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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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OE z : a tN a) C. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. ton s experience likewise has been satisfac - Rffective June 2nd, 1912, . - tory Medicine Hat today is not as popu- 4 aI g : lous as its sister cities of Alberta, but if we 0 0 d uy Arrive, Leave. : y Bo Nea Eaa ke 4g ean O S to judgeiby what-we hear from its -own 20.20 DOANE Tathy) Lee.. Moateeat Montesa, citizens, they Would scout the idea that in a . ay Moutreal. Pas nue 7 e iit ihe vemeeae Bap. Toronto ve van, YEP few years time Medicine Hat will not iva CENTRAL PARK le 20.00 20.28 Toronto Exp, Vascouver to Tor. be an industrial city of no-small importance 15 tt. corner, Block 23, : i 18 21.50 22,18 Bt Paul-Seattle Expresn, and fully as large as Calgary is today. y f orm CHILDREN S COATS ; 2 SERES OAksiercene UME Te coe ce ic ollie Saree eee . been a municipal ownership town in the i k a hee eet Bae a . past. Ts there anything. in its experience r HERALD . 4-517 5.05 Express ff Kooter Landing. f J REDUCED PRICES fens 19.00 Iooal Dom Oates with municipal ownership and operstion of Lote 21 and 22, Block 10, 1 516 23.00 Local from Calgary. its natural ee, electric light:plant and wat- a. one Bika gece 518-511-1080 Local for Cranbrook, erworks to lead its people now to turn their 5 y Terms, 2 one Se een re wena tending gt; backs updl the principle? Who today in It s a Good Joke 50 ttn Block 14, 1200, te isa : f os Thee ; e: : We have a number of heavy warm Coats left, /* Ue le eee Medicine Hat would favor handing over 9 fiends to have them 4 lots in Block 2, 850 per i hi a hildren s this season s styles. bed 940 9.50 S09, Ltd., Port.-St Paul. the control of its wonderful. of nat figuring out'how you can be 80. Siina: bas ts 3 ireasd, but it s not hard to ROSED. Nos. 11 and 12 Jo-not-comeinto-Medicine Hat. Pasaing cas tO a val rporatian? We venture MLS tna hi Doamsre Biown. . think a 2. Ba) figure it you'll consider us in 100 ft. in Block 3, 4000, Te , ef ge it any man found advocating a CLEARING PRICE such apoli y would be regarded as a fit your appearangs: pre- 100 ft. tn Block 8, 8200, Te: a * . sentable, Our cleaning and TOWNSITE . THIS WEEK. : Medicine Hat Dews subject Yor a Tunatic asylum. Why, then, Pressing work adds dollars to 51 ft. near station, 25,000. should Medicine Hat citizens at this time he ; Publisued by the Medicine Hat News Oo, Ltd, every your savings and days to the Ve 160 acres of nico: I larval evening at its olice, Malu Stresu. Nedicine Hat, Atta. time take a retrograde step, go back.on the 7 of your garments, Isn't land near Redolitt at-a-4 qhoneenyerpal i : prineiple of municipal ownership, and-give It'seriy Sassen ane xin. Call and nee mera Ceca All Winter Coats Ts Go, S ashe aay Deans aes, sragenet me Ss ee for the erection of 1 - here may be some difficulties in the way roperty in ia aphasia : we ae whe on : Dest (Of Mamediately establishing a municipal fat. are ss cate mg hi possible haste. 4 : * king 7q/ Street railway system, but they can al Goce weit Oenies oa Fonte ate ME YOUR LisTIN i ur Sits DAILY SURSCRIPTION RATES be much greater than Regina had to face. 7a delivered. ... 4.00 1 year by mail... . 3.00/ Furthermore, our Western Eales are grow- Donald Cu rr : Sip) en cate f months, d-livered.. 200 i months, by mail.... 169 ino The Glasgow House onthe, dtvre, the south Wy att oe giftcultieg sad eke that. Men es mont vered. y 2 ; a i ; may have to face can hardly be harder of 0 HOMESTEADERS, ETC. The House of Fashionable Dressers ? sae si eae r beaten solution than these Regina bad to eves COAL : A abe oS - WEESLY NEWS, - . ,jeome. And, at the worst, it would be. far tshec every Thavsday tn sixteen or more pages, and better for, Medicine Hat or any other city ene eear S Soret REIN 7 abies Sewer oo to doi githntit stroek oats for oh additional COAL local and distrinc VF 8 mouth? advance 7: 3 months, in advanow. foe Year Or two rather than tie itself up to. a IALINGER AGEN ery aia nts Loo ee ved private corporation for a long term of years Smokeless Domestic, Engine Room 1, Becker Bloc Wednesday, October 23rd, 1010. which the experience of Eastern cities goes nd Biacksmith s Coal. 5 a ae us practically. fore es Large or small quantities gt; 5 i THE STREET RAILWAY. . or icine Hat to now relinquish i ahipped to tation. SPECIAL SELECTIONS z x , Stee talway tights to a private company cate : XE Bloke 10. pees: HARDLY a day el; vithout the Ni would be tantamount to a confession on the si 0 ts 300 Bleek . 