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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Miicestefal Son Says Father ts Sq and Makes Dad Loveghet Aged Civil War Veteran, Without Funds, Faces Foreclosure Proceedings. WIFE WON'T HELP HIM JT Have Done, Enough, She Says. My Only Re ward Has Been Ingrati tude. New York, Oct 23 Unlees wealthy friends come si to his financial assistance warrior and t lose his home, No. 23 those of my children. days, surrounded 118,000 it holds or 2 and 25 Fifth Avenue. Mrs, Sickles, who once before saved the General's) home by pledging her Jewels to nay one of his debts, will do nothing fur- P C Mrther ald from her. ther because, bf the tirade he issued stituted to a foreclosure of yy. it was learned attempts will r be made to serve the pap- folloy os Paris: interest on this first mortgage ,000, which amounts to 2,855, Btate bank to hold back a mortgage property on which the taxes have, yb been paid for three years. Gen. say I love you. ekles has failed: to pay taxes on terest was paid by Ort, 24 today the bank, under the jaw, would be compelled to institute foreclosure Proceedings. At the same time he * wrote Mrs. Sickles at her home, No. 7 Fifth Avenue, apprising her of the ever knew. situation, in view of the fact that she Washington; D.C, March 14, 1897. holds 2 second mortgage of 40,000 on The Sickles home property . which th foreclosure progeeiings are can do no more, said, Mrs. Sic- to be instituted, fronts 79 fect Kes today. In all, Gen. Sickles owes Fifth Avenue and. extends back . 100 feet on Ninth Street: It is assessed, believe I should waste my own per- at 148,000, but is worth probably the same property. me more than 60,000, and I do not sonal fortune and ruin myself trying 300,000. BY-LAW NO, ..... A BY-LAW 'to ( tmiit certain eon- Set Mayet cessions and exemptions and to ratify and confirm e ftuln agreement bearing date the twenty-fourth day of September 1912 made between The Corporation of the City of Medicine Hat, of the one part, and The Maple Leaf Milling Company Limited of the Second Part. to saveilthe remanants of his estate, GepeSickles has contrivated nothing, to my support or the support Smy children for thirty years, hive sacrificed for him. My last sac- rifice was to pledge my jewels prevent him from being driven from his home, His aiitwer Was to issue public statement attacking me be- fore the world. That was his grati- tude. Now 1 shall do nothing - more except to protect my Interests and WHEREAS. The Maple Leat Mill- ing Company Limited have applied to the Council of the Corporation of the City of Medicine Hat for certain concessions, in respect of s Flour Mill and other necessary buildings to be erected in the said City of Medicine Stanton Sickles, who, has stuck to his mother during al her martial in- felicities, declared neither he, mother nor his sister would go again tt to the G neral s financial assistance. n Son Declares General ts Spendthrift, oe ae F My father receives a large pensica and has other large incomes which would have permitted him to movt all his obligations, In the past fow months he bas raised several :thou- and dollars on promissory noted and I cannot understand why he has not paid the interest on this mortgase. Instead: of paying, he has written the bank constantly, telling them that be ee ne would pay next week. Of cottrae, the bank cannot do business that, way. My father owes my, mother 40,000 on the second mortgage on the same property and 14,000 it.terost alone on chat sum. He caniot ex- AND WHEREAS in the opinion of the Municipal Council of the said City is will be grestly in the inter ests of the said-City to procure the establishment of the said mills in the said City and the said Council deem it advisable and expedient to grant the concessions set forth im the agreement bearing date the twenty- fourth day of September 1912 a copy of which is hereto annexed marked THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT hereby enacts as follows: 1 IT shall be and may be lawful for the Mayor and Olerk of the City of Medicine Hat, and they are here- Uy authorized and empowered for and on bebalf of the Corporation of the said City to execute all such trans- fers and agreements as may be ne- cessary and requisite for carryimg out of the said agreement dated the twenty-fourth day of Sep- tember A. D. 1912 on behalf of the said City and to do all such further acts and assurances as may be ne- eessary to fully carry out the terms of the said agreement and to con- vey in accordance therewith the tract of land comprising fifteen acres more or leas more particularly described in the said agreement. 