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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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May 1, 1912. TO RENT. und floor store, al- or office. Apply to Real state, : A8d3t 'T Fine darge office size, corner of 4th 1 street, upstairs in Modern conyenten- hted. Most central ity. Apply at the TO RENT, ished rooms to rent. Street. Apply after 23gaat ished rooms to rent. eniences, Apply 248ast WANTED, ished room for one ate price and loca- ox 1273, -24adit IONEERS i CO., Live Stock Auctioneers, 619 Tor- Sales every Friday e atl o'clock. Ranch ales conducted any- furniture sales con- , Consult us, our ex- disposal free. H. B. 19 Toronto St 182dtt .LANEOUS IES' AND GENTS hing, shoes, watches, evolvers, valises, puit nusical instruments, crat waggons, bug- bicyeles, carpenter hides and furs, horse f.athers, bought and he Harvard Tailoring avenue, opposiie tre. P. O. box 70L Best Prices Paid for 23Dtt. E HAT HIDE, FUR CO. The above have it -satection of Second the city. We carry 8 and Bedding, new id Clothing, Clocks, ry, Rifles, Guns, Re- 8, Buggies, Harness, line of winter goods, (ing mentioned above st prices. Call at 504 St. or Phone 587. tf eS8S CARDS, NG MACHINES ai anning Pianos and and to rent. gt; Aly ance. W. J. Fleming Street. e Cleaning sing Co. ftice, Fourth Aven Pressed and Repaired ul to New. dhand Goods Bought nd Sold for and Delivered. HARRIS, Proprietor. lett, B.A.Sc. pal Engineer, lberta Land Surveyor Spur Railways, , Sewage, Irrigation, ans, Ete: pdleine Hat, Phone 485 d Paperhanging. s- Stewart. opposite Binnings) er Estimates checr- on cost of Papering hone 156. INUEIN nd REGULATING repair undertaken at rge consistent with ip. ork Guaranteed. i. A. ADSIT SOS Mate Si FOR SALE Ranch for sale. 800 and seventeen thous- hold. All fenced, Gobd s and bath. Flowing runs through corrals e year round, Range Suitable for horses or thirty miles N. B. t. Apply estate of G. berry, Man., or Thos. Springs Ranch, Medi- red McClain, Medicine RS WANTED. Hon of a Brick Hotel * icine Hat, Alta. Plans the office of the sub- oon, Monday, May 6th. y tender not necessar- r. WILLIAMS, Architect, Medicine Hat, Alta. POUNDED. t bay, no visible brand, 00 Ibs., will be sold by at City Pound on May k, wnless the same is 1 lawful charges paid WM. FUNNELL, Pound Keeper league season opened today Wednesday, May 1, 191? 3 * When You See This in the top of a hat you'll know that it is made by the oldest maker of good hats in the world, the man who gave the stiff hat it s name. CHRISTY STIFF We are sole agents for Christy hats in this city. Get the reai thing, it doesn t-cost-any more: Turpin Bros. The Man s Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth costestestesZe-et-electestestoote eatectectecteetostesteon seole-eleatesie-ctpole ofe-sfesteste sfeeteateateateateeteareey OTHER SPORTS ON PAGE 6 Le testetosteste soa oatestostestostecge teste. aa AGREEM Heads of Big Leagues and Nat. Commission Agree Cincinnati, May 1 At a confer- ence here between President B. B, Johnson, of the. American league, and August Herrmann, chairman of the national commissio . Sohn- Soak Losteateatestest sfosfeatestoateateot MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. ; oe Loeteetoatpetenteteatentectentecten ENT IS APPROVED ed, w minor the r approved of tional agreement after a hanges The draft will be sent to I'vesident T, J. Lynch, of the Nations league, for his approval, and Mr. Sixton, of the National association of Minor Jeagues. The minor changt lt; (emand- ed by the American leagu announced. were not. GESSLER RETIRES Noted Gardener is Taking Medical Course at Johns Hopkins U. i a New York, April 30. Dr. Harry Gessler, the Washington club's ve- teran outfielder, sold last winter by Manager Griffith to the Kansas City, club, of the American association, is done with baseball forever, and is studying medicine at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Ho called at the Somerset hotel the other day for WISCONSINALLINOIS