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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ri 17th, 1922, hebben ireaten things oo right awey with 4 tia of two of M+L Floor Pala, Paint the WALLS and CELL- INGS with M-L Flat Wall Colors. 1 Bind it far easier to ke them clean sod ansitery 4s well fh parpose, by lmparias Varaith Color Co.. Limited. Toronto. by dealers who believe ia cvioa 756 weer fll sonar worth Made tn torey seven Floor-Paint pasta wenn ssloea tox every geist : last few pers, there is q much mor Wester Canada now then few'year Fatiom, is an-iicktent sdggesting tha Green the kwo Sections of the country. body knows, receiving heavy influ ada. Tho Post thinks, been changed withi See beats hoctoctests tocde ooteatecteate / ee es t, bs , et toate stestectea RY e Keith of the : Border On Saturday next, April 20th, the News will be- gin the publication of Randall Parrish s new story Keith of the Border. If you are not already a te eS be soete- ef oo e so Set present time at any rate, is bein, built, During the year ended Marci B1gt, some twenty-five million dol ional Transcontitiental Railway. Soaks e A MORE CORDIAL FEELING BETWEEN CAST AND WEST So Says the Financial Post in Discussing ha gituation and Gives Many Uphold its tion. Yolesa the Financial Post is minta-jtion to population, hey are, more- ken im ite obeewvattons during the Joves, paid in) comparatively egal am- gordlial feeling Letwoon Eastern and ity. ; A little ianventigption of ago, The recent outbreak in the Ma- tional Transcontinental is being built, mitobe L gislature, threatening sepa- and to judg ftous Hon. Mr, White/s there are still some discontented c' gt;- tinue to be taiilt, out of tho customs qnentaa 4 the West neverthuless. There is/and excise revenue, Acconding vo the need ot oven greater-condiality be- lawt population. returms, more (then One great reason for this is that the speaking, exe paid By Provinces east lbovond-the-lakes section is, as every- of the Lakes, Im other words, the ol citizens who as yet have little Quebec and the Maritime Provinces lother than material interest in Can- are paying for mote than thro kuar- Tt used to be a qitite conim n re- acconding to the present method of fi- Canada that Eastern nancing its construction. The Na- Canada did nothing for the West, tional Transcontimentdl touches set- that it woulli never niake any West. tled Ontario practically not at all, oro investments, and that it knew while the through grain trade over practically nothing about the West the new road. will affect this pro- in general. The attitude both on che vince will, of comme, Obtain very ma- pert of the Hast and of the West has terial indirect Ibemefita for many years the last ait decade, One most intim- witly those detivel by Western Can- ate financial connection between tne/mda. It is not the future generation, Best and the West, amd one sacrifice, moreover, that 8 Peying for the which 44 perhaps fair to say the road, as the money for the work is Bast is sears Jargelp in the inter- est, is in commectiion mitia venue. In othier words, this gars che National Transcontinental Raii- taxpayes, sext way. This road was primarily tilt in the intesests of the West. It is fur- ishing another very much neoled West, amt in future years will benefit Probably fot one in a immired Wes- factures and trade, and the opening ternets, however, realize how the roat up of new North Ontario terricory. is being paid for. The recent budget These facts are Pointed out hece speech of the minister of fmance of merely to indicate thet the East is Canada indicates how the road, at/ ttiq paying something for its connection Jars ont of this year's revenue was which is obviously enough, of the spent by the government upon the Na- preatest advantage to cach, althoagh This r vemue comes very largely trom-the-customs and excise duties of /and one party of the other is likely the country, and the customs and ex- to think from thme to time thint t cise duties are paid largely im propor- bearing the heavy end of the busd n. MEDIOINE HAT DAILY NEWS e ounts by lt classes Of the