2. AND IT MAY BE FURTHER lawfol for the said -City to furnish the said Company with all water that it may require at a rate not to cents per thousand gal- lons for period of ten years from the completion. of the Coipany s plant and the commencement of operations provided that the shall not be responsible failure of the said water supply due to causes beyond its control. BE FURTHER LAWFUL for the said City to fur- nish the said Company with all gas required by it for use during the construction of its plant ata nom- imal rate or charge of One Dollar per annum and a3.soon as said plant shall have becn constructed to make over and convey to the Company with good title and free of all en- cumbrances a good tight and dry gas well sunk to the gas stratum com- monly known as the one thousand; foot level, such well to be the same size ax.the one recently completed for the Ogilvie Milling Company and to father s hole downfall, finan- clally and sn every other way, is due against her at the time she pald the is ote he has taken into his Sea oere life. He has wasted many fortunes No togat proceedings have been it-/on hom;,he has done nothing for his : the due the mot but ender the St t Stanton Sickles has made public an- law action must be taken immediste- ter letter, which he says his fath- Pr sident H. A. Schenck of the -o- rote to prominent New York Savings Bank, dectined today) sohiety woman from Washington inj a proceedings would be be hiarch; 1887, He declines to tell how he secured, possession of these per- fervid love epistles. The letter Is as) . : To Mis? , Windsor Hotel, Darling: I was always glad when you came, always sorry when you/ to be paid to the bank Aug. left me, always happy to go to you, / tt remains unpaid. The State aiways sorry to leave you, always a laws, which govern the Bow- contented when with you, always sat- Bank, will not permit) istied to sit by your side and hold your hand and look into your eyes and hear: your voice and hear : It was more to-me than all else in his property for that length of time the world. . Those three words said to and is now in arrears 11,000 for tax- me now by you would bring me back es. to life and strength and hope and President Schenck accordingly not- joy Ob, darling say them to me ified Gen, Sickles that unless the n- again and from your heart and make me happy. You have been more ernel to me than anyone else in the world, because I love you better than any other and more than all others 1 for any Tarkey Trot For Duchess and lim Brady, the Diamond King, and Duchess of Suther- land Do a Dance. HE WAS WEARING ALL HIS JEWELS that or any other name, liked its sound- open the doors: s Dinner Party. much as to say that Fifth avenue and Broadway, in spite of Madison Square, 5;,, gt; chattered and smiled broadly today *- been accomplished by the Dughess of Sutherland on the one hand and + James Buchanan Brady, better known 49 Diamond Jim, on the other. . And it was along of a turk; trot that Broadway's Four Hundred and from Fifth avenue touched more than iniscence of Terpsichore. finger tips, each to each. The Duch- e6s, it appears, could not resist the Mit of American ragtime. It started in her head and straightway made sits way to her feet, and-ahe was Jost Duchess to the exclusiveness of the Fifth avenug set, of which she is recognized as a member. As both sots heard the story to- day, Millicent, Duchess of Sutherland, sister of the Harl of Rosslyn, half- sister to the Countess of Warwick, Tit-Bits. 8 air. riches and oldest titles in England, and still one of the mdst beautiful aici then? women in the tight little isle, was con don't I replied Johnny. siving a farewell dinner fn one of the + That's all you know about it My * private rooms of the Ritz-Carlton father's a dentist, my mothers a homeophatic, my eldest sister has joined the ambulance class, grand- mother tries every patent medicine i is a veterinary he added, most'in tears, they all practice .on Just before she departed with her fam- ily for the social season in London. Next the folded doors of this room Diamond Jim Brady and A. Foxhall Keene woke having a little dance in one of the hotel's private ballrooms. Duchess All That's Up-to-date: - mmo. The Duchess and her friends were the same sort. Then was heard are with thems lves; have practically the same capacity. 