethbridge. The initiary of the Duke of Connaught, for the coming sum- mer includes a visit to Medicine Hat, which will probably be ab- out October 11th or 12th, direct. ly after opening the Dry Farming Congress nt Lethbridge. (C. A. P. Cable.) London; April 26, It is understood that Prince Arthur of Connaught is retaining a special army leave so as to visit Canada in the Autiinn. He wil Ukely return with Princess Pat- ricla who will go to Sweden, Her Royat-Hishness is not likely to visit London till next. year, the postpone- ment being made that she may accom- Pany her parents intheir tour of the. Dominion this coming summer gt;:gnd autumn, She will be a member of the vice-regal party at the opening of the Winnipeg exbibition in July and later: will take part in the trip to the coast. Ottawa, Ont., April 25. The itin- Jerary of the Duke of Connaught for the coming summer has been prepar- ed. They all spend the week of May 6 in Montreal; May 16 they arrive in Toronto, and May 29 and 30 will visit London and Guelph. They will lea for Montreal on May 31. June 2 to 17 will be spent at Quebec, after which their Royal Highnesses will spend two weeks on the Tobique iver fishing. They will arrive about July 7 at Winnipeg for the opening of the ex- hibition, returning towards the end of the month to the east. e- Montreal by steamer ee the Maritime provinees on August 1, visiting Gaspe, Summerside, Char- lottetown, Pictou, Hawkesbury, Syd- ney, Truro, Windsor, St. John, Fred- ericton and other places, At Toronto Exhibition, After opening the Toronto exhibi- tion on the last day of August, their Royal Highnesses wil leave for the. Opening Dry .Farming State Bar Association, Was one of the speakers at the initlal session. The conference will last two days and will discuss, in addition to the recall ques- tion, the general subject of reform in court procedure. PUGET SOUND MILLS DESTROYED BY FIRE 100,000 Damage Covered by Insurance Burns Bridge Also Two Hurt. W.-As P:-Dimpateh) Victoria, B. C., April 26. Fire which began in the et, mill of the Canadian Puget Sound Lumber Mills on Victoria Harbor destroyed: the mill, sash and door factory, and a part of the mills with adarge am- ount of finished lumber, causing a damage-of-over- 100,000- covered by insurance: - Rock Bay bridge was burned and two firemen were slightly. injured. The bark Kinrosshire, which is char- tered to load at the mills.-for Wales, is lying in Royal Roads waiting to be towed alongside tomorrow. Part oof the cargo eut for the ves* ;set-was-tost. The main mill was saved. STEAMER SANK AND ANOTHER WRECKED DOCK Several Persons Injured but No Lives Lost at Seattle, Wash. (W. A. P. Dispateh.) Seattle, Wasn., April 26. Several persons were injured When the sound steamer Telegraph was sunk today at Coleman dock. . One of the first pas- fortunately had not been berthed and district chairmen of theorganizations reaumed today their conference with the United States Labor commissioner Neill and Judge Knapp of the com - merc court who are acting as media- tors in the wage controversy between the Engineers and Railroads, The railroad engineers who have completed their presentation of the case, declared through J. C. Stuart, chairman of the sub-committee, that there had been a change in their or- iginal attitude. Mr. Stuart added, however, that he did not think there was cause for alarm as to the possib- ility of a strike, TRIPS 10 LETHBRIDCE Magistrate Kealy Handed Out 3 Free Rides Yester- day Afternoon. The cases of Kelly, Shortred and Henry. Was Turtier investigated yes- 13 terday afternoon by Magistrate Kealy. It was proven that Kelly had beg- ged for drinks and money with which to get breakfast and was a nuisance generally to the hotels and people on the street. He was sent to Leth- bridge for two months with hard labor, Henry, the third man, also from Bassano, where he was helping to build the baseball grand stand, was charged on information of the man- ager of the Hub Pool Room of besg- ing in his pool room on Tuesday night. He bad worked for a man by the name of Foster at Bassano and brought Foster s keys with him. The Magistrate gave him one month at Lethbridge, Geo, Shortred was brough in by Constable Lewis on information of parties who said he had asked for money. He had also the faculty of selling boots at the Second Hand Store. He came from Strathcona and Bas- sano, but Magistrate Graphite Co. Agreement was Ra tified Last Night West, visiting Sault Ste. Marie, katoon and Prince: Atbert-on-Septem- ber 3.and 4, reaching Calgary on Sep- City Gives Two Acres of Lai The agreement between the Medi- tine Hat Crayon and Graphite Co. was ratified by the city courfeil last evening. The agreement which will besarte the near future it one of the best so Tar submitted. The city grants Dr. Wright, the manufacturer, two acres of land and 