commun- s subject with in licate that the Na- t words of March 1 , will prothibly con- three-quarters of thege duties, roughly x middleclass taxpayers of -Ontario, ters of the Transcontinental Railway, in to come will be small as compared now beng taken from current re- are paying the money which will im- mediately and) dimectly Uencfit the tris province Jargelp through manu ig with the West, amd is perfectly wil- ling and glad to do so. The connsc- 1- tion of the Kast and the West is one there will always: be differences of ty view on some important questions, RS Seato-t ot ets tt John: Paul Jones, the naval hero . of the American Revolution, was ded- icated in this city today. Congress appropriated. 50,000 for the memiorial, which occupies a conspicuous site at the main entrance to Potomac Park. * Whe President of the United States and members of the cabinet, the dip- lomatic corps, justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, distin- a + JOHN Pall JONES STATUE UNVEILED i Siipbteteieeieebie hb f-tiebit-iibtebetebeiisieteteeietet (Special to News). Washington, D. C., April 17 With render the battered American ship impressive military and civic xer- Bonhomme Richard. The inscription cisex the magnificent memorial to s as follows: Seoood Pr ogeerg (3 : the Busy B s BRIGHTEN-UP. WEEK: This is Brighten-Up Week the time for a genuine, old-fashioned house-cleaning, made easier by modern appliances and labor-saving helps, It is not only the time for cleaning and scrubbing and polishing, but for bright- ening up the home with paints nd varnishes, and making it permanently a eerfil and conv, Re It is surprising what a lot you can do witha can of paint, varnish or enamel, a brush a id alittle ener ges tee That old floor, your soiled and scratched woodwork, the dingy cupboard, all these can he made clean and new if you use the proper brighten-up finish. Of course, the important thing is choosing the paint, which looks best, wears the longest, is the easiest to apply, and affords the greatest protection for the money. Poor paint i is dear at any price. We recommend SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, because they are scientifically made from the purest materials, Garden Tools. Miscellaneous Taking care of the len ite lots s of fun if-you have the We sell everything in hardware, eee We sell spades, rakes, tro i window glass, putty, sponges, tools well: inown brands of lawn-mow- or anything you might need for ers which will make your. lawn the pride of the neighborhood. your spring house-cleaning. The Busy *B s BIRNIE BROTHERS Exclusive Agents, Sherwin Williams Paints and Varnishes. Berry Bros. Varnishes. Geegosseatectoatectotocteatostoatecte este ste hese steerer sie sge tsar ene ON raeae heh bob Surrender? PREG EEE ee 4 The second insciprtton'is just below the base relief representing Commo- EEPPET EERE T ET I have not yet begun to fight. + + m2: HOLLINGER AGENCY 222: READ THESE. ALL GOOD INVESTMENTS. FIRST COME ; FIRST SERVED. HERALD TOWNSITE Kindly give us your 600 Pair, block 17. so ge, 2600 Terms, 100 feet, corn- 500 Patr, block 8, listings. We haye buy- Rae block 75. 736. sys 00 Terms, 100- feet, corner, 735 Pair, block 10, ers waiting. Also have block 86, 700 Patr, block 3. 1000. trust. ESPLANADE (Herald) money to 3500 100 feet, block D. cee at Beyer ypu With small house, to offer? 650 Cash, 50 feet, block 99. 1000 Terms, 50 feet, block 80. SOUTH YUILL oe reectocte dr stertostestnntestoatontote cer soterooetd subscriber for the News, this is the time to have your name placed upon the list. The tale would cost you 1.50 in book form and is a most fascin- ating story of the early days in the West. Randall Parrish, who has written many stirring tales of the plains; the wilderness and the sea, has woven into his new book, Keith of the Border, a thrilling rst of The representation of frontier life as it was in the placed in : great middle West before the continent was span- best of its ned by railways. The plot is so cleverly conceived hae Fon that the reader is mystified until all is unravelled. Ainaidat + Thrilling situations abound, and