4 I? SHALL BE FURTHER LAWFUL for the said City to pro- vide and instal such main sewers as may be required to connect with the drains of the Company at its proper- ty line, to extend the Corporation water system to the said property line of the said site and to furnish hydrants for the use in case of fire, such hydrants to be put in at points to be mutually agreed upon between the Corporation and the Company, that the City shall in no case be liable for dam- ages through failure of supply of wa- 5.IT SHALL BE FURTHER LAWFUL for the said City to assess the said: peoperty of the Company at a fixed assessment of Twenty-five thousand Dollars ( 25000.00) for the first ten years after the commence- body's Doin It, agitates the feet by And that was what the Duchess, was heating, She didn t know its name, but she Dances It With Brady. With 2 laugh, the Duchess sprang from the dinner table and went to the clos d doors. She gave-a little laugh as she listened and then she flun; Consternation reigned in the ball- room fot one smail second and then Musie Stirs the Daughter a ee ee the to lish Aris Imighingly recited the temptat of Sane LOcraby Bele raktiine and thenkabe was auiiaaea laughingly invited, with her friends, to join the dance. She was led to the New York, Oct. 24 Soolally, east 18 c1aa1e of the room and. Introduced Ces and west is west, which 16 8/ 5 the redoubtable figure already Ithere, none other thas Diamond Provided, however, pany upon. completion of the said buildings and commencement of oper- Agreement not being approved by the Burgesses. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY never: meet. But it needed the exceP-/ 4, Brady was in full regalia which READ a first time this fourteenth, day of October 1912. 5 NIELSON SPENCER, H. BAKER, READ; second time this fourteea- th day of October 1912. Signed... NEHILSON SPENCER, a Mayor. H. BAKER, Clerk. PUBLIC. NOTICE s hereby given that the foregoing s a true Copy of the proposed bylaw to grant certain consions . and oxemptions and io and confirm a certain agree- ment bearing date the twenty-fourth day of September, 1912, made be- tween the Corporation of the City of Medicine Hat of the one part and the Maple Leaf Milling Company, Lim- ited, of the other part, which has deen introduced and which may bo finally passed (in the event of the Assent of the Burgesses being ob- tained thereto) after one month from the 48th day of October, 1912, that bein gthe date vpon which this notice is first published in the Medicine Hat News, Medicine Hat, and upon the 12th day of November, 1932, the vot- ing thereon held between the hours of nine o'clock, p, m,, at the following places fixed for taking the of the burgesses: For Watde 1 the Council Chamber in the for voters in Wards and Court House. H. BAKER, City Clerk. Medicine Hat, Oct. 15, 1912, EXHIBIT A A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT madggghis 24th day of September in the of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundered and Twelve. BETWEEN: CORPORATION of the City of Med- icine Hat, hereinafter called the Corporation of the FIRST PART AND MAPLE LHAF MILLING COM- PANY, LIMITED, hereinafter. call- ea the Company of the SECOND PART The parties hereto in consideration of the mutual covenants herein con- tained, hereby covenant, promise and agree each with the other as follows: THE COMPANY, HEREBY UNDER- TAKES. AND AGREES: 1, To commence forthwith and carry on with all reasonable dili- gence the construction upon a site hereinafter specified and if possible to have same completed and in oper- ation on or before the first day of, November, nineteen hundred and thirteen, the following buildings: (a) A mill of sufficient size to contain machinery capable -of producing three thousand barrels of flour per day, but having in stalled at the outset MACHIN- ERY and EQUIPMENT to manu- facture at least fifteen hundred barrels of flour of 196 Ibs. each, per day of twenty-four hours, (b) An elevator of three: hundred thousand bushels capacity. ( ) A power house-and such other buildings as are necessary with the business of-the Company. AND TO maintain and ,operate as business warrants for a period of at least twenty years from the com- mencement of operations of the said Mill, Elevator and Power House with other buildings, the sald buildings to be constructed as far as possible of permanent material such as concrete, brick, tile and steel. 2. To deposit with the Corporation a Cheque for One Thousand dollars sa guarantee of good faith, such Cheque to b returned to the Com- ation , or at once, in the event of this OF MEDICINE HAT UNDER- TAKES AND AGREES: 1, To deed, make over and convey ment of operations of the said plant and at Phirty-fve thousand Dollars free and clear from all encumbrances ( 35000.00)' for a,further ten years. as a site for the:said Mill and other The said assessment shall not relate butldings, including the. necessary to school and. local improvement buildings for the manufacture of not be affected such other products as the Company: 3 may from time-to time decide upon 6 THIS BY-LAW shall come into (other than those of the same class force on the date of the final passing 4 0Y business fn operation as a thereof. 