LEAGUE (Special to the News) Rockford, T., May 1 This the opening day of the seu Wisconsin-Illinois Baseba Oshkosh playing its first Madison, Wausau at Auro: Bay at Racine and Appletoy at Rock- ford, The league circuit this year Is the same as last, excepting that Wau- sau has the franchise heli last s son by Fond di Lac. was n for the Ibague, at kame (Special to News). Reading, Pa, May 1. The chainp- loiship season of the Tri-State Base- ball league was opened today with games in Harrisburg, T enton, Al- toona and Reading. The league cir- Nieto oees Neale steeteeteateeteateteey o LAJOIE WILL COVER FIRST Nap to Replace Davis While Neal Ball Will Be Sent to Second. Cleveland, May L Larry goes to first today and Neal Ball to second. Manager Davis wasn't sati-fed with the transformation which he made in the club yesterday. Henew t jion to send Larry 6 the first sack. Herman Browkie will at jthind base for few diys at least.) rhe, opportunity, is WOW fered him to make a jar major league berth. RICHTER, OF CUBS, GOES TO LOUSVILLE Chicago, May 1 The release of Pitcher Emil Richter to the Louis- ville club of the American associa- tion, was announced last nicht by Manager Frank Chance, of the Cubs. Richter was let go under +n gree- ment whereby he may be reclaimed decis- K, remain by the Cubs in' August ii he is want- ed. to sfoateoteateatocfeatoete age of SPORT NEWS r Coates Boats orto steteeteete ateatentoate tects feeteoteatoatosioste: RUSSIAN. DUM AND THE RELIGIOUS SECIS Urgent Interpellation Adop- ted on the Censorship of the: Press. FLAGELLANT SECTARIANS PRACTICE UTMOST SECRECY Add a Dualistic View of the Universe to Mysticism. St. Petersburg, May 1. Something like a cyclone has recently swept through the Russian chureh and near the centre of it Is again the mad monk Heliodorus, An end was sud- denly put to the mbnk s amazing ex- teritorlality from the civil and eccles- jastical power. For a presumptuous telegram addressed to the Emporer, accusing the Holy Synod of heretical and uncanonical proceedings, Hell odorus patron, Bishop Hermogenes, in Seeteetoctestestoe so-sSe-eSo eseeseese ofeetese-oce. Postestoctestestosteatectocts so afe efe efeefeateateete os a Meets a Losteste-stoctestestestestestestestestestoctetectont SoeSeese the ahe eho seo ace ale etete-eneae sre cte eeeteeroete, The Easiest Way to make money is to invest in Medicine Hat pro- perty. Buy a few lots and you will soon realize that this statement is correct. i If you want a home you will save money by buying NOW. If you want an-investment you will ,make money by buying NOW. SOME GOOD BUYING Lot 8, block 8, N. Yuill 8650.00. Terms. Lot 14, block 4, C. Park 1050.00 cash. 2 lots, block 13, Herald, corner Toronto St 1050.00 cash. 100 feet, block 2, Cousins Sissons, Highland 1650.00. .Terms, It is quite probable That You Will Need OUR SPECIAL 7.50 WATERPROOF before the next change /ALLEN-AND BAYLEY but I find I am too rusty to prac- tice after my long connection with baseball, therefore I am taking a special course at Johns Hopkins. When I have completed that I shall go to Germany with a friend of mine and study 18 months. I figure that will prepare me to begin prac- tieing on my return to this country. I shall probably reside in Pittsburg, where I have many friends. of this adv. You had beter them today because the excellent values. see of i past week have stated that Allen Is TRAINING FOR BOUT Dispatches from Ottawa during the suffering from Injuries received to his eyes in his last fight Tommy. Burns has been assured by the Can- today for the initial games on thelr season's schedule. Peoria appeared at Davtnport, Danville at Decatur, Bloomington at Springfield and Quin- cy at Dubuque. Since the close of last season the Itague circuit has been changtd by the substitution of Bloom: ington for Waterloo and Springfield for Rock Island. The club owners and managers after considerable trouble have streightened out the affairs of the orgaulzation and are looking for- ward to a successful The schedule calls for 140 games, with September 15 as the closing date. season. CENTRAL ASSOCIATION STARTS (Special to the News) Hannibal, Mo., May 1. With all signs pointing to an interesting rage for. the -1912-pennant,- -the baseball clubs of the Central association ap- rigan; Krause, Danforth and Thomas. ROW E St. Louis nu 4 Cleveland ... ... eee SE LaO atteries E. rown, C. Brown and Brichoit; Gregg, O'Neill and Eastrly. R OH. EL Chicago ... . ree. 3 4 4 Detroit... 