no reader with r d blood in his veins can fail to be stirred by the final meeting of Keith and Hawley in the dessert, 4 the chivalrous scout having determined to settle - ine summer? eee the long score betw en them by an-appeat to-their lt; a comer six shooters, rather than have the gambler expiate Tease, his crimes upon the gallows. .Keith was wounded put was nursed back to life by Hope Waite, the beautiful girl he rescued from Hawley and fate finds a lover for Christie Maclaire, the heiress, a half sister of Hope Waite, almost her exact double, bain, ae Subscribe for the News this week and do not - miss the opening chapters. In the weekly edition the story will begin on Thursday, April 25th. . PeOSHT SSID SODIESS HOSED ees Qu SIN SIX WEEKS y dechatec we shall have ten 7-roomed houses finished and le rs oe for sale. ae In three weeks we shall have ten-small houses ae for rent. Anticipated buyers of houses on easy terms, keep in-touch-with us. Weare building -25 to 35 oh here this season. ADOLPH SMITH MEDICINE HAT. MOOSE JAW be sent by For further particulars see C. W. Smith 116 Montreal St. ae 5 ; o aostoetoate LPOPEPOOSSS OS Soetecfoatretesteatecteath hostreteetreteet o guished officers of the navy ant army, Senators, representatives in Congress and many others prominent in Official life, as well as a large con- course of citizens, were present, Thousands of bluejackets of the navy United States marines, soldiers of the regular army and of the: National Guard and delegations representing ute to the famous naval hero. eee oe many respects it differs from othe feet eS oi ble pylon of blassi ) design as the background for a colossal bronze fig- 3 ure of the intrepid naval commander jor the early duys-of-the-repudi pylon Is a massive rectangular tower about fifteen feet in height . It oc- cuples the center of an ornamental fountain, the water for which will come from the brotze heads of dol- phins at each e nd of the pylon. On the back of the shaft is a lager panel containing a bas relief representation of Commodore Jones raising the Am- ferlcanTTig-on the.historic-ship Bon- homme Ricba: The Jones-staiii itumts-at-the- base of them onument in front of the ped- estal. It Is of herole proportions, be- ing about ten feet high, The great naval commander is shown in -full uniform, with an expression and pose so-efe suggestive of. his indomitable will and unconquerable spirit. Apparently he is watching a naval engagement. His right hind s clenched and his left sep atoate-ee 4 Sateske Roatecfecte 2 lt; RS s fot 2 e i ne se Seeteiostnge Svoeseseerooe hand clyteties his sword. 5 In the die under the statute fs 1 scribed: oe + Sit + be 1747 First 1792 + To compel foreign men of war b To strike colors to the Stars + ahd Stripes. 3h ee o * EEE EEEEE LEE ET rear of the pylon. The first of thes i 8 ularly when called upon by the command: fore Jones raising the United States flag for the first time on an American warship. It reads: peeeteeeesaees + -In Life he Honored the Flag. ++ In Death the Flag Shall + Honor Him, patriotic and other civic organizations .4. were assembled in parade as a trib- fo of age ofe ofe of ole of fo of feo fe The memorial, the work of Paul H. secretary of the Navy, Meyer, pre- SOME QUEER FISH Some are like the whalo, all fpiub of the Salvation Asmy, and, in Michaus, the New York Sculptor, was sided) at the dedication exerices and admired by everyone who saw Jt. In the memorial was unyelled by Ad- similar memorials erected in the nat- 1000 Facing East Allowance. Letas a FITVU 30 Tet, block B. 2 ne We have-some good NORTH YUILL ALTAWANA : . s600 Lot'2, block 9. 1400 8 lots, block 11. modern house: Droposi 680 each Lots 10-12, block HL 310002 lots, block, 14. tions. 150 Lot 14. loge Gas, water, sewer. 725 Lot 13, block F. ee See us for snaps in all suhe divisions, Also Acreage. 