7. THE votes of the Burgesses of the said City shall be taken on this twelfth day of No- vember 1912 commencing at the hour of nine o'clock. in the forenoon and Little Johnnie was small of stat- continuing until five o lock in the afternoon of the. same day at the fol- lowing places by the following Depu- ty Returning Officers, that is to say: For Wards One and Two at the City Hall by T. C. Blatchford, Deputy Re- turning Officer and for Wards Three and Four at the Court House by John Benson, Deputy Returning Of- tion. to prove the lack ef impact, and/i, t) say that he had displayed the to the Company with good title and both Fifth avenue and Broad ay nine or ten pounds of diamonds that adorn his shirt front, wrist bands, when it heard that the exception had watch fob, etc., the. handful of rubles and pint or more of emeralds that proclaim him in normal fetta z So the daughter of a hundred earis, possibly by virtue of her own kinship, gave Diamond Jim the next turkey 2 trot and pranced over the floor in the the more exclusive represeatation approved manner of that classic rem- taxes which shalt thereby. Brame the red fect of Spur Trackage in a di- SORROWS OF JOHNNY. specifically described has been com- pited-and in operation for sixty daya and on compliance with all the re- quirements of this Agreement. Said tract of land shall be used for Indus- trial purposes only. ure and looked rather pale and out of sorts which led his school fellows to tease and cross question him. Who's your family doctor? ask- ed big boy, with a bullying and main Sewers as may be required to connect with the drains of the Com- pany at its property line, to extend the Corporation, Wat r System to. the said property, line of the said Site, and to furnish HYdrants for use in case of fire, such Hydranis to be put In: at points to be mutually agreed upon between the Corporation and the Company. Havent got any doctor at all, said Johnny. I never see one. wife of the man who Holds one of the pow jolly finet replied the oth- er. You don't have to take 8. HERBERT BAKER shill be the Returning Officer. . On the eleventh day of Novem ber 1912 at ten o'clock in the fone noon the Mayor shall attend in hia Office for the purpose of appointing: to attend atthe yarious Polling Places at the inal up of the votes by the ficer on bebalt of the ested in the promoting or fof this. By-Law. reapectively, 10 The Clatl-they ald Herbp Baker 'shall attend in hiv Office in the ity, Hall atiten O'clock in the foreioon on the thirteenth day of 1912'to sum up: the num- ber, of yptes for and against By-Law. : persons fall. such, rate not sand gallons, for a period of ten Company's plant and the commence- proceeding with that dinner and it Maw people are half as well gatisfi- Ment of operations. was; at first, almost like any dinner ed with their surroundings as they. 5 coming through the clos d doors of Loose Leaf The Ne the-dining apartment a large wad of Department Migs Overy facilit: syncopated tempe rubato. Every- supplying the most satisfactory. November Wey to the Company with good itle and free-and clear from all on- Sumbrances good tight and dry Gan Well, aunk. to the Gas strata commonly known as the: One Thous- and feet level, said Well to be the same aixe as the one recently com- pleted for the Ogilvie Milling Com- pany, and to have --practloally...the same capacity, the Company to use every endeavour to pr vant: waste of Gas from the aiid Woll, the pipes, burners and fixtures .to be at all times subject to inspection by the Corporation. 5. To bulld Spur Une.connecting the . P, Railway main line with the Company's property, the Company to hava the right to take off such leads from the said Spur-as it may. deatro. 6. To asseks the sald property of the Company at fixed assessment jot 25,000.00 (twenty-five thousand dollars) for the first ten years of operation after the commencement of ithe sald Plant, and at 35,000.00 (thirty-five thousand dollars) for a further ten years. This clause, how- ever, shall not however apply to School and Local Improvement Taxes which shall not be affected thereby. 7. To submit and if properly as- sented to, to pass such bylaws as may be necessary to carry out this Agreement, and to take such steps as may be required to make the same operative. THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of, and be binding upon the parties hereto, thelr successors jand: assigns. iS IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Cor- poration of the City of Medicine Hat has hereunto affixed its Corporate Seal and the hands of the Mayor and Clerk thereof and the Company has hereunto affixed its Corporate Seal, and the hands of the President and Secretary thereof, the day and year first above written, Sign d, sealed and delivered in the presence of City of Medicine Hat. NELSON- SPENCER, ae Mayor. HERBERT BAKER, Clty Clerk, Witness: V. B. HODGES. Maple Leaf Milling Company, Ltd. D. C. CAMERON, President. JOHN CARRICK, Secretary. Witness: M. A. BROWN, BY-LAW NO. ... A BYLAW to grant certain con- cessions and exemptions to ratify and confirm a certain agreement bearing datethe. twenty-seventh