106 fe 8000, Terma Thelug, in tecclpt of a commmumontion part of it cinieene that they do uct batien TAYLOR OO. Block 17, 50. ft, 950. Terms. calling attention to editorial comment. in their city-is to/be in the very near future Room 17 Becker Block. TOWNSITE one or other of the daily news on- the large and important centre they have P. 0. Box 813, Don T PA OE ye 4 rie aoe cerning the proposal to a ee ithe Medi. been claiming in the past it-is destined to PAY MORE Block 87, 0tt, 1600. Tarms Cine Hat strect railway franchise to a pri- become. If they really believe in their F ; CENTRAL PARK vate corporation. The Morning Leader, of city s future they will never for one mom- P ingle s Drug ar 27, 50 ft, 700. gina, he fol i i /ent eonsider the giving away of something a Se 50, ft, tee. ee ieee pares aie ce ewot a to which the city s growth willina very REAL ESTATE Book Store Se Caan oe ae Since the creation of the Provinces of f Years give an enormous value. Block 17, 50 2, 900, Terms, Alberta and Saskatehewan the cities of both retcis ae es a Oakes, Everard Co. couple of fully modern houses on Braemar St. for ff Provinces have grown amazingly. One of MEDICINE Hat has done much to adver- se 12 Main St. Phone 556, streot is fast becoming business. Why not get one of the outstanding features of the deyelop- tise its cheap power. Will not the Real Estate Agents for Stlan tie eee bo Bo a ment Of most of the cities has been the in- value of this advertising depreciate if we, Royal Insurance Life. Dept. ce : ae t a4 Sk gt; auguration of electrie street tailway sys- by declining to operate our street railway, NORTH YUILL tems. In Alberta these systems are now giye the public to understand that we lack Lote s, 9, om. 11, 1,550, terms. H. B. CURTIS operating in Calgary, Edmonton and Leth- faith ourselves in the power? This is. one POWELL bridge, and in Saskatchewan in Regina and of the most serious aspects of the case, aslt iiss a6, ai, 95, 96: 65, bik. a: Moose Jaw, while one is under construe the News sees it. lot 60, blk. 2, 1,500, halt ie THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA tion in Saskatoon Of these six systems all cash. but one, namely, that in-Meese Jaw, are F i , ae or STATEMENT TO THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT municipally owned and operated and are WHILE Medicine Hat is acquiring a large Lote 5, 6, 7, 8, blk. 28, 1350; HILL SHOWING CONDITION OF THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA marked suecesses.. Furthermore, it is safe umber of industries, it would surprise ON SEI ER, 1912, to say that i pend th Citizens. considerably if they-kmew how dads Over again iat GY tae Se many Propositions have been Cumed down fees cat Sn ee efits to be derived by the city would not be ship and operation and keep absolute con- commensurate with the bonus asked. e Fail is Here trol of its own streets and the important Nagegioe so: re AND SO IS HOUSE CLEANING matter of railway extensions in new dis- THE agricultural possibilities of the Med- TIME LIGHT AND. HEAVY DRAYE tricts, icine Hat a eres receive a big ave YOUR CLEANING DONE Hay for Sale. +- Medicine Hat, the one city in our sister advertisement through the fact of Mr. By THe NEw vacuum PRO- Provinee not ae enjoying a cireee ear ser- James Johnston, of Woolchester, winning Og ape FRED McCLAIN yice, is at present considering the advis- first prize against the world with the Red WE CLEAN THE CARPETS On PHONE 85. PROPRIET ability of granting a frandhise for such a Fife wheat, which he exhibited at the Leth- THE FLOOR AND TAK system to a private corporation. It may bridge Dry-Farming Congress. ALL GERMS WITHOUT be considered presumptuous by some for a SS OR TEAR TO CARPETS, lt; Saskatchewan paper to tender advice to an JUST A LITTLE FUN Gas Gity Vacuum Cloaning Co. Phone 569, Box 80 Alberta TREE but in view of the Phone 707 Bi OSSLEY- S pnportanpe of the matter a ae ie He must have a soft spot in his O-t-im J. C, LARSON, Manager, CROSSLEY BROS le as well as of business for me, Set tr takes the risk of being accused ot ioe tar is Builders. Contractors ference. We do so in the belief that the Jennie He says always thinking SE citizens of Medicine Hat have no desire to of me. ? 