155 4.8 4 nares: BatteriestMogridge, Lange, Waish and Block;' Willett and Stanage. ' NATIONAL LEAGUE. tical and court circles. Meanwhile Hellodorus had disap- peared in a mysterious manner from the capital, ostensibly to make a pil- grimage He mysteriously reappear d In Petersburg efter a fortnight s absenve and also made a show of sub- mission and departed for his place of exile. The personal element in these sen- sational developments includes a third figure, Gregory Rasputin, a reputed holy man residing in Tsarskoe Selo. OMPANY : PHONE 171. it is the same as last year, com- aq was disiaissed trom membership 2-chat-qith hie-old teammates -ana- ult 18 Ae Jat vear. com: that body His refusal to depart tor 2 lots, block 1, Cousins Sissons 8500 pair. Terms, 4 adj prising Johnston, York, Lancaster + 7 Lot 6, block 21, Townsite 81250.00 Cash. : made the official announcement of hig tng Wiimington, in addition to the * BYGh LBAGUE + Ns dlocete im Saratott led to its be rors foment from- the-game--Said her other four cities named. The season gt; BUCORES Fe een aay tea ie iealiz bath T've played my last game. It was fi September 4. . he and Heliodorus, who had come up iifine iavestenent Chait Care 'imeds he oe ce te Soptember 4 Lee. . on from Tsaritsyn to wage his battle, jin Chieay when he bought e e 7 . * eee ee were exiled to remote monasteries in in Ccago when te bons me Faxon garg 19 Tunes aces) TES EEE SS EHH wor ted rmote mommere lL We are THE FARM La R a ok in- Jew R. if, p,)oTder Was enforced only after a fort- ore T decided tor quit the game T yaya eee eae NTS gpa Boston coe coe see cesess HH g MRM of tnsubordination, In which Rave a degree in medicine, you know ) wudnt: Tas May 1 lt; The baseball piadetphia:.s. s,s... 14 2 Hermogenes was sustained by some ave a degree You ADOW clubs of the Three-I League lined up yveeDNe a. soi 12) crime tiost Influential leaders of poll- i is I we 390 TORONTO STREET. We Have Been Asked the Question What Constitutes a Safe, Sound, Lucrative Investment ? Archer; Suggs and McLedn. Boston-New York, rain, Brooklyn-Philadelphia, rain. ai INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. +t 1. B. He 1tnow appears, Was the power Ghieago ... ... 2 de 11 3 behind Heliodorus, enabling the lat- Cincinnati ... 20. 22.5 9 4 ter to say and do what he liked, in Batterles Lavender, Brown and defianct of the synod, and of the whol government. The interdict up- on the press of St. Petersburg and Moscow against publishing anything nt Rasputm and, ce of about ten issues of different news- A-safe, so vestment in real property, industrial or residen- tial, situated in a locality contiguous to industrial development or in a residential centre, not too far removed from an industrial centre, situated so that industrial progress will necessitate a rapid ad- + nce By demands for such industrial or residen- al sites. C.P.R. MENS STORE AMERICAN COLT WINS. (Ws A. P. Dispaten. Newmarket, Eng., May 1 The two thousand guinees for-three year olds, one mile, the first of the five classle races, Was won today by the Amer- ican colt, H. B, Duryea s Sweeper II. by Broomstick-Ravelle II., who start- ed at 6 to 1. L, Neumann's Jaegar 100 to 1 was second and Hall Cross, 9 to 2, third, The fovarite, J. B. Hew- ell's White Star, who started at even money, was unplaced. The field totalled thirteen, also rans Including Aleppo, Absurd, Cyrgad, Jingling, Geordie, Jolin Amedall, Kempion, Kosiuske, and White Star, : NATIONAL (Special to the News Washington, D.C, May 1 A not- able feature of the second annual Na- tional Capital