50,000 feet of gas, he to erect a plant costing 25,000 and employ 25 hands. When he increases his pay- roll to 100 he is to get 100,000 feet of gas. Besides this he gets an op- tion of 3 acres of land for 2,000 per acre, and-is-to start building within 60 days of tho passing of the bylaw. Wood, Gundy and Co., Toronto bond agents, will in future handle the bonds of the city of Medicine Hat. A resolution was passed by the council last night to the effect that all bonds willbe sold through them. All licensed auctioneers may sell stuff on the market in futuie, accord ing to an amendment made ll night to the-Market bylaw. BARB the sale of Co. Phone 64. md and Option on Three More, and Free Gas Company to me 25,000 on -Plant and Employ 25 Hands, The License and Police committee purchased two teams of horses, on from Mr. Morrison for 575 and- one from F, McClean for 600, Father 0. Cadoux wrote and asked permission to close the land running through the property belonging the parish in Altawana, and in ex- change they would give land suffi- cient to make a lane in-the-rear of the property. Referred to the pub- lie works committee, A number of ratepayers sent in a petition asking that a traffic bridge be erected over the Seven Persons creek to connect with the Trail to he graded opposite South Railway street. Mr. John Tremble, one - of the interested parties; said that the bridge would cost about 500. The matter was referred to the Board of Works. Portraits: at The Bartlett Studio have always b en from 4.00 per doz- en up. Have the best. tr Subscribe NOW for The Dally News. 01. They will reach Vancouver on Sep- miber-9: After-a-two-dnys stay at Calgary, It is probable that their Royal Highnesses yill open the pew: irrigation works of-the-Southern-Al berta Land Company, south of Strath- more, The plans for the next few days are indefinite, but itis probable that their Royal Highnesses will leave Oalxary on their further Journey about Sep- teihber TT, stopping a Tew hours at Kamloops. 1 ppg maT ANT ETH eH Sud- Seger piers on tho Pacitle coast was bury, Port Arthur and Fort William. Wecked last night when the Alaska Leaving Winnipeg on Septembor 1, Steamship Company's big steel steam- their Royal Higtnesses will visit Sas-1Ship Alameda got beyond contro as she was being taken into her berth and plowed through the dock. As far as-knowmno lives were Tost, BROWNED AT DULUTH Three Men Walked Off Dock During Fog Two Bodies Recoverea. from the package freighter north sea, Franz Miller, the interdict who was fined yesterday for partaking of spir- ited liquors was upon a farther charge of entering a place where li- quors-were-sold- Ha made the plea that he did not know that he was on to pay a fine of 5-and-costs. Malcolm Esplin appeared. on. a charge of withholding wages from his. maid, Miss Frost, and thus vio- Master's and Servant's Miss Frost commenced work on At-Yancourer in September, tember 19, stopping there till the 23rd and paying a visit to New Westmin - ster, They leave for Prince Rupert) on the 23rd, and return to Victoria on the 28th for a four-days visit. They leave Vancouver on October 2, visiting Vernon and the Okanagan valley, returning via the main line to Revelstoke; and thence to- Arrowhead. Passing through Robson and Nel- son, their Royal Highnesses will re- gain the special train and proceed to Macleod and Lethbridge, where they will probably stay from October 8 to 10. Then. after visiting Medicine Hat, Regina, Indian Head and Brandon, thelr Royal Highnesses will arrive at Poplar Point about October 15 and go due-toleave togayon-her-first-trip; perished in the bay late last fight. Two. bodies were recovered by the life saving crew. The three-men bad Bone into the elty to do some shopp- ing previous to boarding the steamer. settled about the dock and im-some manner walked off the edge of the dock. The dead: James Judge, oiler, 38- years of age; Harbor Beach; Mich.; Frank Smith. deckhand, age 43 years, 8277 Richmond St., Philadelphia; Clar- Eborf, fireman, aged 19, Forest- Mich. The latter's body has hot yet been found. 50 by 150 feet on Yuill St,, with gZood 6 room cottage 2,600.00. Only 600.00 down. Balance same as rent, for a few days' shooting on Lake Man- itoba, returning to Ottawa juat be- fore the: end of October, 6 per cent interest. H. C, Pettet and Co tt) Read the Serial Story in the News. Phoy returned after a heavy fog had. 16th of March. The first week was on trial and got no wage. She then worked until the 23rd of April at 10 per month, and when Mr. Es, Plin refused to increase her wages to 12 per month she left the job. Miss Frost had received 1 on her wages and was asking for the balance of 9. Mr; Esplin refused to pay because Miss Frost left without giving no- tice. Magistrate Kea pay the. b: costs. she ly ordered him to wage account and hl was fined 3 for not 