729 Lockwood St. do otherwise than adopt the best and wisest Wennie But you know, a man doesn t : periee : poliey for their rapidly growing city. In think with his heart. The soft place. must . coming to a conclusion on such a big and be in his head. F Houses for Sale. a ital it question they will do well Proprietary Medi- POSS odrrpandy DPR oartestenteedecteageety oe the experience of other West- THIS DATE IN HISTORY. ae ; 2 Imperial Bank of Ganada 3/0 . orn rors ovina Here in Regina this whole question of : r i NO. 868, 402 7: Capital Paid Up .. 6,460,000 Reserv: 2 Se October 23. municipally owned and operated street 1685 Elizabeth Gaunt burnt at the stake T HE J. S. FOLLI: e Fund . - 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. railway, versus a privately owned system Hees under a franchise from the city, at Tyburn, the last woman to suffer SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, E.G WILKINSON, Manager. ) nie Contracting Co. was fought out in the press, at publie meet- death in England for any political 4 ng i Medicine Hat Branch. 1-8, 6; 12. Sede 3 so fs So s ; ffence. 108, TORONTO ST. ings, and finally, at the polls, the result be- a : ing an overwhelming vielity for public; 1786 Baron Dorchester took the oath of ry Hoary Teaming. Sand, Ooal- Gr: ownership and against granting a fran: - office as Governor-General of Can- Modern and sanitary in ofery Excavating a Specialty, eee : aban : Fespect and the machinery is Light and Heayy Horses fer sala Set gl Rea met 2 04 Chaco Phen ier, ore inf ea nye culties to overcome, not least of which was 184 apnea: eae tae a nya peeKatt PHONE NO. 8, the problem of finance. A Furthermore, it 194 aie pers 7 oy Waker soNew, Your 0 : : Si Albany, ind. BS 1 feet cS Re KS operation by a given date, namely, the s ace : INTRA E opening of the Dominion Fair in 1911, and pee Orr ne swith Now MEDICINE HAT GENERAL eae rae THE ANK OF WESTERN CANADA. the time for Anancing the proposition, or- 1869 Lord etby etna rainist es of Great sere a. rs fe dibasic 180 Branches in Canada, dering material and building the road was 1 Britain, died. Born March 29, 1799. TENDERS INVITED, GRADING AND EXCAVATING Capital Paid Up, 96000,000. staclen Nate each eaalees Ne oD: ie Rove etviia Waeareialion a2 Girarel and Sand for Bale Total Assets (Nov. 86th, 1911) over 81,000,000. stacles were overcome and the seemingly 49 co-pastor of the First Presbyterian Tenet sro invited by the Meal- yoy Street, Phone Ne. 4 A general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to impossible complished under municipal - hi gine. Hat General Hospital for the. P. 0, Box 1. Savings Accounts. management fully as well and most peo- Church at Washington. Purehase of land for Hospital site, gt; OS 5d is it Jak cassia 5 j wry 10 , Muunger 2 ot. f+ Medicine Hat Branch ple belic er as could have been Roeper see 0: oak eadsey tee tee baase - ; sfiatis o iaee pe t done by corporation. Afrom that CONGRATULATIONS TO: of the Secretary by noon of the-28th 1 - F. Reynolds a, driving dba of Aho , ny to th the Regina street Ng 3 Marquis of Salisbury, 51 years old today. inst. : PAINTER, ETC. She was thrown un- a 2 been ouerering 4 I tisfa Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, famous French RM. NAPIER, Latest samples in Wall Paper. in some unknown : 1s and i elding today fact actr s: GT years vtde-totay hist zs 120 Eighth Ave. Phone 690, f Hatt an ost et sg 1 asker surp ug. of Fevenie over expend hes a sur- opkinson Smith, noted author ang elie a s lt; 3 an Ay reaver teased: when lartist, 74 years old today. i A Common Talk. 6 Transfer Co, ii ees ibgsbha projected Rev. William Bort ME: Bishop of reis sm att ten w wsss-acall GINGER BEWING ella a Young. man he Piano M apid ; for ngxt year are twinder operation. h, Switzerland, 60 years old today. arena peti MACHINE AGENCY pit Mea ees bet ee mR i i pers have illiam J. Spillman, chief-of the purest 1 2s00-soem lane-when-th Machines for Salo and Rent. : ee 2 A Speciaity liable Toronto. Str p hieved i plant industry of the U. 8. Department And short when they aro tat 81 North Rallway Street, iculture, 49 years old today. Woman's Home Compation,
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Image 739 (1912-10-23), from microfilm reel 739, (CU1739860). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.