day of Sep- tember, 1912, made between the Cor- poration of the City of Medicine Hat, of the one part, and A. W. Fraser, Barrister, and, James R. Ness, Man: ufacturer, both of the City of Ottawa of the other part. WHEREAS, the said A. W. Fraser and the said James R. Ness have ap- plied to the Council. of the Corpora- tion of the City of Medicine Hat for certain concessions in respect of a Flour Mill and other necessary build- ings to be erected in the said-City f Medicine Hat. AND WHEREAS in the opinion of the Municipal Council of the sald City it: will be greatly in the Inter- ests of the said City,to procure the establishment of the said mills in the said City and the said Council deem it advisable and expedient to grant the concessions set forth in the agreement, bearing date the twenty- seventh day of September, 1912, a copy of which is hereto annexed, marked A. THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT hereby enacts as follows: 1, It shall be, and may be lawful for the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Medicine Hat, and they are here- by authorized and empowered for and on behalf of the Corporation of the sald. City to execute all such trans- forts an agreements as may be ne- tember, A. D., 1912, on behalf of the said City and to do all such further Municipal Work) fifteen acres of land Acts and asgurances as may be ne- situated in the Industrial Site of the essary to fully carry out the terms City, sald Site being of sufficient length for the laying of eleven bun- Tect line, after the plant hereinbefore 2. To provide and instal such 3 To/provide the Company with ras it-may require at a ceed five cents per thou- of the sald agreement and to convey in accordance therewith the tract ol land comprising ten acres more or less, more particularly described in the said agreement. 2. AND IT MAY BE FURTHER LAWFUL for the sald City to furnish the sald A.W. Fraser and the sald James R. Ness with all water that ft may require at a rate not to exceed five cents: per thousand gallons for a period of ten years from the com- pletion of the said plant and the commencement of operations and at. rate not exceeding seven cents for an additional p riod of ten years pro- viding thet the City shall not be re- sponsible for any failure of said wat- er supply due to causes beyond its control. 3, AND IT SHALL BE FURTHER LAWFUL for the said City to furnish the said A. W. Fraser and the said James R. Ness with all, gas require by it for: use during the construction Years from che completion of; the of the safd plant at a nominal rate or charge of One Dollar per annum and as soon as said plant shall have: been 4. To provide the Company with constructed to make over and convey ai Gas required by ft for its use/to the Company with good title and during construction at a nominal free of all encumbrances tight and dry gas well sunk to the charge of one dollar per annum, and good io noon 9s the said Piant shall have gas stratum commonly known as the been constructed to make over and 1000 feet level. 4. AND IT SHALL BE FURTHER LAWFUL for the said City to provide and inetal such main sewers as may be required -to connect with the drains of the Company at its proper ty line, to extend the Corporation water system to the eald property Une of the sald site and to furnish hydrants for the-use in: case of: fire, uch hydrants put in at points to be mutually agreed upon between the Corporation and the Company, provided, however, that the City shall in no case b Mable for dam ages through failure of supply of water. 6 IT SHALL BE FURTHER LAWFUL for the said City to assess the sald property'of the sald A. W. Fraser and the said James R. Ness at a fixed assessment of Twenty Thousand Dollars ( 20,000.00) for, the frat ten years after the com- meneement of operations of the sald plant and at thirty thousand dollars ( 30,000.00) for a further period of ten years, The said . assessment shall not relate to school and local improvement taxes which shall not be affected thereby. 6. THIS BYLAW shall come, inte force on the date of the final passing thereof. 7, The votes of the burgesses of the sald City shall be taken on this Bylaw on the twelfth day of Novem- ber, 1912, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and con tinning until five o'clock in the after- noon of the same day at the follow- ing places by the following Deputy Returning Officers, that is to say, for Wards One and Two at the City Hall, by T. , BLATCHFORD, Deputy Re- turning Officer; and for Wards Three and Four at the Court House, by John Benson, Deputy Returning Officer. 8. HERBERT BAKER shall be the Returning Officer. 