Hors Show, which op- oned sa Park is the Lom, Oisea, Blue, jadian champion that although he Went under an operation he has thor- oughly recovered from the effects and his bout with Bayley is assured. The site for the bout at Bassano has been selected by those interested and plans arranged for the erection jor seats to seat thousands of people. The ring will be situated in the centre of the Arena built high enough that every person in. the house will be able to see every movement of the voxers throughout the engagemen Ring Seats, reserved seiits, back seats and general admission seats have been So arranged to make it possible for the management to seat s many people as possible in as small an area Jas possible, The bout will probably take place early in the evening before lit'is dark and the use of electric light will be cancelled. This will jmean. that the boxers will have nat- ural light during the contest. Both Bayley and Allen have start- ed to train in real earnest for the in peared on: the diamond -today in the initial games of the season. Kewanee played at Monmouth, Galeqbure at Burlington, Muscatine at Keokuk and the Ottumwa champions in this city. A season of 130 games will be played, closing Labor Day. eee ee Se + COMMUNICATIONS + + PERE EEE EEE EY Note While we welcome all com- munications from our readers, we wish it to be theroughly under- stood that we do not necessarily sub- scribe to or endorse the opinions expressed by our correspondents, All letters must be signed by the writer, not mecessarily for publi- cation, but as a sign of good faith. Ed, WHAT ABOUT 24th Newark-Baliimore game postponed on account of rain. No other games scheduled. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION RH. EL Louisville... . Minneapolis. 7 167 Batterles Criss and Madden; Wad- dell and Owens RH. E Indianapolis... 00. .... 910 142 St. Paul... 20.0: 1 6 Batteries Merz and Clarke; Dav s and Murray. ; RW. EB. Columbus ... ... Weise 2 Milwauk e ... 0... a) a Batterles McQuillem and Smith: Marion and: Hughes. ae RH. Toledo ... 4.7, 2 Kansas City eee 631 3 Batteries Higginbotham and Car- isch; Rhoades and O'Connor. -ponit ane during May Urey WHT -en deavor to finish the preliminary mill- ing, after which both will come to Bassano to. finish, TOMMY BURNS. To the Editor of the News : Dear Sir : The 24th of May, Victoria Day, will soon be celebrated In many towns in the west. Medicine Hat shoyld not be large number of trained chargers en- tered by United States Army: officers. The shiw will continue until the end of the week. Six thousand dollars in prizes will be distributed among the winning owners, THREE LEAGUES OPEN (CW, A. P. Dispatch.) Davenport, La,, May 1 The three with Peoria at Davenport; Bloomington at Decanture; Danville at Springfield; and Quincy at Dubuque. There are two new teams In. the league this year, Bloomington and Decanture, Book Island and Waterloo are not in thel ineup this year. WITH THE BOXERS Packey McFarland and nas Bef son have signed for a twelve-roul muss to take place in Ind anapolis on May 29. Former champion Tommy Burns is still working to get a match with Sam Langford, the bout to take place in Calgary. And now the Missouri houn dawg has been introduced to the national pastime. Manager Roger Bresnahan, of the Cardinals, has secured a real live houn for a mascot, and will carry the-dog with the team to ev- city in the National league. JOHNSON SEES QUICK VICTORY Pittsburg, May 1. 