0 of himself. Ole Unde being able to t not allowed to enter such a place. + To help him remember he was called yond the matter of inconvenience to trans-Atlantic travel as the seamen, ++ having signed forthe voyage, have Bodies Victims of the Disaster. New York, April 26, The bodies of Col, John Jacob Astor and Isadore Strauss, millionaire. merchant of this city, who lost their Iives in the Titan- ic disaster have been recovered and are on board the cable ship Mackay- Bennett. The news of the recovery contained in a wireless to the White Star Line Company. (W. AP. Dispateh.) Halifax, N. 8., April 26 The body of C. M. Hays, president of the Grand Trunk Railway has been added to the list of the identified dead picked up near the scene of the Titanic disas- ter, This announcement is made this morning by A. G, Jones and Company Halifax, White Star Line agent, who received the news in a wireless mess- age from the Cable Ship ina. win Be Called for Tuesday, Will be Outlined a A public meeting will be held in the city hall on Tuesday, May 7th, at which the public and all the contrib- utors to the-industrialfund- wHi be asked to attend. The Industrial Bureau has been do- ing excellent work during the time that Jt-has-been-In existence but It Is the intention to hold the meeting for the purpose of letting the subscribers to the fund know what has been done and what the future prospects are and But flinching not, though eye On Feb, 26, 1852, board only 184 nearly all women 50 fect on Fim a 10, Pettet and Co. tt Read the Serial Story Inthe News. only could to assist in getting the women in respon poem, with the title given. Industrial Bureau to Hold Big Meetin ment of ten Dritish regiments, many of them newly-joined men, on thelr way to reinforce the troops fighting the Zulus in South Africa, did all they PRICE, FIVE CENTS Olympic Tied Up; Mutiny. Charge Against Seamen Big Liner Has Cancelled Sailing and Star Line Officials on S rieus Charge as They Had Signed for Voyage Life Boat t Question Led to OW, A. P, Cabley now laid themselves open to a charge of mutiny: Immeditely following the walkout the White Star officials ap- Pealed to the authorities with the re- (Continued on page 4.) ANOTHER NEW BLOCK he eke he of of abe Le ode of of oe ofe of oe ode Messrs, Hooper and Huck- vale pave decided to inmmed- fatel erect a handsome brick block on the northwest corn- er of South Railway atid To- ronto Streets, the site being rendered vacant through the fire-which occurred several months ago. Plans are now being prepared for the new building, which, t is under- stood, will be three stories thee obo ole ob food fo ca See; ca ib see + to carry it up another storey + and in: e er date. Serer Hayes, Astor, Straus Recovered Wireless Says That Death Ship Has Among the Iden- tified Bodies Aboard Those of Three of the Notable (CW. AS P gt; Dispawen.y New York, April 26. Whether the Cable Ship Mackay-Bennett with 205 of the recovered dead of the Titanic on board will reach Halifax is. ques- tion which officials of the White Star were trying to answer definitely to- day. ee The last wireless word from the death ship showed she had been drifting for hours in a dense fog and was within the wireless zone of Cape Race, Newfoundland station. Officials of the line believe that the ship was making her way toward port and the agents of the Company in Hal ifax says the Mackay-Bennett should be in by Saturday night. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) New: York, N.Y. April 26 The wireless dispatch, which came to the (Continued on page four) may, 7 Work Carried Out how much of the money subscribed bas been already spent, The bureau through: thelr secretary Mr. White, made appli ty Council at their meeting last night for a grant of 6,000. This mat- ter was referred to the Industrial and Finance Committees. Mayor Spencer about the request and the feeling seemed to be that the bureau was do- ing a great work and that it was wor- thy of some support from the city, Not with the cheer im the throat, Or cannon-glare and din to stir their blood, But roused from dreams of home to ind their boat Fast sinking, mustered on the deck they stood, Biding-God'a pleasure,-and thelr ebief s- command, Calm was the sea, but not less calm that band, Close ranged upon the poop with bated breath, to eye with Death the troopship Birkenhead, from Queenstown for the struck pinnacle rock off Simon s Bay, South Africa, Of 688 persons and childr i Wwere saved. Detaeh * and children off in-the boats. Then, to the bugle Call, they ned wp Om the decks -as 1 on went down with the ship, The above verse is part of Sir Henry Yule s git TEESE EEL EE EEE provision made f+
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Image 689 (1912-04-26), from microfilm reel 689, (CU1743279). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.