9. Om the eleventh day of Novem- ber, 1912, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon, the Mayor shall attend in his office for the purpose of appointing persons to attend at the various poll- ing places at the final summing up of the votes by the returning officer on behalf of the persons interested in the promoting or opposing of this Bylaw respectively, 10. The Clerk, the said Herbert Baker, shall attend in his office in the City Hall at ten o'clock in: the forenoon on the thirteenth day of November, 1912, to sum up the num- ber of votes for and against this By- law. : Read a first time this fourteenth day of October, 1912. Sgd. NELSON. SPENCER, Mayor. Skd. H. BAKER, * Clerk. Read a second time this fourteenth day of October, 1912. Sgd. NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. Sed. 1H, BAKER. Clerk. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the forgoing is a true copy of the proposed By-law to grant certain concessions and exemptions and to ratify and confirm a certain agree- ment bearing date the twenty-sev- enth day of. September, 1912; made between the Corporation of the City of Medicine Hat of the one part and A. W. Fraser, Barrister, and Jas. R. Net Ness, manufacturer, of the City of Ottawa, of the other part, which has been introduced. and which may, be finally passed (in the event of the assent of the Burgesses being obtained thereto) after one month from the 18th day of October, 1912, that being the ay upon which this notice s first published in the Medicine Hat News, Medicine Hat, and upon the 12th day of November, 1912, the yoting thereon will be held between the hours of nine o'clock, a. m, and five o'clock, p. m., at the following places fixed for taking the vote of the burgesses: For Wards 1 and 2 at the Council Chamber in the City Hall: for voters in Wards 3 and 4, at the Court House. manufacturer, of the other H. BAKER, City Clerk. Medicine Hat, October 15, 1912. made this twenty-seventh day of Sep- tember in the year of Our Lord One hours, ( gt;) An Blovator or three hundred thousand bushels eapacity. ( ) 4 Power Houso and such other buildings as are necessary for the business of the Company oper- ating said plant, and to raintein and- operate as busin as ware rants, for a period of twenty + Years, from the commencement of operations of said Mill, Ble vator and Power House, with other butldings, the sald build- ings t be constructed as tar as Possible of permanenty material, 8 concrete, brick, tile, and 4. To deposit with the Corporation Cheque for One Thousand Dollars a8 guarantee of good faith, auch Cheque to be returned to the parties of the Second art upon completion of the sald buildings and commence- ment of operations, or at once, in the event of this Agreement not being approved by the Burgesses, THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT HEREBY UNDERTAKES AND AGREES; 1. To Deed, make over, and oon- yey to the Parties of the Second Part with good title and free and clear of all encumbrances as a site for the sald Mill and other buildings, Including the necessary buildings for the manufacture of such, other pro- ducts as may be desirable all that ten acres of land situated and being in the industrial site purchased by the City from Matthews, Murray Proby, and in the South West Quar- ter of Section 30, Township 12, Range 5, sald property being of sufficient length for the laying of one thousand feet of Spur Trackage in a direct line, according to the plan attached hereto marked A , after the plant being specifically described has been completed, or should the parties: of the Second Part require title before e construction shall have com- menced on said Mill and other build- ings they may obtain same by secur- ing the City with a Bond: to the value of 25,000:00 (Twenty-five Thousand Dollars) or should the land at that time be of more value than said twenty-five thousand dollars, , the bond shall be fifty per cent more valuable than the said land. 2. To provide and instal uch Main Sewers as may be required to connect with the drains of the Com- pany at its property line, to extend the Corporation's Water System to the said property line of the said site, and to furnish hydrants for use in case of fire, such hydrants to be put In at points to be mutually agreed upon between the Corporation and the Parties of the Second Part. 8. To provide the Parties of the Second Part with all such Vater as they may require at a rate not to exceed five cents per thousand pAl-.. lons for a period of ten years, and at Yate not to exceed seven cents for an additional period of ten years, from the completion of the said plant apd the commencement of operations. 4. To provide the Parties of the Second Part with all Gas required by. them for their use during construc- tion at a nominal charge of one dol- lar per annum, and as soon as the Plant shall have been constructed to make over and convey to the Parties of the Second Part with good title free and clear from all encumbrances good tight and dry Gas Well; sunk to the Gas strata, commonly known as the one thousand foot level, the Parties of the Second Part to use every endeavor to. prevent waste of Gas from the sald Well, ,the pipes, burners and fixtures to be at lal times subject to inspection by the Corporation. 