'I will. defeat Flynn in less than ten rounds and so completely that no fan will say there was any frame-up, said Jack j Johnson yesterday after his doctor had told him the injuries received in an automobile accident last Wednes- day were not serious. Johnson will engage his former partner, Kid Cot- ton. T will start training on my arri- days sport, to attract attention and induce people of the district to join hands for a days outing. There are a number of first-class horses here, trotters, pacers and run- ners. Why not have a days racing at the exhibition- grounds? Wake-up, get out a programme; do something. A visit to-our race track will reveal a better string of horses fora spring meeting than any previous year. Maple Creek and other towns will respond. The powers that be are only waiting for this hint. Take it in the spirit of true sport. Let's have a day, val in Chicago next week, said the champion. , than by writing syndicate stories Cuba, the Gi ts when the National Leas terial for a great pitcher. the leagu cation process has not been starte PRE EE EE bbb bk ob The tip was given when the Washington manager called on ve got a pitcher on my team named Cashion, said Griffith. He has the size, the speed and the stamina. how to pitch a good curve ball and how to control It, I'll give you 1,000 and think it a bargain, forthis fellow looks Ifke the raw ma- If he doesn't prove to be I'm going to make an outfielder of him. And I'll have one of the best hitters in Matty expressed a willingness to try for the 1,000, but the edu- + * + * + + + + * + + + + + + + + + + + + + come what may. SEE eee ee eee eee ee 1,000 TO TEACH RECRUIT PITCHER Washington, D. C., May 1 Clarke Griffith showed Christy Mathewson how he can pick up 1,000 for himself much more easily or pitching post-season ball in gue champions were here. If you can teach him d yet. Pe LEE EE beh ob tarckward t thre way ot providirEe et Yours, VIGILANT. AMERICAN LEAGU Boston Chicago Washington . a Philadelphia... 7 Detroit oe Ra 8 486: St, Louls . B59 (357 New York . 2 10 166 NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING. L. Pe. Cincinnati 3 gt; 2769) New York . 3 1t Boston 6.500 St. Louls .. 7 462 Pittsburg .. 6.454 Chicago ... 7 A16 Philadelphia 6 400 Brooklyn 735 papers, Inching some as tntluenGary in ruling circles as the Novoe Vremya and the Golos Moskvy, is an other manifestation of Rasputin s power. His support was on personal grounds recently withdrawn from Heliodorus and his-group with imme- diate consequencesto-therm Rasputin keeps as much in the ckground as possible. With all slyness of the peasant when deal- ing with persons in authority, Ras- utiy avoided getting into trouble with the Holy Synod, though he has denionstrated repeatedly. thatatispcey- nod is powerless before him; Gained Power Jn Six Years This untutored peasant from Siber- ia has gained all his power in six years, He owes his introduction in the - ante-chambers- of- the-great to Her- mogenes, Hellodorus and Theophan- who led the ultra-reactionary movement which came in the wake of the revolution. Rasputin, however, .re- stricted himself to the religious sphere of action. Those who came near him conceived the idea that he was a person of extraordinary spirit- ual experience and power. Such is the view held in the highest circles. One of the ministers of state who attemp- tO -open the question about Jtas- putin during the recent stir was told that Russia exists these. six years thanks to Rasputin s prayers. The Duma views the matter differ- ently. Antrgent-interpelation-on the censorship of the press In connection with Rasputin was adopted with but a Single dissenting voice. The text of the interpellation reproduced one of the incriminated articles from the Golos Moskvy challenging. th -Holy Synod upon the author for proof that Rasputin fs chlyst (flagellant secterian) corruptor of bodies and souls, a sly conspirator We offer you an opportunity by placing a safe investment in Medicine Hat.Real Estate. The Medicine Hat Industrial.Committce has a fund guaranteed by the citizens of Medicine Hat for the purpose of placing industries here, in the course of three months over twelve industries will be an actual fact. Why not buy when prices are normal? Save the other fellow s profit. If you are interested call on E. J. Butler Co., they will explain matters to you, and show you where Medicine Hat is due to receive her, share of prosperity that is sweeping the Western Provinces. ok We Need Your Listings. E. J. Butler Co. BECKER BLOCK. PHONE 110 the nieeting room, the men put on white calico or