1200 2 lots, block 14. Let us know your SEE US FOR LOANS AND. 5 INSURANCE My ants. er miral Dewey. President Taft address- ed the assemblage and pronounced a The exercises concluded with eral Horace Porter of New York, lwho while United States ambassador to France found the remains of Com- modore Jones in an abandoned ceme- tery In Paris and had them brought of their present resting place in a Yault of the chapel at the United States Naval Academy at Anrapolis. The United States Marine Band fur- of the dedication programmi , At the con- clusion of the exercises a vessel of the navy stationed in the Potomac op- posite the statute fired a: regulation nished the musical features salute, ENT. (Special to News). Kansas City, Mo., April 17. Dele- FOR HIGHWAY ACROSS CONTIN- jonal capital, t-conslsts of a mar- eplenaia tribute to the valor and geti 5 ee aes Ss Wee tus of th sallor and patriot and told Col, Gaskin Gave An Inter- Dawe century, lof his daring deeds om thehigh seas. the tion Army Hall Last Eve- in the Salvation Army, Barracks to good crowd on the subject, Some queer-fish and how they ase cought. joyed an interesuing and instructive jservice, one that will not be fotgot- ee - HEADED FOR CANADA WEST kin has the faculty of presenting his truths im en amusing and entertain z 5 i iy ao his stories ot/ 200.00 Special Train Many will enjuge extensively in agriculture real life so true to nature that more Others will F Follow. and will be a great asset to Western than once tears wese brought to the) 1 v, Pee arin eee ape ona ans siete acl undsed passengers pascod throug Jom, and Fort William, The Britia rapt oF ai ane rSaght tS a venti- Fort Will am on a special train from farm?rs will be accorded q great re tation of their sist and to lead neg, St Jobm. They: represent a large life, were simply wonderful. number of farnilics specially selected their destination. Muny mare parties n the stone forming the cap of the ft, It embodies the language pop- ttributed to Commodore Jones Slrifoltg Gurren BN, em jer Some are live skate, back vane twelve States and by the mayors of Old Trails convention in this city to- : day. The purpose of the convention, which will continue in session. several q aays, ts to formulate plans for the q construction of an improved highway OP end not much in them when they 4- Across the continent, following as q near as practicable the route of the so Sunset route. QUICKLY STOPS COUGNS, CURES COLDS, of the*British frigate Seraple to sur- WcALe THE THROAT AND Lunag-ag- aHTS tess. n- gates appointed. bythe governors of gah, Some men-ere like perch, be- cific ready made farms in Alterta. cause when anyone approaches chem numerous cities responded to the roll tein Kx go up. Some ere like thirtstfive himdren dottars, aggregut- Tene FEREEREEE EE call at the opening of the Natlonal pike. They are all jaw. Some nearly a hundred thousand dol- are like sole, elwayd in the mud and just as slippery. Cumberland Pike, the Boone's Lick goimg siicwise wot never sta ght Diane Is There are two inscriptions on the Road, the Santa Fe trail and the trap the unw. ber, bluster and blow. wished that some of their a A The diffcrent kinds were all illuserg- could be implanted n his own- AOWCTHEYOE CHIC icy oo ee ey pene erit characters. good work, and hoped to see the Methodist church was chairman, for the pleasure faving Colonel Gas esting Lecture in Salva- un. cvening, and complimented the kin lecture to bis own people. eo cng most: excellent Ipe- Colonel Gaskin lectured-Jast evening Those who were present certainly en- WEALIHY ENGLISH FAMILIES ception by th? boards of trade tf are to be brought out this seasoa. MTe Hext party of two hiindred wilt follow in a Sortnight, The trai wilt reach Winnipeg. tomorrow. where it will he divided in two sections for the irrigated block ano central Alberts. He likened men to different kinds of Great Britain for the Conudian Pax he average capital per family is Jare. ANl are pretical farmers and Some are like oysters. Hand io There Is Only One ly One iit VTotwtero, always Se a lite share, dy o Laxative Bromo 10, alae UsxD THE WORLD OVER TO OURE OOLD tt GME DAY. Some are like salmon, hard to dt -for. this. siguaturnia.eTny. ROK... 260
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Image 629 (1912-04-17), from microfilm reel 629, (CU1743264). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.