5, To continue the present Main Spur Line of, Railway to the property line of the Parties of the Second Part, they to have the right to take off such Jeads from the-said Spur as they may desire. 6. To assess the said property of the Parties of the Second Part at a fixed assessment of twenty thousand dollars for the first ten years of oper- ation after the commencement-of the sald. Plant, and at thirty thousand dollars for a further ten years. This clause shall not apply, however, to School and Local - Improvement), Taxes which shall not be affected thereby. 7, To submit, and if properly as- sented to, to pass such bylaws as Thousand Nine Hundred and Twelve, BETWEEN CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT, hereinafter called the Corporation, of the FIRST PART AND A. W. FRASER, Barrister, and James R. NESS, manufacturer, both of the City of Ottawa, herein- after called the parties of the SECOND PART The parties hereto, in considera- tion of the mutual covenants herein contained, hereby covenant, promise and agree, each with the other, as follows: THE PARTIES OF THE SECOND PART HEREBY UNDERTAKE AND AGREB: 1. To commence on or before June Ist, 1913, and carry on with all reasonable diligence the construc- tion upon a site hereinafter speci- fied, until completion, the following buildings: ( ) A Mill of sufficient size to cons tain Machinery capable of pro- ducing three thousand barrels of Flour per day, but having in- stalled therein at the outset ma- chinery and equipment to man- ufacture at least fifteen hundred barrels of flour of 196 pounds may be necessary to arry out this operative. va 8. The Parties of the Second Part shall be entitled to assign this Con- tract to Ontario and Manitoba Flour Mills Company, Limited, or any other Company sat sfactory to the Parties of the First Part, and the Parties of the Secon Part, shall not be per- sonally Mable under this Contract. This Agreemont shall enure to the Benefit of and be binding upon the Parties hereto, thelr successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Cor- poration of the City of Medicine Hat has hereunto affixed its Corporate Seal, andthe hands of the Mayor and Clerk thereof, and the parties of the Second Part have hereunto affixed their. signatures the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and delivered in the presence of City of Medicine Hat. Sgd. NELSON SPENCER, Mayor, Sgd. H. BAKER, City Clerk. Witnes: V, B. HODGES. A.W. FRASER, JAS, R. NESS. Witness: M. A. BROWN. nis Grand Duel Peasan' mania, Burope's pret her ugly ones hearts. The roo The merits of so' quaintly the century, are its cloties. It was And Chioes, of Ct dng hearts; it waa y shepherdesses princely spinster who nelther toil the ake of the Pretty princess they looked ador es, and ugly wor with patches and Jooked not halt And now that everyone ts tryit Hola again. Th Buropean Courts Uke Bhepherdess plow-women, an: ceed, From all eighteenth centu early. ninteenth eluded, and Ber wonderful exhi ot which Prince an afdent colle: Crown Prince August Withel trom Schleswis- Ang, rococoite. entertainment a peared as a Wat acter. Crown Pri a modern person coats and cabba turned up as a s ped a 3,000 fan Watteau himeelt. National cost role in this ne they are eighteer times modern. ise of types. SI tional costume, local garbs. Pr tumes. for Silests Dawn Cc Fe Developmen Fertile Tron H ghitnent 2 which contribute Attisbasca Landi which it is am i large companies industry and. he along the lt;Athal and McKenzie ri 6 these post finest furs with of the world trappers and In each other in catch the fine 1 northern forests Whea Tq addition to rowing is also ence upon the es of the Merimtition this afriea on for + those who regal - severe for profit * interesting para Swith -the-Rusal Dalek. This Hes in that between At the Arctic circ one year grew t of wheat, five 1 and fourteen m Topaisk further to England alo pounds of butte When it is. imate of Athai siderably less 1 the Russian te soft stilnook- w: Pine and Spirit to modify the seasons. Forty-Pe Away at Fo hundred miles 1 is no unvenal Dages that 1 squashes that tr ty-flve pounds, toes that have during July. As far back sat Fort Vermill prize at the gre E. Bart Munict Dominion and A Industrial Water Supplies PL Room 14, Imp Medicine Hat Electric Re Phosphonol r vim sod vitality. Pr weakness averted make you a new ma ai ae x fons Sold at Ping
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Image 760 (1912-10-25), from microfilm reel 760, (CU1739862). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.