linen shirts, reaching almost to the ground, and provided with long sleeves. The meeting com- munes are allegori ally called ships, the presiding prophet, pilot, the hair, sitting down and Jumping up,. beating each other amd crying Oh, Ghost, O Tsar, God, Tsar, Ghost, Dhecy and chants, continue until all drop on the floor exhausted: fs shirts with-.the..addition..of..a white skirt. They also cover their heads with a white kerchief, with red spangles. All worshippers hold a candle in the right hand and a hand- kerchief with red spangles in the left. These-handKerchiefs are-called-urch- angel s wings. Generally all remain barefooted. If outsiderg are present the service is a formal one of reading, diversifiea with singing and preach- ing. If all by themselves, the chlysts perform a variety of religious dances, of which the circle is the supreme de- gree, in which they tumble and writh scarcely Christian. They call Jegus Christ the old Christ in contrast to constantly manifested new. ones To their mysticism 1s added a duai- istic view of the untverse, the spirit being a good clement and the fle: an evil one. They reject matrimony, are total abstainers from Uquors, practice vegetarianism, rarely smoke, practice wide democracy and beney- olence, thereby attracting the humbl and the needy to thelr fold. Department has every facility for sup- INTERNATI( Pe. Jersey City 3 667 Providence . 3.625 Buffalo ... 0... ..55 6 3 625 Rochester ... ... -- 3 3 500 Baltimore .. 3 4 428 Toronto 4 5 Abe Newark *.. 3 6 875 Montreal 2 6 286, PITCHER DISAPPEARED Pitcher Fred Sweitzer, of the Cleveland club, who went south with the Naps, has disappeared. Nap -offi- cials declare they do not know what has become of him. It is likely that. against the holy of holies, the throne and church altar. The charge of being a chlyst con- veys a very definite meaning to the Russian ear, At matins and vespers priests of the Orthodox Church rarely fail to admonish their flock against the abominations of the chlysts. These secterians, however, practice the utmost secrecy and are among the most punctual church-goers. When the priest admonishes they: groan and mutter horror of the very practices which they carry on in secret. Exeretses In Zeal The chlysts now thrive in thirty provinces The most notorious things about then: is their religious meetings (called exercises in zeal ) carried on under corstant fear of discovery in he has returned to. his. home at Havre de Grace, Md. some secret underground passage or out of the way chamber. On entering Ti contortions, Ike madmen, beating themstlves on the breast, pulling the plying the most satisfactory. Read the Serial Story in the News. + THIS WAS SOME FREAK PLAY Rollie Zeider says Buddy Ryan, of the Naps, pulled off a freak play this winter while playing in southern California. Bud and Zelder were playing for Calexico in the Impental Valley. On of the irrigation ditches that are numerous in the valley ran In about ten feet of the left field foul line. There was a man en second and one on third. Mott niled a beauty over third just insfde the Tine. Buddy sprinted over and got the ball with one hand. He never stopped until he took a header in the canal, both :run- nuers crossing the pan. Bud crawled out of the canal and raced over touching third, never stopping until he reached second, claimed an unassisted triple play. Buddy finally convinced the umpire that he bad not dropped tht ball by showing him that the ball was wet only on one side, where, f he Had dropped it, the ball was bound to be wet all over. : PREECE EEEEEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE PEER EERE SS bebe eee ee eee tee Steeves,satis Tre wonren on simttiar in the betters te cnlysts are Loose Leaf System The News Job Fe oe ode eke Le Be ofe ofe fe ole fe ole ae oie OB oe a ie he RT he These dances, with intervening pre-
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Image 732 (1912-05-01), from microfilm reel 732, (CU1743270). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.